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Bethany Dorsey

You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader

By Mark Sanborn

In this book, Sanborn discusses his views on how little acts can make anyone a leader. The
simplest definition he has for leadership is having a positive influence on the people around you.
By doing this, you are making the world a better place. A genuine leader looks for a way to lead
and this is proven in the variety of stories he tells to instill his point.

Sanborn has a list of six principles, and he discusses the leadership action points to take for each
principle to affect a life and help a person grow as a leader.

1. Principle 1: Power of Self Mastery

 Stimulate those around you
 Introduce yourself to new ideas

Sanborn asks how can you lead someone else if you cannot lead yourself? This principle helps
you think of opportunities in your life instead of looking at things as an obligation. Take control
of yourself and you can then lead others to greatness.

2. Principle 2: Power of Focus

 Eliminate activities that do not add value
 Identify MVP (Most valuable and profitable) actions

This principle is all about finding the energy to be persistent and conquer all things. It’s also
about how distraction can be detrimental. Focus on what is important the majority of your day
and leave little time for mistakes or distraction.

3. Principle 3: Power With People

 Express your appreciation regularly
 Ask others what motivates them
 Collaborate

This is all about power with people as opposed to power over people. Leaders use character,
confidence and their connections to help earn trust and have people follow them into greatness.

4. Principle 4: Power of Persuasive Communication

 Focus on the other person
 Simplify the message
 Entertain to Engage

Principle number four is about making sure people understand through the tool of
communication. Leaders make sure their message is being relayed and other people are on the
same level as the leader is. This is about utilizing “feedforward” instead of feedback.
Communicate the meaning of things before tasks are attempted so the actual purpose is
5. Principle 5: Power of Execution
 Do not let resistance stop you
 Act boldly

In this principle, implementation quotient is utilized. The point is made that leaders have a higher
level of implementing. Intent without action is just daydreaming. You have to take physical
action, not just discuss what should be done in situations.

6. Principle 6: Power of Giving

 Practice giving without recognition
 Determine how you can best contribute
 Give as a family

This is about serving the community and the world. You should not give for recognition but
because it could make the world around you a better place. These principles lead to making a
difference in the world and in peoples lives. Last but not least, mastering leadership is
impossible. We are all a WIP (Work in Progress).

Reference : Sanborn, Mark, You Do not Need Title to Be a Leader, Random House Audio, 2006.

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