Part B Jamie Macdonald

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*Jamie Macdonald*


Rubric Elements
A vision is a larger view of your journey. It is what you want your world to look like. You could possibly describe what you
want your career and life to look like 5 years in the future. Or you may wish to describe how you will progress through your
semester. You may sketch out what values drive your journey.

My vision for the future is become a nurse in Oncology. I have a lot of steps I need to take to get there and I have idea how
long that will take but right now I’m focused on this program and this semester. I want to stay focused and organized during
this semester, the PHS program is my first post-secondary education. The number of assignments, tests, labs and quizzes is
very different than high school but also very exciting. I’m working towards my dream career; it’s been my dream for years to
help with chemotherapy ever since my grandpa got sick. Every time I get stressed out or scared, I just remind myself that I’m
doing it for him. My vision for the future is to finish the PHS program, get my RPN then finally, get my RN. Once I get my
RN, I need to have 1,000 hours of adult experience in oncology to be able to take the exam to get certified. For the next 5-6
years I will be working my way towards my dream career.
Student has written
coherent, logical,
meaningful vision
statement of what
they want their world
to look like &
expressed what they
do in that world as a
mission statement.
Why they are
A mission is what you do in that world. Describe what actions you will take to make that vision a reality. You could begin meaningful is
with: expressed.

In order to make this vision a reality I will work hard and never give up on my dreams. I’ve worked really hard to get to where
I am now, there’s no way I’m giving up now. I will stay focused by making sure the environment I’m in will not distract me
from getting my work done. I will stay organized by making weekly time plans and looking at my “semester at a glance” pages
so I know exactly what is do each week. I’m going to be in school for the next 5-6 years and I will do the same steps for each
semester. I’m going to make my vision a reality by working hard, never giving up and staying organized.
Identify 3 goals that you can reasonably implement or achieve in the next few weeks that will allow you to meet your
deadlines and obligations. (Please write in full, grammatically correct sentences and be specific—use the SMART goal-setting
framework discussed in class.)

1. My first goal is to make a weekly time plan at the beginning of every week. In these time plans I will be sure to include
when assignments are due and when I will work on each course, study breaks for time with my family/friends, meals
and rest. Having this time plan sheet will ensure I’m on track in my courses and not overwhelmed.

SMART Framework
2. My second goal is to reach out for help when I need it. I will do this by contacting ASC at Durham college about my clearly applied with
IEP and staying in touch with my teachers and classmates. This will allow me to get clarification on something when I concrete examples
need it instead of just being confused. and elaborated

3. My third and final goal is to keep my notes organized by highlighting key points, drawing diagrams if needed and
colour coordinating them. Doing this ensures I will understand what I’m reading to make studying easier for me. For
me, colours stick out and catch my eye first so highlighting the important parts will make sure I read them first.


How will you keep yourself motivated? List 3 rewards that you will give yourself after successful completion of those goals. Discussed in-depth.
Make sure you write about why these will help you stay motivated. (Please write in full, grammatically correct sentences.) Meaningful and
concrete. Rewards
are concrete and will
1. One reward I will give myself for completing these goals is being able to spend some more time talking to my friends, clearly motivate.
family and partner. Successfully completing my goal will have me organized, prepared and on a set schedule for school
time, social time and work shifts. This will allow me to have time for all my responsibilities.

Vision, Mission and Planning for Success, Page 2 of 5

2. Another reward I’ll give myself is checking assignments off my list once I’ve completed them. It might not seem like a
reward to a lot of people but to me checking something off a list helps me stay motivated to keep going, it makes me
feel like I’m doing everything I need to do, and I go start the next thing.

3. The last reward is doing things that make me happy. When I complete my goals, I’ll have a set schedule for working on
school related things so if I finish them early, I’ll have some extra time to do things for me like, painting, drawing,
video games etc. All of those things make me happy and when I’m happy I’ll do my best work; it helps keep me

Looking at the semester as a whole, what will stand in your way? Identify 2 potential roadblocks or obstacles that may affect
your ability to make certain deadlines and meet obligations. (Please write in full, grammatically correct sentences.)

1. One roadblock that might stand in my way is my job. I’ve had a part time job since I was 15 and it’s gotten in the way
of a lot of things. My manager would schedule me for a closing shift when I would have an assignment due the next
morning so I would have to stay up all night to finish it. During collage, my plan is to put school first. I will do this by Roadblocks are
asking for someone to cover my shift if I have something important due the next day, so I’ll be able to get some sleep. concrete and honestly
discussed with clear

How to mitigate or
2. Another roadblock that might stand is my way is COVID-19, because of this awful thing that happened this year it has overcome roadblocks
taken away so much. One thing is the ability to learn in a classroom, personally that’s where I learn best because I’m have clear strategies.
more of a hands on and visual learner. This won’t stop me from learning, it might take me a little longer to understand
a concept, but I still have really helpful professors and classmates there willing to help me.

Identify at least 2 Durham College resources that may prove useful in ensuring that you make your deadlines and meet your Student has clearly
obligations. Explain why those resources are appropriate in supporting your deadlines, responsibilities, and goals. (Please write researched and cited
2 or more DC
in full, grammatically correct sentences.) resources to support

Vision, Mission and Planning for Success, Page 3 of 5

1. One helpful resource is SALS. I’ve heard amazing things about it that I plan on signing up for it. I usually need help
with math and chemistry subjects and this resource has been recommended to me by many students and facility. It
offers help in a number of different subjects, like practice tests, quizzes, helpful worksheets, tips and workshop
modules. It’s very important resource for students, especially because it’s all online.

2. Another helpful resource is ASC. I’ve had an IEP since elementary school and the whole time I was in high school I
was so worried that the things I need wouldn’t be there when I got to college level. ASC is way for me to learn the best
I can and for my professors to know a little more about me as a student. For example, I have trouble with math and I
usually need to use a calculator, ASC will help provide me with that. I also need more time on tests because it takes me
longer to work through questions, ASC can help me with stuff like that too.
their journey. How
Who is helping you on your journey? List 3 people that are supporting you and how they are supporting you. (Please write in and why these will
full, grammatically correct sentences.) help is discussed.

Three people are

1. First is my mom. When I study, I need to talk and explain a concept to fully understand it, she lets me talk to her established and their
however long I need until I understand what I’m explaining even if she has no idea what it is. She’s always willing to role clarified and
help me study, take notes and make sure I’m on not overwhelmed. discussed.

2. Next is my aunt. She is a nurse now and done all the schooling I’m currently doing; she is letting me live with her so I
can be closer to the campus and she reminds me what I’m working toward. She’s been one of my number one supporter
since day one.

3. Finally, is my girlfriend. Whenever I’m freaking out because of how much work I have she always helps me calm
down and remind me to take everything one day at a time. She also always reminds me to take breaks to eat, rest and
take care of myself. She congratulates me when I get good grades on tests and assignments, and constantly tells me that
I’m doing a good job. She is there to help me with anything I need, she’s let me ramble about subjects that I need to
study for, she lets me get all my anxiety out about an assignment I’m struggling with, she checks on me to make sure
I’m doing okay and asks if I need help. She is just overall the best support I could ever ask for.

Academic Pathways
College is a great jumping off point for continued post-secondary education (college or university). You have a lot of Both are clear,
pathways, bridging programs, credit transfers, application options available to you. Can you research some of these options realistic and include
and map out a Plan A pathway and a Plan B? Identify some pathways for your academic success and include some research information about
about applications deadlines, tuition, acceptance requirements etc. acceptance to
Vision, Mission and Planning for Success, Page 4 of 5
(Please be specific, explain yourself thoroughly, and write in full, grammatically correct sentences. Aim for one full

What is Plan A?
My plan A is after the PHS program go into the RPN program at Durham collage. The tuition for the RPN
program is roughly $1100 and has a lot of amazing courses like, health and healing, professional practice,
practice lab and medical terminology. For a fall start applications need to be in by February 1st, for a winter
start application need to be in by October 1st and for a spring start application need to be in by January 1st. etc.

What is Plan B?
My plan B is to apply for the paramedic program a Durham collage. The tuition for this program is roughly $1700 not
including the personal equipment you are required to buy like, paramedic belt, polo style shirt, clinical scrub pants etc. It’s a
2-year program full of really interesting courses like paramedic ethical issues, paramedic fitness and wellness, paramedic
theory etc. The deadline for admissions for this program is the same as the RPN program.

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