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Quarter 1 – Module 6:
Problems Involving Sequence
Week 5
Learning Code – M10AL-If-2

Mathematics – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 6 – Problems Involving Sequence
First Edition 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jocelyn Y. Cristobal
Editor: Josefina J. Bustos Maita G. Camilon
Adel Franco F. De Jesus Judy Ann G. Gallo
Reviewers/Validators: Remylinda T. Soriano, EPS, Math
Angelita Z. Modesto, PSDS
George B. Borromeo, PSDS
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Management Team: Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director
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Regional ADM Coordinator
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Aida H. Rondilla, Chief-CID
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Division ADM Coordinator


Quarter 1 – Module 6:
Problems Involving Sequences

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

You have already gained knowledge on the different types of

sequences. Now let us sum up what you have learned and see if you can
apply it in solving real world problems.


The learners will be able to:
• solve problems involving sequences (arithmetic, geometric and
harmonic sequence) (M10AL-lf-2).

! the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. In an arithmetic sequence 11, 9, 7. . ., what is the 10th term?
a. -7 b. -9 c. -11 d. -13
2. How many numbers divisible by 3 are between 10 and 100?
a. 28 b. 30 c. 32 d. 34
3. Insert 3 arithmetic mean between 9 and 25
a. 13, 17, 21 b. 12, 15, 18 c. 11, 15, 19 d. 10, 14, 18
4. What is the sum of the first 20 natural numbers which is multiple of 5?
a. 1050 b. 1150 c. 1250 d. 1350
5. My school is raising a fund to help the poor families in a certain
barangay which is affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. If each student
contributes P50 each month and it increases by P10 for each succeeding
month. How much will be the total contribution of student in 3months?
a. P150 b. P180 c. P210 d. P240
6. I bought a smartphone that costs P18, 000 and an expert says that this
smartphone depreciates its value by 8% per year. Will I still be able to sell
my phone by P7000 after 5 years?
a. No, because the selling price is lower that its depreciated value.
b. No, because the selling price is higher that the depreciated value.
c. Yes, because the selling price is lower than the depreciated value.
d. Yes, because the selling price is higher than the depreciated value.
7. In a geometric sequence, a3 = 48 and a5 = 768, what is its common ratio?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
8. What is the geometric mean between 18 and 162?
a. 50 b. 52 c. 54 d. 56
9. The side of the square has a length equal to 2 cm. Construct another
square inside the first one by connecting the midpoints of the first
square. Continue constructing a square by connecting the midpoint of
the previous square. Find the area of the nth inscribed square.
1 1
a. An = 2 + (n – 1) (2) c. an = 2(2)n - 1

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
𝑛 1 2( 1− ( )𝑛 )
b. Sn = [2(2) + (n – 1) (2)] d. Sn = 2
2 1−( )
10. John Arvin is at the top of 50 feet building and he is going to drop the
ball into the ground. When the ball bounced, it reaches a height that is 5
of the previous height. What is the total distance travelled by the ball?
a. 50 feet b. 100 feet c. 150 feet d. 200 feet
3 3 1 3
11. What is the 10th term in the harmonic sequence 7, 11, 5, 19. . .?
3 17 43 3
a. b. c. d.
17 3 3 43
3 3
12. In the harmonic sequence, if a3 = 5 and a6 = 11, find a1
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
13. What is the harmonic mean between two positive numbers a and b?
𝑎+𝑏 2 2𝑎𝑏 𝑎+𝑏
a. 2 b. 𝑎+𝑏 c. 𝑎+𝑏 d. 2𝑎𝑏
14. Rose drives from house to her work at the speed of 55kph. Returning
home, her speed decreases to 45 kph. What is the average speed of Rose
for the round trip?
a. 49.5 kph b. 50 kph c. 50.5 kph d. 51 kph
15. What is the harmonic mean between 20 and 60?
a. 40 b. 30 c. 25 d. 50

***If you got an honest 15 points (perfect score), you may skip this

Can you still recall the different types of sequence? Try this to check
your prior skills.

Activity 1: Do you really know me?

(a)Determine the type of sequence illustrated in the following (b) find the
indicated term and (c) find the sum of the indicated term if it exists.
1. 5, 14, 23, 32 ;a10 6. 32, 39, 46 ;a9
2. 5, 1, -3, -7, -11 ;a8 7. 7, 5, 3, 1, -1 ;a12
5 1 1 1
3. 8, 4, 10, 25 ;a7 8. 34, 55, 89, 144, ;a10
2 1 2
4. -2, 2, 6, 10 ; ;a8 9. 3, 2, 5
5. 9, -3, 1, − 3. . ;a6 10. 3, 6, 12, 24, 48. . . ;a9

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
Though this may not seem new, but it is important that we know the
past in order to connect it to the present.
The Birthplace of Unique Historical Architecture
One of the greatest contributions of
Greece in the history is its unique
theaters. One of the most beautiful and
best preserved of its kind is the theater of
Epidaurus. It was built in the 4th Century
by Polykleitos the Younger. The ancient
theater is still used today because of its
excellent acoustic and condition. It was
destroyed in 496 A.D. with Goth’s
invasion but restored after World War II.
Hundreds of theatrical plays have been
performed since 1938 including the famous
Epidaurus Festival known today as Athens-Epidaurus Festival and
celebrated every summer. This festival gained popularity in Greece and in
other countries.
Suppose on the left side of the theater there are 100 seats on the first
row and each row behind gains 10 additional seats. How many seats are
there in the 12th row? How many seats are there in all if number of seats on
the left side is the same as the number of seats on the right side and there
are 70 rows on either side of the theater?


Let us analyze what you have read.

1. Which country is known for its unique and historical architecture?
2. Which theater was renovated after World War II as mentioned in the
3. What is being celebrated in the theater during summer?
4. Suppose on the left side of the theater there are 100 seats on the first
row and each row behind gains 10 additional seats
a. How many seats are there in the 12th row?
b. How many seats are there in all if number of seats on the left side
is the same as the number of seats on the right side and there are
70 rows on either side of the theater?

Going back to the problem mentioned in the article, since the next
rows can be gained by adding constant number then, we can say that this

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
problem involves arithmetic sequence. Recall that the formula to get the nth
term of the arithmetic sequence is an= a1 + (n-1)d where an is the last term,
a1 is the first term, n is the number of terms and d is the common

To get the 12th term of the sequence, identify first the given.
Given: a1= 100 n= 12 d= 10 a12=?
an= a1 + (n-1)d
a12 = 100 + (12-1)(10)
= 100 + (11)(10)
= 100 + 110
= 210
Therefore, there are 210 seats on the 12th row of the theater.
How many seats are there in all if the number of seats on the left side
is the same as the number of seats on the right side and there are 70 rows
on either side of the theater?
This problem requires sum of all the seats in the theater and since the
sequence progressed by adding, so we will employ the formula for the
arithmetic series. That is Sn= 2 [2a1 + (n-1)d]
Given: a1= 100 d = 10 n= 70
Sn= [2a1 + (n-1)d] Seats on the left side = 31, 150
Sn = [2(100) + (70-1)(10) Seats on the left side = 31, 150
= 35 [200 + 69 (100] Total: 62,300
= 35 [200 + 690]
= 35 [890]
= 31,150
Therefore, there are 62,300 seats in the theater.

Other Examples:
1. The Department of Health recorded the number of recoveries for
Covid-19 pandemic. If 6 patients were recovered on the first week and
doubles every week,
a. How many recoveries are there on the 12th week?
b. In what week will there be 768 recoveries?
a. Since the next term is obtained by doubling or multiplying the
previous term, concept of geometric sequence must be applied. The
formula is an=a1rn .
Given: a1= 6 r= 2 n= 12
an = a1rn-1 .
a12= 6(2)12-1
a12 = 6(2)11
a12 = 6(2048)
a12 = 12,288 There are 12,288 patients recovered in
12 weeks.
b. In what week will there be 768 recoveries?
Given a1 = 6 r = 2 n = 768
a n = a1r .

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
768 = 6(2)n-1 .
768 6(2)n−1
6 6
128 = 2n * 2-1
128 = 2n *
256 = 2n
28 = 2n
n = 8 There are 768 recoveries in 8 weeks
2. A ball is dropped from a height of 60 ft. and bounces 3 of the distance
dropped. What is the total vertical distance travelled by the ball?
Solutions: Since the ball bounces infinitely until it stops, and the next
term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 3 and
total distance is needed, we will employ the formula for the
infinite geometric series. That is, Sn = 1
Given: a1 = 60 r= 3
Sn = 1−𝑟
Sn = 1
Sn = 2
Sn = 30 ft.
60 + 2 (30) = 120

1st vertical distance

Twice because we have to consider the up and

down movement of the ball.

The total distance travelled by the ball is 120 ft.

3. Find the 4th and 8th term of the harmonic sequence 6, 4, 3….
First: Get the reciprocal of each term to make it an arithmetic
1 1 1
, , …
6 4 3
Second: Determine the common difference of the arithmetic sequence
1 1 1 1 1
d = 4 - 6 = 3 - 4 = 12
Third: Determine the 4th and 8th term of the arithmetic sequence:
1 1 1 1
a4 = 6 + (4 – 1)( 12) a8 = 6 + (8 – 1)( 12)
1 1 1 1
a4 = + (3)( 12) a8 = + (7)( 12)
6 6
1 1 1 7
a4 = + a8 = +
6 4 6 12
5 9
a4 = a8 =
12 12
12 4
Fourth: Get the reciprocal: a4 = ; a8 =
5 3

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
5 9
The fourth and eighth term of the harmonic sequence are 12 and 12
4. Find the harmonic mean between the two given numbers.
a. 40 and 60
1 3
b. 2 and 4
Solutions: To find the harmonic mean between two numbers, we can use
the formula 𝒂+𝒃.
a. 40 and 60
40 + 60
= 𝟒𝟖
Therefore, the harmonic mean between 40 and 60 is 48.
b. 12 and 34
1 3
2 (2) (4)
1 3
3 4 𝟑
× =
4 5 𝟓
1 3 𝟑
Therefore, the harmonic mean between 2 and 4 is 𝟓.

Activity 2: Arithmetic Problems
Solve the following problems involving arithmetic sequence
1. Find c so that the numbers 6c + 3, 10c – 3 and 11c . . . form an
arithmetic sequence.
2. If 5 arithmetic means are to be inserted between -10 and 8, find the
3rd arithmetic mean to be inserted.
3. What is the sum of all 3-digit number which is divisible by 7?
4. Which term in the arithmetic sequence 11, 4, -3 . . . is -129?
5. In an arithmetic sequence, if a8 = 51 and a13= 91, find a1, d and a25.
6. (Character Building)A fund drive was organized by section 10-
Descartes to help the victims of Taal Volcano Eruption. To raise fund,
each student contributed for the capital for online selling. On the first
week they made P500 profit, on the second week, they got P800, third
week 1100 and same pattern on the succeeding weeks.
a. How much profit will they gain on 12th week?
b. What is the total profit they made after 12 weeks?
c. Is their profit enough to buy for the things they want to donate to
the victims if it is amounting to P60,000?
d. If you were one of the students of 10-Descartes , will you join the

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
fund drive? Why or why not?
e. What other things can you do to help our “kababayans” who are
in need?
Now that we are through in arithmetic sequence, let’s challenge
ourselves in geometric sequence.
Activity 3: Geometric Problem
Solve the following problems on geometric sequence
1. Find the 10th term of the geometric sequence if the third term is 45
and its common ratio is 3
2. What is the value of m in the geometric sequence m + 6, 3m + 10, 15m
+ 2.?
3. Determine the geometric mean between 5 and 8.
2 1 3
4. What is the sum of the infinite geometric series 3, 5, 50 . . .?
5. Leah bought a car at the cost of P845,000. The car depreciates its
value by 10% every year. How much is its depreciated value after 5
6. Task : (Critical Thinking and Communication) You will play as a
finance officer in a company. You are going to create 3 different salary
schemes for the new employees. The salary scheme should show a
yearly increase of salary for 5 years to motivate workers to work hard.
Make some conditions/ responsibilities for every salary scheme that
you will make.

Let us explore more on sequences.

Activity 4: Other Sequences
Solve problems involving Harmonic and Fibonacci Sequence
1 1 1 1
1. What is the nth term in the harmonic sequence 3, 7, 11, 15
3 3 3
2. Find the 8th term in the harmonic sequence , , ...
5 8 11
3. Find the harmonic mean between 2 and 8
4. Carlo drives from Baguio to Pangasinan at the speed of 60 kph. On
her trip back to Baguio, taking the same route, he drives at the rate of
55kph. What is the average speed of the entire trip?

Job well done!!!! You are almost finished with the sequences.


Arithmetic sequence is a sequence where each term after the

first is obtained by adding the same constant.
Geometric Sequence is a sequence where each term after the
first is obtained by multiplying the preceding term by the same
Harmonic sequence is a sequence such that the reciprocals of
the terms form an arithmetic sequence.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Solve the following.
1. The Greek theater has 50 seats in the first row. Each row behind the
first-row gains 4 additional seats.
(a) How many seats are there in the 10th row?
(b) In which row has 146 seats?
(c) How many seats are there in all if the theater consists of 50 rows?
2. A 42-year-old man was infected by a Corona Virus disease. The doctor
advised him to take 500 mg of medication on the first day and
decrease the dosage by one half each day for one week. What is the
amount of medication will he take on the 7th day? Express your
answer to the nearest whole number.
3. One evening, while Mr. Cristobal’s family is taking their dinner, a
friend came and ask “ if I will donate some of my wealth to you after I
die and the condition is that I’ll give it in staggered form, which
scheme would you like (arithmetic, geometric, harmonic)? Why?

4. A research laboratory is to begin an experimentation with a bacterium

that doubles every 3 hours. At the start, there are 200 bacteria. How
many bacteria will be present at the end of the 12th hour?
5. Find the 7th term of the harmonic sequence 3 , 2, 4, …
6. Architect Cristobal made P35,000 during the first year of his job. Each
year, he received a 20% raise.
(a) How much did he earn in his 10th year?
(b) What were his total earnings during the first ten years on the
7. A ball dropped on the surface takes a sequence of vertical bounces.
With each bounce, the ball loses 5 f its preceding height. The ball is
dropped from 25 feet.
(a) What height does it reach after the fourth bounce?
(b) Find the total distance travelled when the ball hits the ground for
the 5th time.
8. The last three terms of an arithmetic sequence with 15 terms are as
follows…. 85,92,99. (a)Find the first term and (b)the sum of the series.
9. The ninth term of an arithmetic progression is 52 and the sum of the
first twelve terms is 414. Find the first term and the common
10. The sum of the first and second terms of a geometric progression is
and the sum of the third and the fourth is 12. Find the two possible
values of the common ratio and the corresponding values of the first

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Answer the following. Write the letter of the correct answer
1. In an arithmetic sequence -5, -3, -1. . ., what is the 10th term?
a. -9 b. 9 c. -13 d. 13
2. How many numbers divisible by 3 are between 100 and 150?
a.16 b. 17 c. 18 d. 19
3. Insert 3 arithmetic mean between 8 and 30
a. 13, 17, 21 b. 13.5, 19, 24.5 c. 12, 17, 24 d. 10.5, 14, 18.5
4. What is the sum of the first 25 natural numbers which is multiple of 3
a. 800 b. 875 c. 900 d. 975
5. My school is raising a fund to help the poor families in a certain
barangay is affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. If each student
contributes P100 each month and it increases by P50 for each
succeeding month. How much will be the total contribution of student
in 3 months?
a. P300 b. P350 c. P400 d. P450
5. I bought a smartphone that costs P20, 000 and an expert says that
smartphone depreciates its value by 10% per year. Will I still be able
to sell my phone by P 10,000 after 10 years?
a. No, because the selling price is lower that its depreciated value.
b. No, because the selling price is higher that the depreciated value.
c. Yes, because the selling price is lower than the depreciated value.
d. Yes, because the selling price is higher than the depreciated value.
6. In a geometric sequence, a3 = 32 and a5 = 288, what is its common
a. ±2 b. ±3 c. ± 4 d. ± 5
7. What is the possible geometric mean between 76 and 19?
a. -18 b. -28 c. -38 d. -48
8. The side of the square has a length equal to 2 cm. Construct another
square inside the first one by connecting the midpoints of the first
square. Continue constructing a square by connecting the midpoint of
the previous square. Find the area of the nth inscribed square.
a. An = a1 + (n – 1) d c. an = a1rn - 1
𝑛 𝑎 ( 1− 𝑟 𝑛 )
b. Sn = [2a1 + (n – 1) d] d. Sn = 1
2 1−𝑟
10. John Angel is at the top of 30 feet building and he is going to drop the
ball into the ground. When the ball bounced, it reaches a height that
is 3 of the previous height. What is the total distance travelled by the
a. 50 feet b. 60 feet c. 70 feet d. 80 feet
3 3 1 3
11. What is the 10 term in the harmonic sequence 7, 11, 5, 19. . .?

3 17 43 3
a. b. c. d.
17 3 3 43
3 3
12.In the harmonic sequence, if a3 = 5 and a6 = 11, find a1
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
13.What is the harmonic mean between two positive numbers a and b?

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
𝑎+𝑏 2 2𝑎𝑏 𝑎+𝑏
a. 2 b. 𝑎+𝑏 c. 𝑎+𝑏 d. 2𝑎𝑏
14. Rose drives from house to her work at the speed of 60 kph. Returning
home, her speed decreases to 50 kph. What is the average speed of
Rose for the round trip?
a. 54.5 kph b. 55 kph c. 56.5 kph d. 57 kph
15. What is the harmonic mean between 80 and 120?
a. 96 b. 100 c. 84 d. 96


1. (Creativity) Fibonacci sequence can be seen in the golden ration of a

perfect spiral, growth of the leaves and other natural growing plants,
flowers and living creatures. Take some picture of living things that
naturally grows in sequence. Compile it in an e- portfolio with a short
description of it.
2. (Creativity) Sequences are used in creating optical illusions. Research
for an optical illusion and copy it on a bond paper. It would be much
appreciated if you will create your own optical illusion.
3. (Communication) Make a reflection of what you have learned about
sequence. Think of 3 or more ways of its importance in your life. You
may include this in your reflection:
a. Explain in your own word each type of sequence.
b. How will you differentiate arithmetic sequence from geometric



Anonymous. (n.d.). Harmonic Sequence. Retrieved from
Education, D. o. (2015, June 10). Math Grade 10 Learner's Module. Retrieved
from SlideShare:
Roberts, D. (n.d.). Sequences and Word problems. Retrieved from

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics


Topic: Problem Solving Involving Sequences

Fill up the table below by answering the following questions
1) What is the distance traveled for the 4th and 5th minutes?
2) What is the total distance the car travels in 5 minutes?

minutes first second third fourth fifth 5 min



Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
Topic: Problem Solving Involving Sequences

Answer the ff:
1.The first term is _______________
2) The common difference is ____________
3) The 6th term is ______________
4) What is the arithmetic mean between the 3rd and the 4th term?
5) How many words did the writer write in a week? ______________

Topic: Problem Solving Involving Sequences

After knee surgery, your trainer tells you to return your jogging program
slowly. He suggests jogging for 12 minutes each for the first week. Each
week thereafter, he suggests you increase that time be 6 minutes. How
many weeks will it be before you are up to jogging 60 minutes per day?

The sequence is { 12, 18, 24, ….. 60 }

1) What is the first the term?
2) Give the common difference:
3) How many weeks will it be before you are up to jogging 60 minutes
per day?

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Topic: Problem Solving Involving Sequences

On a Saturday, you sit in your yard and decide to count the
number of dandelions that you see. You count a total of 39
dandelions on Sunday, you count 78 dandelions and on Monday
you count 156 . If this patterns continues, how many dandelions
will there be in your yard on Friday?

1) What is the first term?
2) What is the common ratio?
3) How many terms are there on Friday?
4) How many dandelions will there be in the yard on Friday?

𝒂𝒏 = 𝒂𝟏 𝒓𝒏−𝟏

𝒂𝒏 = the nth term

𝑎1 = the first term
r = the common ratio


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