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Name : ___________________________ Date : _________________

Input Worksheet 1

PART 1 DIRECTIONS : Fill in each blank below.

1. ____________________________________ is the import needed to use Scanner.

2. ____________________________________ is the Scanner method used to input an integer.

3. ____________________________________ is the Scanner method used to input a double.

4. ____________________________________ is the Scanner method used to input a one word


5. ____________________________________ is the Scanner method used to input a one line


PART 2 DIRECTIONS : Fill in the missing code in each blank.

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

int intOne=0;
double doubleOne=0;
String name;

out.print("Enter an integer :: ");

intOne = ____________________________________________________ ;

out.print("Enter a double :: ");

doubleOne = ____________________________________________________ ;

out.print("Enter your name :: ");

name = ____________________________________________________;

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