Kelas 6

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Tahun Ajaran 2020-2021M / 1441-1442 H
Nama : Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris
Kelas : VI (Enam) …

A. Check the map of Indonesia. The choose one correct answer to complete the sentence.

1. Sumatra Island is …. Kalimantan Island

a. East of b. west of c. in the east of d. in the west of
2. Bali Island is …. Lombok Island
a. East of b. West of c. In the east of d. In the west of
3. Java Island is …. of Sulawesi Island
a. South-west b. North-east c. West d. east
4. Kalimantan Island is …. Java Island
a. North of b. south of c. south-east of d. south-west of
5. Papua is … of Maluku Island
a. East of b. south of c. south-east of d. north-west of
6. Tenggara in English is ….
a. West b. south-west c. south-east d. north-west
7. North-west in Indonesia is ….
a. Barat laut b. Timur laut c. Tenggara d. Barat daya
8. Utara in English is ….
a. Selatan b. Utara c. Timur d. Barat
9. Bandung is in ….
a. Banten b. East Java c. Central Java d. West Java
10. Padang is in ….
a. Sumatera Island b. Java Island d. Sulawesi Island d. Papua Island

B. Write True or False

Indonesia Archipelago
Indonesia has many islands. There are five big island such as Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan,
Sulawesi, and Papua. There are also hundreds small islands in the country. Kalimantan is north of
Java island, or we can say that Java is south of Kalimantan. Sumatera is north-west of Java. It is east
of Kalimantan. We can also say that Java is south-east of Sumatera, and it is south-west of Sulawesi
1. There are hundreds of island in Indonesia. (….)
2. Kalimantan is south of Java. (….)
3. Kalimantan is east of Sulawesi. (….)
4. Sumatera is north-west of Java. (….)
5. Sulawesi is east of Kalimantan. (….)

C. Check the map of Sumatera. Write sentences to describe the places on the table. Check the

Example :
Medan – Padang Sidempuan
Answer : Medan is north of Padang Sidempuan.
1. Payukumbuh - Padang
Answer :

2. Bangka Island – Palembang

Answer :

3. Padang – Palembang
Answer :

4. Jambi – Pekanbaru
Answer :

5. Palembang – Bandar Lampung

Answer :

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