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Inquiry-based Lesson Plan- Victoria Reyes

Driving Question: How can language be a barrier within communication?

The student can Communicate using key words and phrases in the target language within the
school setting (and beyond, as applicable)

Objective: Students will be able to… Student will be able to communicate orally at 80%
accuracy by identifying vocabulary and phrases to greet someone and introduce themselves by
Engage: Have each student turn to a neighbor and introduce themselves in English. This will
create an engaging activity that also refreshes their memory of how to greet and introduce
themselves. Then I will provide suggested materials to students such as colored construction
paper, whiteboards with markers, magazines, and other things to use as visuals. There next task
will be to answer the driving question (How can language be a barrier within communication?)
without using their voices. This will help uncover student’s prior knowledge concerning if they
know how to comminate effectivity without using languages. It will also point out the
importance of learning another language to communicate with others.
Explore: Students will watch “How English sounds to non-English speakers” while watching
they will really have to listen to what is being said, the tone of voice, facial expressions, and
body language to somehow understand what the couple is talking about. This will make
students wonder the importance of learning a new language as well as start thinking why they
want to learn a new language. (only show video until 2:45)
Some graphic organizers that can be used are:
Venn Diagrams
Web/Bubble brainstorm
T – chart
Or how ever a student wants to convey the information they have learned.

Explain: In this section students will create/discuss what they visually saw, different tones, or
how they felt when watching the video above, “How English sounds to non-English speakers”
and record their thoughts on Flipgrid (Flipgrid is an online video discussion an entire class can
post on and share their thoughts as well as listen to others). Students will have time in class to
record by using phones, tablets, computers provided by school or themselves.
An example could be a student picks up on the angry tone of voice therefore he notices
something is wrong and there is a reason the women is upset.
Elaborate: In this section we will rearrange our desks, so it turns into a circle with everyone
facing the inside. I will pose another question to my students: “After we watched the YouTube
video and you have shared your thoughts, what would it be like if you went to another country
where you could not communicate by using their same language?” “How would you
communicate effectively? How would you feel?” I do not want this discuss to create a debate,
but I want it to create a place where students can give their own voiced answers/thoughts and
then reflect on someone else’s thoughts or ask a peer a question. An example is that student
may say a language barrier can cause people to be upset when they don’t understand.

Evaluate: After discussing with peers, students will have a chance to collect their thoughts:
what stuck out to them most/what was more important to them and write a reflection summary
of how language can be a barrier within communication. Students can write about how they
will choose to communicate, how they will feel when no one understands their English or how
the student feels when they don’t understand their language. This is what an example for the
activity will look like:
Write a summary by using the new information you have learned today:
How is language a barrier within communication?
You are traveling to another country where they don’t speak English. What are your barriers? How would you
communicate effectively? How do you feel when no one understands you? How do you feel when you don’t
understand anyone? How will you choose to communicate?
Please answer all questions above to your best ability in a short answer response.

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