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Michiko Kobayashi

EDUC 3180
Melanie Pierce
Global Collaboration Project/Activity Plan

Grade Level: Subject Area:

3 grade Social Studies (based on Standard 1.3)
Target Country/Area:
Learning Outcomes/Objectives:
(Students will be able to…)
-While communicating with students from Australia, students will compare and
contrast 3 different ways (3 similar things, and 3 different things) they use,
maintain, and preserve their separate physical environments.
-Students will communicate with students from Australia to find 4 ways to
conserve and protect natural resources.
(How you measure students’ achievements)
-The students found 3 similar things between how they use, maintain, and
preserve their environment and how students in Australia use, maintain, and
preserve their environment.
-The students found 3 different things between how they use, maintain, and
preserve their environment and how students in Australia use, maintain, and
preserve their environment.
-The students worked with students in Australia to find 4 ways to conserve and
protect natural resources.
(How you find collaborative partners or partner schools. Describe how you
prepare for the project/activity).
On ePals I will get an account and hopefully be able to find a teacher in Australia
who would be willing to have their students connect with mine so that they can
talk about each other’s environments. I will work with that teacher to find a time
that we can each set apart for the students to communicate with each other and
talk about how we want the students to communicate with each other (such as
email, video chat, zoom, etc.).
(List any materials including technology tools)
-A computer/tablet that can access the internet for each student in the class.
-A list of resources that the students can use to know how their community uses,
maintains, and preserves their environment.
-A list of resources students can use to find ways that they can conserve and
protect natural resources.
Michiko Kobayashi
EDUC 3180

-A zoom or email account for each student to communicate with the students in
Project/Activity Sequencing (A description of detailed step-by-step procedures)

1. I will begin by speaking with the teacher in Australia to pair up students that
will be able to work together. Then come up with a set aside time to allow
students to collaborate together once or twice a week. I will also gather all of the
materials for this collaboration before the students start to collaborate.

2. I will help my students set up an email or zoom account to communicate with

the students from Australia. Then I will train my students on how to use email or
zoom to communicate with the students from Australia.

3. Before starting to collaborate with students from Australia, I will teach my

student about some of the things that our community does to maintain and
preserve their environment. This will be from the resources provided to the
students. It will also give them some more information on what we as a
community do to help the environment. I will also teach about natural resources
and how we can conserve and protect these natural resources.

4. Students will start collaborating with the students in Australia, at the set aside
time. They will first get to know their partner and explain their ideas about how
they can use, maintain, and preserve the environment that they have learned
about and live in. As they find ways that are the same, they will write it down in
a Venn Diagram (in the middle section), and the ways that are different they will
write on one side things Australia does and on the other side things we do in
Utah. This will allow the students to keep track of how many things similar and
how many things that are different that they have. It will also help them to know
what different parts of the world do for their environment. During the time they
are communicating with students from Australia they will also talk about natural
resources and find/explain ways in which natural resources can be conserved and
protected. (Finding these things may take a couple weeks to a few months
depending on how long was set aside for the students to communicate with each

5. Once the students have collaborated with their partner student in Australia
they will come up with a project, such as a written paper, an art project such as a
picture, or a presentation, to show and explain what they learned from their
collaboration. This project will include how Utah uses, maintains, and preserves
the environment is similar and different from Australia and the ideas they have
Michiko Kobayashi
EDUC 3180

about how they can conserve and protect natural resources.

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