The Bracero Program Guide

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The Bracero Program:

1) What is the Bracero Program? Write what your prediction is based on the video

2) Brainstorm!

What group was involved within the

Bracero Program?

How was this impactful for


Would this program benefit

immigrant workers? Financially?

3) Check for understanding: Please pair share with your partners and discuss your
 What was the reason for the implementation for the Bracero Program?

 How did the Mexican immigrants assimilate into American society? Were they

 Was it easy for their families back home? Spouses? Children?

 How did this impact the immigrant reputation and community within America?

-Is this seen in other groups?

4) Analyze the picture below and answer the questions:
 How does this connect with historic racism and discrimination?

 How were Mexican immigrants perceived?

 Were they accepted into American society?

5) Describe what you stood out to you in the videos at the end of the presentation. How
did the former Braceros speak about the program? Please use complete sentences.

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