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Adlerian Social Interest Scale-Romantic Relationship Form (ASIS-RR)

1 (strongly disagree) 2 (disagree) 3 (undecided) 4 (agree) 5 (strongly agree)

1. My rights and obligations are equal to those of my partner.

2. I can sacrifices to promote my partner’s growth.

3. I like joining in group activities together with my partner.

4. I like to work or play together with my partner to reach mutual benefits and goals.

5. I want to give and take, in the hope of reaching mutually acceptable solutions to

conflicts in my relationship.

6. I recognize my partner with respect to his/her rights, knowledge and experience.

7. I want to use my abilities, knowledge, or talents to aid my partner.

8. I feel at ease and comfortable when interacting with my partner.

9. I show physical affection to my partner.

10. I feel that I am a member of a group together with my partner.

11. My personal goals must be consistent with the welfare of my partner.

12. I help and encourage my partner’s growth.

13. I show deep interest in my partner’s full use of talents and potentials.

14. I show verbal affection to my partner.

15. In a romantic relationship, one of the partners must be dominant *

16. I can abuse my partner to my expediency *

17. It is acceptable for the partners to dominate each other *

18. My partner must obey me *

19. Men/women cannot be trusted *

20. I am plainspoken in romantic relationships.

21. The small mistakes of my partner are not important for me.
22. Only love is necessary for happiness in romantic relationships *

23. I prefer orgiastic sexuality rather than a personalized love *

24. I prefer to enjoy the present time without considering the future of my relationships *

* Reverse scored

I am the author of this instrument, and I agree for it to be included in the MIDSS database in

accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 license.

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