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Module 1

Earth: A Journey
of Constant

Image Credit:

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

 Describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support

life (S11ES-Ia-b-3)
 Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose
boundaries matter and energy flow (S11ES-Ib-4)
 Identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical properties


To the Learners

This module was developed to guide you in your journey as you explore the content of
the subject. You have to follow the instruction indicated herein to successfully finish the module.
The instructions on how to use this module are the following:
1. Read and analyze the instructions/directions indicated on every page of the module to
fully understand the contents and subject matter being presented;
2. Prepare a separate Science Notebook/ISN/Science Journal where you can write down
your notes about the lessons;
3. Let your parent/guardian assess your activity to ensure precautionary measures; and
4. Apply what you have learned. Enjoy learning!

Blended learning is the new normal in the Department of Education using modules and
other modalities. Lessons and activities in this module were compressed according to the most
essential learning competencies (MELCS).
As a student, you are expected to meet the following specific objectives:
1. Describe the characteristics of the earth necessary for growth and survival;
2. Explain how the four subsystems are interconnected;
3. Identify and describe the four subsystems;
4. Differentiate rock from mineral; and
5. Identify the properties of rock-forming minerals

Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
provided before the number.
____1. Which of the following are necessary to sustain life on Earth?
A. Gold and Diamonds C. Rocks and Soil
B. Minerals and Nutrients D. Water and Temperature
____2. Which subsystem refers to a rocky mountain, valley, hills, and landforms?
A. Atmosphere C. Geosphere
B. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere
____3. Which subsystem refers to a gaseous part of the Earth?
A. Atmosphere C. Geosphere
B. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere
____4. How does the ozone layer protect life on Earth?
A. It filters out dangerous ultraviolet radiation.
B. It provides a huge amount of electrical charges.
C. It gives enough carbon dioxide for consumption.
D. It displays radiant colors for artistic impression.
____5. What are the properties of a rock-forming mineral?
A. Density, Luster, Polarity, Specific Gravity, and Temperature
B. Color, Crystal Forms, Cleavage, Density, Hardness, and Luster
C. Density, Hardness, Polarity, Specific Gravity, and Temperature
D. Luster, Hardness, Melting Point, Specific Gravity, and Temperature

Looking Back
There are different theories of the origin of the universe. Theory means a system of
ideas intended to explain something. These theories include the Big Bang, Infinite Universe, and
Pulsating Universe Theory.

Give it a try!
Choose only one box and complete the statement.

I believe in the theory of I do not believe in any theory about

_________________________ because the origin of the universe because
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
(Use another sheet of paper if necessary)

Brief Introduction
Earth being the third terrestrial planet in our solar system consists of solid and active
surfaces with mountains, valleys, canyons, plains, hills, plateaus and so much more. One of its
unique characteristics is that its environment is the only place in the universe capable of
sustaining life. Life on Earth interacts from one system to another.
This module brings us to a simple journey about our planet: how it changes over a billion
years of evolution; and why it can nurture life up to the present. Let’s begin your journey with the
first lesson.
Lesson 1 Earth: A Living Planet

Earth history began 4.6 billion years ago. But the question is how life began on Earth?
What are the characteristics necessary for growth and survival? Let’s start with the activity.

Activity 1
My Home…My Survival!
Objective: Describe the characteristics of the Earth that are necessary to support life.
Materials: Science Notebook and Pen
Procedure: Fill in the diagram with the right information. Give at least five basic needs of man in
order to survive.

Life needs….

(1) (5)
Why? __________ Why? __________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________

(2) (4)

Why? __________
Why? __________
(3) Why? __________
Image Credit:
_______________ _______________
e=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja7bu71rXqAhUZQ _______________

Guide Questions:
1. What are the basic needs of man in order to survive?
2. Do you think Earth has enough resources to sustain life? Why do you think so?

Earth has the most important chemical compound necessary for life, and that is water. It
has a breathable atmosphere with enough amount of oxygen to all living things. Another
characteristic of the Earth is the presence of sunlight necessary for photosynthesis. The ozone
layer plays a very significant shield against the danger of ultraviolet radiation coming from the
sun. The ideal distance from the sun gives a suitable climate that balances ecological
interactions. What other characteristics of the Earth capable of supporting life aside from being
mentioned? Write it in your science journal/notebook.
Lesson 2 The Earth’s Subsystems

Since Earth is a living planet, it has subsystems interacting with each other. How these
subsystems interact from one another?
The Earth Subsystems:
a) Atmosphere
It is a very shallow layer
that serves as a thin blanket
of air which one half lies
below an altitude of 5.6
kilometers, and 90 percent
occurs within 16 kilometers
of the Earth’s surface.
b) Biosphere
The biosphere includes
Figure 1: The Earth’s Subsystems
all life forms on Earth, Image Credit:
including those in the water, air, and land. Plants and animals depend on the physical
environment for the basics of life; likewise, they help maintain balance in the
ecosystem through ecological interactions.
c) Hydrosphere
It is a dynamic mass of water that is continuously moving, evaporating from
oceans to the atmosphere, precipitating to the land, and returning to the ocean.
d) Geosphere
The geosphere extends from the surface to the center of the planet. It has a
depth of 6 400 kilometers and the largest of the four subsystems. Its surface features
give us a clue of the dynamic processes occurring in the Earth’s interior.
All of these subsystems have an interaction as shown in figure 1. The existence
of biosphere depends on the presence of hydrosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere.
Now let’s do the next activity.

Activity 2
How Am I Connected?
Objectives: Identify and describe the four subsystems.
Materials: Magazines/Charts/Printed Pictures, Paste/Glue, Scissors
1. Complete the concept map with the four subsystems of the Earth.
2. Cut out images or pictures from magazines, charts, or printed materials that correspond
to the four subsystems of the Earth. Paste your picture and label it.

3. Write a brief description to each subsystem.

_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ Earth _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
___ ___

_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
Guide Questions:
___________ _________________
1. What are the characteristics of the Earth that make it unique from
___ other planets?
2. How were the four subsystems interconnected to each other?

Lesson 3 Rock-Forming Minerals

Rocks and minerals are the

significant building blocks of our dynamic
Earth. Petrology is the study of rocks.
Rock is a cluster of mineral buildups.
Minerals are the building blocks of rock. It
is a substance formed naturally in the
Earth. Rocks exhibit different physical
properties such as color, texture,
appearance, and hardness. In this lesson,
you will learn about the properties of rocks
and minerals.
In figure 2, the composition of
Figure 2: Mineral Composition of Rocks
granite contains three minerals; quartz,
feldspar, and biotite. The physical cCegQIABAA&oq=rock-
properties of minerals that can be tested: BAIgBAJIBAJgBOaABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nsAEA&sclient=img&ei=qZsGX5T
luster, hardness, streak, cleavage, fracture, color,
specific gravity, and crystal form.
Minerals have chemical properties that can be tested by the reaction of certain
substances like the fizz test. This test uses carbonate minerals effervesce (fizz) in hydrochloric
acid, giving off bubbles of carbon dioxide gas. 5
Here is the table that summarizes the physical properties of rock-forming minerals. To
identify the hardness of rock, you may search Moh’s Scale as your reference.

Physical Properties
Rock- Hardness Specific
Forming Luster
Color (way mineral’s (use Moh’s Gravity
Minerals surface reflects light) Scale)
black to dark
Amphibole green vitreous (glass-like) 5 to 6 2.9 to 3.6

Biotite white to gray vitreous to pearly 6 to 7 2.7 to 3.4

Calcite white when pure vitreous 3 2.7

brown to orange-
Clay red dull earthy 2 to 2.5 2.7 to 2.8

off-white or
shades of red,
orange and vitreous to
Feldspar brown porcelaneous 6 2.6

white, colorless,
Gypsum or gray vitreous 2 2.3

Mica colorless, black pearly to vitreous 2.5 to 4 2.8 to 3

Olivine olive-green vitreous 6.5 to 7 3.2 to 4.4

dark green, dark

Pyroxene brown, or black vitreous 5 to 6 3 to 4

white, gray,
purple, yellow,
Quartz brown, black vitreous 7 2.6

There are rock-forming minerals used in different industries. Limestone is used to make
concrete and cement. Feldspar is used to make tiles and ceramics. Silica is used to make glass.
Clay is used in making pots. Metallic mineral such platinum is used as a catalyst in refining
petroleum. Earth’s crust is a thin layer where most of these materials are found.

Activity 3
Let’s Get Rock!

Objective: Identify the properties of rock-forming minerals.

Materials: 5 different rock samples and colored paper for labeling

Label the rock samples A, B, C, D, and E. Rub each rock with your palm and feel the
texture of each rock. Take a close-up photo/picture of your rock samples outside your house
with the presence of sunlight, to observe crystal particles in it. Then, complete the table below.
texture color/appearance size of crystal particles
Rock Sample
(fine or coarse) (light, dark, or glossy) (small, medium, or large)

Guide Questions:
1. How are your rock samples differ on their texture, appearance, and size of particles?
2. Based on your observations, are all rocks the same? Why do you think so?

Earth is the only planet in the universe capable of holding life because of its
unique characteristics ideal for growth and survival. It has subsystems (atmosphere,
biosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere) interacting from each other.
Petrology is the study of rocks. Rocks and minerals are the significant building
blocks of our dynamic Earth. Rocks exhibit physical properties such as color, texture,
appearance, and hardness. Minerals have physical and chemical properties that can be
tested by the reaction of substance.

Check Your Understanding

I- Match column A to column B and write the letter on the space before the number.
Column A Column B
_____ 1. It protects against dangerous radiation from the sun a. Hydrosphere
_____ 2. It is the water system of the Earth b. Biosphere
_____ 3. It refers to all living organisms of the Earth c. Petrology
_____ 4. It is the rocky subsystem of the Earth d. Atmosphere
_____ 5. It is the study of rocks e. Geosphere
Post Test Score

Name: ______________________________ Date Completed: __________________

Direction: Read the questions carefully and write the letter on the space before the number.
____ 1. What are the characteristics of the Earth that are necessary to support life?
A. There is light energy coming from the Sun.
B. There is a breathable atmosphere with enough oxygen.
C. There is enough water necessary for growth and survival.
D. All of the above.
____ 2. Which subsystem is responsible for filtering dangerous ultraviolet radiation coming from
the sun?
A. Atmosphere C. Geosphere
B. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere
____ 3. How do you call the dynamic mass of water that covers the surface of the Earth?
A. Atmosphere C. Geosphere
B. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere
____ 4. What mineral is used to make tiles and ceramics?
A. Clay C. Limestone
B. Feldspar C. Silica
____ 5. Which of the following is NOT part of the properties of rock-forming minerals?
A. Color C. Hardness
B. Luster D. Humidity

Parent’s/Guardian’s Remarks: _________________________________________________


Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature

Advance Activity: (Do it in your science journal/notebook)

Make an advance research about the rock cycle. Create your
own diagram and give a short description of the following:
a) Igneous rock
b) Sedimentary rock
c) Metamorphic rock

Reflect and Sketch
Choose ONE of the two boxes to express your thoughts of what you have learned. You
may compose a poem, write an essay, or sketch an illustration on how you appreciate the

Draw how Earth subsystems are Title of a Poem or Essay

interconnected. Make your own title.

Since you have completed this

module, how would you use
this knowledge in the future?



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