Cantilevered Sheet Pile - N Sivakugan

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386 Geotechnical Engineerng excavation ish and the depth of embedment is d. Here, a sheet pile is driven into the in situ soil (Figures 14.4 a and 14.4b), which is followed by excavation to the desired level (Figure 14.4¢) ‘The sheet pile acts like a vertical cantilever, fixed at the bottom and loaded horizontally; hence the name. A cantilever sheet pile relies on the passive resistance developed in the embedded portion for its stability. 14.3.1 In Granular Soils Let’s consider the situation in granular soils, and assume that the water table is below the tip of the sheet pile. When the sheet pile wall deflects left asa result of the excavation, it rotates about a point O near the tip (Bigute 14.5a), which is at a depth of d, below the excavation level. The top of the sheet pile moves from A to A’, and the bottom tip moves from B to B’. Assuming that there is. enough movement to mobilize active and passive resistance in the surrounding soil itis possible to define these zones as shown in Figure 14.5b based on the directions of wall movements. The lateral pressure distribution on both sides ofthe sheet pile is shown in Figure 14.5c. Koval Bir Kaa Oana Kad Kala & » © Figure 143 Analysis of cantlover sheet ple: (a) orginal and defected postions (©) active and passive zones () lateral pressure astrbuton ‘Method I: Simplified analysis In an attempt to simplify this further, it can be assumed that the point of rotation O is close to the tip ofthe sheet pile B (Figure 14.6a) and the lateral pressure distribution below O is replaced by a horizontal force R acting at O. With this simplification, the lateral pressure distribution reduces to the one shown in Figure 14.6b, which is the basis for the design of cantilever sheet piles, Here, the sheet piles in equilibrium under three forces: active thrust P,, passive thrust P, and horizontal reaction R where Py = % Kxy(h + da)! and Pp = % Kyvd; Earth Retaining Structures 387 Kod, Kathe d) @ Figure 14.6 Simplified analysis: (a) original and deflected positions (6) approximate lateral pressure distribution ‘Taking moment about O: yx lite 2)= 293m d=z +2 b, Using Equation 14.12: h 4 Ke pa, Ky 283 ‘The above d from both methods must be increased by 20-40%. de 03m ‘When either the water table or more than one soil layer is present, there will be breaks in the lateral pressure diagram, but the concepts remain the same. In dredging operations where exca- vation takes place below the water table, sheet piles can be used to support the walls of the excavation as shown in Figure 14.8. The depth of excavation is lt where the water table is at a depth of hy (< h). The water pressure is the same on both sides and will not be considered in the analysis. ‘At the water table level to the right of the wall, dhyphence of = Kyryhy A Oiiginal ground iove p Granular si Figure 18.8 Net lateral pressure diagram fora cantilove sheet pl partially submerged granular sols Earth Retaining Structures 393 Al the excavation level to the right of G0, = ‘Ata depth of z below the excavation level: dh + yh hence of, = Ky(ygh, + 7'h) = 04 Sin = Kallis + ¥'hs + 7/2) and oy = Key'= ‘The net pressure from right to left is given by: O, = 0% ~ Og = Ky(yuh + Y'Ba) + (Ky — Ky) z= 0) ~ (K,~ Kye ‘The depth z where the net pressure becomes zero (point D) is given by: (Ke Kay” For every unit depth increase below the excavation level, the net pressure o', decreases by (Ky — K,)y. Therefore, the slope of the line GH is 1 vertical to (K, — K,)y' horizontal: 2 (14.25) 2.0, = HB=2z,(Kp—K,)y’ (14.26) Atthe bottom of the sheet pile, there is passive earth pressure on the right and active earth pres- sure on the let. "They are: Oh, = Kay’ hy = Kilialty + 7'hs + 'd) “The net pressure af a Substituting d iy — Gia = Kolyudhs + y'ha + 7'd) — Kyy'd = 0 a + 2 05 = Kylylts + 'hy) + (Ky ~ Ky)y'29 + (Ky ~ Kyla’: = 0 + (Ky ~ K's, (14.27) where 0 isa known quantity, given by: 0%, = KiCyulty + 'hs) + (Ky ~ Kad’ (14.28) From equilibrium considerations, Equations 14.21 through 14.24 still hold, The values of A. through A, are slightly different, replacing the bulk unit weight with the submerged unit weight (see Worked Example 5). 14.3.2 In Cohesive Soi Let's consider a situation where the water level is above the excavation line, and the soil beneath the excavation line is cohesive, as shown in Figure 14.9. Immediately after the installation of the sheet piles, we will treat the clay as undrained with $, = 0 (ie, Ky = Kp = 1), use Yuu, and work in terms of total stresses in the clay. As before, we will neglect the water pressure, which is the same on both sides. 394 Geoiechnical Engineering Origa ground level (Granuar sot 5 Figure 14.9 Net lateral pressure diagram in cohesive soits In the granular soil layer to the right of the sheet pile, the active pressures can be computed as before and P and 2 can be determined. For example, at the bottom of the granular soi PL Kanal + ph) Ata depth of within the clay and above the point of rotation to the right of the sheet pile: O46 = (Crags + Yeh + Yanct) ~ 26, ‘The subscripts g and c represent granular and cohesive soils respectively. Ata depth of z within the clay and above the point of rotation to the left of the sheet pile: Oy = Yank + 26, ‘The net lateral pressure in the clay above the point of rotation, acting from left o right, i given by: TB (14.29) = Mey (Ynabty + ihe) At the bottom of the sheet pile, the passive pressure from right to left i: Oe = malts + Yebts + Youll) + Bey and the active pressure from left to right iss orth Retaining Structures 395 ‘Therefore, the net pressure from right to left is given by: 46, + Cnah + Yh) = Ps (14.30) ‘As before, let's include the area IHBF on both sides ofthe pressure diagram to make the solution simpler. By equating the horizontal forces to zero: Ped, + Py)h,— ppd =0 Petlac, gl #1 GI) +46, + Cin glt +76 Vt, —[46, — Cinch +72 id =0 chal —Crnagh +7ph)ld =P 4, (431) where h, isobtained in terms of d. Taking moment about the bottom of the sheet pile and equat- ing this to zero: Crna #7 2 (14.32) From Equations 14.31 and 14.32: PUP +126,2) (Me, ~ Cn gh #7 gh Md? ~2P d—-— PEt Me) —_ (eeu Cag + bo Gingh #2, 4.33) Solving Equation 14.33 by trial and error, dcan be determined, In clays itis required to increase the penetration depth by 40-60%, 14.4 ANCHORED SHEET PILES ‘When the excavations get deeper (ie., > 6 m), the loadings on the sheet piles increase si nificantly, resulting in larger depths of embedment d and larger bending moments, making it necessary to go for thicker sections. Both the depth of the embedment and the section can be reduced by anchoring the sheet pile as shown in Figure 14.10a, Such anchored sheet piles or anchored bulkheads are commonly used in waterfront structures. Here, the tie rod is attached to the sheet pile and anchored at the other end using a deadman, braced piles, sheet piles, ete. ‘A deadman is simply a concrete block that provides anchorage toa tie rod. It can also be in the form of a continuous beam to which all tie rods are connected.

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