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Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses,

Part 1 - Theory

deepLay-eks-2021-107 January 2021

Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses
The need of Dynamic Analyses
Dynamic Analyses is required for operations where the product is subjected to
dynamic loads, such as vessel motions, waves and current. Dynamic analyses
shall be performed using recognized methods and suitable software to ensure
the results will not exceed the relevant limit state criteria.

The purpose of performing dynamic analyses is to:

• Make sure the product can be installed safely under the specified
environmental conditions using the intended vessel and installation
• Establish limiting weather conditions for an operation
• Demonstrate that the fatigue damage accumulated during the installation
operation is within the fatigue budget

Reference :
Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses
Dynamic Analyses Methodology
Ocean waves are generally the primary source of dynamic environmental loads
on Pipelay Dynamic Installation Analyses. Either regular or irregular waves
may represent the sea state.
Regular wave analyses will, in most cases, result in conservative responses if
the wave period is appropriately selected. Irregular wave analyses are
generally more time consuming than regular wave analyses but offer the
benefit of a more reliable response without unnecessary conservatism.

Reference :
Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses
Installation Analyses Case ( S-Lay and J-Lay )


Reference : DnV GL – Operating Limits - Pipeline

Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses
1. Typical One, 3Hrs Time Simulation and Get the Peak Results

All the results ( Stresses and Forces ) are taken from the Peak result from dynamic
analyses which depend on Wave Height Hs, Wave Period Tp and Wave Direction.
The uncertainty is the Wave Seed Selection ( In general, they choose one random
number without knowing the effect of those selections )
Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses
2. 3Hrs Time Simulation and Get the Peak Results with Golden Seed selection
As the no 1, Seed has been selected to give an average and/or probability results from a
lot of wave realization from Vessel Motion analyses. deeplay Energy has published
several posts on theses subject where you can find it on deeplay Energy website. ( ).
1. Random Wave Irregular Wave analyses – What do you know about it ?

2. Probability of Irregular Wave - Hmax/Hs, 1.86 or 2.00? A Probability Number?

3. Vessel Motion Characteristic - The Effect of Max Wave Height from Seed Selection

4. Why Do We Need a 3Hrs Simulation for Irregular Wave Analyses?

Reference : and ( Deeplay energy service company LinkedIn )

Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses
3. DnV Installation JIP Suggestion ( Distribution of 20 Seeds analyses )

Statistical Distribution of
Time History Results of Gumbel Extreme distribution, The
20 seeds Peak Results.
3Hrs Simulation, Peak Main question here what probability
It raised a question if 20
results will be used as level we need to use ( 57%, 90% or
Seeds data are sufficient
statistical data others )
to get a good statistical
( 20 Seeds )
Reference : and DnV Installation JIP – Guidelines for Installation analyses
Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses
4. DnV Installation JIP ( one Seed case with Maxima Distribution )

This option is much more making senses than running 20 seeds for 3Hrs time
simulation. But it required more post-processing to choose the maxima distribution and
do Gumbel Extreme distribution. ( See our next post, Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses. Part 2 - the Comparison Results )
Reference : and DnV Installation JIP – Guidelines for Installation analyses
Interpreting Irregular Dynamic Analyses
Suggestion value for the Probability

There are two suggestions for the

Probability number
1. Permanent Installation ( Hs Limit )
- Typically around 0.57 to 0.90
- Norsok N003, recommend 0.90-0.95
2. Weather Restricted Operation ( WoW )
- Typically around 0.37 to 0.90
- Industry Practice 0.37

Reference : DnV GL – Operating Limits - Pipeline


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