Stass Letter of Rec

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November 16th, 2019

To Whom it May Concern:

It is my pleasure to recommend Brooklynne Springer for the School of Education Graduate Program at
The University of Colorado Denver. Brooklynne is a brilliant, dedicated young woman who has excelled
at her various positions at Gold Star Learning Options. I am continually impressed at the degree of
knowledge, commitment, and thoroughness she demonstrates while working with our clients with
developmental disabilities.

She joined Gold Star Learning Options two years ago and quickly became an integral team member to
our ABA services. Over this time, she has worked in a variety of positions and environments while going
above and beyond expectations for each job description. Brooklynne is an enthusiastic, proficient
therapist who utilizes all available resources to promote success within each of her behavior teams. She
also continuously adapts her techniques and strategies for the different needs of all the individuals she
has worked with. Her clients positively respond to her as a teacher and she has a innate ability to uphold
high expectations while allowing clients the freedom to explore and grow in the natural teaching

In addition to exhibiting exemplary work ethic and passion, she has an insatiable desire to learn more
about ABA and continues to grow as a therapist. As her supervisor, Brooklynne has personally helped
me with countless work assignments, proving her capabilities even with clients she is unfamiliar with.
She has been trained on and completed various tasks that are above the traditional RBT job description.
There is no doubt in my mind that she will prove to be successful in her graduate studies and eventually
blossom into becoming a fantastic BCBA.

Brooklynne would be an excellent addition to the Special Education Graduate Program. She is
competent, passionate, and devoted to her clients, our company, and the field of behavior analysis. I am
excited to see what her future has in store and she will become a valuable asset to any school, company,
or community she becomes a part of.

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