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Marriage and love

Marriage is the focal point of pride and prejudice.

Why does Jane choose Austin marriage as her central theme? In his world,
marriage was’ the only honorable provision ‘, which would unusually favour slave
Labour near the dependence or rule of spinsterhood. Socially, it marked maturity.
When she got married and started a family, a woman took her place in the
society. So marriage is obviously the center of interest in Austin’s world.
How she presents her theory against the background of traditional contemporary
attitudes on the subject, she holds a series of actual and potential relationships.
Elizabeth and darcy, Jane and bingley, Lydia and wickham, marry Mr Collins and
charlotte Lucas all. Some couples, such as Bennett and Gardner, are already
married, and there are different types of potential marriages throughout the
novel. All of this shows us, and Elizabeth, by Jane Austen, who she considers
worthwhile in marriage and life. Elizabeth finally reaches a true understanding of
what a good marriage involves, and she finds it with darcy.
From the beginning, Elizabeth despises those who are married married. He defies
the right to marry without a fortune before Mrs Gardiner and implies the same
for Mr Collins when he invited for investment. She is determined to choose her
husband for love rather than money. Jane Austen’s influence here seems quite
The theme of the ‘Class’ is related to reputation. The Bennett family, who are middle class, can
socialize with upper class bungalows and darts, are clearly their social sense and are thus
treated Austin satisfies this type of class consciousness, especially in the role of Mr. Collins, who
spend most of his time towing his top class mentor, lady Catherine De bourgh.
Although Mr. Collins gives an extreme example, he is not the only one to hold such ideas. His
concept of the importance of class is, among others, Shared by Mr. Darcy, who believes in the
greatness of his lineage. Miss bingley, who dislikes someone is not socially accepted as she is;
And Wickham, whatever he does, can get enough money to pick himself up at a high station.
Mr. Collins views are merely extremely extreme and clear. The satire directed at Mr. Collins. So
the whole social hierarchy and concept of all the people within it is also directed mostly at its
correctness, the other, more delectable virtue is completely overlooked. Through the Darcy
Elizabeth and Bingley Jane marriage, Jane Austen has shown the power of love and happiness
to overcome the boundaries and prejudice of the class.
The main method of ‘Patriarchy’ in pride and prejudice is to see through Bennet daughters:
Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Lydia, and Kitty. Not only that women are not allowed to own any kind of
property or money but also because women are not able to marry for love.
The example of patriarchy in pride and prejudice was Mr. Darcy’s description of “proven”
women. The reason I put this into quotations is because I take a very clearly full term in Mr.
Darcy’s sense. Mr. Darcy provides a list of everything women must be able to “complete”,
including singing, drawing, dancing, and many other things. They also say that they have to walk
and talk in a certain way. He only claims to know half a dozen women. This is another great
example of patriotism as it is saying that there are some things society thinks women must be
able to do or they are not a complete women Men never have any standards to meet, and no
one sees men who can’t sing, draw, sew, dance, or other “feminine” activities. The fact that this
society gave women certain standards that they had to “meet” in order to meet, makes it a
very patriarchal society.
Lady Catherine has another example of the patriarchy we see. When lady Catherine is met,
Elizabeth is questioned about her family. All lady Catherine’s questions are related to Bennett
daughters, asking they draw, sew, write or play piano. All this was expected of the common and
female in this time period. When lady Catherine asked women about being “out in society” in
society, she was surprised at Elizabeth’s response that all 5 girls were “out in society” together.
It was basically saying that young women are not allowed to go out and communicate with men
or are available for marriage unless the daughters were married to the oldest. When Lydia, one
of the youngest Bennet daughters, moves and secretly marries Mr. Wickham without approval
from Mr. Wickham, everyone announces that Lydia has spoiled the family name because she
broke the standard that was for women in the society at the time. The fact that Lydia loved Mr.
Wickham didn’t matter because she didn’t do what society thought was appropriate.


The theme of women’s role in society ‘is not only to enjoy the special privileges of a higher
social status. His emotions play a vital role for society. Elizabeth and darcy finally get engaged
so they both learn the wisdom of humility and tolerance. In the 18 th century, women in
England, who is set for the novel, had a basic function, which was to marry, and to marry well.
Bennet girls have a temporary casual life, because in the absence of sons, when their father
dies, their property will be inherited by their cousin, Mr. Collins. So, for Mrs. Bennet, the most
important thing was to marry his daughters, especially the wealthy young man, ‘a single man of
large fortune; five thousand pounds a year. What a fine thing for our girls.’(Austen, 1994).
Due to patriarchy, society could not accept women to enter professions such as medicine or
law. Therefore, limited formal education. If unmarried, they will continue to depend on their
relatives, earn little income from their fathers, brothers. In the case of Elizabeth she relies on
her father while living, but because she has no brother, her circumstances can be quite bad on
the passing of Mr. Bennet. He and his mother and sisters will be forced to rely on the help and
good will of their relatives, such as Mr. And Mrs. Phillips, Mr. And Mrs. Gardiner.
Unmarried women did not have to be alone. If a single woman who had never been married
was not living with her family, she had to stay with her relatives. So when Bennet daughters
travel in pride and prejudice, they should always be in the company of a relative or an
honorable married woman.


The topic ‘Pride and Prejudice’ had an impact on both roles and their relationships. Darcy first
separated herself from others because of her intense pride. His prejudice against Bennet was
also something that he must overcome because of his poverty. This prejudice against Darcy for
Elizabeth came from this snobbery. Because of this he did not see his feelings for him and
believed in the words of Wickham against him. The fierce pride of Darcy often alienated him
from others. For example, he did so snoopy and high with the Bennet on the first ball that they
all hated him. His ultimate love, Elizabeth, was disgusted with his attitude and there was no way
but to form a bias towards him.
The social status in which lady Catherine DE boe finds herself makes her a proud woman. She is
seen as a proud woman in the novel because of wealth. Her pride makes her think that she can
do anything in the novel. And that his feelings are more important than others. Speaks rudely
with no conscience. She says “I have told Miss Bennet several times that she will never play
really well, unless she practices more; and though Mrs. Collins has no instrument, she is very
welcome, as I have often told her, to come to Rosings every day, and play on piano forte in Mrs.
Jenkinson’s room”. (Austens,131). This shows how Lady Catherine was so rooted in pride due to
her status that she doesn’t care of any insensible statements she made.
Prejudice was also a problem for Darcy in which he disliked Elizabeth in the beginning because
of her social status. He was forced to deal with his prejudice when he fell in love. Although it
was necessary, it was not easy for him. Finally, he overcome his pride and gave in to his feelings
by marrying her. Elizabeth also had her affairs with prejudice to overcome. Darcy’s cold
arrogance and snobbery preoccupied her from the very beginning

The novel plays an important role of money in pride and prejudice. After the death of Mr.
Bennet, Bennet women will have a desperate financial future. Money was to support women
and their families. In the novel, Mrs. Bennet has a lot of luck in which her daughters will get
married. She tries to find a good husband for her daughters, praying that one day all her five
children will be financially safe. Because it is said that, the fact is universally acknowledged that
a single person in possession of fortune must be in the desire of a wife. This proves that women
should have married rich men to be financially safe because society never let them work,
inherit or own their property.

Morality and fame

The theme ‘Fame and morality’ played a key role especially for women of this age. In the novel,
society requires women to treat themselves in certain ways and if they go against them they
risk being evicted either by their families or society. For example, the step Lydia has taken to
separate with Wickham goes away without getting married in a bad situation in society. To
some extent, the reputation of their families may be tainted, they may ever find husbands and
may remain unmarried. Elizabeth tarnished her reputation by walking on a Netherfield on foot
in which she became dirty with dust that covered her whole body.

Personality clashes
The theme of ‘Personality clashes’ is also dealt appropriately and ironically in this novel. People
in this novel shown to be very conscious about themselves and perhaps very doubt about
others, and this is where clashes take place. In pride and prejudice the conflict and Darcy and
Elizabeth is the best example of personality clashes. We observe that Darcy is a well bred
gentleman who has been brought up in an atmosphere where people are made to dictate
rather than discuss. That are used to passing comments on others. This is what makes him
commit an error in judging Elizabeth in the ball party. , which leads him to have a serious
conflict with her later. On the other hand, Elizabeth is also a conscious girl especially about her
appearance and manners in the society. She is over confident about her abilities. She also gives
blunt remarks about others, not knowing that appearance are sometimes very deceptive. That
is why, when she is hearing negative thing about own self in the ball, she at once get prejudice
about Darcy that leads to a conflict between both of them, which is then develop very
appropriately in the novel, and resolved in a logical manners. Then there are some minor
character who are involved in a personality clash. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are seen always
indulged in the conflict of personality. Caroline shows a serious conflict with Elizabeth just of
Darcy. Wickham and Darcy are also shown falling into the same problem.

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