NMSE 16 Lectures1

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Numerical Methods in Structural Engineering

Spring 2016, periods III–IV, 5 credits, P level (MSc, DSc)

Department of Civil and Structural Engineering

School of Engineering
Aalto University

Jarkko Niiranen
Assistant Professor, Academy Research Fellow

First lecture: 14–16, Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Numerical Methods in Structural Engineering
Topic Numerical methods ─ mainly finite element methods (FEM) ─
for fundamental problems in structural mechanics, structural
engineering and building physics: theory, applications and
software tools (Matlab, Comsol)
Lecturer Jarkko Niiranen, assistant professor
Assistant Sergei Khakalo and Viacheslav Balobanov, doctoral students
Lectures Tuesdays 14─16 in R2 (from January 5 to March 5)
Exercises Thursdays 12─14 in R5 (advice hours for home exercises)
Mondays 14─16 in R266 (advice hours and presentations)
Web site https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=8491
Material Lectures slides (2016, as pdfs in MyCourses) augmented by a
text book by Hughes Thomas J. R.: The Finite Element Method,
Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis (1987/2000),
and lecture notes by Reijo Kouhia and Markku Tuomala:
Rakennetekniikan numeeriset menetelmät (2009, in Finnish).

Rak-54.3200 / 2016 / JN 2
Numerical Methods in Structural Engineering
Attendance and grading
I. Attendance for lectures or exercises is not compulsory.
II. The final grade is built as a combination of examination (0–24 points), home
exercises (0–6 points) and computer+software exercises (0–6 points).
III. Grade 1 can be achieved by 15 points which is about 40% of the total maximum
(36), and about 60% of the examination maximum (24).
IV. Examinations dates in 2016 are April 7 (13–17) and May 24 (13–17).
Work load
Desired distribution of the total 133 hours (5 credits) is divided as follows:
Contact teaching 20 h (15 %)
Lectures: 10 x 1.5 h = 15 h
Computer class presentations: 10 x 0.5 h = 5 h
Instructed or independent studying 113 h (85 %)
Home exercises: 10 x 5 h = 50 h (incl. 10 x 1.5 advise hours)
Computer+Software exercises: 10 x 4.5 h = 45 h (incl. 10 x 1 advise hours)
Preparation for examination: 14 h
Examination: 4 h

Rak-54.3200 / 2016 / JN 3
Numerical Methods in Structural Engineering
1. Modelling principles and boundary value problems in engineering sciences
2. Energy methods and basic 1D finite element methods
- bars/rods, beams, heat diffusion, seepage, electrostatics
3. Basic 2D and 3D finite element methods
- heat diffusion, seepage
4. Numerical implementation techniques of finite element methods
5. Abstract formulation and accuracy of finite element methods
6. Finite element methods for Euler−Bernoulli beams
7. Finite element methods for Timoshenko beams
8. Finite element methods for Kirchhoff−Love plates
9. Finite element methods for Reissner−Mindlin plates
10. Finite element methods for 2D and 3D elasticity
11. Extra lecture: other finite element applications in structural engineering
(time-dependent problems, nonlinearities, isogeometric methods)

Rak-54.3200 / 2016 / JN 4
Numerical Methods in Structural Engineering
1. Modelling principles and boundary value problems in engineering sciences
2. Energy methods and basic 1D finite element methods
- bars/rods, beams, heat diffusion, seepage, electrostatics
3. Basic 2D and 3D finite element methods
- heat diffusion, seepage
4. Numerical implementation techniques of finite element methods
5. Abstract formulation and accuracy of finite element methods
6. Finite element methods for Euler−Bernoulli beams
7. Finite element methods for Timoshenko beams Research activities
are going on at our
8. Finite element methods for Kirchhoff−Love plates
department in many
9. Finite element methods for Reissner−Mindlin plates topics of the course!
10. Finite element methods for 2D and 3D elasticity
11. Extra lecture: other finite element applications in structural engineering
(time-dependent problems, nonlinearities, isogeometric methods)

Rak-54.3200 / 2016 / JN 5
Connections to other courses −
Numerical hand calculation oriented methods (previous basic courses)
Basic (strong form) methods
 exsponential solutions for ordinary differential equations
 Navier and Levy solutions for partial differential equations of plates
Energy (weak form / variational) methods
 unit virtual force method – principle of (complementary) virtual work (/ forces)
 method of minimum potential energy – principle of minimum potential energy

Numerical computer oriented methods (current and other basic courses)

Energy (weak form / variational) methods
 finite element method, FEM – principle of virtual work (/ displacements)
Other (strong form) methods
 finite difference method, FDM
 finite volume method, FVM
 discrete element method, DEM

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 6
Commercial finite element software −
Commercial analysis software usually provide a simulation environment facilitating
all the steps in the modelling process: (1) defining the geometry, material data,
loadings and boundary conditions; (2) choosing elements, meshing and solving
the problem; (3) visualizing and postprocessing the results.

Some common general purpose or multiphysics FEM software:

 Comsol http://www.comsol.com/
 Adina http://www.adina.com/
 Abaqus http://www.simulia.com/products/abaqus_fea.html
 Ansys http://www.ansys.com/
Some structural engineering FEM software:
 Scia http://www.scia-online.com/
 Lusas http://www.lusas.com/

A fairly long list of FEM software in Wikipedia:


Rak-54.3200 / 2016 / JN 7
1 Modelling principles and boundary value
problems in engineering sciences
1 Modelling principles and boundary value
problems in engineering sciences
1. Modelling and computation in engineering design and analysis
2. Boundary and initial value problems in engineering sciences

Learning outcome
A. Understanding of the main implications of the approximate nature of
computational methods in engineering design and analysis
B. Ability to formulate and solve some basic 1D model problems

Lecture notes: chapter 1
Text book: chapters 1.1−2

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 9
1.0 Questioning the computational analysis

How well do the computational techniques − of

civil and structural engineering − simulate the real life?

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 10
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
step 0 problem with
design criteria

Customer needs! How long?

Dimensions! How thick?
Laws and regulations! Which material?
Time slot! How many?
Technology available! Which joints?
Price range! How to construct?
... ...
How to get answers?

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 11
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
step 0 problem with
design criteria

Customer needs! How long?

Dimensions! How thick?
Laws and regulations! Which material?
Time slot! How many?
Technology available! Which joints?
Price range! How to construct?
... ...
How to get answers?
Formulate the problem

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 12
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
step 0 problem with
design criteria

Customer needs! How long?

Dimensions! How thick?
Laws and regulations! Which material?
Time slot! How many?
Technology available! Which joints?
Price range! How to construct?
... ...
How to get answers?
Formulate the problem
− and solve it!

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 13
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

step 1 General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error
uP  u4D
4D nonlinear
”all inclusive” theory

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 14
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

step 1 General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error
uP  u4D
4D nonlinear
”all inclusive” theory


Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 15
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

step 1 General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error
uP  u4D
4D nonlinear
”all inclusive” theory z
à la university schools

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 16
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

4D nonlinear theory General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error

step 2 Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?

mathematical model + Modeling error
u4D  u3D
3D linear elasticity theory
Equilibrium    σ  b & BCs 3D
Constitutive models σ  Eε LINEAR

Kinematics ε  u ISOTROPIC

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 17
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error

3D linear theory Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?

mathematical model + Modeling error

N times simplified solution u = ...

step 3 physico-mathematical
model + N x Modeling error
u3D"" u
1D axially loaded elastic rod
 N '  b, N ( x)  A( x) ( x)
E ( x), A( x), b( x) NL
x, u ( x )   u ' … Hand calculations work!
0 L
Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 18
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

step 1 General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error
uP  u4D
4D nonlinear
”all inclusive” theory


Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 19
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

4D nonlinear General physico- solution u4D = ?

”all inclusive” theory mathematical model + Idealization error

solution uh = ...
step 2 Numerical method
+ Discretization error
u4 D  uh

uh ( x, t )  numerical_ method(4D theory; x, t )

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 20
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

4D nonlinear General physico- solution u4D = ?

”all inclusive” theory mathematical model + Idealization error

solution uh = ...
step 2 Numerical method
+ Discretization error
Reliable & Efficient u4D  uh
 Applicable
 Stable
 Accurate
 Cheap
uh ( x, t )  numerical_ method(4D theory; x, t )
Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 21
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

4D nonlinear General physico- solution u4D = ?

”all inclusive” theory mathematical model + Idealization error

solution uh = ...
step 2 Numerical method
+ Discretization error
Neither a black box nor u4D  uh
 Inapplicable
 Unstable
 Inaccurate
 Expensive
uh ( x, t )  numerical_ method(4D theory; x, t )
Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 22
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error

3D linear Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?

”B&B” theory mathematical model + Modeling error

solution uh = ...
step 3 Numerical method
+ Discretization error
u3D  uh

uh ( x)  numerical_ method(3D theory; x)

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 23
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error

Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?

mathematical model + Modeling error

Changes solution uh = ...

Numerical method
to the methods: + Discretization error
u3D  uh
Observations and
step 4 conclusions + Human errors

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 24
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error
to the models:
validation Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?
mathematical model + Modeling error

Changes solution uh = ...

Numerical method
to the methods: + Discretization error
u3D  uh
Observations and
step 4 conclusions + Human errors

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 25
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Changes Physical engineering solution uP = ?
to the problem problem with
and design design criteria

General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error
to the models:
validation Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?
mathematical model + Modeling error

Changes solution uh = ...

Numerical method
to the methods: + Discretization error
u3D  uh
Observations and
step 4 conclusions + Human errors

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 26
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis
Changes Physical engineering solution uP = ?
to the problem problem with
and design design criteria

General physico- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error
to the models:
validation Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?
mathematical model + Modeling error

Changes solution uh = ...

Numerical method
to the methods: + Discretization error
u3D  uh
Observations and
conclusions + Human errors

step 5 Acceptance

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 27
1.1 Modeling and computation
in engineering design and analysis

Break exercise 1

Formulate an error estimate for the total error present in a typical

design and analysis process in terms of the error terms described above.

uP "" uh  ...

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 28
1.2 Boundary and initial value problems in
engineering sciences
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

step 1 General physical- solution u4D = ?

mathematical model + Idealization error
uP  u4D

F z
”General” physico-mathematical model. A vertical
profile (pipe or tube) mast OB is supported by a ball-
and-socket joint O and cables BC and BD. A force F
L is acting on the the mast at point B.

D Problem. Determine the displacements and stresses

a O
a in the mast for given length L, cross-sectional area A,
c density ρ, and Young’s modulus E, distances a and c,
x y as well as force F.

Rak-54.3200 / 2016 / JN 29
1.2 Boundary and initial value problems in
engineering sciences
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
design criteria

General physico- solution u4D = ?

 details in 
 exercises  mathematical model + Idealization error
 

step 2 Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?

mathematical model + Modeling error
3D linear elasticity u4D  u3D
F z FB = Fz + TCz + TDz
Under ”reasonable” assumptions:
L b = Ag equilibrium eq.    σ  b & BCs

a O D constitutive eq. σ  Eε
a FA = Oz 
x C
y kinematics ε  u
Rak-54.3200 / 2016 / JN 30
1.2 Boundary and initial value problems in
engineering sciences
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
 σ  b design criteria

σ  Eε General physico- solution u4D = ?

 mathematical model
ε  u + Idealization error

3D linear theory Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?

 details in  mathematical model + Modeling error
 exercises 
 

N times simplified solution u = ...

step 2N physico-mathematical
model + N x Modeling error
1D axially loaded elastic rod u3D"" u
E ( x), A( x), b( x) NL  N '  b, N ( x)  A( x) ( x)
  E Assumptions: symmetry,
x, u ( x )
0 L   u' pointwise joints and actions etc.

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 31
1.2 Boundary and initial value problems in
engineering sciences
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
 σ  b design criteria

σ  Eε General physico- solution u4D = ?

 mathematical model
ε  u + Idealization error

3D linear theory Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?

mathematical model + Modeling error

N times simplified solution u = ...

step 2N physico-mathematical
model + N x Modeling error
  AEu'  ' ( x )  b( x )
u(0)  u0
 1 L 
 details in 
 exercises   u ( x )  u0  N L      b dr  ds
N ( L)  N L  
AE 0  AE s 

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 32
1.2 Boundary and initial value problems in
engineering sciences
Physical engineering solution uP = ?
problem with
 σ  b design criteria

σ  Eε General physico- solution u4D = ?

 mathematical model
ε  u + Idealization error

3D linear theory Simplified physico- solution u3D = ?

mathematical model + Modeling error

N times simplified solution u = ...

step 2N physico-mathematical
model + N x Modeling error
solution uh = ...
step 3 Numerical method
+ Discretization error
u  uh
 uˆ ' AEu ' dx  uˆ ( L) N   uˆ b dx,
h h h L
h uh (0)  u0

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 33
1.2 Boundary and initial value problems in
engineering sciences
Axially loaded linearly elastic bar problem (in a displacement form):

(1)  EAu ' ' ( x)  b( x), 0  x  L differential equation

(2a) u (0)  u0 essential BC
(2b) ( EAu ' )( L)  N L natural BC

Other 1D problems of the same form:

Problem I variable Data Load II variable

Axially loaded bar displacement EA extensional force force
Torsionally loaded bar angle GJ torsional moment torque
Seepage in soils head (pressure) k infiltration velocity
Heat diffusion temperature k heat generation heat
Electrostatics electric potential ε charge density electric flux

Rak-54.3200 / 2016 / JN 34
1.2 Boundary and initial value problems in
engineering sciences
Axially loaded linearly elastic bar problem (in a displacement form):

(1)  EAu ' ' ( x)  b( x), 0  x  L differential equation

(2a) u (0)  u0 essential BC
(2b) ( EAu ' )( L)  N L natural BC

1D generalization. Axially, torsionally and transversally loaded beam (uncoupled):

extension : (1)  EAu ' ' ( x)  b( x), 0  x  L
(2) u (0)  u0 , ( EAu ' )( L)  N L
torsion : (3)  GJ ' ' ( x)  r ( x), 0  x  L
(4)  (0)   0 , (GJ ' )( L)  TL
bending : (5)  EIw' '' ' ( x)  q ( x), 0  x  L This one is of a different form!
(6) w(0)  w0 , w' (0)   0 , ( EIw' ' )( L)  M L , ( EIw' ' )' ( L)  QL

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 35
1.2 Boundary and initial value problems in
engineering sciences
1D modification and 2D generalization. Heat diffusion:
(1)  EAu ' ' ( x)  b( x), 0  x  L  kT ' ' ( x)  f ( x), 0  x  L
(2a) u (0)  u0  T (0)  T0
(2b) ( EAu ' )( L)  N L (kT ' )( L)  qL
EA, b
 T  u  u0 
 
 x  q x q y  qx 
T  T ,   q   , q    
  x y  qy 
 y  T  T0 T
 
(1)    (k ( x, y )T ( x, y ))  f ( x, y ), ( x, y )   k, f

(2a) T ( x, y )  T0 ( x, y ), ( x, y )  T
(2b) q( x, y )  n  q0 ( x, y ), ( x, y )  q q0 n q

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 36
1.X Continuum mechanics in
civil engineering
Building blocks of boundary value problems in civil engineering
Deformation and motion is defined by the continuum mechanics concepts as
(1) Kinematics (displacements and strains) 2D/3D elasticity
(2) Kinetics (conservation of linear and angular momentum)    σ  b & BCs
(3) Thermodynamics (I and II laws) σ  Eε
(4) Constitutive equations (stresses vs. strains)

ε  u
The main mathematical tools are 1D elasticity
(i) Vector and tensor algebra and analysis  N '  b, N  A , & BCs
(ii) Differential, integral and variational calculus   E
(iii) Partial differential equations   u'
Altogether, physical conservation principles, i.e., the laws of conservation of mass,
momenta and energy as well as constitutive responses of materials or other
observed relations, are covered by a combination of the theoretical tools above.

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 37
1.X Continuum mechanics in
civil engineering
Matter (or material) is composed of particles ─ from
electrons and atoms up to molecules ─ which can be,
under certain assumptions, modelled as a continuum,
Idealizations of physics and chemistry are further
simplified – or homogenized – by the theory of
continuum mechanics.

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 38
1.X Continuum mechanics in
civil engineering
Continuum is a hypothetical tool with specific assumptions and features
─ overlooks particles up to the molecular size (homogenity)
─ scales of interest are large enough (practicality)
─ physical quantities of interest are continuously differentiable (mathematicality)
─ applicaple for all materials (generality)
Within continuum mechanics, a wide spectrum of physical phenomena can be
studied, however.
Many variations, modifications or extensions for the classical continuum theories
exist as well: discontinuum-continuum, pseudo-continuum or Cosserat continuum
etc. often applied to capture microstructural effects of granular materials, for

Rak-54.3200 / 2014 / JN 39
1.X Continuum mechanics in
civil engineering
Continuum mechanics studies not only the deformation of solids but the
deformation and flow of a continuum covering solids, liquids and gases.
Engineering sciences as structural engineering study particular tailorings of
continuum mechanics: bars, beams, plates and shells within elasticity,
plasticity, viscoelasticity or viscoplasticity, for instance.
Problems formulated in terms of continuum mechanics are transformed by
mathematical tools into the form of computational mechanics: continuum
mechanics and numerical methods with the corresponding computer
implementations – referred as numerical simulation tools.

Rak-54.3200 / 2016 / JN 40



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