20110704063612relative Clauses - Snakes

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He’s the actor whose films I saw a girl drinking a I have a small box where I There are five

I There are five flights a day

I like most. coffee that I knew. keep my keys in. of three which leave in the

I have a small box

where I keep my There are five flights a
keys. / which I keep day, three of which
I saw a girl that I knew leave in the morning.
drinking a coffee. my keys in. / in which
I keep my keys.

A man, who won $6 million The river Nile that runs A hangar is a large There was a half-hour
on the lottery, has lost it all through Egypt is the building that aircraft are break which we had coffee
on a horse race. longest river in the world. built, stored, serviced and and chatted during.
repaired in.

(The style is poor as the

clause is long and the
preposition is separated
The river Nile, which by too many words.) A
A man who won $6 runs through Egypt, is hangar is a large building
million on the lottery the longest river in the where / in which aircraft There was a half-hour
has lost it all on a horse world. are built, stored, serviced break, during which we
race. and repaired. had coffee and chatted.

He painted mainly December 25th is a day She asked me to stay to The cows are kept in a
landscapes, very few of people often give each dinner, which I thought large field behind the
which have even been other presents on. was very odd in the house we keep for milking.
seen by the public. circumstances.

December 25th is a
day on which people The cows we keep for
often give each other milking are kept in a
presents/ …is a day large field behind the
when people… Correct house.
He had a cat he loved /of The town I live in / that I The other player against He kept asking silly
which he loved / whom he live / in that I live is famous whom / whom /of whom questions, that / which / of
loved very much. for its old church. he’d never played was which irritated her even
Boris Becker. more.

The other player He kept asking silly

The town I live in is against whom he’d questions, which
He had a cat he loved
famous for its old never played was Boris irritated her even more.
very much.
church. Becker.

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It was the way by / in /of The address to that / to He is the person whom / That is a question to which
which we solved most of which / that you sent the on whom / to whom we / that / of which there is no
our problems. letter does not exist. rely on most to get the job satisfactory answer.

It was the way in which That is a question to

The address to which He is the person on
you sent the letter whom we rely most to
does not exist. get the job done.

Who / Whom / To whom There were six brothers, Lying and cheating were We have a special
did you send the parcel to? two whom / who / of whom the chief means of which / arrangement by which /
went on to become artists by which / on which he that / to which packages
like their father. managed to rise to the can be sent free of charge.
position of CEO.
Who did you send the
parcel to?

'To whom did you send

the parcel?' is also
possible but overly We have a special
formal for normal arrangement by which
There were six
conversation. packages can be sent
brothers, two of whom
went on to become… free of charge.

Lying and cheating

were the chief means
by which he managed
to rise to the position
of CEO.

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This material may be photocopied and used in class

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