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Robust frequency-hopping spectrum estimation based

on sparse bayesian method
Wang, Lu; Zhao, Lifan; Bi, Guoan; Zhang, Liren; Zhang, Haijian


Zhao, L., Wang, L., Bi, G., Zhang, L., & Zhang, H. (2015). Robust frequency-hopping spectrum
estimation based on sparse bayesian method. IEEE transactions on wireless communications, 14(2),

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Robust Frequency-Hopping Spectrum Estimation

based on Sparse Bayesian Method
Lifan Zhao, Lu Wang, Guoan Bi, Senior Member, IEEE, Liren Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE,
Haijian Zhang, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper considers the problem of estimating

mul- tiple frequency hopping signals with unknown hopping estimation requires a computational intractable combinatorial
pattern. By segmenting the received signals into overlapped search [7], [11], many other alternative methods are developed.
measurements and leveraging the property that frequency Among many approaches that have been reported to cope with
content at each time instant is intrinsically parsimonious, a the FH spectrum estimation problem, time-frequency
sparsity-inspired high-resolution time-frequency representation
representation (TFR) is an intuitive and useful tool to exhibit
(TFR) is developed to achieve robust estimation. Inspired by the
sparse Bayesian learning algorithm, the problem is formulated the frequency contents of non-stationary signals. Spectrogram
hierarchically to induce sparsity. In addition to the sparsity, the obtained by short-time Fourier transform (STFT) is a popular
hopping pattern is exploited via temporal-aware clustering by choice for estimating FH signals, since it can provide a TF
exerting a dependent Dirichlet process prior over the latent distribution free of cross-terms compared to other distributions
parametric space. The estimation accuracy of the parameters can
be greatly improved by this particular information-sharing
in Cohen’s class [12]. However, the spectrogram of the signal
scheme, and sharp bound- ary of the hopping time estimation is inevitably suffers from limited resolution and poor signal
manifested. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is further energy concentration, which greatly restricts the performance
extended to multi-channel cases, where task-relation is utilized to of subsequent processing such as entropy or gradient based
obtain robust clustering of the latent parameters for better refinement [5], [13], [14].
estimation performance. Since the problem is formulated in a full
Bayesian framework, labor- intensive parameter tuning process In [15], a maximum likelihood approach is developed for
can be avoided. Another superiority of the approach is that high- estimating a single FH signal. In this method, the FH sig-
resolution instantaneous frequency estimation can be directly nal estimation problem has been formulated in a maximum
obtained without further refinement of the TFR. Results of likelihood framework, where hopping time and frequency
numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm can are treated as unknown parameters. Empirical results show
achieve superior performance particularly in low signal-to-noise
ratio scenarios compared with other recently reported ones. that the algorithm has achieved desirable performance of
estimating hopping time and frequency in relatively high SNR
Index Terms—Dirichlet process, multiple frequency-hopping environments. Since the formulation of this algorithm depends
signals, sparse Bayesian learning, stick-breaking process, time-
frequency representation. on the parametric modeling of a single FH signal, it cannot be
straightforwardly extended to multiple FH signals due to the
undesirable increase in dimensionality of the parameters and
I. I NTRODUCTION the induced intractable computational complexity [15].

F REQUENCY-hopping (FH) signals have been widely In [7], [16], multiple FH signal estimation is considered in
used in wireless communications and other information a sparse linear regression (SLR) framework, where a fused
systems due to their inherent capability of low interception least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) alike
and anti-jamming [1]–[6]. In practical civilian and military approach is used [17]. In this framework, two penalty terms
applications, estimating the parameters of the FH signals is of are incorporated to encourage sparsity and smoothness in the
great importance [2], [7]. In civilian wireless networks [2], frequency and TF domain, respectively. Since this approach is
[8], for example, estimating FH signals is vital to detect based on the compressive sensing concept, it can achieve
multiple users, avoid collision and achieve robust better estimation accuracy in various scenarios. Despite its
performance against interference [9]. In military success in estimating FH signals, the experimental results
communications, blind estimation is also required to estimate show that this approach does not scale well under low SNR
and intercept the intentional inter- ference [10]. The main conditions. Although the bounds of regularization parameters
challenges of FH signal estimation are to robustly estimate are given in [7] for desirable recovery, parameter tuning
the hopping time and frequency with un- known hopping process is still required to obtain robust performance of the
pattern particularly in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) algorithm, where optimal parameter selection is still an open
environments [2], [11]. Since the maximum likelihood problem.
Another approach is developed to cope with hopping time
The corresponding author is Dr Guoan Bi. Lifan Zhao, Lu Wang, Guoan and frequency estimation in FH networks particularly for
Bi and Haijian Zhang are with the Infocomm Centre of Excellence, School
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,
multi-channel systems [2], [18]. An expectation maximization
50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (email:; (EM) approach is employed to iteratively estimate the ampli-;; tude, hopping time and frequency. In this approach, the
Liren Zhang is with College of Information Technology, UAE University,
United Arab Emirates (
success of the EM algorithm depends largely on the proper
selection of initial value, where a de-noised STFT is often
used to initialize
the algorithm. In low SNR environments, however, it is hard
to obtain a desirable initial TFR, which will inevitably result
in degraded performance of the EM algorithm.
yk xk
In order to accurately and robustly estimate multiple FH
signals in low SNR environments, a novel enhanced high- yk +1 xk +1
resolution TFR is proposed by exploiting sparsity and piece-
wise smoothness in the TF domain. In this paper, we develop P
a linear and high-resolution TFR based on the sparse Bayesian
Fig. 1. The segmentation of the signal into overlapped measurements, where
framework, encouraging sparsity in spectral and smoothness P is set to be an odd number for computational convenience.
in TF domain simultaneously. More concretely, rather than
reconstructing the sparse spectrum at each time instant in-
dependently to achieve high resolution [19], the proposed fi,k are all unknown to the user and are required to be
formulation can also exploit the piecewise smoothness in the estimated.
TF domain by utilizing the dependent Dirichlet process (dDP)
for the latent parameter modeling. The proposed framework
B. The Sparsity Based Estimator via SLR
can be considered as a multi-task learning problem with
unknown task relations. The main idea is to exploit the The frequency hopping signal estimation problem can be
frequency hopping patterns in a statistical manner. formulated within a sparse framework by exploiting the spar-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, sity and spectral smoothness [7]. It can be formulated as the
the frequency-hopping problem is introduced and the sparse following convex optimization problem
signal model is formulated. In Section III, FH signal 1 2
xˆ = arg min [ ∥y − Wx∥ +1λ ∥x∥ +2λ ∥Dx∥ ] (3)
estimation x 2 2 1 1
problem is formulated in a sparse Bayesian framework.
discussions on related work are also presented in in this
section. Multi-channel extension of the proposed method is where the first term is for data fitting, the second and
presented in Section IV. Numerical experiments and conclu- third terms are for encouraging sparsity in frequency and
sion are given in Section V and Section VI, respectively. differential-time domain, respectively [7]. The λ1 and λ2 are
N otation : Vectors and matrices are denoted by bold used as regularization parameters.
symbol. For a matrix A, AH and A−1 denote the conju- It has been shown that sparsity-induced approach can
gate and inverse of the matrix, respectively. ℓp norm of a
( achieve state-of-the-art performance over many other meth-
∑n p) 1/
ods. However, an important shortcoming of the SLR based
vector is defined by ∥x∥p = |xi| . N (X|µ, Σ) approach is that it does not provide robust estimation perfor-
i= mance in low SNR environments, due to the sensitivity of
1 and
CN (X|µ, Σ) denote multivariate real and complex Gaussian hopping frequency
distributions, Bern(x|p) denotes Bernoulli distribution and
Γ(x|a, b) denotes Gamma distribution.


A. Signal Model
Let us consider a noise corrupted and interference free FH

y(t) = σi,k ej2πfi,k t + v(t), ti−1 < t < ti (1)

where Ki is the number of hopping frequencies during the i-

th system dwell time, σi,k is the amplitude of the signal
associated with the i-th system dwell time and k-th hopping
frequency. The noise vector is denoted by v(t), which is
an independent identical distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian random
variable. The discrete form of y(t) is expressed as

y(n) = σi,k ej2πfi,k n/fs + v(n/fs ), ni−1 < n < ni
where fs is the sampling frequency larger than the
Nyquist sampling frequency, i.e., ·fs >{ 2 max fi,j
: ·i· · = 1, , Nd and ·j· ·= 1,} , Ki , and Nd is the
number of system-wise dwells. In practical systems, the
number of signals Ki, the system dwell time ni and
the differential operator Dx 1 used in fused LASSO ∥ ∥
[17]. Furthermore, the convex optimization based
approach requires appropriate tuning of parameters,
where optimum solution is still an open problem.

C. Proposed Sparse Bayesian Model

In order to alleviate the drawbacks, a new
approach is proposed to make use of the TF
processing scheme by segmenting the received
signals into overlapped segments, meanwhile
exploiting sparsity and smoothness in time and TF
domain, respectively. Let us assume a uniformly
dense grid [f1 : ∆f : fN ] including all the hopping
frequencies, where ∆f is the frequency interval and
N is the number of frequency bins. Similar to the
spectrogram based method, the signal is segmented
into M over-lapped measurements, where P is the
window length for the segmentation, as shown in Fig.
1. The length of the segment is often chosen to be
appropriate for stable sparse recovery [20] as well as
low bias in hopping transition time estimation [12],
which will be formally defined in Section III-C.
Then, (2) becomes
Y = [y1, y2, ..., yM ] = Φ [x1, x2, ..., xM ] + V (4)
P ×1
where yi ∈ C × the i-th segment of the
received signal, xi ∈ CN 1 represents the spectrum
of the i-th segment to be estimated and V ∈ CP M
represents the unknown × noise. The matrix Φ =
[Φ(f1), ..., Φ(fN )] ∈ CP N is constructed as
a partial Fourier matrix (i.e. P < N ), where each atom
Φ(fi) is [e−j2πfi /fs , ..., e−j2πfi P/fs ]T . The likelihood ψj wk λk Γ(e, f )
function for the signal model can be therefore expressed
p(yi |xi , α0 ) = CN (Φxi , α0 I), i = 1, · · · , M. (5) Γ(a, b) ti zik
where α0 is the noise precision parameter, i.e., the reciprocal ∞
of variance.
Remark 1: Since the proposed formulation in (4) is a grid α0 yi xi αk Γ(c, d)

based method, it can potentially allow non-uniform or sub-
Nyquist sampling by manipulating matrix Φ, which is similar M
to the SLR method proposed in [7]. In realistic application, Fig. 2. Graphic model representation for the proposed sparse Bayesian
this formulation will be feasible to deal with signals framework.
containing high frequency components based on compressive
where ξik is defined as the indicator variable with values of 0
III. P ROPOSED FH E STIMATION A LGORITHM and 1. If ξik = 1, it means the i-th measurement is generated
In this section, the FH signal estimation problem is for- from Gaussian distribution with variance αk. More strictly,
mulated within a sparse Bayesian framework that encourages only one of ξ{ik, k = 1, , should be 1.
· · · ∞}
both sparsity and smoothness in TF domain. In particular, Secondly, to induce sparsity, the variance of the sparse
the latent parameters are encouraged to cluster in temporal signal αi is modeled as an inverse Gamma distribution,
aware manner. Subsequent parameter estimation are carried p(αk|c, d) = Γ(αk|c, d), k = 1, · · · , K. (7)
out based on computational efficient variational Bayesian
inference technique. This above-described hierarchical modeling can impose spar-
sity, since the marginalized distribution obeys a sparsity-
inducing multivariate student’s t distribution [23], [24].
A. Multi-task Learning via Logistic Stick-Breaking Process
Thirdly, apart from sparsity, to encourage the clustering of
In our problem, the signal exhibits temporal correlation latent parameter αk in a temporal related sense, a dDP is
after the segmentation manipulation. In other words, it is imposed on the latent parameters αk,
natural that proximal measurements are more likely to share

the same latent parameter. Therefore, rather than explicitly
ttti = πk(ti)δαk (8)
employing Dirichlet process (DP) based Bayesian
compressive sensing [21], [22], we propose to incorporate
temporal smoothness in TF domain by utilizing the dependent where a brief review on dDP is given in Appendix A. More
Dirichlet process (dDP) during sparse recovery process. In specifically, a logistic stick breaking process [21] is employed
this way, the clustering accuracy of the latent parameter will to encourage the temporal aware clustering in this framework.
be improved, which in turn will enhance the subsequent In this process [21], the mixing weight πk(ti) in (8) is
estimation of the sparse signal. constructed in a stick-breaking manner [25]
In sparse Bayesian modeling, each of the xi is k−1

hierarchically modeled to induce sparsity. To further exploit πk(ti) = p(zik) [1 − p(zij)] (9)
the property that the FH signals exhibit piecewise smoothness j=1
in the TF domain, we impose this property by encouraging the
variance parameters α to cluster in a temporal aware and where πk(ti) represents the probability of assigning αk to the
statistical manner. To encourage the latent parameter to cluster i-th spectrum xi. The probability of zik in (9) is specified to
in a temporal aware manner, a logistic stick-breaking process be Bernoulli distribution with parameter defined by a logistic
[21] is employed. The graphic model can therefore be function [21],
represented p(zik|wk) = Bern(zik|σ(wkT ψi )) (10)
in Fig. 2. With this graphic model, let us illustrate the
probabilistic model of each node in Fig. 2. where σ is the sigmoid function [26], and ψi represents the i-
Firstly, a set of independent latent parameters αk, are th temporal kernel basis vector and wk is the sparse
defined to allow partially sharing of the variance parameter, coefficient to be estimated. In the following, the construction
where the construction can be given as 1, of basis Ψi and coefficient wi will be described. A
K commonly used Gaussian kernel [26] is utilized to define ψi
in (10),
∏[ ]ξik [ ( ) ( )]
p(xi |α, ξi ) = CN (xi |0, αk −1) i = 1, · · · , M − s1)
k ψ i = exp −
(6) k=1
( i γi
− s g)
·· · , − 2 2 T
exp (t γi
The number of latent parameters K should theoretically approach to (11)
infinity in DP based modeling. However, in order to obtain tractable Bayesian
inference of the graphic model, K is often truncated to a value similar to the where ti is the discrete time of the signal and s1 : sg, g < M ,
number of measurements M [22]. is the sampled time set (uniformly under-sampled from the
time index). As observed from the above-described model, the property of the linear time frequency distribution along with
mixing coefficient is temporally related. sparsity. In this manner, the sensitivity of differential operator
In addition, the weight coefficient wk in (10) is further can be relaxed by the proposed multi-task learning framework
mod- eled as Gaussian-Gamma distribution to encourage [21], [30]. It is seen that the sparsity helps to recover high-
sparsity [23], resolution TF distribution and the temporal clustering property
p(wk|λk) = N (wk|0, λk) (12) enhances the recovery of TF distribution. Our empirical
∏M results have validated the robustness of the proposed
p(λk|e, f )
Γ(λki|e, f ). (13)
= i=1
B. The Bayesian Inference
This hierarchical modeling will induce wk to be a sparse Since direct inference of the graphic model is generally
vector [23], [24]. The induction of sparsity for wk is to intractable, a straightforward approach is to sample the dis-
achieve smooth segmentation since the dominant entry in each tribution by standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
wk can produce a smooth segment as indicated in [21] and our approach. However, the MCMC approach suffers from high
exper- imental results. The intuition of this particular computational complexity in high dimensional scenarios and
modeling on mixing weight πk(ti) in (8) is to make the its general convergence is difficult to diagnose. Instead, we
clustering procedure be temporal dependent, where time- use a computationally efficient approximation procedure
frequency smoothness of the FH signals can be well known as variational Bayesian inference (VBI) to obtain
exploited. efficient inference and the guaranteed convergence. With the
Finally, the noise precision parameter α0 is modeled to mean-field assumption, the factorized posterior can be
follow a Gamma distribution for convenient inference, approximated via the following expression,
p(α0|a, b) = Γ(a, b) (14) p(x, α, z, w, λ,
0 α |y) ≈ q(x)q(α)q(z)q(w)q(λ)q(α
0 )
where convenient inference of the noise precision parameter (17) where the parameter is defined as Θ =
α0 can be enabled for modeling conjugacy [20]. {xi, αk, zik, wk, λk, α0 }. With this assumption, let us derive
The above-described model can encourage sparsity of the the optimal approximation to minimize the Kullback Leibler
spectra by hierarchical sparse modeling and temporal aware (KL) divergence between the approximated distribution and
clustering, respectively. Combining the likelihood function true posterior,
in (5) with the above-described hierarchical priors, the joint q∗(Θ) = arg min ∫ q(Θ) log dΘ. (18)
probability can be expressed by q(Θ
M ∏ ∏K )
p(y, x, α, z, w, λ, α ) = p(y |x , α ) · [p(x |α )]ξik Θ
0 i i 0 i
k In summary, the optimal distribution for each Θk can be
i=1 k=1
expressed as,
· p(αj|c, d) · p(zik|wk) · p(wk|λk)
q∗(Θi) ∝ exp [Ei̸=j[ln p(Y, Θ)] ]. (19)
· p(λk|e, f ) · p(α0|a, b). (15)
Since the graphic model is formulated hierarchically based on
Therefore, the estimation of these parameters can be ob- the conjugacy of the distributions, we can conveniently derive
tained by calculating the following posterior, the following updating formula for the individual parameter
based on the mean value of their approximated posterior
p(x, α, z, w, λ, α0|y) = p(x, α, z, w, λ, α0|y)/p(y). distribution. The derivations of updating rules for each of the
(16) parameters are given as follows.
The calculation of marginal distribution p(y), however, de- 1) Updating rule of noise precision parameter α0: Ac-
mands the computationally intractable multi-dimensional in- cording to the Markov blanket of α0 in the graphic
tegral. Since the closed-form solution of the posterior is model, the optimal approximated distribution q(α0)
generally not accessible, approximated or sampling approach should obey,
is required for Bayesian inference [26]. M

Remark 2: In FH signals estimation, the latent parameter q(α0) ∝ p(yi|Φxi; α0)p(α0|a, b). (20)
α cannot be explicitly assumed to be fully independent or i=1
dependent in sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) or block SBL Since the conjugacy of Gaussian likelihood
(BSBL). In SBL [20], [23], [24], [27], [28], the sparse M

signals xi, ·i· = 1, , M , are hierarchically modeled to p(yi|Φxi; α0) and Gamma prior p(α0|a, b)
impose sparsity. The prior of xi is modeled as a complex 1
Gaussian distribution with independent variancei vector
i iα ,
p(x |α ) =
CN (0, αi−1), i = 1, · · , M . In contrast, the block SBL will result in a Gamma posterior, the update equation
· approach [29] uses a shared α defined by exploiting for the noise precision parameter α0 can be derived by
the support-sharing property of the measurements. The prior of substituting (5) and (14) into (20),
xi Remark
is modeled as, p(x
3: Rather i|α) = CN (0, α
than ) for i in
imposing the sparsity = 1, ···, M .
domain and hop point explicitly as in SLR approach, the
∑ ln q(α0) ∝ − α0 M 2
2 nM ln
E ∥yi − Axi∥ +

proposed model implicitly exploits the temporal clustering + (a − 1) ln0α0 − bα0. (21)
Therefore, the approximated posterior for α0 obeys a the sparse coefficient with ξik = 1, i = 1 : M, will be
Gamma distribution with parameters aˆ and ˆb influenced by the clustering of the latent parameter αk.
expressed as, 3) Updating rule for the precision vector of the sparse
aˆ = M · n + a (22) coefficient α: Based on the Markov blanket of the α
M[ in Fig. 2, the optimal approximated distribution q(αk)
∑ ]
ˆb = − 2 should obey,
∥yi − Φµ i∥2 + trace(ΦΣi ΦH ) . (23)
i=1 M

Since only the first order momentum of the parameter is q(αk) ∝ [p(xi |αk )]ξik p(αk |c, d). (30)
utilized in the updating rules for other parameters, the i=
mean of αrule
0 is for
given accordingly as Ex [α ˆ
0 ] = aˆ/ b. 1
2) Updating sparse coefficient : According to
Substituting (6) and (7) into (30), we have,
i ∑ ∑
the Markov blanket of the xi in the graphic model, ln q(α
k ) ∝ −α 0 · i [−xiH αk i + ln αk ]
k j
the optimal approximated distribution q(xi) should also x j=
ξ 1
i= j=
1 1
obey, + (c − 1) ln αk − dαk. (31)

q(xi ) ∝ [p(yi |xi )p(xi |αj )]ξij . (24) Based on the above equation, the mean and covariance
j=1 matrices of the approximated posterior distribution are
Due to the conjugacy of Gaussian distribution, the given as,
optimal distribution for xi, i = 1, · · · , M , is given M

substituting (5) and (6) into (24), cˆkj = c + ⟨ξik ⟩ (32)
∑K M
2 ∑
ln q(xi ) ∝ − α0· ∥y −
i Φx ∥i +2 −ξ xHik αi x 2
k i dkˆ = d+ ⟨ξ i ⟩ · [µi + Σ i(j, j)]. (33)
k=1 j
k j
( ) 1
∑K Similar to the updating rule for xi who utilizes all
∝ −xi ξikαk + α0Φ Φ xi
k=1 the latent parameters αk, estimation of each αk also
+ xH ΦH yi + yH Φxi. (25) incorporates all the estimation of sparse coefficient xi
i and the corresponding indicator parameters ξik.
Based on the above equation, the mean and covariance 4) Updating rule for the indicator variable zik: Because
matrix of the approximated posterior distribution can be the posterior of zik is only dependent on xi, we can
given as, obtain
K [
∏ ]ξij ]
µi = α0Σ−1 Φ H yi (26) i
p(x |α )
j i k i
|σ(g (t )) (34)
K q(z k k
p z
[ ∑ ] j=k
Σi = diag[ ⟨ξ ⟩ ·iα ] + kα ΦH0Φ . (27)
k=1 k where wT ψi is defined as gk(ti) for notational
k=1 brevity. k
It is seen that the calculation of (26) requires the Substituting (6) and (10) into (34), the approximated
inversion of matrix Σi. To reduce the−1computational posterior is given in (35) in next page. Since the prior
complexity of the matrix inversion Σ , the equation of zik is not conjugate to its likelihood, the derivation
for −1 i
of the posterior is given in the following proposition.
Σi can be expanded by matrix inverse lemma [20],

−1 ∑
Σ =diag[ K ⟨ξ
⟩ · α ]−1 − diag[ K ⟨ξ ⟩ · α ]−1ΦH Proposition 1: The probability of p(zik ) = 1 and
i ik k ik k p(zik) = 0 are given by (55) and (56) in Appendix A,
k=1 respectively.
∑ Proof: The proof is given in Appendix B.
· C−1Φdiag[ ⟨ξik ⟩ · αk] (28)
It is observed from the derivation that the updating
where the matrix C is further expressed as, rule for zik involves both the sparse signals and their
K corresponding latent parameters.

C = α0 I + Φdiag[ ⟨ξik ⟩ · αk ]−1 ΦH . (29) 5) Updating rule for the weight coefficient wk: Based
k=1 on the Markov blanket of wk in Fig. 2, the optimal
approximated distribution q(wk) should obey,
It can be observed from the above equations that the
updating rule for µi will incorporate all the latent ∏
parameter αk, k = 1 : K, and the corresponding q(w ) ∝ p(w |λ−1) p[g (t )]. (36)
indicator variables ξik. It is noted that when ξik = 1, 1
the i-th sparse coefficient will only be influenced by
the support of latent parameter αk. More concretely, k k k k i
In general, the inference is intractable due to
the complexity in the logistic function, where
we seek a
∑ N

ln q(zik) zik [ξij ][ ln αjn − xH diag(αj )xˆi ] + zik ln σ(gk (ti )) + (1 − zik )[−wT ψ i + ln σ(gk (ti ))] (35)
∝ j=k+ n=1 i k
1=k+ n=1

variational bound for logistic function approximation. Algorithm 1 Frequency hopping signals estimation based
on the proposed sparse Bayesian method
Proposition 2: Based on the quadratic variational bound 1: Input: yi, Φ, α, a, b, c, d, e, f .
of the logistic function2, the approximated posterior 2: while ∼ Converge do
of wk obeys a Gaussian distribution with mean and 3: Update α0 by (22) and (23)
covariance matrices given by, 4: for i = 1 : M do
∑ 5: Update µ· i and Σi by (26) and (28);
wˆ k = Σwk · [zˆik − 0.5] · ψ i (37) 6: end for
i=1 7: for k = 1 : K do
∑ M 8: Update α·k by (32) and (33);
− H 1
Σ = i
[λ I + 9: Update wk by (37) and (38);
i=1 10: Update λk by (41) and (42);
2 · ψ ψ f (η )] . (38)wk k
Proof: The proof is given in Appendix C. 11: for i = 1 : M do
12: Update zik by (55) and (56);
6) Updating rule for λk: Based on the Markov blanket of 13: end for
λk in Fig. 2, the optimal approximated distributionq(λk) 14: end for
should obey, 15: end while
16: Output: xi, i = 1, · · · , M.
q(λk) ∝ p(wk|λk−1)p(λk|e, f ). (39)
Similarly, the parameter λk obeys a Gamma
M breaking process into a multi-task compressive sensing frame-
1 1 ∑ work. However, this bias can encourage to obtain smooth
ln q(λk) ∝ − w λ wkT + kln k|λ | + [(e −
k 1) frequency profile in the time-frequency domain as well as
2 2 i=
1 accurate hopping pattern estimation.
· ln λki − f · λki]. (40)
The intuitive idea of the proposed approach is to utilize
The approximated posterior for q(λk) obeys a sparse signal recovery technique to obtain high resolution
Gamma distribution with parameter eˆ and fˆ given time frequency estimation, where temporal aware latent space
eˆ = ( + e) · 1 (41) clustering is imposed to obtain enhanced signal recovery.
k g
1 Definition 1: Without loss of generality, let us consider a
fk = · wk + wkwTk ) + f (42) signal segment that has one frequency hop between two active
diag(Σ 2
where 1g is a g-dimensional vector composed of 1. σ(η) exp[0.5(x η) f (η)(x2 η2)], where η is the variational parameter and f (η) is
defined as tanh(η/2)/(4η) [26].
In summary, the proposed algorithm works in a round-robin
manner to iteratively update these parameters, which is given
in Algorithm 1. Remarkably, the convergence of the algorithm
is guaranteed within this full variational Bayesian framework

C. Analysis and Discussion

Sharing information among related tasks will benefit the
estimation. However, sharing information among unrelated
tasks will induce undesirable bias, which is known as negative
transfer in machine learning literature [32]. In this paper, the
idea is to encourage the segmented measurements with the
same frequency content to cluster in the latent parameter
space and to sufficiently separate unrelated tasks.
It is noted that the proposed approach is a biased one by
introducing hierarchical sparse modeling and logistic stick
The variational bound of logistic function is given as σ(x) ≥
− −

frequencies. Let us denote the hopping time index
and window length by T and P , respectively. The
hopping transition time index I with respect to
window length P is then defined as,
I = {I : I ∈ T − (P − 1)/2 : T + (P − 1)/2}. (43)
Theorem 1: In noiseless case, i.e., V = 0 in (3),
under the assumption that αk and the corresponding
indicator function ξik are correctly estimated, the
algorithm is guaranteed to give correct time-
frequency representation of the measurements xi
during hopping transition time.
Proof: The proof is given in Appendix D.

D. Computational Complexity
The STFT requires the least computational
complexity to achieve representation performance
that should be further im- proved. The computational
complexity of the recently reported SLR method
implemented by alternating direction method of
multiplier (ADMoM) is in the order of O(M 2 N 2 )
for one iteration. The computational complexity of
the proposed algorithm mainly depends on the
matrix inverse operation in
25 0.35

5 5 0.3
e x
e 0.25
Frequency (KHz)

Frequency (KHz)
10 10
d d
I 15 n
15 15 0.2
c y
n n
e e 0.15
u 20 10 u 20
q q
r e
r 0.1
25 25
30 30
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60
Time Index Time Index
(a) (b) (c) (d)
0.12 0.7

5 5 0.6
x x 0.5
Frequency (KHz)

Frequency (KHz)
e 10 e 10
d 0.08 d
I n
15 15 0.4
c y
n 0.06 n
e e 0.3
u 20 u 20
q 0.04 q
r e
r 0.2
25 25
0.02 0.1
30 30
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60
Time Index Time Index
(e) (f) (g) (h)

Fig. 3. An illustrative example of frequency hopping signal estimation. The FH signal estimation results obtained by spectrogram, SLR, BCS-DP and
proposed algorithm are given in (a), (c), (e) and (g), and their corresponding hopping time statistics are given in (b), (d), (f) and (h), respectively.

calculating (28) and (38). Therefore, it is in the order of that clustering on the latent parameter space can be more
O(M P 3 + Kg 3 ) for one iteration. In general, P is chosen easily carried out with a smaller number of clusters, because
to be a small value compared to M and g is also chosen to be the projection manipulation in the DOA estimation stage will
smaller than M . It is seen that the computational complexities simplify the clustering procedure in the FH estimation stage.
of the proposed algorithm and SLR are in a similar order. More concretely, we argue that the proposed approach can
particularly benefit from this scheme for the simplification
IV. M ULTI -C HANNEL FH E STIMATION of latent parameter clustering. In Section V, our empirical
results show that the proposed scheme can give desirable
In practical information systems, such as FH wireless net-
performances, even in the scenarios that DOA estimation is
work, multiple channel systems are often deployed in order
to obtain robust performance against frequency collision and
In order to efficiently estimate the DOA, ℓ1-svd algorithm
interference [2], [8]. In the estimation process, the direction-
[33] is utilized by exploiting sparsity in the spatial domain,
of-arrival (DOA), hopping time and frequency are all required
where other popular sparse regularized approach for DOA
to be estimated. In this section, we extend the previously
estimation can also be used [34], [35]. Empirical results
proposed algorithm to multi-channel scenarios.
have demonstrated that sparsity-driven algorithms can provide
Assuming Ks sources are impinging on a uniform linear
robust estimation of DOA whether the sources are
array (ULA) with L sensors, the obtained measurement for
uncorrelated or correlated.
each snapshot can be given as
Assuming Ns snapshots are collected and denoting the
y(n) = As(n) + v(n), n = 1, . . . , Ns (44) measurement Y˜ as [y(1), · · · , y(Ns )], it is obtained
× ×
where y(n) ∈ CL 1, A = [a(θ1), · · · , a(θN )] ∈ CL N0 , ˜ H ˆ

0 Y = a (θi)Y, i = 1, · · · , Ks. (47)

s(n) ∈ C N0×1
contains the FH signals, Ns is the number
of snapshots. The noise v(n) is assumed to be spatially and After the beam-forming manipulation and substituting (44)
temporally uncorrelated, into (47), we obtain
E[v(n1)vH (n2)] = α−1I · δn ,n . (45) ˜ H ˆ
0 12 Y = a (θi)As + V (48)
To estimate the DOA from a sparsity perspective, matrix ∑s
L×N0 = si + aH (θˆi ) · a(θ
j ) · js + V. (49)
A˜ ¾ [a(θ1 ), a(θ2 ), ..., a(θ∈N )] C is an over-
j=1, i
complete 0
j=1, i

a(θi) = [ejπcosθi , ej2πcosθi , ..., ejLπcosθi ]H (46) It is noted that the projection of signal onto the i-th direction
can be decomposed as the single FH signal in the i-th
corresponds to an ideal steering vector from spatial angle θi. direction and the projection of other FH signals from other
An integrated model can be formulated by iteratively esti-
mating the DOAs and hopping frequencies via a variational · i-th direction. It can be properly assumed
directions into the
that because the term aH (θi) a(θj) is relatively trivial
sparse Bayesian framework. Rather than the complicated inte-
compared with si, the second and the third terms in the right
grated framework, a simple scheme is proposed in this paper
hand side of (49) can be treated as noise sources. Therefore,
to carry out the DOA estimation and FH signal estimation
the proposed algo- rithm for multi-channel frequency hopping
in two separate stages. The intuition behind this scheme is
signal estimation is summarized in Algorithm 1.
Remark 4: In the multi-channel scenarios, the DOA and
1 hopping frequency estimation are carried out in separate
Correct Hopping Time Detection Ratio STFT
SLR stages, where each hopping signal can be estimated indi-
0.8 Proposed Method vidually. A remarkable advantage of this scheme is that the
proposed approach can achieve much better frequency
0.6 hopping estimation accuracy by the preprocessing that is
similar to the beam-forming manipulation, since clustering of
(a) the latent parameter can be more accurately carried out for a
single frequency hopping signal within this scheme.
Remark 5: This approach can also be flexibly extended to
0.2 the scenario where different dwells involve different DOAs.
In the modification of the algorithm, the DOA estimation is
0 required to be carried out to account for the directional hop-
-5 0 5 10
0 SNR ping in the spatial domain, which is similar to the frequency
10 hopping estimation in the frequency domain. We do not
discuss it further for brevity because the required modification
Incorrect IF Detection Ratio

is relatively straightforward.

Algorithm 2 Multi-channel FH signal estimation

10 1: Input: yi, Φ, α, a, b, c, d, e, f .
2: I. DOA Estimation Stage;
3: Use l1-svd algorithm or OMP to estimate DOA [33];
4: II. FH Signal Estimation Stage
5: for j = 1 : Ks do
Proposed Method 6: Beam-forming Y˜ j =⌢aH (θˆj )Y in (47);
-5 0 5 10 7: Signal Segmentation; Yj = [Y˜ j1 , · · · , Y˜ jNs ];
1 SNR 8: Use Algorithm 1;
9: endfor
Correct Hopping Time Detection Ratio

0.8 10: Output: X j , j = 1, · · · , Ks.

0.4 In this section, the numerical experimental results are given
to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in
0.2 STFT comparison with other reported ones in both single and mul-
SLR tiple channel cases. In the following experiments, the SNR is
Proposed Method
defined as (
0 5 10 15 SNR =
10log ) ∥s∥2 (50)
0 SNR 10
10 Nsσ2
where s denotes the signal vector, Ns is the number of time
Incorrect IF Detection Ratio

indices and σ2 is the noise power.

In particular, two performance measures are defined for
comparison of hopping time and instantaneous frequency (IF)
(d) 10 detection, respectively. The correct hopping time detection
ratio is defined as,
STFT Pt = ∑ Dt(i)) /Mc (51)
-2 Proposed Method
10 where Mc is the number of Monte Carlo trails and Dt(i) is
0 5 10 15
SNR the number of correct detections in each Monte Carlo trial.
The hopping time statistic is defined as ∆n = x∥n+1 x−n 2 . ∥A
Fig. 4. The correct hopping time detection ratios for frequency hopping correct hopping time detection is declared if the estimated
signal with two and three components are given in (a) and (c), and their cor- hopping instant is less than 3 samples away from the associ-
responding incorrect IF detection ratios are given in (b) and (d), respectively. ated true hopping instant, which is defined in the same way
as in [7].
5 5 5000

e 10 6000 x 10

Frequency (KHz)

Frequency (KHz)
d d
I n
15 I
y 15
(1) c
n 4000
e e
u 20 u 20
q q 2000
r e
25 2000 r
30 30
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time Index Time Index
5 5
e 10 x 10
10 e

Frequency (KHz)
Frequency (KHz)

d d 5
I n
y 15 8 y 15 4
n c
(2) c
u 20
e 6 u 20 3
q q
r e 2
25 4 r
2 1
30 30
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time Index Time Index
5 120 5
xe 10 100 x 10

Frequency (KHz)
Frequency (KHz)

d d
I 15 80 n 150
yc y 15
(3) n 60
e 20 e 100
u u 20
q q
e 40 e
25 r
30 30
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time Index Time Index
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 6. An illustrative example of frequency hopping signal estimation for multi-channel scenarios (SNR = -10 dB and L = 6). The multi-channel FH signal
(component 1) estimation based on STFT, SLR and proposed algorithm are given from (a.1) to (a.3) and their corresponding hopping time statistics are given
from (b.1) to (b.3). The multi-channel FH signal (component 2) estimation based on STFT, SLR and proposed algorithm are given from (c.1) to (c.3) and
their corresponding hopping time statistics are given from (d.1) to (d.3).

pared with other recently reported ones in terms of incorrect

Correct Hopping Time Detection Ratio

0.6 hopping time detection ratio and incorrect IF detection ratio.

The hopping signals used in the following experiments are
generated as follows: the first hopping component is active
0.4 within the range of time index [0 : 15] and the carrier
frequency hops from 13 KHz to 18 KHz within the range
0.3 of time index [16 : 63]. The second hopping component is
active within the range of time index [0 : 31] and the carrier
frequency hops from 28 KHz to 23 KHz within the range
0.1 of time index [32 : 63]. The third hopping component is
Proposed Method active within the range of time index [0 : 47] and the carrier
20 25 30 35 frequency hops from 3 KHz to 6 KHz within the range of time
Number of Frequency Bins index [48 : 63]. The sampling frequency fs is 64 KHz.
The regularization parameter is chosen to be λ1 = λ∗
Fig. 5. The correct hopping time detection ratio based on STFT, SLR and /10 and λ2 = λ∗2 /20 to achieve desirable hopping1
proposed algorithm in terms of number of reconstructed frequency bins. (SNR time and frequency detection in the tested SNRs, where
= 2 dB) optimal λ∗1 and λ∗2 are given in [7]. The number of
Monte Carlo trails is chosen to be 200.
An illustrative example is given in Fig. 3. In this experiment,
The incorrect IF detection ratio is further defined as,
Ef = 1 − ∑Mc the segment length of the signal is chosen to be 12 and
Df /Mc (52) SNR is 0 dB. It is seen that the spectrogram obtained in
i= Fig. 3 can barely give a clear concentration of the signal,
where Df (i) is the correct frequency detection rate in the i- particularly in the first system dwell time. In contrast, all
th Monte Carlo trial. the three sparsity-driven method can give better estimation
and concentration due to the utilization of sparsity regularized
A. Single Channel FH Estimation strategy in the time-frequency domain. Notably, the SLR and
Bayesian compressive sensing with Dirichlet prior (BCS-DP)
In single channel FH estimation, experimental results of the [22] approaches can only detect the second system dwell time
proposed algorithm are qualitatively and quantitatively com-
while the first dwell time cannot be detected
correctly as
1 1

Correct Hopping Time Detection Ratio

Correct Hopping Time Detection Ratio
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

Component 1 (Proposed)
0.2 Component 2 (Proposed)
Component 1 (SLR) SLR
Component 2 (SLR) Proposed Method
1 2 3 4 5 0
DOA Bias / Degree -15 -10 -5 0
(a) (a)
1 100
Correct Hopping Time Detection Ratio


Incorrect IF Detection Ratio

Component 1 (Proposed)
Component 2 (Proposed)
0.2 Component 3 (Proposed)
Component 1 (SLR)
Component 2 (SLR)
Component 3 (SLR)
-2 SLR
0 10 Proposed Method
1 2 3 4 5 -15 -10 -5 0
DOA Bias / Degree SNR
(b) (b)

Fig. 7. The correct hopping time detection of (a) two component signals
and (b) three component signals, based on SLR and proposed algorithm in Fig. 8. The correct hopping time detection ratio and incorrect IF detection
multi-channel scenario. ratio based on FHSE-EM, SLR and proposed algorithm in multi-channel

shown in Fig. 3(d) and 3(f). The reason for the degraded degraded performances to a certain extent. However, among
performance of the SLR is possibly the sensitivity of fused all the algorithms, the proposed approach can achieve
LASSO with heavy noise effects. Meanwhile, since the BCS- desirable results compared to the other ones. In summary, it
DP [32] only operates the clustering procedure for latent can be observed from these figures that the proposed
parameter without temporal smoothness constraint, the noise algorithm can achieve the best hopping time and frequency
might be easily categorized into the existing clusters. The estimation in low SNR scenarios.
success of the proposed algorithm depends on the temporal Finally, the performance of the algorithm is compared in
aware clustering by utilizing the logistic stick-breaking pro- terms of the number of reconstructed frequency bins, where
cess, which can encourage spectral smoothness and provide the hopping signal used in the experiment is the same as
sharp partition simultaneously as indicated from Fig. 3(g) and previous ones. The correct hopping time detection ratios
(h). obtained by different algorithms are compared, where
In Fig. 4, Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to incorrect IF detection ratios are omitted due to off-grid
give quantitative evaluation of the proposed algorithm and phenomenon in frequency domain. Figure 5 shows that the
the previously reported ones with both two components and proposed algorithm can provide robust performance to
three components in terms of hopping time and frequency achieve the best hopping time detection ratio.
estimation, respectively. In Fig. 4 (a) and (b), the performance
comparison of signal with two components (component 1 and B. Multi-Channel FH Estimation
component 2) are given. It can be concluded that with the
The performance of algorithm with multi-channel setting is
increase of SNR, SLR and the proposed algorithm can obtain
given in this section. We test both two-component and three-
better results than STFT. In particular, the correct hopping
component signals. The signal with two components is from
time detection ratio of SLR method is even lower than that of
DOAs θ = [40, 60], while the signal with three components is
STFT particularly when SNR <−2dB. However, our proposed
from three DOAs θ = [40, 58, 78]. The hopping patterns are
algorithm can achieve the best hopping time and frequency
the same as that used in the single channel experiment.
detection ratios. In Fig. 4 (c) and (d), the performance com-
As shown in the illustrative example in Fig. 6, it can be
parison of signal with three components is given. When three
shown that the frequency hopping signal can be separately
components are present, all of the algorithms suffer from
estimated after beam-forming procedure in (47). Since the
SNR is relatively low in this experiment, the STFT cannot APPENDIX
obtain a good signal energy concentration, while the SLR
and proposed algorithm give better estimation performance. A. Review of Dependent Dirichlet Process
It is noted that all the three algorithms cannot completely Dirichlet process (DP) has been defined to model random
eliminate the influence of the other signal component after measure on measures [25]. This process has been widely used
beam-forming. This undesirable signal component degrades for flexible mixture modeling with an unknown number of
the hopping time detection based on spectrogram and SLR mixtures. A DP process can be expressed as,
method as indicated in Fig. 6. It is also observed that both the
spectrogram and SLR cannot give the correct hopping time ∞

estimation. In contrast, the proposed algorithm can give tt = πi δαi (53)
correct detection for both signal components. i=1

In order to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algo- where πi is the mixing probability for the i-th mixture and δαi
rithm against DOAs estimation bias, a Monte Carlo is point mass located at αi [25]. Since the explicit
experiment for frequency hopping signal estimation is carried formulation of DP from the definition in (53) is not attainable,
out in terms of DOA estimation bias. In Fig. 7 (a) and (b), we various constructions of DP have been proposed [36]. In the
can observe that the hopping time detection rate decreases original DP, exchangeability of the data is often assumed.
with the increase of the DOA bias. The proposed algorithm However, many real data exhibiting correlation does not
can give better results than the SLR algorithm in terms of satisfy this assumption. In order to model the temporal or
DOA estimation bias. In particular, the proposed algorithm spatial dependency on the mixture modeling, dependent
can give more robust results even when the bias is as large as Dirichlet process [37] is further defined by imposing a
5 degrees. With the increase in the DOA bias, the SLR stochastic process on mixing weight and base measure,
algorithm suffers more degradation than that of the proposed ∞

algorithm. Moreover, compared with the single channel
ttx = πi (x)δαi (x) (54)
scenario, the proposed scheme in multi-channel system has i=1
superior performance over the SLR based method due to the
efficiency of clustering procedures. In particular, the where πi(x) is the dependent mixing weight, δαi(x) is the
estimation performance of first FH signal is worse than the dependent point mass at αi(x) and x denotes the temporal or
second one, since component 2 can be more easily estimated spatial related index. In this way, dependency is imposed on
and detected with hopping time instant in the center of the the Dirichlet process.
signal. It can be concluded that the proposed algorithm gives
better performance in multi-channel systems than the B. Proof of Proposition 1
previously reported ones, even with a biased DOA estimation.
When zik = 1, the corresponding indicator parameter ξik =
To validate the proposed multi-channel estimation scheme, 1. Consequently, the approximated posterior for zik = 1 is
the performance comparison is carried out in terms of SNRs, given as
based on frequency hopping signal estimation expectation
[ ⟨ ⟩ ]
maximization (FHSE-EM) [18], SLR and the proposed one. q(zik = 1) ∝ exp ln |Λk| − xH i Λ kxi + ln σ[gk(ti )] .
In Fig. 8, it can be observed that the proposed method can (55)
achieve best performance in both the hopping time detection When zik = 0, the corresponding indicator parameters ξij
ratio and incorrect IF detection ratio over other methods. This = 0, j < k. Consequently, the approximated posterior for
can validate our argument that the two-stage sparsity-driven zik = 0 can be given as
scheme is effective for multi-channel FH signal estimation. K
q(zik = 0) ∝ exp{ ∑ [ ⟨ ⟩]
ξij ln |Λj| − xi H Λjxi
VI. C ONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS − wk ψ i + ln σ[gk(ti)]}. (56)
The resulted approximated posterior can be therefore ex-
In this paper, we propose a robust frequency hopping signal pressed as
estimation method based on sparse Bayesian framework. In Z
this approach, we formulate the frequency estimation problem q(zik = j) , j = 0, 1 (57)
in a multi-task learning manner with signal being partitioned = Zik0 + Zik1
into overlapped measurements. To enhance the estimation where Zik1 and Zik0 are the values calculated from the right
accuracy of the sparse spectral coefficients, the latent param- hand side of (55) and (56).
eters are encouraged to cluster in a temporal-aware sense by
utilizing the logistic stick-breaking process. In this way, more
accurate estimation can be obtained due to the use of multi- C. Proof of Proposition 2
task learning framework. This novel approach not only avoids In the following, a variational lower bound of logistic
the tedious parameter tuning process, but also provides robust function, i.e. Gaussian lower bound, will be applied to obtain
performance in low SNR environments. tractable inference. According to [26] and variational bound,
the lower bound of the approximated posterior can be obtained REFERENCES
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ogy, P. R. China, 1982, and the M.Sc. degree in
[25] D. M. Blei and M. I. Jordan, “Variational inference for dirichlet process
telecommunication systems, and the Ph.D. degree
mixtures,” Bayesian analysis, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 121–143, 2006.
in electronics systems, both from Essex Univer-
[26] C. M. Bishop et al., Pattern recognition and machine learning, vol. 1,
sity, U.K., in 1985 and 1988, respectively. Since
springer New York, 2006.
1991, he has been with the school of Electrical
[27] L. Wang, L. Zhao, G. Bi, and C. Wan, “Hierarchical sparse signal
and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological
recovery by variational Bayesian inference,” IEEE Signal Processing
University, Singapore. His current research interests
Letters, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 110–113, Jan. 2014.
include DSP algorithms and hardware structures,
[28] L. Zhao, L. Wang, G. Bi, and L. Yang, “An autofocus technique for
and signal processing for various applications
high- resolution inverse synthetic aperture Radar imagery,” IEEE
Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 52, no. 10, pp.
6392–6403, Oct. 2014. sonar, radar, and communications.
[29] D. Wipf and B.D. Rao, “An empirical Bayesian strategy for solving the
simultaneous sparse approximation problem,” IEEE Transactions
Signal Processing, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 3704–3716, Jul. 2007.
[30] F. Hlawatsch and G. F. Boudreaux-Bartels, “Linear and quadratic time-
frequency signal representations,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 21–67, 1992.
[31] D. G. Tzikas, C. L. Likas, and N. P. Galatsanos, “The variational ap-
proximation for Bayesian inference,” IEEE Signal Processing
Magazine, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 131–146, 2008.
[32] Y. Xue, X. Liao, L. Carin, and B. Krishnapuram, “Multi-task learning
for classification with dirichlet process priors,” The Journal of Machine
Learning Research, vol. 8, pp. 35–63, 2007. Liren Zhang received his M.Eng. (1988) from the
[33] D. Malioutov, M. C¸ etin, and A. S. Willsky, “A sparse signal University of South Australia and Ph.D (1993) from
recon- struction perspective for source localization with sensor arrays,” the University of Adelaide, Australia, all in electron-
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 3010–3022, ics and computer systems engineering. He joined the
2005. College of Information Technology, UAE
[34] Z. Liu, Z. Huang, and Y. Zhou, “An efficient maximum likelihood University as Chair Professor in Network
method for direction-of-arrival estimation via sparse Bayesian Engineering in 2009. Dr Zhang was a Senior
learning,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. Lecturer in Monash Uni- versity, Australia (1990-
10, pp. 1– 11, Oct. 2012. 1995), an Associate Profes- sor in Nanyang
[35] Z. Liu, Z. Huang, and Y. Zhou, “Sparsity-inducing direction finding for Technological University, Singapore (1995-2007)
narrowband and wideband signals based on array covariance vectors,” and a Research Professor of Systems Performance
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 1– Modeling in Defense and System In-
12, August 2013. stitute and Professor in Network Engineering at University of South Australia
[36] S. J. Gershman and D. M. Blei, “A tutorial on Bayesian nonparametric (2007-2009). Dr Zhang is currently an adjunct professor with University of
models,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 1–12, South Australia. Dr Zhang has vast experience as an engineer, academia
2012. and researcher in the field of network modeling and performance analysis,
[37] S. N. MacEachern, “Dependent nonparametric processes,” in ASA teletraffic engineering and network characterization, optical communications
proceedings of the section on Bayesian statistical science. American and networking, network resource management and quality of services (QoS)
Statistical Association, pp. 50–55, Alexandria, VA, 1999, pp. 50–55. control, video communications over next generation Internet, wireless/mobile
communications and networking, switching and routing algorithm, ad-hoc
net- works, radio frequency and electro-optical sensor networks, and
information assurance and network security. He has published more than 100
research papers in international journals. Dr Zhang is a Senior Member of
IEEE and also he is the associate editor of the Journal of Computer
Communications and the editor for Journal of Networks and Computer
Lifan Zhao received the B.S. degree in electronic Applications.
engineering from Xidian University, Xi’an, China,
in 2010. He is currently working towards the Ph.D.
degree in the School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering of Nanyang Technological University,
His research interests include compressive sens-
ing, sparse signal recovery techniques, machine
learning and their applications in source localization
and wireless communications.

Haijian Zhang received the B.Sc. degree in elec-

tronic information engineering from Wuhan Univer-
sity, Wuhan, China, in 2006 and the joint Ph.D.
Lu Wang received the B.S. in electrical and elec- degrees from Conservatoire National des Arts et Me
tronic engineering from Xidian University in 2007 ´tiers (CNAM), Paris, France, and Wuhan Uni-
and M.Eng. degree in signal processing from Na- versity, in 2011. He is currently a Research Fellow
tional Key Lab of Radar Signal Processing (RSP), with the School of Electrical Electronic
Xidian University, China, in 2010. And now she is Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the School Singapore. His main research interests include time-
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang frequency anal- ysis, array signal processing, and
Technological University, Singapore. Her major re- cognitive radio.
search interests include sparse signal processing,
radar imaging (SAR/ISAR), sonar signal processing.

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