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Background of the Study

Being a students having a CCTV (closed-circuit television) in school will make them feel
comfortable because they know that they’re in a safe place. It has something to do with them
because sometimes having a CCTV cameras helped them especially when something incidents
happened inside or even outside the campus. As a researcher we choose this topic because we
want other students to know what’s the big help on having a CCTV cameras in all areas here in
Mangaldan National High School.

If something happened, police can identify criminals or irresponsible to their wrong-doing

toward others that recorded with cameras.

Through the use of closed-circuit television it prevent crimes from happening and can
quickly solve criminal cases. Also i protect against property theft and vandalism. Because of this
kind of cameras criminals are less likely to commit crimes in the area if they know they're going
to be being filmed the whole time but according to Benjamin Franklin "Those who give up liberty
for safety deserve neither". A camera everywhere is not a deterrent as all that's needed is a
mask. It will allow governments to watch us, which may not matter now, but in the wrong hands,
can be catastrophic.

This is his arguments against having a closed-circuit television. Police should be out on
the streets trying to prevent crime. CCTV cameras are just a less effective alternative to having
police walk in the streets. CCTV cameras are just there to give the public a false feeling of
safety and are a less effective replacement for policing. As a researcher we knew that all of us
has different perspective. Having a police and CCTV cameras will both help us and decrease
crimes from happening.

According to Wikipedia, CCTV (closed-circuit television) is a system in which the circuit

is closed and all the elements are directly related. This is unlike broadcast television where any
receiver that is correctly tuned can pick up the signal from the airwaves. Directly connected in
this context includes systems linked by microwaves, infrared beams, etc.

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), also known as Video Surveillance, is the use of video
cameras to transmit the signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. Though almost all
video cameras fit this definition, the term is most applied to those used for surveillance in areas
that may need monitoring such as banks, stores, schools, and other areas where security is
needed. Though video telephony is seldom called "CCTV" one exception is the use of video in
distance education, where it is an important tool.

Here are some reasons why CCTV (closed-circuit television) are important. It is very
important to consider having a CCTV cameras. It is one of the most popular and cost effective
ways of providing security. CCTV cameras can act as a very successful deterrent to thieves and
burglars, certainly making them think twice at the very least. The technology behind security
equipment these days in incredibly advanced, and it is even possible to hook the cameras up to
an ordinary television or computer to watch the footage. It can prevent crime. Cameras can not
only watch criminals in the act but the very presence of having a CCTV cameras can make a
criminal think twice about any wrong-doing. Prevent theft. Be a useful piece of evidence if
something terrible happened.

This chapter contains the gathered research from different sources. This studies would
serve as a guide and support to the research study. The review of related literature starts with
the importance, effectiveness, and safetiness of the students, teachers, and stuff having a cctv
camera in all areas in Mangaldan National High School.

kIn today's world, security is an increasing priority for schools. There are real and
potential treats for students, teachers and material assets. CCTV has become increasingly
popular for schools and education facilities. (Samsung Communications Centre)

The use of CCTV in schools can be broken down into several broad categories:

• Personal safety of students, teachers and other stakeholders

• Occupational health and safety

• Behavour monitoring

• Litigation reduction

• Protection of building infrastructure assets and learning tools

(Samsung Communications Centre)

Burgeoning fears for safety in UK schools have resulted in a rapid growth in the use of
various security measures, most notably closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems. Utilising
semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation this research examines how CCTV
is used in schools, explores the manner in which this facilitates social control and considers the
wider implications of such surveillance technology. It is argued that this technology, which is
predominantly focused on students, is effective in facilitating direct observation, but does little to
foster self-surveillance in the longer term. It is concluded that CCTV use in schools represents
an underlying shift in values, away from exercising social control through enculturation towards
system integration. This has important ethical implications. (Andrew Hope)

Lester J. Hester’s article “CCTV System- The Advantages and Disadvantages”

published in Ezine Articles stated that CCTV is highly useful for crime prevention as it increases
the chance of the perpetrator being caught, aiding police investigations, preventing theft from
the till, proving innocence by sense of protecting and defending the people in any accusations,
but CCTV does not always works in proper system. It could not display every single square of
your office, banks, stores, and other areas. Although you set the location of the system in a very
careful way, you still cannot get total guarantee of security level.

In relation to the present study, the researchers believe that CCTV is a very effective tool
to distinguish criminals and secure public places and CCTV is a very useful tool to solve
problems in the society because it serves as credible evidence.

Using a high quality and professionally installed CCTV system can make life easier on
your campus. Knowing that every crime will be tracked and monitored can allow your students
and staff a chance to sit back and relax.

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