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Giraldi Sihaloho.
Management MR B.



1. Use the terms marked 1) to 9) below to complete the following paragraph paragraph.
The WTO was set up in 1995 to encourage free trade in the global marketplace. It is
therefore designed to resists protectionsm. Now new barriers to trade can be set up, and
governments cannot set new tariffis or rates or increase ones that already exist as these are really
taxes that prevent exchange. Similarly the WTO opposes the use of quotas since these limit the
amount of imports coming into a country. This may protect a country’s industry in the short
term, but if its trading partners reply with similar measures, then exports will suffer. The WTO
governs trade in many products an raw materials, but the world of finance is largely outside of its
scope, therefore it has no control of free trade.
2. Circle the six different terms below which may mean to encourage the movement of
goods across borders.
Favourable, exchange, customs duties, WTO, tariffs, importquotas, protectionism,

free trade agreements.

3. Match each headword on the left with a set of examples on the right.
a. imports ii. Wheat, oil, tobacco being brought into the country.
b. free trade iii. No taxes, restrictions or quotas on imports.
c. domestic market v. customers in the same country
d. exports iv. Rice, chocolate, wool being sent abroad.
e. open market vi. products available to anyone willing to buy
f. exchange rates vii. £1.00 = $2.50.
g. protectionism i. taxes, tariffs, quotas on imported goods.
4. Look at the list of a country’s imports. Which are visible and which are invisible?
Visible Invisible
Bananas Insurance
Oil Tourism
Processed food

5. Look at these figures describing the trade between three states and decide whether the
statements which follow are true or false.
a. Beland has got a trade deficit with Aland. (TRUE)
b. Celand has got a positive balance of payments with Aland. (FALSE)
c. Celand has got a trade surplus with Beland. (TRUE)
d. Aland has got the best balance of payments fugires. (TRUE)
e. Beland has got the worst balance of payments figures (TRUE)

1. Simple Present.
 (+)I always buy some book from Gramedia.
 (-)She doesn’t watch a movie named Aquaman in cinema.
 (?)Do they always bring my phone in my bag?
 (-?)Doesn’t he read novel everyday?
2. Present Continuous.
 (+)I am drinking a milk now.
 (-)He is not watching a movie right now.
 (?)Is she playing her laptop at this time?
 (-?)Isn’t she singing a song for her mother now?
3. Present Perfect.
 (+)I have been here for a long time.
 (-)She hasn’t drunk a milk since 2005.
 (?)Has he broken his book for two weeks?
 (-?)Haven’t watched this movie since 2019?
4. Present Perfect Continuous.
 (+)I have been reading this book.
 (-)I haven’t been studying English for 12 years.
 (?)Has Miya been teaching us because have many problem?
 (-?)Hasn’t Rudi been playing football for 2 hours?
5. Simple Past.
 (+)I found my key under my bed last night.
 (-)I didn’t do this task tomorrow.
 (?)Did they help her in this way two hours ago?
 (-?)Didn’t he drink her milk one hour ago?
6. Past Continuous.
 (+) I was sitting in my living room.
 (-)They were not going to Alia`s house.
 (?)Were we opening this restaurant?
 (-?)Wasn’t he doing my homework?
7. Past Perfect.
 (+)I had used this laptop.
 (-)She hadn’t made her cake.
 (?)Had he seen me in Ramayana?
 (-?)Hadn’t she given this book?

8. Past Perfect Continuous.

 (+)I had been working for 3 hours.
 (-)She hadn’t been playing a game for 8 hours.
 (?)Had my sister been sleeping in the bedroom?
 (-?)Hadn’t I been using this phone for 3 hours?
9. Simple Future.
 (+)I will go to your house.
 (-)I won’t catch this cat.
 (?)Will she cry?
 (-?)Won’t they make a birthday cake for their friend?
10. Future Continuous.
 (+)My sister will be buying me fried chicken.
 (-)I won’t be sleeping after finish my homework.
 (?)Will the office boy be cleaning this floor?
 (-?)Won’t she be playing her doll?
11. Future Perfect.
 (+)My sister will have finished her homework by 10 p.m.
 (-)They won’t have moved to Siantar by the end of this month.
 (?)Will you have graduated from the college next year?
 (-?)Won’t I have taken a bath by 8 p.m?
12. Future Perfect Continuous.
 (+)I will have been studying at a new school this year.
 (-)He won’t have been talking with his doctor for the next hour.
 (?)Will Pira and Rudi have been visiting their friend`s house?
 (-?)Won’t they have been voting at Pemilu 2020?
13. Past Future.
 (+)I would go to your house.
 (-)She should not study before exam.
 (?)Would my father give me a new phone?
 (-?)Would not my mother cook me a fried rice?
14. Past Future Continuous.

 (+)I would be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday.

 (-)I would not be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday.
 (?)Would I be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday?
 (-?)Would not I be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday?

15. Past Future Perfect.

 (+)I would have bought a new car if I had enough money.
 (-)I would not have bought a new car if I had enough money.
 (?)Would I have bought a new car if I had enough money?
 (-?)Would not I have bought a new car if I had enough money?
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous.
 (+)I would have been living here for ten years by last June.
 (-)She would not have been waiting for me for 3 hours yesterday but she had gone at
9.00 PM.
 (?)Would she have been waiting for me for 3 hours yesterday?
 (-?)Would not she have been waiting for me for 3 hours yesterday?

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