Ag Quotes

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AG Quotes


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

The new trend is covert thread removal and overreaction. Power
abuse by staff.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Tetsu opted to remove all my posts once because my popularity
outweighed his. Now he has his lackeys doing it for him.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3494571)

One moderator is in charge of this section as opposed to a
whole bunch of different mods, some biased and overly-
sensitive and some not.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3492473)

I think because I made it and it was popular. That is a
combination that usually warrants its total removal.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

This is unmitigated bias against a majority of the forums.
Moving threads. Locking threads mid conversation.

There have been tons of DUMB ideas and power abuse lately.
This is just another example of it.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3494627)

Updates for the forum with new staff

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3495670)

Thanks dude.
I am appreciating the Gamer nominations, but am really
enjoying the MOTY nominations. I guess I am not the piece of
poop some staff have led me to believe I am.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

247. A scared staff member will act irrationally

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3452174)

I know about that. And all the stupid eye rolling smilies you post
do not change the facts.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3501789)

I'd like to see staff that can be trusted not to hand out our
personal information to their friends. Not allow them access to
mods forum and inside information on each members process
on the forums.

Staff that equally enforces the rules, but actually spells them
out first not subjecting us to ambiguous interpretations based
on their own personal biases.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Is forum here for community or is forum here for the
manipulations of the mods

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

good catch momma

How the mighty have fallen (I noticed post count didn't change
when the posts were merged)

Forum Prediction: Wellmerr is promoted Admin in 2011, Tetsu is

relegated to Naughty Boy for anti-forum behaviors

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3457653)

Wasn't talking to you
Seems you just wish to start a fight

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3490315)

I don't wish to give him more ammunition in the campaign
Plus who wants to hear his complaints

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Yes it is
I have reported all posts
Mods must be sleeping

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3495573)

Most Evil: Tetsumonchi
Most controversial: Tetsumonchi

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Its just hypocritical Tetsu.

You do not respond on MSN

You do not respond here
All you do is finger point. all you are doing is creating more of a
fuss and strangely you take not one shred of responsibility for
anything here. I cannot believe that you think you are 100% in
the right.

The point is dead because you wish it to be and you have all the

You have proven nothing but all of your behaviors is for

everyone to see.


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3501783)

Everyone shows their true colors with their actions
As you can see its an intimidation move... red cards for
speaking your mind, red cards for shining a light on other
people's transgressions.

A mod or admin can say anything they like to a member, but

when a members speaks out against unjust actions they are

This is your forum. Not the personal playground of a few select


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3378082)

I think that Tetsu's hacking of Post Count has thrown off Board
Readers ability to count correctly

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3419337)

Sincerest congratulations
I have been predicting this for several months. And finally it
came true

I blame Tetsumonchi and his poor misdeeds for it occurring

today of all days
But as stated it was inevitable

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3499298)

I agree
Your achievements are much more important than those. Put
ours in some posting games so as not to clutter up the more
important ones.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3495540)

I was suppressed while he wasn't


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3499366)

If you wish to feel special while relegating all of our
achievements to a posting game then so be it.
No one is trolling or promoting disharmony on your forums. We
are only speaking opinions.
I can see that you will just poopoo those away as well or just
delete the post to suit your needs as has been done so many
times in the past.

Its a shame. You blame the loss of General chat to the negative
cloud that hangs over this forum. I blame behaviors like this.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3499294)

It used to be a tradition to notice those other people's
achievements as well.

I just know how it makes us "lesser" members feel.

Enjoy the accomplishment


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

I am just trying to better understand what your administrative
power have brought you.

You condemn others for having an accomplishments thread that

contains messages to each other as it is spam

That you feel that others should not be recognized by having an

addition to their post count for posting there or in any other
"posting game" forum, yet you have a posting game, that you
spam in on the mods forum.

You also have made negative comments that post count should
be counted for "quality posts" yet your post count is being
increased for subquality numerical posts on the mods forum that
do not contribute to the betterment of this forum at all?

How is that a correct way to represent to the rest of the forum?

Why is that ok to brag about?

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Kinda sad.
So I guess post count is that important to you.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3378548)

Just got a warning for SPAMMING

From Tetsu of all people.

I know that you want to keep your post count above mine, but
considering how you were posting in every thread I posted in
with the exact same commentary, don't you think that its
carrying the challenge a bit far?

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3376483)

i dont hate tetsu but he hates me.
He makes promises and then breaks them

My heart cries

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3376387)

please don't ban me because I disagree

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3376064)

I was gone for 3 days. Did anyone notice?

BTW I am back.

And Tetsu stopped spamming


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3376298)

I saw.

in the three days I was gone he barely posted 20 times.

I am sure now that i am back he will keep spamming to stay

ahead of me.
Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL
I have never been here for the Mini's

I guess if I keep trying to beat your post count I won't make

this one either
a growing distance between staff and the general community.


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Hasn't stopped you from spamming.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Mine was deleted as well. I also got a red card. I guess having
opinions are not allowed. Especially if they are not pro-Tetsu.

It is inappropriate behaviors in my opinion. Tetsu has targeted

me and blamed me for his own behaviors.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

he neg repped you for pointing out he double posted?

Why would that occur? I guess it was because it was honest and
against him. Its not even something you can debate or about an
opinion. It was factual.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Speaking poorly about Tetsu is not advised.

If you have an opinion based on a certain behavior or instance

then please voice it correctly.
Tetsu has just informed me via Red Card message that he is
committed to improving the forum for all members. Not sure
how abusing powers, selectively enforcing rules, ignoring parts
of the forums like DP and SSR and harassing members fits into
that plan, but I advise you state your facts with respect.
Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3456977)
I guess you are allowed to do whatever you please because you
are in power.

That doesn't mean you are correct in your approach. "You are
allowed to do.... You are entitled to... You are referring to. . . ."
You set an example of what is allowable then act punitiely when
someone else does it.

I am sure you will try and draw some distinction between the
two. Or split a hair to justify your own behaviors. but you are
still wrong. I am sorry you cannot see that. And only the forum
suffers from that lack of insight

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3412919)

You can abuse your powers and neg rep me as much as you

You are spamming to keep up. Not to mention your activities on

mods forum. No need to get insulting as well.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3366031)

You asked, "When did a mod ever say you cannot post an image
alone in a post?" Maybe you don't recall the hubbub on the
Mods forum when I got a RED CARD for doing so in NSPM. The
mod still to this day has never addressed this infraction nor has
an admin; a second mod had to step over that mod to remove
my infraction. Just one example of selective enforcement and

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Deletion worthy? Really?

You disprove of the truth? I will try and lie next time so you
won't have to keep neg repping me.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3367444)

Mods are now deleting pictures of mushrooms from this thread.
So if you post a pic of a mushroom that some undersexed
adolescent gets turned on by, the chances are it is going to be

Pictures of Hot Babes with protruding nipples are perfectly


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3494796)

I think a great way to celebrate the 10th anniversary would be
to unban Garret

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3489647)

I was told publicly by tetsu that i abused my rep.
So I no longer give neg rep.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3492467)

May I ask why the thread was "borderline" to begin with? The
original pictures I posted were not inappropriate. Nor was that
the point of the thread.
Hotness is measured in so many ways. Exposed flesh is not my
way to be honest. The women I posted were hot because of the
characters they represent and their overall appearance.

While I cannot comment on what pictures were posted that

finally prompted the close of the thread as I was not here, I
leave that decision to you and your staff. What i take issue with
is the fact of the renaming of the thread to TRASH.

You add Insult to injury with that one action. You demean the
maker of the thread because of teh actions of others. Simply
removing it would suffice without having that insult as well.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3492488)

Consider those you chose. Except for Da King those are the
exceptions that prove the rule.

And Kyoto, who was closest to Da King (acknowledged by both)

does see it.
While you are entitled to your opinion - and that is all that it is -
the fact is that a majority of the people in this thread do
acknowledge a change.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3498571)

Oh thanks
I had no idea
These obscure, unwritten rules sure do confuse me

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

*insert backhanded compliment here*

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

And didnt Tetsu say that people who acted exclusionary were L-
A-M-E and contrary to what he wanted on this forum!!!!!!

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3424361)

I asked Tetsu to make a warning thread. But that has not been
done. So this is my attempt to warn you all.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3423988)

I guess anything is allowed here nowadays

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3415164)

draw a picture about tetsu banning me
ill nominate it for an ep

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3412642)

I went up big time last night
Thanks Tetsu

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Sorry guys
But Tetsu is racing me
I am keeping my posts on topic and relevant and I appreciate all
the encouragement on MSN and in rep.

The gap is getting narrower.

Last night I hit 655 and in the few hours I was gone he widened
the gap back up to 750 in only a few hours. That means he
made 100 posts on top of all the rest in about an hour.

Amazing. How can I compete?


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

If admins can do it so can we

Nah, my posts are quality dude.

I am a quality poster. And I don't have a private forum where I

can post and not be seen.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3408146)

thank you
That is very sweet
can you please post topics that Tetsu cannot post in.

Post a lot in the Players Channel forum. He doesn't know much

about games.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3379131)

Maryanne is so cool, only she could break the record and get 3
neg reps from Tetsu in one day.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3378055)

Tetsu is posting again, but only to hold his spot on the top.
Otherwise he would rarely post as well.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3376228)

A bit like that. I am disappointed in Tetsu however.
He didn't keep posting at his normal rate. It makes me feel his
posts really aren't about making his thoughts and feelings
known on forums. Its more about just making sure I do not
pass him.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3376334)

He hates me

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3371793)

I am gonna try and post more in Players Channel and SS since
tetsu cannot post behind me there without looking silly

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3368783)

google is great for finding stuff.

You just have to know how to search

I have gotten quite good at it since Tetsu has challenged my

title of Best Poster on Miniclip

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3355942)


Tetsu - a chance to post


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

As you all know, Tetsu has forced me into a competition against
my will.

He has challenged me to race to 30,000 posts on MC.


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

I am offended by the comment that INAPPROPRiATE threads
were removed. Why was the race to 30000 removed? When the
gamer thread of race to 1500000 wasn't
Why do we have post count if its not an achievement we can

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL


I got my first Neg Rep.

From Tetsu. Said I wasn't funny. And all I did was quote a quote
he made that he has now deleted.

The original post wasn't funny. This makes me very sad


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

Its not a great feeling to be disliked by the administration of a
place you enjoy coming to. And having to navigate through
those politics to enjoy yourself with others.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

I doubt he would have any posts to think of except Tetsu was
trying to stay ahead of me in posts.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3425048)

People can hide and deny the facts
Felicia is gone because of decisions and behaviors regarding

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3456561)

Trolling other people's clans or clubs or groups isn't nice.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3456568)

That doesn't mean it was lame. Being a part of it makes me feel
you are calling me lame.

I'd ask you not to do it again.


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3456595)

I just feel you were not only expressing you dislike for clans and
clubs, you singled one out. Of course you are just as entitled to
express an opinion on a subject. I guess I am too correct? or is
that a one way thing?

I expressed my dislike for your comments. Is that not allowed?


Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL

And lastly, Felicia I think the forum politics killed her. I think the
shennanigans drove her away.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3413761)

There are a few that would be interesting but would never get
the chance. Spektral, Madseason, Mozoid and Pennywise.

They would be too fun. They would demand respect and we

would all give it freely because they are intelligent and would
mod us with activity and sensibility. And then People in the UK
would get mad at all the fun and the use of words like poop and
boob and they would lose their ranks. And we would lose them

Maybe we should make n00bs into mods. This way when we

lose them we won't care that much.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3413784)

I am not upset they became moderator. I am fearful of the clear
pattern that has happened here will happen again.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3413797)

I appreciate your kind words Maria. I tried to raise activity. But I
think that may have been a bad thing
Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3492544)
The way you have responded to others in the Infractions thread
- taking responsibility for the actions of the entire team -
apologizing for misunderstandings that were yours and on
behalf of others - is admirable. Its human. Its real. Its humble
and its overwhelmingly refreshing.

That said, it is sad you stand out as such. If only others had the
same ability.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3446216)

Thanks for being honest Rigs. I am disappointed by some of the
attempted cover up.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3412799)

I did not realize it was wireless

Yes i dislike Microsoft keyboards as well

I have a Logitec kb but its not wireless

Tetsu told me to pour water on it and it would be ok. Do you

think he said that to get me to stop posting

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3412937)

I am getting compliments on revitalizing the Players Channel,
Brainwave and other subforums. I am actually improving
interactions. I am not neg repping members who post honest
comments, nor can I do it 3 times in a row. That is the abuse
and the harrassment I speak of.

You may call it spam, but that is merely the pot calling the
kettle black.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3413498)

Or you can email me since you are rarely on MSN anymore.
But yes. This is getting out of hand. The neg reps and the
spamming infraction. Moving threads to posting games. Mods
locking gaming threads. All stemming from competition and not
from your role as an Admin. Especially when we are not acting
much differently than I am in posting activity.

My post frequency only increased as soon as you made it a

competition. Competition with me for top rank in anything is
going to be an event. And unlike you, I am playing fair.

tetsu its post count. I dont intend to do anything different than I

have done for 4 1/2 years. You are looking bad because you are
the one who is acting differently. I have no problem with
anything else.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3366672)

He didn't make a mistake. He purposely targeted me.
He refused to post and comment on it. He refused to remove
the red card.
It wasn't because he was unavailable. He was REFUSING TO
RESPOND. I am not dumb Joe. I really think you know I know
what I know otherwise I keep my mouth shut.
Even now Mods are sticking together on that and trying to
rewrite history. Your lies to me make me very sad. You make
like what I am saying is not necessarily true.

IT IS 100% true. The fact that Mods and Admins stuck together
and let another forumer be targeted and power abused makes
me sick.

One mod had the stones to do something. That was Rigs.

Everyone else was too intimidated to do a thing.

If I was a new forumer or someone who was willing to take it in

the buttocks and not say a word it would have gone over and
been forgotten. Members should not be afraid to self advocate.
This place is turning right back to how it was in 2007.

Originally Posted by AMERICAN GIRL (Post 3378987)

I thought this was for NSPM
am I incorrect?

I am speaking to the forum member abusing his powers, not the


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