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Hwa Chong Institution

13​th​ International Science Youth Forum 2021

TPC Final Proposal
Activities and Recreation (Acts)

Until 15 years ago, Tesleran was an agriculture-based country. This all changed with the
discovery of pseudonium, a new, rare and extremely precious metal, in the city of Renull,
causing an economic boom. Pseudonium is one of the hardest and strongest metals on earth,
while being incredibly light. Pseudonium mining and manufacturing were highly profitable. This
also allowed Tesleran to be able to develop rapidly from the revenue generated from the
exports of pseudonium.

As Tesleran’s economy grew at a rapid pace, jealousy among neighbouring countries turned
into hate and anger. These neighbouring countries banded together and attacked Tesleran in an
attempt to curb its growth.

After 3 long, devastating years, this war is still waging, and is sapping Tesleran's resources and
financial reserves, compromising other aspects of the country’s development. Cities are less
well-maintained and unhygienic, and there is increasing discontent among citizens.

Residents evacuate from attacked cities to more protected ones such as Renull, straining the
public facilities there. Residents of Renull could take it no longer and went on strike, cutting off
the mining of pseudonium, the main source of revenue for Tesleran. The government thus
promised the city residents to come up with solutions to address their concerns, and spent the
last of their resources to gather and fund experts in the latest fields of science and technology
from around the world to come up with successful measures.

Problem Situation
The government hastily categorised possible solutions into 10 broad categories and spent a
week inviting the top experts from around the world to address these issues.

The ten groups of ISYF delegates represent the 10 teams of scientists employed by the
government of Tesleran. They will each deal with one specific problem faced by Renull, and will
have 3 days to propose a solution to the leaders.

Tasks handed out to delegates
With the government categorising 10 main problems for the 10 teams to work on, the teams are
then allowed to draw lots from the following problems faced by the city of Renull

Problems faced by Renull

Water pollution Respiratory Lack of Land Food shortage

caused by the illnesses among sustainable contamination
large scale miners energy sources
manufacturing of increasing due (such as wind,
pseudonium to increased solar etc) to
products mining activity provide to

Lack of proper Poor air quality Proliferating Oil pollution Increasing

sanitation such due to toxic wildfires caused by atmospheric
as sewage chemicals being increased temperatures
treatment released during incidences of oil from greenhouse
the war leaks/spills gases produced

Upon the selection of their respective problems, groups are then to devise solutions to combat
them. These solutions are to be scientific in nature and are to utilise at least ​two scientific
concepts from the following table below.

Scientific Concepts/Technologies

Artificial Intelligence Respiration Semiconductors

Fibres Nuclear fission and fusion Filtration

Diffusion Pressure Adsorption

Anabolism Catalysis Transcription

Heat engine Le Chatelier's Principle Enthalpy

Groups are allowed to use scientific concepts beyond those in the following list as long as at
least two of the scientific concepts above are applied in their proposed solutions.

The groups are then to describe the problem and explain their solutions in a video. The video
created should last ​7-8 minutes and should feature ​all delegates ​in your respective groups.
Milestones are provided for your TPC progress for each day. Delegates can request for them
from your facilitators.

It is highly recommended that a script is done up and each delegate individually film their portion
of the video, wherein they can verbally explain while using objects and physical actions to better
illustrate their explanations.

Adobe Spark/ApowerEdit is the recommended platform for video editing. However, delegates
are also allowed to use alternative platforms for video editing should you have the expertise and
experience. Transitions and animations are optional while subtitles are compulsory. It is
recommended that each delegate do the editing for their own clip for equal distribution of work.
Since Adobe Spark only allows one person to be editing at any time, thus some scheduling is

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