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Understanding Specific Needs in Health and Social Care

Table of Contents
Understanding Specific Needs in Health and Social Care............................................................................1
Task 1..........................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Concepts of health, disability, illness and behavior in relation to users of health and social care
1.2 How perceptions of specific needs have changed over time.............................................................5
1.3 The impact of legislation, social policy, society and culture on the ways that services are made
available for the individuals with specific needs......................................................................................6
Task 2..........................................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Care needs of individuals with specific needs....................................................................................8
2.2 Current system of supporting individuals with specific needs.........................................................10
2.3 The services available in a chosen locality for individuals with specific needs................................11
Task 3........................................................................................................................................................12
3.1 The approaches and interventions available to support individuals with specific needs................12
3.2 The effectiveness of intervention strategies for an individual with specific needs..........................13
3.3 The potential impact of emerging development on support for individuals with specific needs... .14
Task 4........................................................................................................................................................15
4.1 Different concepts of challenging behavior.....................................................................................15
4.2 The potential impact of challenging behavior on health and social care organization....................16
4.3 Strategies for working with challenging behaviors associated with specific needs.........................18

There are specific needs of clients regarding the health issues from a health care organization.
The responsibility of workers is to identify some specific needs and try to fulfill them. Concepts
of health, disability, illness and behavioral challenges will be discussed in this assignment. The
specific needs of individuals form a health care and how to deal with the behavioral challenges
will also be highlighted in this assignment. As I am a service worker in health care organization
in London, I experience many types of demand of patient. The manager asked me to meet the
specific needs of Mr. Callings.

Task 1
1.1 Concepts of health, disability, illness and behavior in relation to users of
health and social care services.
In meeting the needs of Mr. Callings I realize the some ideas about the heath, illness, disability
and behavioral issues.

Health: Health can be defined as a situation of full social, mental, and physical well being. It
indicates the efficiency of the performance of human being in their daily activities like
education, vacation and recreation. Heath ensures a comfortable life for human being and
people don’t feel boring and lethargic in accomplishing their daily activities.

Disability: The performance of human being is slowed due the disability which creates problem
for the human being to lead a normal life. Disability refers to the health situation and physical
injury that limits an individual’s to enjoy a normal life and receive proper education, recreation
and vacation. The man can’t accomplish his daily activities and enjoy a comfortable life.

Illness: Illness indicates particular disorders which make human being physically impaired for
prolonged time or form limited time.

Behavioural issues: The remarkable change in human behavior is called behavioural issues
which sometimes drive to serious psychological illness and depression in human life (Forrest,
1996). It makes people aggressive in their behavior and they become quite and withdrawn.

These ides will help employees of health and social care to understand the specific needs of Mr.
Callings and make response to the needs of the person.

1.2 How perceptions of specific needs have changed over time.
Man with learning confusions normally has the particular requirements for the health and
social care workers. Human being containing learning disability creates a diversified group in
relation to degree of disability, age and associated problems (Fox, 1998). Numerous Hospitals
were established for the purpose of providing care to human being with particular needs due to
the extended mental and physical illness. The hospitals become overcrowded with the changes
of time and quality in giving services to patients becomes a matter of concern. The standard be
converted into poor and the hospitals were stopped their journey after some short period of

The professional staffs begun to move to the dedicated work communities that were giving
service for the people with some specific needs due the disabilities in learning. This aided the
hospitals to improve the effectiveness in the performance of treatment and cure to the people
with some specific needs. In addition to that, the broadly apprehended of those with learning
disabilities have at all times resided in the community. They have to make competition with the
common population for wellbeing care (Gravestock, 1996). All of these have changed the
perception of the specific needs in of human being in health and social care over time. The
statement of Mr. Callings was helpful to realize what people expect form health and social care
and how to meet their expectation.

1.3 The impact of legislation, social policy, society and culture on the ways
that services are made available for the individuals with specific needs
The present legislations are:

 Health Act 1999: Three flexible powers of social and health care service provider are
discussed in this law. These are to pool their budget, to build up the leading commission
arrangement and to create integration of service providers.
 Care Trust: Around ten organizations are included in this trust and are considered as the
neighboring replica for a total amalgamation of health and social care in UK.
 Personal Health Budget: This system allows the patients receive the money for the
services that was received from the health providers and it is basically social care for the
adults. This policy helps the lower income people to enjoy good health facilities.

(Source: Development of Health Journal 2013, UK)

These actions are leading the health and social care services to new position giving the right of
entry to all good health and social care services in the country. The Government is monitoring
these policies and always tries to bring better policies for the wellbeing of common people.
Social policies, society, and culture also influence the people with specific needs. Society plays
the most significant role on the overall behavior and health of a person. If the person is leaved
by the society, he will fall under extreme depression that may make worse the health
conditions. People who use the health care services with the specific needs have the authority
of getting proper treatment with compassion, empathy and dignity (Brdshaw, 2000). The
cultural factors include the discrimination on the basis of color, caste, creed which makes the
service environment vulnerable. The main reason behind the physical abuse is the
discrimination which drives the adults in isolation to carry out their own health concern.

Task 2
2.1 Care needs of individuals with specific needs.
Since Mr. Callings is visually impaired, hearing impaired and with the challenging behavior he
fall under the category of vulnerable adults with specific needs from health and social care.
Temper tantrums, self harming, uncooperativeness and displaying anger on others are some
characteristics of challenging behavior (Mansell, 1994). Physical impairment is the main reason
of this situation. The following treatments were suggested to Mr. Calling’s family.

 Understanding the core reasons that are responsible for this kind of behavior.
 Secondly, starting treating with the cause.
 Helping in the ways of managing anger.
 Regular communication with the family to know about the improvement in his health
conditions so that proper direction can be provided to the person.
 In case of failure of the above measures, prescribed medication under the medical
supervision will be used.

Psychiatrist, occupational therapists, physiologists, community nurse and social workers can
assist in these conditions.

Source: (Self Study)

The specific and pertinent information may be required and this information can be collected
through proper communication between individuals and health care workers. The health
related information is very significant for proper treatment and must include:

 Establishing a good communication between the health professional and patients.

 Ensuring the efficient resources of unbiased and proportional source of treatment
options obtainable.
 European regulation should be implemented and enforced regarding the promotion of
 The transparency of the medical thing for consumption agencies should be ensured that
will grantee the absolute right of entry of citizens.

2.2 Current system of supporting individuals with specific needs.
Several health strategies and model have been developed by the government for health
promotion which plays an important role in the delivery of services. Making improvement in
the behavior that is associated with health can reduce the health inequality. Various health
strategies are:

Community engagement: The primary responsibility of trust care commissioner is involving and
discussing with the local communities regarding the health care needs (Dean, 1996). It is
expected from the commissioners that he will work closely with the local agencies and
authorities and voluntary organization in strategic conglomerate for building up the agreement
to get better the happiness of and physical condition of local communities.

The Health Promotion Strategic Framework Model: This model consists of five approaches for
community, education and health services and it is the structural factor of for the health
promotion in the area. The main purposes of this model:

 Making certain the best health promotion practices.

 Making certain the value of cash in the context of the workforce.
 Gaining the goals of protecting, promoting and improving the health of society.
 Establishing a multi-sect oral method for reducing the health inequalities and social
impediments of health.
 Enlarging the capacity of the organization to get better the health the health within the
social gradient.

This model is the first national framework for promoting health in people and it is relevant to
the national objectives of promoting the health.

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2.3 The services available in a chosen locality for individuals with specific
This circumstance is available in the East London and people have less right of entry to the
fundamental health services who are with discriminated caste. As they are possessing lower
economic status, these factors have augmented to their problems and increased psychological
stress and other serious ailments.

Racial discrimination is straightly connected to the mental ailments of adults which also lead
severe anxiety. The low socio economic condition is one of the impediments in accessing health
and social care services and education. These inequalities are not fair and expected from the
society (Carson et al, 2007). It also drives people towards long term impairments and illness.
The adult people are worst sufferer of it. Different professionals are aiding in those cases:

 General Practitioners: They are normally the first point contact for people and play an
important role in providing health services and everyone in UK has the right to record
with them.
 Primary care trust: It is working to offer primary health services to the people and it has
dedicated team for preventive health care and promoting the health. They work to
decrease health inequalities in the local communities.
 NHS Centre: It has 66 centers in UK which offers the quick right of entry to people. Self
care tips and advice and information are provided by this organization.

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Task 3
3.1 The approaches and interventions available to support individuals with
specific needs.
There are several approaches that can be used to meet specific needs of Mr. Callings.

 Self help: Self help toward the improvising of the condition.

 Evidence based practice: The services that constantly show the usefulness of citizens.
 Advocacy: It includes an absolute range of methods and approaches that are used to
alter those policies and practices, attitudes and behaviors and that work as impediments
to the improvement and discrimination towards disable.
 Autonomy and empowerment: making the opportunities for the access of people.
 Medications and required therapies

The interventions are:

Psychological interventions: For managing challenging, the psychological intervention is

essential as it helps the patient raise his morality and build positive attitudes towards the life
(Wallcraft, 2011).

Physical intervention: This intervention comprises the appropriate exercises ad therapies for the
joint movements. It will assist the patient to recover the lost functions and aid in managing the
physical status so that the person can go back to the normal life.

Vocational intervention: In this case, the vocational training that is suitable for the level of
disability is given to the patient. It assists to earn livelihood and lead an independent life.

Educational intervention: The information regarding health is providing to the patients through
proper communication between the individuals and health care workers.

The mentioned approaches and intervention will help the patient to go back to the normal life.

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3.2 The effectiveness of intervention strategies for an individual with specific
The intervention can play an important role for the patients like Mr. Callings and it helps the
patients in various ways to improve their present situation. For restoring the physical strength
the physical intervention is effective. It comprises the suitable exercise ad therapies for the
movement of joint. The external appliance helps Mr. Callings in the recovery of lost functions
and also helps in managing the physical status for coming back to normal life.

Psychological intervention is also needed for the effectiveness of physical interventions. It helps
the patients to upgrade the morale and develop positive attitudes toward the normal life.
This therapy restricts the patients from depression, personality changes and anxiety and
suicidal tendency. The educational and vocational interventions assists the patients with the
specific needs to recover their independence in life and also assist to know about the current
conditions so that they can take on the approach of self help in building the normal and
independent life.

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3.3 The potential impact of emerging development on support for individuals
with specific needs.
The emerging development comprises the factors such as technological advances, changes in
polices from local as well as national and international. The potential impacts of emergin
developments are:

 Preferences and choices

 Policies and service dilemmas
 Risk versus autonomy and independence
 Right versus protection of other and self
 Remedial therapy versus alleviation of needs

For instance, the administration of the organization has introduced green document that is
focusing on the importance of social wellbeing by cooking healthy meals. This document
necessitates the information about the risk judgment and with respect to meals cooked for

It is easily achievable the strategies for health and social care providers. The patients can be
served better due the emerging development on support. This will help the worker to provide
treatment very smoothly and efficiently. The patient will also be benefited from the emerging

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Task 4
4.1 Different concepts of challenging behavior
Patient with challenging behavior are have many problems in leading a normal life like temper
tantrums, self harming, uncooperativeness and displaying anger on other (Mansell, 1994).
Physical and mental health, alcohol, drugs, physical impairment and learning disabilities are
responsible for the situation of challenging behavior.

The challenging behavior is taken as unacceptable behavior and it includes:

 Verbal mistreatment like bullying, racist statement and threats.

 Self harming actions
 Behavior that is not legal.
 unhelpful behavior
 Physical abuse like physical attack
 Disparaging performance towards environments.

The challenging behaviors are influenced by physical disability, ill health, fatigue, pain, drug
alcohol, sexuality, learning difficulties, emotional condition like fear, dependency, frustration,
social factors like relationship and perceptions and expectations.

Source: (Self Study)

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4.2 The potential impact of challenging behavior on health and social care
The effects of people with challenging behavior are given bellow:

 They possess memory problem

 They remain isolated and don’t contact with the family and friends
 They become addicted to drugs and alcohol
 They feel hesitation in communicating with other.
 More emotional and financial supports are needed for them.

They try to become highly dependent on others that create their vulnerability towards the
abuse. It is not easy to take care of them as they have many diversified needs. Their wants and
requirements give the increase to situation of abuse.

(Source: Board Certified Behavior Analysis)

The most remarkable risks factors of challenging behavior are:

 Social isolation
 Substance abuse
 Less support from the caregivers

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 Patient with the history of crimes
 The elders verbal and physical aggression
 Caregiver’s inability to adopt with them and put up with the stress.
 Depression among the caregivers

4.3 Strategies for working with challenging behaviors associated with specific
Setting standards and policies: The standard ads can be set by the organization the employees
should follow them in delivering services to individuals. The employer of the health care are
bound to follow the standards set by the governed at national level. The internal policy of the
organization also accelerates the performance of workers.

Training and motivation: Training and motivation are the two key factors for any kind
organization. Training can be provided on the ways of working with challenging behavior and it
will help to deal with various situations. Motivation will inspire workers to show standard
behavior with the patients with the specific need.

Codes of ethics: Many ethical codes are introduced by many types of organization. The codes of
ethics can be implemented inside the organization for meeting the specific needs of patient.

Legal partnership: It also has positive outcome in providing extra care toe patient with specific
needs. The partnership has helped in:

 Determining the agreed needs

 Agreeing to the roles in providing, purchasing and commission
 Determining the agreed pools of resources
 Providing opportunity for sufficient improvements
 Making sure of effective leadership

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 Developing the shared principles and values
 Exploring the new options for services

These codes and policies are essential for dealing with the challenging behavior. The
organization can also bring change in the policies if the organization thinks that it will be
effective for the organization.

Proper training and motivation are essential for the health workers of the organization to deal with
many situations. They can understand the needs of patients and provide right treatment to the patient.
The worker should be enthusiastic and empathetic towards the patients. Standard policy and standard
should be implemented within the organization so that the workers are bound to follow them and
improve their performances.

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1. Forrest, J., Cambridge, P., et al (1996), Community support teams for people with
learning disabilities and challenging behaviors: results of a national survey. Journal of
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2. Fox, R., & Wade, E., (1998) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders among adults with
severe and profound mental retardation. Research in Development Disabilities.
3. Gravestock, S., & Bouras, N. (1996). Services for the adults with learning disabilities and
mental health needs. Psychiatric Bulletin.
4. Bradshaw, R. (2000). Preventing abuse of vulnerable adults, The Journal of Adult
5. Dean, K., (1996). Using theory to guide policy relevant heath promotion research. Health
Promotion International.
6. Carson, B., T. Dunbar, et al.(2007). Social Determinants of Indigenous Health Crows
Nest, Allen & Unwin.
7. Carr, S., (2010), Enabling Risk, ensuring safety: Self directed support and personal
budgets, Report 36, London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.
8. Leventhal, T., & Brooks- Gunn J. (2000), The neighborhoods they live in: the effects of
neighborhood residence on child and adolescent outcome Psychological Bulletin.
9. Mansell, J. (1994). The challenge of providing quality services. In mental health in
mental retardation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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