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Lesson Plan in English 9

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Express Covid19 sentiments by writing a poem. Use the video as inspiration:
b. Identify types and features of poetry
c: Use literary devices and techniques to craft poetic form
II. Subject Matter:
a. Topic: Poetry
b. Theme: “Filipino resiliency amidst pandemic”
c. References:
d. Materials:
e. Essential Understanding:
1. Poetry is a way of expressing sentiments regarding the pandemic.
2. Poetry is a literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or
a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and
3. Literary devices and techniques are creative ways of conveying thoughts or information.

III. Methods

Teacher Student

Preliminary Activities

Good morning class! Good morning sir


kindly lead the prayer. Student leads the prayer

Checking of Attendance

Is everybody present? Yes sir.


Last meeting we talked about the types of poetry , kindly give one type Haiku is a 3 lined poem originated in Japan.
and tell us about it. Sonnet is a 14 line poem.


Let us watch the video on YouTube

v=K7FjL0Lo-RM Students watch the video

Okay class , did you understood the video Yes sir, its about pandemic and its effects on our lives.
The video is a poem and it contains a lot of rhymes sir.
What have you observed on the video?

Yes! you have listened well.

Presentation and Discussion
The video we watched is full of sound devices like rhyme, and figurative

Figurative language is a form of communication that includes word

phrases not meant to be taken in their literal form, but rather evoke
imagery or provide decorative use.

Lets identify sound devices first.

The repetition of the same or similar sounds, usually in stressed syllables
at the ends of lines, but sometimes within a line.
There are strange things done in the midnight sun By the men who moil
for gold;

Rhyme Scheme
The rhyming pattern that is created at the end of lines of poetry.
Here is an example taken from the video we watched

this is my sincere reflection (a)

in this time of mass infection (a)
in the style of Hiawatha (b)
how I wonder why I bother (b)

The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words.
Example are:
Seven silver swans swam silently seaward.
Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers

Words that are used to represent particular sounds.

Example is :
"water plops into pond
splish-splash downhill”

A comparison using like or as.

Here is an example: My love is like a rose

The frontliners are as brave as a lion.
Can you give an example? The pizza is as cold as ice

Describes one thing as if it were another.
America is a melting pot.
The pandamic is a catastrophic monster.

Can you give an example? His heart is a stone

Gives human characteristics to something nonhuman.

Here is an example: The rose tipped its head as we passed by.

The Philippines is crying in agony over the pandemic.

Can you give and example?

The trees were dancing along the trumpet of the wind
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
He's running faster than the wind
The doctors are carrying the world.

Can you give and example?

Anne weighs a ton.
The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. Also, a
statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the
appearance or presentation of the idea.

Example: "Oh, I love spending big bucks," said my dad, a notorious

penny pincher.

Can you give an example?

The fire station is on fire .

Activity : identify what type of figurative language are the examples

1. A marriage counselor files for divorce

2. You cried a river.
3. The tree shed blood. 1. Irony
4. John is a beast on the basketball court. 2. Hyperbole
5. I was like Kobe when I shot the ball. 3. Personification
4. Metaphor
Identify the rhyme scheme below 5. Simile

Painting on Vellum: not on silk or hide (A)

Or ordinary Canvas: I suppose (B) A

No painter of the present day has tried (A) B

So many mediums with success, or knows (B) A

As well as I do how the subject grows (B) B

Beneath the hands of genius, that anoint (C) B

With balm. But I have something to disclose— (B) C

Painting on Vellum is my weakest point. (C) B

Essential Questions:

What is poetry?
How can poetry voice out our opinions regarding the pandemic?
Poetry is a literature that evokes a concentrated
imaginative awareness of experience or a specific
emotional response through language chosen and
arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.
What are the literary devices and techniques used in poetry?
The devices are rhyme, rhyme scheme , alliteration , simil
, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, irony

What are your thoughts about the use of poetry in pandemic? Poetry is a way of expressing sentiments regarding the

IV. Evaluation

Write a short poem containing figurative languages. The theme of your poem should be about your view about the

-rubric (holistic or analytic)

5 3 1
Relevance the poem clearly talks about the the poem somehow talk about The poem do not relate to the theme.
pandemic pandemic.
Use of figurative The poem use more than 3 figures ofThe poem use less than 3 figures The poem does not use figures of speech
language speech of speech
Organization The poem is clear and well organized
The poem is organized but needs The poem is not organized.
ideas work

V. Assignment

Browse the web for a poem and identify the figurative devices used .

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