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(Ultimate Strength Design, USD)

Learning Objective: At the end of the module, the students will be able to (a) design and
analyze singly reinforced beams, (b) design and analyze one-way

Content : 1. Notations and Symbols

2. Assumptions in strength design for flexure
3. Analysis and design of Singly reinforced beam
4. Balanced, Underreinforced and Overreinforced design
5. Analysis and design of one-way slabs

Notations and Symbols

= Depth of equivalent stress block, mm
= Area of tension reinforcement, mm2
= Area of skin reinforcement per unit height in one side face, mm2/mm
= Width of compression face of member, mm
= Distance from extreme concrete compression fiber to neutral axis, mm
= Distance from extreme concrete compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement,
′ = Distance from extreme concrete compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement,
= Thickness of concrete cover measured from extreme tension fiber to center of bar or
wire, mm
= Modulus of elasticity of concrete, MPa
= Modulus of elasticity of steel = 200000 MPa
′ = Specified compressive stress of concrete, MPa
= Calculated stress in reinforcement at service loads, MPa
= Specified yield strength of steel, MPa
ℎ = Overall thickness of member, mm
= Moment of inertia of gross concrete section about centroidal axis, neglecting
= Moment of inertia of reinforcement about centroidal axis of member cross-section
= Nominal moment, N-mm
= Factored moment at section, N-mm
= Factor regulating depth of equivalent stress block to depth of neutral axis
= Strain in concrete (maximum=0.003)
= Strain in steel below yield point = fs/Es
= Strain in steel at yield point = fy/Es
= Ratio of tension reinforcement = As/bd
= Balance steel ratio
= Strength reduction factor

Assumptions in Strength Design in Flexure

1. Strain in reinforcement and concrete shall be assumed directly proportional to the distance from
the neutral axis.
2. Maximum usable strain at extreme concrete compression fiber, shall be assumed equal to
3. For < (tension steel does not yield), =
For ≥ (tension steel yields), =
4. Tensile strength of concrete shall be neglected in axial and flexure calculations.
5. For rectangular distribution of stress:
a. Concrete stress at 0.85f’c shall be assumed uniformly distributed over an equivalent
compression zone bounded by edges of the cross-section and a straight line located
parallel to the neutral axis at a distance of = from the fiber of maximum
compressive strain
b. Distance c from the fiber of maximum strain to the neutral axis shall be measured in the
direction perpendicular to N.A.
c. Factor shall be taken as follows:
′ , MPa
17 ≤ ′ ≤ 28 0.85
0.05( − 28)
28 < ′ < 55 0.85 −
′ > 55 0.65

Rectangular Beam Reinforced for Tension Only (Singly Reinforced)

[Σ = 0] =
0.85 ′ =

0.85 ′

= ×
0.85 ′

0.85 ′

The term is called the ratio of steel reinforcement and is denoted as



0.85 ′

Let =


Nominal Moment Capacity

From the stress diagram
= ( − ⁄2)
= 0.85 ′ ( − ⁄2)
= 0.85 ′ −
0.85 2 0.85

= ′ (1 − 0.59 )

Ultimate Moment Capacity

= (where = 0.65 to 0.90 for flexure, see table 1.3

= ′ (1 − 0.59 )

Balanced Design
Balanced design refers to a design so proportioned that the maximum stress in concrete (with strain
of 0.003) and steel (with strain of fy/Es) are reached simultaneously once the ultimate load is
reached, causing them to fail simultaneously.

Underreinforced Design
Underreinforced design is a design in whichthe steel is lesser than what is required for balanced
condition. If the ultimate load is approached, the steel will begin to yield although the compression
concrete is still understressed. If the load is further increased, the steel will continue to elongate,
resulting in appreciable deflections and large visible cracks in the tensile concrete. Failure under
this condition is ductile and will give warning to the user of the structure to decrease load.

Overreinforced Design
Overreinforced design is a design in which the steel reinforcement is more than what is required
for balanced condition. If the beam is overreinforced, the steel will not yield before failure. As the
load is increase, deflections are not noticeable although the compression concrete is highly
stressed, and failure occurs suddenly without warning to the user of the structure.

Overreinforced as well as balanced design should be avoided in concrete because of its brittle
property, that is why the code limits the tensile stress percentage ( = . ) to ensure
underreinforced beam with ductile type of failure to give occupants warning before failure occurs.

Balanced Steel Ratio,

In balanced condition, the concrete and steel yield simultaneously. In the condition, the strain in
concrete reached its maximum usable value of 0.003 and the stain in steel is fy/Es, where
Es=200000 MPa.
By ratio and proportion in the triangle shown:
0.003 +

Note: = 200000

0.003 + 200000


But =

0.85 ′

. ′

[ = ]
0.85 ′ 600 +

. ′
( + )

Maximum and Minimum Steel Ratio

= .

This limitation is to ensure that the steel reinforcement will yield to ensure ductile failure.

The provision for minimum amount of reinforcement applies to beams, which for architectural and
other reasons are much larger in cross-section than required by strength consideration. With a
very small amount of tensile reinforcement, the computed moment strength as a reinforced
concrete section becomes less than that of the corresponding plain concrete section computed
from its modulus of rupture. Failure in such a case van be quite sudden.

Minimum Reinforcement of Flexural Members

At every section of a flexural member where tensile reinforcement is required by analysis, the
area As provided shall not be less than that given by:


and not less than

For statically determinate T-section with flange in tension, the area As min shall be equal to or
greater than the smaller value given either by



= (with bw equal to the flange width)

This requirements need not be applied if at every section, the area of the tensile reinforcement is
at least one-third greater than that required by analysis

For structural slabs and footings of uniform thickness, the minimum area of tensile reinforcement
in the direction of span shall be the same as that required by Shrinkage and Temperature
Reinforcement. Maximum spacing of this reinforcement shall not exceed three times the
thickness and 450 mm.

Steps in Designing a Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam for Flexure:

I. Identify the values of the dead load and live load to be carried by the beam (DL & LL)
II. Approximate the weight of the beam (DL) between 20% to 25% of (DL+LL). This weight is
added to the dead load.
III. Compute the factored load and factored moment
IV. Compute the factored moment to be resisted by the beam, Mu
V. Try a value of steel ratio from 0.5 to 0.6 but must not be less than . This value of
will provide enough allowance of due to rounding-off of the number of bars to be used for it
not to exceed
VI. Compute the value of , =
VII. Solve for bd
= ′ (1 − 0.59 )
= __________
VIII. Try a ratio d/b (from d=1.5b to d=2b) and solve for d. Check also the minimum thickness of
beam required by the Code (see next page).
After solving for d, substitute its value to Step VII and solve for b.
Compute the weight of the beam and compare it to the assumption made in Step II.
IX. Solve for the required steel area and no. of bars
No. of bars (D=bar diameter)
= × .
Steps in Designing One-Way Slab
I. Identify the uniform floor pressure (Pa) to be carried by the slab. This load may consist of:
a. Live load pressure, LL(Pa)
b. Dead load pressure, DL (Pa)
c. Ceiling load and other attachments below the slab, DL (Pa)
II. Determine the minimum slab thickness h from Table 2.1, if necessary, adjust this value
depending on your judgment
III. Compute the weight of slab
ℎ = ℎ, DL (Pa)
IV. Compute the factored moment to be carried by the slab, Mu
= 1.2 + 1.6
, = 1
V. Compute the effective depth, d:
d = h – concrete cover(usually 20mm) – ½ main bar diameter
VI. Compute the required
VII. Compute the required main bar spacing
= = (1000)
= × 1000
Use the smallest of the following for the main bar spacing
a. S1
b. 3 x h
c. 450 mm
VIII. Temperature bars:
= ℎ
= × 1000
Use the smallest of the following for the main bar spacing
d. S2
e. 5 x h
f. 450 mm

Minimum Thickness of Flexural Members

Minimum thickness stipulated in this table shall apply for one-way construction not supporting or
attached to partitions or other construction likely to be damaged by large deflections, unless
computation of deflection indicates a lesser thickness can be used without adverse effects.

Table 2.1 Minimum thickness of non-prestressed beams or one-way slabs unless deflections are
Minimum thickness, h
Simply one end Both end
supported continuous continuous
Members not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction
likely to be damaged by large deflections
Solid one-way slabs L/20 L/24 L/28 L/10
Beams or ribbed one-
L/16 L/18.5 L/21 L/8
way slab
* Span length L is in millimeters

Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement,

The area of shrinkage reinforcement shall provide at least the following ratios of gross concrete
area bh, (where h is the slab thickness) but not less than 0.0014.s
a. Where Grade 275 deformed bars are used……………………………………………0.0020
b. Where Grade 415 deformed bars or welded wire
fabric (plain or deformed) are used……………………………………………………..0.0018
c. Where reinforcement with fy>415MPa measured at
. ×
Yield strain of 0.35% are used………………………………………………………..
Shrinkage and temperature reinforcements may not be spaced not farther apart than 5 times the
slab thickness, nor 450mm.
Stages of Failure
Assume that a small transverse load is placed on a concrete beam with tensile reinforcing and
that the load is gradually increased in magnitude until the beam fails. As this takes place, the
beam will go through three distinct stages before collapse occurs. These are: (1) the uncracked
concrete stage, (2) the concrete cracked–elastic stresses stage, and (3) the ultimate-strength

Uncracked Stage
Concrete resists compression and tension with concrete tensile stress below modulus of rupture,
= 0.7 ′ or when moment is less than cracking moment, Mcr

Where: Mcr = Cracking moment

Ig = gross moment of inertia of the section
Ct = distance from the centroidal axis of the section to its extreme fiber in
fr = modulus of rupture

Cracked Stage
Member carries bending moment greater than the cracking moment. When concrete in tension
cracks, steel carries all the tensile force. Stresses are below elastic range.

Ultimate Strength Stage (Collapse Stage)

Member collapses either by crushing of concrete or yielding of steel bars.

NSCP Coefficients for Continuous Beams and Slabs

Positive Moment =

End spans
Discontinuous end unrestrained…………………………………………….. 1/11
Discontinuous end integral with support……………………………………. 1/14
Interior spans………………………………………………………………….. 1/16

Negative Moment =

At exterior face of first interior support

Two spans……………………………………………………………………... 1/9
More than two spans…………………………………………………………. 1/10
At other faces of interior supports…………………………………………………….. 1/11
At face of all supports for slabs with spans not exceeding 3 meters; and beams
where ratio of sum of column stiffness to beam stiffness exceeds eight at each
end of the span…………………………………………………………………………. 1/12
At interior face of exterior support for members built integrally with supports:
Where support is a spandrel beam…………………………………………. 1/24
Where support is a column…………………………………………………... 1/16


At face of first interior support…………………………………………………………. 1.15

At face of all other supports…………………………………………………………… 1
Where: C = coefficient
wu = factored floor load
ln = clear span for +M and V
= Average adjacent clear span for -M

Questions and Problems:

1. A reinforced concrete rectangular beam 300 mm wide has an effective depth of 460 mm and
is reinforced for tension only. Assuming f’c = 21 MPa and fy = 300 MPa, determine the
balanced steel area in
2. A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 300 mm and an effective depth to tension bars of
600 mm. compression reinforcement if needed will be placed at a depth of 60mm below the
top. If f’c = 320MPa and fy=414 MPa, determine the tension steel area if the beam is to
resist an ultimate moment of 650kN-m
3. A rectangular concrete beam has a width of 300 mm and an effective depth of 550 mm. the
beam is simply supported over a span of 6m and is used to carry a uniform dead load of 40
kN/m. assume f’c=21MPa and fy=312 MPa. Compression reinforcement if necessary shall
be placed at a depth of 80mm from the outermost compression concrete fiber.
a. Determine the maximum tension steel area for singly reinforced condition
b. Determine required tension steel area in
c. Determine the required no. of 25-mm tension bars.
4. Design a rectangular beam reinforced for tension only to carry a dead load moment of 56kN-
m (including its own weight) and a live load moment of 47 kN-m. Use f’c=20.7MPa and
5. Design a rectangular beam for a 6-m simple span to support a dead load of 29kN/m
(including its estimated beam weight) and a live load of 44 kN/m. use , f’c=27.6MPa,
and fy=276MPa.
6. Design a one-way slab having a simple span of 3m. the slab is to carry a uniform live load of
7150Pa. Assume f’c=27.6 MPa and fy=276MPa for main and temperature bars.
7. Design a one-way slab to carry a service live load of 4000 Pa. the slab has a length of 4m
with both ends continuous. Assume f’c=21MPa and fy=415 MPa for main bars and fy=276
MPa for temperature bars.

Nilson, A.H., Darwin, D. & Dolan, C.W. (2010). Design of Concrete Structures (14th Ed). Mc-Graw Hill
McCormac, J.C. & Brown, R. (2014). Design of Reinforced Concrete (9th Ed). Wiley
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines (2015). National Structural Code of the Philippines (7th Ed).

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