Experiment 7 Static Fluid Pressure

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Static Fluid Pressure


1.1 Density, Specific gravity and Pressure

Density is the ratio between the mass and volume of an object. The Greek letter is used for density. A
homogeneous material has the same density throughout.

The SI unit of density is kilogram per cubic meter (1 kg/m 3).

1000 kg/m3 = 1 g/cm3

Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water.

Pressure is defined as the magnitude of the force acting perpendicular to a surface divide by the area
over which the force acts.

The SI unit of pressure is Pascal (Pa) 1 Pa = 1 N/m2

Atmospheric pressure (Pa) is the pressure of the earth’s atmosphere. The normal atmospheric pressure
at sea level (an average value) is 1 atmosphere (atm).

Pa = 1atm = 1.013x105 Pa =1.013 bar =1013 millibar =14.70 Ib/in. 2

1.2. Pressure in a Fluid

Consider an open container filled with water. At the surface, the pressure
is equal to the atmospheric pressure.

If p1 and p2 are the pressures at elevations and and g are

constant, the general relation between the pressure at any point in a

fluid at rest and the elevation of the point is

(Gauge Pressure)


(Absolute Pressure)

where: is the pressure at any point in the fluid

is the pressure at the surface of the fluid

is the depth

In the diagram, .


At the end of the Experiment, the student will be able to determine the absolute pressure and gauge
pressure of different fluids.


The website address for the simulation is

and-flow You can either download it and run it from your computer or
run it online by clicking “Run Now!”.

1. Study the simulation package.

2. Click the pressure package

3. In the top right hand corner, select the grid option for the simulation.

4. Using the sliding knob, fill the pool so that there the water is 1 meter deep (Make sure that the
acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8 m/s 2 and the water density is 1000 kg/m3)

5. Click on the atmosphere button.

6. Click the pressure meter to control it. Drag the pressure meter to ground level (just on top of the
fluid) and determine the pressure at the ground. This is the value of the atmospheric pressure. Record
the value on the “Atmospheres” section of the table.

7. Drag the pressure meter to the bottom of the fluid and determine the pressure. This is the value of
the absolute pressure at the bottom. Record the value on the “Absolute pressure” section of the table.

Example: For a depth of 1m

8. Turn off the Atmosphere button and record the value of the Absolute Pressure.
9. Repeat the experiment using GASOLINE and HONEY (use the density (1400 kg/m3).




NAMES: __________________________________ SECTION: ________________________

Date Performed: ___________________ Date: _________ Submitted: _________


Table 1: Water (1000 kg/m3)

Absolute Pressure Absolute Pressure Atmospheres
Depth Gauge Pressure
(Atmosphere on) (Atmosphere off)

1.0 meter

2.0 meters

3.0 meters

Table 2: Gasoline (700 kg/m3)

Absolute Pressure Absolute Pressure Atmospheres
Depth Gauge Pressure
(Atmosphere on) (Atmosphere off)

1.0 meter
2.0 meters

3.0 meters

Table 3: Honey (1400 kg/m3)

Absolute Pressure Absolute Pressure Atmospheres
Depth Gauge Pressure
(Atmosphere on) (Atmosphere off)

1.0 meter

2.0 meters

3.0 meters


Gauge pressure = ρgh

2. When you turn on the Atmosphere, does the pressure double when the density of the liquid doubles?
________ Why/why not?

3. When you turn off the Atmosphere, does the pressure double when the density of the liquid doubles?
________ Why/why not?

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