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Name: Date:
Company/Organization: Human Resource Organization
Students will articulate the organization’s Early development of human resource
historical development of career paths. (10pts) organization depends on the career choice and
career progress which was dictated by the
traditional methods, status of socio-economic
values and gender. Which involve:
 Continues change in the labor force which
is dramatic.
 The way of work in the human resource
organization changes and evolves
 There was continuous wane in the
traditional career paths.
 In the organization many employees work
with the non-employees of the organization
which was totally against the career paths
and illogical.

Students will briefly describe organization’s Strengths are important factors of Human
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats resource company which keep holding the
(SWOT) factors. Only list no more than 2 expertise in and also take part in the continued
examples for each factor. (10pts) success of human resource organizational
development. Factors help in gaining the mission
of the organization. Examples: 1) Physical
presence. 2) Available capital
Weaknesses of Human resource organization are
the factors which involve the prevention of this
organization form achieving its mission and full
potential. These factors effect negatively on the
success and growth of the organization. Example:
1) Lack of trained faculty. 2) poor quality
Opportunities are the factors of Human resource
offered by the environment within which Human
resource organization operates. Human
organization identifies the opportunity factor and
avail the benefits by planning different strategies.
Example: 1) Improve name recognition. 2)
National and global expansion.
Threats are the important factors exist in the
organizational external environment which put the
profit and reliability of the human resource
company in danger. These types of threats proved
risky to organization survival and uncontrollable.
Example: 1) New entrance in the market. 2) Lack
of demand
Students will articulate business case for creating There are many factors which influence the need
career paths and ladders. (10pts) of the Human resource organization to achieve
formal career paths and career ladders which are
as follows:
 Inability of the organization to recruit and
appoint the right people to the right jobs.
 Disengagement of the employ in the
Human resource organization.
 Demand of the employ in the organization
for greater flexibility of the workplace.
 In the Human resource organization there
is lack of diversity at top.
 Presence of workforce in Human Resource
Company which is multigenerational.
 Limited chances of advancement
 Cultural change of Human resource
organizational development.
Talent crunch is the biggest selling point in order
to create the career paths and ladders. Human
resource organization more forcefully worked on
the creating global survey report, identification of
the respondent leadership, management of talent of
the employ and workforce planning of strategies.
All these challenges must keep in mind while
creating the career paths.
Students will define HR's role in the development Human resource professionals adopt new and
and implementation of career paths. (10pts) variety of roles helpful in developing and
implementation in the career paths.
 Human resource organization encourage
the employees to create ability to take
control of their own ladder and
organization provided the resources to the
employees such as tools, which help them
to develop the abilities and skills for the
better development of the organization.
 Training must be focused for preparing the
employee for the lifetime employability as
compared to the lifetime employment of
the company.
 Helping the managers in evaluation and
developmental plan is useful in developing
the career paths and helping the human
resource organization to take lead.
 Human resource organization implements
and develops career paths by helping the
new employees to make the transition
 By helping the candidates strengthen who
are not selected but develop skills which
are useful in future.
 By providing the career coaching to the
employees and help managers in clear
selection criteria. These facilities are
provided to the employees by the
organization for the better development.
 By establishing the policies which promote
the fair and consistently workplace.
Professional of human resource organization have
responsibility to develop and implement the career
paths and also develop the methods which can
grow the employees in productive way.

Students will describe Developing traditional Traditional planning of the Human resource
career paths and ladders. (10pts) organization involve the wide initiative
corporation around the career planning which play
important role in helping the managers about how
to discuss the interests of the career and also
helping in the use of the career mapping with the
employees of the organization. Traditional career
ladders basically depend on the assumptions which
are wished by the individual to climb the ladder as
up as individual is able to and opportunities are
continually provided by the employer.
 Career mapping is tool of the
professionals used in the traditional career
paths which help the employees to think
more strategically about the career paths
and also helping in meeting the
organization’s goal. Career mapping

1. self assessment
2. individualized career map
3. Explore other opportunities.
Traditional career ladder system involves the
hiring of the person, combination of the education,
experience and opportunity is promoted to the
higher levels where compensation of the additional
responsibilities involved. Traditional career paths
involve the right experience. More experience
resulted in more success.

Students will list at least 2 common challenges Several challenges with the traditional career paths
with traditional career paths and ladders. (10pts) and ladders are arise which are as follows:
To mange or not to manage: In Human resource
organizational development main difficulty is that
any individual reached the level of experienced
contributor must move into line of supervision. If
person moved forward and get supervisory then its
right but if person do not get supervisory then
there create problems. In such problem employee
has to find the employment out side in order to
earn money. In traditional career ladders Human
resource organizations individual put in the job
which are not desired or skilled by the individual.
Individual and organization both get frustrated by
the challenges.
Obstacles: Career stagnant mostly occurs in the
traditional paths and these obstacles block the
ability of the person to climb more on the ladder of
the success. Career plateaus occur when individual
reach the stage where he is not provided with the
opportunities by the organization for further
advancement and this situation drag the employees
to move outside in other companies. Career
stagnation causes when employee is not
psychologically engaged with job anymore.
Individual facing the career plateaus will
encounter the career stagnation.

Students will list at least 2 Nontraditional As understanding the business environment of the
methods of career progression for organization present time Human resource organization is
use. (10pts) unable to keep all employees to the traditional
ladders because of low turnover and financial
issues. So some nontraditional career paths and
ladders are as follows:
Job redesign: Human resource organization
experienced the downsizing, demographic changes
and modern technologies and it is resulted in the
poor career advancement of the organization
because of less promotion. Job redesign provides
the increased opportunities and challenges for the
employees to avail more chances to get job out of
their jobs when staying on the same rank of the
ladders. Job redesign involves the strategies like
job enlargement and job enrichment. These
strategies help to learn more skills by more
Job rotation: Job rotation is more effective
nontraditional method which provides enrichment
of the job from the perspective of the employees.
It is method of moving the employees from job to
job with human resource organization more
systematically. Job rotation is not new method but
proved very effective. Low level employees get
perspective in job rotation and do not get bored.
Managers are provided with the rotation to make
them expertise and move to next level of success.
But this method increases the workload and
decrease the productivity.
Students will list at least 2 recommendations of Communication strategies are very important to
ways organization can communicate career create the strong relation between employees and
strategy to employees. (10pts) organization. Effective communication strategies
must be as follows

 Organization must provide strategies which

give safeguard strategy in order to establish
trust and loyalty.
 Must listen the problems of the employees
and also the leadership team members.
 Organizations must provide feedback to the
employees for better performance.
 Must prepare the managers as
organizational leader in their role.

Students will list at least 2 recommendations of Diversity in the place of the work shows that there
ways to ensure Diversity & Inclusion in career is need of inclusivity to reflect the background
strategy. (10pts) variety of the organization and experience.
Welcome property to multilingual workforce:
Organization must encourage the multilingual
property at the workplace. Because organization
have to deal with the many companies at global
level so every employee must have grip on the
more than one language to deal with the other
companies. Organization must offer the translation
services which make easy understanding of
language to everyone.
Foster diverse thinking: In order to hire the staff
having diverse thinking company must be in good
position to think diversely in the cultural ways.
Every individual in the organization have different
background so they must know how to understand
the other people at the same company.

Students will list at least 2 metrics that could be There are different matrices that could be used to
used to determine the success of the career determine the success of the career development
development strategy recommendation. (10pts) strategies recommendation which are as follows:
Quality: Quality of work is metrics which
determine the success of career development
because work quality depends on the performance
quality of the employee. More efficient selection
of the employees by the organizations must
increase the quality of the work.
Quantity: Quantity of the work is another metrics
and it is easy to measure as compared to the
quality. Because it is measure of the sale number
item which is determined by the efficiency of the
Productivity: Key performance metrics to career
development is productivity of the employees
which can change the business processes, behavior
and the completion of the target role. So
productivity of organization must be high to
increase the development of the organization.

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