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TOPIC: Sampling and Sampling Distribution

The learners on their own will create a proposed research and a sampling scheme through a written
report that will show correct application of the suitable sampling techniques in solving real life problems in
different disciplines.

The Regional Research Commission in your region has determined and released the results of the
finalists in the search of the “Ten Outstanding Senior High School Students for Research”. Fortunately, you are
one of the finalists who have a chance to be the recipient of the said award. As a finalist, one of your requirements
is to present a proposed research in your school and you have to present your proposed sampling
scheme of your topic prior to the implementation of the survey.

Your written report will be submitted and presented to the faculty, school administration with the help of
RRC as a basis for a developmental proceeding on the curriculum and other related matters concerning the
learners’ holistic development for evaluation. It will be graded based on the content, organization of ideas,
appropriateness of the sampling scheme, data collection and procedure, and validity.


Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Score

The topic and objective

The topic and
of the study is very
objectives of the study The topic of the study . The topic of the study
relevant and timely to
is appropriate and is appropriate to the is incomplete and
the SHS student and is SHS students and is
timely to the SHS unfocused to the SHS
clearly and concisely stated in a single
students and is clearly students. It has vague
stated. It is engaging, sentence. The
stated. It shows a explanation and
and thought provoking. explanation and
Content clear explanation and presentation of the
The study shows an presentation of the
(30%) presentation of the sampling scheme and
excellent explanation sampling scheme is
sampling scheme. It somehow clear and involves estimated
and presentation of the
involves real figures of involves estimated figures of the target
sampling scheme. All
the target population figures of the target population and
information and figures
and sample of the population and sample sample of the study.
are real, valid and
study. of the study.
accurate and are
properly cited.
The study used two
sampling techniques
and both are very The sampling
appropriate to the topic. technique used in the
The sampling The sampling
The sampling is done in study is appropriate to
technique used in the technique used in the
such a way that it can the topic. The
Appropriateness study is appropriate to study is inappropriate
precisely describe the selection of the
of the Sampling the topic but the with the topic and the
characteristics of the sample is done in such
Scheme sample cannot selection of sample
whole population and a way that it can
(30%) properly describe the will lead to invalid
can lead to correct and properly describe the characteristics of the results of the study.
accurate result of the characteristics of the population.
study. More so, it population.
describes how the rights
of the participants were

The study describes and The study describes

justifies the planned and justifies the
The study describes The study did not
Data Collection data collection methods planned data collection
and justifies the describe nor justify
and procedures in a methods and
and Procedure planned data the planned data
detailed manner, procedures in an
(20%) collection methods collection methods
including how, when, incomplete manner,
and procedures. and procedures.
where, and by whom with some steps
data were collected. lacking in details.
The real-life data set will
be obtained from actual The real-life data set Most of the data set The real-life data set
Validity online will be obtained from will not be obtained will not be obtained
(10%) survey/observation with actual from actual from actual
proof and proper survey/observation. survey/observation. survey/observation.
The written report The written report
The information and There is no
shows a logical and shows a smooth flow
ideas in the written organization of ideas
Organization of smooth sequencing of of ideas and
report is somehow and information
ideas and information. It information. It is easy
Ideas organized but 2-3 presented in the
is easy to understand to understand but one
(10%) ideas created written report. It
and does not create idea created
confusion to the creates confusion to
confusion to the confusion to the
reader/s. the reader/s.
reader/s. reader/s.



All indicators are met:

- The specific contents
are complete.
- The report followed
the prescribed
Technicalities format. Only three (3) Only two (2) indicators Only one (1) indicator
(10 pts) - The rubric is indicators are met. are met. is met.
- The sampling
scheme is submitted
on or before the
Basic Education Department
#1 Holy Angel Avenue, Sto. Rosario, Angeles City

Names: _David, Matt_____________________ ___Manigbas, Patricia Kyla________ Score: _____________

_Dela Cruz, Angel Norin___________ ________________________________
_Flores, Ron Matthew_____________ ________________________________
_Layson, Julian Amiel_____________ ________________________________
Grade and Section: _11-St. Mark_____________________

ACTIVITY: (Please check the appropriate box)

Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Journal
Skills/Drill/Exercise Drawing/Art/Plate Informal Theme Quiz
Others: Performance Check

Proposed Research Title A Comparative Study on time spent in playing mobile games between
Grade 11-St. Mark and Grade 11-St. Bernard

Online video games can be a way to help supplement your child’s

learning and teach them key life skills. Get insight on how it can
benefit your child’s development. Although online gaming is a form of
entertainment, with parents’ support and guidance it can help
children develop their creativity, nurture relationships with friends,
and improve strategic thinking. It can also help them build
perseverance to attain goals, build resilience, and improve their
communication skills so they know how to respect other people’s
points of view.

Enhances memory, brain’s speed, and concentration.

Games that are immersive and require strategy and problem-solving
Introduction skills to win, require players to remember and take in a lot of
information. Regularly playing these types of games can help improve
children’s short and long-term memory and help the brain process
information quicker. Also, games capture players’ imagination helping
them to stay focused on certain tasks and builds their perseverance to
achieve a goal.

Improved multi-tasking skills

Games that require players to find items while fighting off other
opponents call for attention to detail and quick reactions. Studies have
shown that playing these types of games can help children develop their
multi-tasking skills.

Build skills for future careers

The more complex multiplayer games help teach players how to be
strategic, analytical to assess risk and reward and call for them to react
quickly to changes in the game. All these skills that they use can be
transferable to real-world jobs that rely on problem-solving, analytical
skills and strategic thinking. Offer a new way to understand culture and
perspectives. As games allow children to immerse themselves in virtual
worlds and at times connect to people from around the world, it can be a
great way for them to learn about different perspectives and cultures.
The study aimed to determine the following objectives:
1. To determine whether playing mobile games could include
relaxation, enjoyment and prevent boredom to students.
2. To know how the Grade 11-St. Mark and St. Bernard waste their
spare time on playing mobile games.
3. To know how playing mobile games can affect the students’
academic performance in terms on how many hours they play mobile

This research aims to determine the comparative study on time

spent in playing mobile games between Grade 11-St. Mark and
Grade 11-St. Bernard.

Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1. How may the participants be described in terms of:
Statement of the Problem a. Do they play mobile games??
b. If yes, how many hours do they spent in playing mobile
2. Is there a difference between the time spent in playing mobile
games of Grade 11-St. Mark and Grade 11-St. Bernard?
3. Based from the findings, what is the implication of the results on
Grade 11-St. Mark and Grade 11-St. Bernard’s time spent in playing
mobile games?

Sampling Design This study aims to determine which section from 11-St. Mark and St.
Bernard spend most of their free time playing mobile games.
Snowball Sampling will be used in order to gather data from 11-St.
Bernard because the researchers don’t know a lot of people from the
section. Convenience Sampling will be used also because
researchers will limit responses with only 37 willing students per
section to participate in the study. Answers from the survey will be
kept confidential to keep participants privacy.

For our data collection and procedure, we will provide a survey to the
chosen ABM section which is St. Mark and St. Bernard. The
Data Collection and researchers will start the survey in each of the chosen sections
Procedure during free time or break time. If the number of students who
answered the survey exceeds, we will still choose 37 students in
which we will decide on who are these students. As much as
possible, the students must answer the questionnaires sincerely to
know the exact results. We will tally all the results to represent as a
support of our research. We will put all our results in an organized

𝟏 + 𝑵𝒆𝟐
𝒏 = 𝟏+(𝟎.𝟎𝟓)𝟐

Sample size 𝟏. 𝟐𝟑

𝒏 = 𝟕𝟑. 𝟗𝟖 𝒐𝒓 𝟕𝟒

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