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Tenses adalah bentuk waktu. Di dalam Bahasa Inggris, perubahan bentuk waktu akan
berpengaruh terhadap perubahan kata kerja atau to be. Masing-masing tenses dalam Bahasa
Inggris mempunyai keterangan waktu sendiri-sendiri.

Contoh: a. My mother cooks breakfast everyday.

b. My mother cooked breakfast yesterday.

c. My mother is cooking breakfast at the moment.

d. My mother will cook breakfast tomorrow.

e. My mother has been cooking breakfast for an hour.

f. etc....

Secara umum, bentuk waktu di dalam Bahasa Inggris dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu present
(masa kini), past (masa lampau), dan future (masa yang akan datang), dan masing-masing
bentuk waktu tersebut dibagi menjadi empat jenis, yaitu simple (sederhana), continuous
(sedang berlangsung), perfect (sempurna/sudah selesai), dan perfect continuous (bentuk
sempurna yang masih dalam proses berlangsung).

Perhatikan ringkasan tenses di bawah ini! Yang dicetak miring adalah keterangan waktunya.


a. Simple : S + V1 (s/es) + O/C + adverb

Ani writes a novel every Sunday.

b. Continuous : S + is/am/are + V-ing + O/C + adverb

Ani is writing a novel right now.

c. Perfect : S + has/have + V-3 + O/C + adverb

Ani has written a novel already.

d. Perfect Continuous : S + has/have + been + V-ing + O/C + adverb

Ani has been writing a novel since last month.


a. Simple : S + V-2 + O/C + adverb

Ani wrote a novel yesterday.

b. Continuous : S + was/were + V-ing + O/C + adverb

Ani was writing a novel when Budi called her


c. Perfect : S + had + V-3 + O/C + adverb

Ani had written a novel before Budi called her


d. Perfect Continuous : S + had been + V-ing + O/C + adverb

Ani had been writing a novel for two hours when Budi
called her yesterday.


a. Simple : S + will/shall + V1 + O/C + adverb

Ani will write a novel tomorrow.

b. Continuous : S + will/shall + be + V-ing + O/C + adverb

Ani will be writing a novel at 8 p.m tonight.

c. Perfect : S + will have + V-3 + O/C + adverb

Ani will have written a novel by next week.

d. Perfect Continuous : S + will have been + V-ing + O/C + adverb

Ani will have been writing a novel for two hours by

the time Budi calls her tomorrow.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan tabel tenses dan keterangan waktunya berikut.


Present a. Simple Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never,
occasionally, once in a while, hardly ever, everyday, every week,
every year, every ....., on Monday, on Wednesday, etc.
b. Continuous Now, right now, at the moment, at this moment
c. Perfect Already, before, yet, for a long time, for years
d. Perfect For two hours, for a month, (for + durasi waktu)
Continuous since an hour ago, since last week, (since + waktu lampau)
Past a. Simple Yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last week, last
month, last year, last semester, last ......, an hour ago, two days
ago, ........ ago, just now
b. Continuous When Budi called last night, when you came yesterday, (when +
simple past tense)
c. Perfect Before Budi called her yesterday, before you came last night,
(before + simple past tense)
d. Perfect For two hours when Budi called yesterday, for a week when they
Continuous came last week, (for + durasi waktu + when + simple past)
Future a. Simple Tomorrow, tonight, next week, next month, next year, next
Sunday, next.......
b. Continuous At his time tomorrow, at this time tonight, at this time next week,
at 8 p.m tonight, at 7 a.m tomorrow, etc..
c. Perfect By next week, by next month, by Sunday, by ......
d. Pefect Continuous For two hours by the time Budi calls tonight, for an hour by the
time you come tomorrow, (for + durasi waktu + by the time +
simple future)

Bentuk dasar dari kalimat pasif adalah BE + VERB-3. Jika kita berbicara kalimat pasif, maka
kita harus paham dulu jenis-jenis tenses dalam bahasa Inggris, karena kalimat pasif berlaku
pada semua jenis tenses dalam bahasa Inggris. Di antara tenses dalam bahasa Inggris yang
sering kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah: (untuk memudahkan pemahaman,
kita ambil sebuah contoh kalimat yang sederhana)

1. Simple Present
Mary helps John. -> John is helped by Mary.
2. Present Continuous
Mary is helping John. -> John is being helped by Mary
3. Present Perfect
Mary has helped John. -> John has been helped by Mary.
4. Simple Past
Mary helped John. -> John was helped by Mary
5. Past Continuous
Mary was helping John. -> John was being helped by Mary.
6. Past Perfect
Mary had helped John. -> John had been helped by Mary.
7. Simple Future
Mary will help John. -> John will be helped by Mary.
8. Future Perfect
Mary will have helped John. -> John will have been helped by Mary.

a. Jika kita perhatikan contoh di atas, maka suatu kalimat bisa dipasifkan jika kalimat
tersebut memiliki object atau dengan kata lain kata kerja yang digunakan dalam
kalimat tersebut adalah kata kerja transitif. Kata kerja intransitive seperti go, swim,
come, cry, dan sebagainya,tidak bisa dipasifkan.
Contoh: “I usually go to Jakarta every Sunday.” Tidak bisa dipasifkan menjadi
“Jakarta is usually gone by me every Sunday.”
b. To be dalam kalimat pasif mengikuti subject. Contoh:
Ani ate an apple -> An apple was eaten by Ani.
Ani ate two apples. -> Two apples were eaten by Ani.
c. Jika kalimatnya dalam bentuk sedang berlangsung (continuous) maka ada
penambahan “being” dalam kalimat pasifnya. (seperti contoh nomor 2 dan 5)
d. Jika kalimat aktifnya dalam bentuk perfect (mengandung has/have/had), maka dalam
kalimat pasifnya cukup ditambah dengan “been”. (contoh nomor 3,6, dan 8)
e. Jika kalimat aktifnya mengandung modal auxiliaries atau mengandung kata depan to,
maka kalimat pasifnya cukup ditambah “be”. (contoh nomor 7)
Contoh: Mary is going to help John. -> John is going to be helped by Mary.

1. I don’t like tea. (active voice)

Tea is not liked by me.(passive voice)

2. She does not write the test.(active voice)

The test is not written by her. (passive voice)

3. He did not attend the function.(active voice)

The function was not attended by him. (passive voice).

4. She did not invite me. (active voice)

I was not invited by her.(passive voice)

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