Ffi 'Ff::tiiff (:::,.ffi :,: TFR Fiirqqrc

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Tr.f, q14T{ I Govf of lndlo FM ,fl}

{HT riTrEq I Min of Defence tfr kk,
{efi +ql ft{iq-m, * " 1, Ezlrfr i-e, fiirqqrc C9
- iffi
Controller of Defence Accounts u1{5
No.l. Stoff Rood, Secunderobod - 09 ft&R! Si

t €-iqzemoil: secd-stsn-cdq@nic'ln
) {$'rIlil$iTllill
iHi Fli$AMs
(?e qre I web site; cdosecboo'qp'nlc'rn)
qr . Nc. GeMl000l/Gen Corr

*qrffirc Tc-Tr c-Tr"lr T? alq * +,} m 6 3ftr{'fi fi

q,q ii i

Iomrr-tCt, Please address all cor"r"espondence

&1c. designation & not bY name
Pr N-?00453


HQrs TASn.
Bclloi,-rrn, Pl furnish gov I nic maii id ot the Ljn!t
Secui-,derobcd for faster correspondence thrcugh

rlGrs 54 lnf Div

PiN - ?08454

L Ljlvl,
Secunderobod {ssoodm"ccrnop@nic'ini

DGG A ComPlex.
Korkcnc. SecunoercDod (rs-dgqc@nrc'ini


AspercirectlonsoiHQrsCGDA,DelhiConit,v]dethejrLrdt.05i03l2O2a.thisofflcehos due to
which could not be recelved in ihls office in GeM oniine mode
occepted the GeM bills,
lechnicol reosoll-1f1",::"-t^?::'::ii:H
non-selecllon oi povmeni methods ond other ;:."::I
f rnoncror veor 20re-20
onerirne meosure f or rhe
ffi;'ff::Tiiff[:::,.ffi;;;:, " ^-t al (lnrac / Services
[1ype text j

qf oudit requiremeni . Henceforth, oti GeM bilis

to be submitted throuqh Cnline rnode only. lf ony problem is encountered during the processing
ot bills ci Unit level, due to which the bill couid not be pushed to GeAl server of CDA. the scme
mcy be brought tc the notice of GeM outhorities i5ri. -loyovodivel Rolc, Business Fccilitator foi'
Teiongcrno Arec ni joyovodivei.rojo@intellectdesiqn.com or Brig BK Murrjoi, Advisor Dei
Procurennent ot ocivisor-cjefproc@gem.Eov.in) for reciificotions ond submission to CDA through
GeM cnline mode only, since no provision exisis in CDA's bill processing system {fULlPJ to poss
the GeM bills in offline mode ofter 0l lA4l2A20"

C3. this connection, it is olso intimoted thot Govt of inido, MoF vide their Otu1 dt 23lA\ l2D2D

ccjvised cll fhe Ministries / Depcrtments to procure gooos / services through GeM to lever,:Ee
tne ':dvcntcges it offers. Sri Tcilen Kumor, IAS CEO, GeM vide his Lr dt" D7lA1l2A2A cddressed to
L4oD iFinl hqs olso expressed un-hoppiness over the vclue of ironsoctions of Rs. 3.423 Cr corried
o,:t during 2018-19 ond 2A19-20 combined compored to tenders of Rs.36,527 Cr flootec f6p the
scme period cnd exhoried to come on boord GeM mondotorily. l-le olso requested tc ensure
thct products I services ovoiloble on GeM should De procured only througn GeM ond if any
items cre rrot cvoilobie currrentiy on GeM, scme ccn be intimoted to CeM cniine tnrouEn
Requesi Moncgemeni System (RtrIS) so ftroi thev con be nnode ovoiioble. it is, therefcre
requesteC tc ensure thct goods cnd services cvoiloble in GeM mcy pleose be procured frcm
Getl cniy in lerms of Rule 149 of GFR 20i7 and biils submitted to this office ihrough GeM Online
mcde oniv.

0a. ln cose goods services ore not ovoiloble on GeM, Min of Fin, Govt of lndlo vide their
CM dt. " odvised to generote "GeM Avoilobility Report ond Post Trcnscction
23lC] l2A2A nos
Sun-rmory" iGeMAR&PTS) before going for purchose outside GelM wef A1lO7l2A2A. A copy of the
CM is enciosed for recdy reference.

in view of the obove, it is once ogoin requested to odhere io ihe following sti'ictly whiie
submitting bills to this office in future.

0'!" All GeM bills (includinq bills on olc of oulsourcinq of rnonpower) lo be submitted to lhis
office lhrouoh GeM online mode only. since NO GeM bill is occepled in offline mode
except lhe bills olreodv reiecled in GeM online mode by lhis office due io non-tulfilment
of oudit requirements.
02. To procure qoods / s
GeM will
excepl os suqqesled ql poro 4 obove.

lrq rrrrqur srfr i r
. yonc C )

afDrq-ffi a;, er iGeM)

Yfr ffi rCopy to:

01. Comrndt.
AOC Centre
Pl N- 900453 {qiiar&q1z8t@gay,lnl for informotion ond necessorv oction ol.
[Type text]

c2. Commdt,
I EME Csntre,
Secunoeroood -do-

c3. Commdi.
Artiliery Centre,
Hyderobad -do-

44" Cdr.
76 tnf Bde.
PiN - 908076
Cr'o 56 APC -do-
nc Cdr,
48 inf Bde.
PiN - 908047
C,/O 56 APC -do-

C6. Cdr,
54 ArTy Bde
PtN - 926954
Clo 56 APO -do-

a7 ComOt.

08. T\ n-
T & AP
Secunderobod -do-
(ddg.cndhro@nccindio.nic.in i

09. SAC ilc

iT Section, Locol ing in CDA

(6 . {fq 4[aiqnT q,-& I croycno

qt-z ror-:1|';51JT,fu l, )

icer lGeMl

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