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The Wheel has new

editorial staff!
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February 21, 2011 - Volume 78, Issue 9
St. Catherine University student newspaper

collaborating with groups like People Respecting organization is pleased with the resulting
Identity Differences and Equality (PRIDE). change and the direction of the task force
“It’ll broaden [our initiatives],” Matz said. this semester.
“We’re still working on Body Love for this “Ultimately, we’re all happy with ‘Women
year. Body Love is going to be even more and Gender.’ And ultimately we all wanted

inclusive than it ever has been. Queer bodies a change--we saw that in the vote. No one
are represented in our body art projects and voted to keep [the title] the same,” Matz said.
we’re going to have a focus on [this].” Podvin agreed, looking ahead to the full
After discussing the potential name change roster of gender-inclusive events to come
with Women’s Initiative members and other this semester.
MPIRG leaders, the issue was brought “I think that the work [the members of the
•Social justice organization re-names popular task force to an instant run-off vote that included task force] are doing and the activities and
returning MPIRG members, new members, events they are planning really accomplish
By Tréza Rosado and Rachel Armstrong and the general student what they wanted
population. the name change
The Minnesota Public Interest Research [some members] really wanted to change the Voters could choose to address,” Podvin
Group (MPIRG) of St. Catherine University name--to be in solidarity with other chapters to ke e p “Wo m e n’s “Wewere...acknowledging said.
(SCU) agreed to change the name of the
Women’s Initiatives task force to the Women
of MPIRG,” Kassy Podvin, MPIRG’s other
co-chair, added. “But our political climate on
Initiatives” as the task
force title, or they could
that there was a wide variety The next big
events for the
and Gender task force last week. The change this campus is really different, even [compared choose from “Women of feminist identities Women and Gender
came as the group aims to broaden its message to] other Catholic-identified campuses.” and Gender Initiatives,”
and activities on the SCU campus. Furthermore, returning members questioned “Gender and Sexuality,”
represented.” task force include
Body Love and Take
Newly elected co-task force leaders Caitlin the removal of “women” from the task force or “Women, Gender and -Leah Matz, Women and Back the Night.
Snodgrass and Leah Matz, both first-years, title as the group has been traditionally Sexuality.” Anyone interested
proposed the title of Gender and Sexuality associated with women’s issues on the SCU After a heated debate GenderCo-TaskForceLeader in participating in
task force, to align with other area colleges campus. between “Women and the Women and
and universities. However, the use of the “It became clear that many people, including Gender” or “Gender and Gender task force
term “sexuality” in the task force title caused past leaders of the task force, felt that ‘women’ Sexuality”, voters decided on the former. At or MPIRG’s other two task forces (Green
concern, particularly among the senior was very important to the title as we’re the issue were concerns over limiting the outreach Initiatives and Affordable Higher Education)
members of MPIRG. only group on campus that works specifically of the group due to inciting controversy as can get involved by attending a meeting any
“We just thought that including ‘sexuality’ with women’s initiatives,” Snodgrass said. well as blurring the organization boundaries Tuesday at 5 p.m. in room 362 of the Coeur
might not be the best route for MPIRG, “However, we didn’t want to limit ourselves between MPIRG and PRIDE. de Catherine.
especially given the administration,” MPIRG by excluding the word gender because not “It was difficult,” Matz said. “We were
Co-Chair Lisa Spano said. “We probably can’t everyone in the world identifies as their recognizing and acknowledging that there was
put that on our fliers; St. Kate’s wouldn’t let biological gender.” a wide variety of feminist identities represented Tréza can be reached at
us, to be honest.” More specifically, Snodgrass, Matz, and at the table and we had to somehow come
“A lot of the issues that other task forces other members of the Women and Gender to a consensus amongst all those and find
work on, because of our Catholic identity task force hope to create a safe space for something that made us all happy.” Rachel can be reached at
as an institution, we wouldn’t necessarily be non-traditional gender expression on the Although the name change and the discussion
able to work on in solidarity. This is why SCU campus by providing resources and it spurred were at times contentious, the

News in
brief Spotlight: Interpreting
• Updates on this week’s
By Alexa Chihos
across cultures
Left: Felix Mugisha is a sign language interpreter from Uganda. Mugisha came
assistant editor to St. Catherine University (SCU) to learn about the university’s sign language
interpreting program and to share his interpreting experiences in Africa with
Egypt Update: students, faculty, and staff.
On Feb. 11 Egyptian President Hosni Below: Mugisha speaks at an event hosted by SCU’s American sign language
Mubarak resigned, leaving the Egyptian (ASL) club to field questions about interpreting. Mugisha’s visit was coordinated
military in charge of political, economic, by SCU’s CATIE Center, which works to expand interpreting opportunities and
social, and domestic affairs. As of Feb. 14 training, in the community, and Global Deaf Connection, a non-governmantal
the military has vowed to remain in charge organization (NGO) which emphasizes on fostering equality and opportunities
in Egypt until formal elections take place for deaf individuals around the world. At the event, members of the ASL club
and have suspended the constitution as well learned about the possibilites of getting involved with Global Deaf Connection
as disbanded parliament. and working as interpreters internationally.
To learn more about opportunities through the CATIE Center or about Mugisha’s
2012 United States Budget: visit, email
President Barack Obama released a budget To learn more about Global Deaf Connection, visit
proposal for 2012 on Feb. 14 which defined
both political parties’ competing views on
the best path toward long term economic
success. The proposed budget would increase
resources in areas such as education and clean
energy, and cut spending in environmental
protection and community services. The
national deficit is projected to be $1.6 trillion
by the end of this year.

Wisconsin Labor Protests:

A bill proposed in Wis. by Gov. Scott
Walker (R) incited controversy surrounding
public labor issues on Feb. 18. Labor unions
protested the bill, taking issue with the
removal of collective bargaining rights and
cuts in benefits to public employees. The
proposed bill is an attempt to cut the state
deficit. Other states, including Ohio, where
similar protests have begun surrounding a
measure backed by Gov. John Kasich (R)
that also would curtail bargaining rights, Photos
are struggling over public labor issues and by Dana
state deficit as well. Bloomquist.
Alexa can be reached at
2 | The Wheel NEWS & OPINION February 21, 2011

Theory to action: change-makers decides that this project you worked on ceaselessly, skipped lunch for, got
a C in that class because of, isn’t a big deal? Will all of the hassle with administration and
lack of a social life matter when you leave this place? Does campus activism really matter
Sustainable campus in a broader context?
The quick answer is yes. And here’s why.

activism The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee played a major role in

organizing students and community around sit-ins, freedom rides and the March
on Washington in 1963 as part of the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.
Anti-globalization activists from across the nation gained momentum through
campus buzz and showed up in force to protest the World Trade Organization
By Elissa Johnson Ministerial Conference in 1999, marking the largest anti-globalization protest to date.
political columnist The feminist movement met the university when women activists at universities across
the nation who realized that allowing women to participate in higher education was
not enough. They acknowledged that women deserve respect within the institution and
Higher education presents a complicated reality for activist-oriented, socially conscious demanded that change come from inside the administration.
student change-makers. They are compelled to address issues of disparity and injustice Anti-war movements have on flourished onuniversity campuses since WWII, as campus
around their campuses and create an atmosphere of solidarity within the student body activists continue to work for peace at home and abroad through various campus-initiated
while simultaneously working with, but under, the administration to achieve these goals. endeavors.
Through semester-long drives, “entertainment with a purpose” events, petitions created in None of this would have been possible without individuals who saw the necessity in
Microsoft Publisher and letters-to-editor of the school newspaper, these student-activists dedicating what time they had during their short years as undergraduates. Student activists
get the issues to the campus public and instigate change in their collegiate atmosphere. see that movements may start small, but they are far reaching. Even seemingly insignificant
Some large, some small, these changes take many forms but always are intended to alter changes reflect the ability to challenge a system.
campus life for the better. Passions shift, power shifts, engagement and possibilities in the campus climate wax and
At St. Catherine University (SCU), campus activism has made available Peace Coffee, wane. Students who act on the urgency of issues important to them and to the campus build
expanded technology options, and created productions by and for the women on this a student body that recognizes that, with dedication, a few people can make a big difference.
campus to expose hardships and celebrate womanhood. Student activists give complicated You may be expecting a famous activist quote by Margaret Mead, something about the
answers to questions like, “What do you do at St. Kate’s?” because the work they do in dedication of just a few thoughtful, committed individuals and the world-changing work
class is only a small portion of the work they feel is important to their student identity they can do. Well, Mead was a woman of merit and many words. As you assess the worth
and academic careers. of your campus engagement, think of these words of hers, with which I tend to agree: “I
But what happens after graduation? It seems nearly trivial to fight for something must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual
that, by the time graduation rolls around, could be obsolete. What kind of notoriety do makes to her or his fellow human beings.”
these campus activists hope to achieve by being able to say at graduation something like, So what will you contribute?
“When I was just a first-year we had to fight for the right to chalk the sidewalks”? What
is accomplished if, over the course of one year (or one semester,) a new group of student Elissa can be reached at

Breaking down walls: years, perpetuating the oppression of Egyptians’ economic opportunities and access to
political and religious freedoms. The annual 1.5 billion dollars of U.S. aid to Egypt was
predominantly used to support the repressive security system rather than the livelihoods
Media biases and the and wellbeing of the Egyptian public. Increased levels of poverty, corruption, and income
inequality have fostered dissent among Egyptians and helped foster this revolution, led

democratic process predominantly by the nation’s youth.

In the United States, freedom, democracy, capitalism, and apple pie seem to be synonymous.
However, in reality, the application of these so-called American values seems to be that
democracy should reign worldwide only if it receives the approval of the United States,
the world’s self-appointed global policing entity. Supporting a brutal dictator in Egypt
By Jordyn Arndt was justifiable despite its obvious infringement upon democracy, because it supported
U.S. geopolitical interests in the region.
international columnist If the United States is such a strong supporter of democracy, then why are the protests
in Egypt framed in a threatening manner? Democracy is about hearing the voice of the
During my flight from New Delhi to Newark on Saturday, Jan. 29, I was intrigued by the people. Egyptians are speaking and trying to determine the fate of their country based
front page article in the Washington Post: “Cairo falls into near-anarchy.” In a jet lagged, on their own needs and interests, rather than those of foreign influences and unwanted
Dramamine-induced state, I glanced at the image of burning cars and public unrest next dictators. Why are we trying to silence it in terms of media representation predominated
to the black and white text before dozing off once again. That afternoon, having returned by sensationalism and in terms of physical suppression through American-made crowd
home after a month in India with TV access limited to Hindi music videos and soap operas, control products?
I was stunned to read about the riots in Egypt, though not entirely surprised. The general public is largely unaware that U.S. tax dollars supported Mubarak’s regime
I have been avidly following the political revolution in Egypt over the past few weeks. and continue to support the silencing of democracy in the country. The tools used to
Since Jan. 25, tens of thousands of Egyptians have been protesting in the streets in an effort suppress the protesting masses were developed in the United States. Egypt is the second
to force the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. I spent a month in Egypt during Jan. largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid after Israel. While neither Israel nor Egypt is considered
2008 and was introduced to the complexity of Middle East politics and the strategic role a “developing country,” both countries continue to receive one-third of all U.S. aid. Missiles,
Egypt plays in the region as a key U.S. ally. tanks, and engines have been supplied to the Mubarak regime by Lockheed Martin, Boeing,
While the sensationalist accounts of what is taking place in Egypt abound, many underlying and General Electric over the past few decades.
causes of this dissent are conveniently omitted in corporate-owned, mainstream U.S. If you have been unaware of this disturbing reality and rely on NBC Universal for your
media sources. The United States has supported the Mubarak dictatorship for the past 30 daily news, this convenient omission could be attributed to the fact that NBC Universal is
owned by Comcast and General Electric. As partial owner of NBC, General Electric failed
to reveal its less-than-favorable ties with the oppressive Egyptian regime to the general
ST. CATHERINE UNIVERSITY WHEEL STAFF public. This revelation could generate negative attention for General Electric and perhaps
Volume 78, Issue 8 initiate a loss in consumer confidence.
The Egyptian revolution is an important moment in history. Egyptians are demanding
Editor-in-Chief: TREZA ROSADO democracy despite 30 years of oppression fostered, in part, by the United States. A wave of
Layout Designer: SARAH WENTE protests inspired by those in Egypt and Tunisia has spread through Bahrain, Yemen, Iran,
and Libya. While each protest is different and specific to its region, they are unified by
Associate Editor: RACHEL ARMSTRONG
the desire of the people to hold their governments accountable to the needs and interests
Assistant Editors: BECKY DOUCETTE, ALEXA CHIHOS of the majority rather than the elite minority. Now is the time to critically analyze what
Copy Editor: DANA BLOOMQUIST is taking place in the Middle East, as it will have an impact on the region and the world
SON, DANA BLOOMQUIST Jordyn can be reached at
If you would like to write for The Wheel, please contact us at
The Wheel staff would like to
MISSION STATEMENT recognize our Editor-in-Chief,
The Wheel aspires to reflect the diversity and unique atmosphere that
Tréza Rosado, for her win at
comprises St. Catherine University. We strive to provide an inclusive The Associated Collegiate Press’
newspaper primarily for the students and by the students. The Wheel Best of the Midwest conference.
promotes the vision of empowering women to lead and influence Treza’s editorial, “An American
as well as an understanding of the university community inside and in Accra: A Retrospective”, won
outside of the gates. As a staff we aim to meet the highest journal- first place in the category of
istic standards and stand in accordance with the 1st Amendment of
the Constitution of the United States of America and policies of prior
restraint. The Wheel is not a public relations vehicle for any SCU indi- Congratulations, Tréza!
vidual, group, department or for the college as a whole. We welcome
feedback and encourage an open discourse. The Wheel is supported by
student funds and is distributed free of charge.
February 21, 2011 FEATURES The Wheel | 3

Editorial: The
Meet the new Wheel politics of women’s
editorial staff By Tréza Rosado

The past few weeks have been somewhat of a nightmare if you happen to have ovaries
in America.
Name: Alexa Chihos
First, the Republican party attempted to “redefine” rape—ostensibly, to save taxpayers
Age: 20 money. The bill aimed to make permanent certain bans on federal funding for abortions.
Major: Social Work Per this agenda, the bill would only provide funding for those pregnancies resulting from
“forcible rape.” Most people would argue that “forcible rape” is a completely redundant
Position: Assistant Editor
phrase, akin to saying “ATM machine” when ATM already stands for Automated Teller
Why should we get to know you? Machine. However, Republicans pressed on—seemingly comfortable in the absurdity of their
I have 5 piercings and 2 tattoos.
Enough said. position. Although Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives eventually dropped
the controversial language from the bill, the bill and its inherent hypocrisy went forward.
What’s your favorite winter The hypocrisy of course being that a leading cause for the current budget crisis can be
activity? Playing ridiculous riffs
on my guitars. directly linked to the financial ineptitude of the previous administration and their insistence
on conducting two long-term wars while simultaneously cutting taxes.
And now, when we’ve finally reached a boiling point on the deficit and our national debt,
Republicans have decided that the best way to rein in spending is to remove funding for
rape-induced abortions. Twisting the knife further into our nation’s collective uterus, the
GOP-led House approved a budget that removed all $75 million of Planned Parenthood’s
Name: Becky Doucette federal funding. The bill also erases the $317 million budget of Title X. Title X, if you
didn’t know, helps to fund the clinics where 4.7 million Americans receive their health care,
Age: 19
according to correspondent Sandra Fish of Politics Daily.
Major: Theology and English I’m not entirely sure where the Republican obsession with controlling women’s reproductive
systems stems from but it’s obvious that their growing obsession (coupled with their growing
Position: Assistant Editor
power) is seriously undermining both women’s rights and the financial priorities of this
Why should we get to know country. It’s as though the GOP sees women’s clinics and free clinics as solely dedicated
you? I’m seriously addicted to deep
conversations, caffeine, and pizza. to abortions and nothing else. Their inability to see the forest for the trees prohibits them
from recognizing that STD testing, breast exams, and gynecological exams are all provided
What’s your favorite winter
activity? Getting snowed in and by Planned Parenthood and others targeted by this budget proposal. Matters of women’s
being “forced” to watch movies and health do not just revolve around abortion and birth control.
drink hot cocoa with friends.
The budget deadline is Mar. 4. Presumably, the government can reach a reasonable
compromise before that date or we might well see a congressional shutdown.
But who can really say anymore. Rape apparently no longer means rape and women’s
health is somehow expendable these days; Congress’ collective ability to see reason might
well be irreparably impaired.
Name: Jessica Jones

Age: 19 Tréza can be reached at

Major: Undecided

Position: Co-Photo Editor

Why should we get to know you?

I ride a motorcycle, my tattoo is of
Black history month in
an iconic child hood rabbit, and
almost all of my clothes are from
my grandma’s closet.
full swing “African America” which focuses on the
experience of immigrants from Liberia,
Ethiopia, and Somalia.
• MIPS and other organi- This month’s cornbread and chili night
(co-hosted by the Black Student Association)
What’s your favorite winter
activity? All of them: sledding, snow zations raise campus-wide featured “Untangling the Black Hair Trap”,
forts, and the winter medallion hunt! awareness which focused on the African American
woman’s relationship with her hair.
By Cheyfaun Bryant Coming up this week is a showing of the
Chris Rock film “Good Hair” on Feb. 23 in
staff writer
The Pulse. The movie also focuses on African
American women, their hair, and defining
When people think of the month of the phrase “good hair”.
February, they usually think of chocolate, Last but not least, MIPS will be bringing
Name: Heather Kolnick love in the air, or pink and red. But Feb. is a group of students to the Pan-African
also Black history month, and there’s a lot Conference at Minnesota State University,
Age: 17 going on at St. Catherine University (SCU). Mankato. The conference has been held
Ciara Houston, Multicultural and every year for more than three decades and
Major: Studio Art & Art History International Programs and Services (MIPS) is a respected forum for learning more about
office coordinator, and Heather Jackson, issues of importance to African Americans.
Position: Co-Photo Editor MIPS’ multicultural outreach coordinator, With all of these events, everyone at SCU
believe Black history month is a time to look can enjoy an educational Black history month.
Why should we get to know back on the accomplishments of African Even when there isn’t a special month, the
you? You might find my awkward American people throughout history. MIPS office always has plenty going on. Stop
presence endearing. MIPS is celebrating in a big way. by the MIPS office on the second floor of
“[Black history month] is not the only the Coeur de Catherine (CdC) to pick up a
What’s your favorite winter month we celebrate, [but it’s] the loudest,” calendar of all this month’s events, to take
activity? Playing Oregon Trail on Houston said. their weekly quiz, or to visit their resource
my iPhone while curled in the fetal Feb. is filled with events for all students library.
position. to attend. Earlier this month MIPS, along
with the St. Kate’s Activities Team (SKAT) Cheyfaun can be reached at
and Leaders 4 Literacy, hosted a play called
4 | The Wheel FEATURES February 21, 2011

Mixed media; many faces represents. Additionally, the great control fellow students, alumnae, and administrators. from 12 p.m. to
• The Catherine G. Mur- of medium and knowledge of color and Olson breathes life into her 6 p.m. The showcase ends on Apr. 3.
shape would be impressive to anyone – but portraits by considering the
phy Gallery showcases especially those who have worked with the question, “What does it mean
work of faculty (often troublesome) medium of oil paint.
“[The show is] yet another example of
to be an individual with specific
characteristics and gifts, and yet
[Chase’s] incredible ability with color and to be immersed in a community
By Molly Davy her mark-making skills with a paint brush,” that has common aspirations
staff writer Anna Garski, junior art student said. “Her and values?” Olson answers this
paintings are captivating and mysterious. At question by painting each portrait
St. Catherine University’s (SCU) Catherine the opening, I couldn’t pull my boyfriend individually, on separate canvases
G. Murphy Gallery, located in the Visual Arts away to go meet her because he was too busy of the same size, bringing out
Building, showcases two faculty artists in its examining one of her paintings. ” the qualities of each person that
two new exhibitions which opened on Feb. 5. Chase’s ability to influence a viewer’s mood make her or him unique. This
In the West Gallery, studio art professor through her use of light and color is striking. individuality is shown in things
Carol Lee Chase’s show “The World Behind Comparing how one feels while seeing what as simple as a smile, a glint in the
The World” is a mid-career survey of Chase’s appears to be a brightly lit landscape in Mirror eyes, or a tip of the chin.
work from the beginning of her career gives one a feeling of warmth and comfort, “Every time I look at that
to present. Chase has amassed a body of while a work such as Nocturne I is beautiful, portrait, I greet the past Katherine
work exhibiting her exploration in oil paint, but slightly eerie with its cooler colors and – I remember who I was, how I
gouache and wax. The show provides a sharp lines resembling tree branches lit by felt, and know how I changed,”
collective view of Chase’s experimentation a full moon. junior art student and portrait-
with media and processes throughout her “I identify as an observer of the world and subject Katherine Curtis said of
career. This experimentation is evident in ask: What can I do with all that I observe? How her experience with the project.
her wax paintings, the variety of line, and do I interpret, filter, and bring something back The artwork can be appreciated
diverse use of light in each piece. It is also out into the world?” Chase said, regarding the as complete when all forty portraits Above: Nocturne I by Carol Lee Chase is a piece
interesting to see the growth from realism in heavy influence of nature in her work. These are viewed as one, collective work. featured in the Catherine G. Murphy Gallery’s
her landscapes to her more recent, abstract questions prompt her into an alternate way It is then that the artistic intent West Gallery.
work. of seeing the world, in which simple things comes through in the fascinating Top and bottom: Selected portraits from The
One of the most striking paintings to fit we take for granted each day are suddenly combination between the specific Catherine Portrait: Paintings by Patricia Olson, Sister
this description is Coiled: pure gold. It is made given a new beauty under her eye. individuality within each portrait, Mona Riley Endowed Professor in the Humanities
up of a sinewy conglomerate of yellow lines In the East Gallery, “The Catherine Portrait: versus the purpose and function
applied over hints of green, causing the maze Paintings by Patricia Olson, Sister Mona they all share as a portrait of a Photos by Dana Bloomquist, printed with permission
of lines to pop out to the viewer as well as Riley Endowed Professor in the Humanities” community. of the Catherine G. Murphy Gallery.
reference depth and dimension. While viewing will surely catch your eye as a result of the The Catherine G. Murphy
Coiled, one is reminded of coral or sponges numerous members of the SCU community Gallery is open Monday through Friday from Molly can be reached at
due to the magnified porous imagery Chase who may familiar to you as your professors, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday

Put on
Tickets will be sold in advance for $5, and organizations, one SCU academic department More women die from heart disease each
can be purchased the week prior to the show has provided a lasting contribution to the year than from any other cause, and both
in the Coeur de Catherine 2nd floor atrium. event: dresses. As a class assignment, Dr. Halverson and Rivard hope to raise awareness

your little
Tickets purchased at the door cost $8. Anupama Pasricha of the Family, Consumer, of that fact at SCU.
The coordinators of LRD emphasize the and Nutritional Sciences (FCNS) department Both women are passionate about leading
opportunities for charity and education asked her students to create dresses for the heart-healthy lifestyles. They emphasize the

red dress
inherent in this event. All of the proceeds event. These dresses will be auctioned off importance of diet and exercise on heart
will fund the American Heart Association’s just like the others at the LRD fashion show. health. Rivard is particularly dedicated as
Go Red for Women campaign, which the Other students in the FCNS department both of her parents use cardiac pacemakers
American Heart Association describes as created quilts and accessories, also for the due to heritable heart diseases.
• Students prepare for charity “a passionate, emotional social initiative auction. “Little Red Dress is very important to me
fashion show designed to empower women to take charge Planning such an elaborate event has as it attempts to spread awareness about the
of their heart health.” The fashion show will required the integral assistance of many number-one killer of women in the United
By Caitlin Snodgrass support Go Red for Women’s broad social, individuals, all of whom are committed to States: heart disease. It is never too early to
educational, and community initiatives to LRD’s mission. begin preventing heart disease, and we feel
staff writer raise awareness of the impact that heart LRD Chair, senior Quinn Halverson, and that Little Red Dress makes students more
disease has on women. junior Abbie Rivard, Co-President of the thoughtful about their diet and exercise
St. Catherine University (SCU) possesses This year, multiple student organizations Public Health Club, have both been pleased regimens,” Halverson said.
a unique, socially conscious spirit due to the have participated in the preparations for the by the support they’ve received from many Rivard hopes that while students are
emphasis its community places on issues of event, particularly the Public Health Club SCU organizations and offices. enjoying the fashion show, silent auction,
social justice. Throughout the year, there are and the Medical Interest Group (the original “This event has provided a perfect and concert, they will also be increasing their
many opportunities to see this spirit in action. sponsor of the event when it first occurred opportunity for collaboration between awareness of their own health.
One such opportunity for generosity and in November 2009). Community businesses multiple student organizations, which does “This is an issue we all need to work together
simultaneous socializing is fast approaching: were also asked to contribute gift certificates not always happen,” Rivard said. [on] and help raise awareness of how to lead
the second Little Red Dress (LRD) Fashion and dresses, all of which will be available for Halverson has had “a blast” planning Little a heart-healthy lifestyle,” Rivard said.
Show, which will take place on Saturday, Feb. purchase through a silent auction. Red Dress, which she agreed has been “truly a
26 from 7-10 p.m. in Rauenhorst Ballroom. In addition to the contributions of student collaboration of many of the school’s clubs.” Caitlin can be reached at
February 21, 2011 FEATURES The Wheel | 5

And the award goes to...

• 17-syllable summaries of Academy Award Best Picture nominees
capture the essence of this year’s most acclaimed films
Our bi-weekly
By Tréza Rosado
editor-in-chief meetings are now open
to anyone, staffers and
For people uninterested in the spectacle of armored men ramming into other armored men in pursuit
of a strangely shaped ball, February offers an annual event other than the Super Bowl that provides an
non-staffers alike.
equally arbitrary method for losing money on poorly informed bets:

The Academy Awards. If you have an idea

for publication,
As The Wheel always strives for excellence in its reporting, we used a highly scientific method of
statistical analysis to arrive at our rankings. That is, we checked Entertainment Weekly’s rankings and suggestion for future
adjusted them according to our youthful bias.
issues, or an interest in
Summaries of Best Picture nominees, in haiku form: writing, please attend!

The Social Network The Fighter 127 Hours

Meetings are
The Facebook movie It’s like The Wrestler Climber cuts off arm held in the Student
Better than you might expect Mark Wahlberg is a boxer I hear James Franco is great
Somewhat sexist though Family drama Must have strong stomach Organization Center of
The King’s Speech True Grit Winter’s Bone
the Coeur de Catherine
Colin Firth stutters Remake of John Wayne What even is this? at 5 p.m.
Helena Bonham Carter Hailey Steinfeld is unreal Excuse me while I Google
Probably will win Coen Bros. for life “Meth in the Ozarks”
Next meeting:
The Kids Are All Right Inception
Kids find sperm donor Your dreams are not safe The Academy Awards will take place on March 6.
Lesbian moms in crisis Hans Zimmer score will change you Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. CT, and will be televised
Unwanted plot twist Was it all a dream? on ABC.
Toy Story 3 Black Swan for more information.
The one film you’ve seen Dancer goes crazy Tréza can be reached at
Toy owner outgrows his toys Mixture of horror and drama
Existential angst Is overrated

Listen local: Ntxhais

Center for Women. Hmong Daughters now
meet monthly.
“We pull out the Kaj Siab box…we usually
just write questions or things that are on our

Daughter’s Hmoob mind and we throw it in the box. Someone

draws one, we read it, and whoever wants
to share the answer can,” Xy Xiong, a senior

Debut • Hmong student group

builds community on campus
Hmong student, said.
Sia Vang calls the Kaj Siab box the
“anonymous thought box” and the questions
from students are about topics that vary from
By Claire Davidson By Becky Doucette culture-specific, to school, to gender, and to
music columnist assistant editor everyday situations.
Hmong Daughters participates in the
When you hear of a band named Communist Daughter, it might be easy to assume St. Catherine University (SCU) has more Hmong National Development Conference.
your eardrums are in for a true hipster treat, and in this case you wouldn’t be wrong. Truly than 200 Hmong students currently enrolled Lasting two days, the conference holds
an amalgamation of local and national indie-rock influences, the home grown musical as day students. Since the population of various workshops centered around Hmong
chameleons of Communist Daughter offer everything good about independent music and Hmong students at SCU continues to increase, traditions, marriage, hate crimes, and more.
leave a lasting impression far beyond their radio hits and obscure moniker. a student leadership group has been formed The workshops are led by multiple age groups
Like many people, I had only heard of the band’s debut single, “Not the Kid”, from to reach out to Hmong students. – from high school and college students to
The Current several months ago. Much to my surprise, the rest of their breakout album, Ntxhais Hmoob (Hmong Daughters) of St. professionals.
“Soundtrack to the End” outshines the already spectacular first impressions I had gathered Kate’s is not recognized as a chartered club “[W]e get to connect with other students
from my limited exposure. From beginning to end, the album is beautifully composed and on the SCU campus—a conscious decision like us and especially with professional Hmong
a brilliant example of Minnesota’s rich independent music scene. by group members. leaders and professional Hmong women,”
If you focused on lead singer Johnny Solomon, for example, you’d find much more than “When you say ‘club’, there’s always some Gao Nou Vang said of the importance of
your typical indie rockstar. As the former front man of Friends Like These, Solomon also sort of leader positions. However, as a student attending the conference.
dabbled in the food industry, opening up a Southern-style restaurant named The Boxcar in leadership group, everyone is the leader of Even though they are not chartered,
Prescott, Wis. after a brief hiatus from the music scene. After forming Communist Daughter the group,” Gao Nou Vang, a junior Hmong funding for Hmong Daughters has never
(inspired by the Neutral Milk Hotel song) Solomon & Co haven’t stopped promoting their student, said. been a problem.
debut album on Grainbelt Records. Sia Vang, Hmong Daughters’ co-adiviser, “It’s like a potluck. You don’t need a pot
Now, if you’ve read this column before or are just a local music fan to begin with, you’ll explained the decision to remain unchartered. of money to pool funds from to have an
notice that once you start paying attention to the countless outstanding acts our city has “I think many groups thrive in their own event. Everyone chips in; everyone helps
to offer, it’s impossible not to draw comparisons between them. Like any great art form, way and their own right,” Sia Vang said, “It’s out,” Sia Vang said.
the collection of local musicians our city has birthed seems to inspire each other flawlessly important to acknowledge that different In the past, the Abigail Q. McCarthy Center
and without restricting the individuality of each separate act. For example, as a vocalist, groups are all unique and there is not just for Women, MIPS, and Senate have provided
Solomon sounds like a mixture between The National’s lead singer Matt Berninger and fellow one way to [thrive].” support by helping with registration costs.
Minnesota locals Peter Wolf Crier. I also couldn’t help but notice a similar sentimentality The group began with Chuayi Yang, Above all, Hmong Daughters is a place
to Jeremy Messersmith on one of my favorite Communist Daughter tracks, “Speed of the Assistant Director Multicultural and for support.
Sound.” “I still live for sound, but lately all the people seem to talk too loud./And my feet International Programs and Services (MIPS), “I have heard a lot of other [students]
are on the ground but all the words I say are comin’ out like clouds,” Solomon sings with Deep Shikha, an economics and women’s mention similar struggles [to ones I have had].
a detached frankness. studies professor, and Sia Vang, the Program My parents want me to have an education
Not confined to one genre or influence, however, Communist Daughter truly display Coordinator in the Abigail Q. McCarthy and at the same time they want me to keep
their uniqueness in the sense that no one song sounds the same on the entire album. We all Center for Women. the culture and traditions alive, and I can’t
know artists whose whole album could have been digested through listening to one song, Shikha had become aware of the struggles do that. It’s like living in two worlds, you
however Communist Daughter triumphantly escape that faux pas. On another favorite her Hmong students were experiencing. don’t know where you belong…Hmong
track, “The Lady is an Arsonist” they deliver a noticeably more pop-influenced vibe, “[Yang, Sia Vang, and I] met and decided Daughters is like family to me, especially
complete with punchy, upbeat verses and fast-paced instrumentation. “I write the letters that we would invite all the Hmong students when I was struggling with so much my first
you burn before you read, but who could read you better/Than me? A southern boy with on campus for a community gathering,” year, they were there to support me all the
a can of gasoline.” Appealingly playful, “Soundtrack to the End” is equal parts indie-rock Shikha said. way,” Xiong said.
brain-candy and the product of truly meaningful lyricists. “From that first gathering, it was decided For Sia Vang, this community is vital to SCU.
Don’t miss their upcoming spring concert on Apr. 15 where you can see them live at by the students that they wanted to maintain “Seek a community. If you don’t see it,
First Avenue. this support/community group,” Sia Vang said. build one,” Sia Vang said.
Hmong Daughters began with eight
Claire can be reached at students; however, in the fall of 2010 they had Becky can be reached at
to fit 60 students in the Abigail Q. McCarthy
6 | The Wheel FEATURES February 21, 2011

“What are you Up and Coming at the O’Shaughnessy

wearing?” Compiled by Elyse Johnson

Macalester College Choral Festival

• A look at St. Kate’s most fearless and fashionable Saturday, Feb. 26 at 8 p.m.
Tickets: Free
Compiled by Jessica Jones
“The Wizard of Oz” Presented by Out on a Limb Dance Company
and School
Times: Thursday Mar. 3, 7 p.m.
Friday Mar. 4, 7 p.m.
Saturday Mar. 5, 2 p.m.
Tickets: Adults: $22, children/students: $18, group rate (10+): $15
Tickets can be purchased at the door or by contacting Out on a Limb
at 651-644-3802

“Hello Dolly”, Presented by St. Catherine University Theatre

Times: Friday Mar. 11, 7 p.m.
Saturday Mar. 12, 7 p.m.
Sunday Mar. 13, 2 p.m.
Tickets: Adults: $17, ACTC students/community: $7
Tickets can be purchased at the O’Shaughnessy box office or by calling

The 2010-2011 Body Enlightened Dance Series: Ragamala Dance

Yathra (Journey)
Times: Friday Mar. 25, 8 p.m.,
Saturday Mar. 26, 8 p.m.,
Sunday Mar. 27, 2 p.m.
Tickets: Adults: $29, students/children/seniors: $16, group rate (10 +):
Tickets can be purchased at the O’Shaughnessy box office or by calling

The end
conservative estimates, it’s been nearly 500
years since they have tracked the Ancient
Long Count calendar. However, more than
seven million people of Mayan descent still

as we live today, and a group of these living Mayans

in Guatemala urgently want it to be known
that their ancient prophecies have been

Kayla Rose,
Aryin Wong,
First-Year know it? distorted and misrepresented as doomsday
The Mayans do not advocate for the
hysteria that has been sensationalized by
Major: Food Nutrition and Business Major: Nursing • A look at Mayan others regarding the Mayan prophecy.
St. Catherine University (SCU) senior Gwen
What are you wearing? My bag is What where you wearing? My sweater
prophecy and 2012 Anderson doesn’t buy into all the Hollywood
frenzy either, but she does believe 2012 could
Kate Spade from Nordstrom’s; boots, and dress are from Target, my necklace
jeans, and scarf are all from Nordstrom’s is from Charlotte Russe, my belt is By Katrina Groshens be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
staff writer “If anything does happen, it will be because
Rack, and my sweater and coat are both from Vanity, and my boots are from of people’s personal beliefs. We should be
from J. Crew. my neighbor. The year is 2012. It’s a leap year. cautious,” Anderson said.
The Summer Olympics begin in “I am concerned about the use of religion
Any deals? I tend to be drawn to the Any deals? Sadly, not really any good London. Flag Day falls on a Thursday. to give secret answers in response to anxiety.
bargains and sales. deals. Yet another Twilight movie is set to be Anxiety is real and there are many things
released upon the world. And the Mayan to be anxious about,” associate professor of
Where is your favorite place to shop? Where is your favorite place to shop? I Long Count calendar completes a “great Theology Bill McDonough said.
Nordstrom’s or J. Crew love to shop at thrift stores like Goodwill cycle” of thirteen b’ak’tuns. Rather than encourage or sensationalize,
and Unique because most of the stuff 2012. Hooray or help? McDonough offers an explanation of
What inspires your fashion sense? I you find there is one-of-a-kind and The year 2012, and more importantly prophecies: “[P]rophets didn’t see ahead as
think my mom inspired me a lot with affordable. Dec. 21, 2012, has spiritual and cultural much as they saw into the depth of what was
the sophisticated business yet feminine significance, including prophecies and wisdom going on around them,” McDonough said.
look that’s also classy. What inspires your fashion sense? from around the planet. Referring more Other students are not so worried. SCU
People on the street. I try to add my own precisely to the ancient Mayan culture, the student Sarah Hoerr is confident and hopeful
What is one thing you would never spin from there. importance of 2012 dates back to roughly about next year’s potential.
wear? Any of the cliché things like Ed 1500 years ago when this ancient civilization “2012 will teach people that you can’t
Hardy or Coach. What is one thing you would never was using twenty different holistic calendars believe everything,” Hoerr said.
wear? I would never wear Crocs [or] simultaneously. The Mayans took into account Even though it may not be clear what is
What most excites you about fashion leggings as pants. everything from biological patterns to aid in to come, we can be sure that we are living
and style? I express exactly who I am, personal and agricultural needs to sun spots in times of great uncertainty. In this time
no matter if I dress up or down. I always What inspires your hair and piercings? and enormous galactic successions. of doomsday prophecy, we must work on
can have my signature. I don’t really know-I did them on a whim According to Mayan calendars, the Earth motivating ourselves not from fear but
and ended up really liking them. entered a new “creation cycle” in 3114 B.C.E, from awareness and be encouraged to take
which is written in Mayan long count as a deeper look into the universe around us. This cycle is 1,872,000 days long. As we contemplate what the world might
Every day from that beginning point was hold into and beyond 2012, we ought to
measured and on its completion date on the remember that the future of this next era will
Think your department or major has some exceptionally 21st of Dec. 2012, this cosmic odometer will be created first within our own imaginations.
stylish students or professors? Let us know and your reset and the planet will return to
Will oil peak? Will galactic alignment cause
department may be featured in a future fashion article. magnetic north to shift? Will Earth narrowly
miss being hit by an asteroid? Will there be Katrina can be reached at
Contact with suggestions. peace in the Middle East? Will 2012 mark a
new era of telepathic unification for humanity?
Will Twilight still be a box-office hit?
Well we could ask the Mayans, but by
February 21, 2011 HEALTH The Wheel | 7

The Afro- day however, it became clear that the class

was going to be unique and a lot of fun,”
Moss said. “So far, we’ve learned the basic
The Melting Point:
workout steps for both the warm-up and aerobics
sections. We sometimes use scarves to add
Why YOU should
• Aerobics with Soul gets
a little weight to the movements and help
express the emotion of the dance.”
Aerobics with Soul combines various forms
read a science
students moving of instrumental and traditional music with
aerobic exercises for a new and enlightening
By Maggie Weiss experience in cardiovascular workouts. SCU By Dana Bloomquist
staff writer students are more than happy to participate copy editor
in this eye-opening class. The course does
Music has been known to do extraordinary not only promote health and wellness, but
things. Recently, it has used to bring soul to it also allows the students to have fun while The Wheel has pages of information about sports, music, travel, politics, news (of course),
aerobics classes across the country, and here working hard. health, and an abundance of other noteworthy topics. But I think there is one idea that
on the St. Catherine University (SCU) campus. The instructor, Nëdy Windham, also unites and encompasses all of these, one whose presence has been sorely lacking in this
Aerobics with Soul, a one-credit course at teaches Aerobics with Soul at the University publication. What is it, you ask? Take a look at this excerpt from the Merriam-Webster
SCU through the Exercise and Sport Sciences of Minnesota. dictionary:
department, is a movement of aerobics “[Windham] is an incredibly inspiring
exercises that is a growing interest among and powerful presence...who has thus far science: \’si-en(t)s\ noun.
people of different ethnicities, crossing racial sported both tiger and zebra print tights,” 1 : the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding
and cultural bridges using African rhythms. Hollows said.
Participants are encouraged to feel the music She is already known to her students for Science, you say? You may be asking yourself why I find this so important and why I’ll
and to move their bodies in response to the her bon mots, such as: “The dance is in your be writing about it in subsequent issues of The Wheel--a fair question, considering that no
rhythms. face.” Overall, it seems to work wonders as one seems to talk much about the role of science in the newspaper. So why am I writing
“The backbone of Aerobics with Soul is the an analogy; it helps break down the walls about science? I could go on for a while, but I’ll give you three main reasons.
music,” senior Esther Moss said. “Traditional and limitations that most people would have
African rhythms and up-beat musical themes when dancing in public. 1. Science affects your day-to-day life. In my three years at St. Kate’s, I’ve seen the realm
accompany us as we move our hips, shoulders, Hollows is partial to Windham’s summation of science bandied around on campus in a host of ways. There are humanities majors who
wrists, knees—just about every joint in the of the course: “Aerobics with Soul isn’t just look upon it with disdain for being too impersonal. There are health sciences majors who
body gets a workout.” about the soul music, it’s about the soul of use it as little more than a tool to graduate, learning just what they need to get by. There
Moss is a student in this unique exercise the person moving around.” are hard science majors who understand and worship it, but only in an academic setting.
class, along with fellow SCU senior Sarah “This comment is almost always immediately The simple truth is that “science” is all around us. It has become the main framework we
Hollows. The class meets every Saturday followed by a laugh that echoes over the have (in Western cultures at least) for gathering knowledge about the world around us,
from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. in the Fontbonne beat of the music and often causes more and the fruits of this framework make both our modern conveniences and our careers
gym. The students usually stand in a circle than one set of lips in the room to curl up possible. It’s high time we recognize the relevance of science’s contributions to our lives.
for a majority of the class period and at the at the edges into a genuine smile reflecting I’m here to say that science matters! We learn this in school to some extent, but I just
end of the workout they can free dance to the soul within,” Hollows said. want to reiterate: Almost everything we do almost all the time is possible because once,
the music. “It’s fun to look across the room at the someone asked “I wonder if...” Almost everything we know is available to us because once,
“When I first signed up for this course, smiles on other’s faces after we master a someone asked “I wonder if...”
I didn’t know what to expect. On the first step,” Moss said.
2. Now we have the opportunity to do the wondering. Isn’t that exciting? We--all of us
Maggie can be reached at who have the privilege of attending or being affiliated with St. Catherine University--should care because we are able to. For too long in history, women were left out of the discussions
at the forefront of discovery in almost all disciplines. Now that this is increasingly less and
less the case, let’s celebrate it! Part of what St. Kate’s founding mothers fought so hard
for was an opportunity for women to exercise their passions in all academic disciplines,
including the sciences. Are we going to let this drive and all their hard work fall by the
wayside? Part of the privilege of attending a liberal arts university is having the prerogative
to explore and utilize the myriad of departments that make up this institution; the St.
Kate’s mission enjoins each of us to avail ourselves of the opportunities afforded here to
obtain a cohesive and complete education.

3. It’s fascinating! Around the world, hundreds of thousands of people are devoting their
lives to developing knowledge about the world, and making such knowledge available to
us so we can change the world. There is literally no end to discovering what is out there.
If you begin to develop an interest in the realm of science, you may surprise yourself with
how downright fun and delightful it can be to learn about, and how easy it can be to
incorporate scientific understanding into your life and work.

Happy investigating!
Above: Moss and class instructor Nëdy Windham practice moves in front of the
class during free dance time of Aerobics with Soul. Photo by Dana Bloomquist. Dana can be reached at

Ask Katie!
FICTION: You have to be promiscuous example, untreated chlamydia can cause infections can make your immune system
to get an STD. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), which less able to combat either one. This means
First of all, some STDs can be spread without can cause incurable infertility according to you should always be aware of what’s going
any sexual contact! STDs that involve open the CDC. Some STDs are also associated on down there to help protect yourself.
• The Ask Katie! peer health sores can be contracted by any contact with with cervical cancer (such as some forms
advisers answer your health- the sores (these include syphillis, herpes, and of genital warts, according to the CDC). Please note that the Ask Katie! advisers
trichomonas). Furthermore, because some are not trained medical professionals;
related questions STDs have no initial symptoms, you can be FACT: Having one STD can make it more contact your health care provider with
with one sexual partner for a long time before likely to contract another, such as AIDS. immediate questions or concerns. AskKatie!
Compiled by Dana Bloomquist either one of you realizes you have one. Some STDs cause you to have open sores on should not be used in place of professional
or around your genitals. These sores provide consultation.
Facts and Fiction about STDs: FACT: The only STD that affects more extra “access” for bacteria or viruses, such Do you have a question you want answered?
Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are men than women is syphillis. Women’s risks as the virus that causes AIDS, to infect you, Look for the Ask Katie! stalls in your residence
something that most of us know relatively of being affected by STDs is higher than according to the CDC. And having multiple hall or email
little about. But increasing evidence suggests that of men according to the CDC. When
that STDs may play a bigger role in many women contract an STD, they are less likely Test your knowledge with this STD quiz!
of our lives than we may think. Worst of to develop symptoms quickly than men, so Check for the answers in the next issue of The Wheel.
all, STDs are uncomfortable to talk about, they are less likely to seek treatment. Because
which can fuel myths and unhealthy behavior women are often unaware they have an STD, 1. What STD is characterized by what 4. Which of the following sexual practices
around them. So, here are some common they are more likely to spread infections and begin an painless bumps on the genitals, is most dangerous in terms of contracting
myths dispelled and some little-known facts are more likely to experience serious health but if untreated can develop into fleshy, an STD?
revealed. problems as a result of them. What to do cauliflower-like sores? a. oral sex
about it? Get tested often, even if you don’t a. chalmydia b. masturbation
FICTION: There is no cure for STDs. have any signs or symptoms of STDs! b. genital warts c. anal sex
This all depends on which STD you are c. AIDS
talking about. For some, such as herpes and FICTION: Once symptoms of an STD go 5. About how many American teenagers
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome away, you no longer have to worry about it. 2. Pregnant women can pass an STD contract an STD every day?
(AIDS), there is no known cure. Some STDs, Actually, this is wrong for a couple of reasons. to their child only at certain periods in a. 120
though, are easily cured: for example, STDs First of all, just because the symptoms are pregnancy. b. 1200
such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia gone doesn’t mean the disease is gone. For a. true c. 12,000
are all cured with antibiotics. example, herpes is an STD that may become b. false
dormant, but can still be transmitted even when
FACT: 65 million Americans are currently it’s not apparently there--so you should ask 3. Lesbian women can’t get STDs. All this information and more can be
living with an STD. Half of all sexually active any and all sexual partners if they have had a a. true found on the CDC’s website with STD
Americans will be exposed to an STD before history of herpes. The second reason is that b. false information:
they turn 25, according to the Center for untreated STDs, even if they are eventually
Disease Control (CDC). cured, can cause long-term problems. For
8 | The Wheel HEALTH & SPORTS February 21, 2011

From MIAC You are

to NCAA what
• SCU student-athlete prepares to
compete nationally
you eat
By Alexa Chihos • USDA reveals updat-
assistant editor
ed national nutrition
During the last weekend of regular season Moody has to be
meets, St. Catherine University (SCU) formally selected by guidelines
junior diver Sarah Moody became the first the NCAA committee
Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference a f t e r t h e M I AC By Becky Doucette
(MIAC) diver to qualify for the 2011 National championship meet to assistant editor
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) compete in the NCAA
Championships. Championships The United States Department of Agriculture
To qualify for the NCAA Championships, a in Mar. Moody’s (USDA) released an updated 2010 Dietary
diver must achieve the NCAA qualifying score successes so far this Guidelines for Americans (DGA). The DGA
or higher twice during the regular season, or season have not was created to help the U.S. population as a
once during the conference championship surprised any of whole to be healthier citizens.
meet. Then, each diver must send in a video the coaches in the The DGA is the platform for federal
of their best six dives on both boards, and swimming & diving nutritional policies and it is followed by
go through a selection process by an NCAA program at SCU, but healthcare, education, and food professionals.
committee to be formally selected to compete her performance Some of the updates highlighted eating
in the NCAA Championships. improvement from less, in order to reduce the overall incidences
Above: Moody prepares for a dive at the Butler Center pool.
Moody qualified multiple times on the 1m last season have in obesity in the US.
Below: Moody (left) and diving coach Scott Smith (right).
and 3m springboards during Jan., shattering surprised her. “What I think is revolutionary about the
Photos by Alexa Chihos.
pool, team, and school records. Moody “Qualifying last ‘eat less’ message is that it’s the first time
qualified four times on the 1m board and year twice on the one we’ve included that in [federal] dietary
twice on the 3m board in Jan. meter [springboard] at our last meet of the “Being able to continue on with diving as guidelines,” Jill Hamilton-Reeves, food and
In comparison to last season, Associate season set up my goal plan to qualify multiple well as getting a higher education has meant nutrition department assistant professor said.
head swimming & diving coach Nicole times and to do it on both the one meter a lot to me, sports have always been a huge “As far as the government actually putting
Hempler emphasizes the benefit Moody has and three meter [springboards] this season. part of my life and I’m very happy to be that in the dietary guidelines – that is quite
on qualifying several times before the MIAC I wasn’t completely surprised to qualify this diving with the team and the coaches that I significant.”
conference meet. year; however, I was surprised at how much have. I hope to finish this season off strong The DGA has also put more emphasis on
“Going into the selection process last year my dives and scores have improved from last and am looking forward to my senior year vegetables and fruits.
with only qualifying the one time at [the season,” Moody said. here at St. Kate’s,” Moody said. “I think some Americans simply don’t
MIAC conference competeition] and only Moody’s accomplishments so far this season “Working with [Moody] has been a great follow the guidelines. The old standard food
on the 1-m board hurt her chances of getting and in her diving career at SCU have not only experience. I had known her only a bit before, pyramid shows that we should eat more fruits
into the meet,” Hempler said. had an impact on herself, but on the rest of and becoming a coach for St Kate’s has and vegetables than meat and dairy every
Diving coach Scott Smith reflected on his the SCU swimming & diving community. been a very rewarding and day. I mean, really who can say they get in
first year coaching at fun aspect in my career. I their 3-5 servings of vegetables consistently?”
SCU and the impressive am glad I was given the sophomore Alice Fasnacht said.
season Moody has had opportunity to work with Hamilton-Reeves added,“Health is more
in her junior year at such a driven athlete,” than what we eat. It’s about your individual
SCU. Smith said. choices.”
“The results thus Head swimming coach Not all sources agree with the DGA updates.
far have been quite Shana Erickson reflects on A critique titled “In the face of contradictory
amazing. To date, we how the success Moody has evidence: Report of the Dietary Guidelines
have set two school had during three seasons for Americans Committee (2010),” found in
records, a pool at SCU will affect future the journal “Nutrition,” addresses on macro
record, and qualified swimmers and divers that and micro levels why the DGA uses weak
for both 1m and 3m go through the program. and contradictory evidence to support its
springboards at the “St. Kate’s is not just a recommendations.
NCAA level. We place with a swimming and Hamilton-Reeves doesn’t necessarily think
haven’t even had the diving team, but has a team we should disregard the guidelines. “I don’t
conference meet yet,” that is striving to gain more think there is anything controversial about
Smith said. “The fact of a national presence, the guidelines, none of these are going to
that we did it earlier one swimmer and diver hurt you.” Hamilton-Reeves said.
than she has in the past at a time,” Erickson said. So what should St. Catherine University
says something about (SCU) students do?
the program and her Alexa can be reached at “Eat foods closer to their original form,
personal growth.” such as an apple instead of apple juice.”
Hamilton-Reeves said.
“We don’t typically read between the lines,

Upcoming SCU sporting events:

and end up consuming things that are much
more calorie-dense and chemical-dense than
nutrient-dense,” Fasnacht said. “Reading
the label should consist of more than just
glancing at numbers, but actually reading the
DATE   SPORT   OPPONENT   LOCATION   TIME   ingredients, because that is where the food is.”
2/25/2011   Hockey   College  of  Saint   St.  Cloud     7:15  p.m.   In the SCU dining room, Sodexo has
been in the process of providing more
Benedict   materials on how to determine portion size.
2/25/2011   Track  &  Field     Ole  Open     Northfield  (STO)   TBA   For example, they have a pamphlet titled,
“Portion Distortion,” which makes an effort
2/25/2011   Tennis   Northwestern   U  of  M  Baseline   3:30  p.m.   to teach portion control and gives serving
College  (MN)   size estimates.
Fasnacht expressed her ideas about SCU’s
2/26/2011   Hockey   College  of  Saint   Inver  Grove   3  p.m.   options.
“As a self-described veggie-a-holic, who
Benedict   Heights   does not eat pork or chicken, I feel that
2/26/2011   Tennis   Carleton  College   U  of  M  Baseline   6  p.m.   [SCU] has a good variety of food available. I
know some students have issues with Dining
3/1/2011   Hockey   MIAC  Play-­‐Offs   TBA   7  p.m.   Services, but usually I feel these are…aimed
3/3/2011   Hockey   MIAC  Semi-­‐Finals   TBA   7  p.m.   at something bigger than the food served.
There are days when I feel like there should
3/4-­‐5/2011   Track  &  Field   MIAC   TBA   3  p.m/12  p.m   be some more options available, or like
Championships   they have been serving the same thing for
days. But when I look at [dining options at]
3/5/2011     Hockey   MIAC   TBA   7  p.m.   other schools, I’m glad to be at St. Kate’s,”
Championships   Fasnacht said.

3/5/2011   Tennis   College  of  Saint   U  of  M  Baseline     5  p.m.   Becky can be reached at

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