Mid-Term Examination Name: Sanchez, Ma. Alona Year & Sec: Bsed Tle 3A

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Mid- Term Examination

NAME: Sanchez, Ma. Alona YEAR & SEC: BSED TLE 3A

INSTRUCTION: Briefly answer the following questions.
ADD: jabbar.dibarosan2020@gmail.com

Problem No. 1: Mr. Bombastik is a well-known member of extremist group based in

Mindanao. One day, Mr. Bombastik and his group declared war against the government
claiming that they are fighting to establish an Islamic government. Sad to say, there are
many people who were affected because of the chaos. However, Muslim leaders
condemned their wrong doing considering that it was against the teaching of Islam.
Abu, a grade 6 student was bullied by Jose, his classmate. The latter called him terrorist
because of Abu’s religion (Islam) and considering that Mr. Bombastik and his group also
claimed that they belong to Islamic religion.
1. Is Mr. Jose’s argument valid? Explain your answer. (10 points)
Answer: Mr. Jose’s argument is not valid because you can’t say that a person is
already a terrorist just because he’s religion is Islam. Jose don’t have a
concrete/valid evidence that Abu is a terrorist, Jose the arguer believes that the
truth of the premises provides only good reasons to believe the conclusion
probably true.
2. Why do we consider “TRUTH, VALIDITY, & SOUNDNESS” as important concepts in
order to evaluate argument? Explain your answer (10 points)
Answer: we consider the truth, validity and soundness as important concepts in
order to evaluate argument because truth is property of statements, validity is a
property of arguments and soundness is a property of some valid arguments. It
could bring up the argument and helps us to conclude whether the argument is
valid or not.

Problem No. 2: “Every Professor in EVSU’s Philosophy Department holds a Ph.D.

degree. Every Professor in LSU’s Philosophy Department holds a Ph.D. degree. In fact,
this is true of every Philosophy Department with which I am acquainted Therefore, it is
likely that every Professor in every university Department of Philosophy holds a Ph.D.
1. What is argument according to layman’s view? Is layman’s view about argument the
same as the view we thought in logic as a subject course? (10 points)
Answer: an argument according to layman’s view means a quarrel between two
parties. Layman’s view about argument is NOT the same as the view we thought
in logic as a subject course because in logic an argument is a list of statements
which one is called conclusion and the other one is called premise or assumption
of the argument.
2 Is the above-mentioned argument inductive or deductive? Explain your answer (10
Answer: the above mentioned argument is inductive because the statement
provide some evidence of the premises but could not guarantee any truth.
3. Compare and contrast deductive and inductive argument. (10 points)
Answer: inductive argument uses a collection of specific examples as its
premises and uses them to propose a general conclusion. The truth of the
premises in an inductive argument is not taken to guarantee the truth of its
conclusion. While deductive argument, the premises are offered as a guarantee of
the warrant of their conclusion. The conclusion follows the premise with
necessity. if the arguer believes that the truth of the premises definitely
establishes the truth of the conclusion then the argument is deductive but if the
arguer believes that the truth of the premises provides only good reasons to
believe the conclusion probably true then the argument is inductive

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