Final Examination Name: Achmad Syaugi: Business Communication

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Final Examination Name: Achmad Syaugi

Date Score :
Lecturer Widya Granita
Fac./Study Prg. Business & Social Science/INR/IBA/HTM/MGT
Semester/Year 1/ 2020-2021
Time 100 minutes


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File: 1/6 QT 05.06/ Rev.02

PO Box 150, BSD CPA 15330 IULI – Eco Campus, The Breeze
Tel. +62 21 50588000 Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard
+62 852 12318000 BSD City 15345; Island of Java
Final Examination Name: Achmad Syaugi

1. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live, almost all activities are carried out
online. One of the things that are essential and can increase the company's reputation is
using public service announcement (PSA). Describe the content for digital platforms and
provide examples of the Covid19 campaign. (30 points).

Answer: In this pandemic we are going through, companies would have a lot of people
staying at their homes and watching TV or even watching YouTube on their devices. In
between TV shows and YouTube videos there are ads, companies use this to advertise and
increase their branding with ads involving the current situation the world is in. The campaign
would persuade the watchers to stay at home and stay safe following the safety protocol
while also promoting their products adapting to the pandemic at hand. As an example of a
campaign, McDonalds directly address consumers heightened concerns around protecting
their health. Specifically McDonalds in Philippines, they outlined a new protocol they are
doing such as temperature checks for employees before and after shifts. President CEO
Kenneth Yang assured the customers through video quoting “We will not hesitate to cancel
any customer activity or even temporarily shut down any of our restaurant”. With this the
companies acknowledged that now more than ever reaching the audiences with relevant
messages are imperative.

2. Create a communication plan for a product that aims to enhance the company's image.
Please choose one of the following industry fields:

· Telecommunication, ie: Telkomsel, XL, Indosat, Three etc., or

· Banking and Finance, ie: Bank BNI, Bahana Securitas etc.
· Tourism, ie: travel agents, airline companies, hotels etc.
· Education, ie: ‘Tutoring’, English course, university etc.
· Consumer goods, ie: Unilever, Nestle etc.

The communication plan structure should based on the 4M structure (Message, Method,
Man, Media) consist of:

Message: Background and purpose of the program, key messages that will be conveyed to
the audience the contents of the program.
Method: Choose a communication method, for example: press conference, talk show, event
launching, etc. Describe in detail the concept of the event.
Man: Find a person or endorser, if any.
Media: Make use of the traditional media, digital media, electronic media (state the name
of the media).
(30 points)

File: 2/6 QT 05.06/ Rev.02

PO Box 150, BSD CPA 15330 IULI – Eco Campus, The Breeze
Tel. +62 21 50588000 Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard
+62 852 12318000 BSD City 15345; Island of Java
Final Examination Name: Achmad Syaugi

Answer: Nestle’s Communication Plan

Message: The vision as well as the agenda, the tasks that are involved, what is expected of the
change problems, how to handle the challenges that come along, offering guidance.
What we aim is the infrastructural change in terms of expansion of development teams
such as marketing, sales and research teams, increased production. The effects would
be increased revenues. To expand the market globally specifically to the United States
is the intended goal of market expansion as well as production to create more revenue.

Method: Face to face announcements such as workshops, Question and Answers sessions,
Inclusive team meeting, Panel discussions by the manager in charge. Preferably a
seminar to further explain our end goal from this campaign and create a guidance team
at every section that will meet continually to offer guidance and support to the
stakeholders when needed.

Man: Mainly the managers and the employees who support the idea for change, with a possible
addition of potential celebrities and endorsers due to extra advertising platforms needed
intended to increase in market base.

Media: News articles and letter to the editor will be the main media. We would use preferably
Kompas newspaper to attract potential investors.

File: 3/6 QT 05.06/ Rev.02

PO Box 150, BSD CPA 15330 IULI – Eco Campus, The Breeze
Tel. +62 21 50588000 Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard
+62 852 12318000 BSD City 15345; Island of Java
Final Examination Name: Achmad Syaugi
3. The activities of documentation start from writing a draft. Please explain every step by
using specific details and examples. (20 points)

1) The first step to writing a draft is to determine which perspective to take in

documenting. Which information is needed to be written down and what is not to be
written down. As an example if writing documentation for colleagues with a similar
level of expertise, the documentation won’t need to include definitions for well-
established terms. On the other hand writing documentation for a high school
beginner class of programming students might need to include a lot more details and

2) Next, Research and brainstorming is the step to take after figuring out the
perspective of the documentation. An option to research from existing text
documents to collect facts and other references is surely recommended yet using a
simpler format like a mind map format would simplify the research by visualizing
how individual information are connected to one another, Using a mind map allows
to collect all ideas, reference and data in a single page, especially digital mind maps
which let us move elements around in order to group them up is more practical.

3) After gaining a perspective and data from research, outlining the structure of the
document is what to do. The structure of the document is mainly determined by the
type of document being written. As an example of a structure of documentation, A
typical business plan contains six important elements. These elements are appendix,
financial plan, executive summary, opportunity, company summary and lastly the
execution. These six elements would eventually spread into a more detailed aspect of
what is to be documented.

4) Now that a structure is built for the document and data from research is available to
use, it is time to write down the document. Write down what is researched in a
certain structure through the perspective chosen with adding extra information from
the ideas and data from the mind map.

5) Editing Your Document is a last thing to do, to make sure everything is good and
as wanted for the documentation. Correcting what is missing or perhaps false data is
the best thing to do before submitting the documentation.


4. You are about to walk into a presentation that could get you a promotion if you do well. You
feel very nervous. Identify two techniques you can use to calm your nerves as you prepare
to give an oral presentation. And explain what and how you prepare your presentation
material as we discuss and practice in the class. (20 points).


File: 4/6 QT 05.06/ Rev.02

PO Box 150, BSD CPA 15330 IULI – Eco Campus, The Breeze
Tel. +62 21 50588000 Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard
+62 852 12318000 BSD City 15345; Island of Java
Final Examination Name: Achmad Syaugi

File: 5/6 QT 05.06/ Rev.02

PO Box 150, BSD CPA 15330 IULI – Eco Campus, The Breeze
Tel. +62 21 50588000 Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard
+62 852 12318000 BSD City 15345; Island of Java
Final Examination Name: Achmad Syaugi

File: 6/6 QT 05.06/ Rev.02

PO Box 150, BSD CPA 15330 IULI – Eco Campus, The Breeze
Tel. +62 21 50588000 Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard
+62 852 12318000 BSD City 15345; Island of Java

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