A Spectrophotometric Method For Determination of Catalase Activity in Small Tissue Samples

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A Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Catalase Activity in

Small Tissue Samples


Department of Medical Ce// Biology. University of Uppsala, Box 5 71, S-75 I 23 Uppsala, Sweden

Received February 16, 1988

A simple and rapid method for determination of catalase activity in small tissue samples is
described. Using a new approach, we have exploited the peroxidatic function of catalase for the
determination of enzyme activity. The method was based on the reaction of the enzyme with
methanol in the presence of an optimal concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The formaldehyde
produced was measured spectrophotometrically with 4-amino-3-hydrazino-5-mercapto- 1,2,4-
triazole (Purpald) as a chromogen. With this method, a detection limit of 12.5 ng of purified
catalase from bovine liver was possible, and it was successfully applied to microgram amounts
of mouse liver and pancreatic islet homogenates. The catalase activity in liver was about 50
times higher than that in pancreatic islets. 0 1988 Academic Press. Inc.
KEY WORDS: catalase; spectrophotometry; Purpald; liver; pancreatic islets.

Catalase (EC is able to decom- strates for catalase, other enzymes with per-
pose hydrogen peroxide by two types of reac- oxidatic activity do not utilize these sub-
tions. Both reactions include a first step of strates ( 14).
formation of an intermediate (compound I) Current methods for quantitative determi-
consisting of the enzyme and hydrogen per- nation of catalase activity are based on the
oxide (1). The catalatic activity, which is a catalatic function of the enzyme. Such meth-
unique property of catalase, catalyzes a reac- ods involve measurements of either hydrogen
tion with a second molecule of hydrogen per- peroxide consumption by titrimetry or spec-
oxide, resulting in the production of oxygen trophotometry or of oxygen production by
and water. The peroxidatic activity of the en- manometric techniques or by oxygen-sensi-
zyme, first described by Keilin and Hartree tive electrodes. The latter methods are partic-
(2,3), catalyzes reactions of compound I with ularly sensitive but require combersome pro-
hydrogen donors other than hydrogen perox- cedures or sophisticated equipment. In a new
ide. Details of enzyme structure, reaction approach, we have evaluated the possibility
mechanisms, kinetic characteristics, and the of utilizing the peroxidatic function of cata-
physiological role of catalase have been the lase for determination of enzyme activity in
subject of numerous reviews (4-12). Obvi- small tissue samples. We have used methanol
ously, the peroxidatic activity of catalase is as the hydrogen donor and measured the pro-
most evident at relatively low concentrations duction of formaldehyde spectrophotometri-
of hydrogen peroxide (3,13), and a number of tally with 4-amino-3-hydrazino-5-mercapto-
different hydrogen donors may serve as sub- 1,2,4-triazole (Purpald) as a chromogen.
strates. Lower alcohols, such as methanol and Previous observations indicate that this sub-
ethanol, are particularly reactive (1,3). While stance specifically forms a bicyclic heterocy-
the aliphatic alcohols serve as specific sub- cle with aldehydes, which at oxidation
changes from colorless to a magenta or purple
’ To whom correspondence should be addressed. color ( 15).

331 0003-2697188 $3.00

Copyright 0 1988 by Academic Press, Inc.
All tights of reproduction in any form reserved.

MATERIALS AND METHODS formaldehyde and Purpald was oxidized by

adding 50 ~165.2 mM potassium periodate in
Chemicals. Purified catalase (EC 1. I 1.16) 470 mM potassium hydroxide to each tube.
from bovine liver, 2,2’-azinobis(3-ethylbenz- Any particulate material in the tubes was sed-
thiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), diam- imented by centrifugation at 9500g for 10
monium salt, and 4,4’-dicarboxy-2,2’-bi- min, and using glass standard microcuvettes
quinoline, disodium salt, were purchased of 2-mm width and 1O-mm light path, the ab-
from Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, sorbance of the clear liquid was measured at
Missouri; 4-amino-3-hydrazino-5-mercapto- 550 nm in a Zeiss PMQ II spectrophotometer
1,2,4-triazole (Purpald) from Aldrich-Chemie, (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, FRG).
Steinheim, FRG; collagenase (EC Preparation of tissue samples.Tissue sam-
from Boehringer-Mannheim, Mannheim, ples were obtained from adult male NMRI
FRG; and bovine serum albumin, fraction V, mice (ALAB, Sollentuna, Sweden). The mice
from Miles Laboratories, Slough, UK. All were killed by cervical dislocation. After
other chemicals, of analytical grade, were decapitation and bleeding the livers were
from E. Merck, Darmstadt, FRG. quickly excised and minced in ice-cold 25
Procedurefor determination of catalase ac- mM KI-12P04-NaOH buffer, pH 7.0, and ap-
tivity. Purified catalase or homogenized tis- proximately 20% (w/v) homogenates were
sues were incubated with methanol and hy- prepared. The homogenates were then di-
drogen peroxide in 250 mM KH2P04-NaOH luted with buffer as appropriate. Pancreatic
buffer, pH 7.0. By the standard procedure, 50 islets were isolated by a collagenase (EC
~1 buffer, 50 ~1 100% (w/v) methanol, giving digestion technique ( 16). Batches of
a final concentration of 5.9 M, and 10 ~1 400-2500 islets were homogenized on ice in
0.27% (w/v) hydrogen peroxide, giving a final 500 ~1 25 mM KH2P04-NaOH buffer, pH
concentration of 4.2 IIIM, were mixed in 7.0. The islet protein content was 36.2 + 0.10
small polystyrene test tubes. The enzymatic pg/ 100 islets (mean + SE; four observations).
reaction was initiated by addition of 100 ~1 of Homogenization was performed in aground-
a catalase-containing sample. For evaluation glass tissue homogenizer (Kontes Glass Co.,
of methodological details, the sample con- Vineland, NJ) of 8-ml capacity for the livers
sisted of 0.125-2.0 pg/ml purified catalase and of 2-ml capacity for the islets. To liberate
from bovine liver, with an activity of 2500 catalase from subcellular particles all homo-
units/mg, dissolved in 25 InM KH2P04- genates were treated in an ultrasonic ice bath
NaOH buffer, pH 7.0. Tissue samples were (35 kHz; 95 W) for 15 s. Extreme care was
prepared as described below. Standard sam- taken to avoid inactivation of catalase by
ples consisted of 26.6- 133 pM formaldehyde overheating the homogenates.
solutions in 25 mM KI-12P04-NaOH buffer, Determination of hemoglobin. Since eryth-
pH 7.0. Pure buffer was used as blanks. The rocytes contain catalase, the presence of re-
reaction mixture was incubated with contin- sidual blood in the tissue preparations was
uous shaking for exactly 20 min at room tem- taken into account. The content of hemoglo-
perature (20°C). The enzymatic reaction was bin in the tissue homogenates was deter-
terminated by addition of 50 ~1 7.8 M potas- mined by the method described by Marklund
sium hydroxide solution to each tube. Imme- (17) and the catalase activity originating
diately thereafter the tubes were supplied from erythrocytes was calculated from mea-
with 100 ~1 each of 34.2 mrvr Purpald in 480 surements performed on mouse blood. The
mM hydrochloric acid, and a second incuba- liver homogenates contained 1250 + 142 ng/
tion with continuous shaking was performed ~1 (mean * SE; three observations) hemoglo-
for 10 min at 20°C. To obtain a colored com- bin, which corresponded to 0.013 + 0.002%
pound, the product of the reaction between (mean f SE; three observations) of their total

gated system, which probably causes the dis-

tinct light absorption in the visible region
( 15). Potassium periodate was used as an oxi-
dizing agent, and full absorbance was devel-
oped almost instantaneously. The colored
product was stable for at least 3 h. By varying
the length of the second incubation step,
when the reaction between formaldehyde
and Purpald took place, we found that the re-
action was completed within 10 min (Fig. l),
and this duration of the incubation was used
in all subsequent experiments. By employing
FIG. I. Absorbance as a function of the time for reac- standard samples containing 2.66- 13.3 nmol
tion between formaldehyde and Purpald. Oxidizing re- formaldehyde a linear relationship between
agent was added at different time points. Samples con- the amount of aldehyde and absorbance was
sisted of I &ml purified catalase from bovine liver and found (Fig. 2). In further experiments, stan-
were incubated with 5.9 M methanol and 4.2 mM hydro-
gen peroxide. Means f SE of 20 observations. dard curves, similar to that shown in Fig. 2,
were used to determine the amount of form-
aldehyde formed by catalase.
The catalatic and peroxidatic activities of
catalase activity. The hemoglobin content of
catalase are not independent of each other.
the pancreatic islet homogenates was, how-
Oshino et al. (13) have shown that the rela-
ever, below the detection limit of the hemo-
tionship between the two activities of catalase
globin assay, which was 10 ng/hl. For the liver
is a function of the ratio of hydrogen peroxide
samples, the enzyme activity of the erythro-
and other hydrogen donor concentration.
cytes was subtracted from the total catalase
From their experiments, it also appeared that
neither activity was saturable. Indeed, when
Determination ofprotein. The protein con-
incubating purified catalase from bovine liver
tent of the tissue preparations was deter-
with various concentrations of methanol at a
mined by the method of Smith et al. ( 18) us-
fixed hydrogen peroxide concentration of 4.2
ing 4,4’-dicarboxy-2,2’-biquinoline, or 2,2’-
bicinchoninic acid, to enhance the sensitivity
of the biuret reaction. Protein standards con-
sisted of bovine serum albumin.


The present approach to determine cata-
lase activity utilized the peroxidatic function
of the enzyme. Methanol was used as hydro-
gen donor, and Purpald was applied as a re-
agent for formaldehyde produced by the en-
zymatic activity. Purpald reacts very specifi-
cally with aldehydes in alkaline environment
(15). Both the hydrazine and the amino
group of Purpald bind to the aldehyde and
FIG. 2. Absorbance as a function of the formaldehyde
an aminal is formed. Subsequent oxidation of content in standard samples. Samples were incubated
the aminal leads to the formation ofa bicyclic with 5.9 M methanol and 4.2 mM hydrogen peroxide.
heterocycle containing an extensive conju- Means + SE of 20 observations.

at a concentration of about 2 mM hydrogen

peroxide. The decrease in peroxidatic activ-
ity, when the hydrogen peroxide concentra-
tion was increased above 4.7 mM, would de-
pend on an increasing proportion of catalatic
activity (13). Optimal conditions for utilizing
the peroxidatic function of catalase for deter-
mination of enzyme activity were thus found
at concentrations of methanol and hydrogen
peroxide of 5.9 M and 4.2 mM, respectively.
At these concentrations of methanol and
FIG. 3. Relationship between formaldehyde produc- hydrogen peroxide there was an essentially
tion and concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Samples constant velocity of formaldehyde produc-
consisted of I &ml purified catalase from bovine liver
and were incubated with 5.9 M methanol and hydrogen tion for at least 20 min, when purified cata-
peroxide as indicated. Means k SE of 20 observations. lase from bovine liver was incubated at room
temperature (20°C) (Fig. 4). The enzyme ac-
tivity gradually decreased, however, when the
mM, we found a linear relationship between incubation was performed at 37°C. Indeed,
methanol concentration and formaldehyde incubations of purified catalase performed
production up to 6 M methanol. At even before the determination of enzyme activity
higher concentrations of methanol there was, showed that in buffer the enzyme rapidly lost
however, a decreased peroxidatic activity of activity at both 20 and 37°C (Table 1). How-
the enzyme, and this activity was almost ever, at 0°C the activity remained constant
completely inhibited at 7.5 M methanol. This for at least 60 min. When 4.2 mM hydrogen
inhibition of the enzymatic activity probably peroxide was added to the incubation buffer,
resulted from unspecific changes of the en- the decrease in enzyme activity was also more
zyme in the concentrated methanolic solu- pronounced at 0°C (Table 1). These findings
tion. Variations in hydrogen peroxide con- emphasize the extreme importance of main-
centration at a fixed concentration of metha- taining catalase-containing samples at low
nol of 5.9 M had significant effects on the temperature. In particular, heating during ul-
peroxidatic oxidation of the alcohol (Fig. 3).
At concentrations of hydrogen peroxide up to
2.3 mM there was a very rapid increase in the
peroxidatic activity. Between 2.3 and 4.7 mM ; 51 /
hydrogen peroxide there was little change in
this activity, whereas at higher concentra-
tions of hydrogen peroxide it decreased grad-
ually. The rapid enhancement of the peroxi-
datic activity at increasing hydrogen peroxide
concentrations up to 2.3 mM could be ex-
plained by the production of increasing
steady-state concentrations of compound I.
The enzymatic activity would then reflect the
binding of hydrogen peroxide to the enzyme. FIG. 4. Relationship between formaldehyde produc-
tion and incubation time at two different temperatures.
It is known that maximal binding is reached
Samples consisted of 1 &ml purified catalase from bo-
when 30-40% of catalase hematin is occupied vine liver and were incubated with 5.9 M methanol and
by hydrogen peroxide (19-21). Under the 4.2 mM hydrogen peroxide. Means f SE of 20 observa-
present conditions, this apparently occurred tions.


Catalase activityb

Without hydrogen peroxide With hydrogen peroxide

Incubation time
(mm) 0°C 20°C 37°C 0-Z 2o’c 37°C

0 100 + 2.3 100 + 1.7 100 f 1.0 100 z!z2.3 100 * 1.7 lOOk 0.5
10 98 f 2.4 43 i- 1.8 17a0.8 94 rtr 1.5 19rt 1.0 13kO.5
30 100 + 1.7 2 z+z0.2 ND’ 73 ?I 0.9 ND ND
60 97 * 1.2 ND ND 52 +- 0.5 ND ND

’ Solutions of I pg/ml purified catalase from bovine liver in 25 IrIM KH2P04-NaOH buffer, pH 7.0, were incubated
in the absence and presence of 4.2 mM hydrogen peroxide at three different temperatures, as indicated. The catalase
activity was determined after the incubations.
b Activity is expressed as percentage of the activity at time zero of incubation. Means ~frSE of 10 observations.
’ No detectable activity.

trasonic disruption of tissue samples should and in the decomposition of compound II al-
be avoided. Our findings also demonstrate an ready formed (24). High concentrations of
inhibitory effect of hydrogen peroxide on cat- methanol should thus minimize problems
alase activity, which can occur in tissue ho- with the presence of compound II during de-
mogenates even at 0°C. This effect can be as- termination of catalase activity. As shown in
cribed to conversion of the primary catalase- Fig. 4, we virtually avoided such problems,
hydrogen peroxide intermediate into an inac- when the enzyme reaction was carried out at
tive form (compound II), which is relatively 20°C. The gradual decrease in enzyme activ-
stable (22). In contrast to hydrogen peroxide, ity during incubation in the presence of
aliphatic alcohols are electron donors that do methanol at 37°C probably resulted from de-
not promote formation of compound II (23). composition of the enzyme in solution.
Moreover, compound II is decomposed by The dose-response relationship for puri-
such alcohols and catalase activity restored fied catalase from bovine liver was strictly lin-
(22). Methanol is therefore effective both in ear from 12.5 to at least 200 ng of enzyme
prevention of the formation of compound II sample (Fig. 5A). Homogenates of mouse

0 IO 100 150 200 0 1 2 3 4 0 50 ‘DO IS0 2m

Cslalow In*> !“ro,*in ,po PImel” $0,

FIG. 5. Relationship between formaldehyde production and amounts of purified catalase from bovine
liver (A; means f SE of 20 observations), mouse liver homogenate (B; 9 observations), and mouse pancre-
atic islet homogenate (C, 12 observations). Samples were incubated with 5.9 M methanol and 4.2 mM
hydrogen peroxide.

liver (Fig. 5B) and pancreatic islets (Fig. 5C) 3. Keilin, D., and Hartree, E. F. (1945) Biochem. J. 39,
also displayed a linear relationship between
4. Nicholls, P., and Schonbaum, G. R. (1963) in The
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over a wide range. The activity was 2.42 K., Eds.), 2nd ed., Vol. 8, Part B, pp. 147-225,
+- 0.060 pkat/pg protein (mean -+ SE; three Academic Press, New York/London.
observations) in liver and 0.049 +- 0.002 5. Brill, A. S. (1966) in Comprehensive Biochemistry
pkat/pg protein (mean + SE; four observa- (Florkin, M., and Stotz. E. H., Eds.), Vol. 14, pp.
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tions) in pancreatic islets. Hence, mouse liver York.
contained about 50 times higher catalase ac- 6. Jones, P., and Suggett, A. (1968) Biochem. J. 110,
tivity than mouse pancreatic islets. This find- 621-629.
ing confirms other observations (25). 7. Deisseroth, A., and Dounce, A. L. (1970) Physiol.
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8. Schonbaum. G. R., and Chance, B. (1976) in The
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liver homogenates were incubated in the ab- don.
sence of hydrogen peroxide. This observation 9. Jones, P., and Dunford. H. B. (1977) J. Theor. Biol.
is in good agreement with findings of no (26) 69,451-470.
or very low (27) liver alcohol dehydrogenase 10. Chance, B.. Sies, H., and Boveris, A. (1979) Physiol.
Rev. 59,527-605.
(EC activity with methanol as sub- 11. Dounce, A. L. (1983) J. Theor. Biol. 105,553-567.
strate. Furthermore, when 133 PM formalde- 12. Fita, I., and Rossmann, M. G. (1985) J. Mol. Biol.
hyde was added to samples of mouse liver ho- 185,21-37.
mogenates in the presence of either hydrogen 13. Oshino, N., Oshino, R., and Chance, B. (1973) Bio-
peroxide or methanol, the formaldehyde con- them. J. 131,555-563.
14. Mason, H. S. (1957) Adv. Enzymol. 19,79-233.
centration remained essentially constant dur-
15. Dickinson, R. G., and Jacobsen, N. W. (1970)
ing prolonged incubations. Thus, it is un- Chem. Commun., 17 19- 1720.
likely that other enzyme activities in tissue 16. Schnell, A. H., Swenne, I., and Borg, L. A. H. (1988)
homogenates affect the results obtained by Cell Tissue Res. 252,9- 15.
the present method. 17. Marklund, S. (1979) Clin. Chim. Acta 92,229-234.
In conclusion, we have found that the per- 18. Smith, P. K., Krohn, R. I., Hermanson, G. T., Mal-
lia, A. K.. Gartner, F. H., Provenzano, M. D., Fu-
oxidatic function of catalase is very well jimoto, E. K., Goeke, N. M., Olson, B. J., and
suited to the determination of the enzyme ac- Klenk, D. C. (1985) Anal. Biochem. 150,76-85.
tivity in small tissue samples. Moreover, the 19. Kremer, M. L. (1970) Biochim. Biophys. Acfa 198,
determination can be performed by simple 199-209.
methodology and does not require special- 20. Chance, B., and Oshino, N. (197 1) Biochem. J. 122,
ized equipment. 21. Sies, H.. Biicher, T., Oshino, N., and Chance, B.
(1973)Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 154, 106-I 16.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 73 Chance, B. (1950) Biochem. J. 46,387-402.

This work was supported by grants from the Swedish 23. Keilin, D., and Nicholls, P. (1958) Biochim. Bio-
Diabetes Association, the Family Emfors Fund, the Swe- phys. Acta 29,302-307.
dish Hoechst Diabetes Fund, and the Swedish Medical 24. Adams, D. H.. and Burgess, E. A. (1959) Enzy-
Research Council (12X-109, 12X-6538). mologia 20,34 I-354.
25. Grankvist, K., Marklund, S. L., and Tiiljedal, I.-B.
(1981) Biochem. J. 199,393-398.
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