Pterygium: Epidemiology Prevention and Treatment

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Pterygium: epidemiology prevention

and treatment
cation of Fuchs Flecks at the head of tation has been used after bare sclera
Prof Dr Sanjay Kumar pinguecula, primary pterygium, recur- technique with a reported recurrence
Singh rate of 4% to more than 60%.21,22
rent pterygium, and macroscopically
Director, Eastern Regional Eye
normal nasal and temporal limbus may Currently, the most widely used
Care Programme, Biratnagar,
Nepal. represent precursor lesions to UV procedure is pterygium excision with
associated ocular surface pathol-ogy.16 conjunctival autograft.23 Superior bulbar
Epidemiology conjunctiva has been used widely since
Pterygium is a degenerative disorder of the early 1980s and is associated with
the conjunctiva. It is usually seen as a Prevention recurrence rate of approximately 2% to
triangular fleshy fibrovascular Avoidance of environmental risk factors 12% along with few complications.24-26
proliferation from the bulbar con- like sunlight, wind and dust by wearing In the 1980s, Barraquer introduced the
junctiva onto the cornea, located mostly UV rays protecting sunglass-es and hat concept that removal of Tenon’s layer
on the nasal side. Though it occurs may prevent development of may be important in reducing
worldwide, its prevalence is high in the pterygium. These protective meas-ures recurrence rate after pterygium removal
“pterygium belt” between 30 degrees may help to prevent recurrence of as the tenon is the main source of fibro-
north and 30 degrees south of the pterygium after surgery. Similarly, blasts.27 This was also emphasised by
equator.1 The prevalence of pterygium wearing of eye safety equipment Solomon et al who combined this
is reported to be 3% in Australians, is recommended in environment technique with Mitomycin-C applica-tion
23% in blacks in United States, 15% in exposed to chemical pollutants as a and amniotic membrane trans-
Tibetans in China, 18% in Mongolians plantation to achieve a low recur-rence
preventive measure for pterygium.
in China, 30% in Japa-nese and 7% in rate.28 A near zero recurrence rate with
a good aesthetic result can be achieved
Singaporean Chinese and Indians.2-7 Indication for surgery by using Pterygium Extended Removal
The main indication for pterygium Followed by Ex-tended Conjunctival
In a population-based study from surgery is visual disturbance sec-
rural central India, prevalence of Transplantation (P.E.R.F.E.C.T.).29-31
ondary to encroachment over the There is no ideal technique for
pterygium increased from 6.7±0.8% pupillary area or induced astigma-tism.
in the age group from 30-39 years to conjunctival autograft-ing which is safe,
Other indications which can be fast, easy and inex-pensive. Various
25.3±2.1% in the age group of considered are, restriction in eye
70-79 years. Three population based methods such as sutures, fibrin glue,
movements, chronic redness and autologous serum and electrocautery
studies have described the incidence of foreign body sensation, and cosmetic
pterygium. Barbados eye study has have been used for conjunctival
concerns.17 autografting.32,33 Surgical steps for
described the nine year incidence of
pterygium to be 11.6% (95% CI,10.1- pterygium excision with conjunctival
Management autograft that we have adopted at our
13.1), the Beijing Eye Study described Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for hospitals under Eastern Regional Eye
the 10 year incidence of pterygium in pterygium causing visual distur-bances. Care Pro-gramme in the eastern part of
the adult Chinese population to be The primary complication of pterygium Nepal are as follows:
4.9%, and the five year cumulative surgery is recurrence defined by
incidence in Bai Chinese population in regrowth of fibrovascular tissue across
a rural community was 6.8% (95% CI, the limbus and onto the cornea. No
5.2-8.4). 8-10 Anaesthesia: Peribulbar anaesthe-
uniformity of opinion exists regarding sia is preferable over the topical or
the ideal pterygium excision procedure subconjunctival to avoid pain during
Risk factors and pathogen- associated with lowest recurrence rate. operation and to have smooth surgi-
esis Bare sclera technique, which is widely cal procedure.
These population-based studies sug- used in the developing world for the
(c) Sanjay Kumar Singh/ Eastern Regional Eye Care Programme, Nepal

gest that cumulative ultraviolet light ease and speed of surgery, is

exposure due to outdoor occupation is associated with high recurrence rates.18
a major risk factor for the devel-opment Other adjunc-tive therapies combined
of pterygium. Other factors associated with bare sclera technique have
with pterygium develop-ment are age, significantly reduced the recurrence
being male and having dry eyes.11-13 rate (2% to 15%).19 Application of
Genetic factors, tumor suppressor gene different agents like Strontium 90, Beta
p53 and other genes may be involved irradiation and cytotoxic drugs like
in the pathogenesis of pterygium.14 Mitomycin-C and 5-Fluorouracil to the
scleral bed have been tried but sight
A study indicated a two-stage hypoth- threaten-ing complications like
inflammatory scleritis, scleromalacia Figure 1. A diamond burr is used for
esis for pterygium pathogenesis: initial
disruption of the limbal barrier and and loss of the eye have been smoothening of corneal surface
progressive active “conjuncti-valisation” occasionally report-ed.20 Amniotic
of the cornea.15 Identifi- membrane transplan-
Continues overleaf ➤

© The author/s and Community Eye Health Journal 2018. This is an Open Access COMMUNITY EYE HEALTH JOURNAL | VOLUME 29 | ISSUE 99 | 2017 S5
article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.

Pterygium excision: Pterygium body Conjunctival grafting: The thin con- Conjunctival grafting with fibrin glue is
is excised carefully with conjunctival junctival graft is placed with correct a faster procedure and patients
scissors and the head of pterygium orientation on the area of the con- complain of less pain in the post-op-
can be removed from cornea by using junctival defect created by pterygium erative period.
a 15 degree Bard Parker blade. excision. The marker helps to identify Post-operative management:
Tenons and subtenon tissue must be the correct orientation of the graft. The Antibiotic and steroid eye drops are
removed carefully as much as possi- conjunctival graft can be sutured with given in tapering doses for one
ble. Remaining pterygium tissues from the 8’0 Vicryl or 10’0 Nylon su-tures or month.
over the corneal surface can be can be glued with fibrin glue.
removed with a diamond burr. Conclusion
Conjunctival autograft prepara-tion: Many ophthalmologists think that

RegionalEastern CareEye NepalProgramme,

The conjunctival defect created by pterygium is a trivial condition for which
pterygium excision should be not much time should be expended in
measured with a caliper and the surgery and for which the financial
superior bulbar conjunctiva should be remuneration is low.34 But the patients
marked by a marker. It is always want a cure, free of recurrence with
preferable to use the marker to create good cosmesis after surgery.
exactly the same size of the graft. Pterygium excision with conjunctival
After marking, a subconjuctival autograft with fibrin glue offers a low

(c) Sanjay Singh/Kumar

injection of normal saline, around 2 ml, recurrence rate, good cosmetic
is injected on the superior bulbar outcome with a reasonable speed of
conjunctiva to create the conjunctival the pterygium surgery.
balloon. A thin layer of conjunctival Figure 2. A conjunctival auto-
graft, devoid of tenons and subtenon graph marking
tissue is prepared.

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© The author/s and Community Eye Health Journal 2018. This is an Open Access COMMUNITY EYE HEALTH JOURNAL | VOLUME 29 | ISSUE 99 | 2017 S6
article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.

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