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Power Management of a Stand-Alone Wind/Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Energy


Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion · October 2008

DOI: 10.1109/TEC.2007.914200 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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2 authors, including:

M. Hashem Nehrir
Montana State University


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Power Management of a Stand-Alone

Wind/Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Energy System
Caisheng Wang, Senior Member, IEEE, and M. Hashem Nehrir, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes an ac-linked hybrid wind/ Many alternative energy sources including wind, PV, FC,
photovoltaic (PV)/fuel cell (FC) alternative energy system for diesel system, gas turbine, and microturbine can be used to
stand-alone applications. Wind and PV are the primary power build a hybrid energy system [4]–[28]. Nevertheless, the major
sources of the system, and an FC–electrolyzer combination is used
as a backup and a long-term storage system. An overall power renewable energy sources used and reported are wind and PV
management strategy is designed for the proposed system to man- power [4]–[28]. Due to the intermittent nature of wind and
age power flows among the different energy sources and the storage solar energy, stand-alone wind and PV energy systems normally
unit in the system. A simulation model for the hybrid energy system require energy storage devices or some other generation sources
has been developed using MATLAB/Simulink. The system perfor- to form a hybrid system. The storage device can be a battery
mance under different scenarios has been verified by carrying out
simulation studies using a practical load demand profile and real bank, supercapacitor bank, superconducting magnetic energy
weather data. storage (SMES), or an FC–electrolyzer system.
In this paper, a stand-alone hybrid alternative energy system
Index Terms—Alternative energy, electrolyzer, fuel cell (FC),
hybrid, photovoltaic (PV), power management, stand-alone, wind. consisting of wind, PV, FC, electrolyzer, and battery is proposed.
Wind and PV are the primary power sources of the system to
take full advantage of renewable energy, and the FC–electrolyzer
I. INTRODUCTION combination is used as a backup and a long-term storage system.
HE EVER increasing energy consumption, the soaring A battery bank is also used in the system for short-time backup
T cost and the exhaustible nature of fossil fuel, and the
worsening global environment have created increased interest in
to supply transient power. The different energy/storage sources
in the proposed system are integrated through an ac link bus.
green [renewable and/or fuel celll (FC)-based energy sources] The details of the system configuration, system unit-sizing, and
power generation systems. Wind and solar power generation are the characteristics of the major system components are also
two of the most promising renewable power generation tech- discussed in the paper. An overall power management strategy is
nologies. The growth of wind and photovoltaic (PV) power designed for the system to coordinate the power flows among the
generation systems has exceeded the most optimistic estima- different energy sources. Simulation studies have been carried
tion [1]–[3]. FCs also show great potential to be green power out to verify the system performance under different scenarios
sources of the future because of many merits they have (such using practical load profile and real weather data.
as high efficiency, zero or low emission of pollutant gases, and The paper is organized as follows. The system configuration
flexible modular structure) and the rapid progress in FC tech- and system unit-sizing are discussed in Section II. The system
nologies. However, each of the aforementioned technologies component characteristics are given in Section III. Section IV
has its own drawbacks. For instance, wind and solar power are discusses the overall power management strategy for the system.
highly dependent on climate while FCs need hydrogen-rich fuel. Section V gives the simulation results. Section VI concludes the
Nevertheless, because different alternative energy sources can paper.
complement each other to some extent, multisource hybrid alter-
native energy systems (with proper control) have great potential
to provide higher quality and more reliable power to customers
than a system based on a single resource. Because of this fea- A. System Configuration
ture, hybrid energy systems have caught worldwide research
Fig. 1 shows the system configuration for the proposed hy-
attention [4]–[28].
brid alternative energy system. In the system, the renewable
Manuscript received August 14, 2006; revised December 27, 2006. This work wind and PV power are taken as the primary source while the
was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant ECS- FC–electrolyzer combination is used as a backup and storage
0135229 and in part by the HiTEC fuel cell project at Montana State University, system. This system can be considered as a complete “green”
funded by the United States Department of Energy, as a subcontract from Bat-
telle Memorial Institute and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) power generation system because the main energy sources and
under Award DE-AC06-76RL01830. Paper No. TEC-00399-2006. storage system are all environmentally friendly. When there is
C. Wang is with the Division of Engineering Technology, Wayne State Uni- excess wind and/or solar generation available, the electrolyzer
versity, Detroit, MI 48202 USA (e-mail:
M. H. Nehrir is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, turns on to begin producing hydrogen, which is delivered to the
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 USA (e-mail: hnehrir@ hydrogen storage tanks. If the H2 storage tanks become full, the excess power will be diverted to the dump load shown in
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at Fig. 1. When there is a deficit in power generation, the FC stack
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2007.914200 will begin to produce energy using hydrogen from the reservoir

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Fig. 2. Hourly average demand of five typical homes in the Pacific Northwest

The hybrid system is designed to supply power to five homes.

A typical hourly average residential load demand for a home in
the Pacific Northwest regions, reported in [29], is used in this
simulation study. The total hourly average load demand of the
five homes is shown in Fig. 2. A 50 kW wind turbine is assumed
to be available for the hybrid system. The following unit-sizing
procedure is used to determine the size of the PV array, FC
stack, electrolyzer, and the battery.
Before the discussion of unit-sizing, the following concept is
applied for indicating the overall efficiency and the availability
of a renewable energy source.
Capacity factor (kcf ) of a renewable energy source is defined

Fig. 1. System configuration of the proposed multisource alternative hybrid kcf = (1)
energy system (coupling inductors are not shown). Prated
where P̄ is the actual average output power over a period of
time and Prated is the nominal power rating of the renewable
tanks, or in case they are empty, from the backup H2 tanks. A energy source.
battery bank is also used in the system to supply transient power For the wind and solar data reported in [5] and [20], the capac-
to load transients, ripples, and spikes. There are several ways to ity factor of the wind turbine (kcf wtg ) and the PV array (kcf PV )
integrate different alternative energy sources to form a hybrid used in the proposed hybrid system for the southwestern part of
system. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Montana are taken as 13% and 10%, respectively.
In this paper, a 60 Hz ac link is used due to its high reliability, The purpose of unit-sizing is to minimize the difference be-
modular and scalable structure, and readiness for grid connec- tween the generated power (P̄gen ) from the renewable energy
tion [25], [27]. Different energy sources are connected to the ac source and the demand (P̄dem ) over a period of time T . T is
bus through appropriate power electronic interfacing circuits. taken as one year in this study:
The system can be easily expended, i.e., other energy sources
can be integrated into the system when they are available, as ∆P = P̄gen − P̄dem
shown in Fig. 1. The main system unit-sizing is discussed in the = kcf wtg × Pwtg,rated + kcf PV × PPV ,rated − P̄dem
following section.
where Pwtg,rated is the power rating of the wind turbine gener-
B. System Unit-Sizing
ator and PPV ,rated is the power rating of the PV array.
The unit-sizing procedure discussed in this section is assumed To balance the generation and demand, the rated power for
for a stand-alone hybrid system with the proposed structure the PV array is
(Fig. 1) for residential electricity supply in the southwestern
P̄dem − kcf wtg × Pwtg,rated
part of Montana. The purpose of the study is to properly size the PPV ,rated = . (3)
system components to assure reliable electricity supply. Hence, kcf PV
the system’s economic aspect is not considered in the paper. From Fig. 2, the average load demand is 9.76 kW. Then,
Some details on the economics of similar wind/PV/FC systems according to (3), the size of the PV array is calculated to be
are given in another paper by the authors [5]. 32.6 kW.

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Fig. 3. C p –λ characteristics of the WECS at different pitch angles (θ).

Battery capacity can be determined based on the transient

power at the load site. In this study, a 10 kWh battery bank
is used. In single-phase systems, a larger size battery may be
needed for reactive power compensation purposes. In three-
phase systems, as discussed in this paper, reactive power com-
pensation can be achieved by proper control of power electronic
switching devices [39], and only a small size battery is needed
for this purpose [40].
The details of the system component parameters are listed in
Table I.
To develop an overall power management strategy for the sys-
tem and to investigate the system performance, dynamic models
for the main components in the proposed hybrid system have
been developed using MATLAB/Simulink [27]. The models are
for the following: wind energy conversion system (WECS), PV,
FC, and electrolyzer.
In this section, the characteristics of the aforementioned main
system components are discussed. For the details of model de-
velopment, the reader is referred to [27].

A. Wind Energy Conversion System

The power Pwind (in watts) extracted from wind is
The FC–electrolyzer combination provides backup for the 1
system. The FC needs to supply the peak load demand (Fig. 2) ρAv 3 Cp (λ, θ)
Pwind = (5)
when there is no wind and solar power. Therefore, the size of
the FC stack is 14.6 kW. To leave some safe margin (20% used where ρ is the air density in kilogram per cubic meter, A is the
in this paper), an 18 kW FC array is used. area swept by the rotor blades in square meter, and v is the wind
The electrolyzer should be able to handle the excess power velocity in meters per second. Cp is called the power coefficient
from the wind and solar power source. The maximum possible or the rotor efficiency and is a function of tip speed ratio (TSR
excess power is or λ) and pitch angle (θ) [30], [31].
A variable-speed pitch-regulated wind turbine is considered
Pgen, m ax − Pdem ,m in = 50 + 32.6 − 5.85 = 76.75 kW. (4) in this paper, where the pitch angle controller plays an important
role. Fig. 3 shows the groups of Cp – λ curves of the wind turbine
However, the possibility that both wind and solar power reach used in this study at different pitch angles [31]. It is noted from
their maximum points while the load demand is at its lowest the figure that the value of Cp can be changed by changing the
value is very small. According to the data reported in [26], the pitch angle (θ). In other words, the output power of the wind
excess available power normally is less than half of the maxi- turbine can be regulated by pitch angle control.
mum possible value. And the electrolyzer is also very expensive. A self-excited induction generator (SEIG) model [27], [37],
Therefore, a 50 kW electrolyzer [over 60% of the maximum [38] was developed and used as a part of the WECS model. The
available given in (4)] is used in this paper. ratings of the SEIG are given in Table I.

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Fig. 4. Wind turbine output power characteristic.

Fig. 4 shows the output power of the WECS vs. wind speed. Fig. 5. I–V characteristic curves of the PV model at different irradiances.
It can be observed that the output power is kept constant when
wind speed is higher than the rated wind velocity even though
the wind turbine has the potential to produce more power. This
is done through the pitch angle control to protect the electrical
system and to prevent over speeding of the rotor. When wind
speed is higher than the cutout speed (25 m/s), the system is
taken out of operation for protection of its components.

B. Photovoltaic
PV effect is a basic physical process through which solar
energy is converted directly into electrical energy. The physics
of a PV cell, or a solar cell, is similar to the classical p-n junction
diode [32]. The relationship between the output voltage V and
the load current I of a PV cell or a module can be expressed
as [15], [32]
V + IRs
I = IL − I0 exp −1 (6) Fig. 6. P–V characteristic curves of the PV model at different operating tem-
where IL is the light current of the PV cell (in amperes), I0 is
the saturation current, I is the load current, V is the PV output
voltage (in volts), Rs is the series resistance of the PV cell (in
them show great potential in hybrid energy system applications.
ohms), and α is the thermal voltage timing completion factor of
For the purpose of simplicity, only the PEMFC application is
the cell (in volts).
discussed in this paper.
The I–V characteristic curves of the PV model used in this
The PEMFC model is based on the validated dynamic model
study under different irradiances (at 25 ◦ C) are given in Fig. 5
for a PEMFC stack reported in [33]. It is an autonomous model
[27]. It is noted from the figure that the higher the irradiance,
operated under constant channel pressure with no control on
the larger are the short-circuit current (Isc ) and the open-circuit
the input fuel flow into the FC. The model was validated by
voltage (Vo c ). As a result, the larger will be the output PV power.
experimental data measured from an Avista Labs (ReliOn now)
Temperature plays an important role in the PV performance
SR-12 500 W PEMFC stack. The FC will adjust the input fuel
because the four parameters (IL , I0 , Rs , and α) in (6) are all
flow according to its load current to keep the channel pressure
functions of temperature. The effect of the temperature on the
constant. Fig. 7 shows the output voltage vs. load current (V–I)
PV model performance is illustrated in Fig. 6. It is noted from the
characteristic curve of the 500 W PEMFC model compared
figure that the lower the temperature, the higher is the maximum
with the experimental data [33]. This characteristic curve can
power and the larger the open circuit voltage.
be divided into three regions. The voltage drop across the FC
associated with low currents is due to the activation loss inside
C. Fuel Cell the FC; the voltage drop in the middle of the curve (which is
Two types of FCs have been modeled for this study. They approximately linear) is due to the ohmic loss in the FC stack;
are low-temperature proton-exchange membrane FC (PEMFC) and as a result of the concentration loss, the output voltage at the
[33] and high-temperature solid oxide FC (SOFC) [34]. Both of end of the curve will drop sharply as the load current increases.

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Fig. 8. V–I characteristics of the electrolyzer model under different tempera-

Fig. 7. PEMFC V–I characteristic: comparison of model response with exper-
imental data.
An overall control strategy for power management among dif-
D. Electrolyzer ferent energy sources in a multisource energy system is needed.
An electrolyzer is a device that produces hydrogen and oxy- Fig. 9 shows the block diagram of the overall control strategy
gen from water. Water electrolysis can be considered a reverse for the proposed hybrid alternative energy system. The WECS,
process of a hydrogen-fueled FC. In contrast to the electro- controlled by a pitch angle controller, and a PV electricity gen-
chemical reaction occurring in an FC to produce dc electricity, eration unit, controlled by a maximum power point tracking
an electrolyzer converts dc electrical energy into chemical en- (MPPT) controller (not discussed in this paper) [27], are the
ergy stored in hydrogen. From electrical circuit point of view, an main energy sources of the system. The power difference be-
electrolyzer can be considered as a voltage-sensitive nonlinear tween the generation sources and the load demand is calculated
dc load [15]. For a given electrolyzer, within its rating range, the as
higher the dc voltage applied, the larger is the load current. That Pnet = Pwind + PPV − Pload − Psc (8)
is, by applying a higher dc voltage, more H2 can be generated.
Of course, more electrical power is consumed at the same time. where Pwind is the power generated by the WECS, PPV is the
The model of an electrolyzer stack developed for this study is power generated by the PV energy conversion system, Pload
based on the empirical I–V equation reported in [15] and [26], is the load demand, and Psc is the self-consumed power for
described as operating the system. The system self-consumed power is the
power consumed by the auxiliary system components to keep
it running, for example, the power needed for running the cool-
r1 + r2 T ing systems, the control units, and the gas compressor. For the
Velec,cell = Vrev + I
A purpose of simplification, only the power consumed by the com-
  pressor (Pcom p ) is considered in this study.
kT 1 + kT 2 /T + kT 3 /T 2
+ kelec ln I + 1 (7) The governing control strategy is that, at any given time, any
excess wind and PV-generated power (Pnet > 0) is supplied to
the electrolyzer to generate hydrogen that is delivered to the
where Velec,cell is the cell terminal voltage (in volts), Vrev is hydrogen storage tanks through a gas compressor. Therefore,
the reversible cell voltage, r1 (in ohms square-meter) and r2 (in the power balance equation given in (8) can be written as
ohms square-meter per degree Celsius) are the parameters for the
Pwind + PPV = Pload + Pelec + Pcom p , Pnet > 0 (9)
ohmic resistance inside the electrolyzer, kelec (in volts), kT 1 (in
square meters per ampere), kT 2 (square-meter degrees Celsius where Pelec is the power consumed by the electrolyzer to gener-
per ampere), and kT 3 (square-meter degree Celsius square per ate H2 and Pcom p is the power consumed by the gas compressor.
ampere) are the parameters for the overvoltage, A is the area of When there is a deficit in power generation (Pnet < 0), the
the cell electrode (in square-meters), I is the electrolyzer current FC stack begins to produce energy for the load using hydrogen
(in amperes), and T is the cell temperature (in degrees Celsius). from the storage tanks. Therefore, the power balance equation
The V–I characteristics of the electrolyzer model used in this for this situation can be written as
study at different cell temperatures are given in Fig. 8. At a
Pwind + PPV + PFC = Pload , Pnet < 0 (10)
given current, the higher the operating temperature, the lower is
the terminal voltage needed. where PFC is the power generated by the FC stack.

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Fig. 9. Block diagram of the overall control scheme for the proposed hybrid alternative energy system.

Dynamic models have been used for all the components of A. Winter Scenario
the system shown in Fig. 9. The details of these models can be 1) Weather Data: The weather data for the winter scenario
found in [27]. simulation were collected on February 1, 2006. The wind speed
data were collected at the height of 2 m, corrected to the turbine
hub height (assumed to be 40 m) using the following expression
Using the component models discussed in Section IV, a  α
simulation system test bed for the proposed wind/PV/FC– Ws1 = Ws0 (11)
electrolyzer energy system has been developed using
MATLAB/Simulink. In order to verify the system performance where Ws1 (in meters per second) is the wind speed at the hub
under different situations, simulation studies have been carried height H1 (in meters), Ws0 (in meters per second) is the wind
out using practical load demand data and real weather data speed at the height H0 (in meters), and α is the wind speed
(wind speed, solar irradiance, and air temperature). As dis- correction exponent. The exponent α is taken as 0.13 in this
cussed in Section II, the system is designed to supply electric study, as suggested and used in [20] and [36].
power demand of five houses in the southwestern part of Fig. 10 shows the corrected hourly wind speed profile over
Montana. A typical hourly average load demand for a house in 24 h on the day (February 1, 2006) the data were collected. The
the Pacific Northwest regions, reported in [29], is used in this hourly solar irradiance data and air temperature collected on the
simulation study. The total hourly average load demand profile same day are shown in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively.
of five houses over 24 h is shown in Fig. 2. The weather data are 2) Simulation Results: The system performance under the
obtained from the online records of the weather station at Deer load profile given in Fig. 2 and the weather data shown in
Lodge, Montana, affiliated with the Pacific Northwest Coopera- Figs. 10–12 is evaluated and discussed later.
tive Agricultural Weather Network (AgriMet) [35]. Simulation The output power from the wind energy conversion unit in the
studies are carried out for power management during a typical hybrid energy system over the 24 h simulation period is shown
winter day and a summer day. The load demand is kept the in Fig. 13. When the wind speed is over 14 m/s, the output power
same for the two cases. Simulation results for the winter and is limited to 50 kW by the pitch angle controller (discussed in
summer scenarios are given and discussed in the following Section III). When the wind speed is less than the wind turbine
section. cutin speed (3 m/s), there is no wind power generated.

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Fig. 10. Wind speed data for the winter scenario simulation study. Fig. 13. Wind power for the winter scenario study.

Fig. 11. Solar irradiance data for the winter scenario simulation study.
Fig. 14. PV power for the winter scenario.

has a wave shape similar to that of the solar irradiance profile

shown in Fig. 11.
As discussed in Section III (Fig. 6), temperature plays an im-
portant role in the PV module’s performance. Fig. 15 shows the
PV temperature response over the simulation period. Two main
factors for determining the temperature of the PV module are the
solar irradiance (Fig. 11) and the surrounding air temperature
(Fig. 12). It is noted from Fig. 6 that the higher the temperature,
the lower is the maximum power value. Figs. 14 and 15 also
show the effect of temperature upon the PV performance.
When Pnet > 0 [see (8) and (9)], there is excess power avail-
able for H2 generation. Fig. 16 shows the available power profile
over the 24 h simulation period. The available power is used by
Fig. 12. Air temperature data for the winter scenario simulation study. the electrolyzer to generate H2 . Fig. 17 shows the H2 gener-
ation rate over the simulation period. The corresponding dc
voltage applied to the electrolyzer and the electrolyzer current
The output power from the PV array in the system over the are shown in Fig. 18. It is noted from Figs. 16–18 that the more
24 h simulation period is shown in Fig. 14. As shown in Fig. 9, power available for storage, the higher is the dc input voltage to
the PV array output power is controlled by an MPPT controller the electrolyzer, and as a result, the more is the generated H2 .
to give maximum power output under different solar irradiances. When Pnet < 0, the sum of wind and PV-generated power is
It is noted that the PV output power curve, shown in Fig. 14, not sufficient to supply the load demand. Under this condition,

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Fig. 15. PV temperature response over the simulation period for the winter Fig. 18. Electrolyzer voltage and current for the winter scenario study.

Fig. 19. Power supplied by the FC stack of the winter scenario study.
Fig. 16. Power available for H 2 generation of the winter scenario.

Fig. 20. Corrected wind speed data for the summer scenario simulation study.
Fig. 17. H 2 generation rate for the winter scenario study.

By comparing the winter solar irradiance data shown in

the FC turns on to supply the power shortage. Fig. 19 shows the
Fig. 11 and the summer solar irradiance data given in Fig. 21,
actual power delivered by the FC stack.
it is obvious that the daily time frame when solar energy is
available is wider in the summer than in the winter.
B. Summer Scenario 2) Simulation Results: In this section, the system perfor-
1) Weather Data: The weather data collected in Dear Lodge, mance under the same load demand profile given in Fig. 2 and
MT, on June 21, 2005, are used for the summer scenario study the weather data shown in Figs. 20–22 is evaluated. The output
[35]. The wind speed data, corrected to the height of 40 m, is power from the WECS and the PV array in the hybrid energy
shown in Fig. 20. The solar irradiance and air temperature data system over the 24 h simulation period are shown in Figs. 23 and
at the same site on the same day are shown in Figs. 21 and 22, 24, respectively. The spikes in Fig. 24 are due to the MPPT con-
respectively. trol, which tries to keep the PV array operating at its maximum

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Fig. 21. Irradiance data for the summer scenario simulation study.
Fig. 24. PV power generated for the summer scenario study.

Fig. 22. Air temperature data for the summer scenario simulation study.

Fig. 25. H 2 generation rate for the summer scenario study.

Fig. 23. Wind power generated for the summer scenario study.

power points under different temperatures and solar irradiances. Fig. 26. H 2 consumption rate for the summer scenario study.
The time range of the spike is small (about 1 s).
When Pnet > 0, there is excess power available for H2 gen-
eration. Fig. 25 shows the H2 generation rate over the simu- The H2 storage tank pressure varies as H2 flows in and out. It
lation period. When Pnet < 0, the sum of the wind and the is apparent that the storage tank pressure will go up when there
PV-generated power is not sufficient to supply the load demand. is excess power available for H2 generation and will decrease
Under this scenario, the FC stack turns on to supply the power when the FC stack turns on (consuming H2 ) to supply power
shortage by using the H2 stored in the storage tank. Fig. 26 to the load. Fig. 27 shows the tank pressure variations over the
shows the corresponding H2 consumption rate. 24 h simulation period for the summer scenario study.

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been developed using MATLAB/Simulink. Simulation studies [20] W. D. Kellogg, M. H. Nehrir, G. Venkataramanan, and V. Gerez, “Gener-
have been carried out to verify the system performance under ation unit sizing and cost analysis for stand-alone wind, photovoltaic, and
different scenarios using the practical load profile in the Pacific hybrid wind/PV systems,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 13, no. 1,
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Northwest regions and the real weather data collected at Deer [21] F. Giraud and Z. M. Salameh, “Steady-state performance of a grid-
Lodge, MT. The simulation results, given for a winter and a connected rooftop hybrid wind-photovoltaic power system with battery
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management strategy and the feasibility of the proposed hybrid [22] E. S. Abdin, A. M. Osheiba, and M. M. Khater, “Modeling and optimal
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[23] F. Bonanno, A. Consoli, A. Raciti, B. Morgana, and U. Nocera, “Tran-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT sient analysis of integrated diesel-wind-photovoltaic generation systems,”
The authors thank Dr. D. Pierre at Montana State University IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 232–238, Jun. 1999.
[24] T. Monai, I. Takano, H. Nishikawa, and Y. Sawada, “Response character-
for his comments and suggestions. istics and operating methods of new type dispersed power supply system
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[32] M. R. Patel, Wind and Solar Power Systems. Boca Raton, FL: CRC M. Hashem Nehrir (S’68–M’71–SM’89) received
Press, 1999. the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Oregon
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validation for PEM fuel cells using electrical circuits,” IEEE Trans. respectively, all in electrical engineering.
Energy Convers., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 442–451, Jun. 2005. Since 1987, he has been with the Electrical and
[34] C. Wang and M. H. Nehrir, “A physically-based dynamic model for solid Computer Engineering Department, Montana State
oxide fuel cells,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 887– University, Bozeman, where he is currently a Pro-
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[35] (2006). [Online]. Available: and modeling of power systems, alternative energy
html power generation systems, and application of intelli-
[36] P. Gipe, Wind Power: Renewable Energy for Home, Farm, and Business. gent controls to power systems. He is the author of
White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green, 2004. two textbooks and an author or coauthor of numerous technical papers.
[37] P. C. Krause, O. Wasynczuk, and S. D. Sudhoff, Analysis of Electric
Machinery. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1995.
[38] E. Muljadi, C. P. Butterfield, H. Romanowitz, and R. Yinger, “Self-
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[39] C. Wang, M. H. Nehrir, and H. Gao, “Control of PEM fuel cell distributed
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[40] H. Akagi, Y. Kanazawa, and A. Nabae, “Instantaneous reactive power
compensators comprising switching devices without energy storage com-
ponents,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-20, no. 3, pp. 625–630, May-Jun.

Caisheng Wang (M’02–SM’08) received the B.S.

and M.S. degrees from Chongqing University,
Chongqing, China, in 1994 and 1997, respec-
tively, and the Ph.D. degree from Montana State
University, Bozeman, in 2006, all in electrical
From August 1997 to May 2002, he was an Elec-
trical Engineer at Zhejiang Electric Power Test and
Research Institute, Hangzhou, China. Since August
2006, he has been a faulty member in the Division
of Engineering Technology, Wayne State University,
Detroit, MI. His current research interests include modeling and control of power
systems and electrical machinery, alternative/hybrid energy power generation
systems, and fault diagnosis and online monitoring of electric machines.

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