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36A Sverdlova st.

Krasnodar area № ЛО-23-01-014543
Russia Phone
353905 +7 (8617) 799-799

Patient name: Darchiia Iana

Date of birth: 03.02.1990

Sex: Female Order: 123 674

Specimen type: Oropharyngeal swab and nasopharynx swab

The time of biomaterial delivery at the laboratory is 05.04.2021 8:18:06


Test Result

PCR Coronavirus 2019-nCoV [S] Negative Negative

The testing is carried out on thermal cycler Bio-Rad CFX 96 with using the «Reagent Kit for detection of RNA of
Coronavirus 2019-nCoV by PCR-RT (Real Time) (ПЦР-РВ-2019-nCoV)» (Reg. №РЗН 2020/9969 от 03.04.2020),
invented by FGBI "48 Central Research Institute" of Defense Ministry of Russia (141306, Russia, Moscow region,
Sergiev Posad-6, Oktyabrskaya str., 11)

This test-system characterized by high sensitivity, detecting the target fragments of viral nucleic acids in concentration not
detected by other test-systems.
The PCR-testing of the smears of mucosa of upper respiratory tract should be observed as the screening testing.
The single detection of RNA of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus in the investigated sample is not a sufficient basis for a clinical
diagnosis of COVID-19 and requires the confirmation by other test-systems.
Due to observed extremely highest mutational variability of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus during current pandemic, the results of
the testing could be not interpreted always univocally:
• it may be received the false negative result as the result of mutations in the detected loci of genome of SARS-CoV-2
• it may be received the false positive result as the result of presence of relative Beta-CoV line B Coronaviridae in the
investigated samples.
If RNA of SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus is detected at the latest cycles of amplification (value of Ct > 40), the additional testing is

Go to verify the authenticity Prepared by:

of the laboratory test result
Сlinical laboratory diagnostic doctor
Alla V Silchenko

Head of laboratory
Сlinical laboratory diagnostic doctor
Victoria I Sologub

Date: 05.04.2021

Interpretation of the results is not a diagnosis, the conclusion on the results of this study is given by the attending physician.
The laboratory is not responsible for the consequences of the patient's self-interpretation of the results.
The results obtained are specific to the test sample.
The specified services correspond to the nomenclature of medical services approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
No. 804n dated October 13, 2017

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