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Mini-Tutorial: Advanced Computational Methods in Lightning Performance

The Lightning induced Over-Voltage (LIOV) Code

Carlo Albert0 Nucci []

A M m t - The LlOV (Lightning-Induced OverVoltage) code, a computer program developed in the framework of
an intemational collaboration involving the Universities of Bologna (Department of Electrical Engineering), the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Power Systems Laboratory), and the University of Rome "LA Sapienza"
(Department of Electrical Engineering), is a numerical formulation of Maxwell's equations, using the formulation
of Agrawal et al. [l], suitably adapted for the calculation of induced overvoltages when lightning strikes near a
horizontal overhead transmission line [2,3].In the LlOV code, the electromagnetic field radiated by the lightning
channel is calculated using the field equations in the form given by Uman et al. [4] with the extension to the case
of lossy ground introduced by Cooray and Rubinstein [5,6] and assuming the Modified Transmission Line (MTL)
retum-stroke current model [7] for the description of the spatial-temporal distribution of the lightning current along
the return-stroke channel. The LlOV code allows for the calculation of lightning-induced voltages along an
overhead line as a function of lightning current waveshape (amplitude, front steepness, duration), return-stroke
velocity, line geometry (height, length, number and position of conductors [SI),stroke location with respect to the
line, ground resisitivity and relative perimittivity, and value of termination impedances. The tutorial will first
review the theoretical basis of the LlOV code and its experimental validation (9,101. Then a characterization of
the amplitude and waveshape of the induced voltages will be presented as a function of the above parameters.
The code has been recently provided with a numerical routine that allows a fast computation of the
electromagnetic field radiated by lightning, assuming a linearly-increasing flat-top waveshape of the lightning
current. This has been used in a statistical program based on the Monte Carlo method [ I l l for the evaluation of
the lightning performances of distribution lines; the output in this case is the number of events that exceed, for a
certain ground flash density, a given value which, in tum, allows to estimate the frequency distribution of
lightning-inducedvoltages for a given line, as well as the flashover rate VS basic insulation level (BIL) curves. In
this respect, the tutorial will also review 'classical' induced-overvoltageflashover rate VS BIL curves. The LlOV
results for the simple cases, dealt with in the IEEE 1410 Guide (Distribution Lightning Performance) are quite
similar, as expected, since for those simple configurations Rusck 1121 and Agrawal coupling models are
equivalent [13], and since the retum stroke current model assumed in the LlOV code predicts a spatial-temporal
distribution of the lightning current along the return-stroke channel similar to the one assumed in the Rusck
current model. Also, the influence of the various critical distance expressions used in the analysis (IEEE [14],
Amstrong and Whitehead [15], Rizk [16],Dellera and Garabagnati (171) will be explored. The LlOV program has
been interfaced with the ElectroMagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) [18],giving the possibility of performing
evaluations of lightning performance of .distribution lines with complex and more realistic configurations than
those originally dealt with in the LlOV code. Advanced cases with lossy ground, multiconductor lines, presence
of surge arresters will also be illustrated, since they are the most interesting from the 'practical' point of view.

A.K. Agrawal, H.J. Price, S.H. Gurbaxani, "Transient response of a multiconductor transmission line excited by a
nonuniform electromagnetic field", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. EMC-22, No. 2, pp. 119-129,
May 1980.
C.A. Nucci, F. Rachidi, M. lanoz, C. Mazzetti, "Lightning-induced voltages on overhead lines", IEEE Trans. on
ElectromagneticCompatibility, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 75-86, Febr. 1993.
F. Rachidi, C.A. Nucci, M. lanoz, C. Mazzetti, "Influence of a lossy ground on lightning-inducedvoltages on overhead
lines", IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 250-264, Aug. 1996.
M.A. Uman, D.K. McLain, E.P. Krider, "The electromagneticradiation from a finite antenna", Am. J. of Physics, Vol. 43,
pp. 33-38, 1975.
V. Cooray, "Lightning-induced overvoltages in power lines: validity of various approximations made in OVervOltage
calculations", Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Budapest, September 1!&23,19!34.
M. Rubinstein, "An approximate formula for the calculation of the horizontal electric field from lightning at close,
intermediate, and long range", IEEE Trans. on ElectromagneticCompatibility, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 531-535, August 1996.
C.A. Nucci, C. Mazzefli, F. Rachidi, M. lanoz, "On lightning retum stroke models far LEMP calculations", Proc. 19th Int.
Conf. on Lightningprotection, pp. 463-469, Graz, 25-29 April 1988.
F. Rachidi, C.A. Nucci, M. lanoz, C. Mauetti, "Response of multiconductor power lines to nearby lightning retum stroke
electromagneticfields", 14th IEEHPES Transmission and DistributionConference, Los Angeles, also on IEEE Trans. on
Power Delivery, Vol. 12, N.3, pp. 1404-1411,July 1997.

(c) 2000 IEEE

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 2417
[9) S. Guerrieri, F. Rachidi, M.lanoz, P. Zweiacker, C.A. Nucu, "A time-domain approach to evaluate induced voltages on
tree-shaped electrical networks by external electromagnetic fields", Il t h Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic compatibility,
Zurigo, Matzo 1995.
[lo] C.A. Nucci, A. Borghetti, A. Piantini, J.M. Janiszewski, "Lightning-induced voltages on distribution overhead lines:
Comparison between experimental results from a reduced-scale model and most recent approaches', Proc. 24* Int.
Conf. on Lightning Protection, pp. 314-320, Birmingham, 14-18 settembre 1998.
[ll] A. Borghetti, C.A. Nucci, " Estimation of the frequency distribution of lightning induced voltages on an overhead line
above a lossy ground: a sensitivity analysis", Proc. of ICLP, Birmingham, Sept. 1998.
[I21 S. S. Rusck, "Induced lightning overvoltages on power transmission lines with special reference to the overvoltage
protection of low voltage networks" ,Trans. of the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, No. 120, 1958.
[13] V. Cooray, "Calculating lightning-induced overvoltages in power lines: a comparison of two coupling models", IEEE
Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 179-182, August 1994.
[14] IEEE Working Group on Estimation Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines, 'A Simplified Method for Estimating
Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines', IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS-I04 N0.4, pp 919-932, April 1985.
[I51 H.R. Amstrong and E.R. Whitehead, 'Field and Analytical Studies of Transmission Lines Shielding', IEEE Trans. on
PA&& Vo1.87, pp.270-281, January 1968.
[16] F.A.M. Rizk, 'Modelling of Transmission Line Exposure to Direct Lightning Strokes', IEEE Trans. on PWRD, Vo1.5, No.4,
pp.1983-1997, October 1990.
[17] L. Dellera, E. Garbagnati, "Lightning stroke simulation by means of the leader progression model, Parts I and II", IEEE
Trans. on PWRD, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 20092029, October 1990.
[I81 C.A. Nucci, V. Bardani, R. lorio, A. Mansoldo, A. Porrino, "A code for the calculation of lightning-induced overvoltages
and its interface with the Electromagnetic Transient program", Proc. 22nd lntemational Conference on Lightning
Protection,, Budapest, 7 pp., 19-23 settembre, 1994.

(c) 2000 IEEE

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 2418

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