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Trends 2 © B Burlington Books
workbook answer key

Grammar Revision 10 1. are going to skate

2. are going to get together
(page 4)
3. will like
1 1. don’t know 4. Are ... leaving 4. are ... going to arrive
2. isn’t going out 5. Do ... stay 5. ’ll pay
3. am trying 6. misses 6. won’t be
2 1. have, am cooking 7. will begin
2. aren’t bothering, ’m not sleeping 8. are going to leave
3. is burning, Do ... smell (page 6)
4. travel, visit
11 1. I will just have lasagna.
5. costs, are selling
2. The coffee is going to spill.
3 1. don’t work 5. am tutoring 3. We will probably not win. / We probably won’t win.
2. teach 6. is preparing 4. He is going to be here at 9 am. / He will be here at
3. appear 7. is starting 9 am.
4. study 8. doesn’t want 5. We aren’t going to spend money on a DJ.
4 1. got, answered, were ... having 12 1. I will have lived
2. didn’t come, texted 2. will be surfing
3. was studying, were practising / practised 3. won’t have finished
4. broke down, was leaving 4. won’t be singing
5. were using 5. will have done
6. were walking, saw
13 1. Scientists will probably not have found a cure
5 1. How late did you stay up last night? for cancer by the end of the decade. / Scientists
2. I was having a shower when the water got cold. probably won’t have found a cure for cancer by the
3. James was cleaning the house while I was cooking. / end of the decade.
James cleaned the house while I was cooking. 2. During the next year, we will be asking thousands
4. We were sleeping when the earthquake hit. of teenagers to answer a survey.
5. What were you doing at 10 am yesterday? 3. Will you be using your bicycle tomorrow?
6 1. am getting 6. started 4. How much snow will have fallen by the end of the
2. bought 7. made day?
3. do 8. do ... know 5. In the coming years, more students will be
4. begins 9. are ... hanging out studying online.
5. was walking 10. are ... doing 6. They will have finished writing their exams by
15th July.
(page 5)
7. We will be waiting for you at the train station at
7 1. have ... baked 5. had taken 5.00.
2. had been 6. Had ... checked 8. I will have prepared the equipment for the
3. hadn’t received 7. Have ... written presentation by 3.00.
4. hasn’t returned 8. have ... spent
14 1. will love
8 1. I haven’t had sugar in my coffee for about a year. 2. will be celebrating / are going to celebrate
2. She didn’t begin to write her project until she had 3. is going to fall out
done the research. / She didn’t begin writing her 4. is going to move
project until she had done the research. 5. ’ll do
3. Before last night, she hadn’t seen an opera. / She 6. will have stolen
hadn’t seen an opera before last night. 7. will be announcing
4. I’ve been at the library since noon. 8. will have seen
5. The band hasn’t performed live since 2005.
(page 7)
6. It had become dark by the time we got home. / By
the time we got home, it had become dark. 15 1. right now 6. By noon
7. The programme has just started. 2. usually 7. yet
8. I was upset because I had forgotten my phone. 3. yesterday 8. Until
4. by then 9. at this time next year
9 1. has ... become 6. studied
5. while 10. in an hour
2. has been 7. had ended
3. had started 8. hadn’t changed
4. moved 9. Have ... heard
5. had been

Trends 2 © B Burlington Books
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16 1. Before last month, he hadn’t visited the US. / He 8 1. hardship 6. accomplishments

hadn’t visited the US before last month. / Before 2. brought ... up 7. tuition fees
last month, he had never visited the US. / He had 3. education 8. depended on
never visited the US before last month. 4. got a degree 9. financial
2. Your perfume smells nice. 5. various 10. role model
3. While the players were playing, I took photographs Grammar (page 10)
of the match. / I took photographs of the
match while the players were playing. / I took 1 1. 1. Have ... received
photographs of the players while they were 2. had expected
playing. 2. 3. hadn’t thought
4. She is going to learn to ski next winter. 4. have risen
5. Have you ever repaired your computer? 3. 5. have been
6. By the time the play opens, we will have rehearsed 6. had copied
for six weeks. / We will have rehearsed for six 4. 7. haven’t auditioned
weeks by the time the play opens. 8. had ... acted
9. have had
17 1. grew up 7. makes 10. has done
2. accompanied 8. will have lived
3. had travelled 9. has been 2 1. had been working
4. tried 10. will announce 2. had ... been taking
5. established 11. is thinking 3. haven’t been sleeping
6. have attended 12. aren’t applying / aren't 4. have been trying
going to apply 5. hadn’t been paying attention
6. has ... been going
Unit 1 3 1. hasn’t been studying very much this term
Topic Vocabulary (page 8) 2. had been discussing the school trip for 20 minutes
before he arrived
1 1. allow
3. had been attending art college when he suddenly
2. support
decided to become a chef
3. bring up
4. had been working as a researcher there since 1979
4. take after
5. have you been working there
5. punish
6. have been sitting here for four hours
2 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. b
4 1. been teaching literature for five years
3 1. inherited 4. looked up to 2. she had done her homework
2. determined 5. depended on 3. I had been waiting (for her) for half an hour
3. spoiled 4. graduated from university yet
4 1. 1. foreign language 5. have you been dating Brian
2. requirement (page 11)
3. get a degree
2. 4. study abroad
5 1. have begun
2. had planned / had been planning
5. Tuition fees
3. had heard
3. 6. failed
4. have held / have been holding
7. pass
5. had been doing / had done
4. 8. feedback
6. has been offering
9. hand ... in
7. has been presenting
5 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. have received
(page 9) 6 1. I can’t eat dinner. I have been eating junk food all
6 1. Education, childhood, valuable afternoon.
2. doubtful, impressive 2. Had Meg left the party by the time you got there?
3. concerned, assessments, weakness 3. She hasn’t taught computer science for five years.
4. suitable, sensitive She works in hi-tech now.
5. generosity, various, hardships 4. We had been running for 15 minutes when it
6. application, missing started to rain.
5. They left before they had finished their project.
7 1. neighbourhood 5. worthless
2. demanding 6. independence 7 1. has been giving 5. has ... been
3. assignments 7. attendance 2. has ... gone 6. has been making
4. financial 8. excellence 3. had been working 7. had stopped
4. had ... read 8. hadn’t been sleeping

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Extra Reading (page 12) 3 1. lectures 5. feedback

1 1. O 2. F 2. encourage 6. suitable
3. graduate 7. failed
3 1. c 2. b 4. demanding 8. sign up for
4 1. had taken courses in Shakespeare and German 4 1. has been awarding 4. hadn’t got
2. is part of the Core
2. had ... won 5. has been running
3. goal of Core programmes
3. had ... thought 6. had studied
4. have enough time to devote to their major
5 1. has the band been playing
5 1. introduce 2. will have finished the exam
2. consists of
3. hadn’t played in a football match
3. skilful
4. will be flying to Peru
4. ensures
Communication (page 13)
6 1. although 3. Besides
2. Despite 4. On the other hand
1 1. I wonder if you can help me
2. Could you tell me / What can you tell me about Unit 2
3. Can you give me some general information Topic Vocabulary (page 16)
4. and would you mind telling
5. Could you tell me
1 1. poverty 4. inequality
2. living conditions 5. slums
6. how do I sign up
3. hunger
7. I have one last question
8. Perhaps you could explain 2 1. citizens 4. freedom of speech
9. You’ve been very helpful 2. standard of living 5. fair
3. empathy 6. mandatory
2 1. Había estado repasando para el examen de
historia cuando me di cuenta de que faltaban 3 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. a
algunos de mis apuntes. 4 1. sign the petition 4. banned
2. ¿Podrías decirme por qué no has estado 2. criticise 5. stand up for
entregándome / me has entregado tus tareas 3. raise money
(page 17)
3. Los profesores ya han escrito las valoraciones
sobre el trabajo de sus estudiantes. 5 1. demonstrations 4. rights
4. Hasta que copió en el examen, la había admirado 2. charities 5. passed laws
mucho. 3. shelters
5. ¿Puedes darme algo de información general sobre 6 1. taken steps 4. take advice
los requisitos para sacarme un título universitario? 2. made a speech 5. made ... arrangements
6. La profesora del curso es muy exigente, así que 3. make a difference
ha sido difícil estar a la altura de lo que espera.
7. Ella había estado pensando en estudiar en el
7 1. Please make an effort to arrive on time.
2. It doesn’t make sense to drive there.
extranjero antes de que empezaran los problemas
3. Finally, Brenda took charge of the meeting.
financieros de su familia.
4. We should get involved and take action.
8. Pasé mi infancia en este bonito barrio.
Writing (page 14) 8 1. citizens
2. lowered the voting age
1 1. In spite of, Despite 4. Besides, As well as 3. have a say
2. even though 5. also 4. volunteered
3. but 5. aware of
2 1. Also / In addition / moreover / besides 6. demonstrations
2. while / but 7. made speeches
3. However / nevertheless 8. made a difference
4. Besides 9. got ... involved
5. Moreover / In addition / Also / Besides Grammar (page 18)
6. despite / in spite of
1 1. I was wearing 6. that night
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. that day 7. watching
Check Your Progress (page 15) 3. was 8. had existed
4. took place 9. had been holding
1 1. pass, revise
5. was going to be
2. take after
3. punish, disobey
2 1. educational 3. concerned
2. neighbourhood 4. assessment

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2 1. reported 5. requested 4 1. taking part in the Ice Bucket Challenge

2. warned 6. admitted 2. social media where people mentioned the Ice
3. wondered 7. offered Bucket Challenge
4. complained 8. ordered 3. about them on Facebook
3 1. people had been at the meeting the night before / 4. people would learn an emergency lifesaving
the previous night technique
2. had been volunteering at the hospital 5 1. increase 3. fund
3. the government had banned demonstrations in the 2. getting soaked 4. preceding
city centre Communication (page 21)
4. reading / that I read that fascinating article
5. to sign the petition before I left school that day 1 1. If you ask me
2. How do you feel about
4 1. The politician told me / us to get out of his office. 3. I know / I'm sure
2. William thought that it would take a lot of time to 4. Do you think that
make arrangements. 5. I guess
3. Sue asked me how I was going to raise money for 6. I’m not so sure / I don’t think
that charity. 7. Personally, I like the idea of
4. Leslie suggested that we go out / going out for 8. What do you think
lunch the next day / the following day / the day 9. I suppose it could work
after. 10. I’m not so sure / I don’t think
5. Mona advised me not to discuss politics with her 11. I’m not convinced that / I’m not so sure /
dad that night. I don’t think
6. Sandra claimed that she hadn’t seen the thief. 12. I’m sure
(page 19) 2 1. Para mí el Parlamento debería aprobar una ley para
5 1. had chosen bajar la edad para votar a los 16.
2. hadn’t been 2. Laura sugirió que yo pronunciase un discurso en la
3. was going manifestación.
4. felt 3. ¿Qué te parece hacer que votar sea obligatorio?
5. would listen 4. Admitió que no había sido consciente de las
6. were terribles condiciones de vida en los barrios pobres.
7. could 5. Ellen se preguntaba qué podíamos hacer para
6 1. She recommended taking advice from an expert. ayudar a acabar con la desigualdad.
2. I told her that I couldn’t go with her. / I said that I 6. Quería saber cuánto dinero habíamos recaudado.
couldn’t go with her. 7. Recordó a los niños que cumplieran las normas y
3. He warned us not to get involved in their se portaran bien.
argument. 8. Muchos ciudadanos se quejaron de que no era
4. She wanted to know how long the demonstration justo prohibir las manifestaciones en el centro de
had lasted. la ciudad.
5. She said that she would volunteer at the charity Writing (page 22)
shop. 1 1. Because / Since
7 1. have complained / have been complaining 2. Consequently / Therefore
2. have ... made 3. As
3. was working 4. For this reason / As a result
4. was carrying / had been carrying 5. so
5. had sent 6. because / since
6. had hit 2 1. because / since / as
7. would need 2. as a result of / because of / due to
8. could 3. due to / as a result of / because of
9. help 4. Consequently / Therefore / As a result /
Extra Reading (page 20) For this reason
1 d 5. because / since / as
6. Therefore / Consequently / For this reason /
2 To raise money for research on ALS and to increase As a result
public awareness of the disease.
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 1. b 2. b

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Check Your Progress (page 23) 6 1. on my way 4. for the time being
1 1. criticise 6. refused 2. out of the way 5. all the way
2. aware of 7. mandatory 3. in no time at all
3. take action 8. stood up for 7 Possible answers
4. demonstration 9. living conditions 1. The shop is out of the way.
5. sign a petition 10. made sense 2. I found my way.
2 1. follow rules 3. I like to spend time watching sport.
2. make a difference 4. I’ll do it, one way or another.
3. impressive 5. The train wasn’t on time.
4. hunger 6. I made good time.
5. right 8 1. in no time at all 6. come across
3 1. Harry advised me not to make a long speech at the 2. runs 7. Spend time
meeting. 3. On your way 8. ride
2. Mitchell wondered if / whether the demonstration 4. fare 9. landmarks
would be over by ten o’clock the following night / 5. wandering 10. view
the next night / the night after. Grammar (page 26)
3. Sue informed me that she had volunteered at the
1 1. shouldn’t 5. don’t have to
shelter the Saturday before / the previous
2. can’t 6. should
3. might not 7. couldn’t
4. Debbie suggested that we post photos /
4. will be able to 8. must
posting photos from the party on Instagram.
5. The mayor claimed that the council had been 2 1. It might rain tomorrow.
taking steps to improve the neighbourhood. 2. You don’t need to print / needn't print your ticket
when you’ve stored it in your phone.
4 1. has been crying 3. Passengers ought to be at the airport two hours
2. couldn’t meet
before departure time.
3. not to go
4. How can she afford such expensive holidays every
4. had lived / had been living
5. has ... made
5. Visitors mustn’t take photos inside the museum.
6. would improve
6. May I ask you a personal question?
5 1. Due to 7. The airline wasn’t able to locate my luggage for
2. so three days.
3. As a result 8. He has to apply for a visa soon.

Unit 3 3 1. might / ought to / should

2. can’t / couldn’t
Topic Vocabulary (page 24) 3. have to
1 1. guided tour 4. views 4. be able to
2. landmarks 5. sight 5. can / will be able to
3. queue 6. don’t have to / needn’t
2 1. F, You can see someone point. 7. must
2. T 8. might not
3. F, When we locate something, we find it. 4 1. should have packed 3. couldn’t have come
4. T 2. needn’t have run 4. must have left
3 1. lasted (page 27)
2. came across 5 1. You could have fallen.
3. led 2. Otherwise, I would have been here earlier.
4. ended up 3. She might not have checked in yet.
5. got closer 4. I ought to have brought a sweater.
6. atmosphere
6 1. would have enjoyed 4. must have had
4 1. checked in 6. youth hostels 2. won’t have to pay 5. might not be
2. seat 7. accommodation 3. should have left 6. could ... tell
3. take off 8. hire
4. landed 9. luggage 7 1. Don’t you see that sign? You mustn’t / can’t
5. book in advance smoke here.
2. We couldn’t have found a better place to stay!
(page 25) 3. Let’s watch these street performers. They might
5 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. c be good.
4. Can I please see that silver bracelet?
5. I’m sorry. I should have told you about the
meeting yesterday.
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8 Possible answers Writing (page 30)

1. could use 1 1. until
2. must have been 2. Once, As soon as
3. have enjoyed 3. Then, All of a sudden
4. can ... wander 4. finally, eventually
5. are able to ice-skate 5. It all began
6. have met / have been meeting 6. The next thing
7. shouldn’t miss
8. linked
2 1. It all began
2. then
Extra Reading (page 28) 3. At first
1 1. the tourists 4. Stendhal Syndrome 4. Then / All of a sudden / Eventually
2. the symptoms 5. the visitors 5. before
3. Stendhal’s 6. All of a sudden
7. The next thing
2 1. b 2. d
8. until
3 1. depression, breathing difficulties, rapid heartbeat,
dizziness, stomach pains, hallucinations and
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
disorientation Check Your Progress (page 31)
2. cause Stendhal Syndrome 1 1. hire 7. landed
4 1. F, “... other experts think that some people are 2. out of the way 8. took off
simply extremely sensitive to great beauty – 3. run 9. made good time
whether in art or in nature ...” 4. sights 10. fare
2. T, “... people recover quickly.” 5. landmark 11. ride
3. F, “When the results of this study are published ...” 6. views
5 1. dizziness 3. gaze at 2 1. various 6. atmosphere
2. disorientation 4. insight 2. guided tours 7. standard of living
3. slum 8. make arrangements
Communication (page 29)
4. poverty 9. foreign languages
1 1. The pictures have got some things in common 5. wander 10. book ... in advance
2. in both pictures there are
3. The pictures are also alike because
3 1. can’t believe
2. should have checked
4. I can see some differences in the pictures
3. mustn’t sign
5. while in this one
4. have to do
6. another thing I noticed is that this picture shows
5. would have stayed
7. but the other shows
6. couldn’t book
2 1. Veo algunas diferencias en las fotografías de estos 7. needn’t have taken
albergues juveniles. 8. were able to get by
2. Pudimos registrarnos en el hotel en un santiamén
y unos minutos más tarde nos fuimos a hacer
4 1. had been walking for hours before we had lunch
2. ought to buy tickets online
3. have been travelling for a month
3. En esta fotografía algunas personas están mirando
4. complained that the seats had been too narrow
las vistas de un lago, mientras que en esta otra hay
5. has your dad been a tour guide
gente en una cola para dar una vuelta en barco en
un río. 5 1. At first 4. Finally
4. Habría alquilado un coche en Londres, pero se me 2. during 5. As soon as
había olvidado llevar el permiso de conducir. 3. It all began
5. Si quieres encontrar alojamiento, debes reservar
con antelación. Unit 4
6. ¿Podría poner su equipaje en el compartimento de Topic Vocabulary (page 32)
encima de su asiento? 1 1. a, c 2. a, c 3. b 4. b, c 5. a, c
7. Debe de haber sido difícil llegar a un lugar que
estaba tan apartado. 2 1. littered 4. decreased
8. Puede que no les haya gustado el ambiente del 2. cut down 5. fined
restaurante. 3. increased
3 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. a
4 1. waste 5. landfills
2. carbon footprint 6. wind turbines
3. urban farms 7. ecological balance
4. green feature

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(page 33) 5 1. I wish / If only there were more recycling bins in

5 1. dumped my neighbourhood.
2. replace 2. If only / I wish I could walk to school.
3. uses up 3. If only / I wish previous generations hadn’t
4. disturbing polluted the Earth.
5. limited supply 4. I wish / If only the city would use environmentally
6. recycling plant friendly buses.
7. long-term effects 5. If only / I wish I hadn’t missed last weekend’s
8. sustainable environmental event.

6 1. rechargeable (page 35)

2. underestimated / overestimated 6 1. weren’t
3. disappear 2. wouldn’t have existed
4. impractical 3. goes
5. illegal 4. wouldn’t happen
6. misunderstood 5. will continue
7 Possible answers 6. find
1. I think I’m underpaid. 7 1. When we recycle, there’s less waste in landfills. /
2. That’s unnecessary. When we recycle, there will be less waste in
3. My project is incomplete. landfills.
4. What an extraordinary football game! 2. The council would have cut down this old tree last
5. That soup has an unnatural colour. year if we hadn’t protested.
6. Some parts of India are overpopulated. 3. If you saw someone littering, would you say
7. Is that an inter-city bus? something to them?
8. Petrol is a non-renewable source of energy. 4. I wish my friends were / would be more
8 1. crops concerned about environmental problems.
2. long-term effects 5. Most of the crops here will die unless we get rain
3. harm soon.
4. soil 8 Possible answers
5. unnecessary 1. have been promoting
6. environmentally friendly 2. may sound
7. get rid of 3. hadn’t been
8. disappear 4. needn’t limit
9. impractical 5. could be
10. replace 6. will become
Grammar (page 34) 7. has ... made

1 1. want Extra Reading (page 36)

2. remember 1 I. c II. a III. d IV. b
3. would drive
2 1. to be the greenest place in the US
4. would have done
2. they had excellent public transport
5. had to pay
3 1. c 2. a
2 1. designed 4. get rid of
2. didn't add 5. Will ... join 4 1. People living in smaller spaces buy less and
3. would have kept 6. book consume less electricity.
2. A New York City household uses less than half as
3 1. the world doesn’t take action, deforestation will much as households in the rest of the US.
3. Being last in energy consumption.
2. were you, I’d buy a hybrid car
3. release our report, the public will know about the 5 1. generate 4. ownership
dangers of the chemical 2. flat-dwellers 5. do without
4. hadn’t moved to this area, the ecological balance 3. jumps
wouldn’t have changed Communication (page 37)
4 1. would stop 1 1. 1. I think it’s between ... and ...
2. had got up 2. Which do you think is better
3. could convince 3. I don’t know about that
4. wasn’t 4. I’d rather ... because ...
5. I see what you mean
6. So, that’s our final decision
7. I agree we should go with

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2. 1. we can narrow it down to ... 5 1. During 3. Obviously

2. Which would you rather do 2. Fortunately
3. I’d prefer ... because ...
4. Are you sure Unit 5
5. I see your point Topic Vocabulary (page 40)
6. Good – so we’ve decided
7. Yes, I agree ... is the best choice
1 Possible answers
1. bee 4. birds
2 1. Si talan los árboles de esta zona, alterará el 2. eat 5. children
equilibrio ecológico. 3. body
2. Preferiría comprar verdura en las granjas urbanas
porque los agricultores no utilizan nada que no
2 1. lay ... eggs
2. disguise themselves
sea natural ni en la tierra ni en las plantas.
3. blend in
3. Si no fuera poco práctico, cerrarían este vertedero,
4. raise
pero todavía no han encontrado una solución
5. deceive
6. sense of smell
4. Te entiendo, ¡pero todavía creo que es injusto
multar a alguien con 200 libras por tirar basura! 3 1. behaviour 4. surroundings
5. El calentamiento global no se habría convertido en 2. intruders 5. poisonous
un problema tan grave si hubiéramos empezado 3. mates
a utilizar más fuentes de energía renovable hace 4 1. f 2. d 3. h 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. e 8. g
6. Si las características ecológicas de las casas y 5 1. trap 4. tag
las oficinas llegaran a ser más habituales, habría 2. treat 5. track
efectos positivos a largo plazo. 3. threaten 6. diseases
7. Cuando utilizamos fuentes de energía no (page 41)
renovable, aumentamos nuestra huella de 6 1. to 5. for
carbono. 2. of 6. about
8. Si continuamos tirando residuos a los océanos, 3. in 7. for
puede que nunca se recuperen del daño. 4. from 8. to
Writng (page 38) 7 1. with 4. for
1 1. Unfortunately 4. Consequently 2. from 5. of
2. during 5. Obviously 3. for 6. at
3. Finally 8 1. similar to 5. prey
2. b 2. offspring 6. raise
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 3. behaviour 7. wildlife sanctuaries
4. threaten 8. devoted to
Check Your Progress (page 39)
Grammar (page 42)
1 1. deforestation, cut down
2. replace, rechargeable 1 1. has been learned
3. Rising sea levels, long-term effects 2. Can ... be taught
4. underestimate, carbon footprint 3. aren’t being accepted
5. illegal, litter 4. will be shown
5. wouldn’t be hunted
2 1. depend on 6. environmentally friendly 6. was ... caught
2. decreased 7. on their way 7. was being moved
3. disappeared 8. for the time being Sentences 3 and 6 have agents.
4. worthless 9. come across
5. got rid of 2 1. A report on endangered species will be published
by the World Wildlife Fund early next year.
3 1. improve, will become 2. At the moment, money is being raised by our
2. had lived, would have walked volunteers for a hybrid cat shelter.
3. could travel 3. His dog might have been given something
4. will be, watch, produce poisonous to eat by the burglars last night.
5. tasted, wouldn’t drink 4. Certain uses of animal testing have already been
4 1. have been making banned by some governments.
2. had already polluted 5. That tiger had been tracked by researchers for three
3. hadn’t read years before it died of a rare disease.
4. not to underestimate 6. Were the photos of the emus taken by your mum?
5. couldn’t have known 7. The horse was being examined by the vet when it
6. weren’t suddenly kicked him.

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3 1. When will we be sent information about the puppy- 4 1. Close contact of dolphins with people may disrupt
training class? nurturing of offspring.
When will information about the puppy-training 2. To kill prey and as a way of playing.
class be sent to us? 5 1. credited with 4. no match for
2. The results of the experiment were shown to us by 2. (social) isolation 5. anecdotal
Mark. 3. nurturing
We were shown the results of the experiment by
Mark. Communication (page 45)
3. Raw fish is being fed to the whales. 1 1. You can tell that
The whales are being fed raw fish. 2. On the left-hand side
4. The cat shouldn’t have been given its medicine so 3. in the middle
early in the day. 4. at the back
The medicine shouldn’t have been given to the cat 5. I guess
so early in the day. 6. in the front
5. The pet shop was paid £19 for the dog food. 7. It looks like / Perhaps
Nineteen pounds was paid to the pet shop for the 8. Perhaps / I guess
dog food. 2 1. Se nota que esta reserva natural la dirige gente que
4 1. get / have ... cut está dedicada a los animales.
2. is getting / having ... designed 2. Los propietarios de perros de Inglaterra deben
3. must have / get ... checked hacer que se coloque a sus perros un identificador
4. must have / get ... washed con un microchip que contiene información sobre
5. should have / get ... delivered el dueño.
6. are getting / having ... published 3. Puede que este nido vacío haya sido construido
(page 43) por / lo haya construido un pájaro macho para
atraer a una hembra.
5 1. were considered 6. think 4. Se ha descubierto que este tipo de célula puede
2. had / got ... brought 7. can’t be broken convertirse en varios tipos de células.
3. created 8. have seen 5. Si criásemos gallinas, podríamos comer huevos
4. are shown 9. had been taught que se hubiesen acabado de poner.
5. has been observed 10. is ... being done 6. ¿A cuántos tiburones se está siguiendo el rastro en
6 1. No animals were hurt while the film was being este momento?
made. 7. Algunas especies están en peligro de extinción por
2. Recordings of people reading Call of the Wild, by el descenso de la población de sus presas.
Jack London, can be found on YouTube. 8. ¿Se ha prohibido la experimentación con animales
3. How was the dog trained for the film? para cosméticos en este país?
4. For two such large parrots, you’ll need to have a Writing (page 46)
special cage built.
5. She had a portrait of her dog painted by a famous 1 1. in order to 4. so that
artist. 2. not to 5. so as not to
3. in order not to 6. To
7 1. was injured
2. was swimming 2 1. to / in order to 3. In order to / To
3. had been cut 2. so that 4. So as not to
4. could ... have been caused 3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5. had sent Check Your Progress (page 47)
6. had kept
7. have been banned
1 1. concerned about, behaviour
2. disguises itself, blends in
8. had obeyed
3. involved in, animal testing
9. not to hurt
4. lay eggs, mate
10. should be taken
5. similar to, good at
Extra Reading (page 44) 6. died out, responsible for
1 1. pods 3. rammed 2 1. poisonous 4. misunderstood
2. communing with 4. disrupt 2. disobeys 5. generosity
2 1. c 2. c 3. childhood 6. incomplete
3 1. swim with dolphins
2. mental and physical problems for dolphins
3. had injured them
4. were rammed by Dusty

Trends 2 © B Burlington Books
workbook answer key

3 1. will be adopted 3 1. Their presentation, which was excellent, impressed

2. will have / get / is having / getting / everyone.
is going to have / get ... examined 2. The people who applied for the position weren’t
3. is ... walked qualified.
4. aren’t being shown 3. The cupboard where we keep office supplies is
5. will have / get / are having / getting / down the hall.
are going to have / get … installed 4. My sister started her own company in 2012, when
6. were ... killed she was at university.
4 Possible answers 5. Keira got the job that / which she had hoped to
1. have enjoyed 5. continues get.
2. was used 6. can be followed 6. Bryan, whose office this is, is head of the
3. when 7. would never use department.
4. could have predicted 8. were 7. Many young people are moving to Detroit, where
it’s cheap to live.
5 1. so that 4. to
2. not to 5. So as not to 4 1. Mr Fitzroy, who is the manager, will contact you by
3. in order to the end of the week.
2. Next month, when the summer holiday ends, you
Unit 6 may have better luck finding a job.
Topic Vocabulary (page 48) 3. I like to study in the library, where it’s quiet.
4. I work for a company where there are / which has
1 1. employees 4. profits got many young employees.
2. trainees 5. employers 5. Bonnie, whose salary is very low, can’t afford to
3. on-the-job training buy a car.
2 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b (page 51)
3 1. charge £7 for dog-walking 5 1. The woman to whom I sent my résumé is the
2. my sister was promoted to shop manager president of the company.
3. run a company one day The woman (who / that) I sent my résumé to is the
4. to apply for a position at Google president of the company.
5. made a living (by) working as a DJ 2. He is an expert electrician from whom I hope to
4 1. ✓ 2. ✓ 3. 4. ✓ 5. learn a lot.
He is an expert electrician (who / that) I hope to
(page 49)
learn a lot from.
5 1. résumé 4. meet ... the requirements 3. The course for which I’m going to sign up is
2. available 5. under pressure expensive.
3. career The course which I’m going to sign up for is
6 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a expensive.
4. Have you corrected the errors about which we
7 1. look for 5. taken on
2. puts off 6. put forward
Have you corrected the errors (which) we spoke
3. looking into 7. took ... off
4. set up 8. set ... apart
5. The advice on which I had relied was wrong.
8 1. part-time 5. set ... apart The advice (which / that) I had relied on was wrong.
2. full-time 6. pick up
3. looked into 7. apply for a position
6 Possible answers
1. when it’s not too hot outside
4. career 8. under pressure
2. who I admire
Grammar (page 50) 3. where there are other young people
1 1. that / which 5. when / that 4. that are honest
2. whose / where 6. where 5. which are a challenge
3. who 7. where 7 1. I have a friend whose brother designs apps.
4. that 8. that / who 2. The room where we usually hold our meetings
The relative pronoun can be omitted in sentences 4, 5 isn’t available today.
and 8. 3. I worked at the theme park at weekends, when it
2 1. when 6. whose was most crowded.
2. whose 7. who 4. The clerk to whom I was speaking was terribly
3. which 8. that / which rude. / The clerk who I was speaking to was
4. who / that 9. which / that terribly rude.
5. where 5. The latest employment figures, which are
higher than last month’s, are a sign of economic

Trends 2 © B Burlington Books
workbook answer key

8 Possible answers Writing (page 54)

1. would ... be 1 1. In addition to / Besides
2. could live 2. For this reason / Therefore
3. that / which 3. in order to / to
4. were being interviewed 4. To begin with / At first
5. who 5. but / although
6. should be asked 6. Due to / Because of
7. whose
8. has stopped / stopped
2 1. I am writing
2. well-suited
9. which
3. for the past two years
10. couldn’t have prepared
4. Please do not hesitate to contact me
Extra Reading (page 52) 5. considering
1 1. UK Commission for Employment and Skills 6. look forward
2. 123,000 7. Yours sincerely
3. designated as having special architectural or 3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
historic interest
Check Your Progress (page 55)
4. fewer than 90,000
2 1. c 2. d 1 1. Make a living
2. meets the requirements
3 1. who are qualified to work in construction 3. turn up
2. there are programmes for young people in all 4. employees
construction industry specialities 5. looking for
4 1. Plumbing, electrical engineering, painting and 6. profit
decorating 7. common sense
2. Classroom lessons and paid on-the-job training 8. charge
3. It’s doubtful that anyone doing well in these 2 1. take off 4. career
courses will face an uncertain work future. 2. increase 5. landmarks
5 1. opt for 3. prior to 3. deceive 6. promoted
2. (going) unfilled 4. heavy machinery 3 1. We hired the candidates whose test marks were
Communication (page 53) the highest.
2. My mum, who owns a bakery, is famous for her
1 1. Have you got previous experience
amazing decorated cakes. / My mum, who is
2. Why do you think you’d be good at this job
famous for her amazing decorated cakes, owns a
3. I’ve got excellent organisational skills
4. Could you supply us with references
3. The woman from whom I got the book works at
5. Have you got any questions you’d like to ask us
the jobs centre.
6. Will I get on-the-job training
4. He’s not fully qualified for the job which he applied
7. May I ask what the starting salary will be
for / for which he applied.
8. I look forward to hearing from you
2 1. La gente que monta sus propios negocios debe 4 1. has ... been published
2. when
poner entusiasmo e interés y ser trabajadora.
3. has remained / remains
2. Todos los empleados pueden proponer
4. was written
sugerencias para mejorar nuestro servicio de
5. which
atención al cliente.
6. would read
3. Su programa de formación en la empresa, que
7. did
dura seis semanas, es excelente.
4. Lo sentimos, pero el puesto que solicitó ya no está 5 Possible answers
disponible. 1. Although / Even though
5. Un diseñador cuyo trabajo admiro me contratará 2. As a result / Therefore / For this reason
como aprendiz. 3. As well as / In addition to
6. El trabajo requiere a alguien que pueda trabajar 4. so that / so
muchas horas y que tenga fluidez en alemán y 5. At first
7. La periodista con quien hablamos está
investigando a las empresas donde a la gente que
hace horas extra no se le paga más.
8. Estoy aplazando muchas cosas hasta después del
15, cuando tengo que presentar mi informe sobre
los beneficios anuales de la empresa.

Trends 2 © B Burlington Books

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