Aloe Induced Toxicity Phytochemistry and Pharmacodynamics, Toxicokinetics and Case Study

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Vol.3/Issue1/Jan.-Feb. 2021 Inter. J.

Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708

International Journal of PharmaO2

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(IJPO: A Peer-reviewed Bi-monthly online journal)

Review Article
Aloe Induced Toxicity: Phytochemistry and Pharmacodynamics,
Toxicokinetics and Case Study
Snehal B. Gaikwad*, Shivam P. Agrawal, Leena T. Shinde, Dr. Ajaykumar R. Surana
S.M.B.T. College of Pharmacy, Nandi Hills, Dhamangaon, Nashik-422401, India


Article history: Toxicity is defined as “the capacity of a substance to produce injury to a
Received: 25/12/2020; living organism and toxicology as the study of the adverse effects of
Revised: 25/01/2021 chemicals on living organisms”. Acute toxicity and chronic toxicity can
Accepted: 26/01/2021;
Available online:
lead to life-threatening conditions; therefore the concern for toxicology
27/01/2021. studies has increased. Many concerns have been raised regarding the
safety of herbal products and unwanted side effects, particularly hepato-
Key Words: toxicity, genotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, nephro-toxicity, have been reported
Toxicity; hepato- for many herbal products. Aloe Vera is widely used, as an OTC drug, as a
toxicity; laxative; supplement, and in cosmetics. Various cases caused due to Aloe vera is
Aloe Vera; median studied, liver damage associated with Aloe vera ingestion, in a 57-year old
lethal dose; herbal female patient; acute hepatitis associated with Aloe Vera ingestion, in a
remedies. patient; case of acute hepatitis associated with Aloe Vera ingestion, in a
patient; death of 4 patients after they were injected with Aloe Vera
Please cite this article
as: Gaikwad, S.B. et al., injection to treat cancer.
(2021). Aloe Induced
Phytochemistry and
Toxicokinetics and Case
Study. 3(1), 029-035.
©2021 Published by International Journal of PharmaO2. This is an open access article.
Corresponding author: Ms. Snehal B. Gaikwad, Final Year B. Pharmacy; S.M.B.T. College of Pharmacy, Nandi Hills,
Dhamangaon, Nashik-422401, India. Contact-+91 8788321966; e- mail:

Introduction safety of herbal products and unwanted side

Herbal remedies have nature as an origin and are effects, particularly hepato-toxicity, genotoxicity,
considered to be the best choice as alternative cardiotoxicity, nephro-toxicity, have been
medicine all around the world. People be sure of reported for many of herbal products (Ekor,
herbal drugs, owing synthetic drug has side 2014; Stickel et al., 2005). In the United States,
effects and high prices, in both developed and around 18% of adults have adopted herbal
developing countries. Among healthy remedies to treat illnesses, and the popularity of
individuals, the use and popularity of herbal herbal remedies has begun to spread to other
medicines and remedies are increasing gradually. parts of the world in recent years (Barnes et al.,
Many concerns have been raised regarding the 2008; Ye and He, 2010). In a survey by the U.S. 029
Vol.3/Issue1/Jan.-Feb. 2021 Inter. J. Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 52 citations in these publications were searched for
million Americans (4 in 10 adults) were reported other yet unidentified case reports.
to using herbal complementary and alternative
medicine (Barnes et al., 2008). American Toxicity
consumers used dietary supplements to feel Toxicology defines toxicity as the capacity of a
better, improve energy levels, and boost the substance to produce injury to a living organism
immune system, which was reported in a survey and toxicology as the study of the adverse effects
of 2011 performed by the Harvard Opinion of chemicals on living organisms (Doull et al.,
Research Program (Blendon et al., 2013). Aloe 1980). In the context of human health safety
Vera is a perennial, succulent xerophytes grown assessment, the main types of animal-based
in temperate and sub-tropical parts of the world, toxicity tests are conducted for acute toxicity
which was originated from Africa. Aloe Vera or (skin and eye irritation/corrosion, acute systemic
Aloe barbadensis is of the Aloe genus and toxicity), allergenicity (skin and respiratory
belongs to the Asphodelaceae family (Vogler and sensitization), repeated dose toxicity,
Ernst, 1999). Aloe Vera is considered to be the genotoxicity and mutagenicity, carcinogenicity,
safe herbal remedies or as a folk medicine all reproductive and developmental toxicity, and
over the world. The use of Aloe Vera has been biokinetics. Biokinetics is also referred to as
recorded in the traditional system of medicines. toxicokinetics or pharmacokinetics (Worth,
In this paper, we present the case reports, in 2019). Toxicity occurring immediately
vitro, and in vivo studies of Aloe Vera induced (seconds/minutes/hours/days) after exposure is
toxicity. There have been 6 case reports Acute Toxicity. Acute exposure includes Single
registered in the past. The case reported shows does or a series of doses within 24 hours span.
the acute hepato-toxicity induced by Aloe Vera Cumulative damage of specific organ systems on
intake. 4 patients reported being dead on getting exposure to drugs for many months or years is
injected with Aloe vera. As Aloe Vera is widely termed as chronic toxicity. Carcinogenicity leads
used, as OTC drug, as a supplement, and in to the development of cancer, by a complex
cosmetics, systematic examination of its multistage process which leads to abnormal cell
toxicology has not been carried out. Cases of growth and differentiation of cells. The adverse
Aloe Vera related acute and chronic hepatitis, effect of developing an embryo or fetus refers to
even in healthy individuals, are likely to be Developmental toxicity. Toxicokinetics deals
reported by clinicians. with the kinetic patterns (metabolism and
excretion pattern) of higher doses of
Literature Search chemicals/toxins/xenobiotics. Toxicokinetics
To collect all cases of Aloe Vera induced studies are usually carried out in rodents, rabbits,
toxicity, a selective literature search using dogs, nonhuman primates, and swine using many
publicly available electronic databases different routes of administration (Parasuraman,
(especially the PubMed database, Scopus, and 2011).
five Korean electronic databases) was performed.
We used the search items including “Aloe Vera Phytochemistry and Pharmacodynamic
toxicity”, “Aloe Vera safety pharmacology”, Aloe leaf consists of two parts: Parenchymatous
“Aloe barbadensis side effects”, and “Aloe Vera cells and outer pericyclic tubules.
poising” alone and combined with the terms A. Parenchymatous cells
“herbal hepato-toxicity”, or “herb induced liver Parenchymatous cells of fresh Aloe Vera leaf
injury”. The search was primarily focused on pulp gives gel by mechanical extrusion. A gel is
English-language case reports, case series, and a transparent mucilaginous jelly-like substance
clinical reviews, published till May 2020. The having a yield of roughly about 70% (Femenia et
literature with a language other than English was al., 1999). The gel consists of 99%-99.5% of
used by converting them into English. All water and the remaining 0.5%-1% constitutes for
soluble solids (Hamman, 2008). A gel is acidic 030
Vol.3/Issue1/Jan.-Feb. 2021 Inter. J. Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708

chemically and has a pH in the range of 4.4-4.7 soluble sugars, 24% ash, and a minor fraction of
(Wang and Strong, 1995). Chemical composition lipids, proteins, enzymes, and mineral elements,
of Aloe Vera gel consists of 35% dietary fibres calculated on the dried basis (Femenia et al.,
(non-starch polysaccharides + lignin), 27% 1999; Grindlay and Reynolds, 1986)

Fig.1: Anatomy of Aloe Leaf

B. Outer pericyclic tubules Amylase and lipase are biochemical catalysts,
Bitter yellow exudates are obtained from outer which help in digestion by breaking down fats
pericyclic tubules (present just beneath the outer and sugars. During the inflammatory process,
green rind or cutinized epidermis of the leaves). bradykinin produces pain associated with
Bitter yellow exudates consists of bitter reddish- vasodilation. Carboxypeptidase shows the
yellow latex, which has a powerful laxative analgesic effect and anti-inflammatory effect by
property (Wynn, 2005). Latex has a bitter taste. inactivation of bradykinins (Obata et al., 1993;
About 80 chemical constituents have been Shelton, 1991).
isolated by liquid chromatography in the latex. Minerals
Latex mainly contains compounds that are Aloe plants mainly consist of sodium, potassium,
phenolic chemically (anthraquinone C calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc,
glycosides, anthrones, and free anthraquinones) chromium, and iron. Magnesium lactate inhibits
(Park et al., 1998; Rebecca et al., 2003). Major the histidine decarboxylase enzyme. Formation
constituent in the latex is Barbaloin, which is of histamine from the histidine (amino acid) is
also known as Aloin A (Boudreau and Beland, prevented by inhibition of histidine
2006; Reynolds, 1985). Isobarbaloin (Aloin B), decarboxylase enzyme. Intense itching and pain
Aloesin (Aloeresin B), and Aloeresin A are other are caused by histamine (released in many
three main components isolated from latex allergic reactions). The prevention of histamine
(Saccu et al., 2001). The latex also contains explains the antipruritic effect of Aloe Vera
several other anthraquinones/anthrones and (Femenia et al., 1999; Mohamed, 2011;
chromones including Aloe-emodin, Aloeresin E, Nwaoguikpe et al., 2010; Samuelsson and
Aloenin, (Park et al., 1998) as well as some Bohlin, 2004).
aromatic compounds, which includes aldehydes Sugars
(butanal, pentanal, etc.) and ketones (2-butanone, Sugars are derived from the mucilage layer of the
2-heptanone, etc.) (Saccu et al., 2001). plant. The solid fraction of gel mainly comprises
Vitamins of both mono- and polysaccharides. The most
Vitamins A, C, F, B (thiamine), niacin, vitamin important are the long-chain polysaccharides
B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12, choline, and folic known as the glucomannans (glucose and
acid are obtained from Aloe Vera gel. Vitamin mannose). The polysaccharides act as
A, C, and F are important antioxidants (Coats, immunomodulators as they are absorbed
1979). complete and appear in the bloodstream
Enzymes unchanged (Green, 1996; Kahlon et al., 1991;
Sheets et al., 1991). 031
Vol.3/Issue1/Jan.-Feb. 2021 Inter. J. Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708

Anthraquinones arthritis, gastric ulcer, cancer, AIDS, and colitis.

Aloe Latex consists of free anthraquinones and Clinical trials are now in improvement to afford
their derivatives, Barbaloin, Aloe-emodin-9- convincing evidence for the treatment of some of
anthrone, lsobarbaloin, Anthrone-C-glycosides, these diseases (Mukherjee et al., 2014).
and chromones. These compounds in large
concentration exert a powerful purgative effect, Toxicokinetics
but they appear to aid absorption from the gut, Toxicokinetics study was performed on Human
potent antimicrobial agents and powerful liver cells (L-02) obtained from Cell Bank. The
analgesic effects when used in small dynamic alteration of emodin concentration was
concentration (Lorenzetti et al., 1964; Rezazadeh analyzed after different exposure times, in
et al., 2016) formation of melanin and any extracellular and intracellular extractions, to
tendency to hyper-pigmentation is also reduced understand the cellular uptake of emodin in L-02
by anthraquinones (Al-Snafi, 2015; Strickland et cells. the adherent cells, cell media, and floating
al., 1994). cells were processed separately, at different
Lignin intervals of incubation time, to provide the cell
Lignin has the penetrative ability and thus carries extract and supernatant extract for analysis. A
other active ingredients deep into the skin along highly sensitive and selective liquid
with it, thus lignin has dermis nourishing chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)
property (Coats, 1979). method was employed and validated to explain
Salicylic acid the toxicokinetic characteristics of emodin in
Aspirin, Methyl Jasmonate, and ethephon cells and cell culture media. To explain cytotoxic
compound possess anti-inflammatory (Lee et al., manners of emodin on L-02 cells, extracellular
2013) and antibacterial properties (Surjushe et and intracellular concentration variation of
al., 2008). It has a keratolytic effect which helps emodin was determined. During the first 12 h,
to debride a wound of necrotic tissue (Bhaskar et the concentration of emodin in adherent cells
al., 2009). increased rapidly, and approximately after 12 h
Amino Acid reached near to saturation concentration. More
Around 20 amino acids are present in Aloe Vera and more cells were observed detaching from the
gel among which seven are essential amino acids surface and floating in the culture medium After
(Alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, 12 h of treatment with emodin. After 12 h there
glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, hydroxyproline, was a decreased number of adherent cells and
isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, emodin metabolism. These results indicated that
phenylalanine, proline, threonine, serine, emodin exerts its cytotoxicity after entering into
tyrosine, and valine) (Ahlawat and Khatkar, the cytoplasm and accumulating in the L-02 cells
2011). (Li et al., 2012).
Other uses
The use of Aloe Vera for healing and beauty Toxicity Case Report (Humans)
purposes is known since ancient times. In India, 57-year old German female (Acute
since the Vedic period, the whole Aloe plant has Hepatotoxicity)
been used as a purgative, stomachic, anthelmintic Here, we describe the first case of liver damage
and emmenagogue, menstrual suppression, and associated with Aloe Vera ingestion, in a 57-year
the root for colic pain. Aloe has also been used old female patient. At the time of hospitalization,
for a large number of human illnesses like the she had progressive jaundice, pruritus, acholic
development of the mammary glands, to correct bowel movements, and right upper quadrant
kidney ailments, enhancement of sexual abdominal discomfort. No, any preexisting liver
excitement, suppressing fever in children, relieve disease was reported in past medical history. She
headaches, as a laxative, treating skin injuries, disclosed the use of Aloe Vera tablets, containing
wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. 500 mg of an extract of Aloe barbadensis miller
Aloe also has been found to be effective in (for about 4 weeks before admission), to delay 032
Vol.3/Issue1/Jan.-Feb. 2021 Inter. J. Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708

ageing. Clinical, Laboratory, and technical U/L), ALT 2400 U/L (normal: < 40 U/L),
examination was performed.Laboratory ALP 400 U/L (normal: < 155 U/L), GGTP 140
abnormalities were reported, which included a U/L (normal: < 49 U/L). Drug-induced
bilirubin concentration of 8.9 mg/dL (normal: hepatitis with marked, portal and acinar
<1.1mg/dL), ALAT 1480 U/L (normal: <22 infiltrates predominantly (consisting of
U/L), ASAT 711 U/L (normal: <15 U/L), lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils) along
LDH 506 U/L (normal<240 U/L), alkaline with bridging necrosis was revealed in liver
phosphatase 265 U/L (normal: <160 U/L), biopsy. The patient symptoms resolved
GGTP 244 U/L (normal: <18 U/L). Anti-HBc- completely within 7 days, on discontinuation of
IgG and anti-HBs-IgG were reported positive, Aloe Vera. Test performed after 6 weeks, after
while HBsAg and anti-HBc-IgM were reported discontinuation of the drug, Laboratory
negative in Serologic examinations. Severe acute abnormalities gradually returned to normal range
hepatitis with portal and acinar infiltrates (Kanat et al., 2006).
predominantly (consisting of lymphocytes,
plasma cells, and eosinophilic granulocytes) 73-year old American female (Acute
along with bridging necrosis, and bilirubinostasis Hepatitis)
was revealed in liver biopsy. Amino-transferases, Here, we describe the case of acute hepatitis
as well as the bilirubin concentration, gradually associated with Aloe Vera ingestion, in a patient.
returned to normal levels, after all, medications She was transferred from an outlying community
were stopped for several months. ALAT hospital to a large community teaching hospital,
concentration level of 226 U/L, 180 U/L, and 40 for further evaluation and management of
U/L, was reported two weeks after admission, 5 possible acute cholecystitis. She had symptoms
months after discharge, and 1 year after like general malaise, poor appetite, nausea, right
discharge respectively. After discontinuing this shoulder pain, and a weight loss of
medication, the patient´s hepatitis resolved approximately 1.8 kg for several weeks. She
completely and never happened so on (Rabe et developed jaundice. No pre-existing liver
al., 2005). disease, cardiac, respiratory, genitourinary, or
renal disease was reported in past medical
24-year old Turkish male (Acute history. She did not consume tobacco, alcohol, or
Hepatotoxicity) illicit drug. When she was asked specifically if
Here, we describe the second case of acute she had taken any herbal products, she revealed
hepatitis associated with Aloe Vera ingestion, in of taking Aloe Vera capsules (1 capsule every 2–
a patient. At the time of hospitalization, he had 3 days for the past 5 years) in order to treat
complaints of jaundice, pruritis, fatigue, and right constipation. It was found that each capsule
upper abdominal discomfort, together with mild contained 500 mg of Aloe Vera leaf powder.
nausea and vomiting. No pre-existing liver Physical examination was normal. Laboratory
disease, blood transfusion, or alcohol abnormalities were reported, which included TB
consumption was reported in past medical 10.7 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 7.2 mg/dL, ALP 535
history. The patient disclosed that he had been U/L, AST 1495 U/L, and ALT 1451 U/L.
taking Aloe Vera capsules (for a healthier living) Jaundice was reported in clinical examination.
containing 500 mg of the extract of Aloe Thickened gallbladder wall measuring 0.89 cm, a
barbadensis miller (1 capsule/day) for 3 weeks nondilated common bile duct, and some small
before he was admitted to hospital. He did not stones within her gallbladder was reported.
consume any other medication along with Aloe Active hepatitis was reported in liver biopsy. The
Vera. Physical examination was normal. patient was diagnosed with acute hepatitis, based
Laboratory abnormalities were reported, which on symptoms and results of the testing. Her liver
included total bilirubin 9 mg/dL (normal:<1.0 function tests began to improve, after several
mg/dL), conjugated bilirubin 8.2 mg/dL (normal: days of observation and supportive care, on
<0.2 mg/dL), AST 2550 U/L (normal: & lt; 40 discontinuation of Aloe Vera capsule. The 033
Vol.3/Issue1/Jan.-Feb. 2021 Inter. J. Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708

patient was discharged home with instructions to MacNay is an orthopaedic surgeon with no
avoid taking the oral Aloe Vera. Her liver known training in cancer research. He had
function tests following 4 months after discharge injected four cancer patients with Aloe Vera
from the hospital showed TB, ALP, AST, ALT injection and all of them died. Douglas Crabbe
level to be 0.5 mg/dL, 163 U/L, 77 U/L, 52 U/L paid a doctor USD 12,000 to MacNay for his
respectively (Bottenberg et al., 2007). oesophagal unorthodox cancer treatment. Crabbe
was asked to take 21 injections of Aloe Vera.
Death of 4 patients Crabbe's lower body swelled to four times
An article in the past presented the death of 4 its normal size, cracking the skin on his feet on
patients after they were injected with Aloe Vera taking Aloe Vera injection. He was dead in less
injection to treat cancer. Characteristics of than a month, after taking his first Aloe Vera
Patients who died after getting Aloe Vera injection. Dr MacNay was suspended. Although
injection are given in Table 1. It was reported autopsies did not directly blame Aloe Vera in
that the Aloe Vera mixture, Dr Donald L. any of the deaths. MacNay said that the treatment
MacNay used, has not been approved by the is intended to help the immune system, and
Food and Drug Administration for treating usually works best in healthier patients (“Doctor
cancer. It was also reported that Dr MacNay was injected cancer patients with Aloe Vera; four
not authorized to conduct research trials and have died | National |,” n.d.).

Table 1: Characteristics of the Patient Died on Being Injected With Aloe Vera Injection
Patient Name Age Sex Type of cancer Approximate period of
number (years) patient had death after being injected
1 Douglas Crabbe 48 M Oesophagul Within one month
2# Waco 83 M Unknown Unknown
3 Alabama 57 M Prostate and Kidney Within hour
4# Unknown 41 M Renal Cell After an hour
(“Doctor injected cancer patients with Aloe Vera; four have died | National |,” n.d.)

Discussion 2) started taking the same Aloe extract again 1

The study of Aloe induced case reports, showed month after her discharge from the hospital and
acute hepatitis on the consumption of on follow-up liver function test AST, ALT and
formulation containing Aloe Vera Extract. Out of AP increased again. As hepato-toxicity
11, 4 patients died on being injected with Aloe reoccurred after re-challenging with Aloe
Vera injection. Remaining 7 cases who were Extract, proves Aloe-induces hepato-toxicity. LD
admitted to the hospital had no physical 50 in Swiss albino mice reported, indicates
abnormalities; laboratory findings reported an toxicity of Aloe Vera. Maximum tolerated dose
increase in TB, AST, ASP, ALT level and LOAEL of Aloe Vera extract were found to
significantly. The highest does consume had 500 be 100 mg/kg BW and 2 g/kg BW respectively.
mg of Aloe Vera extract for around 3-260 weeks. Trials on animals showed reproductive toxicity.
Liver biopsy showed portal and acinar infiltrates.
Their clinical manifestation, liver biopsy, and Conclusion
laboratory findings supported the diagnosis of This paper emphasizes the importance of
toxic hepatitis. All seven patients showed considering Aloe Vera Product (OTC drugs) as
improved conditions after discontinuing of Aloe causative agents in hepatotoxicity. However, as a
Vera. The examination post stopping result of our experience and a literature review,
consumption was found to be normal. As the we recommend detail controlled toxicological
effect seen can lead to life- threatening studies and pharmacovigilance should be carried
conditions, the patients were not rechallenged. out before marketing and consumption for all
Although 62-year-old female (case given in table 034
Vol.3/Issue1/Jan.-Feb. 2021 Inter. J. Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708

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