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What to Look for When Trading Stock

The most important factor in determining a shift in the stock market is a solar eclipse.  This
occurs when the Sun and Moon are conjunct with the North (Rahu) or the South (Ketu) Nodes
of the Moon. A solar eclipse occurs every six months either in Rahu or Ketu.

An eclipse is very unpredictable, but one thing is for sure -- they cause reverses. A Ketu
eclipse causes a down trend in the market, whereas a Rahu eclipse will cause an up trend. The
shift begins to move toward the following eclipse. Planets conjoined or aspecting these eclipse
points flavor the effects. The sign (sidereal) the eclipse falls in has great emphasis on what
kinds of stocks will rise or fall.

A station of a planet is of paramount importance. This will magnify that planet’s effect. As the
planet changes direction, the planetary effect shifts. Retrograde planets bring stock down.
When the planet goes direct, the stock will begin to rise.

A planet is strong when it is either stationary, or it is conjunct or opposite a recent eclipse


The planet that rules the type of stock must be identified. For the business or stock to do well,
this planet must be strong.

Always choose a first trade chart that is compatible with your own chart. Look for positive
connections between both charts.

Because the first trade charts always open at 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM until September 30,1985
in New York City, the Sun will always be around the 11 th house.  The Sun can be about the
reputation of the stock.  The Sun can also represent the president or CEO of the company.

If the Sun is in hard aspect to Uranus, the stock will tend to fluctuate.
Connections between the natal Sun and Pluto symbolize a powerful mover on
the exchange. Its price fluctuation will affect the whole industry.

The Moon represents the public or masses.  It rules food and restaurants.  It has to do with
services that care for people such as hospitals and retirement facilities.  Transits to the Moon
can cause erratic trading patterns.

← Natal charts with Moon/Uranus connections cause irregular price movements.

← Moon/Saturn connections bring stability.

Mercury rules all forms of communication and education, including telephones, television,
writing and publications.  It also deals with any form of travel, such as airlines, cars, and
shipping or mail.

Mercury can cause swift movement in a stock. It attracts mention in the press, and
rumors may move the stock.

Venus rules over products that enhance beauty, i.e. cosmetics, as well as theater, painting
and flowers.

Transits to natal Venus can bring stock moves resulting from agreements and mergers.

Mars rules machinery and mechanics, as well as fire, knives and war.  It adds energy to the
trading of a stock and will give rise to a stock.

Mars in aspect to Uranus causes erratic changeable stocks.

Jupiter rules over legal matters and justice, higher education, and government rulings.  It is
expansive and signifies growth. 

Jupiter will bring a stock up as it aspects planets in a chart.

Saturn rules over land, livestock and farming, as well as geriatrics and death.  It can
be a stabilizing influence or it can be depressing.  

Saturn will lower the price of a stock as it passes over planets.

Uranus rules over aircraft, computers, electricity and  technology, as well as trends and
futuristic fads.

Uranus is extremely volatile.  Stations of Uranus are among the best movers of stock
prices, next to eclipses.

Neptune rules liquids of all kinds, including oil, gasoline, natural resources, water, and
anything to do with the shipping industry.  It also rules drugs, both legitmate pharmaceuticals
and illicit drugs.  It can also signify deception and cheating.

This planet can be tricky and must be watched carefully.  Its station will cause an up-trend
when transiting a planet.

Pluto is monumental or explosive.  It rules atomic energy.  It is about control and power.  It
rules money and sex.

Pluto’s transit can cause takeovers or mergers.  

Jupiter in Leo, in the lunar second has brought about this boom. India's software, auto, bank,
steel and auto components sectors have performed admirably. Look at auto scrips, Telco, M& M,
Maruti ! Look at the auto components scrip Bharat Forge & Ucal. Look at Tisco and Jisco. Look at
ICICI Bank and SBI. Look at tech scrips Infy, Hughes, Wipro & Satyam ! Jupiter rules banks and
Rahu rules IT. These 2 sectors are leading the rally, thanks to Jove and the North Node !

How do you analyze a chart for good market investment indicators? We look at the
whole chart, but we especially analyze the second, fifth, ninth and eleventh houses. All of
these houses directly affect the economy in a very fundamental way. There are other
chart indications that also affect economy indirectly. For example, the chart for 2005
indicated a major natural calamity that would indirectly cause a major financial setback
for the country. That was Hurricane Katrina. This is one of many ways that knowing a
chart ahead of time can help us in facing disasters even before they occur.
With regard to the planets, there are certain key things that we can look for. For instance,
we have seen that the planets Mercury and Venus always play a key role in the
performance of the market. When these two planets are conjunct or close, market
tendencies are bearish. If they are apart, they are bullish.
Next year, there will be an eclipse in the second house. That clearly means that the
economy will not turn around as soon as some expect. An eclipse is always a negative
indication in money matters. And the second house is the house of money.

How many times have you heard the statement, “no one can predict the future”? Well, I will have to
disagree with this statement, as I can prove that everyone can accurately predict the future by using the
Mercury-Sun connection.

The New York Stock Exchange is just “one” good example to show how things
operate on Earth on a precise timetable. We have to begin somewhere so let us
start with the entity called the New York Stock Exchange. We will begin with the
year 2006 and then go back in time to all of the BIG drops of the Stock Market -
all of the big drops to show that this science really works and we are not using
just a few examples to make it work.

There is proof in math

Everyone is searching for the answers to the highs and lows of the Stock Market. When
the market drops analysis and experts blame the circumstances on an array of different
causes i.e., oil prices, insufficient liquidity, budget deficits, overpriced stocks, and
unstable conditions in the world and so forth. You have heard all of these reasons many
times over.

When you look closely, none of these reasons really makes any sense. For example, the
war in Iraq is now in the 4th year (launched in March of 2002) and spikes of extremely
violent some times have an affect and other times not. We have had a deficit for a very
long time and oil prices have climbed from 50 dollars a barrel in 2005, to 76 dollars a
barrel in 2006, and sometimes it has an affect and other times it does not. It would
appear that something else controls or is influencing the Market. I am going to show you
The Mercury/Sun Connection

Perhaps a quick easy course in Astronomy (probably the easiest course you will ever
take) is necessary here. We have divided our solar system into constellations, 12 of them
each having 30 degrees (for our purposes this will work just fine), or 360 degree making
a circle. These 30° sections or divisions called constellations and all of them have names
i.e., Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius and Pisces, are sometimes referred to as the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

When you travel, you buy a road map, which gives you the directions that you will need
to find your destination. An “ephemeris” is just another “road map” showing you where
the planets are located in the Universe. You simply look up the date(s) that you are
interested in and write down where each planet is located. You need make no
corrections. Simply take it straight from either your noon or midnight ephemeris as we
will be analyzing a 24-hour “window of time” and allowing a two-degree orb, so no
complicated math is ever needed.

You do not need to make any corrections for latitude or longitude; therefore, you will no
longer need a Table of House used by many to refine the position of the planets. You can
go to the many web sites online that are available and get “free” access to an ephemeris,
if you do not wish to make the investment in a book. The Swiss Ephemeris is easy to use and available for hundreds of years into the

The angles that the planets have to Mercury and the Sun give us the answers that we

In the example below, we have the 12 divisions or constellations. You can see that if we
had a planet in 16 degree of Aries, then a planet at 16 degrees of Taurus would be a 30°
orb or “positive”, or 16 degrees of Gemini would be a 60° orb or “positive” or 16 degrees
of Cancer would be 90° or “negative” and so forth.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius

           

30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60°

You always begin at 30° from one sign to the next sign. The “positive” angles or
degrees are 30°, 60°, and 120°. The “negative” angles or degrees are 90°, 150°, and
180° and conjunctions or 0° are determined by the planets involved and the remaining
It takes a whole year (365 days) for Earth to travel around the Sun. It takes Neptune,
being further away from the Sun, some 165 years to travel around the Sun. All of the
planets travel at different speeds, some traveling very fast and others move very slowly
and take years to orbit around the Sun’s position. As these planets journey in their
ecliptic orbits they form angles to “fixed” positions in time. It is these angles, which
cause “repeated patterns” and influence our everyday lives. It is just this simple.

The New York Stock Exchange registered as a National Security Exchange on October 1,
1934. This is a beginning date and as time moves forward, you are going to compare
future time back to this original time. Look at the following evidence and then make
your determination to the accuracy of this new science.

On October 1, 1934, the only “negative” energy, which flowed from the Sun to any
planet, was to the planet Uranus. This makes this entity easy to study. On October 31,
1934, Uranus was 0 degrees of the constellation of Taurus and the Sun was
approximately 7.5 degrees of the constellation of Libra. Uranus is 150 degrees to the Sun
or receiving “negative” energy. Uranus at 0 degrees of Taurus would be 30° to Gemini;
60° to Cancer; 90° to Leo; 120° to Virgo; and 150° to Libra or a “negative” alignment.

           

30° 60° 90° 120° 150°

New York Stock Exchange, October 1, 1934

Uranus Mercury Sun Neptune Mars Saturn Venus Pluto Jupiter
0° 1° 7.5° 13° 20° 22° 25° 26° 28°
Taurus Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo Aquarius Virgo Cancer Libra

Uranus receives “negative” energy and this energy spreads out from Uranus to all the
planets that were “negative” to Uranus during this timeframe. Negative energy can only
travel a path to “negative” energy or in this case to the planet Venus, Pluto and Jupiter.

This simply means that each time we have a “negative” Mercury connection to Pluto,
Jupiter or Venus there will be losses within the NYSE (“negative” energy flows from the
Sun to Uranus and from Uranus to Pluto, Jupiter and Venus and Mercury becomes the
switch to activate).

New York Stock Exchange, October 1, 1934

Uranus Mercury Sun Neptune Mars Saturn Venus Pluto Jupiter
0° 1° 7.5° 13° 20° 22° 25° 26° 28°
Taurus Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo Aquarius Virgo Cancer Libra

If our theory is correct than each time we see this pattern the stock market will drop and
remarkably, this has been the case since the crash of the Market in 1929! There is
another pattern, which stimulates the stock market to grow, and it works just as
accurately but for right now let us just concentrate on the drops.
January 20, 2006 the Dow Jones average dropped some 213 points “in just one day”.
There were no major events taking place on January 20, 2006 that would trigger the
markets to drop so greatly, no striking political or economic events, no nuclear bombs
dropped, no major financial institutions collapsed, yet the market still plunged. Analysts
always offer the reasons for these massive drops after the fact; trade problems, oil price
concerns, deficits, stocks over valued and so forth. However, if you can recognize clearly
the drops in future time, before they occur, then it becomes plausible that something else
is influencing the masses.

As you can see from the ephemeris above, transiting Mercury (green) travels from
approximately 25 to 27 degrees of the constellation of Capricorn on January 20, 2006. It
is at this time that Mercury is “negative” by angle to the original placement of Jupiter
(90-degrees), and Pluto (180-degrees). Transiting Pluto is 25 degrees of Sagittarius and
transiting Mercury is “positive” to this angle so we cancel out the Pluto effect.

That leaves us with the both the original Sun and the transiting Sun both “negative” to
Uranus and this energy spills over to Jupiter because it has a Mercury connection.

T Mercury 25 -27

Jupiter 28  - original placement

T Sun 0 

Sun 7.5  - original placement

original placement - Uranus 0 

It is interesting to note that we can use the original Mercury placement or the present day
(transiting) Mercury placement as you will see.
May 11-12, 2006 the Dow Jones average dropped some 260 points (within two days).

On May 11-12, transiting Mercury was “negative” to transiting Jupiter or 180 degrees.

Transiting Jupiter 13 

Jupiter 26  - original placement

Sun 7  - original placement

original placement - Uranus 0 

Transiting Mercury 11–13 

May 17-18, 2006 the Dow Jones average dropped more than 254 points (in two days).

On May 17-18, 2006, first transiting Sun goes from 26 degrees to almost 28 degrees of
Taurus, which is “negative” to Jupiter or 150 degrees. Transiting Mercury begins at 24
degrees and by Friday is past the 28th degree of Taurus. By Friday, the Market begins to
rise again because transiting Mercury has passed the Jupiter alignment.

Jupiter 28  - original placement

Sun 7  - original placement

original placement - Uranus 0 

Transiting Mercury 26 

Transiting Sun 27 
May 30, 2006 the Dow Jones average dropped more than 181 points (one day).

Here transiting Venus forms an opposition to the original Mercury or 180 degrees.
Clearly transiting Venus will have left the opposition on Wednesday, May 31, so the
Market begins to gain back a little of the loss.

Mercury 1  - original placement

Sun 7.5  - original placement

Venus 24  - original placement

original placement - Uranus 0 

T Venus 0 
June 5, 2006 the Dow Jones average dropped more than 199 points (one day) and
continued to side the rest of the week. Now if you study all the drops over years and
years, every now and again you will see this pattern. This same pattern does not develop
very often but easy to catch when you know what to look for.

The NYSE’s original placement of Mercury shown below is 180 degrees of exactly
opposite and “negative” to the original Uranus. So all that you would need to have things
upset and unstable would be a connection of the transiting Sun to transiting Uranus,
which we have here. We have the exact same pattern but in reverse.

The Sun is traveling presently from 14° 13’ seconds to 15°10’ seconds of Gemini so you
would anticipate the market to continue to drop but not as great as it leaves orb. On June
6, 2006, the market continued to drop some 46 points, and the drops continued
throughout the remainder of the week.

Mercury 1  - original placement

T Uranus 14 

original placement - Uranus 0 

T Sun 14 
On July 12-16, 2006, transiting Mercury will be forming a conjunction to the original
Pluto position and “negative” at the same time to the transiting Pluto position the rest of
the week and into the beginning of the next week. At the same time, transiting Mercury
is also “negative” to the original Jupiter! Remembering that the original Sun is sending
“negative” energy to the original Uranus placement, which then flows to Pluto and
Jupiter and all that we are waiting for is for transiting Mercury to angle Pluto in a
“negative” manner. The Stock Market dropped some 400 points over several days.

Wednesday On July 12, 2006, the Market

begins a drop of some 400
points concluding on 16 July.

This date in time was

predicted in April of 2006 –
there is no magic, fortune
telling, or even the
unexplained, it is just easy
July 12, 2006 13 14 15 16 math.

July 12-16, 2006

Transiting Pluto 24 

Jupiter 28  - original placement

original placement - Uranus 0 

Pluto 26  - original placement

Retrograde-Transiting Mercury 26 

On August 7, 8 and 9 of 2006 the market dropped again some 163 points (three days)
because transiting Mercury turns direct and flows over the same exact spot.
Now let’s go back in time to look at ALL of the large drops of the NYSE. The patterns
will be obvious as easy as reading the hands on the clock.

October 27, 1997 the Dow drops some 554 points in one day!

There are only four months each year (namely August, October, February and May) that
the transiting Sun is “negative” to the original placement of Uranus. This simply means
the proclivity for increased “negative” energy during these months is higher.

Here when the transiting Sun hits 3 degrees of Scorpio, it will increase the “negative”
flow of energy to the transiting Uranus, which intensifies the “negative” flow of energy
to the already “negative” Uranus (original Sun sending “negative” energy) – this is a
lethal position. Now transiting Mercury connect in a “negative” angle to transiting
Jupiter which activates the negative alignment in the NYSE chart.

T Mercury 12 

T Sun 3 
T Uranus 4 

T Jupiter 12 

Jupiter 28  - original placement

Sun 7.5  - original placement

Original placement Uranus 0 

August 4, 1998 the New York Stock Exchange dropped some 300 points.

Here we have the usual “negative” lineup of transiting Mercury

“negative” to transiting Jupiter or 150 degrees. We also have something else occurring at
the same time. Transiting Sun is exactly opposite or 180 degrees to transiting Uranus,
again increasing the original testimony of the NYSE. Uranus becomes more unstable,
and the drop is increased.

T Uranus 10 

Jupiter 26  - original placement

T Jupiter 27 

Sun 7.5  - original placement

Original placement Uranus 0  T Mercury 27 

T Sun 11 
October 28-29, 1929 the Stock Market Crash. Monday and Tuesday transiting
Mercury positioned turned “negative” to Pluto (the definitive word for Pluto is extreme,
and it always finishes or completes). .

Here we have something unique happening. Transiting Sun is “negative” to transiting

Uranus; the original placement of the Sun is also “negative” to the slow moving Uranus;
all of this in addition to the original Sun “negative” to the original Uranus position.

T Sun 5 

T Mercury 19 

T Uranus 8 

Uranus 0 

Pluto 26 

T Pluto 19 
October 19, 1987 the New York Stock Exchange lost 22% of it value, down 502 points
in just one day.

T Sun 25 

T Jupiter 25 
Uranus 0 

Pluto 26 

Can you just imagine what this new science could do to unlock the mysteries of our

To learn more, please visit my website at or my blog at
Regarding requests for a copy of my book entitled “Kerry Theory – The Mercury-Sun
Connection” in Adobe .pdf format:

“Kerry Theory” will explain basic understandings, the major discoveries, provide actual
real life examples of events and discuss how the discoveries can be used for practical

The cost of the “Kerry Theory” .pdf file sent directly to your computer via e-mail is
$50.00. Payment can be made through a check, bank cashier's check, bank check, money
order or Western Union (I’m not big enough to have a bank handle my finances yet). If
another form of payment is necessary, you will need to contact the author. You will be
notified when the payment is received and your .pdf file will be sent directly. With
payment, please specify the exact email address that you want the .pdf file to be sent.
Send all payments to Kerry J. Baidin, PO Box 132, Oak Ridge, North Carolina, 27310

The cost of “Kerry Theory” the notebook is $100.00. The entire book is printed, placed
in a notebook and mailed to you overnight. Please specify the name of the party and
address that you want the notebook mailed to when submitting your payment. “Kerry
Theory” software is being prepared and hopefully will be available soon. This will make
the task easy for those not interested in research, math or interpretation. “Future time” is
as clear as the “Past Time”. Let me show you “first hand” how all this works.

Kerry Jean Baidin

Whole food example

Yesterday, in heavy trading on the NASDAQ Stock Market, Whole Foods Markets Inc.,
tumbled more than 20 percent after the natural foods retailer warned of slower growth.

This is interesting for what would cause such a phenomenon when you have a stock that
clearly shows continual growth. First, if you refer to “Kerry Theory” book you will see
what makes WFMI a success. Saturn and Mars are “positive” to natal Mercury-Sun,
however in addition they are within the 2-degree orb for additional strength.

Mars “positive” Saturn helps to achieve one’s goals through stable and reliable work over
long periods of time. Obviously, this has been true for Whole Foods Markets since its
conception in 1992.

Venus is also “positive” to the natal Mercury-Sun and just about “positive” to everything
else except Jupiter.

Whole Foods Markets Inc. (NASDAQ: WFMI) is the world’s largest retailer of natural
and organic foods.
WFMI – January 23, 1992
Sun Saturn Mars Jupiter Uranus Neptune Mercury Pluto Venus
3° 8° 10° 13° 15° 17° 20° 22° 28°
Aquarius Aquarius Capricorn Virgo Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Scorpio Sagittarius

Why would this now change? Now look and “be in awe” by the placement of the planets

Natal Sun is in conjunction with natal Saturn, and although natal Mercury was “positive”
to natal Saturn (conjunctions take on the affects of the rest of the testimony) presently
transiting Saturn is not only passing over a “negative” angle to the natal Mercury, but
also transiting Mercury is “negative” to transiting Saturn. This makes the natal Saturn
turn and become “negative”.
WFMI – January 23, 1992
Sun Saturn Mars Jupiter Uranus Neptune Mercury Pluto Venus
3° 8° 10° 13° 15° 17° 20° 22° 28°
Aquarius Aquarius Capricorn Virgo Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Scorpio Sagittarius

Mars Uranus Sun Venus Neptune Mercury Saturn Jupiter Pluto

7° 10° 11° 12° 17° 22° 24° 25° 25°
Scorpio Pisces Scorpio Scorpio Aquarius Scorpio Leo Scorpio Sagittarius

Without even looking at the chart, you know that Saturn and Mars are “positive” to each
other in the natal chart, but we know that right now Saturn appears to be taking on a
“negative” tone. What about Mars? Since they were “positive” and very close in aspect
in the natal chart, can the transiting affect of Mars have some influence?

In the natal chart, Mercury is in conjunction with Mars, opening up any “negative”
transiting Mars or Sun “negative” relationship. Transiting Mars is now presently
“negative” to natal Sun making the transiting Mars now “negative” and it is surprisingly
within the 2-degree orb of an opposition to natal Saturn. This is no coincidence.
WFMI – January 23, 1992
Sun Saturn Mars Jupiter Uranus Neptune Mercury Pluto Venus
3° 8° 10° 13° 15° 17° 20° 22° 28°
Aquarius Aquarius Capricorn Virgo Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Scorpio Sagittarius

Mars Uranus Sun Venus Neptune Mercury Saturn Jupiter Pluto

7° 10° 11° 12° 17° 22° 24° 25° 25°
Scorpio Pisces Scorpio Scorpio Aquarius Scorpio Leo Scorpio Sagittarius
November 3, 2006
The only other “positive” strong attribute of WFMI is of course Venus that was
“positive” to both Mercury-Sun in the natal chart. Presently transiting Venus is in
conjunction with transiting Sun and in conjunction with transiting Mercury.
Conjunctions pick up either the “negative” or “positive” vibrations of the complex, which
they are involved. Not only is Mars “negative” to Saturn but right now transiting Venus
is also “negative” to the natal Saturn element. This gives us an exact opposite testimony
of the natal chart.

Mars Uranus Sun Venus Neptune Mercury Saturn Jupiter Pluto

7° 10° 11° 12° 17° 22° 24° 25° 25°
Scorpio Pisces Scorpio Scorpio Aquarius Scorpio Leo Scorpio Sagittarius

November 3, 2006
Venus “negative” Saturn is an indication of difficulties regarding your investments or
money. Hence, the “great run” over the years they feel right now is about to end. Of
course, they are only feeling the vibrations of this moment in time. The truth is that this
company is going to continue to have growth spurts.

Can you see just how important timing can be? Remember the 52-week high on
February 16, 2005; you can see that we had a very “positive” Saturn-Mars and Venus.

WFMI – January 23, 1992

Sun Saturn Mars Jupiter Uranus Neptune Mercury Pluto Venus
3° 8° 10° 13° 15° 17° 20° 22° 28°
Aquarius Aquarius Capricorn Virgo Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Scorpio Sagittarius

Uranus Mars Neptune Jupiter Venus Saturn Pluto Sun Mercury

6° 7° 15° 18° 18° 21° 24° 27° 28°
Pisces Capricorn Aquarius Libra Aquarius Cancer Sagittarius Aquarius Pisces

February 16, 2005 – 52 weeks High <102.14>

Now we have just the opposite testimony, which means a significant change of pattern
but it should be just for the short term. By the middle of December 2006, this company
will again have good sales, which will continue throughout all of 2007.

Whole Foods is concerned about the uncertainty that the new stores will perform well
enough to support a higher stock price. However, this concern reflects the time-period
that we have just examined. This stock will continue to rise in 2007, and it seems that
now that it has dropped it would be a good time to pick up shares!


Let us begin by just looking at just two elements in the NYSE chart. Venus and Jupiter are
30 degrees apart and “positive” to each other. These two planets are also blessed with the
beneficial energy from both the natal Mercury-Sun. Venus transiting the end of the
constellation of Virgo, which means it is at the beginning of the constellation of Libra; a
12-degree orb conjunction with the natal Sun and a 6-degree orb semi-sextile or 30 degree
to Mercury. Jupiter is transiting the end of the constellation of Libra which means it is
within a 3 degree orb of a conjunction with Mercury and a semi-sextile or 30 degree orb to
the natal Sun (remember that conjunctions always take on either the “positive” or
“negative” results). Obviously, this is a very strong and “positive” part of this chart.

New York Stock Exchange, October 1, 1934

Uranus Mercury Sun Neptune Mars Saturn Venus Pluto Jupiter
0° 1° 7.5° 13° 20° 22° 25° 26° 28°
Taurus Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo Aquarius Virgo Cancer Libra

Venus and Jupiter when “positive” to each other create optimism, where efforts are
expansive and cooperation abounds. This combination always relates to “good timing” and
obviously favorable for financial matters. Well at least that is what the rules for thousands
of years have said. So let examine these two elements as they relate to the “Kerry Theory”
for the past 6 years.

It is certainly possible that Venus and Jupiter are within the 2-degree orb for even more
added strength (Venus travels from 25° 13’ to 26° 28’ and Jupiter is 27°56’ to
28°08’). However, with the blessing of both Mercury-Sun and being “positive” to each
other is a very strong condition.

So let us first look at a date this year, June 29, 2006, where the NYSE rose some 217
points, the best time in 3 years! Transiting Sun was positioned “positive” to both transiting
Venus and transiting Jupiter. We already know in the natal chart that both of these
elements are “positive” to both Mercury-Sun, so with the transiting Sun now “positive” to
both of these elements the market should get a really big push into high gear.

Uranus Mercury Sun Neptune Mars Saturn Venus Pluto Jupiter

0° 1° 7.5° 13° 20° 22° 25° 26° 28°
Taurus Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo Aquarius Virgo Cancer Libra

Mercury Venus Sun Jupiter Saturn Uranus Mars Neptune Pluto

0° 7° 8° 9° 10° 14° 15° 19° 25°
Leo Gemini Cancer Scorpio Leo Pisces Leo Aquarius Sagittarius

June 29, 2006

A visual examination shows that the natal Mercury (green) and natal Sun (yellow) are both
“positive” to natal Venus (pink) and natal Jupiter (blue). Transiting Sun (yellow) is now
“positive” to transiting Venus (pink) and transiting Jupiter (blue) which sends more
“positive” energy flowing to the natal combination because they are the same.

Mercury 1  - original placement

Jupiter 28  original placement

T Jupiter 09 

Sun 7.5  original placement

Venus 25  original placement

T Venus 7 

T Sun 8 

What would you expect to see on the “highest” one-day climb ever recorded on the New
York Stock Exchange? March 16, 2000, the market rose some 499.19 points. You know
that Jupiter expands things, represents all large-scale events, and inspires confidence and
optimism. Venus brings satisfaction, comfort to all life’s affairs. When you blend the two
elements together in a “positive” manner, you get “good timing” in all financial and
business matters where generosity and cooperation thrive. Isn’t this the testimony that you
would expect to see on this record day.

If the transiting Sun to the two transiting planets (Venus and Jupiter) increase the strength
of the natal Venus and Jupiter, then one would make an another assumption that if the Sun
were angling the natal Venus and Jupiter position with the aid of transiting Mercury
(remember you need both a Mercury-Sun combination) then the stock market should really

New York Stock Exchange, October 1, 1934

Uranus Mercury Sun Neptune Mars Saturn Venus Pluto Jupiter
0° 1° 7.5° 13° 20° 22° 25° 26° 28°
Taurus Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo Aquarius Virgo Cancer Libra
On March 16, 2000, both transiting Mercury and the Sun, were “positive” to transiting
Venus and transiting Jupiter. In addition because of the placement of the transiting Sun
additional energy is being sent to the natal Venus and Jupiter (again it does not matter the
angle of the transiting Sun, it can only increase energy that already is predominant, and in
this case this energy is “positive”.

New York Stock Exchange, October 1, 1934

Uranus Mercury Sun Neptune Mars Saturn Venus Pluto Jupiter
0° 1° 7.5° 13° 20° 22° 25° 26° 28°
Taurus Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo Aquarius Virgo Cancer Libra

Mercury Venus Jupiter Neptune Saturn Uranus Mars Sun

3° 4° 5° 5° 13° 19° 25° 26°
Pisces Pisces Taurus Aquarius Taurus Aquarius Aries Pisces

March 16, 2000

A visual shows us that we have the same thing happening again, but this time increased.

Mercury 1  - original placement

T Mercury 3 

T Venus 4 
Jupiter 28  original placement

T Sun 26  Sun 7.5  original placement

Venus 25  original placement

T Jupiter 5 

Types of Aspects
There are times when the angles are 0, 30, 36, 60, 72, 108, 120, 144, 154' 17", and 160
degrees.  We call these 10 aspects soft. There another batch of 10 and they are called hard. 
They are 32' 43", 40, 45, 51' 26", 80, 90, 102' 51", 135, 150, 180.  There are also inclinations and
disinclinations which are the angles of bodies above and below the ecliptic.  If you look at it in
terms of slicing the circle by 1 or 2 or 3 all the way to 12 you will get what astrologers call
harmonics.  You can in theory go all the way to 29, but it is not necessary
Astrology and stocks are co related. The share market depends upon the influence of the planets.
Each and every planet represents particular stock.The planets which represents stocks are
    The planet Sun represents all the Public Sector units and precious metals.

    The planet Moon represents Petroleum,Oil and gas sectors and Shipping industries.

    The planet Mars represents Automobile industry and Pharma sectors.

    The planet Mercury represents Textile sector and FMCG.

    The planet Venus represents Media and sugar sector.

    The planet Jupiter represents Banking sector and Financial sector.

    The planet Saturn represents Metal industry,Telecommunication sector and mining sector.

    The planet Rahu represents media,telecommunication and electrical sectors.

    The planet ketu represents Power and IT sector.

09 August 1999

This is an updated version of an article that appeared in early 1999. It

appears here in its original form, but an update for the year 2000
appears at the end.

The question of which stocks to buy necessitates determining which

industry groups to invest in. Stocks can benefit or suffer from a "guilt
by association" simply due to the industry group that they are
classified in. Being included in a group that is out of favor can tie a
rock around the leg of a strong stock, holding it back. A weak stock
can rise in a favored industry group simply because a rising tide lifts
all boats.

A quantitative analyst once calculated that the odds of buying any

stock that increases in price are three-to-one in the investors favor if
one is buying in a bull market. In a bear market, the odds are against
the investor by twenty-to-one. These odds were determined for the
overall market, but we must keep in mind that there are about 90
industry groups in the US that move in their own trends. In 1994, for
example, the S&P barely rose while the semiconductor group was up
by 27 percent and the homebuilding group fell by 40 percent.
Theoretically, a fund can outperform by buying stocks in the right
groups year after year, except in bad bear markets. A planetary
method that was introduced in the last article identifies parts of the
zodiac that are sensitive for a given group of stocks.

First, we must differentiate the various terms and horoscopes used.

The first-trade horoscope is not the IPO. The intial public offering
usually takes place a day or two or three before the stock begins
trading.This puts a supply of stock in the hands of large institutions to
facilitate trading when the stock opens on the exchange. The most
recent first trade is used. For example, Seagate used to trade as SGAT
on the NASDAQ. It switched to the Big Board with the new symbol
SEG. The latter date is used because listing on the NYSE is a major
change that makes the stock more marketable. I have found that
there will be shared-degree areas between the old and the new chart,
so you pick up the effect or the "echo" of the old chart in the new one
through these zodiacal degrees. The horoscope of incorporation has its
use in describing the fundamentals within the company. It is not as
useful as the first-trade chart in forecasting future price movements.

Recently, Citibank and Travelers Group merged to form Citigroup. The

first two charts are dropped in favor of the new chart for the merged
entity. Reason: when portfolio managers consider taking a position,
they evaluate the new company and stock, not the earlier individual
stocks. As far back as 1943, George Bayer made the same

Shared Degree Areas

One planetary method simply identifies parts of the zodiac that are
sensitive for a given group of stocks or companies. Let us look at the
technology group as a an example. IBM, Microsoft, Compaq, and
Oracle are leaders in their fields. The first-trade charts all have some
very close and dynamic aspects as laid out below:

IBM (2/14/24): Mars= 16 Sag 33; Jupiter= 16 Sag 03; Uranus= 16

Pisces 14; Moon= 14 Gemini 07.
Microsoft (3/13/86): Sun= 22 Pisces 43; Mars= 22 Sag 23; Uranus=
22 Sag 17.

Compaq (12/10/85): Sun= 18 Sag 29; Uranus= 18 Sag 13.

Oracle (3/12/86): Sun= 21 Pisces 43; Mars= 21 Sag 50; Uranus= 22

Sag 16.

These stocks and the overall market topped with the solar eclipse of
March 9,1997 at 18 Pisces 31. The Mars station of April 27,1997 at 16
Virgo 44 occurred as these stocks hit lows and suddenly jumped into
new uptrends.

It is easy to see how activity at 16 to 22 mutable would effect all of

the horoscopes. By working with horoscopes from the same industry,
one will see how the stocks are tied together in this fashion. Actually,
there are many about 30 to 40 tech horoscopes with planets at these
degrees including Dell, Digital Equipment, Hewlett Packard, Apple,
Intuit, Lexmark, Infoseek, Computer Associates, and Quantum to
name a few.

Obviously, we are relying on two traditional astrological methods:

shared degree area and orb. When I was a basic student, John
Townley said that shared degree area was the most important
consideration in synastry. And, the closer the orb, the greater the
energy. In the technology example, we saw both principles at work.
The best procedure is to take the leading stocks in an industry and put
them around the same wheel. Then look for the shared degree areas.
In addition, the behavior of any single stock will be further modified by
other aspects to the natal chart. For example, I watched MSFT produce
one positive earnings surprise after another in 1998 because first
Jupiter and Uranus, and now Uranus alone have been hovering over
the midheaven. This is also a testimony to the accuracy of the

In late March, I forecast a jump in these stocks in an article on the

internet. Jupiter was in mid-Pisces, approaching the tech shared-
degree area with Venus. IBM at 104 3/8 gave daily and weekly
technical buy signals. The combination of these signals and Jupiter
activating the first-trade chart was an early warning of a run to the
120 area. In order to further demonstrate the power of this technique,
I ran the relative strength graphs for some of these technology stocks
for the same month. This type of graph depicts the prices of selected
tech stocks divided by the S&P 500. So if the line is rising, the stock
price is appreciating faster than the S&P. If the line is flat, the stock is
moving in tune with the S&P. But if the line is falling, then the stock is
underperforming the index. This is the benchmark used to evaluate
fund managers. The graphs show that each of these stocks suddenly
began to outperform as Venus and Jupiter passed through the mutable
degrees in April.

In November of 1998, Jupiter and Mercury stationed at 18 Pisces and

18 Sagittarius, respectively. This again activated the degree area,
leading to an acceleration that propelled the tech sector into the
number one spot for the entire year. Earnings reports came in way
over estimates, as signaled by the stations of Mercury and Jupiter.
Microsoft's (MSFT) earnings were up 75 percent, quite a feat for a
company of that size. I was able to foresee this rally months before as
reported in my monthly fax, Considerations magazine, and on Reuters
TV in a May interview with Kathleen Tanzy. The Saturn-Neptune
square on April 6 was a peak for many tech stocks, especially the
internet issues.

MSFT is depicted as chart 1. At the time of the fourth-quarter earnings

release, Jupiter passed over the Sun at 23 Pisces in fourth harmonic to
Mars and Uranus at 22 Sagittarius. But Jupiter was not the whole
story. Note that Uranus was directly on the 12 Aquarius midheaven at
the time of the earnings release, with the January 31 lunar eclipse only
weeks away. If this were the natal chart of a person who was about to
make an announcement, what type of news would you expect?
Positive news was indicated by the chart. Wall Street research
demonstrates that stocks make big moves when earnings releases are
more than one standard deviation from the mean of estimates that are
posted by analysts. Graph 6 shows the strong 4th-quarter move up in

With the extremely positive contacts in the 4th quarter behind the
stock, MSFT's relative strength versus the market will likely dwindle
and come closer to its historical norm (which is above-average,
anyway). Saturn will move up to square the midheaven in June and
the Saturn-Uranus square will be only 3 degrees off of the midheaven.
This is not devastating, but it is a lot less positive than the aspects
that we have just witnessed. Therefore, it is likely that MSFT will be a
sell in the spring of 1999.

But wait. What about the rest of the tech sector? Will MSFT be a weak
stock in a weak sector or in a strong sector? First, astrology 101 tells
us that Aquarius and Uranus rule technology. Uranus opposite Vesta
last summer contributed to the market's decline, and the technology-
laden NASDAQ got hit harder than the S&P. The Saturn-Uranus square
does not appear to be favorable. But let us look further.

The NASDAQ (chart 2) was born on February 8,1971 with two planets
and the Node in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo. The 19 Aquarius Sun
will be close to the square, and will be eclipsed on August 11. In
addition, note that Saturn will be passing over its natal place at 16
Taurus. This does not look bullish. But let's proceed even further.

A Market of Stocks

Wise men say that it is a market of stocks and not a stock market.
That is, the action of the overall market is simply the accumulated
price action of all of the stocks within that market. Technical analysts
have developed overall market indicators based upon the action of a
number of stocks. One such barometer is the number of stocks trading
above their respective 50-day moving averages. With the Financial
Trader, I was able to scan a database of 1133 NASDAQ stocks. There
are 5600 stocks on this exchange, but many of the issues are
absolutely tiny. In fact the 50 largest stocks (less than one percent) on
the NASDAQ by market capitalization account for 75 percent of all the
trading volume. So this sample of 1133 of the largest stocks likely
accounts for more than 90 percent of NASDAQ trading activity.

Now, referring back to the horoscope of this market, recall that this is
an Aquarian entity that is noted for technology stocks. The Financial
Trader scan reveals that 276 of the 1133 have their natal Suns in
either Leo or Aquarius. In addition, 232 of the 1133 have the
Midheaven in the same signs. Taurus-Scorpio is second at 211. So, we
know that many of these individual stocks will get hit by the square
and the eclipses. It looks like a volatile summer on the downside for
the tech sector and the NASDAQ.

In closing, let's take a closer look at one non-NASDAQ tech bellwether,

Compaq (CPQ). The stock is depicted in chart 3 with a 15 Scorpio
Midheaven and a 14 Aquarius Jupiter. This stock will likely decline
more than the average stock in its sector due to the direct hits at 15
fixed. I would not expect a recovery until Jupiter stations on CPQ's
natal Mars in December of 1999.

An Update for the Year 2000

At the time of this update in August of 1999, the tech decline is
underway. It will likely bottom in September or October. December
appears to be a very strong month. A Financial Trader scan of the
databases shows that the 25th degree of cardinal signs is the most
heavily occupied degree in the charts of 38 health care stocks. This
group also has a heavy presence in fixed signs, so it also took a hit
from the summer grand cross. But there was a rally in late May and
June as Mars stationed at 24 Libra and opposed Jupiter at 25 Aries,
setting off this axis in the health care stocks. The December 1999
Jupiter station will likely set off another run in this group beginning in

The internet stocks are tracked by the Interactive Week Internet Index
(IIX) which is a modified capitalization weighted index that consists of
49 stocks. It began with a base value of 66.66 on August 15,1995. A
scan of this group of 49 stocks shows that 28 degrees of cardinal signs
is the most populated by natal planets. In fact, a chart set for the IIX
itself has the Moon at 23 Aries and Venus at 21 Leo and the Sun at 22
Leo. The Moon is very closely square Neptune at 23 Capricorn. So the
Jupiter station at 25 Aries will also lift this group.

Many of these stocks began trading with Uranus at 15 to 17 Aquarius.

In fact, some also have the Midheaven at that degree, such as
Flashnet Communications, Cheap Tickets, and Ivillage (please note
that these issues are not components of the IIX.

The February 5,2000 solar eclipse conjunct Uranus at 16 Aquarius will

hit these natal configurations. In addition, the January 31 lunar eclipse
will oppose Neptune in many of these charts while Jupiter sails over
natal Saturn. And we must remember that Saturn will be at 10 Taurus
moving forward to square the eclipse degree and Uranus in the spring.
Thus, all of these hits to the internet first-trade charts will likely move
the stocks up to a February-March high. So investors will want to take
profits before a decline sets in that will be similar to the one that hit
the NASDAQ last summer. (Note that the same degrees are being hit.)


Planetary Price Charts

The most accurate technique I use for market timing is based on "planetary price
harmonics."  I convert the planets longitude into its price equivalent and add price
multiples based on the aspects or angles formed by the planets.  This is one of
the private methods the legendary trader and financial astrologer, W.D. Gann
used.  For example, if the longitude of the Sun is at 24 degrees of Aries and it is
forming a sextile (60 degree) aspect to the planet Saturn, the price conversion of
the Sun is $24 + $60 (for the 60 degree aspect) = $84.  If you keep adding these
multiples of 60, you get 864 for the E-Mini S & P. This is an example of 6th
harmonic prices based on the Sun sextile Saturn aspect. The Galactic Trader
software program automatically makes these price conversions. 

You can visit for more information on all of the

planetary tools that can be used to dramatically improve your timing as a trader
or investor. You can download a free 30 day trial of the Galactic Trader program
in real-time or end of day.

When price forms a "precise" high or low based on the price harmonics
corresponding to planetary aspects, reversals are inevitable. These planetary
price harmonics are shown as planetary lines on the following price chart
examples. Key reversal days and reversal times during the day occur when
planets form aspects (angles) to one another, or when planets change signs or
hit important degrees of the zodiac. As W.D. Gann always said, when price and
time are equal, reversals occur. To put it another way, planetary lines based on
the corresponding planetary aspects are another way of determining when price
(planetary line) and time (aspects) are equal.


The markets generally experience growth leading into the trines, sextiles and
conjunctions, and depress or even crash on the opposites (and occasionally the
squares). I kept meticulous records of newspaper clippings of the world stock market
movements during these "Sun/Jupiter" aspect dates between 1996 and 2001, and in
almost every instance there was a noticeable general movement that was
unmistakeably caused by their interaction.

Download charts of the Dow for the past 20 years from the Internet (e.g. Dow 97-99
and Dow 89-99) and focus especially on the dates when there were sudden
reversals. Note the expansion that occurs leading into the benevolent Sun/Jupiter
aspect. Especially pay attention to the aspects the Sun makes to Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune (and sometimes Pluto) immediately FOLLOWING the Sun/Jupiter aspect. If
these are generally adverse, note how the Dow immediately depresses after these
dates. If generally benefic, note how the expansion is sustained in the weeks
following the Sun/Jupiter sextiles, trines and conjunctions.

(I have found that this technique holds a lot of merit when studying the Foreign
Exchange markets. The Dollar price versus other currencies tends to follow the Dow
Jones index. However, there is usually a lag or delayed reaction of about a week to a
month or so.)
An interesting excercise is simply to follow the effects of the Sun/Jupiter opposition
each year. There is usually a remarkably visible effect on all of the major world stock

Click here for a list of the Sun/Jupiter opposition dates from 1970 to 2035.

The overriding factors tend to follow that of traditional astrology. Several crashes
have occurred when Jupiter opposes the Sun. The year in question is usually a
'jittery' year, as determined by Chinese astrology. These are mainly the years of the
Cat, Rabbit and Rooster. In addition, the vacillating month of Libra (October) often
adds to a bad configuration. The worst reactions occur in negative magnetic-pole
(Yang) years, which are the odd years, for example, 1933, 1969, 1987, 1989, 2001,

For those who think the markets crashed in August, 1998, perhaps this was only the
'cream off the top'. The sharp drop in September 2001, sparked by the World Trade
Tower attack would have made anyone following the Jupiter-Sun cycles a small
fortune had they shorted the markets. The Sun sextiled Jupiter on the 2nd of
September. The next aspects the Sun made were a square to Pluto on the 5th, a
square to Saturn on the 7th and an inconjunct to Uranus on the 14th. As previously
mentioned, the aspects made by the Sun following a Sun-Jupiter aspect usually
determine the direction the markets take thereafter. In this case, they were all bad,
and it would have been wise to have sold stocks near the Sun-Jupiter sextile and
purchased put options to make money as it dropped during September.

It is interesting to note that the Saturn-Pluto opposition (in 'Air' and 'Fire' signs)
around this time fell on the American Ascendant/Descendant line. On the day of the
attack, Jupiter joined this configuration by inconjuncting Pluto. Neptune had moved
exactly onto the American South Node, a very evil aspect, as it turned out to be. Alan
Meece (in 'Horoscope for the New Millennium' - first printed in 1996) accurately
described the events of this time. '... Conflicts such as those in Iran or the Balkans
will probably come to a head in 2001. Continuing ethnic strife in Europe seems
likely. .. but then comes the combative Saturn-Pluto opposition in the summer of
2001. Uncle Sam will be feeling righteous again in a big way, eager to show other
nations the truth. Religious issues and trade embargoes will be involved. .. Turning
points in the confrontations come near November 2 and December 22, 2001.(In
hindsight: this was the day the Taliban surrendered) After the December date, the
U.S. could suffer losses in a serious naval engagement. .. Danger to the president is
shown, too. After October, 2002, the outlook for peace starts to improve.'

Looking ahead, one of the next big crash dates could possibly be Black Friday, 14th
August, 2009. Here are the reasons, in order of importance. 1. Saturn within orb of
opposing Uranus. 2. Lunar node in Aquarius (nadir of the down cycle - Louise
McWhirter's theory). 3. Sun opposing Jupiter and Neptune. 4. Mars squaring Uranus.

Please note: Although you can almost certainly expect the markets to seriously
deflate around this date, it is likely that the stock markets will generally not be a good
place to be later on in this decade, as the Lunar node moves towards its nadir in
Aquarius. However, by knowing when your own transits (and progressions) are
good, you can still make money in any market, by going short or long. It is well
known that you can often make money a lot faster in a falling market if you purchase
put options or bonds at the correct time. You can get a very good indication of these
times by following the basic rules discussed on this page. Summarised, they are:-

1. Purchase stocks (or the Dollar - note it lags behind the Dow) as the Sun starts
moving within a 10-degree orb of a beneficial Sun-Jupiter aspect (trine, sextile or

2. Sell around the date of the good aspect if the outer-planet aspects (to the Sun)
following the beneficial Sun-Jupiter aspect are predominantly bad. If they are mostly
good, hold on to your shares until roughly the date of the next Sun-Jupiter square or

3. Sell the markets short leading into the dates of the Sun-Jupiter squares and
oppositions. They usually depress around these dates, sometimes dropping on the
exact or next day.

4. A good rule-of-thumb is to expect a reversal of some degree on most Sun-Jupiter


5. Follow your progressions and transits to confirm that you are making your move at
a beneficial time. If you don't have the time or interest to do this, simply use the
Lucky Days program to time your actions. This alone will give you an excellent
advantage, especially when used in conjunction with a good analytical or charting

The Sun-Jupiter Squares 1997-2035

(Note: The severity rating next to each date was calculated using some basic zodiacal rules.
For more details regarding this, click here.)

The markets generally depress into the dates given below.

If they haven't dropped by this date, they often start dropping exactly on the date, or the day after.
Consider Selling the markets short up to 10 days before these dates.
(A few of the big drops, and one crash, have begun on a Sun-Jupiter square)

Date (d/m/y) Severity Rating

11/5/1997 *
5/11/1997 *
17/6/1998 *****
11/12/1998 ***
26/7/1999 *****
17/1/2000 ******
1/9/2000 ****
20/2/2001 ***
7/10/2001 ****
27/3/2002 *
8/11/2002 *****
29/4/2003 *****
10/12/2003 ******
30/5/2004 *****
7/1/2005 ***
1/7/2005 ***
6/2/2006 ********
2/8/2006 ****
9/3/2007 *
8/9/2007 *******
10/4/2008 **
6/10/2008 *****
15/5/2009 *******
9/11/2009 *****
22/6/2010 *****
16/12/2010 *****
31/7/2011 *********
22/1/2012 ***
7/9/2012 *****
25/2/2013 *********
12/10/2013 *********
1/4/2014 ******
14/11/2014 ********
14/12/2015 *****
8/3/2016 ******
11/1/2017 *******
6/7/2017 *******
11/2/2018 ****
6/8/2018 ***
13/3/2019 *****
8/9/2019 ********
5/4/2020 *****
11/10/2020 *******
15/11/2021 ****
29/6/2022 ****
22/12/2022 ***
6/8/2023 *******
26/1/2024 ***
12/9/2024 *****
2/3/2025 ****
16/10/2025 *****
5/4/2026 ***
8/11/2026 *****
18/12/2027 ********
15/1/2029 **********
10/7/2029 **********
14/2/2030 ****
11/8/2030 ***
18/3/2031 ****
13/9/2031 ********
20/4/2032 ***
16/10/2032 *****
26/5/2033 ******
20/11/2033 ******
17/4/2034 ***
26/12/2034 *******
12/8/2035 ******

The Sun-Jupiter Trines, Sextiles & Conjunctions

The Stock Markets usually expand a week or two leading into the fortunate aspects listed below.
A very good rule is to Purchase Stocks approximately 10 days before the date given.

Sell if the aspects the Sun makes to the outer planets AFTER this date are generally unfavorable.
If the aspects of the Sun to the outer planets after this date are generally favorable,
possibly hold onto them for longer, until a week or two before the next
unfavorable aspect (OPPOSITION, or SQUARE) between the Sun and Jupiter.

Note: The 'Expansion' rating was calculated by noting all supporting major planetary aspects.

Date Expansion Rating

20/1/1997 ********
5/4/1997 *****
12/6/1997 ******
5/10/1997 **********
9/12/1997 *******
23/2/1998 ******
11/5/1998 ******
20/7/1998 *******
10/11/1998 ***
14/1/1999 *
1/4/1999 ****
20/6/1999 *
28/8/1999 ****
17/12/1999 ***
20/2/2000 ***
7/5/2000 ***
27/7/2000 *****
3/10/2000 ****
20/1/2001 ***
27/3/2001 *******
13/6/2001 ***
1/9/2001 *
8/11/2001 ***
24/2/2002 ***
1/5/2002 ******
15/7/2002 ***
6/10/2002 ******
10/12/2002 *****
28/3/2003 ****
4/6/2003 **
21/8/2003 **
6/11/2003 ***
9/1/2004 **
28/4/2004 *********
5/7/2004 ******
21/9/2004 ******
5/12/2004 *********
7/2/2005 ******
29/5/2005 ****
5/8/2005 ****
22/101/2005 **
3/1/2006 *
1/7/2006 ******
7/9/2006 ****
21/11/2006 ****
3/2/2007 **********
10/4/2007 ****
2/8/2007 ***
8/10/2007 ********
23/12/2007 **
6/3/2008 **********
12/5/2008 ********
4/9/2008 *******
9/11/2008 *******
23/1/2009 *****
10/4/2009 ******
18/6/2009 *******
10/10/2009 ***
14/12/2009 ****
28/2/2010 ****
17/5/2010 ****
25/7/2010 -
15/11/2010 *******
19/1/2011 **
7/4/2011 **
25/6/2011 *****
3/9/2011 ***
22/12/2011 ********
25/2/2012 ********
14/5/2012 ******
4/8/2012 *********
9/10/2012 *******
26/1/2013 ***
1/4/2013 **
19/6/2013 ******
7/9/2013 ****
12/11/2013 *******
1/3/2014 *********
6/5/2014 **
24/7/2014 *****
10/10/2014 *******
14/12/2014 *
9/4/2015 *
26/8/2015 -
11/11/2015 *****
13/1/2016 *****
5/5/2016 *****
10/7/2016 ****
25/9/2016 ***
10/12/2016 ********
11/2/2017 ******
3/6/2017 **
11/8/2017 *****
26/10/2017 ******
10/1/2018 ********
14/3/2018 ****
5/7/2018 ******
11/9/2018 ******
26/11/2018 **
7/2/2019 ******
14/4/2019 ******
7/8/2019 ****
13/10/2019 ****
27/12/2020 *******
11/3/2020 ********
17/5/2020 *******
9/9/2020 **********
14/11/2020 *********
29/1/2021 -
15/4/2021 ****
24/6/2021 ***
15/10/2021 ******
21/12/2021 ****
6/3/2022 ***
23/5/2022 *********
31/7/2022 *****
20/11/2022 *********
25/1/2023 *******
12/4/2023 *****
1/7/2023 *******
8/9/2023 ******
28/12/2023 ***
6/3/2024 *****
18/5/2024 **********
7/8/2024 ***
14/10/2024 ******
30/1/2025 ******
6/4/2025 ********
24/6/2025 ***
11/9/2025 *******
16/11/2025 ********
5/3/2026 **********
11/5/2026 **********
29/7/2026 ********
14/10/2026 *******
18/12/2026 *****
6/4/2027 ********
12/6/2027 *******
30/8/2027 *
15/11/2027 **
17/1/2028 ********
7/5/2028 *******
14/7/2028 *****
30/9/2028 *******
14/12/2028 ******
15/2/2029 *****
8/6/2029 ****
15/8/2029 *****
1/11/2029 *
11/1/2030 ***
18/3/2030 *******
9/7/2030 ****
16/9/2030 ******
29/11/2030 **********
11/2/2031 *******
18/4/2031 ******
12/8/2031 *****
18/10/2031 **
31/12/2031 ***
16/3/2032 *********
22/5/2032 *********
14/9/2032 ***
19/11/2032 ****
2/2/2033 *****
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6/7/2035 ******
13/9/2035 **

Please note that you need a set of Ephemeris tables to monitor the aspects of the Sun to the outer planets
after the above fortunate aspects. A free set gets downloaded onto your computer in the folder 'Program
Files/Lucky Days' when you install the program.


Enron's Collapse
By : N. C. Syminghton 1/31/2002

Enron, #7 on the Fortune 500 in 2001, collapsed in spectacular fashion over the past several
months to the point that it is has been delisted, or deleted, from the New York Stock
Exchange. The suddenness and the magnitude of its decline, as well as the deception leading
up to it, point to the influences of the three "outer" planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Indeed, while all three of them show up together to signify Enron's collapse, their effects are
not immediately obvious - at least not initially to me. Yet an event of such major proportions
as this always will have connections to the outer planets i.e. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Hindsight sees the nature of things more clearly than foresight, and this certainly holds true
for astrologers when they look to the past and the future. One of the reasons, however, that
astrology fascinates me is, no matter what significant occurrence I am reviewing, the
influences are unmistakable and exceptional. Because astrological factors can coalesce in
many different ways, there exist multiple combinations that can trigger an important event.
Yet its astrological signature is always unusually distinctive - once recognized.

So let me try to walk you through my investigation of the fall of Enron through the advantage
of hindsight. The following perspective is only one way to astrologically view Enron's debacle,
and while certainly not the whole picture, I consider it a revealing portrayal of what occurred.

Because the "birth" of Enron was the result of a merger, it complicates matters somewhat. In
a case like this, what starting date signifies the commencement of Enron's life? I spent some
time on the Internet, and I came up with four suitable dates to use (actually five but two
dates were one day apart).

The first is April 20, 1985 (which I found in an untitled document) and marks the beginning
of merger talks between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth. See chart 1. The second, May
2, 1985, (from the Associated Press) is the public announcement of a merger agreement
between the two. See chart 2. The third relevant date is July 16, 1985 (Dallas Morning News),
when shareholders formally approved the merger. See Chart 3. The fourth date occurred on
April 11, 1986 (Houston Chronicle) when Enron first traded on the stock exchange with its
new name and new symbol, ENE. See chart 4. A fifth date, April 10, 1986, (Houston Chronicle)
was an annual meeting of Houston Natural Gas/InterNorth shareholders who formally
approved the name change to Enron by a 92% majority. See chart 5.

As a sidebar, Enron emerged as the second choice to rename the merged companies. The first
name selected by company officials was Enteron. When members of the media - after
consulting a dictionary - pointed out that the word referred to the alimentary canal system
and the intestines (especially of an embryo), the name was abandoned.

Ok, so now we have five charts to work with. A case could be made for each one being the
most appropriate for the horoscope of the company, Enron, as we know it - or knew it. Rather
than go over the reasons for each, I will say that I found none of them, individually,
compelling in their astrological makeup. The first trade chart showed certain characteristics
pertaining to the fall and its timing, but they hardly seemed that remarkable.

I had to start somewhere so I began with Chart 4, the first trade date of Enron. This is the
only horoscope with an exact time; trading began at 9:30 am in New York in 1986.
Incidentally, this is clearly a chart of a successful company from the public's point of view.
Jupiter, the planet of success is in exact conjunction with the Midheaven, representing goals
and ambitions. Also, Jupiter trine Pluto, the planet of power, and sextile to Venus, the planet
of money, in the sign related to money, Taurus, provide a combination to achieve success
easily, to exert influence with little resistance, and to acquire vast resources. So where is the

Looking at this horoscope, I noticed immediately the conjunction of Mars and Neptune on the
Descendant (7th house cusp). Neptune relates to deception and Mars represents action, so
deceptive actions show clearly. Being on the 7th house (the house of partners), however,
would indicate deception perpetrated by others rather than something Enron projects, which
would be the case if Neptune and Mars were on the Ascendant (1st house cusp).
If you know Enron's story, you will recall that the deceptive accounting revolved around the
limited partnerships Enron formed. It was in these limited partnerships that it would park its
huge losses so that they did not show up on the balance sheet of the company itself. The Mars
Neptune conjunction (in the house of partners) accurately reflects this.

Following this line of inquiry, I would expect an important transit to set this conjunction off -
to expose the fraud - around the latter part of 2001. Transiting Uranus, the planet of startling
surprises, made a 45-degree aspect, semi-square, to the conjunction of Mars and Neptune and
the Descendant during that time. Certainly this offers the possibility of shocking revelation of
deceptive actions. Ok, that seems significant, but it really doesn't have enough force by itself
to reflect the impact of Enron's fall from ascendancy.

It was time to investigate the other horoscopes of Enron. In studying the first trade chart, I
made an assumption that the Mars, Neptune, and Descendant conjunction was a critical point
- the point of vulnerability to an otherwise outstanding chart for success; the point that should
represent Enron's downfall.

In a previous article, A degree of Connection, I wrote about how the same degree, or
degrees, of the zodiac are often emphasized in different but related charts. This degree
becomes the dominant tone, and when activated by transit or some other astrological factor,
its reverberations, and its effects, are intensified because it connects several charts together.

On paper, I made a simple spreadsheet comparing the planetary positions in all four
horoscopes. What I found seemed to confirm my assumption of the importance of the Mars,
Neptune, and Descendant conjunction. Mars and Neptune in the first trade chart are at 6 to 8
degrees of the cardinal sign, Capricorn. In horoscope 1, Venus is at 7 degrees of the cardinal
sign, Aries and Mercury is at 8 degrees of the same sign. In horoscope 2, two weeks later,
Venus is 8 degrees of the cardinal sign, Aries. In horoscope 3, the Moon is in 8 degrees of the
cardinal sign, Cancer.

What does this mean? It means that all four horoscopes connect through specific degrees -
between 6 and 8 degrees of cardinal signs. Why is this significant? Cardinal signs (Aries,
Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) are always 90 or 180 degrees from each other. These aspects,
square and opposition respectively, cause tension and tend to produce visible results. How
does this affect Enron? It enhances the impact of transits to that degree area, so that the
point of weakness - represented by Mars and Neptune in the first trade chart - is exceptionally
vulnerable. Why? Because it locates at the degree area shared by all four charts, thus
amplifying the effects.

Let me take it one step further. Because the dates of all four horoscopes are within a year and
because Neptune is slow moving, Neptune makes either a square or opposition to all the
planets at the critical degree area (6 to 8 cardinal) in all the horoscopes. So not only is this
degree area the connecting link for all the Enron charts is shows that Neptune is involved at
the heart of Enron's activities.

Does this unequivocally show that Enron was destined for deception? Not necessarily, but it
does mean great care needed to be exercised since it was too easy for the company to
become deluded and not see things for how they are - or were. On the other hand, the
business that Enron originally was in - oil and gas - was perfectly represented by Neptune; so
had it stayed in that arena, deceptions could have been minimized. Why? The company would
be fulfilling a legitimate and positive meaning of Neptune. (See the articles Astrology and
the Flow of Life.) Again, if you followed the media accounts of Enron, reporters talked about
how difficult it was to say exactly what Enron did as a business; its dealings were complex and
extensive. These are other expressions of Neptune, but potentially negative. And of course,
the accounting practices to hide their losses were very definitely a negative attribute of
Ok, if you are still with me, we are now returning to the first trade chart of Enron, chart 4. The
transit of Uranus to the Neptune, Mars, and Descendant conjunction occurs in the fall of 2001,
and it is made stronger - than a first glance would suggest - because of the link of the zodiacal
degrees of this conjunction with the same degrees in the other Enron charts. Therefore,
Uranus can produce a significant shock at this time. Incidentally, in the first trade chart,
Uranus' natal position is in the 6th house (house of employees). They certainly received the
shock of their lives with unexpected terminations and no severance pay, as well as the
decimation of their 401(k) plans - loaded with Enron stock.

Enron is only 15 years old, but Uranus made one other major transit to this sensitive degree
area of 6 to 8 degrees cardinal when it was in conjunction with natal Mars, Neptune, and
Descendant of the first trade chart. This occurred in 1989 and 1990. According to a timeline
presented by BBC News, "in 1989 Enron begins trading natural gas commodities. It soon
becomes the largest natural gas merchant in North America and the United Kingdom." Enron
did not stop there and became a market maker in a number of derivatives including weather
futures! As a trading firm, it created a complex web of products, culminating in its
participation in the California energy crisis of 2000 and 2001.

Enron's involvement in commodities, or futures (Uranus), set the stage for its collapse. The
transit of Uranus over natal Mars, Neptune, and Descendant initiated a chain of actions that
eventually led to a revelation of its weaknesses and deceptive practices in a shocking way.

Finally, I would like to show one other timing device to "seal the deal." It is a technique in
astrology called "directions" and is another method used to predict events. In its basic form, it
moves - or directs - each point or planet in the horoscope by one degree per year. For the
Enron first trade chart, timing for fall 2001 requires directing the chart around 15 degrees,
since its inception date is April 1986. Let's see what happens when we do this.

First, directed Sun is at 6 degrees 30 minutes of Taurus, exactly opposed natal Pluto for 2001.
It signifies that this year would cause power (Pluto) struggles affecting the very identity (Sun)
of the company. Second, directed Neptune is at 21 degrees of Capricorn, square natal Sun for
2001 and 2002. Here we have the potential dissolution (Neptune) of the company's identity
(Sun) and the danger (square aspect) to the company from deceptive practices (Neptune).
That seems pretty obvious. Third, directed Pluto is at 21 degrees 30 minutes of Scorpio. It
forms an exact 45-degree aspect (potential crisis) to the conjunction of Mars and Neptune for
2000, 2001, and 2002. The power of Pluto, which comes from the darkest depths or most
hidden recesses, puts extreme pressure on any deceptive actions and even forces more
deceptive tactics, like the ongoing shredding of documents. Finally, the most telling direction
is Uranus at 7 degrees 30 minutes of Capricorn, exactly conjunct natal Mars for 2001 (and
Neptune in 2000).

These comprise a compelling set of directions that help create an unmistakable signature for
an event or series of events that are exceptional - if not unprecedented - in the financial world
and beyond.

Let me summarize my investigation of Enron. Using the first trade chart as the base chart,
Neptune (conjunct Mars and the Descendant) represents the point of weakness in an
otherwise outstanding horoscope for success. Looking at the four main horoscopes of Enron,
they are all connected by planets in 6 to 8 degrees of cardinal signs. Neptune (the planet of
deception) is involved in this degree area, and therefore its effects are magnified; so being the
point of weakness (in the first trade chart), it can cause considerable damage when activated.
That happens in 2000 and 2001 when transiting Uranus makes a 45-degree aspect to Neptune
(Mars and Descendant) and directed Uranus conjuncts the same.

In addition, directed Pluto also makes a 45-degree aspect to Neptune (Mars and Descendant)
in 2000 and 20001. Directed Neptune squares natal Sun to further show the threat that
deception can have on Enron's very identity. Taken as a whole, it is a stunning picture of the
convergence of the outer planets upon the point of vulnerability in Enron, revealing the
magnitude of its fraudulent activities and its subsequent collapse from the pressure


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