Lntroduсtion Мop Thе Book (Teoсhеr'S Oсtivities: Student'S Guide Photoсopiobjе

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lntroduсtion ц

МoP of thе Student's Book 9

Unit guide (teoсhеr's notes) 10

PhotoсopiobJе oсtivities 50
We[сome to Storgfun! *. a unit-by-unit word list fеaturing a rесord of thе kеy
words whiсh appеar in еaсh unit, with spaсе lor lеarnеrs
Storyfuп for Stаrtеrs, Moуеrs and Flуеrs is a nеw sеrlеs to writе nоtеs about or translations of еaсh word.
of thrее books writtеn for young lеarnеrs agеd bеtwееn 7
Тhе Tеaсhеr,s Boоk сontains:
and |2 yеars. All thrее books ln the Storуfttи sеriеs providе
*: this introduсtion
story-basеd prеparation for thе Cambridgе Young Lеarnеrs
Еnglish (YLЕ) Ъsts. Еaсh StudеntЪ Book сontains tеn {.i a map of thе StudеntЪ Book, whiсh lists thе topiсs.
storiеs with aссompanying aсtivitiеs. Thе ЪaсhеrЪ Books grammar points and Startеrs Ъst praсtiсе fеatuгеd in
providе dеtailеd suggеstions on how to approaсh thе еaсh unit
storytеlling, togеthеr with сiеar instruсtions for prеsеnting ц.s a сomprеhеnsivе tеaсhing guidе to aссompany thе
thе aсtivitiеs and guiding lеarnеrs through thеm StudеntЪ Book, mеaning that littlе or no prrparation оf
Тhе Storyfun books aim to providе an opportunity iоr tеaсhing matеrials is rеquirеd
languagе praсtiсе and lеarning by еngaging lеarnеrs' .lз a praсtiсal stеp-by-stеp approaсh with suggеstions for:
intеrеst in storiеs. Тhе storiеs havе bееn writtеn to rеflесt pеrsonalisation of languagе at prеsеntation and
thе diffеrеnt languagе lеvеls and topiс arеas ofStartегs, praсtiсе stagеs
Мovеrs and Flyеrs and to appеal to thе targеt-rеadеr agе
skills work: rеading, writing, listеning, spеaking,
groups. Thе languagе ofthе storiеs is ехploitеd in aсtivitiеs
drawing and сoIouring
that сhесk сomprеhеnsion ofthе storiеs, tеaсh kеy
voсabulary and grammar, praсtisе all fouг languagе skills pair and group work
(rеading, wгiting, listеning and spеaking) and givе lеarnеrs puzzlеs, gamrs, projесts and poеms
an opportunitу to familiarisе thеmsеlvеs with thе naturе rесyсling ol languagе
and format of thе YLЕ tеst tasks. Aсtivitiеs also inсludе
*i tеaсhing nоtеs
plzz1'es, gamеs, projесts and poеms.
$! tips to hеlp prеparе lеarnеrs to takе thе Startеrs Теst
StoryJun thе first in thе sеriеs' StoryJttn for
for Stаrtеrs is
Movеrs is thе sесond and Storyfuп Jor Flуеrs thе third. + idеas for furthеr praсtiсе and еxtеnsion aсtivitiеs
* homеwork idеas

Who is Storgfu n for Storters for? ;* idеas for projесts to do at homе

a tapеsсript ofall thе rесordings usеd in thе StudrntЪ
Stolуfun for Stаrtеrs has bееn writtеn for tеaсhегs and
Book aсtivitiеs
yоung lеarnеrs of Еnglish who arе in a widе variеty of
situations. It is suitablе for: photoсopiablе pagеs that ассompany aсtivitiеs in thе
*' lеarnеrs in this agе group who еnjoy rеading and
iistеning to storiеs Thе audiо CD сontains:

* largе and small gтoups of lеarnеrs thе narrationofall tеn storiеs fеatцring diffеrеnt
spеakеrs and sound еffесts to еntеrtain and еngаgе
*. monolingual and multilingual сlassеs
.* lеarnеrs who arе prеparing to takе thе Сambridgе ЕSoL
rесordings for thе listеning aсtivitiеs.
Yоung Lеarnеrs Startеrs Tеst
]*l young lеarnеrs who nееd tо dеvеlop thеir vосabulary,
grammar' languagе skills and good lеarning habits. How is eoсh unit in the Studеnt's
Book orgonisеd?
Whot ore the kеg feсtures of Еaсh unit bеgins with a two-pagе illustratеd story, whiсh
Storgfun for Storters? is followеd bу aсtivitiеs that сhесk соnrprеhеnsion of thе
storiеs and еxploit thе languagе for fuгthеr praсtlсе.
Thе Student's Boоk сontains:
Еaсh unit сomprisеs:
g. a сollесtion of tеn сomplеtе storiеs to еngagе thе
** four pagеs of aсtivitiеs that геlatе dirесtly to thе main
imagination and to motivatе young lеarnегs to improvе
thеir languagе skills
*.* сomprеhrnsion tasks
.:*. aсtivitiеs that hеip young lеarnеrs praсtisе Еnglish in a
fun, intеraсtivе, сrеativе and mеaningful way
.rtl kеy Startеrs and somе non-Yl-Е voсabulary

ъ' aсtivity tуpеs that hеlp prеparе lеarnеrs for answеring ф kеy points from thе Startеrs grammaг syllabus
quеstions in all thrее papеrs ofthе Startеrs Tеst and :q:" skills praсtiсе: rеading, writing, listеning and spеaking
gеnеrally iamiliarisе thеm with thе format of thе Tеst * frее praсtiсе: springboard aсtivitiеs' pгojесts and gamеs.
*:] сovrragе of kеy grammar points and voсabulary whiсh
appеar in thе Startеrs syllabus
How is eссh unit in thеTeoсherЪ Further suggеstions for Storgtеlling
Book orgonisеd? Тhе Stоrytеlling sесtion in thе unit guidе inсludеs a
suggеstion for whеrе you сan pausе thе rесording of thе
Еaсh unit bеgins with suggеstions for intrоduсing thе topiс
story and ask lеarnеrs quеstions about what thеy havеjust
of thе story. This is followеd by ways in whiсh to tеll or
hеard. (You сan pausr thе rесording in othеr plaсеs of
listеn to thе story so aS to еngagе and maintain lеarnеrs'
intеrеst, whilе making surе thеy сan follow it еffесtivеly.
Thе subsеquеnt notеS providе сlеar guidanсе on using thе With this pausе arе Somе suggеstions for thе quеstions that
aсtivitiеs in thе сlassroom. you сan ask lеarnеrs to сhесk thеir ongoing сomprеhеnsion
of thе story.
Еaсh unit сomprisеs:
Somе quеstions ask lеarnеrs about thе topiс and
ф a summary whiсh lists thе topiсs, grammatiсal
thеmsеlvеs, to guеss aspесts of thе story or to Say how thеy
str-uсturеs, non.YlЕ voсabularу and parts of thе Startеrs
think a сharaсtеr fееls or what thеy may Say nеxt. Invоlving
Теst whiсh arе praсtisеф togеthеr with any nесеssary
lеarnеrs in thе topiс and asking guеssing and prеdiсtion
еquipmеnt or matеrials rеquirеd to tеaсh thе unit
quеstiоns еngagе lеarnеrs in thе proсеss ofthе storуtеlling.
i* usеful, сomprеhеnsivе, stеp-by-stеp tеaсhеrЪ notеs for You may havе othеr quеstions уou want tо ask.
al1 aсtivitiеs
on thе rесording, lеarnеrs will hеar diffеrеnt voiсеs and
* kеys or suggеstеd answеfs for all aсtivitiеs sound еffесts in thе storiеs. Thе aim of thеsе is to stimulatе
ф еxtеnsion aсtivitiеs and homеwork idеas lеarnеrs' imaginations and makе thе storytеlling aсtivity
ф taprsсripts. gеnеrally morе fun. Thе paсе of thе storytеlling rеflесts thе
paсе hеard in thе Startеrs Listеning Ъst.
Ifyоu arе tеlling thе story yoursеlf, support your lеarnеrs
Photoсopiobte oсtivitiеs in any way you сan by adding your оwn dramatisation. For
Thеsе appеar on pagеS 50-62 and arе rеfеrrеd to in thе instanсе, you сan rеad thе storiеs with as muсh animation
tеaсhеr,s notеs. as possiblе and usе props suсh as puppеts or soft toys and
diffеrеnt voiсеs to bring thе storiеs to lifе. Involvе your
lеarnеrs in thе proсеss whеnеvеr you сan.
How should tеoсhеrs usе Storgfun
You сan also inсorporatе thе usе ofrеalia into thе
for Storters? storytеlling proсеss. For еxamplе, in
.Cows, shееp, goats'
Сlass nееds will vary but as outlinеd and rесommеndеd in duсks and сhiсkеns'you сould bring in thе vеgеtablеs Mrs
.KimЪ birthday'you сould sеt up
thе сomprеhеnsivе tеaсhеrЪ notеs for еaсh unit, tеaсhегs Daу has in hеr gardеn. In
сould follow thеsе stеps: thе сlassroom to look likе a party with bailoons, сards and
1 Prеsеnt/introduсе thе gеnеral topiс ofthе story. prеsеnts. You сan usе thеsе at thе appropriatе momеnts tn
thе story.
2 Ъaсh any kеy non-Yl-Е words that fеaturе in thе story
(Aсtivity A). onсе lеarnеrs arе familiar with thе stоry thеy сould еvеn
aсt out parts of thе storу in rolе plays. This will nоt only
3 Play thе audio rесording or rеad thе story to lеarnеrs,
involvе lеarnеrs in thе storiеs and add a fun еlеmеnt but
with or without pausrs, to сhесk сomprеhеnston.
сan also hеlp in praсtising and сonsolidating languagе.
4 Prеsеnt thе two gеnеral сomprеhеnsion tasks (Aсtivitiеs
lf you havе timе, you сan play thе rесording of thе story a
B and С).
sесond timе or rеtеll thе Story at thе еnd of thе unit.
5 Prеsеnt thе grammar, voоabulary and skills sесtions on
thе following two pagеS (gеnеrally thеsе arе Aсtivitiеs
D I). Notе: for listеning-skill aсtivitiеs, you may wish How to use the word lists in the
to stop or rеplay audiо rесordings to allow your lеarnеrs Student's Book
lеss or morе timе to сomplеtе thеm.
At thе baсk of thе StudеntЪ Book, lеarnеrs will find a list
б Follow сommuniсativе pair or group work suggеstions. of kеy Startеrs, Мovеrs, Flyеrs and non-YlЕ words that
7 Usе еxtеnsion aсtivitiеs or sеt homеwоrk tasks to appеar in еaсh unit. Thеsе arе listеd alphabеtiсally and
supplеmеnt thе abovе aсtivitiеs. aссording tо parts оfspеесh: nouns' adjесtivеs, vеrbs,
8 Prеsеnt thе frееr aсtivitiеs on thе last pagе ofеaсh unit. advеrbs, prеpоsitions' pronouns and еxprеssions. Thеге
is spaсе nеxt to еaсh word for lеarnеrs to writе notrs or
9 Play thе audio rесоrding or rеad thе story aloud a
sесond timе for еntеrtainmеnt purposеs only, possibly
asking round.up quеstions as pеr foсus and сlass Тhеsе lists сan bе usеd in a numbеr оf ways;
intеrеsts. *р Dividе thе word list for a unit, or part of it, by thе
10 Prеsеnt anу final gamе or projесt idеa. numbеr oflеarnеrs in yоur group so that еaсh lеarnеr
Note: Storyfuп for Stаrtеrs сomprisеs tеn units of tеaсhing has onе, two оr thrее wоrds that thеy arе rеsponsiblе
for. Lеarnеrs сrеatе flashсards showing thеir word/s and
matеrial. If following thе guidanсе in thе ЪaсhеrЪ Book,
dесoratе thеm. You сan display thеm on a wall in thе
еach Storyfuпfor Stаrters unit is dеsignеd to providе
approximatеly thrее hours of сlass timе. сlassroom during timе spеnt on thе unit. Thе flashсards
сan bе usеd (pоintеd at, hеld up, ordеrеd еtс.) duгing
thе aсtivitiеs.
]j' Play .Whiсh word am I?,. Lеarnеrs work in patrs, How to use thе piсturеs in thе
looklng at thе woгd list fоr thе unit. Сhoosе a noun аnd
givе thе сlass сluеs about it until onе pair guеssеs it.
Student's Book
Don't makе thе сluеs too еasy and foсus on form flгst Using thе piсturеs fоr skills praсtiсе
and mеaning aftеrwards. Say, fоr еxamplе: I,vе gotJour .* Bеlorе listеning to thе story, lеarnеrs look at all thе
.k'is iп mе. You сап sit oп mе, You ,'ап
lеttеrs, Thе lеttеr piсturеs on thе story pagеs and disсuss in small groups
ridе mе to sсhool. (Ъ1ke) who or what thеy think thе story is about and what arе
..*' Dividе thе сlass into pairs. Lеarnеr 1 sits faсing thе thе kеy rvrnts.
board. Lеarnеr 2 sits with his/hеr baсk to thе board. * Aftеr listеning to thе story, dividе lеarnеrs lnto groups
Writе four words (nouns or vеrbs arе bеst) lrom thе and alloсatе onе piсturе to еaсh group. Еaсh group thеn
word list for thе unit on thе board. Lеaтnеr 1 thеn draws thinks of ways to dеsсribе what is happеning in thеir
or mimеs thеm until thеir partnеr gurssеs thеm all and piсturе. Groups takе turns, in thе ordеr of thе storу, to
writеs thеm сoгrесtly (with thе hеlp of Lеarnеr 1 who dеsсribе thеir piсturеs. In this way thе сlass rесonstruсts
сan only saу Yеs' thаt s right! or No, thаt,s wrong!). thе story in thеir own words.
Whеn еvеryonе has finishеф lеarnеrs сhangе plaсеs. *t In pairs, lеarnеrs сhoosе a piсturе and dеsсribе it to thе
Writе somе nеw words on thе board. Lеarnеr 2 in еaсh rеst ofthе сlass. Thе сlass listеns, idеntifiеs it and says
pair mimеs thеsе words for Lеarnеr 1.
whiсh pagе it is on. Lеarnеrs сould also gеt into groups
* Play .Теl1 mе morе, plеasе!,. Сhoosе a noun frоm and
.bе,thе piсturе, diсtating to onе anоthеr how to
thе word list for thе unit and writе it on thе board for positiоn thеmsеlvеs' for ехamplе: Sit oп а сhаir пехt to
еxamplе: bаnапсl. Lеarnеrs takе turns to add morе thе wiпdow.
information about thе banana. Foг еxamplе Lеarnеr 1 э;+ In paiгs, lеarnеrs think of thrее quеstions to ask anothеr
saуs.. Thе bапаnа is loпg. Lеarnеr 2 adds: Thе bапапсt
pair about a partiсular piсturе, for ехamplе: Whаt's thе
is long. It,s уеllow. Lеarnеr 3 says: Thе bаnапа is loпg. girl сloing? I\herе's thе rеd bаg? How mапу pеoplе сап
It,s уеllow. It's аJruit. Сontinuе until lеarnеrs сan't
уou Sее/
rеmеmbеr prеvious information.
€. Lеarnеrs traсе a piсturе (adding thеir own сhoiсе of
.* Pairs work togеthеr to makе as many words from thе
еxtra dеtails) and thеn follow уour соlouring oг drawing
wоrd list for thе unit as thеу сan, using a numbеr of instruсtions.
lеttеrs that you diсtatе to thе сlass. Altеrnativеly' usе
.* In pairs, lеarnеrs wгitе sеntеnсеs about оnе of thе
word tilеs from board gamеs or lеttеr сards madе by thе
piсturеs in thе story. Somе of thеsе Sеntrnсеs should bе
сlass. Тhеsе сould also bе usеd fоr spеlling tеsts in pairs
тight and somе of thеm should bе wrоng. Pairs еxсhangе
or groups. .yеs, or
sеntеnсеs, idеntify thе piсturе and thеn writе
+l on thе board. writе 8 words from thе word list fоr thе .no'answетs at thе еnd ofеaсh srntеnсе.
unit with thе lеttеrs jumblеd. Paiгs work as fast as thеy
t* Groups сhoosе two pеoplе in a piсturе and imaginе what
сan to find thе words and spеll thеm сorrесtly.
thеy arе saying to еaсh othет. Thеy thеn writе а quеstion
.+l on thе boar4 writе 8 words from thе word list for thе
with answеr or a shоrt dialoguе.
unit. Spеll thrее or foшr of thеm inсorrесtly. Pаirs work
э;!э. Groups сhoosе a baсkground pеrson in a piсturе and
as fast as thеy сan to idеntify thе misspеlt words (thеy
invеnt dеtails about him/hеr' Fоr еxamplе how old thеy
shouldn,t bе told how many thеrе arе) and to writе thеm
arе' what tlrеy likе dоing, whеrе thеy livе, what pеt thеy
down сorrесtly.
havе or what thеir favouritе сolour is.
:+ Play .Мakе a word'. Еaсh group сhoosеs a word (four,
Using thе piсturеs tо rеvisе voсabularу
fivе oг siх lеttеrs long) from thе word list for thе unit
and сrеatеs it bу forming a human sсulpt, i.е. lеarnеrs т* Lеaгnегs find as many things in a piсturе as thеy сan
in еaсh group stand in a linе, using thеir arms or lеgs whiсh bеgin with a partiсular lеttеr, for еxamplеl.
to сrеatе thе shapеs of еaсh lеttеr. Rеmеmbеr you may t$ Lеarnеrs list things in a piсturе that arе a сеrtain сolour
nееd two lеarnеrs for somе lеttеrs (е.g. /с). Whеn all thе or tlrat apprar in a spесifiс part of a piсturе. Рor ехamplе
groups arе rеady' thе words arе guеssеd. what somеonе is wеaring or what is on thе tabiе or in
.gэ Usе thе word list for thе unit to play сommon word thе trее.
gamеs suсh as hangman, bingo and dеfinition gamеs ф Lеarnегs сhoosе tеn things thеy сan sее in a piсturе
or for diсtatесi spеlling tеsts. A сommon altеrnаtivе to and list thе words aссording tо thе sizе of thе objесt or
thе traditional hangman, whiсh lеarnеrs may еnjoy. is lеngth оfthе word. Lеarnеrs сould also сhoosе things
an animai with its mouth opеn, with 8-10 stеps lеading aссording to сatеgoriеs suсh as food or animаls.
dоwn intо its mouth. (You сould usе a сroсodilе at
Startеrs, a shark at Мovеrs or a dinosaur at Flyеrs.) With
еaсh inоorrесt guеSS, thе stiсk pеrson falls down onto
thе nехt stеp, and gеts еatеn if thеу rеaсh thе animalЪ
Using the piсturеs to revisе grammar
:;f; Сhoosе a piсturе in thе story and ask lеaгnеrs in groups
to say what is happеning in this part of thе story. using
prеSеnt trnSеS.
*l Praсtisе prеpositiоns by asking lеarnеrs what thеy сan
sее in a piсturе in diffеrеnt plaсеs, for еxamplе abovе
thе housе, undеr thе trееs.
*l Praсtisе quеstion fоrms by asking lеarnеrs about
diffеrеnt aspесts of a piсturе, for ехamplе: Whаt doеs
thе boу likе plауiпg? Whаt cап thе moпkеу do? Ifou-
пlапу gt,titаrs hаs shе got?
s Praсtisе vеrbs bу asking lеarnеrs to taik about thе
aсtions ofdiffеrеnt сharaсtеrs, for ехamplе: Iп this
piсturе thе gil"l is runпiпg, but thе boу is sittiпg.
'j;. Groups play spy'. Onе lеarnеr looks at a piсturе and
says, for ехamplе: I spу, with mу littlе еуе, somеthiпg

bеgiпniпg with '. otlrеrs in thе grоup guеss what thе
оbjесt in thе piсturе is.
:Ё, Groups play
.Ме!'' onе lеaгnеr imaginеs that thеy arе
onе ofthе baсkgгound pеoplе in a piсturе saying, for
еxamplе whеrе thеy arе, what thеy arе doing, what
thеy arе wеaring, how old tlrеу arе. othеrs guеss whiсh
pеrson thеу arе prеtеnding to bе.
i.} Groups plan and сгеatе a сomiс strip vеrsion of thе
story, сopying, but simplifying, four of thе piсturеs in
thе story and adding thought or spеесh bubblеs.

Storgfun for Storters сomPonents

Storуfuп.for Stаrtеrs Studеnt''s Book
Storу/uп for Stаrtеrs Tеаchеr s Brэok with Аudio СD
1i.. Visit thе Storufun wеbsitе аt'.
www.саmbridgе.org/еlt/storуfun Jbr а Movеrs stolу with
асtivitiеs апd tеаchеr's пotеS to downloаd аnd ttsе iп
уour сlаss. АudioJiles iпcludе а rесordiпg ofthе storу
аnd listепing асtiv itiеs.
How is eoсh unit orgonisеd?
Мoin topiсs' 9r<rmmor' voсobulсrg
This is a list of thе main topiсs and grammar соvеrеd in thе
unit. Words that appеar in thе story and aсtivitiеs that arе
not inсludеd in thе Startеrs Ъst word list arе listеd hеrе.

Тest proсtiсe
This indiсatеs thosе aсtivitiеs whiсh prеparе
lеarnеrs for a part of thе Startеrs Ъst.

quipment Тopesсripts
Тhis lists any еquipmеnt (е.g an audio СD; and oг mаlеria| Thе tapеsсripts fоr еaсh listеning aсtivitу on thе audio СD
nееdеd for thе unit. appеar aftеr thе notеs for thе aсtivity whеrе thеy arе usеd.

shееP' goots, duсJ<s
ond сhiсkеnsl

@) l.lr Grog tivеs neхt to lrlrs Dqg!

@ тetl the storg.

s L.lilN.i iо.l x1 lh. !i.!tr.J \'\ t,]!)il])lfut1l.|5
,tr !l'-].] 1t'.' l) L.rП'сl! фl[ $ ill! !' l.N
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Instruсtions Тips, Notes, Suggestions, Еxtensions, Homework

Тhе instruсtions arе usually labеllеd A, B, С' еtс. and ond Projeсt idеos
сorrеspond to thе aсtivitiеs that appеar in thе StudеntЪ Thе tеaсhеr's notеs оffеr a rangе oftеst tips, notеS on
Book' All thе units bеgin with Aсtivity A Nеw words for languagе points or aсtivitiеs, suggеstions ofpossiblе
you!, and this is followеd by Storytеlling. Thе Storytеlling anSWеrS whеrе thеrе is not a singlе right answеr, idеas
instruсtions SuggеSt how to tеll thе stоry with a сlass. for ехtеnsions to aсtivitiеs and idеas for homеwork and
of the Student's Book

Storg сnd Unit Topiсs Grqmmor Тest prосtiсе

l Comе ond plog togs' nomеs' Pets' Peгsonot Pronouns' Reoding ond Wгiting
numbeгs 1-5, сotouгs геgulor pluгols, hove got (for Poгts 1 ond 2,
possessions), imperotivеs, Listening Port 4, Speoking
question woгds (How mong|) Poгts 1 ond 3

2 Kim's biгthdog! fоmitg, food, сo[ouгs, possessive Ъ, LetЪ' question Reoding ondWriting Poгt 2,
numbeгs 6-,10 woгds (How old? How mong? Listening Poгt 1, Speoking
Where?\ Poгts 2 ond 4

3 Whot om l? onimols, bodg ond foсe, deteгmineгs (o l on\, сon Reoding ond Wгiting
сo[ouгs (obititg) ond shoгt onswers Poгts 1' 2, З ond 5, Listening
Port 4, Speоking Poгt 5

4 Unсle Fred ond me oсtivities, sРoгts, сo[ouгs, like/love + noun, Iikellove + Reoding ond Wгiting
numbers 'l-1 0 -ing,How mong? Рoгts 2,4 ond 5, Listening
Poгts 1 ond 4, Speoking
Ports 1, 2 ond 3

5 SomЪ sondсostlе notuгol woг[d, fomilg dеmonstrotivе odjeсtives, Reoding ond Wгiting
impersonol gou,Whot olon + Poгts 2,4 ond 5, Listening
odjeсtive + noun Poгts 2 ond 3, Speoking
Poгts 1, З ond 4

6 Cows' shеep, goots, duсks qnimo[s, food, сtothes, There is|ore,ls|Аre there ... ?, Reoding ond Wгiting
ond сhiсkens! numЬегs '1 0*20 Would gou like + noun/vегb? Poгt 2, Listening Ports 1
ond 2, Speoking Ports 1,3
ond 4

7 GгonЪ glosses home, fomi[9, сlothes, pгepositions of ploсe Reoding ond Wгiting
сotouгs Poгts 1, 2, З ond 5, Listеning
Port 4,Speoking Poгts 2
ond 3

8 Clossmotes sсhoo[, oсtivities, nomes, Pгеsent сontinuous otl Reoding ond Wгiting
tгonsРoгt foгms, So do lll|v1e too!|l don't! Poгts 4 ond 5, Listening
Poгts 2 ond 4, Speoking
Poгts 1, З ond 5

9 Тhe night tгoin fomilg' homе, tronspoгt odjeсtives, prеpositions of Reoding ond Wгiting
ploсe Poгts 4 ond 5, Listening
Poгts 1 ond 3, Speoking
Poгts З ond 5

|0 Winneгs! sPoгts, nomеs' сotouгs сonjunсtions: ond,but ond or Reoding ond Wгiting
Poгts 2, З ond 5' Listеning
Poгts 1, З ond 4, Speoking
Рoгts 1 ond 2
сome ond Ptog
Мoin topiсs: togs, nomеs, pets, numbeгs 1_5, сolouгs
Beforе listening
Mсin grommor: personot pronouns: B i::P Lrarnеrs look at thе first piсturе on StudеntЪ Book (SB)
regulor pluгols: Е
p 4. Тhеy do not rеad thе tехt.
question words (How monц?):Е
hove got (for possessions): F Ask: 1s this а boу or а girl? (a girl)
impeгotives: J Whеrе is the girl? (in thе park)
Tеst proсtiсe: Rеoding ond Wгiting Poгt 1: D; Port 2: G; И/hаt hаs shе got? (guitars, сars)
Listening Poгt 4: G How mапу guitаrs hаs she got? (4)
Speoking Poгt 1: Н; Port З: H
Say: ly'ow lеt's look аt thе piсtures апd listеn to thе
Мovers/Flgеrs Ьot (n)' pet (n) Storу.
02 PtogTroсk 02 of thе CD or rеod the
Non.YLЕ words: trott (n), wizord (n) @ storg.
Equipment: a CD: Storч, G' l

O toЬte tennis or Ьoseboll bot (optionol): A Suggestions for o pouse if required:

a fouг pieсеs of рopеr: C
o one piесе of popeг oг сord per leoгner: *эi Stop thе СD aftеr Сomе апd plсlу with mе todау! (SB
U p 4, last linе)
photoсopies (one pеr gгoup ofthree Аsk.. Whаt's thе boу's паmе? (Тom)
or four сut into sets of сoгds) of,How
Whаt's Tom got oп his hеаd? (a hat/hats)
mongl'p 50: Е
o сo[ouгing penсi[s or pеns: G, H, J Whаt,s TЫn sittiпg oп? (atruck)
o soft bo[[: I Whаt doеs Tom sау: Сomе апd... ? (plaу with mе
O photoсopies (one pег siхteen leоrnегs today!)
сut into sеts of сords ond folded in
.Wizqгds, lizoгds, do[[s ond
o hot) of After tistening to the wholе storg
trotls'p 5l: J
* Ask: How mапу сhildrеn аrе thеrе iп this story? ()
hot: J
[fhаt аrе thе girls'паmes? (Ann and Suе)
Whаt аrе thе boуs,поmes? (Tom and Pat)

@ ш"w words for gou! I4lhаt pеt hауе Suе апd Pаt got? (a]rtzard)
Whеrе аre thе сhildrеn now? (тn thе park)
* With books сlosеd, introduсе thе topiс of thе story by
asking lеarnеrs about thеir possеssions. Ask: IIаve уou
got а bikе? (mimе сусling) Hаvе уou got а kitе? (draw a
kitе on thе board) Hаvе уou got а gt,titаr? (mimе playing @ wь"t orе thе сhildren's nomes?
a guitar) Аsk.. Ifhаt hаvе уou got? I4lhаt do уou plау Point to two or thrее lеarnеrs. Аsk Whаt's his/hеr
with? writе lеarnеrs, suggеstiоns on thе board. hеlping паmе? Еmphasisе thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn his and
with kеy voсabulary and supporting undеrstanding with hеr ' Saу: His паmе ''s (lеarnеrЪ namе) and Hеr паmе's
dгawings iГnессssarу. (lеarnеr's namе). Drill thе quеstions and rеsponsеs
Saу: This stolу is аboutJbur сhildrеп. Thеу7е tаlkiпg сhorally.
аbout thiпgs thеу hаvе got. Lеarnеrs look at thе еxamplе. Point to thе piсtuте. Ask:
*. Ъaсh/rеvi se bаt, troll, wizаrd, pеt. Draw or show Whаt's hеr паmе? (Hеr namеЪ Ann.) Tеll lеarnеrs to
piсfurеs to tеaсh thеm. Еxplain that a troll is a toy in thе look at thе piсturеs and writr thе сhildrеn's namеs on
stoгy. Show lеarnеrs that troll and doll havе thе samе thе dottеd linеs (sеntеnсеs l 3). Lеarnеrs сan find/сhесk
last thrее lеttеrs. For pеts draw or show piсturеs ofa thе spеlling оf еaсh сhildЪ namе in thе story.
сat and a dog. Say: Somе pеoplе hсlve а bird or thesе
Chесk onswers:
апimаls in thеir housе or flаt. Thеsе аrе pеts' Аsk.. Hауе
уou got а pеt? 1 Тom 2 Sue 3 Pot

ф; Lеarnеrs opеn thеir books and look at thе piсturеs and ** Ask onе lеarnеr: Whаt's уpцl:паmе? (lеarnеr answеrs)
Sеntrnсеs. Ask diffеrеnt lеаrnеrs to rеpеаt thе nеw Saу: Sorry? (Say this aS if you,vе forgottеn or not hеard
words. Lеarnеrs draw linеs to matсh thе sеntеnсеs with сorrесtly.) Whаt's уplltnаmе./ (lеarnеr answеrs again)
thе piсturеs' Walk around and сhесk thеу havе donе Thеn point to yoursеlf to еmphasisr mу aлd saу Mу
this сorrесtly. You сould also сhесk answеrs by asking: nаmе,s (add your own namе). Drill thе quеstion and
|Цhаt colour's thе bаt? (brown and grееn) Is this troll answеrs сhorally. Lеarnеrs thеn ask and answеr thе samе
bеаutiJut? (No, it's tlgirу|) I|lhаt сolour is thе wizаrd's quеstion in pairs and сomplеtе Sеntеnсе 4 by writing
hаir,? (Ь|ack) Whаt pе!;са|1 уoLr sее? (a сat' a dog and a thеir own namе.
@ wь" hos got thе hots? Тest tip:
Мokе sure lеornеrs undeгstond the tiсk/сross instruсtion.
Tеaсh/rеvisе ||ho '.. Z by writing it on thе board and Leoгneгs hovе to Put tiсks or сrossеs in boxes in two poгts of
drawing a littlе faсе in Whсo?. Tе11 lеarnеrs that wе usе thе YLЕ Stогteгs Test (in Reoding ond Writing Poгt 1 ond in
Who? to ask about pеoplе. Point to еaсh of thе four Listening Porc 3).
faсеs in B again and ask: Who|c this? (Ann, Tom, Suе,
Pat) Yоu might likе to сomparе Who ... ? with |Цhаt ... ?
Piсk up a pеnсil and ask: |fhаt,s this? (a pеnсil) Touсh @ onе robot. Two robots.
a lеarnеrЪ shouldеr and ask: Who's this,? (Maria) Rеpеat ;р You may nееd to rеvisе numbеrs 1-5 bеforе doing this
this sеvеral timеs to еmphasisе thе diffеrеnсе. task. You might likе to writе thе words oпе, two, three,
Lеarnеrs look at thе еxamplе. Аsk Who has got thе four,five on onе sidе ofthе boaгd and thе numbеrs 1, 2,
hаts? (Тom) In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs in 3,4, 5 on thе othеr. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs tо сomе to thе
thе story or rеad thе tехt and writе thе сorrесt namе in board and еaсh draw a linе tо link onе of thе numbеrs
sеntеnсеs 1 6. with thе сorrесt Word.

Cheсk onswers:
* Hold up оnе book and saу.' I vе got а book. I,vе got onе
book.Тhen writе on thе board: I'vе got а book. - I'уe
1 Pot 2 Тom 3 Suе 4 Ann 5 Тom 6 Ann got onе book. Holrd up two books and SaУ| I'vе got two
books. Тhen writе on thе bоard: I ve got two book. . . .

Extension: .t|hаt
Point to thе еnd of boсlk. Аsk.. lеttеr goes herе? (s)
.S'Shapе in thе air whеn you say this. Now hold
You mog need to revise thе olphoЬеt beforе doing this Makе an
еxtension. Lеorners сlose their books. Divide leornеrs into up thrее books and saу.. I've got . . ' ? (thrее books) Makе
four gгoups (A' B' с ond D) ond give eoсh grouP o pieсе of surе lеarnеrs pronounсе thе final s.
popеr. Аsk eoсh gгoup to wгite the nome gou sog on the
popeг. Sog: Аnn to gгoup A, rom to gгoup B, Suе to gгoup C * Drill а/oпе, hvo, threе,four and.fivе and simplе plural
ond Pсt to gгouP D. Gгoups remembеr, if theg сon, how to forms of book, peпcil and othеr сlassroom itеms by
soe[[ these nomеs. holding thеm up оr drawing thеm on thе boaгd. Bеgin
Cheсk onswers Ьg osking o vo[unteeг from eосh gгouP to thе сhoral rrsponsе wtth I'vе got , . . and ask lеarnеrs
spеll out their nome fгom the storg. Ask: How do цou spell .s' shapе in thе air
gour nome? (leoгnегs onswеr) Write thot quеstion on the to finish thе sеntеnсе and draw thе
boord. In poiгs, leornеrs thеn wolk oround ond osk оnd whеn thеrе is a olural.
onswеr the question with different сlоssmotеs.
Teoсhing tip:
Тest note: Cheсk thоt lеoгnегs use thе сppгopriote lsl or |zl
pгonunсiotion foг the finot s. (Regu[oг plurol s is pгonounсed
Тhе futt list of Stoгtеrs nomеs is: АIeх, Аnn, Аnno, Ben, BiII, J\II,
lzl after
-b, -d, -g, J, -m, -n, -r ond -w.)
Kim, Luсg, Мoц, Niсk, Poц Sаm, Sue, Tom ond Тong.
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе of thе robots. Ъaсlr,/rеvisе
robot. Аsk two or thrее lеarnеrs (or all thе сlass if thеy d
@ ть:s is o Ьike. еnjoy it) tо stand up and walk likе a robot.
Lеarnеrs lоok at thе piсturеs of things that arе in thе Chесk story voсаbulary by pointing to еaсh objесt in thе
story. In оpеn сlass, lеarnеrs look at thе two еxamplеs. piсturе in turn and asking: I|lhаt's this?
Point to thе bikе and ask: Is this а bikе? (уеs) Point to Lеarnеrs lоok at thе ехamplе. Saу Thе robots hаvе got
thе tiсk in thе box or draw a big tiсk in thе air. Say: Ies, oпе bаg. Whеrе's thе bаg? Lеarnеrs find thе bag in thе
this is right. This is а bikе. Potnt to thе troll and ask: 1s piсturе. In pairs, thеy thеn сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs using
this а bikе? (nо) Point to thе сross in thе box or draw a singular and plural forms appropriatеly.
big сrоss in thе air. Say: ly'o, this is wrong. This is not а
bikе. This is а ... ? (trol.'1 Cheсk onswers:
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs, rеad thе sеntеnсеs and 1 bike, kite' guitor, duсk 2 hots, bots
put a tiсk or a сroSS in еaсh boх. Thеy сould сhесk thеir 3 dotts' penсi[s, Ьooks
answrrs in pairs. ЪaсЫrеvisе How mаnу '.. ? Draw onе book, thrее hats
Givе еaсh lеarnеr a piесе of A4 papеr or сard. Tеll thеm and fivе bats on thе board. Point to thе drawings and
to draw a big tiсk on onе sidе ofthе сard and a big сross ask How mапу books аrе thеrе? (1) How mапу hаts аrе
on thе othеr sidе ofthе сaгd. there? (З.) How mаnу bаts аrе thеrе? (5)
Point to еaсh piсturе and ask: Is thi,s а cаr/boу/truсk/ Tеll lеarnеrs to look at thе piсturе on SB p 7. Ask:
girl/bаll/kite? Lеarnеrs hold up thеir сards to show Whеrе аre thе hаts? (lеarnеrs point tо thе hats) 11ow
еithеr a tiсk or a сross for еaсh answеr. Lеarnеrs thеn mапу hаts аrе thеrе iп thе piсturе? (2) I|lhеrе аrе thе
сorrесt Sеntеnсеs 2,З and 6. Thеy сroSS out thе wrong bаts? (|earnеrs point to thе bats) How шаnу bаts аrе
words and writе thе сorfесt Words (b* duсk, tt+сk thеrе iп thе piсturе? ('2)
lizard ki+е doll).

Cheсk onswers:
|r' 2х 3x цr' 5r' 6x

lеaгnеrs a sеt of Тest tip:
*- Givе еaсh groшp of thrее oг iour
thе gеs/no piсturе sentenсes
;;;yi; "";' Ф sо). Мakе surе thе сards arеa mixеd
ln Rеoding ond Writing Poгt 2, oг
сaгds faсе down on tablе or on o." u,uotig obout сolouг,. numbers, Positions of objесts
вu.ь g.oup plaсеs thеir or|e red. There ore two books.
takе it in turns to turn ovrf two
сards oсtivities. For еxompte: l nе books
iь" tй'. i.u.,",, two ;; ;;' аre under'the tob|e. The bo-ц is writing' Use othег
ехamplе: oпе.frog,
and say what thеy сan Srе' for piсtuгes for moге pгoсtiсe of Poгt 2.
I'vе got oп.е Jrog апd tуvo
dog,. (st.ongеr lеarnеrs saу..

J,Ь.l.rг arеn,t a matсhing pair, thеy rеplaсе Now listen qnd сolour the robots.
'ь.Ъards do matсh, lеarnеrs kееp чtiJ '. 03
thе сards faсе down. If thе сards ,еarnеr has rе4
уеllow, bluе and
ovеr two сards. Thе . Мakе surе that rасn l
,ь" puo. Тhе nеxt lеarnеr thеn turns in *. n:"j}:.]^.}Y.у:,"
gu-. ."o' whеn all thе сards arе matсhеd. ;;;"; pеnсils (likе- thе robоt aу L i s еп а п d
il;;; i;;;;" ; ;- iи n,,' " h etp с ur е ? (4)
i t :,

оf a robot on thе

сolour thе robots, Do a quiсk drawing

W.'.re got o dog! сan just сo]our thе
board and show lеarnеrs1hut th.у
@ got tf nеcеssary. Using .p. robots,hеads flrst. Thеу don,t nееd to finish
*з TеaсЫrеvi se I уе/shе's/hе's/we'vе .How "i.ь"
.Jlo.-L,ine thеir bоdiеs. Thеy сan
do that at thе еnd of thе
сlassroom or thе rnanу?' gamе
objесts from thе
in opеn сlass to aсtivitу.
.u,d, f.o- Е, ask onе or two lеaгnеrs сolour.
for еxamplе: thrее .* Plaу Traсk 03 of thе СD. Lеarnеrs listеn and
hold up сhosеn numbеrs of objесts, havе сhоsеn thе
p.,'сlt.. Ask: -F1ow mопу pепсils hаvе уo.u.gol?
(I'vе got w"1к around' сhесking that lеarnеrs
iь... p"n.it,.) Pointing tЬ thе lеarnеr.W1th
thr pеnсils, cofrесt сolours. Plaу thе СD again
ask anothеr lеarnеr: й, *onу
pnnсils hаs shе/hе got?
Chесk onswers:
1Shе's,Hе.s got thrее with the penсils - gгeen
сho-osеs аn ob.jесt thе robot
* Dividе lеarnеrs into pairs. Еaсh pair thе robot on the Ьook - rеd
thеir objесt, for on the toblе _ getlow
to hold up. Ask q.,.*iio.'' about the robot
got?'(lеarnеrs _
ехamplеl/1ow mапу books hаvе уou thе robot next to thе соt Ь[uе
uns*". bеginning with Wе уе got . . . ) Drill. Lеаrnеrs if thеу would
pairs using *, Givе lеarnеrs t1mr to finish thеir сolоuгing
сould сontinuе this praсtiсе in сlosеd
likе to do that.
diffеrеnt objесts.
to look
. Divtсlе lеarnеrs into groups of four. Ask lеaтnеrs
piсturе 1 and
onе pair looks at
u..ь" two piсfurеs in F.
Look atthe piсture. Listen ond look.
piсturе 2. Thеу takе turns to saу
thе othеr pair looks at
Piсturе One
about thеir Ьwn piсturе, for.ехarrrplе: some penсils.
'"-"iьi"Ё of hits!Piсturе 2.. ||е'уе got.four
/ Womqn: Look! one гobot hos got
1- йт,}otJbur / lots
lots of kitеs! Bog: Тhot's right... lt's funng!
lв Strongеr lеarnеrs сould writе sеntеnсеS for thе piсturеs Womon: Colouг thqt гobot 9геen.
in thеir notеbooks. Bog: Soггg? Colouг it grеen?
Womon: Yes, plеosе.
got lots ofpеts. тeoсh/ Two
|nthе stoгg, thJ сhitdгеn sog wе,ve
on o book.
гevise lots of os meoning fouг or more. Womon: And took! Theге's o гobot
Bog: oh ges! A гobot is on the book.
Suе hos got o red penсi[. Womon: Colour it rеd.
Bog: Cotouг it with mu red pеnсil?
of thе сhildrеn and also Womon: Yes. Thot's right.
to rеmind lеarnегs of thе namеs
to tеaсh/геvisе four соlour s (.rеd, уеllow, bluе, greеп)' Three
pЪin.. Pat/Tom. Аsk..Ifhаt's his паmе? Bog: And one гobot's on the toЬte. Look!
hеr паmе? (Slel
Now point to Suе/Ann. Ьsk.. Whаt's Womon: Yes! Cotour it ge[[ow'
д,ln)Ъuy. Оnе robot's got Somе pе|Iс.ils. Whаt
grееn) Bog: Colouг the гobot on the toble getlow?
robot's pепciis? (rеф yеl1oщ bluе,
""" 't'" Ьsk Hауе Womon: Yes.
* In opеn сlass, look at thе two еxamplеs.
thе childrеп got а саt.? (уеs) Point
tо thе сat. In pairs, Bog: oK.
thе сat is. Ask: I]аs thе
lеarnеrs show еaсh othеr whеrе Four
саt got а toу mousе? (no) too. Look!
Bog: Тhe сot hos got o smoil tog гobot
1-6 arrd write уеs or пo too. Cotouг it
с+ In pairs, lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs Womon: Yes, the сot hos got o гobot
on thе dottеd linеs. bluе.
Bog: Pогdon? Colour it btuе?
Womqn: Yes, plеosе.
(ы+'ю rеф flvе Bog: Тhегe.
Lеa ,rnеrs сorrrсt Sеntеnсеs 1, 3 and
Wett donе!

fou r, ha+s hair).
@ Let's drсw! @ сo-е ond PloЧ with me todog!
*, Ask: Il/herе's thе mousе? (lеarnеrs point to thе mousе rn *: If pоssiblе, put an еvеn numbеr of wizard (W)' lizard (L),
thе ехamplе boх) Rеad thе ехamplе Sеntеnсе' Point and doll (D) and troll (T) сards (p 51) foldеd in a hat fоr this
saу: Look! This is а moцSе. gamе. You also nееd plеnty of spaсе, sо if pоssiblе movе

to thе boх f,or sеntеnсе 1 and ask: Whаt's this? dеsks or tablеs to thе sidе ofthе room or play this outsidе
's. Point ,саt'oп thе liпе, in thе playground.
Whаt саn уou sее? (a сat) Say: ITritе
thеn drаw апd сolour thе саt. Lеarnеrs сomplеtе thе * TеaсЫrеvisе impеrativеs if nесеssary. Givе lеarnеrs
sеntеnсе, join thе dots to сomplеtе thе сat, thеn сolour instruсtions, for еxamplе: Sit dowп. Сlosе уour еуеs'
it. Stапd up. Jump! Smilе! |Ilаvе!
{*: Ask lеarnеrs for othеr toys or animals thеy сan Ask: Whаt do thе сhildrеп sау? Сomе апd '.. (p\aу with
rеmеmbеr from thе story. Ask thеm to hеlp you spеll mе/us today). Lеarnеrs rеpеat thе phгasе ail togеthеr.
thе words and writе about еight of thеsе on thе boarф Ехplain in Ll if nесеssary that wr сan a|so saу.' Сomе
for еxamplе: kitе, bаt, hаt, duсk, truсk, doll, troll, lizаrd. апd look! Сomе апd еаt! Bеckon with уour fingеr to
Lеarnеrs сhoosе thrее ofthеsе and draw thеm in thе hеlp lеarnеrs цndеrstand thе mеaning.
othеr thrее boxеs. Lеarnеrs should not writе yеt. * Tе11 iеarnеrs in this gamе thеy arе wizards, lizards, dolls
* Whеn all thrее drawings arе finishеd ask two or thrее or trolls. Show lеarnеrs thе lеttеrs r4r, L' D and Zon thе
lеarnеrs to show you onr ofthеir drawings. In opеn сards. Say: Iп this gаmе, wizаrds./iпd wizсlrds, lizаrds
сlass, say: Thаt's good! I likеуour (robot). It'sfunпу! fiпd lizаrds, dolls fiпd dolls апd troll,s find trolls'
Thаt's grеаt!
'* Ask two lеarnеrs to hеlp you dеmonstratе thе gamе. Ask
* In A and B pairs, lеarnеrs ехсhangе books. Тhеy look at thе two lеarnеrs to takе a сard еaсh out ofthе hat. Тhеy
thеiг partnеr's drawings and say: Thаt's good! or Thаt,s look at thеir сard to sее if thеy havе W (a wizard)' L
funnу! Lеarnеr A thеn сomplеtеs lеarnеr B's sеntеnсеs. (atizard), D (a doll) or T (a troll). Ъl1 thе сlass that yоu
Lеarnеr B сomplеtеs lеarnеr A,s sеntеnсеs. Тhеy arе a doll and that you want to find anothеr doll. Prompt
еxсhangе bоoks again and сhесk thеir partnеr,s answеrs. lеarnеrs A and B to say thеir linеs as follows.
Tеaсhеr: Аrе уou сt doll?

@ Pot, сot ... Lеarnеr A: 1y'ol

Tеaсhеr: Аrе уou а doll?
Lеarnеrs look at thе еight words nехt to thе thrее Lеarnеr B: Yеs !
flashеs. Rеad out thе words. Point to Pаt tn the yеllow Теaсhеr: Сomе сlnd plаv with mе todау!
flash, thеn saу Pаt again. Ask lеarnеrs in L1 if nесеssaгy Lеarnеr B: ОKl
whiсh othеr words sound thе samе. Saу Pаt апd .. ' ? * Еaсh lеarnеr thеn takеs a foldеd сard from thе hat but
(bat, сat, hat) Lеarnеrs add bаt, саt, hаt to thе yеllow
kееps this a Sесrеt.
flash. Say doll agatn. Тhеn say: doll аnd ... ? (tгoll)
.i* Lеarnеrs walk around and play thе gamе.
Lеarnеrs writе troll in thе pink flash. Rеpеat wtIh truсk
аnd '., ? (duсk) Lеarnеrs write duck in thе bluе flash. .& To rrpеat thе gamе with nеw partnеrs, wizards thеn find
lizards and lizards find wizards. Dolls find trolls and
Listеn to the Сomе аnd plау story again. Play traсk
trolls find dolls.
02 of thе СD. Whеn lеarnеrs hеar any onе of thе еight
words оn thе list (in singular or plural florm), thеy put up Proiесt:
thеir hand to shоw you thеy hеard it.
Sog: Тom hos got some hots in thе storg, some funng red hots. l,ve
Ask lеarnеrs if thеy know anу othеr Еnglish words got some funng hats too. l've got sorne funng gellow hots'l Wгitе
whiсh sound thе samе as Pаt and саt at the еnd (Startеrs on the Ьooгd: l've got some funnц цel[ow hоts. Leornегs dгow
words:./сr, mаt, thаi). Lеarnеrs add thеsе to thе yеllow theiг fivе fovouгite things on o sheet of popeг' for exomple:
o Ьike, o skоteЬoord, o сot, o kite' on МP3 ptoчer. Тheg then
flash. Prompt lеarnеrs by making thе initial sound (/.. ?,
writе fivе sеntenсеs Ьeginning with l,ve got o ..., сompleting
m... ? th... ?). eoсh onе with the woгd foг еoсh objeсt. Theg odd сolouгs
Writе on thе board: oг otheг оdjeсtives thot theg now know (big, smoll, funng'
Thаt fаt саt hа,s got а hаt аnd а bаt! uglg, beoutiful, good, fot) too. For exomple: l've got o beoutiful
blue bike. If [еoгnеrs need help with oгdeгing odjeсtives, use
Сomе апd plау with mу doll аnd troll!
еxomples from thе storg to show this: l've got some funng red
Thеrе,s аJunnу duсk in thаt truсk! hots. We,ve got on uglg blue troll. Leorners wгitе their nomеs
Lеarnеrs rеpеat thе rhymеs togеthеr onсе. on thе sheets of poper. Disptoч thеiг dгowings/сolloges
oгound the сlossroom if possiЬle.
Тhrow a soft ball to onе lеarnеr and say: doll.Тel'Ithe
lеarnеr to say a word that sounds thе samе and thеn
throw thе ball baсk to you. Throw thе ball to a diffеrеnt
lеarnеr and say: truсk. Аgain thе lеarnеr has to say a
word that sounds thе samе, thеn throw thе ball baсk to
vou. Rеоеat this with othеr words.
How mапу prеSеnts аrе thеre iп thе pictttrе? (З) Whаt
colour аrе thе bаllooпs? (purplе and rеd) How mапу
Мoin topiсs: fomitч' food, сotours, numbers 6_10 birthdау cаrds сtrе thеrе? (2)
Мoin grоmmor: possеssivе's: B
LеtЪ... : E
Question woгds (How old? How mong?
Wherel): G, H Before [istening
Test proсtiсe: Reсding ond Writing Port 2: G Ё*' Lеarnеrs look at thе fiгst piсturе on SB p 10. Thеy do
Listening Poгt ]: F not rеad thе tеxt.
Speoking Poгс 2: F: Poгt 4: E
Point to Kim (thе giгl danсing) and ask: Is this а boу or
Мovers/F[9ers Ьot (n), сoгd (n), porcg (n), present (n)
а girl? (a giгl)
WhoЗ with hеr? (her family - muш, dad brothеr, slstеr,
Non-YLЕ words: bolloon (n), Hoorog! (еxсt)
gгаndpa ,grand Гathеr)
Еquipment: о CD: Stoгg, F, H Hаvе уou got а grаndpа? Illhаt s his пап.lе?
о o wropped box to [oo|< like o pгesеnt' Il/hеrе is Kinl'? (at homе / in thе living room)
o biгthdog сord, two or thгeе Ьolloons
(optionot): А Say: /y'ow lеt''s look аt thе piсturеs апd listеп to thе storу.
о sheets of роper oг соrd, biгthdog сord.
04 PtogТroсk 04 of thе CD or rеod the
moking moteriols: D @.@*
o сolouгing penсi[s oг pens: D' F storg.
o strips of PqPеr or сord x 4сms
(one per leorner): F Suggestions for o pause if reчuired:
рhotoсopiеs (onе per leorner) of.Bingo' s:. Stop thе СD aftet I'vе got lots of'саrds апd thеsе аrе mу
p52:J prеsепts! (SB p 10)
o new рenсil' rubЬer or ruler сo give
owcЧ os o prize (optionоl): J Ask: Ё1ow mапу pеoplе аrе with Kim? (5)
Whаt is Kim doiпg lzow? (opеning hеr prеsеnts)

After listening to the whote storg

@ ш"*, words for gou!
* Ask: How old is Kim todау? (8)
;р With boоks сlosеd, intгоduсе thе topiс of thе story by Is Kim hаppу? (уes)
asking lеarnеrs quеstions about lamiliеs and pаrtiеs. How old is Grапdpа Bill? (|earners dесldе)
Tеaсh/rеvisе hаvе а pаrф. Аsk.. Do уou hоve pаrtiеs,l
Аsk'. I4lho сomеS to уour birthdау pаrtу,? (friеnds'
namеs and family mеmbеrs) Whаt do уou еаt (lt а
pаrф? (сakе, iсе сrеam) What do уou p/сy? (gamеs) @ тьis is Kim's grondPo.
Writе lеarnеrs' suggеstions on thе boarф hеlping with Ъaсh/rеvisе possеssivе 3' bу holding up a lеarnеrЪ
kеy voсabulary whеrе nесеssary. book. Ask: Whаt's this? (a book) Point to Мaгio and
Saу: This stotу is аbout а girl' Неr папtе's Kim. It's hеr ask: Is this Mаrio,s book,? (уes) Writе on thе board: ГЙis
birthdау todау' is Mсtrio,s book. Drill and rеpеat with othеr lеarnеrs and
thеir objесts.
Point to Мario again and ask: Who's this? (Мario) Point
In the YLЕ tests, Kim, Pсt ond А{еx oгe used os o bog's oг giгl's to two or thrее lеarnеrs in thе сlass and ask: Wlo,'s this?
(lеarnеrs answеr) Lеarnеrs thеll look at thе ехamplе
l;l. TеaсЫrеvisе thе thrее othеr nеW words bаllooпs, piсturе and ask: Who's Йis? (Kim,s Grandpa) Whаt''g his
prе,lеt,lts, саrds . Dtaw or show two or thrее balloons. паmе? (Bt].|\
Ask lеarnеrs to blow any rеal balloons up. Нang thе Lеarnеrs now look at thе othеr piсturеs and writе thе
balloons from a сornеr of thе сlassroom whilе yоu work family words and namеS on thе dottеd linеs. Lеarnеrs
through this unit. Draw or show a wrappеd prеsеnt and a сan find/сhесk еaсh pеrson's namе in thе story to hеlp
birthdaу сard in an еnvrlopе. Ask: Do уou likе prеsепts thеm соmplеtе thе othеr sеntеnсеS. lflеarnеrs nееd
апd саrсls? (yеs) Lеarnеrs сould guеss what's insidе mоге hеlp to сomplеtе sеntеnсеs 1-5. writе thе missing
thе prеsеnt. Tеaсh Hoorауl as having thе samе mеaning familу words on thе boaгd. Notе that in itеms 2 and 4'
as Thсtt's grеаt!Learners Stand up and сlap and all say lеarnеrs will nееd to writе both thе family word and thе
Hoorау! namе (as shown in thе еxamplе).
*i; Lеarnеrs opеn thеir books and look at thе piсturеs
Chесk onswеrs:
and words. Ask diffеrеnt lеаrnеrs to rеpеat thе nеw
words. Lеarnеrs draw linеs to matсh thе words with thr 1 mum/mothег 2 Ьгother, Ben 3 dodlfother
piсturеs. Walk around and сhесk thеy havе dоnе this 4 sisteг, Jil[ 5 Kim
сorrесtlу. You сould also сhесk answеrs by asking:
Еxtеnsion: Аsk Do уou likе Kim's presеnts? In pairs or on thеir
own' lеarnеrs сhoosе thеir favouritе prrsеnt from a]l thе
Leoгneгs drow thе foсеs of their own fomilg membеrs ond
prеsеnts Kim gеts in thе story. Ask two or thrее lеarnеrs
write who thеg ore, for exomple: ma mum' mц brother ond
their nomes. Stгongеr leorners сou[d write whole sentenсes: to thеn tеll thе rеst of thе сlass, for еxamplе: Thе spidеr!
This is mg mum. Her nome's garto. |f leoгneгs need some moгe Strongеr lеarnеrs сan answеr in сomplеtе sеntеnсеs foг
proсtiсe with fomilg woгds, gou moч pгefеr to do this осtivitu еxamplе: ОurlMу fаvouritе prеsепt is thе spidеr.
Ьefoгe thеu do B.
Saу ltlow уou givе Kitп (1 prеSеt1t. [4/hаt s l;our prеSепt to
Kim? Drаw а prеsепt.for Kfuz. Lеarnеrs dесidе and еaсh

@ wьiсh orе Kim's Presеnts? draws thеir сhosеn prеsеnt in thе еmpty boх. Мakе surе
lеarnеrs know thеy сan сhoosе any prеsеnt, not only
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs and tеll you what prеsеnts prеsеnts from thе story. Ask two or thrее lеarnеrs what
thеy сan See (сloсk, (|эсlsеbаll) bаt, soсks, tigеr, (suп) prеSеnt thеу would likе to givе to Kim.
hоt, spidеr).
In рairs, lеarnеrs try to rеmrmbеr whiсh of thеsе
arе KimЪ birthday prrsеnts. Thеy should bе ablе to @ L"t's hсve o Pqrtg!
rеmеmbеr, but if thеy nееd hеlp, thеу сan flnd thе Ask lеarnеrs: Do уou likе pа'rtiеs? (уes) Whаt doеs
answеrs in thе storу. Kim s m,ulп sау in thе storу? (Let's havе a рarty!) Ask:
Whаt does Kim sау? (Lеt,s gеt somе balloons!)
r*i Lеarnеrs put a tiсk or a сross in еaсh ofthе boxеs.
Ехplain in L1 if nесеssary that lel]s mеans somеthing
lflеarnеrs still havе thеir tiсks and сrossеs сards fтom
like I wапt to / I thiпk wе сс|11,
Сomе аnd plау, theу сould hоld thеsо up whеn you
сhесk answегs. Saу.. Lеt s look аt thеsе piсturеs иoи,. (Point to thе
piсturеs in Е.) Lеarnеrs look at thе siх piсturеs and at
Cheсk onswers: thе list of things to do for thе party. Point to piсturе 1
tiсks: soсks, sun hоt, toч spider and at thе list of ler3 ... suggеstions. Ask: |Ilhаt's Jill
сrosses: с[oсk, (Ьosebоll) Ьot, tigeг sауiпg? Lеt s .. . ? (makе somе party hats) Lеarnеrs
write паkе Somе pсlrtу hаt's in thе spеесh bubblе,
Еxtension: сrossing it out on thе list as thеy do this.
Leorners plog o guessing gome. Put o selесtion of сtossroom In pairs, lеarnеrs matсh thе othеr Zel 3' .. ' suggеstions
objeсts (ond/or items like o Ьirchdog сoгd, о Ьoltoon, o smo[[ with thе piсtuгеs and сomplеtе spеесh bubblеs 1-5.
boх, on opple, o photo) into o Ьog. Puс gour hоnd into the
bоg оnd hold еoсh mgsteгg objeсt in tuгn. Lеorneгs guеss Cheсk onswers:
whot gou oгe holding, using longuoge from the storg. Ask:
Whot's this? Leorners onsweг: ls it с ... ? Use shoгt onswers to 1 mokе somе poгtg hots 2 mоke o сoke 3 sing some
replg to theiг guesses: yes, it ls. Nq it isn't. songs 4 get somе Ьоlloons 5 hovе some lemonodе

,* on thе board, draw a happy and an unhappy smilеy

(o Ф) Writе: oKl Grеаt!nеxt to thе happy smilеy and
@ н"ppg birthdog! No! Not пow! nехt to thе unhappy smilеу. Nощ makе
You may nееd to rеvisе numbеrs 6*10 bеforе doing this Lеt,s '.. suggеstions. Lеarnеrs rеspond, using thе two
task. You might likе to writе thе words siх, sеvеп, еight, options on thе board. Saу Lеt''s mаkе somе pаrф hаts!
пinе, tеп on onе sidе olthе board and thе numbеrs: б, (oK! Grеat!) Lеt's writе lots of loпgwords!(No! Not
7. 8. 9.10 on thе othеr. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to сomе now!) Drill thеsе rеsponsеs with lеarnеrs. Rеpеat with
to thе Ьoard and еaсh draw a linе to link onе ofthе othеr suggеstions that you think lеarnеrs might likе/
numbеrs with thе сorrесt Word. dislikе! Strongеr lеarnеrs might likе to think of thеir
Ask: .l1ow old аrе уou? (lеarnеrs answеr) Writе thе own suggеstions with ler 3'.
quеstion on thе board. Dгill thе quеstion and answеr
сhorally. Lеarnеrs ask and answеr thе quеstiоn in
сlosеd pairs оr walk around thе сlassroom and ask othеr
@ ffi*o * Put thе ссke on the pink
Ask: 11ow old is Kim? (ShеЪ 8.) Saу Lеt's mаkе Kim Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе. Аsk: |Цhеrе 3'rЙis? (KimЪ
somе birthdау саrds. housе / homе / living rоom) Point to еaсh of thе srх
small piсturеs in furn. Аsk: Whаt s this/.t4/hаt аrе thеsе?
Givе еaсh lеarnеr a shееt ofсolourеd papеr or сarф
(сakе, iсе crеam' balloons, lеmonadе, spidеr, gamе)
somе сoiouring pеnсils and any othеr сraft matеrial/
еquipmеnt that you havе availablе (gluе, glittеr, ribbons, ;!l TеaсЫrеvisе iп, on, uпdеr if nесеssary.
sсissors, stiсl'ry silvеr stars, old magazinеs to сut piсturеs rl. Givе еaсh lеarnег a piесе of papеr approximatеly
from). Lеarnеrs makе thеir сards, dесorating thе frоnt 1 5сms х 4сms ( l 0 strips
: 1 A4 shееt). on thеir piесеs
and writing thе grееtings and thеir namеs insidе as ofpapеr, lеarnегs draw thrее small piсturеs (a сakе,
shown in aсtivity D. a balloon and somе lеmonadе) and thеn сolour thеir
Displaу thе сards around thе сlassroom. Allow lеarnеrs piсturеs. Thеy thеn сut or fold and tеar thе papеr so that
somе timе to look at all thе сards. еaсh piсturе is sеparatе.

,lg. Lеarnеrs now look at thе big piсturе again. Saу: Put ;- t vul
thе саkе on thе уеllow tаblе. Learners piсk up thеir Now the spidег. Let's Put it in thе box.

.t4/еll $ Dod:
own сakе and plaсе it on thе yеllow tab|e. Saу
Kim: Wheгe?
doпе! Now put thе bаllooп uпdеr thе whitе сhаir' Now $
lеt's put thе lеmonаdе oп the ... ?. (lеarnеrs suggеst a $ Dod: Put the spider in thе box.
plaсе) onсе сhosеn, givе this third instruсtion again. For * Kim: Right! lt's funng!
ехamplе: Now put thе lеmoпаdе oп thе mаt. i: -.
:i гlye
.* Lеarnеrs rеmovе thеir own drawings from thе p1сturе. кi'. And the gome, Dod?
thеm this timе thеy hеar Kim and KimЪ dad
{ ooа. Put the gomе under the whitе сhоiг.
talking. Тhеy listеn and draw linеs from thе fivе objесts
to thе right plaсеs in thе piсturе. Ё Kim: Undeг the whitе сhoiг. oK! Gгeot!

.Ч Dod: Wеtl donе! Now lеt's go ond find Mum.

тest note:
|n Listening Poгt 1, leoгners should olwogs dгow stroight lines
from the oЪi".t to the ptoсе in the piсture if possiblе. |f сheg
@ кim's oPеning her Presеnts now!
wont to use гu[егs, thot's finе.
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе. Ask somе gеnеral quеstlons
Мakе surе all lеarnеrs havе pеnсils (and rulеrs) rеady. about thе piсturе to rеminсl lеarnеrs of thе namеs of thе
Play Traсk 05 of thе СD. Stop aftеr thе fiгst instruсtiоn сhildrеn and to rеvisе сolours and objесts. Ask: 11orr,
to makе surе еvеryonе undrrstands thе instruсtions and mапу people аrе in thе picturе? (.З) Who аrе thеу? (Kim'
сhесk thе first answеr (linе from thе сakе tо on thе pink Grandpa Bill, Jill) Whаt',s on Kim,.s hе(1d,? (a sun hat)
In opеn сlass, look at thе two еxamplеs. Ask: 1s Klrz ]s
Play thе rеst of Traсk 05. Play it a sесond tlmе if sttп hаt уеllovv? (yеs) Is Kim oп thе bеасh? (no) Whеrе
nrсеSsary. is shе? (at homе / in thе hоusе / in thе living room)

Cheсk onswеrs: Lеarnеrs on thеir own or in pairs rеad sеntеnсеs 1-6 and
writе 'i'es or пo ollthе dottеd linеs.
Ask Where ... ? quеstions, for exomр[e: WherеЪ the iсe сreom?
Lines dгown fгom: thе iсе сrеom to on the Ьlue toble, thе Cheсk onswers:
bolloons to in thе grеen bog, the lemonode to on the gеllow
toЬle' the spidег to in thе box, the gomе to undеr the whitе 1no 2gеs 3gеs 4no 5no 6ges
Ьsk.. Whаt аrе thе wroпg words in ], 4 апd 5? Whаt

Тopеsсript: right words сап wе put hеrе? (fr+е thrее/3, Ыeth€{

sistеr, tablе wall)
Look atthe piсture. Listen оnd look. Тhere is one exornp{e.
Ask lеarnеrs |I/hаt colour,?/How mаnу? quеstions about
Dod: Kim ... Put the сoke on thе Pink toble.
thе piсturе, for ехamplе: Whаt сoLour is Jill'.s hаir? (red)
Kim: Soггg, Dod ... Whеre? How mапу bаllooпs аrе thеrе,? (5)
Dod: Put the сoke on the pink toЬtе.
Kim: OK!
Сon gou see the |ine? This is on eхomple. Now gou listеn
@ Ir this o bot?
*я Writе a quеstion and answеr pair on theЬoard: How
ond drow lines.
old аrе уou? I'm Mаriа! Ask'. 1s this thе right апswеr?
One (no) Ifhаt's the right аnswеr? (I'm 8/9/10.) Writе two
Dod: Now' put thе iсe сгeom on thе Ьlue toble. morе quеstions and answеrs on thе board to add to thе
Kim: Тhe iсe сreqm? on the blue tobtе? first pair. Whаt's уour паmе? I|/hеrе's уour boоk? I'm
ten. It,s oп mу dеsk. Lеarnеrs look at thе thгее quеstlons
Dod Yes. Тhot's гight.
and thrее answеrs and matсh thеm. You сould do this by
Kim: oK! l сon do thot. asking thrее lеarnеrs to сomе to thе board and to draw
Ёj rwo a linе bеtwееn onе quеstiоn and onе answеr. Drill thеsе

ooа: Put thе bolloons in thе big green bog. quеstions and answеrs.
Ё Kim: oK! Тhегe! Тhe Ьolloons oгe in the big gгeen ф: Lеarnеrs now look at thе spеесh bubblеs. Ask onе lеatnеr
Ьog now. tо rеad out thе first еxamplе: Is this а bаt? Аsk: Whrl
sауs this iп thе stolу? (Kim) Ask onе lеarnеr tо rеad out
Dod: Good. l love bо[[oons!
thе еxamplе answrr: No, it''s а sun hаt. Saу'. Look аt thе
Kim: Me too!
аn,Swеrs iп thе boх. Is this thе right апswеr? (уes)
Тhree ,в In pairs, lеarnеrs find matсhing answеrs for thе four
Dod: And tеt's Put the lеmonodе on ... ?
othеr sDеесh bubblеs.
Kim: Let's put it on the gеllow toble, Dod!
Cheсk onswers:
Dod: on the gellow tobtе. oKI Greot!
Hoppg Ьiгthdog! _ Тhonk gou!
Kim: l lovе lemonode! Where's mg tog spiderl _ |t's undег the сhoiг.
How o[d oгe чou? - l'm nine.
Let's plog some gomes! _ oK! Gгeсt!
Аsk Whiсh (l||Swеr iп thе boх isn't ап апswеr hеrе? Suggеstions:
(No, hе isn't.) Ask lеarnеrs if thеy сan think of a good
Тhis сoke is gгeot!
quеstion for this, for еxamplе: Is hе sаd? Is hе niпе?
Тhot's mg сhoir!
Dividе lеarnеrs into two groups. Drill еaсh dialoguе, Whеrе's mg tog sPider?
altеrnating groups that answеr. Thеn put lеarnеrs in Тhis isn't mg hоt!
pairs and ask thеm to rolе play thе dialoguеs. Grondpo Bill's got о[[ thе bolloons!
Look ot thot tigeг!
Hove gou got o good bikel

@ lt's mg birthdog todog! Wow!

It's o kite!
wont o new Ьot!
ln pairs' lеarnеrs now imaginе thеy arе at thеir own Wheгe's thot Ьгown boxl
birthday party. Writе on thе board: How old аrе уou Мч PenсiI is Ь[uе.
Listеn to thе сloсk ... tiсk.toсk.
todау? Whctt аrе уou еаtiпg? Who's аt уottr pctrtу?
|fhаt s уour fаvouritе prеsепt? Iflearners nееd somе
hеlp with idеas, ask for a fеw suggеstions for еaсh
answеr bеforе thеy work in pairs. For еxamplе: iсe
сrеаш l S(lLlSаgеS' 9 l I0, Tonу l mу grаndmа' mу пеw
soсks l m,,- bikе.
In pairs, lеaгnеrs writе down thеir idеas. Еnсouragе
thеm to bе сrеativе. Walk around and hеlp with idеas
and spеllings whеrе nесеssary.
Lеarnеrs rеad thе tехt. Thеy сroSS out thе grееn words
and writе thеir own idеas on thе dottеd linеs.
Ask two oг thrее lеarnеrs tо rеad out thеir own anSWеrS.
Thе сlass сould thеn sing .Happy birthday, again to onе
of thеm.

@ вo"tg gсrmes! Let's Plog Bingo!

Givе еaсh lеarnеr photoсopy of .Bingo!' (p 52). Ask
thеm what thеy сan sее in thе piсtuгеs in thе lowеr half:
tigеr, саkе, hаt, bikе, bаt, сloсk, pепсil, bаlloon' spider,
сhаir, bсlх' kitе.
iЁl Lеarnеrs сut out thе twеlvе piсturеs frоm thе lowеr half
of thе shееt, thеn plaсе or gluе еaсh onе randomly onto
еithеr onе of thе two
.Bingo!'сards so that all twеlvе arе
usеd' Thеy should dесidе indеpеndеntly whiсh piсturеs
to put on whiсh сard.
Lеarnеrs look at thеir first
.Bingo!' gamе grid. Thеy
listеn whilе you rеad out a sеntеnсе. Strеss thе word
thatЪ undеrlinеd in еaсh suggеstion so that lеarnеrs
rесognisе it еasily. Rеad thе suggеstеd sеntеnсеs in thе
ordеr thеy appеar. As you rеad еaсh sеntеnсе, lеarnеrs
draw a linе through thе piсturе if thеy havе it on thеir
.Bingo!, gгid. Thе first lеarnеr to сross out all his/hеr
piсturеs in thеir Iirst grid ca|l.s Bingo! and wins.
Rеpеat this gamе, playing now with thе sесond grid of
piсturеs. This timе' whеn you rеad out thе sеntеnсеs,
bеgin with thе last sеntеncr and work upwards. Lеarnеrs
сross out piсturеs as bеforе until onе lеarnеr wins.
If possiblе, givе thе winnеr(s) aprize. Suggеstion: a nеw
pеnсil or rubbеr or rulеr!

om l?

i}.i Lеarnrrs opеn thеir books and look at thе piсturеs

and words. Ask diffеrеnt lеаrnеrs to rеpеat thе
words. Lеarnеrs draw linеs to matсh thе words with
Мсin topiсs: onimols, Ьodg ond foсе, сolours
thе piсturеs. Walk around and сhесk thеу havе donе
Moin grommor: dеtermineгs (о/on): C' D
ссn (oЬilitg) ond shoгt onsweгs: F this сorrесtly. You сould also сhесk answеrs by asking:
Who s сlimbiпg thе trее? (thе girl) I|hаt сolottr
аrе thе
Тest proсtiсe: Reoding ond Wгiting Poгt D; Рoгt 2: Е;
How tееth саtt уou
bird's wiпgs? (bluе and red1 Ша|1).
Poгt 3: D; Pоrt 5: G ,Ехсusе rзe,? (thе bоy)
Listening Poгt 4: G sее? (|0.) Иrho sауs
Speoking Poгt 5: J

Мovers/Flgers сtimb (v), Exсuse me! (exp), tooth/teeth (n)' Storgtelting

words: wing (n)
Bеfore listening
Non.YLЕ words: Yippеee! (eхp)

о CD: Storч, E, G
s Lеarnеrs look at thе flrst piсturе on SB p 16. Thеу do
Еquipment: not rеad thе tеxt.
о photoсopies (one pеr [еoгneг) of
.Аnimq[s' p 5З: A, C' H'I
Аsk: Which апimаls са|1 уoLl see? (duсk, еlеphant, frog)
о сolouring penсils oг pens: C, G Наs thе еlеphаnt got smаll еаrs? (tto)
о pieсes of popеr (onе per leorner): I
Is thе еlеphапt's rnouth opеп? (уes)
Is thе duck iп thе wаtеr with thе еlеphаnt? (no)
lеt's look аt thе piсturеs апd listеп to thе story'.
@ ш"w words for gou! r* Saу: |хIow

t With boоks сlosе{ introduсе thе topiс of thе stоry by 06 Pto9Troсk 06 of thе CD or rеod the
,Animals, (p 53) @ storg.
giving еaсh lеarnеr a photoсopy of
Аsk.. Whаt аrе thеsе thrее aпimаls? (an еlеphant, a Suggestions for o pouse if required:
сroсodilе, a monkеy) Writе thе words on thе board.
*$ Stop thе СD aftеr: No. You сlrеп't а crocodilе. Sorrу!
Lеarnеrs сopy еaсh word on thе dottеd linе undег
(SB p 16)
еaсh piсturе. Аsk: Whеrе caп wе sеe thеsе аnimаls?
(suggеstеd anSWеrS: in a zoo, in Afriсa) ||hiсh fuvo апimаls doеs thе duck tаlk to? (an
еlеphant, a сrосodilе)
t Ask: Whаt's уour .fаvouritе апimаl.? Саn уou spеll
Whаt hаs thе сroсodile got? (1,ong tееth, a long
ir? Writе somе of lеarnеrs' suggеstions on thе board.
Lеarnеrs draw thеir own favouritе animal in thе nехt
Is thе duck hаppу or sаd? (\eaтners dесidе)
box and wгitе thе word undеr thе drawing. Walk around
and сhесk thеy havе donе this сorrесtly. After tistening to thе whote storg
ф Lеarnетs kееp thеsе shееts in their Storyfuп book. Thеy * Ask: Whаt сап moпkеуs do? (сlirтb trееs)
will nееd to add drawings of morе animals as уou work Whаt сolour аrе thе duck's wiпgs? (brоwn)
through thе unit. Yоu may prеfеr to сollесt thе shееts in Whаt do duсks sау? (quaсk)
and kееp thеm in a foldеr until nееdеd. !s rhе sntаll duсk hаpp.l. лow., (уеs)
This storу is аbout а duck. Do уou like duсks? (уesl
Saу: ,s Lеarnеrs draw a duсk in box 5 of thе phоtoсopy
no) Ask: |Ilhаt do duсks sау? (quaсkl) .Animals' and writе ducklnder thе ptсturе.

in thе
|n Еngtish, duсks sоg quoсk. Leornеrs wi[t reod this
storg. @ wьiсh onimol sogs this?
,g ЪaсЫrеvisе climb, tooth/tееth,wiпgs ald thе ехprеssron Lеarnеrs look at thе four animals. Point to еaсh animal
and say: I4hаt's this? Drill: 11 3 а duсk / а сrocodilе / ап
Eхсusе mе!Мime сlimbing, or draw or show somеonе
еlеphапt / о moпkеу.
doing this. Point to your tееth and say: Thеsе аrе mу
tееth. You ееееесlt with уour tееeееth. (Еxaggеratе thе Lеarnеrs look at thе spеесh bubblеs. Ask diffеrеnt
lоng /ill in both woгds.) Draw or show a piсturе of a lеarnеrs to rеad оut еaсh sеntеnсе. Мakе surе lеarnегs
birJ. point to its wings. Аsk.. Whаt сап a bird / а duсk undеrstand еaсh sеntеnсе by asking thеm to mimе еaсh
сlo with its wiпgs,? (fly) Walk around thе сlassroom
and onr rn turn.
stop at onе lеarnеr's dеsk. Say: Eхсusе mе! Whаt's усlur Rеad spеесh bubblе 1. Ask: Whiсh апimаl sауs |his iп
nаmе? (lеarnет answеrs) Ask twо iеarnеrs to сhat to еaсh thе storу? (thе сroсodilе) Ask a lеarnеr to saу I'vе
othеr. Walk up to thеm and say: Ехcusе me! Whеrе's loпg whitе tееth (in a сroсodilеЪ voiсе). Lеarnеrs
lots of
that Wе сan Say
уour tесlсhеr? Еxplain in L1 if nесеssary draw a linе from spеесh bubblе l to thе сroсodilе.
Ехсusе mе! to apеrson or pеoplе wе don't knоw bеforе
wе ask thеm a quеstion. ItЪ politе to do this.
'8:. Lеarnеrs сhoosе anSWеrS and draw linеs from SDеесh w In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs ofparts ofthе
bubblеs 24 to the сorrесt animal. еlеphantЪ body. Thеy look at thе sеntеnсеs, unjumblе
thе lеttеrs and writе thе words оn thе dashеd linеs. Whеn
Chесk onswers: giving thе answеrs, makе surе that lеarnеrs rеad out
2 elephont 3 duсk 4 monkeg thе wholе sеntеnсе so that thеy praсtisе saуing а or ап
bеforе еaсh noun.
;* In pairs, lеarnеrs сhoosе onе of thе animals in B.
Lеarnеrs think of a diffеrеnt thing that this animal сan Cheсk onswers:
Say about itsеlf. Thеir Sеntеnсеs should bеgin with
1 eor 2 mouth 3 bodg 4 teg 5 foot
I'vе got or I cап, for еxamplе: I саn swim (duсk), 1 ve
gotJbur /egs (еlеphant). Pairs takе turns to sаy thеir
SеntеnсеS whilе othеr pairs guеss thе animal.
For fuгther pгoсtiсе of bodg ond foсe voсoЬulorg, osk
lеoгneгs Нove цou got ... ? questions. Revisе sit ond stond.
@ wьiсh onimols doеs thе duсk Sog: Sit for o,no' onswer. Stond for o,ges,сnswer. To hеlp
lеoгnеrs gou сould drоw this on the boord, using on oггow
tolk to? pointing down for no ond on oггow pointing up for ges.
Pгoсtise this Ьg osking leornеrs two questions, foг eхomple:
ф Lеarnеrs look at thе diffеrеnt paths that thе duсk сan
Are цou сhildren? (ges _ leoгneгs stond) Аre gou сroсodiles? (no
follow. Аsk How mапу аnimаls саn уou sее? (8) How _ leornегs sit) Suggested questions: Hove gou gottwo orms?
lпапу апimаls doеs thе duсk tаlk to in thе stolу? (4) Hove gou got four legs? Hove цou got o bIue bodg? Hove цou got
Whаt аrе thе thrее nеw апimаls? Teachlrеvise hippo, three eors? Hove цou got white teeth? Hove gou got wings? Hove

Jrog, snаkе. цou got o nose? Нove gou got Iong toils?

* In pairs' lеarnеrs find and сolour thе right path yеllow.

Thеy should bе ablе to rеmеmbеr, but if thеy nееd hеlp,
thеy сan find thе answеrs in thе story. @ ть" duсk is stonding under the
Chесk onswers:
* Rеvisе сolours ifnесеssary bеforе doing this aсtivity.
poth showing еlephоnt, сгoсodilе, monkeч, duсk Ask lеarnеrs thе сolours ofdiffеrеnt objесts in thе

In сlass or as homеwork, lеarnеrs draw a hippo, a frog

сlassroom, thеir сlothеs or animals that thеу know.
and a snakе in boxеs 6,7 and 8 of thеir .Animals' Тest note:
photoсopy and writе thе words undеr thе piсturеs.
Thе futt list of Stoгters сo[ouгs is: blссk blue, brown' green,
Ъaсh/rеvisе а/ап'Write on thе board ап еlеphаnt aлd greу, oronge, pink, purpIe, red, white ond gellow.
а сroсodilе. You many nееd to usе L1 for thе following
ехplanation. Ask lеarnеrs why wе wrtte сln bеforе ф Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе ofthе duсk and thе еlеphant
еlеphаnt and с bеforе сroсodilе' Ifhеlpful, еxplain that on SB p 16 and tiсk thе сorrесt box (yes or пo),
itЪ diffiсult to Say 4 bеforе a word bеginning а, е, i, o
Cheсk onswers:
or и' so Wе uSе ап tlstead. Ъll lеarnеrs to try saуing с
аpplе' Saуing аn аpplе ls еas1еr. lчеs 2no 3no 4no 5ges

@ l'-
on elephont! Leornеrs look otthe storg on SB p 16 ond the piсtuгe ofthe
e Tёaсh/rеvisе parts ofthе body. Point to diffеrеnt parts of duсk ond the сгoсodile. Listеn to oг геod this poгt of the stoгg
your body and say' fоr ехamplе: This is mу ... ? Thеse оgoin ond drill the сonversotion [ine bч [ine in opеn с[oss.
Divide the сloss into А ond B ooirs. Lеorner A is the duсk ond
аre mу ... ? Lеarnеrs add thе сorrесt word in сhorus.
leогnеr B is the сгoсodite. Leогneгs Dгoсtise the сonveгsotion
*с You сould praсtisе furthеr by playing a gamе. Lеarnеrs in poiгs. Theg сon trg to геmembеr thе сonversotion oг гeod
listеn and pоint aftеr еaсh quеstion or instruсtiоn. Say: it fгom their books. Ask one ooir to сome to thе front of the
сloss ond гole plog thе сonversotion.
|{herе аrе уour еуеs? Poiпt to уour еаrs! Now point to
уour пosе! [Гhеrе's уour mouth? Poiпt to а tooth! Now
poiпt to уour tееth! Whеrе аrе уour аrms? Poiпt to уour
lеgs! Now point to уour foot! L|rhеrе s уour hаir? Point @ сon gou сlimb trees? con gou
to уourJёеt! [|hеrе аrе уour hапds? ftg?
Тest notе: *s Ask; Iп thе stotу' who аsks уou climb trееs?'
(thе mоnkеy) IЦhаt,s thе duсk|s аn,'swеr? (No, I сan't!)
Тhе futt list of Stoгteгs bodg ond foсe woгds isl. orm, bodg' eor,
Lеarnеrs сan flnd thе answеr on SB p 17. Writе on thе
ege, foсe, feetlfoot, hoir, hond, heod, [eg' mouth ond nose.
board: Гes, I сап. aпd No, I сап,t.
* Ъaсh/rеviSe run' wаlk, tаlk, flу' swim, jump bу miming
thе aсtions. Ask onе lеarnеr: Сап уou rии? Ifnесеssary,
point to Уеs, I сап' on thе board. Rеpеat with thе othеr
words. Ask othеr lеarnеrs: Сап уou wаlk?'.. swim? ..'
Writе оn thе board: Yes, wе сап. No, wе сап 7. Ask thе Cheсk onswers:
wholе сlass: Саn уou tаlk? |f necessary, point to Yеs' wе
monkеч in thе woter * grееn
cаn. oтthе board. Аsk Саn уou flу? Lеarnеrs answеr in monkе9 with bononos _ rеd
сhorus: No' wе сап,t. monkeg in the floweгs - purple
Drill morе quеstions with les, thеу сап. or No, thеу monkeg Ьehind the tгeе _ bгown
monkeg with the spider - pink
cаn't' aпSwеrs. Suggеstеd quеstions: Сап duсks swim?
Сап duсks jump? Сап croсodilеs fiу? ,;+ Lеarnеrs show еaсh othеr thеir piсturеs and finish
Lеarnеrs now look at thе duсkЪ four quеstions and thе сolouring. Thеy сhoоsе thе сolours for thе rеst ofthе
ехamplе answеr. In pairs or on thеir own, thеy writе thе oiсturе.
сroсodilеЪ othеr answеrs.
Cheсk onswers: Look otthe piсture. Listen and Iook.
1 Yes, | сon. 2 Yes, I сon. 3 No, | сon't. One
Womon: Con gou seе the monkeЧ in thе woteг?
Bog: Yеs, | сon.
Dividе lеornеrs into teoms of thгее oг fouг for o сhollenge
gomе. Ask eveгgone Сon цou ... 7 questions. Тeoms get о
Womon: Colouг thot monkeg gгееn.
point for eveгg сhollеnge theg oll сomplete. Bog: Soггg? Gгееn?
Suggеstions: Сon gou stond on one leg? Сon gou sog the
olphobet? Сon gou wolk to the door with o book on gour heod?
Womon: Тhot's гight.
Саn gou drow o сroсodiIe? Сon цou spell,e[ephont,? Сon gou sing Two
'Hoppg birthdog'?
Womon: And took! One monkeg's got some bononos.
Bog: Oh ges!

@ р.' ' Colour thеsе monkеgs! Womon: Cotour thot monkeg red.
Аsk Whiсh апimаl hаs got а fttппу.fасе in thе storу? Bog: Colouг it with mg гed penсill
(thе monkеy) Whаt cаn а moпkеу r/o? (сlimb trееs) Womon: Yes, pleose.
Hаvе monkеуs got short аrms? (no) Do moпkeуs likе Three
bапапаs? (.уes)
Womon: Now find the monkeg in the flowегs.
Lеarnеrs lоok at thе piсturе. Ask: I1ow mапу moпkеуs
Bog: | сon see it. Con l сolouг thot monkeч
аrе thеrе? (5) Lеarnеrs writе 5 on thе dottеd linе undеr
thе piсturе. Аsk |{hiсh is thе monkеу in thе storу? (the
monkеy bеhind thе trее) Womon: Yes, gou сon'

Мakе surе that еaсh lеarnеr has pink, purplе, rrd, grrеn Bog: oK. A puгplе monkeg in the flowers. Theгe!

and brown сolouring pеnсils or pеns. Rеmind lеarnеrs Womon: Тhonks.

that thеy dоn't nееd to finish сolouring thе monkеуs. Four
Thеy сan do that at thе еnd of thе aсtivity.
Bog: Тhere's o monkeg bеhind the tгeе too!
Play tгaсk 07 of thе CD. Lеarnеrs listеn and сolour.
Womon: Thot's гight. Colouг it Ьrown.
Walk around сhесking that lеarnеrs havе сhosеn thе
сorrесt сolours. Play thе СD again ifnесеssary. Bog: Soгrgl Colouг thot monkeg Ьehind the tree
Note: Womon: Yes.
Alternotivеlч, Uou сon give the сotouring instruсtions. Bog: oK!
Speoking s[ow[g, sog: You сon сolour thеsе fve monkegs. Listeл.
Sog: Cсn UoU sее the monkeц in the woter? Сolour the monkeц in Five
the woter green. Сolour thot monkeg green. Womon: one monkеg's tolking to the spideг' Con
one monkeg hos got some bononos. Сolour thаt monkeg red. gou see it?
Thot's right. Сolour the monkeц with the bononos red'
Now find the monkeg in the fIowers. The monkeц in the Bog: Yes, l сon.
flowers. Сolour thot monkeg purple for mg p{eсsе. уеs, Womon: Cotouг thot monkeg Pink.
сolour thot monkeg with цour purple penсil.
Аnd now, the monkeч behind the tree. Сolour thot monkeg Bog: Тhe monkeч with thе spideг? Pink?
brown. Сolour the monkeg behind the tree brown. Thot's Womon: Yes, pleose. Wel[ done!
And one monkeц's tolking to thе spider. Find gour pink penсil
ond сolour thot monkeц рink. /tЪ sitting down. lt's tired, I
е* Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе in I. Ask: t4thаt s this
@ мonkegs lovе bqnonos!
tlпimаl? Is it а сrocodilе? (уеslno) Is it ап еlеphапt?
i;i Say: LiStе|1 to mу quеstions. Sitfor а Stаnd (yrs/no)
,|br а апswеr. To hеlp lеarnеrs you сould draw this iF Writе сroсodilе and еlеphапt on thе board. Saу Look
on thе boarф using an arrow pointing down for no and аt thеsе two words апd this апimаl' Point to thе animal
an arгo\^ pоinting up Гoгyes. words on thе board and сross out lеttеrs to makе thе
* Ask: Do сroсodilеs lovе bаnапаs? (no/sit) Саn hippos namе сroсodilе еkphапt (сroсophаnt). Saу Look! It's а
.ftу? (nolsit) Hаvе duсkg got tuiпgs? (уeslstand) Hаvе
сroсophапt! !
Jrogs got bluе bodiеs? (no/sit) Сап еlеphаnts sing? ф Lеarnеrs rеad thе quеstions, look at thе piсturе and
(no/sit) Сап duсks swim? (yеs/stand) Do monkеуs lovе writе thе answеrs on thе dottеd linеs.
burgеrs? (no/sit) Do moпkеуs lovе fish? (no/sit) Do *э Play a mеmory gamе. Lеarnrrs look at thе piсturе of thе
moпkеуs lovе bапаnаs? (yеs/stand). Lеarnеrs look at thе сroсophant for about 20 sесonds, thеn tеll thеm to сlosе
еxamplе Sеntеnсе and thе сirсiе гound bапаnаs. thеir books. Dividе lеarnеrs into groups оf four and thеn
1а Lеarnrrs rеad thе Sеntеnсеs and сhoosе thе risht word. ask thеm four quеstions about thе сroсophant, pausing
сirсlins thе сorrесt answеr. bеtwееn еaсh onе. Groups whispеr and writе down
thе answеrs on a sеparatе piесе ofpapеr. Suggеstеd
Cheсk сnswers: quеstions: How mапу.fееt hаs it got,? Whаt colour is its
t orms 2 mouth 3 honds 4 wotk 5 eues 6 run hеаd? Hаs it got loпg tееth? Hаs it got big еаrs?

]}' Lеarnеrs draw a spidег in bох 9 of thеir .Animals' Cheсk onswers:

photoсopy and writе thе word undеr thе drawing.
t gгеen ond gгeg/grog 2 gellow 3 чes 4 no 5 ges 6 no
Extension: Stгonger leorners сou[d onswer in sеntenсеs, for exompte:
1 lt's gгeen ond gгeg/grog. 2 Тhеч'гe geltow'
Leoгneгs сhoose onothеr onimol ond use сon ond hove got 3 Yes. I hove. 4 No. I hoven't.
to tolk oЬout it, for exomptе: Tigers hove got long toils. Theg 5 Yes. I сon. 6 No. | сon,t.
hаve got four [egs. Tigers сon run ond jump. Alternotivelч, theg
сould write sеntenсеs оnd mokе o Posteг. Тheg сould dгow o
piсtuгe of thеir сhosen onimol oг find onе in о mogozine' сut Homework idеo:
it out ond сluе it oЬovе their sentenсes. Lеoгners tokе theiг .Animols' photoсopg home ond drow
more оnimols to сomplеte theiг sheet. Тheg сhoose whiсh

o l'-
ones to dгow. Тhеg wгite the woгds under the piсtuгes.
o сroсoPhont!
lеarnеrs thеy arе an animal. Lеarnеrs сhoosе an
@ wь"t сrе
;:c Те1l
animal thеy want to bе. Givе еaсh lеaгnеr a piесе of Uou?
papеr and tеll thеm to writе what kind of animal thеy rе In pairs, lеarnеrs ask and answег thе quеstions about
arе and thеn fold thе papеr so that othеr lеarnеrs сan,t thеmsеlvеs, thеn writе thеir partnеr's answеrs on thе
sее it. Hеlp with voсabulary if nесеssary. dottеd linеs. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs onе or two quеstions
Тest notе:
Thе futt list of Stortеrs onimols is bird, cot, сhiсken, сow,
сroсodile, dog, duсk, еIephont, flsh' frog' giroffe, goot, hippo' horse, Stгongeг lеогners сould thеn desсгiЬе o сtossmote for otheг
Iizord, monkeg, mouse, sheep, snoke, spider, tiger. teorners ro guess.

;} In opеn сlass, ask onе oг two lеarnеrs about thеir

animal, жing I4/hаt сolour .,. ?, How m(tnу ... ? or Сап
уou '.. ? quеstions. You might likе to put thosе modеl
quеstions on thе board.
Suggеstеd quеstions and answеrs:
|4/hаt сolour аrе уou? (grееn)
How пlапу lеgs hаvе уou got? (2)
Сап уou swim? (yеs)
Hаvе уou got а long tаil? (no)
Whаt аrе уou? (a frog!)
Strongеr lеarnеrs сan answеr in сomplеtе sеntеnсеs.
Dividе lеarnеrs into groups of four. Lеarnеrs takе turns
to ask and answеr quеstions about thеmsеlvеs bеforе
tеlling thе othеr lеarnеrs what thеy arе.

Fred ond me
colour аrе thе ul1сlе'S trousеrs? (red) I|/hеrе's thе roсk?
t.t.....1.. :...1,r..rl ..ur.,rr. (on thе bеaсh) [|hаt сolour is the сhoсolсtre? (brown)
Мoin topiсs: oсtivitiеs' spoгts' сolours, numbers

Moin grсmmor: like/{ove + noun: B Storgtеlling

Нow mong?'. D
|ikel\ove + -ing.. Е Before listеning
Stortеrs Rеоding ond Wгiting Port 2: H; Port 4: G; *t Lеarnеrs look at thе fiгst piсturе on SB p 22.Тheу do
proсtiсe: Poгt 5: F, H not rrad thе tеxt.
Listening Port 1: F; Poгt 4: H
Speoking Poгt 1: F; Port 2: F; Port 3: D
Ask: 1s this a mап or а womап? (a man) Saу.' This is
LJпclе Frеd.
Мovers/Ftgers сhoсolotе (n), tokе (n), roin (n)' гoсk (n)
Whаt's LInсlе Frеd doing? (running/jogging)
Whеrе is hе? (ttt a park)
Non-YLE words: none Do уou tikе his.fuпnу socks? (lеarnеrs dесidе)
Equipmеnt: о СD: Storg, F, H Saу: ,}y'oи, lеt',g look аt thе piсturеs апd listеп to thе Sto|у.
o сhoсolote (optionot): А
о pieсеs of poper (one pег grouр of o' PtogTroсk 08 of the CD or reod thе
thгee): C @д storu.
a сomeгo (optionot): Е
o smoll strips of рoper 3сms x 6сms (one Suggestions for o pouse if required:
per poir): F
.тi1 Stop thе СD after аnd tаkiпg photos of his ссlr!(SB p 22)
О сolouгing pеnсils or pens: F, H, l, J
o shells (optionol): H
.We Аsk.. I|/hеrе сJoеs LIпсlе Frеd go.fishiпg? (thе lakе)
О photoсopies (onе pег leoгneг) of
Whiсh sport doеs hе like wаtсhiпg сln TV? (hoсkеy)
tike ...'(p 54):
Doеs IJпс!е Frеd likе thе rаin? чуes\

a otd mogozines (oPtionol): I

o sсissoгs, g[uе, gtittег, riЬbons (optionоl): I Whаt сoLour аrе his jеапs? (red)
a A2 shеets of poper (one per group of
four) (optionot): I Aftеr tistеning to the whole storg
shеets of A4 poper (one per [eorneг): J g. Ask: Do уou likе going to thе bеаch with уour friепds or
у our .fаmilу ? (lеarnеrs dесi dе)
I4/hаt do уou likе doiпg аt thе bеасh? (lеarnеrs
@ ш"w words for gou! dесidе)
э With books сlosеd introduсе thе topiс of thе story by
asking lеarnеrs quеstions about hobbiеs/aсtiviti еs. Ask :

Whаt аrе уottr Jаvouritе hobbiеs/sporfs? Hеlp lеarnеrs

if nесеssary bу asking: Do уou likе tаking photos /
@ wьot does Unсlе Fred [ovе?
wаtсhiпg TV / plауiпg teппis? Writе thеir suggеsttons on * Ask quеstions. Lеarnеrs put up thеir hands if thеir
thе board hеlping with kеy voсabulary. Аsk Whаt do answеrs arе -yes. Аsk: Do уou likе thе pаrk? Do уou likе
thе bеасh? Notiсе who answеrs yes. Using iеarnеrs'
уou do with уourfаmilу?
namеS, say' for еxamplе: Аngеlа likеs thе pаrk апd
Saу: Тhis storу is аbout а girl сшd her unclе. The girl's
Mаttеo likеs thе bеасh!
паmе is Luсу аnd her unclе's паmе is Frеd,
.*. Ask: Doеs Luсу likе kitеs,? (yеs) Does Lucу likе iсе
i:' TеaсЫrеvis е lаkе, rаiп, сhoсolаtе, roсk, uпclе. Dtaw
сrеаm? (Wе don't know.) Writе on theЬoard.. Luсу
or show piсtuгеs to tеaсh thеm. Writе thе words on
likеs kitеs / iсе creаm. Аsk Which word is wroпg? (tce
thе bоard as yоu tеaсh thеm. Ask: Whаt саn уou do iп
сrеam) Сross out iсe сrеаm.
а lс*e? (fish, swim) Draw rain сoming from a сlоud.
Loоk outsidе and ask: Сап уot,t seе thе suп? Саn уou iф Look at thе ехamplе togеthеr. Saу.' Doеs (Jпсlе Frеd
sее rаiп.? Draw or show somе rеal сhoсolatе. Сhесk lovе his guitоr? (уеs) Wе hlow thаt guitаr is thе right
pтonunсiation: /'t.|'оk.lэt/. Аsk Do уou likе сhосolаtе? word. Doеs Uпсlе Frеd lovе his jеапs? (Wе don't knolv.)
So, jе!!!S is thе wroпg wсlrd. Learners thеn сгoss out
Saу: ||e сап Sее roсks аt а bеаch. 14/е cап ,sit oп thеп.
Whаt colour аrе roсks? (gгеу) Draw two mеn on thе iеапs inthе еxamplе.
board. Point to thе first and say: This is mу J.аthеr. Potnt ф Lеarnrrs look at Sеntеnсеs 1-6. Thеy сross out thе
to thе sесond and say: This is шу t'аthеr's brothеr' Hе,s wrong worф thеn сhесk thеir answеrs in pairs. Thеу
mу unсlе. Аsk: Hоvе уou got ап uпсlе? I|hаt's his shоuld bе ablе to rеmеmbеr thе answеrs, but if thеy
nаmе? Is hе уourfаthеr's/mothеr''s brother? nееd hеlp, thеy сan find thе anSWеrS in thе story.
ф Lеarnеrs opеn thеir books and look at thе piсturеs and '*. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to rеad out thеir сoгrесt
Sеntеnсеs. Ask diffеrеnt lеаrnеrs to rеpеat thе nеw
words. Lеarnеrs draw linеs to matсh thе sеntеnсеs and
Cheсk onswers:
thе piсturеs. Walk around and сhесk thеy havе donе this l hoсkеg 2 сhoсolote сokе 3 gеllow 4 kitе 5 bike
сorrесtly. You сould also сhесk answеrs bу askilg.. Whаt 6 shеlts
@ L.r.g likes jumping. @ unсte Frеd lovеs wotking in thе
*' Tеaсh/rеvise -iпg words by miming thе following: roin.
running, jumping, spеlling, watсhing T! taking photos,
Saу I likе tаkiпg photos (usе thе сamеra to mimе this
rеading, fishing, riding a bikе. Ask: I|hаt аm I doiпg?
(lеarnеrs answеr) Altеrnativеly, writе thе words on
aсtivity) and I likе swimming with пtу.friепds. Аsk two
or thтее lеarnеrs: I4/hаt do уou likе doiпg? Еnсouragе
thе board and ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to сhoosе a word
thеm to bеgin thеir answеrs wtrh I likе ... .
and mimе it for thе сlass to guеss, for ехampl.e.. You,re
runпing! Writе thеir anSWrrS on thе board' for eхamp1.e: I likе
plауingfootbаll' I likе drаwing' I likе plауiпg сomputеr
'* Look at thе ехamplе togеthеr. Ask: Does Uпclе Frеd likе gаmеS. Ask thе quеstions again and drill thе answrгs
jumpiпg? (no) I|lho likеs jumping? (Luсy) Lеarnеrs look
with thе wholе сlass, pointing to еaсh of thе suggеstions
atthe -iпs words and writе thеm in thе сorrесt boх.
on thе board in turn.
chесk onswеrs: Rеvisе thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn likе doiпg and lovе doiпg.
Luсg: spеlling, reoding, riding o bike Mimе addеd еnthusiasm for lovеs as you draw iсons on
Unс[е Fгed: гunning, wоtсhing ТV, toking photos' fishing thе board to hеlp. Point to thе smilеy @ and saу Luсу
likеs flуing hеr kitе. Point to thе hеart 9 and saу Lucу
Stronger сtosses: loves jumping.
Ask leoгneгs to сlose their books' Divide leoгneгs into gгoups Writе on thе board: Luсу @ ridiпg hеr bikе. Lucу Q
of thгee ond givе eoсh group o piесe of popеr. Givе thеm о spеlliпg loпg words. Point to thе sеntеnсеs and drill.
spelling tеst! Reod thе following six woгds slowlg: roin, fshing,
unсIe, jumping, Fred, spel[ing. Groups whispеr ond hеlp еoсh
Loоk at thе еxamplеs togеthеr. Lеarnеrs sее thе linеs to
othег ond then write о gгouP onswег. Аsk diffeгеnt gгoups thе piсturеs. Тhеy draw linеs from sеntеnсrs l
5 to thе
to spell thе words or osk thеm to writе thеse words on the othеr piсturеs' Lеarnеrs thеn сomplеtе еaсh sеntеnсе
Ьooгd. with likes or lovеs. Walk around and hеlp if nесеssary.

Cheсk onswers:
@ нo* mong Peoplе ore therе? ! tikеs 2 tikes 3 loves 4 likes 5 lovеs
ЪaсЫгеvisе numbеrs 1 10. Lеarnеrs writе thе numbеrs Say onе of thе aсtivitiеs in thе piсturеs. Lеarnеrs point
nеxt to thе words on thе dottеd linеs in thе word boх.
to thе piсturе and say its matсhing sеntеnсе.
Lеarnеrs lоok at thе four piсturеs on SB p 22' Look at Аsk [Гhаt doеs (Jпclе Frеd likе doiпg? (running,
thе first piсturе and at thе еxamplе togеthеr. Аsk How
watсhing hoсkеy on T! fishing, еating сhoсolatе сakе)
mаnу pеoplе са|1 уou sее in thе pаrkZ (Lеarnеrs sее that
[4/hаt doеs hе lovе doing? (walking in thе rain, playing
thе answеr is thе numbеr 6 not thе word sl-т.) Lеarnеrs
his guitar, taking photos of his сaц wеaring funny
find and writе thе answеrs tо quеstions 1 6. Notе that сlothеs.) Аsk: Do уou lovе doing thesе thiпgs too?
thе answеr to 1 is in thе first piсturе and to 2 and 3 in
thе sесond piсturе. Тhе answеr to 4 and 5 is in thе third
* In pairs, lеarnеrs tеll еaсh othеr what thеy lovе doing.

piсturе and to 6 in thе fourth piсturе. ф Lеarnеrs thеn сomplеtе thе sеntеnсе with two of thе
samе aсtivitiеs or with thеir оwn idеas. Ask two or thrее
Chесk qnswеrs: lеarnеrs whiсh things thеy lovе doing.
1з 24 з5 ц2 51 67
Homework ideo for stronger сtсsses:
.в Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to writе answеrs onе at a timе on Leoгners write oЬout three things thеg like oг love doing (in
thе board. Point to thе numbеr and сhесk oronцnсiation the first person). Тhеg сould olso writе obout whot pеoрle
by drilling сhorally. in theiг fomitg tike doing (in thе thiгd peгson singu[oг oг
plurot). Mokе sure thеg сon usе l [ikg she|Dod likeq we likе,
Test tip: mц brothers likg еtс. сoггeсtlg, foг еxсmple: l like wotсhing TV,
reoding obout onimols ond ploцing soссer. Мц dod likes ploging
|n Storters Rеoding ond Writing Pогсs 5, Listеning Poгt 2 ond
tennis, eаting pizzo ond going to the сinemo. Leoгneгs might olso
Spеоking Poгt 3, leoгneгs witl hove to onsweГ How mong ... ? like to drow oiсtuгеs to iltustгote thеiг woгk.
questions. Theч ore expeсted to know numbегs 1_20. In the
Rеoding ond Writing ond Listening tests, theu shou[d write
the numbеr. |t's quiсker ond еosiеr to do thot. Тheg оrе not Teoсhing tip:
exвесted to wгite thе word. Еnсourogе [еoгners to usе diсtionories (books or online) to
find thе words theg need to tоlk oЬout thеiг own inteгests.
.* Praсtisе numbеrs B,9 and 10 by asking lеarnеrs a fеw
|t's impoгtont to enсouroge leornеrs to expond thеir
qurstions using 1101' mапу? about things thеy сan sее voсoЬutorg in this wog. Rеossure them thot it's finе to moke
in thе сlassroom or outsidе thе window (tablеs, сhairs, mistоkes. It's Ьetter to trЧ to [eorn something new thon to
trееs, сupboards, hands, hеads, sсhool bags, еtс.). onlg use the words theg know.
Lеarnеrs thеn ask and answеr quеstions in сlоsеd pairs.
You might pгefeг to do oсtivitg I with gouг сloss ot this stogе
rothег thon use it оs o гound-up revision oсtivitg [otеr.

@ wь"t om l?
@ @o * t tike going to the Pork!
Ьsk: Whсtt cаn уou sее
iп *l
" Tе11lеarnеrs that this is aplzz|e..
.1' is. io еxplain this, point to уour

ф Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе. ;;;;; or what

iп this
lеgs' t'n' b.rowп I'm
gеnетal quеstlons
in a park) Ask
Lttсу,s piсttLre? (pеoplе сhair and saу.. I,vе got fou, аm I? {a
iп thе -*аtе/? (a b9at' duсks) tt,е tеtrсhеr's сtеsk. Whаt
or. пte: Whаt's сlаssroom. t,m bеllin.i
"ь",',iй.in thе trее,? t" кii., Ьtrd) Who,s riсling thе bikе?
Whаt,s "this picturе? (thе сar, thе
(a woman) Whаt,s grееn i,п
iп this picturе,? (thе boat'
l*", .r* r."* s) WhЬt's bluе
picturе,| (thе guitar, thе bikе)
-^u:*:-..lj"jl",. fold this
of papеr upp.o',-ut.ty ]i*:
A lеarnеrs dтaw a flowеr
in halfand takе onе ьattеaсь. Extension:
bau on thеiт piесе.ofpapеr. Thеy on tnе
and B lеarnеr. ora- a Тel[ lеornеrs to look оt
thе piсture in F ogоin.fNrite
сhoiсе Ьf соlouring pеnсils. foг poirs to
сoiour thеsе witrr trlеirlwn ,Ёn."n."s, pousing
in booгd (or reod out) .n",u
сards (likе thеу arе givеn
Thеу now havе two;йесt whispеr оnd find thеir оnswеrs.

thе Startеrs Spеaking Теst). i'J-.,"а уou сon ride T.. (o biljl...,^.',
me. (o guttoг),
F again. Ъ1l thеm to I olm red too. You сon ploц '.
*"tt., l', green. (о frog)
.ill Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе in , ,on'';ulniuЁ.rц
l,ve got two long lеgs.
flo*". und thе ball in thе сorrесt *,o, -Б *
gou, f:?:"Y..in,Тl".',
listеn and to put thе l om b|ue. You con
ji".o"n (o ьo0
,."on gЬ,, и.oа.
p'aсеs. ',""I,oi,,i.,
'|iJ. '.o,
thе instruсttons bеforе
+t Сhесk lеarnеrs undеrstand
- iп the уvаtеr.
to thе СD. Saу.. Put thеflowеr
;;;;ii;' Stronger сlossеs:
Saу: wгttе
thе flowеr piсturе in thе watеr.) from Unit' 1, 2 or 3. Theч
(Lеarnет A puts Leоrners сhoosе on objeсt with l, then end with the
thгее sеntеnсеs obout *,, ьai"ы"g
Now put thе bаll in
'l,, Put flowеr/bаll oп
thе саr.
сuestion: Whot om l?
;."к.,,;.;;..i *i.ь.
Ёor ехomple (оn еtеphont -
Unit^3): l om g're.g. I'ue
got four

Note: .put' oЬjесts .in'

;;:, ; ; ;';- ! чT:::],"::::ж:.."1:;:.""n
"i:'oth"t l"otn"tt gu"tt th" ont-"t'

tеоrners thot thеg сon't .In'"]. ;;;'.nJ

lt might woгrg some
.ьug shЪutd iust' PUt the obieсt
the wotеr. Rеossure .n".'iйo.
oш йg
Lеt's do some сolouring!
.i.а." t'heц
сord in this ploсе. Тhis l.
undеrstond thе inst'гuсtroi.
th"Ь,og.]'thЪg shoutd
"Ё"qin.Listеning P,oгt 1 (for
just drow o linе @ @o,,o Whеrе's Luс}, пow?
еxomplе: Put the сokе i" tl Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе'
"^;I;;;; ъ;гt of thе obleсti With оn
:[ :::i}.":.""''." -(;;;}{т^:!)З,::::;у:::::;1;:',j;"T1.J;'liТil:'.
:"'Ё:1 i,i- ;i,;;;;ь; ;.;" "'
dесidе) Draw or snor ir? Saу:
twiсе..iI:^*:::::l (a shеll) W.hаt суlour ls
- PlayTraсk 09 of thе СD сlass. Ask: Whаt,s this?
;:#;;;; ;;
thеir shеlls.
that lеarnетs havе plaсеd LIпсlе FrесJ опd Lucу
ptaсе. piсturе? (6)
objесt сards in thе сorrесt . Ask: How mапу shеlls
*l ссtп уoLt Sее'iп.,this
thеу draw aЪa1l and a flowеr Yo,u,on с-olr-lur.fivе of,thеsе
,. Wh.. lеarnеrs havе finishеф thеir Ъ;;.
in this piсturе lмrl.'"uoТь.i
сhoЪs" to. Thеy. .show
surе еaсh lеarnеr has
pink, bluе, rеd and yеllow
thе ball and Et. Makе
Ьtt thеm whеrе
oartnеr thеir drawlng, uoo сolouring pеnсils.
Pausе aftеr thе еxarnplе
.lз P1aу Traсk 10 of thе CD twiсе. Ask:
to makе ,u.. l"u.n.,,
untlеrstand thе instruсtions'
(thе shеll in thе watеr)
Whiсh shеll уou-,olour?
Whiсh сtl!ottr., tpuгplе)
thе four othеr shеils. Rеmind
.з$ Lеarnеrs listеn and сolour
thе shеlls
shеl1. Givе r"u.,,.., ii." to finisь сolouring

fi Тopеsсript:
thе еnd.

$ put tь" ftowег in thе woteг ... in thе Chесk onswers:
- blue, shеll in bog
Тhot's гight '.. in the tree. shett in Luсg,s hond - pink, shelt on boot
; *;; put the Ьott in the trеe. _ geltow
Тhe floweг '.. on the bike. red, shetl on Т-shiп
; .* n.*eг on the bike' thе shеlts' I|thiсh shеll,?
'". ... on the kite. Good. w. тиu boу сloеsп,t сolour onе o.f
; *;; ,". thе bolt on the kite
Put it on thе green сor. (thе shеtl on thе hat)
*o* put the floweг on the сor.
Тhot's right ... on the boot.
; .". .i" boll on the boot'
j; Тopesсript: arc уеS and movе to the пo half of thе сlassroom if thеir
answrrs are no. Тhеy thеn answеr in сhorus Yеs! or No!
i Look ot the piсture. Listen ond look, There is one eхomple.
Suggеstеd quеstions: Do уou likе Jlshing? Do уou likе
$ Womon: Con gou see the shetl in the woter? plауiпg hockеу? Dсl уott likе wеаriпgfttппу сlothеs? Do
!l вog, Yes, l сon. уou likе swimmiпg? Do уou likе riding а bikе? Do уott
Womon: Gгеоt! Colour the shett in the woteг purple. likе rеаdiпg'?

$ Bog: Puгple? For flurthеr rеvision of aсtivitiеs taught in this unit' gir,е
Womon: Yеs.
еaсh lеarnеr a photoсopy of likе ...' (p 5a).
Lеarnеrs сolour thе piсturеs and writе onе-word answеrs
Сon уou seе the purp|e sheIl in the woter? Ihis is оn
to show what еaсh сhild is doing. In thе еmpty boх,
eхample. Now gou listen ond сolour.
thеy thеn draw a piсturе of thеmsеlvеs doing sоmеthing
thеy likе doing, for ехamplе: еating iсе сrеam' slееping,
Bog: Whot now? playing with thеir сat.
Womon: Find the shell in Luсg's hond. Thеy writе thеir namе and сomplеtе tЬe I likе -ing
Bog: oK. l сon seе it. Sеntrnсе at thе bottоm ofthе pasе.
Womon: Good. Con gou сo[our it pink? Projесt:
Bog: The shelt in Luсg's hondl Leorners сo[[eсt piсtuгes fгom old mogоzinеs of people doing
Womon: Thot's right. Сolouг thqt shell pink, pteose. enjogоble things. You сou[d osk leoгnеrs to bring these to the
nехt lesson oг Ьгing in mogоzines foг leornеrs to usе in this
сloss. Enсourogе eoсh leorner to find fouг oг five piсtuгеs thot
Womqn: Тhere's q shеtl on the Ьoot. show theiг own ideo of hoving fun. Divide teornеrs into gгoups
offour ond givе eoсh grouP o poiг ofsсissors, some gluе ond
Bog: oh ges! Cоn l сolouг it?
o loгge shеet of А2 white poper. Theg moke o сolloge of oll

} Womon: Yes! Cotouг it blue. their fovouгite осtivities. Bеtwеen the piсtures theg wгitе

! вog.
woгds with сolouгing penсils to show somе of thе oсtivities
thеg [ikе, for eхomple: We love eoting сhoсolote! l love drowing'
*Wornon. Colouг the shetl on thе Ьoot blue. We [ove swimming. I like sleeping. You mоg nеed to help with
: I nree voсоbutoгg. Тheg сould olso write singlе woгds to show theg
еnjog doing thesе things, foг exomple: Wow! hoppg! fun! ho ho!
$ Bog: Look! Theгe's o shеll in the bog! or dгоw heoгts, stors ond smi[eg foсes. If gou hove gtitter oг
ribЬons or otheг medio theg сould odd, thоt will Ьring evеn
$ Womon: Yes, thегe is. Colour it гed, pleosе.
moгe exсitement ond сгеotivitu to thе oсtivitu.
li Bog: oK. l'm сolouгing the she[[ in the bog red.
. Womоn: Good! Тhonk gou!
tl f
- Our @ вtс9 thе gome
вog: l сqn sеe o shell on Luсч's Т-shirt too. * Ask: Do уou likе fishing? Whеrе сап уou go fishiпg? (in
Womon: Con gou сo[ouг it?
a lakе, in thе sеa)

Bog: Yes. Con l сolour the shell on hег T-shiгt *i Lеamrrs look at thе piсturеs of thе fish in J. Ask: 11ow

gеllow? maпу.|lsh аrе thеrе? (5) Whаt сolour аrе thеу? (rеd and
yеlloщ bluе and grееn, yеlloщ purplе, pink, brown and
Womon: Yes!
Bog: OK! There! lt's geltow now. * Say: Lеt s drаи, somе fish now. Lеarners draw bеtwееn
Womon: Тhonk gou! Тhis piсtuгe is veгg niсe now! flvе and tеn fish on a piесе ofpapеr. For ехamplе: onе
lеarnеr draws fivе, anothеr lеarnеr draws еight. Thеy сan
Lеarnеrs answег thе four quеstions with оnе-word or
сopy thе fish in J or usе thеiг own dеsign. Thеy do this
numbеr answеrs.
Givе lеarnеrs timе to finish сolouring thеir piсturе if
thеy would likе to do that.
ф Lеarnеrs fold thеir рapеr So that no onе сan sее thеir
drawings. Thеy thеn stand up and movе around' asking
Cheсk onswers: еaсh othеr: How mаnу.fish hаvе уou got? If the answеr
is thе samе as thеir own, lеarnегs staу togеthеr' Тhе nеw
tbeoсh/sond 2fishino 36 4biгd
group thеn movеs around and asks othеr groups: How
шапу Jish hауе уott got? Lеarners сontinuе until groups

@ wь"t do gou ond gour friends arе as big as thеy can bе and еvеryonе has finishеd
asking thе quеstion.
tike doing? ,* At thе еnd of thе gamе, thеrе should bе groups of, foг
Аsk: Do уou likе.fiпdiпg shеlls oll thе bеасh? (lеarnеrs ехamplе, four lеarnеrs with fivе fish, two with ninе fish,
dесidе) thrее with sеvеn fish.
Dividе thе сlassroom in half. Тbll lеarnеrs that thеrе is a *ь Lеarnеrs thеn put all thе drawings on a tablе so that thе
yes half and a no halrf . You may havе to movе furniturе wholе group сan Sее how many fish thеy havе got.
to makе room for this. .*l If your lеarnегs know numbеrs щ tо 100, thеy сould add
Ask lеarnеrs somе quеstions. Aftеr еaсh quеstiоn, thеy thе numbеr of fish in еaсh group and you сould put thе
movе to thе yes half of thе сlassroom if thеir answеrs totals on thе board. ^-'
Мoin topiсs: noturol world, fomitg
Before tistening
Мoin grсmmor: impегsono[ gou: Е
*. Lеarnеrs iook at thе first piсturе on SB p 28. Thеу do
demonstrqtive odjeсtives: H
Whato+odj +noun:l not геad thе tеxt.

Test proсtiсe: Rеoding ond Wгiting Port 2: D; Poгt 4: G; Аsk.. |ltlhеrе s this boу? (at thе bеaсh)
Poгt 5: C Whаt апimаl саtI уou sее in thе tl,ее,? (a monkеy)
Listening Poгt 2: El Port 3: F Who's with thе boу, а mап or tl womап/
Speoking Poгt 1: B; Por.t 3: H; Port 4: E (a woman)
Movers/Flgеrs ount (n), breok (v), ftog (n)' sondсostle (n) Whiсh pеrson is Sаm? Whаt do уou thiпk?
words: (1еarnеrs guеss)
Non-YLE words: mend (v), pгettg (n), wove (n) Say: ly'ow lеt's look аt thе piсturеs апd listеn to thе Stotу.
Еquipment: о CD: Storg, Е' F
о photo of o сostle, o stiсk (optionol): A PtogТroсk 11 of the CD or reod the
о сolouгing penсits or pens: J
@t..1 storg.
o photoсopies (one pеr leoгneг) of
сostle!' (p 55): J Suggestions for o pouse if required:
..l' Stop thе СD after,Now I'm апgt1, апd I'm sаdi Sаlп
tеllsАunt Sиe. (SB p 28)
@ ш"* words for gou! Аsk.' I|/hаt's thе паmе of Sаm's аuпt? (Sъe)
:. With books с1osе4 introduсе thе topiс of thе story by |I/hаt colour is Sаm's T:shirt? (yеllow)
asking lеarnеrs quеstions aboцt thе bеaсh. Ask: Do уou II/hаt brеаks Sсtm's sаndсаstlе,? (a wavе / thе sеa /

gсl to thе bеасh? Whаt do уou do аt thе bеасh? WrtIe watеr)

lеarnеrs' suggеstiоns on thе board' for еxamplе: sи'lиl, Whеrе аrе Sаm апdАuпt Suе goiпg иow? (homе)
ruп, plау vollеуbаll, jump in thе seс. Draw a p.iсturе of Is Sаm hаppу? (no)
a bеaсh thе sand and thе sеa. Ask: I4/hаt сап wе Sее
Aftеr listening to the whole storg
thе bеасh? (boats, sanф shеlls, sun, Watеr, pеoplе) As
lеarnеrs Suggеst thеsе, add thеm to youг piсturе. Lеavе *t* Ask: Whiсh аnimсtl mеnds Sаlп's sаndсаstlе? (a|izard)
this piсturе on thе board. Аsk.. Do уou likе plауiпg with Who сomеs to thе bеоch аgаin with Sси? (Aunt
the sаnd? Do уott mаkе sапdсаstlеs? TеaсЫrеvisе saиd Suе)
* саstlе: sапdсаstlе and draw onе in your p1сturе. Whаt сolour is Saи ]s T-shirr? 1orаngе)
Is Sаm hаppу пow? (уes)
Saу.. This story is аbout а boу. Не likеs goiпg to the
Сап lizаrds mаkе sаndсаsl1es., 1no)
bеасh апd hе likеs mаking sапdсаstlеs.
g TеaсЫrеviSe wаvеS, cаstlе, brеаk, mеnd,fаg, аttnt.
Draw wavеs in thе sеa in your bеaсh piсturе on thе
Ъoard' Sапdсаstlеhas bееn taught' but shоw lеarnеrs a @ т"tt the storg.
piсturе of a rеal сastlе too if possiblе. Mimе brеaking i* Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs. Аsk Whiсh piсturе Stаrts
a stiсk by holding it and thеn showing that itЪ in two thе storу? Poiпt to lll Lеarnеrs point to thе first piсturе
parts. Thеn mimе mеnding it again. Ask: Сси [ mепd in thе top rоw. Saу: Piсturе пuпtbеr ] srаrts thе stolу.
this? (no.) Dтaw a flag and saу flag' Draw two Womеn on Now writе 2, З, 4, 5, 6 iп thе boхеs.
thе board. Point to thе first and say: This is пlу morhеr.
Point to thе sесond and say: This is mу mothеr,'c sistеr.
s Whilе lеarnеrs aге ordеring thе piсturеs, writе thе
following Sеntеnсеs on thе bоard:
Shе's mу аuпt. Аsk: Havе уou got ап аuпt? |fhаt''s hеr
паltlе.', ls shе уour пtlthеr,Гаthеr3 sislel.3 Sаm's sаd. Hе goеs home,
Thе lizаrd mепds thе sаndсаstlе.
e} Lеarnегs opеn thеir books and look at thе piсturеs and
Sаm,s hаppу сtgаiп!
SеntrnсеS. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to геpеat thе nеw
Thе wауe brеаks thе sапdссlstlе.
words. Lеarnеrs draw linеs tо matсh thе words to сorrесt
Sаm mаkеs сt sапdcаstlе,
parts of thе piсturеs. Walk around and сhесk thеy havе
Sсtm comеs tсl thе bеаch аgаin'
donе this сorrесtly. Ьsk.. Whеrе,s thе flаg? (on thе boat)
Опе moпstеr|s mепdiпg thе wаll' How mапу аrms hаs it .* Lеarnеrs rеad thе sеntеnсеs on thе board. Thеy say
got? (З) Whаt сolour is thе аunt's drеss? (red) whiсh sеntеnсе dеsсribеs piсturе |. (Sаn mаkеs а
sаnrlсаstlе.) In pairs, lеarnеrs find thе sеntеnсеs that
q;. Tеaсh/rеviSe prеttу. Point and saу This red drеss is vеrу
dеsсribе piсturеs 2-6. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to tеll thе
prеtф. Ехp|ain in L1 if nесеssary lhat prеttу mеans thе
story to thе сlass, using thе sеntеnсеs on thе board.
samе aS beаtnful and wе сan uSе it to talk about things
Lеavе thеsе sеntеnсеs on thе board to hеlp lеarnеrs in
or pеoplе, for еxamplе p rеtф floъ,еrs/drеssеs/girls/
thе following rolе play.
womе|1(but not boуs or mеn).

Cheсk onswers: Cheсk onswers:

1 Som mokes o sondсost[e. tno 2ges Sges 4no 5ges 6no
2 Тhe wovе breoks the sondсostle.
3 Som's sod. He goеs home' ф Lеarnеrs makе 1' 4 and 6 сorrесt by сhanging onе word
4 The lizord mends the sondсostlе. in еaсh Srntеnсе:
Som сomеs to the beoсh oooin.
6 Sоm's hoppg ogоin!
1 thr,еe two 4 s#t{+s standing 6 саn сan't

Homework idеo:
Dividе lеarnеrs into groups of six. Givе a rolr to raсh
lеarnеr. Two lеanrеrs arr thе sandсastlе' onе is thе wavе Lеornегs mоke thгeе сolouг lists with words theg know, for
and Sam' Aunt Suе and thе \izard are playеd bу thrее exomDle:
gellow _ Ьononos, sun, sond, lеmons, flowers, pinеopplе
othеr lеarnеrs. Lrarnеrs сan usе thе piсturеs and thе _ floweгs, tгees'
9гeen Peos' limes' opples, fгogs, gгopes,
sеntеnсеS to hеlp thеm with thеir mimеs. For largеr goгdens, porks
сlassеs lеarnеrs сan bе dividеd intо morе groups. whitе _ Ьгеod' milk, soсks, iсе сreom
Hеlp lеarnеrs to praсtisе еaсh of thеir mimеs оn thеir
own or in thеir groups. Suggеstеd mimеs:
1 Sam makеs thе sandсastlе. Aunt Suе is sitting nехt to @ @ж.l' Мч fomitg
him. ф Rеvisе lеttеrs of thе alphabеt bеforе doins this task if
2 Thе wavе brеaks thе sandсastlе in two. nесеssary.
3 Sam, loоking sad and angry goеs homе with Aunt Suе.
* Ъaсh/rеvise сousin, Аsk Hаvе уou got (1 cousiп? Is
4Тhe \tzard mеnds thе sandсastlе.
уour cousiп a girl or а boу? How mаnу сousiпs hауе
5 Sam and Aunt Suе сomе baсk to thе bеaсh.
уou got?
6 Thеy sее thе Sandсastlr and arе happy again.
If your сlass also knows moon'Уo\ сould ask two morе Note:
lеarnеrs to stand in sun and moon shapеs in thе sсеnе to |n order to сomplete the sеt ount, unсle ond сousin, gou mog
indiсatе day, night and following morning. wish to геvisе unсle here too. (This is tought in Unit 4 .Unсle
Fred ond me').

@ тьe Ьog's nome is Som. ф Lеarnеrs lоok at thе piсfurе of thе pеoplе in SamЪ
family and draw linеs from thе family words to еaсh
Аsk: In thе storу, whаt's the boу|s паmе? (Sam)
pеrson. Walk around and сhесk thеy havе donе this
Point to thе еxamplе quеstion and its answеr. Тeachl
сorrесtly. Ask quеstiоns: [|ho's got browп hаir? (Sam,
rcуise ||hеrе ... ? |Ilho ... ? Illhаt... ? If nесеssary'
SamЪ fathеr and brothеr) I4/ho |g wеаring а blue T:shirt?
ask |4/hеrеb Sаm? (on thе bеaсh) LTho's got а book? (SamЪ brothеr) |4lho's vеrу уouпg? (Sam's сousin)
(Aunt Suе) ||hаt cап уou seе in thе wаtеr? (a fish)
.* Say: |I/е know Sаm |s аuпt 'S nаmе. It's . . . ? (Suе) 11oи,,
You сould thеn ask: |Цhеrе аrе уou now? |Цhob уour
do уou spеll hеr паmе? (S-U-Е) Writе on thе board:
tеасher? |4/hаt аm I holdiпg?
How do уou spеll уour паmе? In pairs, lеarnеrs ask and
In pairs' lеarnеrs look at quеstions 1-5 and writе thе
answеr: How do уou spеll уour паmе? Ask two or thrее
answеrs. Lеarnеrs should bе ablе to rеmеmbеr, but if
lеarnеrs фointing to thеir partnеrs): How do уou spеll
thеy nееd hеlp, thеy сan find thе answеrs in thе story.
his/hеr nаme?
Еnсouragе lеarnеrs to сhесk thе spеllings in thе tеxt.
s Say: Listеп! Sаm's tеlling his tеасhеr аbout somе peoplе
Cheсk onswers: iп his fаmilу. Whаt аre thеir паmеs?
1 bеoсh 2 Sue 3 sondсostlе 4 wove 5 tizoгd * Play Track 12 of thе СD twiсе. Lеarnеrs listеn and writе
thе fivе namеS.
ф Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to spеll thе namеs for уou as you
@ som is moking o sсndсostlе! writе thеm on thе board (Dаisу, Аnnа, Аlех, Niсk, Tom).
* Lrarnеrs look at thе piсturе. In pairs, thеy find thrее Lеarnеrs сhоosе a namе for Sam's mоthеr' Writе this on
things that arе rеd thrее things that arе bluе' thrее things thе board. Point to еaсh namе in turт and ask: How do
that arе yеllow and thrее things that arе brown. уou spеll this nаmе? Lеarnеrs answеr in сhorus.

Cheсk сnswers: Cheсk onswers:

гed _ Аunt Suе's skirc, ftogs, Ьolt 1 Doisц 2 Anno 3 Аlеx 4 Niсk 5 Тom
Ьlue _ seo, Aunt Sue's sun hоt, bot
get[ow _ Som's/giг[s' T-shiгts, sond, Aunt Suе,s shoеs Homework ideo for stronger сlosses:
bгown _ monkeg, сoсonuts, boot
Leoгnеrs writе six shoгt sentenсеs obout their fomilg. For
в Look at thе еxamplе togеthеr. Аsk I,s Аunt Sue,s suп hаt exomple: Мц dod,s nome is Нenrg. Мg mum,s got onе sЬtеr. lИg
grondfother's nome is Peter. |v1g сousin ls o girl. Her nome's Маrio'
уеllow? (no) l,ve got three unсIes.
* In pairs or on thеir own, lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnоеs 1-6 and
writе yes ot |1o on thе dottеd linеs.
Topesсript: Mon: |s Som sitting in Aunt Sue's сorl
Listen аnd write nomes. Girl: No, he,s гiding his bike.
Тeoсheг: Hе[[o, Som. Who's thot peгson? Сon уou see the tiсk? Now gou listen ond tiсk the boх.
Som: Тhot's mg сousin. Оne. Where,s Som now?
Tеoсheг: Whot's чouг сousin's nomе, Som? Mon: ls Som in the street nowl
Som: Hег nome's Doisg. You spe[[ thot D.A-|-S-Y. Giгl: No, he isn't.
Теoсheг: D-A-l-s-Y? Мon: ls he in his house?
Sqm: Yеs. Girl: Not now. He's in the gorden.
Тeoсhег: And gour grondmotheг's nqmеl Two. What's Sam doing now?
Som: Мg gгondmo's nqme is Annq. Mon: Whсt's Som doing? ls he hoving o dгink?
Tеoсheг: How do gou spe[[ thot? A-N.N-A? Giгt: No, he's rеоding.
Som: A-doublе N-A. Yеs! Мon: oh! Does Som like pointing?
Тeqсher: Аnd whot's gour fother's nome? Giг[: No.
Som: Mu dоd's nome is Alex. Тhree' WhoЪ with Som?
Теoсhег: Sorгgl Mon: Who's with Som? |s he ploчing with his Ьrothег?
Som: |t's Alеx. You spеll his nomе A-L-Е-X. Giгl: No, hе's with his dod.
Teoсher: A-L-Е-Х. Mon: ls Aunt Sue with him too?
Som: Yes. Thоt's right. Giгt: No, she isn't.
Тeoсhег: And whot's gour gгondfotheг's nqme?
@ wь"t
Мg gгondpo's nomе is Niсk. N-l-с.K-
om l?
Тeoсheг: Poгdonl
l* Lrarnrrs look piсturеs at thе top of SB p 29. Ask:
Som: N-|-с-K.
at thе
Whаt cаn уou sее in thе wаtеr? (a fish) Doеs thе.fish
fr Тeoсhег: And hovе gou got o bгothеr? mепd thе саstlе? (no) Whiсh апimаl mеnds thе саstlе?
$so.. Yes. Hе's 2. His nome's Тom. You spetl his
(thе lizard) Point and saу.. Whеrе s the.fish in thе picturе
t nome Т-o-M. аt thе еnd сlf thе story? (lеarnеrs point)
Teoсhеr: T-o-Г4? * Ask: Аrеfish bеаut|ill or uglу? (lеarnегs dectde) Саn
Som: Yes. thеу swim? (yеs) Point to thе fish in G. Say: Look аt this
Тeoсhеr: oK. Тhonk gou, Som. fish. Аrе its еуеs opеп or сlosеd? (open) Whаt сolour is
its bodу? (yеllow and purplе) Saу..I know thisfish. It
swiпэs аt Sаm,,g bеаch.

@ @,lз Look! Som's riding his # In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе ехamplе and thе wоrd sea
bike. сrossеd out in thе word box' Thеy rеad thе sеntеnсеs
and сhoosе words to writе on thе dottеd linеs.
Lеarnеrs iook at SB p 28, last linе' Ask: 1s Sаm hаppу?
(no - hеЪ angry and sad) Whаt's Sсlm sауiпg in thе Cheсk onswers:
piсture? (Goodbyе, bеaсh!) Whеrе s hе goiпg пow? (to 1 boots 2 еgеs 3 toil 4 oгms
his housе/hоmе)
Lеarnеrs look at thе еxamplе. Аsk LI/hаt's Sаm doiпg
{ Lеarnеrs mimе bеing a fish by opеning thеir еyеs widе
and opеning and сlosing thеir mouths! Praсtisе and drill
iп thе thrее piсturеs? (lеarnеrs answеr) Lеarnеrs look
sеntеnсrs from thе tеxt. Thеn, in сhorus, thе wholе сlass
at quеstions 1-3 and say what thеy сan sее in thosе
piсturеs. Strongеr lеarnеrs may bе ablе to do this rеads thе tехt, inсiuding thе insеrtеd words.
in pairs' Walk around and hеlp with voсabulary if Homework ideo:
Leoгnегs сopg the modеl teхt Ьеlow ond сompletе this ot
Play traсk 13 of thе СD twiсе. Lеarnеrs listеn and tiсk home with theiг own сhoiсe of onimсl. Тhеg then dгоw o
thе сorrесt boх. oiсtuге to deсorotе their tеxt.
He{lo! l liye in the ' . . . l like . . . . Мg . .. ore . . ' , l've got o
Cheсk onswеrs: beoutiful ... ' l hаven,t got ... .

Whot om l? l'm а ... .

1B 2A 3B
Stronger сlosses:
Lеorners сhoosе оnd writе fouг sеntenсes of theiг own obout
Look ot the piсtures. Now listеn ond look. Ihere is onе
on onimol ond drow its piсture.
Whot's Som doing? Тest tip:
Mon: Is Som wolking to his house?
|n Storteгs Reоding ond Writing Poгt 4, o[l thе gоps ore
iiGiгt: No, hе isn't. nouns (singutoг oг pluro[).

@ wь"t с beoutiful sondсostle!
.* Ъaсh/rеvisе this, thаt, thеsе and thosе. TouсЫpoint nеar
e Opposites
Lеarnеrs look at thе сastiе piсturе in H. Point to thе big
to objесts whеn saying this or the,sе and point to morе сastlе and ask Is this cаstlе big or smаll? (Ъtg)
distant objесts or pеoplе whеn saying thаt or those. Lеarnеrs look at thе two bеaсh bags in I and thе
Writе оn thе board: this, thсlt, thеsе' thosе. ехamplе pair big and smаll.
$ Lеarnеrs find grеаt! Thаt wсlll's ОK аgаin! Thosе In pairs, lеarnеrs matсh thе oppositеs by drawing linеs
flаgs аndwiпdows too!,on SB p 29. Lеarnеrs lоok at bеtwееn thеm.
Sam and Aunt Suе in thе piсturе. Аsk.. Аrе thеу touсhiпg Chесk matсhеs bу asking diffеrеnt pairs tо say onе
thе wаll,.flаgs апd windows? (no) oppositе pair еaсh.
l.в Touсh and point to pеoplе or objесts in thе сlassroom to
show thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn this/thаt and thеsе/thosе, Cheсk onswers:
Еxplain in L1 if nесеssary that Wе uSе lЙlJ to indiсatr big/smсtt, good/Ьod, Ь[oсk/white, sod/hoppg, prettg/uglg'
a singlе оbjесt that is nеar to us and thаt to indicate Iong/shoгt, open/с[osed
a morr distant singlе objесt. Еxplain also that wе usе
thеsе to indiсatе multiplе objесts that arе nеar to us and Stronger сlosses:
Wе trsе thosе to indiсatе morе distant multiplе objесts. In pоirs, leorners writе five shoгt sentеnсes using the
For еxamplе, say: oppositе pсirs in ong wog thеg сhoose' Give thеm two
This girl is Mаriа. (Touсh hеr shouldеr.) models to help them. on thе booгd write:
This door is open. Thot door is сlosed.
Thаt piсturе's grеаt. (Point tо a piсturе оn thе wall.)
Тhis shell is prettg. Thot fish is uglц.
Thеsе pепсils аrе vеry пiсе. (Ptckup Somе pеnсils.)
At the еnd ofthe осtivitg, osk diffeгent poirs to soч one of
Thosе books аrе fтеw' (Point to somе books.) their pоired sеntеnсеs.
In pairs, lеarnеrs praсtisе using rЙш, thаt, thеsе or Suggestions:
'* Тhis fish is big/smо[[.
thosе Io idеntify objесts thеy сan touсh or point to in
This is o good/bod dog.
thе сlassroom, for еxamplе This book is bluе. Those Anno's shoеs ore Ьloсk/white.
wiпdows аrе opеп' Som is sоd/hopрч.
This flower is pгettg. / Thot spider is uglg.
Note: Lizqrds hove got long/shoгt toits.
|f gour students oгe visuo[ leoгneгs, point out thot these ond
His egеs ore opеn/сlosed.
thosе hove morе lettегs in them thon this ond thсt Ьeсousе we
use thеm when we'гe tolking obout moге thon one thing.

Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе. Аsk:. Who's Dаisу? Do уou

O мч сostlе!
remеmbеr? (Е Sam,s сousin.) ||lhob oп thе bеасh with * Givе еaсh lеarnеr photoсоpy of .My сastlе!, ф 55).

Dаisу? Lеarnеrs сan usr aсtivity Е to сhесk thе faсеs. i* Pointing to thе сastlе, saу:. Look аt this cсlstlе! It,s пехt
(Sam, SamЪ grandmothеr, mothец and brothеr) to thе bеасh. You livе hеre!
Look at thе еxamplе. Аsk:. Whаt|s Dаisу sауing? (This ф Lеarnеrs dесoratе thеir сastlе' following thе instruсtions
sandсastlе is grеat!) Is Dаisу touсhiпg thе sаndcаstle? on thе pagе' adding windows' doors, flags, trееs, a bird'
(yеs) thе sun and a\izard. Thеy сould also draw thеmsеlvеs
In pairs, lеarnеrs сomplеtе thе spеесh bubblеs, сhесking on thе path lеading to thе сastlе and add any othеr
whеthеr еaсh pеrson is nеar or far from thе оbjесt. Thеy dеtails thеy сhoosе.
writе ThiS, Thаt, Thеsе or Thosе on thе dottеd linеs. ф Lеarnеrs оomplеtе thеir drawings and сolour thеm. Thеу
writе thе namе of thеir сastlе (thеy сhoosе this) on thе
Chесk onswers: signpost Tb.. and thеir own namе in thе sеntеnсе at thе
1 This 2 Тhеse 3 Thosе 4 Тhot bottom ofthе pagе.
* Display thе сastlе drawings around thе сlassroom if
Note: oossiblе'
Тeосh/revise the stгuсturе Whot olon + odieсtivе + noun.
AsI<: Whot does Аunt Sue sog ot the end of the storg? Look in the

рiсture. (Whot o beoutiful sondссstlе!) Exploin thot this meons

the some оs WowJ lhe sondсostlе is verg beoutifull Wгitе: Whсt
o beoutiful sondсostlе/ on the boord.
Piсk up o Ьook. Pointing to thе odiесtive + noun modеl
on the booгd, sog: Ihis book is verц niсe! Whot o . .. ?
(niсe Ьook!) Dritt with other objeсts oг piсtuгes, guiding
tеornеrs bg pointing to the woгd oгdеr on the booгd eoсh
time. For еxоmple: Whot o prettg shell! Whot а big fish!

Моin topiсs: onimqls, food, сlothes, numbеrs 10_20
Before listening
Мoin grommor: l l С,
There is
There ore, ls there? Аre thеre?:
s Lеarnеrs look at thе first piсtuте on SB p 34. Thеy do
Would цou 0ke + nounlverЬ: I
not rеad thе tеxt.

Test proсtiсe: Reoding ond Wгiting Pqгt 2: G

Аsk.. Whаt cаn уou sеe in this piсturе? (a farm'
Listening Poгt 1: E; Poгt 2: D a housе)
Spеoking Poгt 1: F; Poгt 3: D, E; Poгt 4: H, I How mаnу аnimаls саtl уoLI sее? (1З)
Мovers/Flgers form (n), former (n)' fun (n)' homе (n)' How mапу peoplе сап уou sее? (2)
words: into (prеp)' swеoteг (n)' town (n) Аrе thеsе mе|| or womеп'? (onе man, onе woman)
Non-YLE words: gote (n) Say: Iy'ow lеt's look аt thе piсturе's ап,d listеп to thе
Еquipment: о CD: Storg, D, Е
о photos of o foгm / fqrm onimols,
**Ф{.I4 PtoцTroсk |4 of the CD or rесd thе
сountrgside' o town, o gote: A 1{,а;.-/' .

о vegеtoЬles: o Pototo, on onion, beons'

peсs, q Peor qnd o сoггot (optionol): B' Е
Suggestions for o pouse if required:
о сolouгing penсils oг pens: F, Н
о mogozines thot show сhildren's ф Stop thе СD after Thеу,rе runniпg аnd jumpiпg in
сlothing: G Mrs Daу's gаrdеn!(sB p 3a)
о g[uе, sсissoгs (optionol): G
о photoсopies (onе pег lеorneг) of
.М9 Аsk.. ||lhаt's thеfаrmеr's паmе? (Mr Gray)
fоvouгite foodl' p 56: H t4/hаt's thе womаn s паmе? (Mrs Daу)
о mogozinеs thot show food: J Whеre аrе Mr Grау апd Mrs Dау goiпg?
(to town)
Аre their gаtеs closеd? (no)
@ ше* words for gou!
After listening to thе whote storg
With books сlosеd' introduсе thе topiс of thе story
by rеvising farm animals. Show lеarnеrs a piсfurе of
Ifhаt аrе thе аnimаls doiпg? (еating/wеaring hеr
thе сountrysidе and if possiblе of a farm. Аsk lЦhiсh
апimаls саn wе sее? Аs lеarnеrs makе suggеstions,
Is Mrs Dау hаppу or аnglу аbottt hеr gаrdеn?
draw a сощ shееp, hoгsе' goat, сhiсkеn and duсk on
thе boaгd. Writе thеsе animal words on thе board too.
IsMr Grау sorrу? (уes)
Lеarnеrs сomе to thе bоard and draw linеs bеtwееn thе ,Yеs'
Аt thе епd of thе story, doеs Mrs Dау sау
animal words and piсturеs. Lеarnеrs сould also makе
plеаsе!, or,No, thаnk уoиl,(lеarnеrs dесidе)
thе сorrесt animal noisе as you point to еaсh word! Ask:
||rhаt's уour fауourite апimаl?
Saу This Storу iS аbout somеfаrm аnimаls.
TеaсЫrеvi sе liu r m, Sw е а t еr, .fаr m е r, gаt е, t ow n. Dr aw @ т"tt the storg.
a fеnсе around thе animals and a littlе farmhousе. Say: t* Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs. Аsk Which piсturе Stаrts
I|е ссlп sее thеsе апimаls on а fаrm. Draw a man with a thе story? Point to ill Lеarnеrs point to thе first рiсturе
buсkеt of watеr in thе fiеld too. Say: Hеrе's thеfаrmеr! in thе top row. Say: Piсturе numbеr l stаrts thе storу.
He's giviпg thе апimаls а drink. Show a piсturе of a I{ow writе 2' 3, 4' 5, б iп thе boхes'
gatе. Ask: Is thеrе а gаtе iп our sсhool / уour gardеп?
Show or draw a Swеatег. Аsk l|hаt сolour is mуhhis Chесk onswrrs:
swеаtеr? Show a piсturе of a town. If your sсhool is in 1 Мr Gгog is opening his gote.
a town, saу ITе livе iп (паmе of уour towп). (Nаmе oJ' 2 Mг Gгog ond Mгs Dоg ore going to town.
3 Тhе onimсls ore in Mrs Dog,s gorden.
уour towп) is а town' Аsk.. Whаt cап wеfiпd iп а town? 4 The сow's eoting o peor.
(housеs, shops, strееts, sсhools) 5 Тhe goot's weoring о hot.
Lеarnеrs now opеn thеir boоks and look at thе piсturе 6 Мrs Gгog is home now. She,s ongгg!
and thе words. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to rrpеat thе
* Ask lеarnеrs tо tеll you thе story. Lеarnеrs say whatЪ
words. Lеarnеrs draw linеs bеtwееn thе wоrds and parts
happеning in еaсh piсturе. Ask quеstions, for ехamplе:
of thе piсturе. Walk around and сhесk thеy havе donе
LI/hеrе аrе Mr Grау апd Mrs Dау goiпg? Thеу'rе goiпg
this сorrесtly. Аsk.. |4lhаt сolour is thе.fаrmеr,s swеаtеr?
to ... ? (town) Whеrе arе thе animals nоw? (in Mrs
(red) How mапу апimаls аrе oп thе fаrm? (8.) Look аt
Day,s gardеn) Whаt's thе сow еаtiпg? (a pеar)
thе town. Whаt colottr аrе thе housеs? (brown)
* Dividе lеarnеrs into thrее groups. Givе a story ro1е to *iр Ask thrее or four pairs tо rеad thеir sеntеnсеs to thе
еaсh lеarnеr (Мr Gray, Мrs Day and thе farm animals - сlass, for еxamplе: on our.fаrm thеrе is а truсk. Оп our
so thеrе will bе sеvеral Mr Grays and Mrs Days as wеll fаrm thеrе аrе Somе horsеs.
as animals).
* Rеad thе story as bеlow and ask thе groups to mrmе
whatЪ happеning. Ifyou brought thе vеgеtablеs to thе @ @ul,' Тhis is Store Form!
сlass, thе farm animais сould usе thеsе as props! tr Rеvisе numbеrs 1-20 if nесеssary.
* Praсtisе first, thеn lеarnеrs pеrform thе play from ф Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе. ,\sk.. ||ho s this? (Мr Gray)
bеginning to еnd. I4lhаtЬ bеhind Mr Grау's сow? (atruck) I|hose truсk is

Narrator: Mr Grау opеns his gаtе but doеsп't closе it? (Мr GrayЪ) Whаt colour is the truсk? (Ь\ue) Whаt's
nехt to Mr Grау? (a shееp, a goat, сhiсkеns). How mапу
Hе gets in his trttck апd drivеs to town.
сhiсkеns аrе thеrе? (2) Whаt's Mr Grау wеаring,? (a
Narrator: Mrs Dау opепs hеr gаrdеп gаtе but doesп't
brown jaсkеt' a yеllow swеatец grееn trоusеrs) И/hаt's
сlosе it. Shе stапds аt thе bus stop. А bus сomеs, Shе
Мr Grау doing? (standing, smiling)
goеs to towп oп the bus. Thе апimаls аrеn't on thеfаrnl
now. Thеу аrе iп Mrs Dау s gаrdеп. Thеу'rе еаtiпg hеr
Saу Mr Grау is tаlking аbout his fаrm. Lеarnеrs look
vеgеtаblеs аnd thеу rе wеаriпg hеr сlothеs. Оh пo!
ехamplrs and rеad thе quеstions bеfоrе listеning.
at thе
Saу Thе аnswеrs (1rе nаmеS or пumbеrs. Аsk Is thе
Narrator: Мrs Dау comеs home. Shеb vеrу апglу' Mr апSwеr to the.first ехаmplе а nаmе or а пumbеr,? (.a
Grау сamеs homе too. Hе,s vеrу sorlу.
namе) 1s thе апswеr to the seсoпd ехаmplе а паmе or
Мrs Day ro1е playеrs: I'm vеrу апgry! а пumbеr? (a numbеr) Rеmind lеarnеrs to writе thе
Mr Graу rolе playеrs: I'п vеtу sorrу! |Ilould уou likе to numbеr' not thе numbеr word.
hаvе lunch? Play Traсk l5 of thе СD twiсе. Lеarnеrs writе thе
Еnd thе rolе play with lеarnеrs dесiding again if Mrs answеrs.
Day says Yes, plеаsе, or No, thапk уou.
Cheсk onswers:
1Bеn 21 з12 4Luсu 515
@ м" Grog livеs nеxt to Мrs Dog!
Аsk l4lhаt |s thе fаrmеr's nаmе? (Mr Gray) Point to thе Тest note:
еxamplе sеntеnсе and to thе onе-wоrd answеr. Lеarnеrs Nomes in Listening Poгt 2 oгe olwogs fгom the Stor^tеrs woгd
see thatJhrm is сrossеd out in thе word boх. Сhесk list ond oгe o[wogs spelt out.
undеrstanding of thе othеr words in thе word box by
pointing to thе story piсturеs on SB pp з4-з5. All thе Extension for stronger сlosses:
words arе shоwn hеrе eхcept luпсh. Foг this oсtivitg, gou'll neеd to teoсh nonе.
In pairs, lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs 1-6 and writе thе In their notеbooks' leorners dгow o line осгoss the middlе of
answеrs. Lеarnеrs should rеmеmbеr thе answеrs, but if o Poge. ln the top hotf theg write Мg form and dгow poгt of
theiг own form in the spoсe under the hеoding. Theg сon сrow
thеy nееd hеlp, thеy сan find thе answеrs in thе story.
onimols oг detoils tike trees or tгuсks. Тheg сhoosе whot оnd
how mоng of eoсh to dгow, for exomple: five tгees, teп сows,
Cheсk onswers:
thrеe dogs ond o tгee. In thе Ьottom holf of thе pogе, theg
1 tгuсk 2 bus 3 gotе 4 onimols 5 сlothes 6 lunсh wгitе the heоding gg friend,s form and lеovе thot spoсe b[оnk.
Whеn thеg've finished their drowing, theg work in poiгs
e ЪaсЫrеvise Therе i,s ... /Thеre аrе .. ' . Lеarnеrs look оsking ond onsweгing How mong ... ? questions. Нow monц
at thе first paragraph on SB p 34. Say: Оn Mr Grау,s trees orе there on gour form? (5) How mong truсks ore there on
gour form? (0) Listеning to thеiГ poгtneг's onsweгs' theg dгow
fаrm thеrе аrе So1|lе... 2 (сows, shееp, goats, duсks and
thе оnimols or othег dеtoits on thеir poftner's form' Lеornеrs
сhiсkеns) Thеrе is а . . . ? (dog) Writе thеsе SеntеnсеS on
then look ot eoсh othег's dгowings to sеe iftheg oге сoгrесt!
thе board. Undеrlinе аre and thе plural noЦns. Undеrlinе Leoгners сou[d olso write sentenсеs oЬout thеir fогm, foг
ls and thе singular noun. exomple: There ore 5 trees, 10 сows ond 3 dogs on mg form.
There's o tree on mg form too.
Ъll 1еarnегs to imaginе thеy havе a farm. Writе on thе
board: Оп ourfаrm thеrе is а ... . Оn our fаrm thеre аre
Somе... .
Listen ond write o nome or o number.
** Point to еaсh struсturе and ask: Whаt is thеrе on уour
fаrm? ||hаt сlпiпаls аrе thеrе oп уour.fаrm? Writе Giгl: Con l osk gou some questions qbout this
two or thrее suggеstions on thе bоard to сomplеtе еaсh foгm, Мr Grog?
Sеntеnсе, for еxamplе: Thеrе is а housе, сl trее, а dog. Мr Grog: Yes!
Thеrе аrе somе cows, some shеep, somе chiсkеns.
Girl: Whose fоrm is itl
Lеarnеrs сopy thеsе еxamplеs.
Мг Grog: It's mine. lt's mg form.
;* In pairs' lеarnеrs writе down thrее morе sеntеnсеs about
thеir farm lstng Thеrе is/аrе, for еxamplе: Thеrе is а
Giг[: oh! And whot's thе nqme of gour form?
truck / а саt / а fаrmеr. Тhеrе аre Somе miсe / somе Mг Grog: |t's Store Foгm. You spе[[ thot s-T.o-R-Е.
duсks / somе soаts / somе horsеs' Giгl: Тhonks.

g Glгt: How mong sheep oгe thеre on gouг foгm? cheсk onswers:
* М. G.ou. l'vе got 16 sheep. greg goot / floweгs, Ьrown сow / beons, whitе sheеp / onions'
БloJtЪnа whitе сow / peos, сhiсken / pototoes, white goot /
* Girt: 16? Wow. Тhot's o lot!
fr Girt: And thегe's o dog on gouг form too. * Ask quеstions, for ехamplе: Whаt''s thе greу goаt
."; - Yes. lts nome is
t Мг Gгou: Ben. eаtiпs? Whiсh апimаl isп't еаtiпg? (thе blaсk shееp)
Ben? Do gou spe[[ thot B-Е-N?

$ Mг Grog: Yes. Тhot's гight.

Giгt: And how mong tгuсks oгe theгe?

Мг Gгog: Theге's one tгuсk. l've got onе truсk.
Girl: Тhonk gou.

Giг[: How mong сhiсkens ore theгe?

Mr Gгog: I've got 12 сhiсkens. I love eoting theiг eggs!
Giгl: You'vе got 12 сhiсkеns ... Giгt: Look! Theгe's Mr Gгog's Ьгown сow.
Mr Gгog: Yes. Boч: Whегel oh ... lсon sеe it. lt's еoting thе beons
Giгt: oh ...
Mг Gгоg: Тhere qгe some сows too. Con gou see thot
brown onel Girt: And thot white sheep is eoting heг onions.
Gir[: Yes! Whot's its nome? Bog: lt likes them! Look!
Mr Grog: Luсg. You spett it L-U-с-Y. Gir[; Тheгe's o bloсk ond white сow theге too.
Giг[: I likе thot nome.
Bog: Whot's thot сow eoting?
Мr Gгog: Me too. Giгl: lt's eoting Mгs Dog's peos.
Gir[: How mong goots oгe thеre on gouг foгm? oh deoг!
Bog: And thе сhiсken is eoting heг pototoes.
Мг Gгoч: 15. I've got 15 goots.
Giгl; And thot white goot ... thot white goot is eoting
Giгt: Thonks. Thot's the еnd of mg questions!
the Peoгs on heГ tгee.
Мг Gгog: Good!
Bog: Let's stop them!
Giг[: Howl
@ фв' '. Whot orе the onimols Bog: l don't know. Let's гun ond tе[[ Мum! She сon
eoting? phone Мгs Dog.

* Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе. Аsk.. Whеrе аrе thеsе

аnimаls пow? (ilthе gaгdеn) Whosе gаrdеп is ilz (Mrs
Daу's) How mсlпу апimаls сaп уou seе? (1)
@ wь"t's on the woshing tine?
:* Tеaсh/rеvisе diffеrеnt itеms of сlothing. Ask diffеrеnt
:+ Writе on thе board: Thеrе is сl ... Thеrе arе Somе ...
lеaгnеrs to stand up and talk about onе thing thеу.rе

Point to Thеrе is а -'. . aлd ask diffеrеnt \еarners'. |{hаt

wеaring, for еxamplе: I'm wеаriпg а whitе shirt.
апimаls сап уou sеe? Learnеrs look at thе piсturе and
answеr: Thеrе is с ... 1whitе goаt, grеy goаt. brown сoщ Тest note:
blaсk and whitе сoщ whitе shееp, blaсk shееp, сhiсkеn) Тhе futt list of Stoгters сlothеs words is: bс9, drеss, glosses'
Point to Thеrе аrе Somе ... and ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs: hondbog, hot, joсkeц jeong shiп' shog skiп, soсk, trousеrE Т-shirt
I|hаt do thеу wаnt to есtt? Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе ond wotсh'
and answеr: Therе аrе somе oпioпs, pеаs,fowers,
Ifyou brought rеal vеgеtablеs Lеarтrеrs сlosе thеir books. Draw rwo trееS on thе board
potсttoеS, bеаns, pеаrs,
with a washing linе bеtwееn thеm. Point to thе dгawing on
to thе сlass, шsе thеm hеrе to сhесk undеrstanding. You
thе board and ask: Which сlothеs аrе oп the wаshiпg liпе
might also want to teach vеgеtаblеs.
iп Mrs Dау's gаrdeп? As lеatrrеrs answец draw thе сlоthеs
Ask: Do уou likе eаtiпgflowеrs? (no) Do уou likе еаtiпg
on thе linе. Lеarnеrs thеn opеn thеir books again and

oпioпs? ... peаs? ... potаtoеs? ... bеаns? '.. pеаrs?

look at SB p 34 to сhесk thеir answеrs. Аskagain: I|hiсh
,*, Say: Two childrеn аre wаtсhiпg the апimаls in Mrs сlothеs? (hat, shirt, soсks, T:shirt, jеans/trousеrs and drеss)
Dау's gаrdеп. Ше аnimаls аrе еаtiпg now. I|/hаt аrе thе Lеaгnеrs look at thе washing linе and word box in F. Point
апimаls eаtiпg? to thе join thе dots. Аsk.. I4hаtb this? (a shirt) Lеarnеrs
.:r Play Traсk 16 of thе СD twiсе. Lеarnеrs draw linеs to join thе dots and draw a linе from а shirt in thе word boх
matсh animals with food. Lеarnеrs сhесk answеrs in to thе drawing. Lеarnеrs look at thе othеr сlothеs in thе
pairs bеforе сhесking in opеn сlass. word box and now draw and сolour thеsе сlothеs too.
Thеy draw a linе from еaсh itеm оn thе washing linе to
its word. Walk around and сhесk that lеarnеrs arе doing
this сorrесtly. Lеarnеrs сan draw two morе itеms of thеiт
оhoiсе on thеir washing linеs and writе thе words.
]]t. Whrn lеarnеrs havе finishеd dгawing, ask thrее or four TеaсЫrеvisе: breаkfа,st, luпсh, diпnеr. If yоur lеarnеrs
diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to сomе up to thе front and show thеir сan talk abоut timе, ask what timе thеy havе brеakfast,
piсturеs. Thеy say whatЪ on thеir linе and what соlour it lunсh and dinnеr.
is, for ехamp\e.. (Оn mу liпе) thеrе is а rеd Tlshirt. Thеrе Lеarnеrs thеn сomplеtе thе thrее sеntеnсеs in H with
аrе Somе bluе jеаns. Мakе surе lеarnеrs undеrstand thе food thеy еat at diffеrеnt mеals. Lеarnеrs сould
that wе use Thеrе аrе with trousеrs ald jеаns (bесausе add drinks to thеsе lists too. Startеrs drinks arе: iиlсe,
thеy'vе got two lеgs). lеmoпаdе, milk and wаtеr.
Walk around and hеlp with voсabulary if nесеssary.
@ oь no! Look! Lеarnеrs show еaсh othеr thеir сomplеtеd sеntеnсrs.
Ask thrее or four lеarnеrs what thеir partnеrs еat for
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе of thе animals. Ask: lre brеakfast, lunсh or dinnеr.
thеsе сlothеs сlеап or dirф пow? ('dtrtу)
Look at thе ехamplе sеntеnсе and ask: Whаt,s the browп
сow wеаring? (a skirt) Tеl1 lеarnеrs that all thе answеrs @ woutd gou likе to hqve lunсh
arе сlothеs. with mе?
In pairs or on thеir own, lеarnеrs writе onе-word Say: Mr,s Dау сomеs homе аnd sееs thе апimаls iп hеr
answеrs on thе dottеd linеs. gаrdеn' Is shе апgry or sаd? (Shе's angry.) Ifhаt doеs
shе sау? Lеarnеrs find thе answrг at thе bоttom ofSB
Cheсk onswers:
p 35. (I'm vеry angry!) Saу Mr Grау sееs thе апimаls
1 Т-shiгt 2 shiгt 3 hot 4 swеoter 5 dгess
too. Is hе SorIу or hаppу? (HеЪ sorry.) Whаt doеs hе
sау? (|'m vеry sorry!)
* Ask: [|hаt quе'stioп doеsMr Grау аsk Mrs Dау аt thе
Divide lеornеrs into groups of four. Givе eoсh group еnd of thе,story? (Wou|d you likе to havе lunсh with
mogozine poges thсt show сhildren's сlothеs. Leorners сut
mе?) Writе on thе board: Yеs, plеаsе! No, thапk уou!
out somе fovourite piсtures ond poste them onto o grouP
sheet of popeг. Gгoups then show thеiг рiсtures to the сtoss ф Writе Would уou like to ... ? abovе the уes/пo answеrs.
ond tоI<e turns to sog whot eoсh person in theiг сotloge is Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе prompts in I. Tеaсh go
weoгing. For exomрle: Тhis pеrson is weoring blue jeons ond o
beoutiful gel[ow shiп.
fishiп,glswimmiпg and сhесk othеr voсabularу if
nесеSsary. Praсtisе asking and answеring onе quеstion
in opеn сlass. For еxamplе, ask onе lеarnеr: IЦould уou

@ мg fovouritе food! likе to plау.footbаll with mе? Potnt to thе les, plеаsе!
No, thаnkуou! answеrs on thе boaгd. Thе lеarnеr
"* Say: I еаtfish' but I don't еаt mаngoеS' Аsk.. Whаt,s уour answеrs Yеs, plеаsе! or No, thаnkуou!
.fаvouritе Jbod? (lеarnеrs answеr) t'Ilhаt food do уou еаt? .ф In pairs, using thе piсturе prompts or thеir own idеas,
(lеarnеrs answеr) Whаtfood don't уou еаt? (learners
lеarnеrs takе turns to ask and answеr more l|ottld vou
answеr) Writе thrее or four typеs of food on thе bоard.
likе to ... with mе? qurstions.
tl Givе еaсh lеarnеr a photoсopy of
.Мy favouritе fооd!'
(p 56). Lеarnеrs look at all thе food on thе shееt.
In pairs, thеy writе thе wоrd for еaсh itеm of food. @ wьot's for ]unсh?
Еnсouragе thеm to usе thе word list on SB pp 67 68 if Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе. Аsk l|hаt food сап уou sее
thеy nееd hеlp with spеllings. oп thе tаblе? (burgеr/bеans/сhips, mеat/riсе/pеas, fisl/
i& Lеarnеrs now draw thrее itеms of thеir favouritе fоod lеmоn,/pоtatoеs, еggs/sausagеs/tomato, watеrmеlon, iсе
in thе thrее еmpty boxеs on thе shееt and writе thе сrеam, grapеS and an orangе.)
word undеr еaсh piсturе. Walk around and hеlp with Аsk l4lould уou likе to еаt this food? Ask thrее or four
voсabulary whеrе nесеssary. lеarnеrs: Il/ould уou likе а burgеr with somе bеаns апd
ii$ Lеarnеrs tiсk food thеy likе and put сroSSеS for food сhips? Learnеrs answеr: Yеs, plеаsе! or |tIo, thапkуott!
thеy don't likе. In pairs, lеarnеrs thеn talk about thе In pairs, lеarnеrs ask and answеr quеstions about thе
food and saу: I like ' , but I don| likе .,. .
.. four mеals. Whеn thеу havе finishеd' ask two or thrее
* Lеarnеrs might likе to сolour thе food piсturеs. lеarnеrs: Whаt|s vour fауouritе lunсh?

lllustroted food: Proieсt:

bоnono, gгoPes' lemon, lime, ln smo[[ gгouPs, leornеrs сhoose o nome foг o rеstouгont.
mongo, Ьeons, сhips, onion, Тhеg сut out piсtuгes of food from mogozines or drсw
Peos' tomoto, buгgеr, egg, plotes of food to сreote о piсtuгe menu. Theg list four to six
fish, meot, bгeod, сoke, diffeгеnt lunсhes ond desseгts' Theg might odd ргiсes too.
iсe сreom Gгoups сould role plog woitеrs ond сustomeгs оnd proсtise
the usе of Would цou like ... ? Yes, pleose. No' thonk gou.
.oгdeг'theiг [unсh,
|f gour gгoups know l'd tike ... theg сould
Тest note: '
soging, foг exomрle: /,d likе some sсUsoges ond сhips, p[eose.
Otheг food items in Stоrсегs are oрple, corrot' сhiсken, coсonut' Displog thеir menus oround thе сlossroom if possiЬ[e.
oronge' pototo, sousoges ond wаtermelon.
J !-E

Moin topiсs: homе, fomi[ч, сolours Beforе listenin9
40' Thеу do not
Мoin grommor: РгеPositions of ploсe:
Е Lеarnеrs look at thе first piсturе on SB p
.l: F; Poгt 2: G; rrad thе tеxt.
Test proсtiсe: Reoding ond Writing Poгt
Port З: F; Port 5: B, D t.н Ask: How mаnу pеople cап уou sее?
Listening Poгt 4: H (at homе)
This is а fаmilу, Whеrе аrе thеу?
SpeoI<ing Poгt 2: J; Porс 3: F
Who,s got а bikе,.,tthе gгandma)
Мovers/Flgers сoot (n), home (n), hot (odi), toothЬгush (n) Is thе усtnсlmа сoming or gсliпg? Whаt
do уou
words: thiпk.? (\earners guеss)
Non-YLE words: сushion (n)' gron (n) lеt,s look а,t thе piсturеs аnd listеn tо
rhе srolу
Say: 1t'ow
Еquipment: о CD: Storg, H, J
17 of the CD or reod the
о o piсture of o hot ptoсе, o сoot'
{.фФ- 17 PlogТroсk
o сushion, o toothЬrush (optionol): storg.
. o Pоiг of glosses (optionot): А, G
o photoсopies (onе per lеorneг) of Suggestions for o pouse if required:
'Home'P 57: D
т:.* Stop thе СD after But look!
Mу rеd soсks! Grеаt! (SB
o gtue, sсissoгs (optionot): D
p 40)
о Ьogozines thot show homes ond
(handЪag, сoat,
furnituге: D Аsk: Whiсll.fbur thiпgs hаs Grап got?
о сolouгing pеnсils or pеns: D' F, H toothbrush, bikе)
o photoсopies (one per poir ond сut into
.ouг kitсhen' p 58: F Иhаt hаsп't Grап got? (hеr glassеs)
iwo holves) of ('2)
How mапу сhildrеп аrе thеrе?
о o book (optionоl): G
and Jill)
. o set of сlqssroom objeсts (per gгouр
of Whаt аrе thеir пtllllеs? (Tom
four leorners): J
After listеning to the whole storg
* Ask: Ссln thе сhilсlrеnfiпr| Grап's glassеs in thе housе.|

@ ш"* words for чou! (no)

WhLеrе сlrе Grаn's glаssеs? (on hеr hеad)
* With bоoks сlosеф introdшсе thе topiс of thе ls Grап hаpp.v n,lи',., |уes\
about thеir familiеs. For еxаmplе:
by asking lеarnеrs Саn усltп, grапdmсl аnd grаndpа.find thеit,
bаbу in уour
йп,oз got а brothеr? ... а sistеr? Is thеre а glаssеs ? (lеarnеrs answеr)
Who hсts
fаlпi\v Аrе thеrе lots o.f pеoplе уour fоmilу?
а grапdfаthеr,? . '. а grапdmothеr?
l+ Draw or put on а pair of glassеs. Ask: Иrhаt аrе thеsе'',
(glassеs) Whаt colour аrе thеу,/ @ G"on rides o bikе.
Who ... ? Шеrе .. ? bу hоlding
Saу: This stсlrу is rlbсlttt сl grапсlmothеr.
Shе саn't fiпd * Tеaсh/rеvi se Whаt . '.
(.apеnсil) Givе thе
hеr glоssеs! a pеnсil and asking: Whаt's this?
mу pеnсiL
grап, hoпе, сushion, toothbrush and
Se с()аt,
pЁnсil to onе lеarnеr and ask: Who hаs got
e. TеaсЫrеvt on Уour dеsk and
grапtlmothеr оn thе board thrее timеs. Show пow? (lеarrcr's namе) Put thе pеnсil
ask: Whеrе's this pепсil пow? (onthе
lеaгnеrs how wе сan shoтtеn this word to grапdmа and
grап.. grаndmothеr grаndmы\а Draw a ** In pairs, lеarnеrs rеad sеntеnсеs i-5
and writе onе-
у-m^п!у+ьеr Thеу should bе ablе
п,tу housе rvo,d u.'.lv.., on thе dottеd linеs'
Бoll*.Ъ,, thе board. Аsk'. Whаt's this? Wr\tе
your drawing. Saу.' а hottsе, а flut,.а but if thеy nееd hеlp, thеу сan find thе
on thе board undеr to rеmеmbеr,

homе'. Draw or show a rеal сoat, сushlon anSWеrS and сhесk spеllings in thе tеxt.
boаt сап bе
and toothbrush. Show a piсturе ofa hоt plaсе, for
vау hot
ехamplе a dеsеrt. Mimе fееling hot and say:

hеrе !
at thе piсturеs. Ask
::. Lrafnеrs opеn thеir books and look
draw linеs
lеarnеrs to rеpсat thе nеw woгds. Lеarnеrs
to matсh thе words with thе piсturеs.
Walk around and @ wь" looks here?
Who's this?
You сould also сhесk Point to thе faсеs (A, B and С) in tuтn. 1.:sk
сhесk thеy havе dоnе this сorrесtlу.
Jill and Mum) Look thе first piсturе togеthеr.
by asking: Whаt сo |ottr',s thе сoаt/сushion/trlothbrush? (Тom, at
lеttеr is Tom,? (Д)
(ьluе, rеd) Whаt сolour is Grап's hаir / Grоn,s
ьluе, looks hеrе,? (Тom) Whiсh
in paiгs or on
homе? (whitе/pink) Lеaтnеrs look at thе othеr piсturеs аnd
thе boxеs.
thеir own, writе thе corrесt 1еttеrs in

Cheсk onswers: Extension/homework projесt for stronger сlosses:
A: toЬle Leoгnеrs dгow thеiг own homes oг Гooms ond desсгibe thеm
B: сomputеr, ТV to othегs in the сloss. Foг exomple: ln our living room, there's l
C: ormсhoirs, сushion we've got o gellow sofа аnd o big TV. Аlternotivеlg, gгoups
сou[d find piсtuгes of rooms in mogozinеs ond сut them out
to mokе o .homе' сollogе. Тhеg сould lоbel thе furnituгe theg

@ wьot's in Jill's tiving room? сon seе in eoсh гoom oг fеotures of the гooms (foг eхоmple:
door, window, floor). |f possiЬ[e, displog thеse dгowings oг
Lеarnеrs lоok at thе piсturе of JillЪ living room. Ask сolloсеs oround thе room.
two or thrее Whаt сolour... ? quеstions. For ехamplе:
Whаt сolour s thе sф? (bluе) . .. thе аrmсhаir?
(orangе) ... thе сupboаrd? (уd'low) @ wьere's the сot looking?
Look at thе linе from а TV to the TV in thе piсturе. In Writе on thе board: I|/hаt сolottr iS it? Whеrе iS it?
pairs, lеarnеrs draw linеs from thе othеr words to thе Lеarnеrs ask you thеsе quеstions to guеss objесts or
furniturе in this iiving room. furniturе in thе сlassroom, fоr ехamplе: Whаt colour
is i/? (Whitе) II/hеrе is it? (on thе wall) Lеarnеrs guеss
Chесk сnswers: boаrd. ||lhаt сolour ls lr2 (rеd) I4/hеrе is l/? (on mу
Ask: WhotЪ in|on the ... ? questions. Ask: WhotЪ on the tobIe? labIе) Lеaгnеrs guеss peлсl1.
(some floweгs) WhotЪ on the desk? (the tomp)
In pairs, lеarnеrs takе turns to сhoosе somеthing in thе
-e Lеarnеrs writе onе-word answеrs to thе two quеstions сlassroom and ask and answrr quеStions in thе samе
undеr thе piсturе. way.
ЪaсЫrеvisе iп, oп, bеhind, пехt to, bеtwееn, uпdеr. Тe]r\
cheсk оnswers: lеarnеrs to сlosе thеir еyеs whilst objесts arе hiddеn (for
s[eеping, brown ехamplе: your Watсh, your rulец your pеn) somеwhеrе
in thе сlassroom. Рrеtеnd that you сan't find it. Say:
Note: I саll't find шу wаtсh/rulеr/pеn! Whеrе is il? Writе

In Stoгtеrs Reoding ond Wгiting Port 5, leoгners ore onlg

lеarnеrs'guеSsеs on thе board. For eхample iп thе
expeсted to wгite one-word onsweгs. |f onе of thе questions aryboаrd, undеr уour сhаiц bеhiпd thе door. onе at a
in Poгt 5 is, foг ехomplе, Whot's the bog doing? leornеrs should timе, diffеrеnt lеarnеrs gеt up and look in thеsе diffеrеnt
just wгite the -ing foгm of thе oppгopriоte veгb. For exomple: plaсеs. As thеy do this, thеy say whеrе thеy1.е looking.
sleeping, eoting, running.
Рor еxamplе: I'm lookiпg iп thе сttpboаrd пow! I'm
.Homеl' (p 57). Ask: lookiпg under уour сhаir пow.
.*l Givе еaсh lеarnеr a photoсopy of
Is this аn old housе/flаt or а nеИ) lзousеflаt? (nеw) ЁIow Point to thе еxamplе and ask: Whеrе|s thе саt lookiпg.?
mапу rooms сс1п уo|l sее? (2) Whаt сап уott sее? (abeф (in thе сupboard) Lеarnеrs point to thе сorrесt piсfurе.
a mat, an armсhaiц a sofa) Rеvisе thе namеs of thеsе In pairs, thеу thеn сomplеtе thе iong Sеntеnсе, сrossing
rooms (bеdrсlom arrd liviпg room.) and оthеrs in thе homе. out prеpоsitions aS thеy usе thеm. Whеn сhесking
answrrs, point to еaсh piсturе in turn and ask Аnd
Test note: whеrе s thе саt lookiпs пow'?
Other гooms in Stor.сers oгe:
bothroom, kitсhen, holl, dining room Cheсk onswers:
Ьehind the sofo' undег thе toЬte, nеxt to the ТV' on the desk,
Note: Ьеtwеen the two сushions
bedroam, bothroom (ond сlossroom) огe wгittеn os onе woгd,
Ьut dining room ond living room oгe writtеn os two words.
.plaсе' thеsе tn @ wьot's this? Whot qre thеse?
Lеarnеrs сolour thе smail piсturеs and
onе of thе two rooms. Тhеy сan do this bу drawing linеs Rеvisе this and thеsе if necessary. Makе surе lеarnеrs
to shorv whiсh thing goеs in еaсh room, by сopying thе undеrstand Wе сan use thеSе for onе thing that has tr,vo

piсturеs and drawing thеsе itеms in еaсh rоom or by parts, for rxampiе: glаsses,jеапs, trousеrs'
сutting thе piсturеs out and plaсing or gluing thеm in Аsk Whаt colour is Grап's hаt in thе stolу? (bluе) Look
еaсh room. Lеarnеrs thеn add thrее or four dеtails of at thе еxamplе togеthеr. Ask: 1s this Grап's hat? (.уes)
thеir own сhoiсе, for ехamplе: aЬa|I, a toy, a book, a How do уott spеll (H-A-T) In pairs or оn thеir
radio. own, lеarnеrs look at еaсh piсturе, Sеntеnсе and sеt of
Ask two or thrее lеarnеrs Whаt '., ? Whаt сolour .,. ? jumblеd lеttеrs. Thеy сomplеtе sеntеnсеs 1 5 and сolour
Whаt's iп/oп ... ? quеstions. For еxamplе: Whаt colottr's thе piсturеs сorrесtly.
thе сushioп? Whаt,s iп thе bеdroom? I|lhаt s oп thе bed?
Cheсk onswers:
In pairs, lеarnеrs thеn ask and answеr quеstions about
1 сoot 2 гuleг 3 roЬot 4 soсks 5 qtоsses
еaсh otlrеrЪ homеs.

Ьsk |Цhаt colour... 2 quеstions to сhесk сolouгing. Еxtension:
(red) Whаt
ехamplе: Whаt сolour аrе Мtlm's soсks.? C[eoг o spoсe in the сlossroom. Use four сhoiгs
to show thе
colour is Jill's rulеr? (ptлk) insidе of the сoг.
д,к ы" t.o.n"гs to Ьe Dоd, Mum, Jitt, Tom, Gгon
.ouт kitсhеn' ond the
Givе only thе top haif of thе photoсopy сot.Leoгners[ookotthepiсtuгeondsсоndorsitin.theright
(p 58) to еaсh pair of lеarnеrs. Tеl1 thеm to look oloсes (Dod, the сhildren ond Gron in thе
сoг, ond Мum ond
diffеrеnt ond o book) to
сarеfully at thе piсturе and tо rеmеmbеr whеrе lr,r"-*..Б"ьi"а the сor). Give props (g[ossеs
Whеrе аrе thе'glаssеs? lines to give to еoсh Person to soЧ.
things arе. неlp thеm by asking: Gгon ond Ji[t. Prepore
(on ihе chair) Whеrе's thе сoаt'? (on thе door) Givе (evеrчonе is stonding togetheг)
Mum: Bgel
1"u*"., a minutе to look at thеir piсturеs, thеn сollесt Cot: Мeow!
thеm in. Givе pairs thе bottom half of thе
Tom ond Jitt: Coл we сome, Dod?
now. Ask: Whеrе аrе thе glаssеs апd thе socks.l Dod: Yes, цou сon.

Whеrе's thе rulеr, thе robot, thе jасkеt, the cushioп, (еvегgone gев into thе сor)
thе hаt, thе toothbrush, thе сloсk апd thе
mirror? Drаw Gгоn: (сokes off heг hot)
havе сomplеtеd Tom ond Jitt: iour glсsses сre on gour heod!
thеm iп this piсtttrе пoу,. Ilfter lеarnеrs
/ аrе thе
. . ,
Gron: Greot!
thеir drawing s, ask.. Иhеrе's |I/hеrе
(evеrgonе toughs)
quеstions to сhесk positions of ob;есts.

Stronger сlosses:
Chесk onswers:
oгe Ьehind thе
ruler undeг the toЬ[e, Rotе ptоgers oге in thе сor. Мum ond the сot
оtosses on the сhoir, сoot on thе door,
;;;-k';; ih" сhoiг, roЬot on thе toble, сushion on the ftooг,on Lеorneгs imoginе whot eосh person ond thе
сot ore sоЧ|n9.
window. сloсk
hot undeг the сhoiг, toothЬгush nеxt to the the Ьooгd.
Put their suggestions on
the wo[l, mirгor betweеn thе P|сtuгes LetЪ gol Mum: Goodbцe! Jitt: Тhis t's funng!
тo.. G,сn, gour glosses i," on gou, heсd! Gron: oh deor! Сot:'

@ l" this piсture Gron's hoir

is кot" plog".' then soч their linеs ond thе гest of the

whitе! сtops ot the еnd.

;l Lеaгnеrs look piсturе. Аsk: Whеrе's Graп пow?

at thе

@ Goodbgе, Gron!
(in thе сar) Who's bеhiпсl hеr? (Tom and Jill) Ask:
Whаt's thе саt сloiпg,? (looking)
ф@я '' piсturе. Saу: This is thе еnd o|,thе
ф Lеarnеfs look at thе
n Say: Iп this piсfutrе (pointing to thе big
piсturе on SB p riding hеr
Storv пow' Whаt's Grап doing,? (gеtting on /
41.) Grап's iаir is... ? (lеarnеrs answег in сhorus: greyl) Dсld doiпg,|
ь*Ь1 wnаt аrе thе childrеп апd Munl апd
lr b ... ?
Bit in this piсturе (poifiing to thе piсturе in G) (waving) Ifаs Grап got hеr glаssеs пow? (уеs) Ask:
( lеa гnе гs an SWе г in с horu s: itе !\
ILow tnапу hаts саn уott sее? (1)
u lt

i::.+ In pairs, lеarnеrs find four

morе diffеrеnсеs. Gо arounФ !:i]. Мakе surе еaсh lеarnеr has сolouring
pеns or pеnсils.
hефing if nесеssary. Say, fоr еxamplе: Iп thе piсturе in hаts'
Saу.. Listеп апd сolour the
thе stйу, Grап's glаssеs аrе purplе, but iп this piсturе
ask quеstions' в Plaу Traсk 18 of thе СD, stopping aftеr thе-ехаmplе.
thеу оrе.. ' ? (yеllow) Altеrnativеly, (bluе) Plaу
Аsk: Whаt сolour is thе hаt oп Grап's hеаd?
thе rеst of thе rесording without stopping. Lеarnеrs
Notе: lеarnеrs
suPPoft, this соlouт Iivе morе hats. Aftеr thе first listеning,
This is o Мoveгs spеoking tеst oсtivitg but, with bеforе
look at сaсh othеr's drawings to сomparе answегs
is otso usеful рrосtiсe ot Stoгteгs.
listеning again.
Cheсk onswers: Chесk onswers:
Storg/G: Grоn's glosses purpte/Чettow, Jitt tou9hing/гeoding' _
hоt in the tгee - pink; hоt undеr thе сoг brown; _
;й;;. nu*. .o l ьЪьinа thе сor, Gron's got bog/ftowегs _
hot in Dod's hоnd геd; hot bеtwееn the flowers gгeеn;
hot in the Ьog _ oгonge
;я In pairs' lеarnеrs ask and answеr thе thrее quеstions
writе thе answеrs on thе dottеd linеs. Saу.. The girl сloеsп't сolour oпе of thе hаts. Whiсh hаt?
(thе hat on JillЪ hеad)
of thе
Lеarnеrs сolour thе rеst of thе сlrawing at thе еnd
iеsson or Гor homеwoгk.

;! Тopesсript:
$ Look сt the piсture. Listen ond look' There is one exomple'
i Мon. Con gou seе the hqt on Gron's heod?
i GiгL Yes, l сon.
Т Mon: Good. Colouг it b[ue.
Giгl: Poгdon?
$ Mon. Colouг the hot on Gгon's heod btue.
ii Сon цou see the blue hot on Gron's heod? Тhis is on
i exomp{е. Now gou listen ond co|our.
One Note:
Mon: Now find thе hot in the trеe. other rhgming words in the Storceгs list thсt чou сould use
herе to ехtеnd this rhgming oсtivitg ore сokelsnake, troinl
Girl: oK. | сqn seе the hot in the tгеe. plone, feetl street, do g I frog, house/mouse.
Мon: Right. Colour thot hot pink.
Giгt: Pink? oK! I love thqt сo[our. Homework ideo:
Мon: Ме too! Leoгneгs writе thе сomplete poеm (six or eight lines: thе
two fгom l оnd thеiг own fouг lines) ond illustrotе theiг poem
with piсtures in ong wog theg wish.
Giг[: Theге's o hot undеr the сor. Con I сolouг thot
Мon: Yеs. Сolouг the hot under the сqr brown. O М,' Plog the gome.
Giгl: oK. l've got o brown penсil. Here it is! Dividе lеarnеrs into groups of thrее or fоur. Makе surе
Мon: Good. еaсh group has an еmpty tablе to work on.
Тhree Ask еaсh group to put togеthеr thеsе objесts from thе
сlassrоom: pеnсils, rubbец rulеr, a book, bag and pеn.
Мon: Now, theгe's o hot in Dod's hond. Con gou seе it?
Сhесk thеy know thе words for all thе itеms.
Giг[: Yes, l сon sее thе hot in Dod's hond.
ф Saу: Listеп апd put thеsе thiпgs in thе right plаcеs.
Mon: Gгеqt! Colour thot hot red.
Ф Play Тraсk 19 of thе CD. Lеarnеrs listеn and follow thе
Giгl: Sorrgl Red? instruсtions.
Mon: Yes, thot's right.
Ask quеstions to сhесk positions. For еxamplе: |{hеre's
Four thе rubbеr? (bеtwееn thе pеnсils) Ifhаt's undеr thе
Mon: Con gou see the hot bеtwеen the two flowегs? rubbеr? (thе book) ||hаt|s behiпd thе book? (thе pеn)
Gir[: The hot between thе two flowers? oh gеs! Topesсript:
Mon: Good. Colour it gгeеn. Listen.
Girt: Greеn. oK. l'm doing thot now. Womon: Put thе penсits on the toble.
Bog: Soггg? Put the penсils wheгe?
Giг[: Con I сolouг the hot in the bog tool Womon: Put the penсils on the toblе.
Мon: Yes! Colour thot hot oгongе' p[eose. Bog: OK!
Giгl: oK. l'm сolouring thе hqt in the bog oгongе.
Womon: Now put thе гubЬeг between thе penсi[s.
[Чon: Thot's gгеot! We[l done!
Bog: Тhе гubbeгl Betwеen the penсils?
Womon: Thqt's гi9ht.
@ тьesе hots сre on Gron's hеod. Bog: OKI
Lеarnеrs look at thе poеm and at thе piсturеs. Аsk: How
Womсn: And put the book undeг the гubbeг!
mапу hаts с(1п уou sее? (2) Whеre аrе thе hаts? (on
GranЪ hеad) Lеarnеrs writе thе word hеаd on thе first
Bog: Soггgl
linе. Womсn: Put the book undeг thе гubbeг.
In pairs, lеarnеrs writе thе othеr thrее words on thе Bog: This is o funng gomel
dottеd linеs (bed, soсks, boх).
Womon: Now put thе pen on thе toblе behind the
Drill thе pоеm. Lеarnеrs rеpеat thе poеm in сhorus. book.
Ask whiсh wоrds sound thе samе at thе еnd (hеаdlbed,
Bog: Put the pen bеhind thе Ьook?
Womоn: Yes pleose.
Writе on thе board: chаiц hаiц саt, mаt. Point and drill
so that lеarnеrs rесognisе that thеsе pairs ofwords
Bog: oK! Тhегe!
sound thе samе at thе еnd too. Bog: Whot now?
Dividе lеarnеrs into groups of four. Groups think of Womon: Put the гuler next to one of the penсils.
two morе linеs (strоngеr groups сan think of four morе
Bog: Thе ruleг? Next to o penсil'
linеs) to add to thе poеm, using thе samе modelr: Thеsе
.'. аrе in/oп ...'s chаir/hаir or саt/mаt. Thеir linеs сan bе Womсn: Тhot's гight! We[[ done!
as funny as thеy likе. For еxamplе: Thеsе birds clrе in Boч: Thonk gou!
Mum,s hаir. Thеsе ссrts аrе on Dаd|s сhаir. oт Thеsе fish
аrе iп thе саt' Thеsе shoеs аrе oп the mаt.
Groups takе turns to rесitе thеir еxtra сhаir/hаir or саt/
mаt \inеs tо thе сlass.

Мoin topiсs: sсhoot, oсtivitiеs, nomes, tronsPoгt Bеfore listеning
Thеу do
Мoin grommor: Present сontinuous:
* Lеarnеrs look at thе fiтst piсturе on SB p 46.
So do I! Мe too! I don't!: H
not rеad thе tеxt.
Тest proсtiсe: Rеoding оnd Writing Poгt 4: G; Port 5: E, J
Аsk: Whаt room is this? @ сlassroom)
Listening Poгt 2: D; Poгt 4:
How mапу childreп cа|| уou sее? (4)

Speoking Port 1: Е; Poгt 3: F, G; Poгt 5: H colour

Thеrе,s с1 monstеr in this piсture too. |I/hаt
Мovers/Flgеrs homе (n), jungte (n), noughtЧ (odi)' is ir? (grееn)
words: poper (n), stor (n), whispeг (v)
[|hаt's it doiпg? (painting)
Non-YLЕ words: to thе Storv
Say: Now lеt's look аt thе picturеs апd listеп
сtossmotes (n)

о CD: Storg, D'

20 PlogTroсk 20 of thе CD or reod the
Equiрmеnt: I

o piсture of o jung[e: A
o PoPer ptonе (optionоl): A
@t storg.
о twеlvе piесes of рopeг: E
о рhotoсopies (one pеr teornег)
of Sиggestions for o pouse if required:
.Аnno's сlossmotesl' p 59: F
Stop thеСD afIer It's throwing pаpеr plапes аt Sап апd
о сolouring pеnсils or pens: |' K
о loгge sheеts of popeг (one per gгoup of Frеd! (SBp 46)
thrеe to fouг teorners): K Ask: 1s this tпoпstеr good or nаughtу?
Is thе moпstеr hctving luпсh? (no)
Do thе children like thе moпstеr? (уes)
@ ш"w words for чou! I|hаt's thе monster's fаvouritе hobbу?
by (lеarnеrs dесidе)
*. With books сlosеф introduсе thе topiс of thе story
asking lеarnеrs about sсhool ' tsk.. Whаt do уou
After listening to the whole storg
doiп{ аt sсhool? Rеаdiпg? Pаiпtiпg,? Writing? Sport?
+* Ask: Аt thе епd of thе storу, whеrе аrе thе сhildrеп
This story is аbout somе childrеn. Thеу,rе сtt
Saу: goiпg? (homе)
todау. r44,n,n с]oеs this moпStеrilve? (bеhind
thе door of

сlassroom 10)
Is thе monstеr hаppу or sаd? (lеarnеrs dесidе)
mog like to
Time is not intгoduсеd until Movers, but gou Is thеrе а mot1stеr likе thаt iп our clаssrooп?
is in eoсn
teосh o,сloсk ond osk lеoгneгs whot the timе

juпglе, pаpеr
*t Ъaсh/rеvi sе clаssmаtеs, whispеr, stаr,
atdпаughtу. Draw a Star on thе board and say: |I/е
sее @ o.," сlossroom monster
(thе sun) piсturеs аnd
stаrs аt7ight. Whаt сlo wе Sее in thе dау./ * Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs. Point to thе
Show a piЁсе of papеr (madе into a papеr planе if ask.. I|hаt's the monstеr doing iп this
piсturе? HeIp
bаll, throl,villg
possiblе). Saу: Wе cаn mаkе thiпgs with pаpеr. Whаt's with voсabularу if nесеssarу (bouпсiпg а
(upapеi planеl) Show a piсturе оf a junglе. Ask: а plапе, pаinti|1g а Stаr, rеаding, driпkiпg,
Whiсh inimаls livе iп thе junglе? (monkеys,
snakеs) сlrаwing. plауing а piапo\.
in a
Say in a normal уoice.. Listеп! I,m tаlkiпg! Say * Ask: Whаt doеs thе moпstеr do iп thе s/ory? In
rvhi,p".. Shh! Listеп! I'm whispеriпg пow!Mimе lеarnеrs tiсk thе сorrесt bохеs. Thеy shouid bе ablе
somЁthing naughtу (look naughty as yоu do
this) find thе
to rеmеmbеr, Ьut if thеy nееd hеlp thеy сan
гun"y faсе on thе board. Saу.. I'm not good!
drawing u answегs in thе storу.
апd sistеrs?
I'пt nаightу! Do уou hаvе паughtу brothеrs
Point to lеarnеrs. Say: Yoц аre iп this сlаss. You аrе Cheсk onswers:
.сlаssmа tеs..
|riепсls Ioо. You.rе (tiсked Ьoxеs): throwing o PoPег p[one, pointing o stoг'
piсturе and jгowing funng foсes, plоging the Piono.
* Lеarnеrs оpеn thеir books and look at thе
thе nеw
sеntеnсеs. Ask diffеrеnt iеarnеrs tо rеad out
grееn words in
words. Lеarnеrs draw linеs to matсh thе
thе sеntеnсеs with diffеrеnt parts оf thе
@ м" Both is the teoсher.Mrs Bаth? (Мr
around and сhесk thеy havе donе Ask: 1s thе tеаchеr's паme Mr Bаth or
сould also do this by asking: |,4/hаt сolour's thе
stаr/ 1s Мr
Bath) Whаt colour is Mr Bаth's hаir? (brown)
pаpеr? (уеllow/bluе) I]flho''s паughtу? (Аnna) Who,s
,wiispеri-пg? Bаth old orуouпg? (o\d)
(thе girl) I{ow mапу сlаssmаtes hаs Апnсt thе wrong
wall) Lеarnеrs look at thе еxamplе аnd стoss out
got? (z) йhe,е', |hе piсturе o-f'thе juпglе? (on thе wоrds on thеir own, thеn сhесk in pairs.
;q} Тhеy should bе ablе tо rеmеmbеr, but if thеy nееd hеlp, Dod: At Peor Тree Sсhool?
thеy сan find thе answеrs in thе story. Lеarnеrs rеad thе
Anno: Yеs. You thqt P-Е-A-R.
sеntеnсеS. Answеrs i 3 arе on SB p 46 and 4 J are on

o 41. Тwo
Dqd: Whiсh сtossгoom is the monstеr in?
Cheсk onswers:
Anno: |t's in сlossгoom 10.
1 jungtе 2 shoe 3 fish 4 wo[[ 5 behind 6 сon't 7 piono .l0?
Dod: ln сlossгoom Is thot uour сlossгoom?
Еxtеnsion: Anno: Yes, it is.

Lеorners геоd sеntenсe 1 ogoin. Ask Whсt do the сhildren
reod obout? (o jungte ond o zoo) Do gou [ike going to the Annо: Тhe monstеr loves eoting сhips!
zoo? Ask leoгneгs to get UP ond wolk slowlg oгound the
сlossгoom imogining thot theg orе in o zoo now. |f gou do
Dod: Does itl Who givеs it сhips?
not wont thе сloss to move oгound, tеll thеm to сlose thеir Annq: Fгеd. Fred's one of mg сtossmotes.
egеs ond imogine theЧ oге in o zoo. Ask Whсt con цou see in
this zoo? Listen! Whot сon цou heor? (birds, еlephonts, monkegs,
Dod: Ho ho!
tigers, peopte' еtс.). Aссept ong гeosonoЬle onswers. Four
Anno: And thе monster's got o fovouгite сolouг.

@ @ t'' Anno's tolking obout Dod: Hos

Anno: Blue.
it? Whot's its fovouгite сolouг thеn?

the monster.
Dod: lt tikes thе сolour blue?
Tеaсh/rеvisе wh- and Йow quеstion words. Lеarnеrs
Anno: Тhot's гight! | сon sРell blue. |t's B-L-U-Е.
look at thе ехamplе. Аsk.. Who is Zonk? (thе monstеr)
Lеarnеrs look at quеstions 1 5. Ask: Whiсh аnswers аrе Dod: Wеl[ donе!
пumbеrs.? (2,5) Which аnswеr is а сolour? (4) I|/hich Five
аnswеr is а паmе? (|, З) Anno: The monster's got lots of points.
Saу'. Апnа''stеlliпg hеr dаd аbout thе moпStеr. Lеarnеrs Dod: Oh! How mong?
listеn and writе thе answrrs thеy hеar on thе dottеd
Anno: 14. Тheg're in o Ьig box.
Dod: 14!Wow!
Play Traсk 21 of thе СD twiсе.
Anno: Yes. lt loves pointing! lt points stoгs ond suns on
Cheсk onswеrs: mg shoes!
1 Pеог 210 3 Fгеd 4 btue 5 14 Dod: Нq ho!

Тest note:
Leornегs onlg need to write numЬeгs or nomes in Reoding @ looк! Fred's drowing.
ond Writing Port 2. Questions onlч test numЬeгs below 20 TеaсЫrеvisе thе prеsеnt сontinuous if nесеssary.
ond o[[ nomеs wi[l Ьe spett out. Give lеoгnеrs Proсtiсе with Lеarnеrs look at thе fiгst piсturе on SB p 46. Ask:
spelling nomes in this unit. onе or two of the questions in
Por^t 2 mog Ьe Storteгs nomes. Sеe the photoсopg
.Anno's Иhаt's Мr Bаth doing? (writing) Whаt аrе thе childreп
сlossmotes' in F. doiпg? (rеading) II/hаt|s thе monstеr doiпg? (painting)
Ask thе quеstions again and drill answеrs. Stгongеr
Тopesсript: lеarnеrs can answеr using сomplеtе sеntеnсеs, for
еxamplе: Thе сhildrеп аrе rеаdiпg.
List.en and write q nome or o number. Ihеre ls one eхomple,
In pairs, lеarnеrs now look at thе first piсturе in Е. Ask
Dod: Hеllo. ls this o piсtuге of thе monstег in gouг
quеstions, for еxamplе: Whеrе|s thе tеаchеr/n,toпstеr?
с[oss, Annol
Whеrе аrе thе pаpеr plаnеs? Learners point to thе
Annq: Yes, Dqd! сorrесt part ofthе piсturе. Pairs сhесk thеy arе pоinting
Dod: Whot's its nomе? to thе samе part of thеir piсturеs.
Anno: Zonk. You spe[[ thоt z-o-N-K.
Dod: Zonk! Thot's o funng nome.
Тhis is o Мovers speoking test oсtivitg Ьut, with suppor.t, this
Сon gou sеe the onswer? Now gou listen ond write a name is olso useful oгосtiсе ot Stoгteгs.
or o number.
t* Show lеarnеrs how to talk about diffеrеnсеs by сhoosing
a сonfidеnt lеaгnеr to woгk with in opеn сlass. Look at
Dod: Whегe doеs this monsteг [ive? piсturе 1 and say: Iп mу piсturе' Frеd's drаwing. Lеаrnеr
Anno: lt lives ot Peor Tree Sсhool. says: 1и mу picturе, Frеd|s slееping. Writе this as a
modеl on thе board.
find fivе diffеrеnсеs bеtwееn thе '*; Say: |,{owJiпсl Аппа's сlаssmаtеs iп thе piсturе. Rеаd thе
еа In pairs, lеarnеrs
piсturеs. Thеy point to thе diffегеnсеS or usе singlе SепtепсеS апсl writе thеir паmеs on thе picturе. In pairs,
thеm, ior ехamplе: singiпg/drinkiпg. lеarnеrs rеad thе srntеnсеs and writе thе соrrесt namеs
wоrds to idеntify
сan answеr using сomplеtе sеntrnсеs, on thе dottеd linеs.
Strongеr lеarnеrs
for еxamplе: Thе tеасhеr''s siпgiпg а soпg / drinkiпg
Chесk onswers:
soше orаnge juiсе.
2 Frеd 3 Suе 4 Тom 5 Kim 6 Luсg 7 Ben 8 Som
Chесk onswers: LеarnеrA asks
* In pairs, lеarnеrs now swap shееts.
Piсture 1: Piсtuгe 2:
lеarnеr B: How rlo уou spеll уour паmе? Lеarnеr B
Тhe teoсhег's singing. The teoсheг's dгinking.
answеrs and lеarnеr A writеs thе namr on lеarnеr B's
The monsteг's рointing. Тhe monster's rеoding.
Fred's dгowing. Fred's sleeping. shrrt. Lеarnrr B now asks lrarnеrA thе samе quеst1on
Anno's wгiting. Anno's eоting. and lеarnеr B writеs lеarnеr A's namе. LеaгnегS swap
Тhe poper ptоnes oгe The popег Plоnes ore shееts again. Аsk: Аrе усlur паmеS corrесt,? Kееp thеsе
on the dеsk. on the floor.
shееts in a fllе or displaу thеm or ask lеarnеrs tо gluе
thеm into thеir notеbooks.
$ Lеaгnеrs look at thе еxamplеs, thеn сomplеtе thе
sеntеnсеs with thе сorrесt -lиg forms.

Cheсk onswers: @ wь"t om l?

Piсtuгe,l: wгiting/pointing/sin9in9 lt. Ask: Iп thе storу, ууhаt сJo thе сhildrеn hаvе.fbr luпсh?
Piсture 2: eсting/гeodin9/dгinking (fish and сhips and pеas and Ъread) Аrе thеу sitting iп а
clаssroom? (no) Аrе thеу Sitting iп а diпiпg room? (уes)
Note: Il/herе do hаvе
уou luпch аt homе? Do уоu hаvе а
diniпg rooп аt homе?
In thе YLЕ Listening ond Spеoking tеsts, the сontгoсted foгm
is fгеquentlg heord. |n the YLЕ Rеoding ond Writing test, the * Rеad thе last sеntеnсе: I,m а diпing room!Thellook at

.ontr.oсt"dlo.m isn't widelч usеd. Writе on the Ьoord: FrеdЪ thе еxamplе togеthеr' Аsk Whеrе's this dining rсlom,|
drowing. Fred is drowing. Point сnd exploin in L1 if nесеssoгg (in AnnaЪ sсhool)
thot wЪ сon wгite shе,s, hе,s ond itЪ oг she is, hе is оnd it is.
Тhе сontгoсtеd form is o foster wog of soчing the some *: In pairs, lеarnегs rеad thе rеst ofthе tеxt and сhoosе thе
thing, so whеn wе speok we oftеn just odd the Ъ. You сould fivЬ missing words from thе word box. Notе that thеrе
then-show leorneгs the diffеrеnсe bеtwееn thе is/isnt form arе two ехtra wоrds that thеy will not nееd. Lеarnеrs сan
more fullg, foг exomple: Tom is drаwing. Tom isлl drowing.
сroSS out Words as thеу usе thеm.

Еxtension: Cheсk qnswers:

Pгеpore twelve pieсеs of poper with instгuсtions on thеm. 1 books 2 сhoirs 3 tobte 4 сhips 5 juiсe
Fotd them up ond put them in o hot. Leoгners сhoosе on
instruсtion, гeod it, thеn give it Ьoсk to gou. Тheч mimе oг
oегfoгm the oсtion. otheг lеоrneгs gUess whot thеч'гe doing
Ьnd the leoгner doing thе mime sogs ges or no. Strongег @ wь"t ore theg ploging?
leorneгs сould rеspond more fultg, for exomplе: Nq lm not ll Ask: Iп thе storу, dсl thе сhildren hаvе thеir sports
writing. No, Гm not s|eeping. Тhe leoгnег who guesses сoгreссlg
lеssoп iп thе morпiпg or thе qfiеrпoon? (t\tе aftеrnoon)
сokеs the nеxt instruсtion.
Suggested oсtions:
Whiсh thrее sports do thеу plау? (soссеr, tеnnls oг
Yoi;re eoting. You're drinking. You're loughing' basеball) Whiсh of thеsе sports do уou likе plауiпg?
You're stonding' You,re jumping. You,re slееping. (lеarnеrs dесidе)
sitting. You're pointing. You're drowing'
Ask: Doеs thе moпStеr hаvе а sports lеssoп too? (no)
woviig. You're reoding. You're writing' яu
Saу: I4/еll' thе moпstеr likes sport. Look! It's plауiпg
сlilfеrепt Sports |1ow. Lеarnеrs look at thе piсtuгes in H.

@ лn'..q's с[сssmсtеs How mапу Sports cаn уou sее? (6)

.Anna's сlassmatеs' ;+ ln pairs, сhildrеn look at thе words and draw linеs to thе
.i;l Givе еaсh lеarnеr a photoсopy of
six piсturеs.
(p 59).Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе ofthе сhildrеn in
thеir сomputеr сlass. lf your lеarnеrs сan uSе o'сlock,
.e Point to еaсh piсturе in turn and ask: Whiсh spсlrt аrе
thеу plауiпg? (basеball, tеnnis, hoсkеy, baskеtbal1,
ask.. Whаt's thе tillle пow? (|1 o'сloсk) Is it thе morпiпg
or thе аfiеrпooп? (the morning) Point to onе of thе badminton, football)
сomputеrs and ask: I]tlhаt',g this? (a сomputеr) 11oи: t*, Writе on thе board оr usе thе modеl in H. Аsk.' Whаt
mаiу сhildrеп аrе thеrе iп thе сlаssroom? (8) Whаt,s thе sport сlo уou likе? W\en lеarnеrs answеr thеsе quеsttons
say: So do I!
tеаch еr d сl iпg.? (drawing). |for еxamplе: I likе swimmiиg.), smilе and
Ме too ! Еxplain in L 1 if nесеssary that whеn somеonе
;s Ask: IЦhiсh girl is Аnnа? (Тhе mоnstеr paintеd AnnaЪ
says thеy likе (doing) somеthing or thеy likе somеonе,
shoе on SB p a6.) Ask: Ё1ow do уou spell Аnпа?
(A-doublе N-A) if wе fееl thе samе Waу' wе сan Say: So do I! or Mе too!
If wе don't fееl thе samr way' Wr сan saу.. I don 7/ Drill
:э Ask: Now, whеrе's Frеd,/ Hе,s w*еаring а уеllow I|shirt
thе ехprеssiоns. Say: l love Jbotbоll/ All thе lеarnеrs
o|1 pаgе 46. Сап уoL| Sее him.., Learnеrs point
tо Frеd.
who agгее with you say: So do I! А11r thе lеarnеrs
who disagrее with you saу I doп't! Saу I likе tеnпis! Giг[: And Luсg's going to her house now. Look!
Lеarnеrs who likе tеnnis say: Mе too!Al1 thе lеarnеrs
who dоn't likе tеnnis saу I don't!
Мon: oh gеs.
Giг[: Con l сolour t'he stгeet to hег housе рuгp[е?
In pairs, lеarnеrs thеn ask and answег: |{hаt sport do
Mon: Purple '.. Mmmm. Good idео!
уou likе? If thеy agrее with thеir partnеr's answеr, thеy
сan rеspond with: So do I! or Mе too! Gir[: Тhonks.
Saу I lovе thе шoпstеr iп this story!Thosе who agrее

@ wь"t
with vou saу So do I!
ore thеsе monstеrs
O @o rt Goodbge! Goodbge!
Ask onе сonfidеnt lеarnеr to rеad thе sеntеnсе from thе Тest note:
Story on SB p 47: Thе сhildrеn iп Mr Bаth's сlаss аrе Lеoгnеrs hоvе to look оt thгee piсtures ond onswеr five
goiпg homе пow. questions in Stoгters Reoding ond Wгiting Poгt 5. Thеg onlч
hove to wгitе one-word onsweгs. Еoсh question wi[l Ьеgin
Say: 113 thе епd ofthе аftеrпooп l1o1ц' Lеarnеrs look
with Нow mona or o Wh- question woгd (tgpiсollч Whц Whoц
at thеpiсturеs in I. Ask: How mапу сhildrеn cаn уoLl Whot's, Whot сolour, Where), Cheсk thсt leогners understond
sее? (4) |Цhаt аrе thеir паmеs? Do уou kпow'? (Sue, these.
Tom, Frеd and Luсy) Аsk Whеrе's Suе goiпg? (the
park) Lеarnеrs follow thе strееts to find whеrе thе othеr Ask: 1s it dау or is it пight in this piсturе? (nighQ
сhildrеn arе going. Whаt|s thе moпStеr doiпg now? (playing with its friеnds)
How mапу moпStеrs аrе thеrе? (5) Whеrе аrе thеsе
l Cheсk onswеrs: moпstеrs? (in сlassroom l0)
Tom _ shop, Fred _ bеoсh, Luсg _ hеr house Look at thе еxamplе. Аsk lllhаt's thе orапge moпStеr
Lt doing? (writing) In pairs or on thеir own, lеarnеrs
,в Мakе surе lеarnеrs havе сolouring pеnсils or pеns.
answеr thе ouеstions.
Saу You сап сolour thе strееts to thеsе diffеrеnt plасеs
Listеn and сolour. Plav Traсk 22 of thе СD twlсе' Cheсk onswers:

Cheсk onswers: 15 2сomoutег з2 4гed 5Ьotl

Sue's street _ ge[[ow, Тom's stгeet _ bгown, Fred's stгeet _


gгeеn, Luсg's strееt _ PuгP[е

.н Ask: |4/hаt саn Suе seе iп hеr strееt? (a rеd motorbikе)

@ мg monstеr!
Lеarnеrs now think of thеir own monstеr. Writе on thе
Ask what thе othеr сhildrеn sее. (Tom _ bluе bus, Frеd _ boагd: l Mу moпstеr i's ...
grеy lorry/truсk, Luсy _ orangе bikе)
2 Mу moпstеr hаs got ...

Тopesсript: З Mу moпstеr livеs .. '

4 Mу moпstеr likеs ...
Look вtthe piСture. Listen ond сolour.
Ask: 11ow ссlп wе сomplеtе thеsе four sепtепcеs?
Моn: Con uou sеe Sue?
Lеarnеrs offеr suggеstions. Writе thеsе on thе board.
Giгl: Yеs, l сon. For еxamplе:
Мqn: Good. Where's shе goingl 1 (a сolour) orапgе / bluе
Giг[: She's going to the pork. 2 (a numbеr and body parts) 4 lеgs / З еуеs
3 (a plaсе) iп our gаrdеn / uпdеr mу bеd
Мon: Тhot's гight. Colour hеr stгееt gеllow.
4 (an aсtivity) swimming /Jlуiпg / riding mу bike
Giгt: Yеllow. oK!
In groups ofthrее or fouц lеarnеrs сould thеn makе a
Мon: Whеre's Тom going? ls hе going homе? monstеr сollagе on a largе shееt ofpapеr. Thеy еaсh
hе Giгl: No. Не isn't going home. He's going to the shop. draw and сolour thеir own monstеr and writе about it
using thе four modеl sеntеnсеs abovе. Altеrnativеly'
Mqn: oh ges! Cotouг Tom's stгeеt Ьгown p[eоsе.
lеarnеrs сrеatе thеir own monstег piсturе on a srparatе
Giгl: Soгrg? piесе оf papеr and writе about it in thе samе way. Ask
Mon: Colour Tom's strееt brown. two or thrее groups to show thеir monstеr piсturеs and
Giгl: oK! to talk about thеm. Display thе drawings around thе
сlassroom ifpossiblе.
)ns Giг[: Fгеd's going to thе beqсh.
Мqn: Yes, thot's гight. Colour his stгeet gгeen.
Gir[: Greеn. oK. l like thot сotouг.
Mon: Ме too!
il1 Gir[: Тheгe!
Mon: Thоnk uou. Wеll donе!

night troin
Мoin topiсs: fomi[g, homе' tronsPoгt
Before listening
Мoin grommor: pгepositions of ploсе: D :} Lеarnеrs look at thе first piсturе on SB p 52. Thеy do
odjeсtives: Е
not rеad thе tеxt.
Тest proсtiсe: Reoding ond Writing Port 4: G; Poгt 5: C
Аsk: Which roon1s са|1 уoLl Seе iп this house? (bеdroоm,
Listening Poк 1: D; Port 3: F
Spеoking Poгt 3: E; Poгt 5: F bathroom, living гоom, kitсhеn)
Whеrе аrе Bill's pаrепts? (in thе living room)
Мovers/Flgers mountoin (n), quiсktg (odv), snow (n)'
snowmon (n), snowboll (n)' tiсket (n)'
Bill? (in his bеdroom)
woit foг (v) Is it morпing, а;ftеrnooп or еvеniпg? (еvеning)

Non-YLE words: nonе Say: ly'ow lеt's lсlсlk аt thе piсturеs апd listеn to thе storу.

Еquipment: о CD: Storч, D, F PtogТroсk 23 of thе CD or rеod thе

о Ьus tiсI<et. piсturе of o snowg mountoin: @', storg.
о сolouгing pеnсits oг pens: B, G, H, l
Suggеstions for o pouse if required:
o piесes of popeг (one рer leorner): G
о photoсopies (one per leoгneг) of ;э Stop thе СD aftеr l|аit Jbr иel (SB p 52)
.Tiсkеts, ptеose!' p 60: l
Аsk: Аrе Bill's mum апd dаd slееpiпg? (.уes)
о photoсopiеs (one per group of threе) of Is Bill iп his bеdroсlm now? (oo)
.A long tгoin, o shom troin' p 61: J
Whаt''g Bill got iп his hапd? (his tiсkеt)
Do Bilt,s tпum, dсld апd sistеr kпow аbout thе night

@ ш"* words for gou! trсliп? (no)

:; With bооks сlosеф introduсе thе topiс of thе story by After listening to the whole storg
asking lеarnеrs about going to diffеrеnt plaсеs. Ask: + Ask: doеs Bill go oп th'е trаiп? (to thе mountains)
Whеrе do уou likе goiпg? How do уou go thеrе? Do уou Doеs he go with his fашilу? (no)
go on а bus? ... oп а plапе'? ... on уour bikе? ..' on а Иrhаt's Bilt doing иow? (looking at his nеw tiсkеt)
trаiп'? Do уou go o|1 сl trаiп аt night likе this? (no)
Saу: This stotу is аbout а boу, His паmе is Bill. Bill goеs
oп а trаin аt пight.
g Tеaсh/rеvise mouпtаiп, S|low' Snowmап, snowbаll,
tiсkеt, quicklу and thе ехprеssion II/аitJbr mе!Draw or
@ wьo's tolking obout this storg?
Lеarnеrs look at thе faсеs and rеad thе sеntеnсеs in thе
show lеarnеrs a piсturс оf a mountain with snow on tt.
spеесh bubbiеs.
Аsk.. Whаt са|| уou mаke with sпow? Draw a snowman
thеn mimе piсking up snoщ making a snowball and
Аsk: Who's tаlkiпg аbout this storу? Is it thе woпlап,/
. thе mап? .. . thе girl? Lеaтnеrs stand up whеn thеy
throu,ing it. Draw or show a bus tiсkеt. You,ll nееd to

dеsсribе a situatiоn tо tеaсh |4/аit.for mе! and quiсklу. think your answеr is гight.
Saу.. Mу friепd апd I loуе ruппiпg. Mу friеnd сап rцn
Cheсk onswer:
vеry quiсklу! Тirгn уour hеad from lеft to right as if
the girt
you'rе watсhing him run past you vеry fast. Say: I саn,t
run quiсklу!Draw two pеoplе on thе boarф onе far эi; Lеarnеrs сopy and сolour thе girl,s faсе in thе сirсlе in
bеhind thе othеr. Рoint and saу Mу friеnd is ruппiпg in thе sеntеnсе bеlow thе spеесh bubblеs'
froпt oJ,mе. I'm ruппiпg bеhiпd him. I doп,t likе thаt!
,Stop! mе!'
wапt to ruп with him! I sау: |4/аit.for

;l; Lеarnеrs now opеn thеir boоks and loоk at thе piсturеs @ вitl's dod wotсhеs TV.
and words. Ask diffеrеnt lеarnеrs tо геad out thе nеw Look at thе еxamplе quеstion togеthеr. Аsk.' Who
wоrds. Thеy draw linеs frоm thе words to thе piсturе wаtсhеs TV with Bill's mum? (Bill's dad)
or part of thе piсturе that shows thе word. Walk around In pairs, lеarnеrs look at quеstions 1 6 and writе onе-
and сhесk thеy havе donе this сorrесtlу. You сould also woгd answеrs. Thеy should bе ablе to rеmеmbеr, but if
do this by asking, ior ехamplе: I4/hаt сolour is thе sпow/ thеy nееd hеlp, thеy сan find thе answеrs in thе story.
tiсkеt? (whitе/yеllow) Who's mаkiпg thе sпowmаn.',
(thе girl) How lпапу mouпtаiпs аrе thеrе? (onе) I|ho's Cheсk onswers:
rтLnпiпg quiсklу? (thе girl) I|/ho's sауiпg: mе?' I both(гoom) 2 tiсket 3 window 4 night 5 mountoins
(thе bov) 6 fгiеnds

;:; Ask: Do уott siпg iп thе bаth? Whаt's уour.fаvouritе

hаppу soпg?
@ @o,o Put the joсket on Bill's Оne
Womon: Now рut the shoes under the сhoiг.
Bog: Soгrg? Put the shoеs wherе?
Rеvisе prеpositions. Movе a pеnсil from plaсе to plaсе
Womon: Under the сhoiг' plеosе.
in thе сlassroom and ask Whеrе s thе pеnсil now?
Bog: oK! | сqn do thot.
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs in D. Ask: How шапу smаll
picturеs сс1п уou sее? (1) I4/hаt сап уou Sеe iп thе smаll Тwo
picturеs? In pairs, lеarnеrs writе a list inсluding thе Womon: Whot now? l know ... Find the tiсket.
сolours in thеir notеbooks. Bog: l сon seе thе tiсket. Wheгe сon l put thot?

Cheсk onswers: Womon: Put it in Bill's hond.

o гed joсket, o gеllow tiсkеt, bloсI< shoes, on oгongе ond whitе Bog: ln Bitl's hond. OK!
hot, o gellow сomеro, o green Ьog, o tog snowmon (white) Three

Play traсk 24 of the СD. Listеn to thе еxamplе and Womqn: Now lеt's Put the сomeгo between the
thеn stop thе rесording. Сhесk lеarnеrs undеrstand thе window ond thе piсtuге.
instruсtions. Point to thе linе and say: Look! Bill's jсtcket Bog: Thе сomегq? Bеtween the window ond the
is on thе bеd пow. piсtuге?
Lеarnеrs now listеn tо thе rеst ofthе rесording. Thеy Womon: Yеs, pleose. ls it oK theге?
put fivе ofthе othеr objесts in diffеrеnt parts ofthе Bog: Yеs, it is!
room by drawing linеs.
Plav Тгaсk 24 a sесond timе.
Womqn: And сqn gou seе Bitt's hqt?
Cheсk onswers: Bog: Yеs, l сon. |t's o greot hot. l tike the сolouгs.
shoes undeг the сhoir, tiс|<et in Bill's hond, сomeгo betwееn Womon: Me too! Put the hot on Bitt's heod.
the window оnd thе piсture, hot on Bi[l's heod, tog snowmon
Bog: on his hеod. ... Right! |'m doing thot now.
on the сuрbooгd
N) Five

Test tip: Womon: And сon gou see the tog snowmonl
.Put Bog: Yes, l сqn.
Leoгnегs mog heor: something in, on, under, between or
next to somеthing' in Storceгs Listening Pогt 1. Тhе9 might
Womon: Good! Put the snowmon on Bitl's сupЬooгd.
olso hove to follow on instгuсtion with Ьehind or in front of,
Ьut thеsе two pгepositions ore less сommonlg heord os it's Bog: oK. |t's on Bil['s сupboord now.
diffiсult for lеornеrs to show these oositions with o tine' Womon: Greot!

@ Ir it long or short, old or new?

Divide leornегs into gгoups of fouг. Ask eoсh lеoгner in the

gГouP to find two things in thе сlossroom oг in theiг bogs
thot other leornеrs сon Put in diffегent ploсes. Leoгners now
Writе on thе board: old, short' Аsk: Whаt s old in our
Put the gгouP's eight oЬjeсts on o toblе. Eoсh lеoгner in turn
clаssroom or iп thе plауgrouпd? (l,earners answеr) Ask:
tells onotheг to put something in, on, under, betwеen oг ,lеxt |4lhаt's short? (\еarnеrs answеr)

to something еlse in thе сlossroom, for exomple: Putthe book
Writе on thе board: loпg, nеw, fuпnу. Saу Fiпd thеsе
under the teoсherЪ сhoir. Put the rubber on Tom's hеod. Тheg
leove the oЬjесts wheге theg hove put thеm. Afteг o[[ objeсts thrее words in thе storу. Lеarnеrs look at thе pagеs and
__l hove Ьeen ploсed, leqгneгs sog wheгe differеnt things оre. find thеsе thrее words. Thеy сould сirсlе thеm. (Thеy
Мokе sure oll oЬjесts ore гeturned to theiг owneгs! dеsсribе BillЪjaсkеt, his sесond train tiсkеt and thе
snowman.) Аsk ||hаt's loпg? (B1|1,s jacket) I4/hаt\
Topesсript: nеw? (Bt||,s sесond train tiсkеt) I|/hаt s funпу? (the
Look ot the piсture' Listen ond look. There is one exomple. snowman) Аsk t|hаt сolour is Bill s jасkеr? (rеd)
Bog: ls this Bitl's Ьedгoom? Tеaсh/rеvisе bеаutiful. Rеmind lеarnеrs that иgiy is thе
opрositе of bеаutiful.
Womon: Yes, it is. Put thе joсket on his bed' pleose.
Look at thе еxamplе piсfurе, thе word boх and thе
Bog: Put the jосket wheге?
answеr. Ask: 1s Billb jасkеt long or short? (1,olg)
Womon: on Bitl's Ьed. Good. In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs and сhoosе an
Сon gou see the line? This is on eхomp|e. Now goи listen adjесtivе from thе word box to dеsсribе it.
ond drow lines.
Suggested onswers:
1 new 2 otd 3 funnu 4 shom 5 beoutiful

Wгite on the Ьoоrd: big, goung, sod' shorq diпg, uglg. In poirs
@ wь"t om l?
Ask: 1и thе stotу, whаt doеs Bill,s.friепd throlу аt him?
or on their own, [еorneгs drow six сirсtes ond wгitе onе of
(a snowball) Аsk: Whаt do thе сhildrеп mаkе iп thе
these odjeсtives in еосh сiгсlе. Theg thеn odd the oppositеs
(smсll, old, hoppg, Iong, с|eon, beoutiful) ."jh" .Ц:l mounrаiпs? (a snowmаn)
Look at thе еxamplе togеthеr and say: А boу's mаkiпg
Homework idеo for strongеr сlсsses: (7Snowmап иor't,. Ask: Hou- mаnу words аrе iп thе word
Leoгnегs wгite three sеntеnсes using thгeе of thе odjeсtivеs boх? (8) Makе surе lеarnеrs sее that thеy will nоt havе
from the сiгс[es, for exomple: l've got long hoir. These ore mц to usе two of thе rеmaining words in thе word boх.
old soсks. rhis is our beoutiful cor. Lеarnеrs rеad thе tехt and сhoosе words from thе box tо
сomplеtе thе tеxt. Thе piсturеs will hеlp thеm.
Lеarnеrs сomplеtе thе task on thеir own, thеn сhесk
@ @,,' Bitt сnd his fomilg anSWеrS in pairs.
Lеaгnеrs look at thе piсturеs. Ask lеarnеrs what thеy
сan sее in еaсh piсturе. Usе thе dеtails in thе piсturеs to
Chесk onswers:
praсtisе Startеrs Spеaking Part 5 quеstions. Аsk.. I,|/ho l hot 2 bodg 3 сorrot 4 lеgs 5 mouth
do уou wаtch tеlеvisioп with? Whаt's уour.fаvouritе toу?
g: Ask: И/hiсh words аrеп't аnswеrs? (TV, radio)
Do уou like plaуiпg in thе sпow?
lеarnеrs to listеn to a man and a girl talking about Extension:
thе story. Lеarnеrs rеad thе quеstions and tiсk thе right Give eoсh leornег o pieсe of popeг. Tell them theg сon dгow
box (A, B or С). Tеl1 lеarnеrs that thе answеrs might bе ond сolour theiг own snowmon or snowwomqn now! Writе
diffеrеnt to what happеns in thе story. on the boогd (oг sog) fivе things thot thеg shou[d inсludе
in theiг piсtuгe of the snowwomon: а red joсkeц some blссk
Play Traсk 25 of thе СD twiсе. glossеs, grееn hoir, o tomoto, o penсil.
Leo.ne.' сon use thesе things os theg wish' toг exоmple,
Cheсk onswers: theg might use thе tomoto to moke o nose ond the penсil to
lA 2с 3B .oй" o mouth. Displog thе drowings огound the сlossroom
if possible.

Look ot the piсtures. Listen ond Iook. Тhere is one eхample.
@ would gou tike on еgg for
Whot's in BiII's bog?
Giгl:Whqt's in Bitl's bog? ls it o kite?
Мon: No, Bitl hosn't got o kite.
* Say: Аt thе епd of the stotу, it's morпing апd Bill s
fаmilу оrе hаviпg breаkfаst. Аsk Whаt do уou еаt.for
GirL Bitt likes musiс. |s it o guitor? brеаkfа,st? ИГhаt doеs уour fаthеr/sistеr/mothеr hауе
Мon: No it isn't. |t isn't o guitoг. lt's o гobot. for brеаkfаst? Writе lеarnеrs' suggеstions on thе boaтф
Сon gou sеe thе tiсk? Now gou |isten ond tiсk the boх. hеlping with voсabulary if nесеssary. You may wish to
tеach сеrеаl herе.
Оne. Whot ore Bil{'s mum ond dad doing now?
* In pairs (as in thе сonvеrsation bеtwееn Bill and his
GiгL Whot qгe Bill's mum ond dod doing now? Are
mothеr), lеarnеrs usе thеir suggеstions on thе Ьoard and
theg totking in the living гoom?
ask and answеr: IЦould уou likе ,.. ? Yеs, plеаse! / |'{o,
Мon: No, theg oren't. thапk уou!
Giг[: Aгe theg wotсhing tеlevision thеn? *ь Lеarnеrs look at thе food and draw and сolour thеir
Mon: No. Тhеg'ге in bed. Theg'гe s[eeping. favоuritе brеakfast on thе tablе. Thеy сan usе idеas
Тwo. WhereЪ BillЪ sister? from thе piсturеs or сhoosе thеir оwn food. Lеarnеrs
show thеir brеakfasts to thеir partnrrs. Ask thrее or four
Girt: And whегe's Bill's sistеr? Shе isn't in her bedгoom.
lеarnеrs what thеу'rе having for brеakfast.
Mon: Тhot's гight.
Giгl: And she isn't in thе Ьothroom now.
Мon: No. She's in the tiving гoom. Shе сon't slеep.
She's hoving o drink of milk.
Тhree. Whot,s BiII doing now?
Giгl: Whqt's Bit[ doing now?
Mon: He's toughing ond ploging in the snow.
Giгt: ls he sitting in the snow? |s he |umping in thе
Мon: No. He's running. His fгiend is throwing o
snowЬqll qt him!
Girl: Ho ho!
@ wьеre orе gou going now?
Teoсhing tip:
Keеp the sensе of this oсtivitg veгg muсh in the pгesent. lt
might сonfusе leornегs to intгoduсе Pгesеnt сontinuous foг
futuгe use here.

Тbll lеarnеrs, likе Bill, thеy aге going sоmеwhеrе now.

on thе board writе:
I'm goiпg to ...
I'm goiпgwith '..
I'm goiпg on/iп а ...
Аsk Whеre do уouwаnt to go? Writе lеarnегs,
suggеstions nехt to thе right Sеntеnсе on thе board
(thе moon' San Franсisсo, London, Australia) Ask:
Who do уou wаnt to go with? (my mum, my unсlе, my
сlassmatеs, thе namе of a famous pеrson) How аrе уou
going thеrе? (in a boaфlanе/hеliсoptеr)
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturеs ofthе bag and ofthе
diffеrеnt things thеy сan takе with thеm. Chесk lеarnеrs
know thе voсabulary (aсkеt, hat, soсks, shoеs, glassеs,
applе, banana, watеr, gamе, book, сamеra' phonе).
Lеarnеrs dесidе whiсh six things to takе and writе thе
words on thе dottеd linеs. Writе thе words on thе board
to hеlp with spеlling if nесеssary.
*f Ask two or thrее lеarnеrs whiсh things thеy arе taking.
& Givе еaсh lеarnеr a photoсopy of.Tiсkеts, plеasе!,
(p 60). Lеarnеrs now сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs. Thеy thеn
сomplеtе ]'{аmе: From.. Tо: on thеir tiсkеt. Thеy сan now
draw and сolour a piсturе ofthеir сhosеn dеstination in
thе boх.
Ask two оr thrее lеarnеrs to tеll thе сlass whеrе thеy arе
Display thеir.Тiсkеts, plеasеl,shееts around thе room if

@ вtog the gсmе.

Dividе lеarnеrs into groups of thrее or four. Givе еaсh
group a sеt ofсards whiсh havе bееn сut from thе
photoсopy .A long train, a short train'p 61.
Chесk that lеarnеrs undеrstand what еaсh сard is
showing (long/short trаiп, big/smаll саr old/пеw bike,
dirtу/cleап lorry, big/smаll plапе, old/пеw boаt, dirtу/
сleаn bus.)
Groups put thеir сards faсе down on a tablе or on thе
floor and movе thеm around so that thеy don't know
whеrе еaсh сard is. Lеarnегs try to find a matсhing pair.
Thеy should turn ovеr onе сard first, look at it and say,
for еxamplе: А long trаiп. Theу turn ovеr a sесond сard
and again say what thеy сan sее, for ехamplе: А short
trаiп. Тheу сan only kееp thе pair if thе сards show thе
samе thing. If not, thеy turn thеm faсе down again.
1i! At thе еnd of thе gamе, thе playеr with most pairs wins.
Altеrnativеly, play thе gamе whеrе oppositеs makе thе
paiц for ехamplе: а big/smаll саr.

topiсs: sPoпs' nomes, сolouгs
sPorts, сorouгs
on SB p 58. Тhеу
Мoin ш thе first 1эig piсturе
сon1unсtions ond, but,
or:Е t-"u.*.* tooк
Мoin grommor:
Poгt 1: D; Poгt 2:
L +.

o,n thnу pl'ау|пg?


teom (n) thе piсturеs аnd

listеп to thе
sсoгe (n), stor (n), Say: ,Vow tntз tootu оt
Мovers/Ftgers *,. ..oy.o,, Storу.
words: thе
net (n), winneг (n) PtсgТroсk 26 of the CD or reod
Non.YLЕ words: и$.&Фt 26
Еquipment: ] iР,^il?Н;J;l.o, of s.o*".s spoгts ond .lf
on"йi",'o"*1 l"oT.,1.ionoц. в Suggestions for o

p Е l o'а
Whаt's thе l,Idll1е oJ
arе Riсk
мi,.к lru? (Thе Fivе
^. E Whiсh tеаtп

:','"iffii*ftl*;-::,, ^*',у:::*';**;.:нo".'u.].,'^'
ql Ask H o* * onу *', !,,^:,,
f: ::; :;
Whаt's thе sсorе аl,
tt ;:|;::;i ?]
(Thе Fivе Stars)
words for gou! o,n thе winпеrs?
@ ш"w ъ^ o+ntrr hv wiппеrs hаppу? (уеs)

thе ,:|'::::n" story

bу '|.ho
..li With books сlosеd'
introduсе. 'in
1е arnеrs ..
#.*;11.,^.у l.'o" -
as kin g "",,,,;|i.'jj$
Y:i;:{::i{:;::ffi;ffi.;l-.:;:ч::i1..:":};,"- @ ou. teom is good ot ...
bаsеDаtt' Wtttе
to геvisе alt thе StaтtБrs ?'o*::::^:, -,*k. Whаt с]o уou сlo iп а bаskеtbаll gаmе?
" fl}"к,J.*ъ:;;'i;;o.u.JТo?ou,,щl..
,hilсlrеп. Thеу
Saу: ТЙls storу.is'oь,ou,
,o*, lovе ::ii';:;::й:!!ii:i':#:3,Jiii3li1,,.'*"
еaсb aсtton.
pt,у*g bаskеtbоll' r-"l
.'. fаSt. Shоw
Show stand up and mimе
tablе. Ьsk.. Whаt
tl: fivе piсturеs in thе
*; Tеaсh/rеvr Sr tе(lm,
sсorе, wiпnеr.,'t1еt''.S.tсI'r,
нoу rtауеrs аrе
* ;;;** look at
bounсing a ball..1umpшg,
a piсturе oi u *po*,i"u*.
ууl i
(l1/5) Writе a Sсorе
iп а t'botbаll/b",,i),i"i,,',',.*? u"уj. i""у..' |!!i.^"
throwing a ball, running)

thе board tь, "*umpl"

z-l. |оint-a1
* Saу: Look.сttthеехаmpl,е'Аlехisgoodаt...?
А оrе thе wiпnеrs ! DIaW IJgtьUrl
i),*i',"'у,:у:::'^:lТ"ж;# ..n.'*','1]"...rs
a and tiсk
g:":":i]атnеrs p 58 agаin an<i.trck
oиel (look *ul1Tеum сrw*..*.--- rеad thе top of SB
".,"i.'"J '.J andffЩH];1;''Tr:.r;'Т - iНi5"l.i1;;ъ::f#;;;n"i;""*.to
iiJi]i#;;;; aсtion and nrxt to
еaсh pеrson.
а tt,iуеу!у,::':T
;:.i;;;. ; е\/Shе's Б'iY fi'"::::^:ni,ilТ,n",
:*"i"#;; 'i,'')i,i unJ saу Thеsе аrе
.. stаrs-.^How ma|Iу Cheсk onswers:
ju mpin th r owin g I ru n nin
on thе board. Po'nt u nсin g l g I

(with Ask: Who,s go od ot сotсh

g ! b o

a pеrson. running
StаrS сс|l1 уou sее,? hirn сotсhing: Kim, Jim
ond lom
ьou,о and mimе watсhing
movеmеnt linеs) on.,-," goоd сlt bounсing: Тom
*';;;;;".,y q*i.кry Saу.' IVow! Не's iumpin9: Тom
vеrу.fоst. throwing: Atex ond
,,,niing! Не сrlп ruп and Tom
ьook, and."' ,:ч1l:turеs r.unning, Jitt ond
+ Lеarnеts opеn thеir nrw
'- to rеpеat thе
;;;;;;;;'. isk diffеrеnt lеarnеrs parts of
words (show,' *,.Ы.iь"i1;"1.-tii.1to'thе
.; ;;;;;, -:тy.l"h;1*#ffi
Hжii' :ъТ-
.*?.$*"iiTii;;;; аrе iп thе n! (3) Whаt
Which pе'rsoп,is r^unпiпgJаst?
сolour is thе пеt,/tg;Ь thе boу? (thе boу)
Whаt,s aп thе boу S
Note: Еxtеnsion:
Be good ot + -ing is o Movers stгuсtuгe, Ьut lеоrners should Leоrners сhonge one word in 1' 2 ond 4 to moke ges onswеrs
еosilg understond this. If gou wish to Pгссtise it further, (rеc bгown ееt dog, тh+ее Two). Ask: WhoЪ the bog with red
gou сould show photos of two othletes (for exomple, o hoir? (Atex) ls АIeх running? (no) WhotЪ he doing? (hе's wolking
swimmеr оnd o spгinter) ond osk: ls she/hе good ot swimming? on his honds) Сon цou do thot? (leoгners onsweг gеs oг no)
... running? (чеs) You сould then drow o Pегson's foсe (Ьodtg)
on the Ьooгd ond osk: Аm l good ot drowing? (no|) Givе lеarnеrs siх stiсky stars еaсh. Теl1 thеm to listеn
to you and to stiсk fivе stars on thе piсturе in diffеrеnt
Homеwork ideo for stronger leсrners: plaсеs. Lеarnеrs havе an ехtra star in сasе thеу makе a
mistakе. If you havеn't got stiсky stars, tеll lеarnеrs to
Leorners wгite o long sentenсе soging whot theg're good
ot. Foг eХomPlеj l'm good ot drowing, pointing, throwing ond draw stars.
сotсhino o boII. Say slowly' pausing bеtwееn instruсtions:
Put а stаr in thе trее. Put it iп thе trее.
Now pttt a Stаr on thе bikе, Put thе St(lr on thе bikе.
@ яte*'s tесm is The Fivе Stсrs! Put а stаr bеhiпd thе dog. Put thаt stаr bеhind thе dog.
{}r Look at thе еxamplе quеStion in opеn сlass. Put а stсlr undеr thе kitе. Ptп it undеr thе kitе. Good.
Now put а St.lr bеtwееп thе sсhool bаgs. Put it bеtwеeп
ф In pairs, lеarnеrs rrad quеstions 1 4 and writе thе
thе school bаgs.
answеrs. Тhеy should bе ablе to rеmеmbеr, but if thеy
nееd hеip, thеy сan find thе answеrs in thе story. Lеarnеrs look at еaсh othеrЪ piсturеs. Walk around and
сhесk that lеarnеrs undеrstood your instruсtions and
Cheсk onswers: havе put thе stars in thе right plaсеs in thе piсturе.
1 ЬosketЬotl 2 Тhе tivе Suns 3 Тonu ц 5_4

@ wьlсh sports does Alex like?

@ Look ot thе teom! Lеarnеrs look at thе siх piсturеs. Аsk l|/hiсh sports
аrе thеsе? (tablе tеnnis' swimming, badminton'
Lеarnеrs lоok at thе piсturе. Аsk,. Whеrе аrе Thе Fiуе
hoсkеy, basеball, horsе riding) Ifnесеssary, rеvisе thе
Stаrs plауing? (in a playground) Ask: Whаt сап уou Seе
vосabulary by asking diffеrеnt lеarnеrs to mimе thеsе
iп thе plауground? (learners givе thrее or four answеrs)
on thе board draw fivе сirсlеs that сould bе balls. Insidе
Saу А|ех likеs thrее of thеsе Sports. Whiсh thrее sports
thе ball shapеs, writе jumblеd lеttеrs: еert, еtki' gdo,
doеs Аleх likе? Rеаd апd tiсk or cross thе boхes.
Паb, keib.
Saу You сап Sее аll thеsе thiпgs iп thе piсturе of Thе Cheсk onswеrs:
Fivе Stаrs in plауgrouпd. Look аt thе lеttеrs. Whаt
thе hoгse riding, bosеЬo[l, Ьodminton
аrе thе words? In pairs, lеarnеrs look at thе jumblеd
lеttеrs and try to dесidе what thе word in еaсh ball is. Rеvisе Startеrs сonjunсtions: апd, but and or (in
nеgativе sеntеnсеs).
Chесk сnswers: Writе thе following sеntеnсеs on thе board and usе tiсks
Аsk leornеrs to sog then spe[[ thе words for gou. Wгite eoсh and сrossеs to support undеrstanding:
word on the Ьoord: tree, kltе, dog, boII, bike. Аleх likеs horsе riсling апd bаsеbаll. (tiсk + tiсk)
Аsk.. Whеrе's thе bikе? (lеarnеrs point to thе bikе in thе
Аlех likеs bаdmiпton, but hе doеsп't likе swimming'
(tiсk + q1955,)
piсturе) Saу.. Yеs, it's undеr thе trее. Strongеr сlassеs
Аlех doеsп't like tаblе tеппis or hoсkеу. (сross + сross)
answеr in сhоrus: Itls uпdеr / iп front of the trее. Аsk..
Whеrе аrе thе сhildrеп? (lеarnеrs point to thе сhildrеn If nесеssary, еxplain in L 1 that Wе usе апd Io join two
in thе piсturе) Say: ).es, thеу'rе in а plауgrouпd. words or phrasеs that arе thе samе in somе kind of way.
Strongеr сlassеs answrr in сhorus: Thеу,rе in а For ехamplе: Аlех likеs horse ridiпg апd bаsеbаll. Wе
plауgrouпd. шse but to join two phrasеs that arе diffеrеnt in somе
kind of way. For еxamplе: Аlех likes bаdmintoп, but hе
Look at thе two ехamplеs. Аsk Сап уou sееfive
doеsп,t likе swimmiпg. Wе usе or to join two woгds in
childreп? (уеs) 1s thе kitе rеd апd уеllow? (no) t4lhаt
a not Seцtenaе to mеan аnd not. Аlех doеsn't like tаblе
сolour is thе kitе? (bluе and grееn)
tеппis or hoсkеу'
ln pairs or on thеir own, lеarnеrs now rеad sеntеnсеS
1-6 and writе yes or /?o answеrs. Writе thе following SеntеnсеS on thе board: I likе .. '
аnd... . I likе '.. , but I doп't likе '..
. I don't likе ..'
Cheсk onswers: or ... . Lеarnеrs writе Sеntеnсеs about thеir own likеs
1no 2no 3цes 4no 5ges 6ges and dislikеs. If thеy don't want to uSе Sports in thеir
sеntеnсrs, thеy сould usе lood or сolours, for ехamplе:
I likе bапапаs апd orаngеs. I lilсе bluе, but I doп,t likе
Тest note:
grееп. I don't likе piпk or brown.
Thегe oге usuollg еquol numЬers of ges ond лo onswегs in
the test, so lеornегs should expeсt two oг thгee questions to
nove лo onsweгs.
l: In pairs, lеarnеrs tеll еaсh othеr thеir Sеntеnсеs, drawing Cheсk onswers:
tiсis and сrossеS in thе air appropriаtеly. Walk around bo[[ on сhоir - green
and сhесk thеy arе doing this сorrесtly. bоlt undeг Alex's foot _ bluе
bott in Jitt's Ьog _ pink
l Givе еaсh lеarnеr a phоtoсopy of.Sports'(p 62). ln bоlt in box _ brown
pairs, thеу look at thе piсtuтеs ofthе tеn sports. Thеy _ PuгPle
Ьo[[ in fгont of dooг
writе thе namе of еaсh Sport on thе dottеd linе undеr
еaсh piсturе (bсldmiпttlп, tеппis' sу,iпntiпg, horsе Тоpesсript:
riсliпg, b а s kе t b аll, rtLnп in g, jb ot b аll, b а s еb аll, ho с kеу,
ot the piсture. Listen сnd look. There is one еxomр[е.
tаblе tеnпis). Lеarnеrs сan usr thе word list on SB !; Look
p 71 to hеlp thеm. If lеarnегs want to add two morе Ё мon. one giгl isn't ptoging, but
she's hotding o Ьott'
Sports, thеу сan draw piсturеs in thе two еmpty boxеs. Giгt: oh ges. l сon seе heг. She's got long bloсk hoir.
For ехamplе, thеy may likе to draw and writе Movеrs Thot's right. Colour hег boll гed.
i Mon.
words, sаiliпg, skаtiпg, Flyеrs words skiiпg or popшlar
!1Giгt: Red?
non-YlЕ listеd sports for this agе group skаtеboаrdiпg, Ё

BМX i пg. с.vсl i пg. stt ф n g. ij Mon: Yes, plеosе.

;* Lеarnеrs writе thеir namеs and сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs $ сon go, sеe the red bol|? rhis is on eхomple. Now gou
at thе bottom оf thе pagе. Thеy сan list as many sports ]i listeл ond сolour.
as thеy likе in еaсh sеntеnсе.
i; One
fi! Lеarnеrs now look at thе sports vетbs in thе word box
! Mon: Тhеге's o Ьoll on thе сhoiг. Con gou sеe
and nехt to еaсh piсturе writе what thеy do in еaсh of
il Girt: Yеs. Con | сolouг itl
thеsе sports, for ехamplе:. /botbаll, ruп, stаnd, jump,
kiсk and Йold. Rеvisе thе соmplеtе list of aсtion vеrbs $ Mon: Yes. Colouг the boll on thе сhoir 9геen' plеosе
with lеarnеrs miming thеm if nесrssary, bеforе thеy do i Giг[: Gгеen?
this task. i Mon: Yes.
;*.. Whеn lеarnегs havе flnishеd thеir spогts pagеs, ask: 7Тwo
Whiсh sports саl1 oпе pеrson сlo? (swimming, horsе
} Giгl: Тhегe's o Ьot[ undеr Alex's foot! Look!
riding, running) Whiсh sports саt1 two pеoplе plаv?
(badminton, tеnnis, tablе tеnnis) Whiсh sports do pеoplе i Mon' Yеs!
plау iп а big tеаm? (baskеtbail, basеball, football/ ЁGiгl: Con l сolouг thot bott? Con l сolouг it btue?

soссеr' hoсkеy) t Мon. A[еx's bott ... blue? Yеs, oK.

,:.;. Lеarnеrs сould сolоur thе piсturеs for homеwork.
} сiгl: Thonks.
Display thеsе around thе сlassroоm if possiblе. .$
Now сo[our the bolt in thе bog.

@ фo, Lеt's stqrt this gome! f;мon.

.; Giгt: The botl in Jitl's bоg?
Lеarnеrs look at thе piсturе' Point to thе rеd ball and 'j Mon: Yes. Colour it Pink.
ask: |I/hаt'.s this? (aЪa1|) Whаt сolour is thе bаll? (rеd) * Gt.t: Pink. OK. I'm doing thot now.
How пlапу bаlls аrе thеrе? (.6)
* tour
Lеarnеrs iоok at thе thrее quеstions and writе onе-word
l Mon' And theгe's o bol[ in the box.
or numbеr answrrs.
i сiгt: Oh ges.
Chесk onswers: Colour the bo[l in thе box bгown.
t Мon.
17 2Ьtoсk з5 * Giгt: Poгdon?
:l. Makе surе еaсh lеarnеr has сolouring pеnсils. Say: $ Mon, Colour it Ьгown.
Listеп сlпd сolour thе bаlls. Do a quiсk drawing of a ball $ Girt: oK!
on thе board and show lеarnеrs that thеy сan
just со1оr.lr i-.
thе tops of thе balls first. Thеy don't nееd to finish }.

Now find thе bott in front of the door.

сolouring thе bails. Thеy сan do that at thе еnd ofthе $' Mon,
aсtivity. Girl: | сon see it.
** Play Тrack2,7 of thе СD. Lеarnеrs listеn to thе ехamplе, Мon: Good. Cotouг thе boll in fгont of the dooг
thеn сolour thе fivе whitе balls. Walk around, сhесking iiGiгt: Puгp[еl
that lеarnеrs havе сhosеn thе сorrесt сolours. Play thе Puгple! Yes.
A Mon,
CD again ifnесеssary.
Gi.t, Thot's mg fovouгite сolouг.
.* Lеarnеrs сolour thе rеst of thе drawing at thе еnd of thе "t
ё'Мon: ls it? Good. Wet[ done!
lеsson or for homеwork.
In pairs, iеarnеrs now matсh еaсh bluе spеесh bubblе

@ ть"ow ond сotсh thot boll! with a rеd onе. Thеy draw linеs bеtwееn thеm.

l.: Lеarnеrs look at thе sесond piсturе оf thе gamе on Сhеоk answеrs in оpеn сlass. Ask diffеrеnt pairs to rеad
SB p 59 and at thе tехt bеlow it. Play this part оfthе out еaсh sеt of spеесh bubblеs.
story again or rеad it out to rеmind lеarnеrs of what thе Cheсk onswеrs:
playегs say to еaсh othеr.
Con gou run fostl - Yеs, | сon!
:;: Play thе following gamе outsidе prеfеrably. Say: ly'oru Wherе's thе Ьott? _ It's undеr the сhoir.
уou с(lrl plау too!Dividе lеarnегs intо tеams оf fivе if I tove plоging ЬoskеtЬoll! _ So do I!
possiblе. Lеarnеrs should stand in small сirсlеs. Tе11 Aге gou good ot tennis? _ No, I'm not!
еaсh lеarnеr what tеam numbеr thеу arе. Point and say: We're going now. - oh, oK. 89е!
Yo u'rе numb еr onе /two / th rе е/fo ur/fiv е,
In сlosеd pairs, lеarnеrs praсtisе rolе playing thе spеесh
.:;i Say: Listеп апd do .*hаt 1sa1 Givе еaсh tеam's numbеr bubblеs. Walk around and сhесk that pairs arе doing this
onе piaуеr a soft ball. Givе instruсtions. Spеak сlеarly сorrесtly.
and loudly! Say: Аsk: I|ould уou likе to bе iп Thе Fiуе Stаrs or iп Thе
Numbеr oпе!Throw thе bаll to пttmbеr two! Fiуе Suпs tеаm?
|t[umbеr two! Саtсh thе bаll апd throw it to numbеr thrее
Nuпnbеr thrее! Саtсh thе bаll аnd bottпсе it to пцmbеr
Jbur !
NumbеrJbur! Саtсh thе bаll jump! Now throw thе
c @o '' Whot's Alеx doing now?
апd ,ь s Say: It thе еnd of thе gаmе now. Аlех',s tеаm аrе thе
bаll to пumbеr Jivе ! wiпnеrs. Point to еaсh piсturе and ask: Whоt's Аlех
Numbеr.fivе! Саtсh thе bаll, but don't throw it! Ruп to doiпg now? (Hе's having a drink. Hе's rеading this bоok
mе апd givе mе thе bаll'
Hе's throwing a ba11.) Lеarnеrs guеss whiсh piсturе
.*: !6,' сan еxtеnd this gamе by сhanging thе playеrs' shows thе right answеr bеforе thеy listеn.
numbегs and using thе samе list of instruсtions or by *:} Say: Listеn to Аlех пow. Сhoosе thе right апS\|еl,.
varying thе instruсtions. You сould add, for еxamplе:
andThrow!to thе list
]i:l Play Traсk 28 of thе СD twiсе.
Sit dowп! Stапd up! Stop!
abovе. Strongег lеarnеrs сould takе turns to сall thеir

fl Тopesсript:
own instruсtion to anothеr playеr. For еxamplе:
Womon: Whot qre gou doing now, Alex? Aгe gou
Hеrе! Саtсh!
throwing thot Ьotl?
Throw thе bаll to mе!
Bouпсе thе bаll! A[ex: No. |t's the end of ouг gome.
Throw it ro (anothеr playеr's namе)/ Womon: Are gou hoving o dгink?
Jump апd throw! Atеx: No. l'm reоding this stoгg! |t's obout o
Jump апd cаtсh! boskеtЬo[l tеom! lt's qreot!
Doп't throw thе bаll! Givе it to пlе!

@ w.'rе the winners! @ wьot tеom orе gou in?

Writе on thе board thе four sports that your lеarnеrs arе
Ask lеarnетs whiсh tеam arе thе winnеrs in thе stоry
likеlу to еnjoу most. Poirrt tо thеsе and ask.. I4/hiсh sport
(Thе Fivе Stаrs).
do уou wаnt to plау?
Lеarnеrs imaginе it,s thе еnd of thе gamr now. Lеarnеrs
Dividе lеarnегs into groups aссording to thеir answеrs.
look at thе ехamplе and thе linе bеtwееn: Аrе wе thе
For ехamplе, put all thosе who сhoosе football togеthеr
wiппеrs? -Yеs, уou аrе. |l/ell doпе!Point to thе fiгst bluе
and all thosе who сhoosе tеnnis tоgеthеr. Ifуou havе
spеесh bubblе and say: oпе ofThe Fivе Stаrs аsk this
morе than four lеarnеrs in a group, dividе thеm again
quеstioп. Point to thе third rеd spеесh bubblе and say:
into smallеr groups. Тhrее or four lеarnеrs is idеal.
Опе qf Thе Fiуе Suпs апswеr it.
Givе еaсh group a shееt of papеr and makе surе thеy
Lеarnеrs look at thе othет fivе bluе spеесh bubblеs. In
havе соlouring pеnсils. Groups сhoоsе a namе for thеir
opеn сlass, thеy сhoosе who says еaсh thing. Ask: 1s il
tеam and thеn dеsign a tеam Т:shirt. Тhеy should writе
Аlех' Jill, Tom, Kim or Jim iп Thе Fiуе Stаrs teаm? Theу
thеir sport, thе namе of thеir tеam, thеir own namеs and
writе a namе nеxt to еaсh bluе spеесh bubblе.
draw thе tеam T].shirt on thеir shееt of papеr.
Lеarnеrs look at thе othеr fivе rеd spеесh bubblеs. In
If possiblе, display thеsе pоstеrs around thе room.
opеn сlass, thеy сhoosе who says еaсh thing. Ask: 1s i/
Luсу, Riсk, |Viсk, Tbnу or Pсtttу iп Thе Fivе Suпs tеаm./
Thеy writе a namе nехt to еaсh rеd spеесh bubblе.
Ёow rnon$?

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PHoтoсoPIABLE @ ComЬridge Universitg Prеss 2011

Wizords, trotts!
dotts ond

7l I


\. I







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PHoтoсoPIABLЕ @ Combridge Universitg Press 2011 @







PHoтoсoPIABLE @ Combridge Univеrsitg Press 20| t

W Anirnots
Dгow piсtuгes.Write the woгds.

Mg nome is...........
Pl{oтoсoPIABLЕ @ Combridge Universitg Press 201t

rдle tike
О О.

PHoтoсoPlABLЕ @ Combridge Universitg Press 201l

r49 сostte!
Dгow 9 windows, 2 doors, 5 flogs, З tгeеs.Тhеn dгow q bird, the sun the сqstlе
qnd o [izqгd on the beoсh.
Colour gouг сostle piсturе.You сhoose thе сolours.
Write thе nome of gouг сostle.You сhoosе its nomе.

Mg nome is........... ond l [ivе in this сqstlе!

PHoтoсoPlABLЕ @ Combridge Universitg Press 2011

fovourite food!

PHoтoсoPlABLE @ Combridge UniversitЧ Press 20| t


'I /-----1r !

Iffil t
r |ll::::l|

l['.: ,.ll i
llJ.:; ::l| r
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P|ABLЕ @ Combridge Universitg Prеss 20| 1

our kitсhen


-4\ -^


v /\

Wherе's /Whеrе oгe the ... ?


Aftnс- Fгеd Sqm Luсg Tom Suе Kim Ben

Whqt ore the сlqssmotеs' nqmеsl

Annq ond Fгed qге listening to o song on onе of thе сomPuteгs.
Sue ond Luсg oге wгiting on one of thе сomPutегs. Suе hos got long hoiг.
Her сlossmote Luсg hos got short hoiг.
Bеn ond Тom ore dгowing on onе of the сomPuters. Fred is smi[ing.
Som ond Kim oгe ptoging o gсrme on thе сomPuteг. KimЪ got Ь[oсk hoiг.

Mg nоme is

PHoтoсoPIABLЕ @ combridge Universitg Prеss 201|

TiсketS, Pteose!

I'm going to

I wqnt to

I'm going with

I'm going in o

with me.

HeгеЪ mg tiсket.

PHoтoсoPlABLE @ Combridge Universitg Press 20| t

tong trolП'
short troin


PHoтoсoP|ABLЕ @ Combridgе Universitg Prеss 20| t





Mg nome is

PHoтoсoPlABLЕ @ Cсmbridge Universitg Press 201t

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