Tracing of Dos Attackers in Wireless Network

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Tracing of DoS Attackers in Wireless Network

Ph no : 9441213595 Ph no : 9000839869
Tracing of DoS Attackers in Wireless Network

Traceback schemes are useful to identify the source of an attack. Denial of

service (DoS) consumes resources of remote hosts or network and make them deny
or degrade services for legitimate users. If we compare Internet and MANET, the
resources, such as bandwidth, memory, and battery power, of each node are more
limited in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). Therefore, nodes in MANETs are more
vulnerable to DoS attacks. Moreover, attackers in MANETs cannot only use IP
spoofing to conceal their real identities but also move arbitrarily, which makes it a
challenging task to trace a remote attacker in MANETs The Internet rely on
assumptions such as trustworthy routers and static route topology that do not hold in
the ad hoc platform.
In this paper, we are proposing a zone based tracing algorithm for tracing DoS
attackers in MANETs. In our algorithm, when a node passes a packet, the node writes
its zone ID into the packet with a probability. After receiving these packets, the
victim can reconstruct the path between the attacker and itself. Simulations are
showing validity of the algorithm.

1. INTRODUCTION DoS attacks by an unintentional

failure or malicious action are one of
Mobile ad hoc networks the major classes of threats in network
(MANET) consist of a group of wireless security today. A classical way of DoS
and mobile nodes where all nodes take attack is to flood any centralized
part in for warding packets for each resources to make them no longer
other. While communicating they operate correctly or even crash. In
creates path dynamically. Any node MANET, besides the classical way of
can join in any time with network and DoS attack, a more concealed form
communicate with network. There are used in an open MANET environment is
many application of MANET in today’s the so-called sleep deprivation torture.
life so security is major problem. In this type of DoS attack, the attacker
Attacks on MANET are different than is trying to deprive a device with
Wired network due to volatile network limited battery power by sending a
topologies, dependence on collective large number of legal packets to the
participation of all nodes and the victim to keep it awake and engaged
limited bandwidth and battery in the communication all the time. The
limitation of nodes. Two types attacks neighbor nodes of the attacker are
against MANETs are 1. Passive Attacks difficult to detect this type of attack by
and 2. Active Attacks. Passive attacks their own intrusion detection system,
typically involve eavesdropping of because both the behavior of the
data. Active attacks involve actions attacker and the packets it sent are
such as replication, modification, and legal.
deletion of exchanged data or DoS There are different solutions
attacks. This kind of attacks always which are used for tracing the DoS
target at congestion, propagating attack back towards its origin, and
incorrect routing information, then stopping the attacker at the
preventing services from working source. As attackers usually use IP
properly, or stopping them completely. spoofing to conceal their real location,
several IP traceback mechanisms have
been proposed for the Internet, such certain probability by two routers on the
as link testing [2], ingress filtering [3], way, forming an edge. Each marked
probabilistic packet marking (PPM) [4], packet then represents a sample of the
and ICMP traceback (ITrace) [5], to whole path. The victim receives all
trace the true sources of attackers. packets and can thereby use the marked
These traceback approaches cannot be packet to reconstruct the entire path
directly applied to MANET due to the back to the source. The number of data
following reasons that are related to packets, X, required for the victim to
two aspects: efficiency and affectivity. reconstruct an attack path of d hops, has
(1) Nodes in MANETs can move the following bounded expectation:
arbitrarily, which makes attack paths ln( d )
Ε( χ) <
change frequently. Therefore, p (1 − p )
d −1 (1)
additional constraints are placed on
tracing approaches for locating the However, this approach needs
attack sources in time. Therefore, the additional 72- bit space in the IP
traceback approaches EURASIP Journal packet header, as we all know that
on Wireless Communications and there is no so much space in the IP
Networking used in MANETS should be packet header. What we can use is
more effective than that in the only the 16- bit identification field, so
Internet. the author proposed an encoding
(2) Traceback approaches in approach to compress the 72- bit
the Internet always consume a lot of information into 16 bits. But the
bandwidth, computational resources, encoding approach needs a mass of
and battery power. However, in computation, which is not efficient for
MANETs, nodes are typically devices the portable devices.
with limited bandwidth, computational ICMP traceback (ITrace) was
resources, and battery power. These first proposed by Bellovin and his
limitations require that the traceback colleagues [5]. The basic idea behind
approaches in MANETs should be more ITrace is that every router should
efficient than that in the Internet. sample a packet with a small
We are proposing a tracing probability, copy its content onto a
algorithm to effectively and efficiently special ICMP packet, add information
trace remote DoS attackers in MANET about the adjacent upstream and/or
environment, In this tracing, the downstream routers, and send it
network area is divided into several towards the same destination as the
zones and each node knows its zone original packet. The victim of an attack
ID. When a node receives a packet to can then use these packets to
be forwarded, it first writes its zone ID reconstruct the paths back to the
with a probability p into the packet and attackers. An enhancement to ITrace,
then forwards the packet. When it known as ITrace-CP (ICMP traceback
detects that it is suffered from a DoS with cumulative path) [7], was
attack, the victim can reconstruct the proposed, thereby the ITrace-CP
entire path by combining a modest messages are made to carry the entire
number of such packets. attack path information so as to
facilitate a faster attack path
construction in the event of DoS
2. KNOWN TRACING attacks. When a router receives an IP
APPROACHES packet, an ITrace-CP message will be
generated based on the probability set
Savage and his colleagues have by the router. This message is then
proposed a probabilistic packet marking sent to the next hop router, instead of
(PPM) approach to reconstruct the path the destination address of the IP
from a remote attacker to the victim in packet. In [8], Vrizlynn et al. have
the Internet [4]. The basic idea behind proposed an enhanced ITrace-CP to
PPM is the usage of edge sampling. A trace attackers in both wired networks
packet on the path is marked with a
and wireless ad hoc networks. In their 3. INTERNET AND MANET
approach, they consider distribution of WHEN TRACING A DoS
the probability in an exponential
manner so that a faster construction
time is achievable within the same
overhead constraint. As the PPM To trace a remote DoS attacker
approach requires overloading a field in MANET is an extremely challenging
in the IP header, which raises the task. Two main reasons are as the
backward protocol compatibility following. First, an attacker can spoof a
problem, ITrace/ITrace-CP utilizes out- source address, which results that the
of-band messaging to achieve the victim cannot figure out who is the real
packet tracing purpose. The attacker only through the source
shortcomings of this approach are the address. Second, the topology of
following: first, it will bring some MANET always changes, so the packets
additional bandwidth consumption; from the attacker to the victim may
second, due to the unpredictable change to different paths several times
routing topology, the packet loss ratio over a short period. However, the only
in MANET is much larger than that in invariant that can be depended on is
the Internet; therefore it will need that a packet from the attacker must
more ICMP packets to guarantee the traverse all the nodes along the path
victim to receive enough ICMP packets. between it and the victim. Therefore, if
In [9], Kim and Helmy have each packet Xin Jin et al. can record
proposed a small world based attacker some path information, when the
traceback (SWAT) approach to trace victim receives enough packets, it can
DoS attacker in MANET. They use reconstruct the path using the
traffic patterns matching (TPM) and information in those packets. Then the
traffic volume matching (TVM) as remaining problem is that what
matching-in-depth techniques to information should be recorded and
identify DoS attackers. And then, to how to record the information in each
efficiently search relay nodes on the packet. To solve the problem, the edge
attack path, they extend small world- sampling method is used in the PPM
based contact model [10] and propose approach, which can effectively trace a
a (multi-) directional search method for remote attacker in the Internet.
DoS/ DDoS attacker traceback using Enlightened by the PPM
contact nodes, which can reduce approach, the algorithm is proposed
communication overhead in energy in this paper, which can trace the
constrained MANETs and increase remote DoS attacker effectively and
traceback robustness against collusion efficiently in MANET environments.
of partial nodes. Note that this Firstly, we will introduce the
approach is an on-demand approach, differences between Internet and
that is, when the victim detects DoS MANET when tracing a DoS attacker.
attack, it begins to broadcast query (1) In the Internet, DoS
packets. However, firstly, on-demand attackers and the victims are always
approaches first consume additional not in the same subnet. The packets
bandwidth and batter power; and sent by the attacker first need to be
secondly, it will take a longer time to transmitted to the gateway and then
find out the attacker. When the transmitted by the routers on the path,
attacker information has been and finally arrive at the victim. The
transmitted back to the victim, it is gateway is a computer or router which
possible that the attacker has already has a fixed IP address. Therefore, the
moved to other places [10]. goal of tracing a DoS attacker in the
Internet is to find out the subnet where
the attacker belongs. MANET is used
mostly in some special situation
temporarily. The nodes in MANET can
move arbitrarily; therefore, the geographic partitioning or other
relative position between two nodes clustering algorithms [9]. We assume
may change frequently Therefore, that the zone partitioning mechanism
there is not a fixed gateway for each is accurate and safe. One simple
node. Consequently, the addresses of approach to obtain the zones is based
nodes are always flat addresses. Even on geographic partitioning. With the
using IP address, they are in the same help of GPS, it is possible that
subnet. In this situation, tracing the
DoS attacker in MANET is not to find
out the attacker’s subnet like that in
the Internet but the physical position
(2) In the Internet, if the
attacker’s subnet has been found out,
the attacker is difficult to displace
itself to another subnet in a short time.
And the paths that the packets have
passed through are not changed
frequently. In MANET, however, the
paths which the packets have passed
through are changed frequently; thus
the needed time for tracing the
attacker should be very short;
otherwise the attacker may move to
another position before the tracing
process is completed.
(3) In the Internet, routers,
switches, and PCs have strong
computational abilities, unlimited
battery power, and 100M bandwidth.
The tracing algorithm can be more
complex and therefore more accurate.
However, in MANET, the portable Figure 1: Node path versus zone path
devices have no such advantaged (node path = 9 hops).
resources and then the tracing
algorithm should be rather simple
than accurate. a mobile host knows its physical
location. Then the node can determine
4. NODE PATH VS ZONE its zone ID by mapping its physical
PATH location to a zone map. When a packet
passes through a node, the node
writes its zone ID instead of its IP
Firstly, two notions are defined. Node
address into the packet, as that in the
path is a path between the source and
PPM approach, mainly for the following
destination composed by nodes
through which the data flow passes.
(1) Using the zone, the path
Zone path is a path between the
length can be restricted in a relatively
source and destination composed by
small value. For example, in Figure 1,
zones through which the data flow
the node path between the attacker
and the victim can be reconstructed
In the algorithm, a network
through 9 hops. However, the zone
area is divided into several zones. The
path is through only 5 hops. If the
creation and the maintenance of zones
node path between the attacker and
are beyond the research topic of this
the victim has extended to 15 hops,
paper. The partitioning of the network
could be based on the simple
the zone path is sill through 5 hops as The algorithm consists of three Steps:
in Figure 2. initialization , zones , and path
reconstruction. The flow chart of
algorithm is shown in Figure 3.

Step 1. Initialization . In the

initialization process, each node
constructs a chain and lets the victim
be the head. The chain is used to
reconstruct the attack path by sorting
the zone ID information in the packets.
When a node receives a packet, if the
node is the victim, the algorithm goes
to Step 3; the path reconstruction
process is executed. Otherwise, the
algorithm goes to Step 2, the zone
process is executed.

Step 2. Zone process. In the

zone process, the node writes its zone
ID into the node with a probability p
and then forwards the packet. Two
static fields, zone ID, and distance in
each packet are reserved. zone ID is
used to record the zone ID of the node
on the path. Distance represents the
distance from current node to the
victim and its initial value is set as
zero. The concrete actions each node
Figure 2: Node path versus zone path takes are as the following.
(node path = 15 hops). (a) Get its zone ID from the
zone map. The method to divide zones
(2) Node path may change and to get zone ID has been discussed
frequently due to the mobility of above.
nodes, but the zone where a node (b) Engender a random number
stays will be changed more slowly; x from [0,1) and compare it with the
thus the zone path is steadier than the marking probability p.
node path. Moreover, once the zone (c) If x < p, then the node
where the attacker stays has been writes its zone ID into the zone ID field
found out, it can be considered that in and writes 1 into the distance field in
most cases the attacker cannot leave the packet, and then forwards the
the zone instantly. packet.
(3) To record IP address, a (d) Otherwise, if the zone ID
packet needs to reserve at least 4 field is not null, then the node
bytes. In the PPM approach, if the edge compares its zone ID with the value in
sampling method is used, the packet the zone ID field in the packet. If they
needs to reserve 9 bytes to record 2 IP are equal, the packet will be forwarded
addresses and one distance field. directly, otherwise, the distance field
However, to record zone ID, 1 byte can will be increased by 1 and then the
represent 256 different zones. This packet is forwarded.
saves a lot of space in the IP packet
header. Marking procedure at node n:
for each packet w
let x be a random number from in the chain, then the old value is
(0, 1) replaced by the new value.
if (x < p)
Construct chain and Path reconstruction procedure at
let victimwrite n.ZoneID to w.zoneID;
v be the victim v:
w.distance = l;
head let v be the head of chain c;
} for each packet w from attacker
else {
{Is node n for each node n in the chain
victims? if ((w.zoneID != {
null)&&(w.zoneID if (w.distance == n.distance)
!= n.zoneID)) replace n with w;
w.distance++; else insert w.zoneID into c
} according to w.distance
Get its zone ID from the zone map
} }
forward packet w; }

Engender 1: Zone
a random number x sampling process. Algorithm 2: Path reconstruction
from (0,1) process
Step 3. Path reconstruction. In
the path reconstruction process, the If the chain is constructed successfully,
victim reconstructs the zone path from the victim can then find out all the
the attacker to itself using the zone zones that the packet has been passed
x<p? w.zoneID=n.zoneID
information in each packet. through. Then the attack response
The detailed steps are as the following. methods can be used. There are some
(a) Insert the value of zone ID in routing protocols in the MANET that
the received packet into the chain use multiple paths to transmit packets.
w.zoneID!=null and Forword
according to the value of distance. If using this kind of routing protocols,
w.zoneID! packet w the
=n.ZoneID If the value of zone ID in only one path is constructed because
packet is equal to the value of zone ID the victim can launch certa
Figure 3: Flowchart for the algorithm


Take out a node n in the chain


Is node
n Replace node n
victims with packet w

Insert packet w before Output the

node n constructed path

packet header. Thus, zone sampling process
is executed in the node b. The node b maps
its coordinate into the zone map and gets its
zone ID 2.

Figure 4: An example of the algorithm.

Then the node b writes its zone ID into the
zone ID field in the packet with a probability
p.If the node b decides to mark the packet, it
writes its zone ID into the zone ID field and
sets the distance field as 1. If not, it compares
the value of zone ID field in the packet with its
own zone ID. If they are not equal, it increases
the distance field by 1. After that, the node b
Here, it is needed to point out that packets do
forwards the packet. The continuous nodes
not sample the edge between two ordinal
along the path take the same actions as that
zones in the algorithm as in the PPM. The
of the node b.
reason is as follows. In the edge sampling
When the victim receives this packet
method, packets record the IP address of the
with the sampling zone ID = 2 and distance =
nodes at each end of a link, when the victim
4, it can first decide it is the destination.
wants to insert a packet into the path tree, it
Then, the path reconstruction process is
can compare the start field in the packet with
executed. The victim itself inserts the value of
the end field of the nodes in the path tree. If
zone ID into a chain according to the value of
the start field in the packet is equal to the
distance. After receiving enough of such
end field of one node, it means that the
packets, the victim can reconstruct a zone
packet should be inserted right after this
path between the attacker and itself. In this
node. But in the algorithm, the path changes
example, the zone path is 5->4- >3->2->1.
all the time. Thus, even two ordinal zones are
recorded; the start field may be not equal to
the end field of any node in the path chain. 7. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
Therefore, only the distance field is used to
sort the zone ID. In the following section, we will discuss
how many packets the victim needs to
reconstruct a D hop zone path. In an area
whose length is X and width is Y, if it is
divided into zones whose length is x and
Figure 4 is a brief application of the algorithm. width is y, then the number of the zones is
The points represent the nodes, the arrows (X.Y)/(x. y).
between two nodes represent the path that Let L be the longest distance that a packet
the packets have passed through, and the passes through in the zone, then
numbers in this figure represent the zone IDs.
2 2
The Attacker is in zone 1. It is assumed that
the attacker is launching aDoS attack to the
L≤ + y (2)

victim through the nodes b->c->d->e->f->g- The radio range of nodes is the
>h->i->j->victim. function of the radio transmission power.
Under the above circumstance, each node Under the same transmission power, different
firstly constructs a chain and lets itself be the propagation models will produce different
head. When receiving a packet, node b can
decide that it is not the destination from the
radio ranges. Let be the transmission ln( D )
power and l the radio range, then. x
+ y
D −1
Let n be the number of nodes that will [1 −(1−P) f ( tx ) ] x 2 +y
forward the packet when a packet passes [(1−P) f (tx ) ]
through some zone. Based on (2), n can be
approximately computed as
From (8), we can discover that the value of
2 2
L + y (3)
E(x) has close correlation with the value of p.
Assume the function of p is as the following:
n≈ ≤
I f (tx )
Because every node marks the packet F(p)=
with probability p, the probability for the x
victim to receive a packet marked by a d hop [1 −(1−P) f ( tx ) ] x 2 +y
away zone is [(1−P) f (tx ) ]
P(d)=(1-(1-P)n)[(1-p)n]d-1 (0<d<=D) f (p) is an incremental function of p, so f (p)
(4) gets its maximal value when チÝ f (p)/チÝp = 0,
and at the same time E(x) can get its minimal
Because the probability of receiving a sample value. Therefore we can calculate the value of
decreases geometrically as it is the further P
away from the victim, the convergence time
for this algorithm is dominated by the 2
time to receive a sample from the furthest
route. Then the expectation of the time can p =1−
x +
be expressed as f (tx ) D
1 (10)
E (t ) = D −1
(1−(1−P) )[(1−P) n]
For convenient computing, it is First, we compare the number of zones
conservatively assumed that samples from all with the length of zone path. In the
of the D nodes appear with the same simulation, the network area is divided into X
likelihood as the furthest node. From the point × Y zones (X = 4, Y = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). For each
of the victim, when it receives a packet, the kind of zone division, two nodes whose
probability that the packet has some zone distance is the longest are selected. As shown
information is larger than in Figure 5, with the increment of zone
number, the length of zone path is also
P(i)=D[1-(1-p)n][(1-P)n]D-1 increasing, but the increasing rate is slow.
(6) When the number of zones varies from 8 to
From the well-known coupon collector the length of zone path only varies from 4 to
problem, then the expected number of trials 9. Thus, in a MANET with large area, we can
required to select one of each of D equi- increase the number of zones to obtain the
probable items is attacker’s position more accurately. Also, the
zone path length increases slowly.
The length of zone path is related to
E(n)=D(ln(D) + O(1)) (7)
the value of X and Y. Under the same zone
number, if X = 1, Y = 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, the
Therefore, the number of packets required for
length of zone path must increase. Therefore,
the victim to reconstruct a zone path of length
when dividing zones, we should make X be
D has the following bounded expectation:
equal to Y.
E ( n)
E( χ ) =
P (i )
the propagation model is TWO-RAY, the radio
30 transmission range is 282 meter.
24 50

Number of Hops
16 35
12 25
9 20
10 8
7 15
4 4 10
0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5
Number of Packets

Number of zones Zone hops Zone Sampling p=0.05

Zone Sampling p=0.2

Figure 5: The comparison between the

number of zones and the average length of
Figure 6: The number of packets needed to
the zone path.
reconstruct the node paths with different
Figure 6 compares the number of
packets to reconstruct a zone path between
two nodes with different probabilities (p = 0.2
and p = 0.05). The distance between the two 60
nodes varies from 8 to 15 hops. Because the
length of the zone path is always no more
Number of packets

than 7 hops, as shown in Figure 5, the number 40

of packets to reconstruct the zone path is 30

limited in a small number. From the figure, we 20
can see that when the probability p is 0.05,
the number of packets needed is no more
than 50 packets. When the probability p is 0.2 0
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
the number of packets is no more than 40
Num ber of node hops
packets. What is the optimal value of
probability p? According to (8), the minimal Theoretical Value Zone hops = 4
value of E(X) is gotten if p is adopted as Experimental Value
approximately equal to 2 under our simulation Theoretical Value Zone hops = 7
In addition, the scope of the length of
zone path D varies from 3 to 10 at most
instances. Based on these two parameters,
the probability p varies between 0.05 and 0.2.
Thus in Figure 7, p is set as 0.05 and 0.2, Figure 7: The comparison between theoretical
respectively. value and experimental
Figure 7 compares the theoretical Figure 4 shows that if the network area is
value and the experimental value of the divided into 16 (4 × 4) zones, when the length
number of packets needed to reconstruct a of node path varies from 8 hops to 15 hops,
path. The simulation environment of Figure 8 the length of zone path varies from 4 to 7
is as follows: 16 (4 × 4) zones, the area of hops. If these parameters are put into (8), it
each zone is 250 meters ×500 meters. When can be educed that the number of packets
the radio transmission power is 10 dBm, and
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