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Discuss in 1 to 2 sentences 3 photography terms and the effect

each adjustment has on the image. (6 pts)

Exposure- It is the amount of light that reaches the camera sensor or

film, which plays a crucial part on the image after processing on how
bright or dark a picture may appear.

Shutter Speed- With using the shutter speed, the photographer is

able to control the motion of the photo to be captured, it is also
responsible for an image to turn out dark or bright. The longer a
shutter speed, the brighter the image, the faster a shutter speed, the
darker the image, it all depends on the light that strikes the sensors.

Lighting- It is a key factor in taking pictures, it not only directs the

brightness and darkness of a photo, but it can be used to control the
mood and atmosphere. Therefore, it is important that a photographer
knows how to use the light correctly to their advantage in order to get
the best textures and vibrancy of color and luminosity of the pictures’

2. List and explain the Top Ten Tips in Taking Great Pictures (20

-Get down on their level- on taking a picture of other people, it is

suggested that the photographer to get down on eye level. Since it
will level the angle that will create a personal and appealing feeling
which pulls the viewer into the picture.

-Use a plain background- With the use of a plain background, the

subject of the picture will be focused and showed off. The
background matters so that it can be seen that no awkward elements
can be seen distracting the focus from the subject of the picture.

-Use flash outdoors- With the use of flash outdoors, it can eliminate
the shadows made by the sun to the face of the subject, the flash can
be used to lighten the face. Which being said, on sunny days, the
flash can play an important role to create a better picture removing
unwanted shadows.

-Move in close- In moving closer to the subject of the picture, it

would eliminate unwanted background distractions that may
sabotage the whole picture. And, it can create the picture better since
it will show little details of the subject such as; freckles, arched
eyebrows, and etc., but do keep in mind the distance since some
picture taking gadget has a limited focusing distance that may make
the picture blurry.

-Take some vertical pictures- In consideration for what the subject

may be, a picture may be better if a vertical picture can complement
the subject, for example, to emphasize the height of the Burj Khalifa
which takes pride in its tall stature, it is better to take a picture of it
using a vertical one.

-Lock the focus- Pictures may appear blurry if the center of focus is
not on the subject, with the use of locking the focus, the
photographer will be able to create a sharp picture.

-Move it from the middle- To bring the subject to life, it may be

better if the subject is away from the middle. Certain elements in the
background may create the picture more alive as it may simply
complement the subject more.

-Know your flash range- In order for the picture not to appear too
dark, it is better to be aware of the camera’s flash range. Since most
cameras has a maximum flash range of less than fifteen feet or 5
steps away.
-Watch the light- Natural light or Artificial light, it will affect
everything about a photograph, certain elements on a subject may be
seen and not be seen due to light. Angles can be the one that helps
the photo to be either in need of light or not.

-Be a picture director- Being the picture editor will let you take
control of what the photograph will look like after it is processed. As
the director you are responsible of the place, the pose, and etc.

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