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Virginia Evans ~ Jenny Docley ! Abas Express Publishing AdOD T1dWWS 3344 TIVS 404 LON Published by Express Publishing LUberty House, Greenham Busines Park, Newby, Berkshire RCT9 6H, United Kingdom Tel: (004) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635817 463, mal: inguiiesSexpeesspublishing.cosik orm expresspublishing. cok ‘8 Vagina Evans Jenny Dect, 2010 Desig and Bustration © Express Publshing, 2010 Mustations Vitor, Ky, Angels Son Andrews © Express Pubihing, 2010 Fist published 2010 Sever impression 2016 Made in [Al igh resered. No part ofthis publeation maybe reproduced, stored in ees syste, ‘oc tansmited in any form, oF by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior writen permission ofthe publishers ‘This book i not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978:1.84974-754-7 Contents Starter Module 1 The verb "to be’, the verb ‘have got’, Subject(Object pronouns, Purl, There IsfThere are ~ Some(Any, This/These ~ That/Those, Possesive adjectives, Possessive pronouns, Possesve case, Prepositions of time, Prepositions of place, Question words ps Exploring Grammar (Unit 1) p. 30 Revision Unit 1) p31 Module 1 2 Present Simple vs Present Continuous p. 32 13 The infintive/.ing form p39 Exploring Grammar (Units 223) au ps 44 Revision (Units 1-3) p45 Module 2 4 Past Simple (regular & regular vet a p46 5 Used to pst 6 Prepositions of movement p33 Exploring Grammar (Units 46)... p. 56 Revision Units 1-6) p57 Module 3 7 Past Continous p38 18 Past Simple vs Past Continuous .... p. 62 Exploring Grammar (Units 7.8)... p. 66 Revision Units 1-8) » 7 Module 4 9 Modal verbs (Can/Can't ~ Could/Couldh't = Must/Mustnt~ Have to/Don't have to ~ Needh't = Should/Shouldi’t - Ought Oughtr't to ~ MayiMight/Could)... p. 68 10 Relative pronouns/adverbs — Relative clauses p74 {Exploring Grammar (Units 9-10)... p80 Revision (Units 1-10) pst Module 5 11 Adjectives ~ Comparative & Superlative form of adjectives — Types of comparison ~ Veryeally, Much ~Too/Enough «.. p. 82 12 Conjunctions (Both — Neitherthe) .. p. 93 Exploring Grammar (Units 19-12) ov ps 96 Revision (Units 1-12) po Module 6 13 Wil Be going to Present Continuous p. 98 14 Conditionals Types 0,1 & 2 p.10t 15 Adverbs/Comparatve & Superiative fort of a6Ve¢bS.sonronnnnen 106 Exploring Grammar (Units 13-18). p.112 Revision (Unit 1-15) pus 16 Present Perfect pala 17 Present Perfect vs Past Simple vnon BolT 18 Question Tags pias Exploring Grammar (Units 16-18) .. p.126 Revision (Units 1-18) paz Module 8 19 Countabe/Uncountable nouns ~ ‘Some/Any/No/Every + compounds . p.128 20 Quantifers ssn piss 21 Passive Voice p39 Exploring Grammar (Units 19-21). p44 © Revision (Units 1-21) pas Grammar Revision pide Irregular Verbs p.isz The verb to be! | YmMondy ond thsi Alice Weare fiends. Alice i rom ‘Meaco, but | am tram Canada, Are they at school? No, they aren’. They eat the pork a lam wwe are 'm we're you are youare youre you're heis he's she ls they are she's theyre itis ies ors Sx a es lamnot—mnot_ Am Yes, lam. No, fm not you are not you aren't. Are yoU.?_Yes,Youare. No, you aren't, heinat he lan't he? Yes,hels. No, he isn't. Sheisnot sheisn't, Is she 2. Yes, shes. No, she isnt itisnot ——itisn't it? Yesitis, No, itisnt we are not we aren’t Wein? Yes, we are, No, we aren't. you are not you aren't Are you»? Yes,youare. No, you aren't. they are not they aren't they 2 Yes they are, No, they aren't. “We normally use the long form of the verb to be (om, re) when we write, Helena i ram Sweden. Shei seventeen years od “+ We normally use the short form ofthe verb to be (im, ', ‘e) when we speak, Jahn! I's 30 nice to see you again! In shor answers we do not repeat the whole question. We use Yes or No, the subject pronoun snd the veth fem am/'m nat, isn't, are/aren't Is se yur ona? Ys, she (NOTE Yes, he isan ene) + We use the long form ofthe verb tobe in positive short answer ‘re you tire? Yes, 1am (NOT: Yes, Hm) + We use the short form ofthe verb to be in negative short answers. Ise your teacher? No, he fst. (NOT: No, helene) 1 Te ice. |e ever 2 They yng, | They wn young, pane ae a 4 Youre nota [You ora student student Wes tom as |e tom Pa 6 tent opps | ape. ee eet ae tpt 2 ok the ale and anwer he rnton cane a Cart Bal 20 ner student Ae tunis 30 tae Guillermo Spain 40 doctor iran te USA 40 teacher Is Carla Rusion? No. se n't. Shes rariian 1s Cala thinty years old? ‘re Alex and Miranda doctors? 's Guillermo a univers student? ‘Are Guillermo and Miranda twenty years ald? Is Alex rom Spain? 's Carta a teacher? 43 took a the pletures and fi crearen't and he, she, ior they 1. A: Gayy 5 fireman, B fe ale? A No, he sn", Mes young, \ 2A Ley cnn a teacher Br sun a School now? 3A This my cat | 8: boy A No, sail \ | 4b: Michael. a tennis payer 8 sos tlh Yes, 5A: Sarah and Viehy sisters. 8 at school? oes ‘at home, 4, Complete the sentences with the ‘correct form of the verb to be 1 rane 1) Aes. Pn 2 muse tet ard | 8) See years My ‘avout stuns 4) he VotN THE By best tend Kate and ene 8) on shen yeas Hate 7) on ao asic. stutta. We 8). a ie ane cet stoo, 15 Flin the gaps with ny not s/s, areeforen' 1A: ‘ve you a footballer? B: No, 1 Veena basketball player. 2b vthat a DVD player? B: No, i «a laptop. 3h they sunglasses? B: No, they They goggles. 4h that a miror? &: Yes,it Sa& von Fan tom Germany? B: No, he He. from England ow your shateboards new? B: Yes, they Tk she a doctor? B: No, she She nr 8 RUS, BA: cnsonsnninns YOU Om Portugal? B: Yes 1 Portuguese Gillin the gaps withthe correct form ‘Of the verb to be. Mortns HILLY) 9) Martin and #2) ons from France. Louise: Helo! 3)... Louise and 1 4) from England, Pleased to meet you This $) my fiend, Fiona, Mortins i, Hana 6)... you from the USA? Fiona: NO, 1 7) ssw MOL. 1 8) ssn fom England, too. We 9) both English Louise: 10) nyu from Pars, Martin? Martins Yes, 111) 12) ssn you and Fiona from London? Louise: No, we 13) We 14) from tverpool, The verb tobe’ {7.1m the gap withthe correct form of the verb tobe. Hi 14) duan, your new pen-iend. 12) ‘leven years old and 1 3) {rom Spain. My bottler Pedr ) nn titeen years ol and he 5) nnn Fly good at football David Beckham 8) nonmnne his favourite player. My parents Donne Cals and Maria and they 8) both oryfive years ol. They 9. School teachers. My best fiend. 10) Melnds, We 11) in the same school, but we 12) nthe same dass What about you? te soon! an primary Speaking taok at he prompts par, atk and answer questions ast the example + wat/yourname? 1 How old/you? * When/your/birthday? # Whereiyoutrom? + Whatiyourtavourite colour? 4: Whats your name? 2 Mpname's George. Wha’ our ame ete Writing 9) Write an email to your new epal talking about you and your family. Us {Vm Mey and Vm fourteen years ld ‘A: Have they goto A: Has Meg got fair | fer ‘mo? 1B: No, they haven't. 8: Yes, she has. She's They've gota get far hor and rouse lu eyes. ou J Mme Yay J MSE oy He ae She } oem She i ve we Name linert ead Ve ve'go fe Tey They They Have Iyoulwe/they got? Hashelsertgorr{ %0 eferthas use We use he verb have got: ‘+ to show that something belongs to someone, We've gotswo gota and a ca. + t0 describe people, animals of things. Eagles hare got big wings. + to tak about relationships. Have you gota twin brother? € + with the following expressions: Ive got 0 headeche/stomachache/toothache, etc, ve got a temperature, I've got a cough ve got 0 ol, "ve gota problem. 5 ¥ ee Hes got two ve got 0 ier eadoche, 1 Jive not got fg, } ver got te naan She | nares rt we have notgot You | havnt gt Tey Le rN Tes bese hr Wo: yay re No, helshest hasnt Notes: ‘In short answers we do not use got ave you got ape Yes, | nave (NOT: Yes, heve-got) He's a singer He) ie oot a trar He has) ‘+ We use got more in the present and not so ‘often in the past tens, She had a bike when she was eight (NOT; She had got a. ~ ts less common) a J) Fin: has ve, Hover 1 David: got a laptop. 2 Emma got a guitar 3 They ‘gt 2 DVD player 4 David ‘got a mabile phone, 5 Emma got an MP3 player 6 They got av. biheiomataad i | a layer MP player bike 'b) im pales tell your partner what each person hos got. ©) Which of these have you sentences. 1] Ak answer, a tn the example, 1 Amy/biue eyes? as Amy got blue ees? No, she has. 2 Jack and Paulay bicycles? 3 Cindyfa camera? 4 theyschootbags? oR" 1 10 & yee er ereee (2 Which of these things haven't you got? Write have, haven, has or hasnt. ove Bary and Vieky got 8 17? Yes, they you gota big garden? Nov! snus Safah got an evening dress? Yes, she snone YOUF MUM gota laptop? No, she Mr and Mrs Little got children? Yes they you gota cold? Yes, 1 eel tebe + your sister got brown eyes? No, she i sn YOU dad gat ated ear? No, he Hs ear is blue. vs Andrew got a big bedroom? Yes; he your brothers got mobile phones? No they Diana Sr ihalaianeaadl | 1.3 2 took atthe table and write sentences, asin the example 1 Joe nas gor a 1V and a gut. He hasnt goto DVO ployer. 2 by Look at the table again. In pales, ask ‘and answer questions, asin the example, ‘A: Hos Joe got « BVO player? 8: No, he has. ee [4 Complete the dialogue withthe correct {erm ofthe verb be or hare (go alos Ht 1 1) a, what) 2mm journane? | Tet My name 3 Tea. | Ie: Where) ss yu ton? Yet 15) ‘rom tone. | le: 1 6) ‘rom Pats D you | any bones sites? | Teds Yeu18) | "5 ‘ett What about you? | MENON) nnn tit | mm io peat 115 Ft ene gaps using the correct form of the verbs be oF have got. Tn Melisa. 1 2 Fiteen years old and13) fom Meco My mu 4) sn. Helen and She 5) nnn hity-ine Years old. She” 6) a secretary. My dad, Pablo, a fortpfve and he 8) sn Engl tacher. He 9) books! Tracy 10) lo of my sister and she 1» ten years al. She 12) tall and she 13) hat We 14) ina, Tina 15) 16) realy ete! very long Honde 4 eat to! We ell it brown fur and she een 16 Wale tre sentences about you. 1 tem ely 2. Wwo brothers 23 My mumia teacher 4 My dada car 5 Wela big house Speaking 5.1.7 Ask eachother about your personal belongings ‘Av Hove you gota camera? Bes, have Writing 1.9 Us Yow partner's answers to write about what he/she f/huan't got. Laura hos gota camero, She has’t got Subject/Object pronouns Ther do Bary, ok Srey Eo 1 me rel dF an he! st he cute? He is big, reel a ae ‘but hes only to. We ve him zt it and ne Sov us very uch, you you they them ‘We use personal subject pronouns before verbs * instead of nouns This house i relly bg! It has got five bexrooms (= the house) «instead of names. eth fom Ielond. She is ny bes end (She = Beth) C_———___ 19 took atthe pictures and film the oops With the correct subject or object ‘pronouns, asin the example. 1 bok at Hi Fieis a doctor. / 2 Look at isa hummingbird 3 Look at Fi {sa teaches , 4 Look at axe singer. We use object pronouns after: + verbs We've got four dogs. We tke them foro wolk everyday «prepositions () ill in the gop with the core subfect/ 1 Look at et ean de a bike 2 Tiss im. ae. bs my cousin 3 lesa is beautiful today. Look at wna 4 ve gota problem, CAR nr NIP nnn? 5 Lookat.......- They can ply tenis so well 6 This my stateboard, non. || ead the dialogue. Then write what the underlined pronouns mean. Becky: Have 1) you got adres forthe party? Sandy: Yes, 2) | have but 3) i's relly ol! What about 4) you? Becky: No, H haven’. Let’ go shopping then! ‘Sandy: Great idea! Alice can jain 5) us too! Becky: Perfect 6) She's got good taste! Sandy: Here's the phone. Call 7) her! 4 5 1 Sandy 2 3 | Plurals # Most nouns take - to form the pra. a to kittens ' Nouns ending ins 55 -sh,-ch, x, -0 take es to form the plural (0 + goss, glass glosses, rush + brushes, match -+ mates, fog foxes, tomato -+ramgioes ‘kitten torch to trees BUT. Some nouns ending ino take only 5 photo -+phows, video + wees, ippo hippos. rhino + hives, aes ‘uae oe FYE fr be eoboy ‘bw0 Boys, ‘Nouns ending in a consonant + y drop the “and take ies in the pra WwW ww ‘vo butters py Mate para. 12 ‘+ Nouns ending infor fe drop the or the -fe and take -ves in the plural tht -» thieves, wile wives knife thre knives BUT Some nouns ending inf ore take only gia» gies, cit» its, ee deer fish sheep foot tooth goose child children person people 23 Complete the table. # sock © shelf @ potato # foot # root mouse # knife city # tomato # man f chesry # country # watch * sheep hat * plow lif grape» curtain child « rawbery © des « photo © goose [iocs, ‘irregular 24 Cree the correct tem. V Jack’s got two anand a cat. AA goldtishs B goldfish € goldtshes 2 sun ave got really long necks. A Grafs B Giaves —€ Giatfe 3. My grandiather has got lots of... on his farm, ‘A qooses —B goose © C gene 4 The win the photo are very cute! ‘A babys B>babies baby 5 Marys got two... and agi Attoys B-boy boyes 6 Give me five. and four bananas, please. A tomates — B tomato © tomatoes 175 Rewrite the sentences nthe pla. uf = hd 76 {ree the oddone out. Explain why. 1 chy baby lady boy boys ne odd for ts ln clit - the ~ kite - ite child ~ deer ct ~ foot dls aio — watch ~ box sheep det fh = mouse Speaking Use the plural form ofthe circled words from £1.26 to make sentences. The boys in my class are very tal |] There there are- Somé/any Linkin 4 ‘There is/There are Liat ce Inert | No, there isn't. Pisin abet tier aan bee at een ‘Are there ...? a ei ‘armchairs, but there are two sofas. There are No, there arent {ome chons on tem. Are there ory peop > the room? No, there aren + We use there stot things inthe ing Therese bant eopiop ane pera on the desk (NOTE heer a book plop and.) * We use there are to ist things in the pha. Tere are hast gota short frm. There are ter dss, twenty chats ad two windows inthe asso. + Wes thee + be to mention something forthe fst time oto ay that something someone cists. We use It + be to give mace deta about something or someone that has already been mentioned There is ome ake onthe Kitchen tabi Ie or ou Some/Any ao) not anylno not anyino any any + We use some in atfirmative sentences with 2) plural courtable nouns. There or some straneberie inthe ridge. ') uncountabe nouns. There is some ioup i the pt. 1+ We use any in negative and interogative sentences with bi 2) plural countable nouns. Je there any biscuts nthe jor? ) uncountable nouns. There st any sugar inthe Ceo. ‘here are some eg inthe best. I there any ‘orange juice Inthe jug? No, there isn, but Chere is some milk. There is mo. bread but there's Some cheese and some bute, Note: We can use no instead of not any in negative sentences. There smo miki the bottle. (= There fmt any makin the bottle) Look at he pete andl in 28 i ih coe aa elon 1 {hore a washing machine in the ktchen, but a tidge es | cooker inthe kitchen, ut 1 @ micronave oven. a hairs in the ktehen, but cupboards 4 flowers in the kitchen, Ut nnn pla 5 food on the table 6 crn OPI Inthe Kitchen, 10 Ue the Hea toa and ase questions, ‘asin the example. Use there i/are in thelr ‘correct form and some or any 1 lowers inthe vase? No [hz Ae there any flowers in the vose? I: No, there arent any lowers in the vse 2 people / room? — Yes & C 3 cheese (inthe fridge? — No A & 4 plates / in the cupboard? ~ No A 8: 5 milk Jin the bottle? - Yes & 8: 3p took a the pictures and the nouns in the Ist, Write the ferences, as inthe example. ‘curtains frelace » sola + clock @ photos chats # lamp # books « television * There are some cats an the window i picture A ut tere arent ary curtains an he window inptre 15s b ibicadalanaies a 16 1} Undettne the correct word, asin the cample. 1 Thete i any/some juice inthe dg. 2 There aren't any/some clothes in the wardrobe. 3 Ae there any/some chats in the living 4 There are any/some cheries inthe bow 5. Ave there any/some glasses on the table? 6 There is any/some gatc inthe salad 1) Rewite the sentences changing them {from singular to plural or vice versa, 1. There i flower inthe vase. There are some flowers nthe vote, 2 There aren't any books onthe tables. There isn’t @ book onthe table 3. Is there a cushion onthe sofa? 4 There arent any tees in the parks, 'S_ Are there any plates in the cupboards? 6 There sa pen on the des, 3 Complete the dintogue with eres (nt ore or sare there. ‘N:Hello, | wonder if you can elp me. 1 ho any good sports clothes shops near here? B: Yes, 2) sens 3) 4 Nike tore on Oxford Street. 4) 50 a Puma shop on the next street. Tey sll Atanes, shorts and much more. ‘A: Thank you. One las question 5) an Indian restaurant near here, too? 8: No, 6) but 7) fan taian restaurant that serves great spaghetti and sala, ‘A: Thank you. 8: You're welcome 3 Fillin the gaps with there o i 1 Thove isa letter for you. is probably from your cousin 2 Alice Come here! is someone hereto see you think Is your fiend, Daren, Bis ‘2 park near here? BE YE5, cnn |s only five minutes walk ava. 4 Isa jacket onthe sofa is Usa’, isnt 5 Look! is a rainbow in the sky. is really beautiful 5 Complete the email with the correct form of there is and there are. Hi John, How are you? Were in our new howe now, Its seat ta hap re in the garden, 1) sa swimming pool. The house has two Agors. On the ground floor ae kitchen, a dining toon, sty and living vo. I the ving room, 3) ‘lovely ol replace. 4) ny bedroous ona, ‘On the fist floor, 5) ce bedrooms and. ewo bathrooms. in’ one ofthe bedroom, 6. computer, <0 havea quiet place to play” all my computer. games, 2 compter in yor beoom? Thope you can vist me this sumer and ee the ose fr yoursel Take care, james Speaking 6 Mars, ask each other questions about what there l/are in your house. Writing 1 Wits «short email to your fend describing your house. Use &x. 35 as 3 mode A: This i nice book! 2: Yes! These photos ‘are fantastic ans ‘This/These - That/Those Wie use this/these * for people, animals or things near us This is @ book. / These ore books 1 tointroduce people. Nor, this julie Gront * to introduce onesel on the phone, Hello? This is Amy Pearson speaking. {house and those are his cows BUTTAUT ee UT aor fT er our toner oy | Wie use that/those: * for people animals or things far avay from us That is «helicopter! / Those are helicopters! ‘We can aso use this/these and that/thosein wh-questions, We answer these questions with tor the. Wha’ thisthon? Fes can eset. KNOT -Fhidhat isan insect) Whot cre thesethose? They are nsec: (NOT: FhesefBhese are Insects) il in the blanks with hs, these, cho or 2 & 1 =: % 3 those, iv Is a skateboard and 1! ia bik, oe -@ 319) Wet the sentences in the plural. 1 This a DVD player. Nese ore DID plover. 2 That 62 apOP, sos “ 3 Thisisa skin 4 Thats foot 5 Thisisa Ty, 6 That isa cupboard Ai) Compe with this tht these, tose 1 Helo? is Penny Elberton speaking 9. 2 LOOK at ernnn colour birds in the sky! Aren'¢they lovely? 3 Mum, Is my new fiend Monica, 4 My feet are kiling me shoes are too small. 5 Mmm cake is delicious! 6 Who's boy over there? Is he a new student? vv E Wiccan ansrnalasaied Possesive adjectives, Pssessve pronouns | ra Fil in the appropriate postssve 45 Fn the gaps wth so is Tosrersve adjectives -Possesive pronoune oe Soca ‘ectves/eronouns, a5 the example, Sook at that dogl sear are very long! 1A: Wow! Look at (she) new dress 2 This nt her BOOK, wn is Bs Yes, its very prety 3. Thisis a great house! huge | 2A: whee say? 4 Let's go onside, non a le, sunny day B Shotts tind nah). $Me ge Fen a nt than 3A Bhs sss (he) laptop? 6 “shat ther Howe? “NO, sens OOF” sis your 8 No, ie nam Eee es 5 mine. Tonks ARTIS is nn (we) new house 6 Rend the text, then + Possesive adjectives show: Be very mee. Where IS unnnene YO8) jhe hr poi 2) that something belongs to someone your yours becroom? or poste adjectver/ This is his mew ca his tis 5A: Does your dad know Mr Clark? 1) the relationship between two oF more people ter hers Yes He a fend of (he). | They ec cor grondparonts is = = ay {6 Isthis your mum? What’ ons (he) | + We put possessive adjectives before nouns a nei pea Hi Wy name is Cate Tis your sutcose a A Cos cone Donne am TOURER Yes Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. (6. Hare a picture of meth to sssie ate) fens Sai ear ca pons pear fs pases seine Unserine te correct peters One ee Beh odin et ne! ook ont tat ver] A a por pects pence from Landon, C2 YO 58 Soros 09 te eR? '* Possessive pronouns are not followed by nouns. Hlong. a 6 beks 0 hao En fom ear, bt Notes: Fe 2 bern Mende Bn a go'0 Ws tis or thas A Emit How re you? 2) There ino poses pronoun forthe pesarlponeun it, WS=IE8 Oras How ae eet mee Shee pts eatin ee omeanone 95/30 "00000 | AL Ban im re Fn tome dnetnoy ST Of aman of end Po ere ae 1) your yours pen The teed of mine (10K ond me ore tese nad | eon eye sing at orton by fie Ful a Lu ens of Yous (NOTE Hed oye) the sen a “Jason is out with a (riend of his. (NOT: a friend oF inn) _ as A: That's nice! Do you want to hang out then? Speaking 5 Sue Wecan sent 3) my/mine ew COS. 47 pat ao each other about our {41 Cheese te corectitm, at inthe example, 4 Complete the table with the correct“ 2 Sm eh T¥e ge sme COs of friends. Ask about: possessive adjectives and pronouns. oe eeu ial cen ele ‘s name # age * favourite food 1) This i Helen, She is our/us rend 2A: Whose is this camera? CTTENEIN) the Alicia Keys CO 5) my/mine or « favourite subject 8: tis my/mine 1 wey fer ©) your’yours? ‘A: Whats your tends nome? 3-H 1m Jeff and this i Fred. We/Our are 2 Phil 8 ts 7) my/mine dads! Can you bring it as Mar, sclbiae ene well please? A: How oldis he? ete 4 This is Andrew and Sophie. Look at them’ J 4 Tom and! 4: OK. tim eating 8) my/mine breast now aa scien can be at 9) your/yours pace in an hout Writing 5 Lucy and Steve are cousins. This is their?) [6 sam andyou | 8 That's perfect See you then. eases © bl g Write a stort paragraph about your 6 Lookat Emma, Her/Hers hairs sone today. {rlend, Use Ex. 46 as a model 18 19 sa Possessive case Sonata | 20 | Possessve Case SS Look a the birds est | sis Roberta's pop. To show possesion: ‘+ weadd an’ after names and singular nouns. Jack’ cars new The gies bag ise + we add to plural nouns ending ins The students" brary son the second tor. ‘with an regular plural noun we add’ These ae the men’s cos ‘when the same thing belongs to two or ‘more people, we ad's tothe last noun. Thot is Ted end Natashors new house. Che house belongs to Ted and Natasha.) ‘when two oF more things belong to two ‘or more people and we want to show that ‘each person has hisher own thing, we add “sto each noun Those ore Christine's ond Jenny's coos. (Christine has coat and Jenny has a coat, 100.) A) Vadertne the correct words). 1 My brother'/brothers' name is Martin 2 Toms'/Tom’s trainers are white 3 Our rabbit's/rabbits' names are Shadow and Hops 44 These ae Kate's and John’s/Kate and John sandal. [5 Those are the men’s/mens’ sweaters. 6 Is this the childrens’ /children’s room? This Rick ond These ore Sandra's ‘Alon’ 0, ‘ond Emma's chien Other Possessve Forms things he door of the house wpe (NOT: the-house'-door because ‘house Is & thing) I 2 Torefertoa place (shopybusiness/house, et) we add an apostrophe +5 ory ot Ann's ( Ana's house) ‘Nok ia the butcher: the shop) i 1 We use of to talk about things or parts of I 3. We also use the possessive to refer to time, (ur hotel five minutes’ wolk from the deach, ‘nee a year’s work 0 fish this project. Note: We can use the possessive without a noun ater This mobile phane is not mine. Ws Steve's (Steve's mobile phone) 7 {can see the tower of the castle/the castle's tower. 18 Thali Tom's and Ted/Tom and Teds dog, 9 Julia’ /ula's mobile phone pink. 10. My mothers'/mother's car is smal 11 Bens'/Ben’s ball ise 12. Theirdog's/dogs' names ae Max and Bary 13 We cant visit Sue. She's at Marys/Mary’s [5() took at the family tee Below. Then fill in the gaps, asm the example. 1 Alice i 7/05 wile. Shes wife 2 Philips and father He's father 3 Katies and sister. She's ster, 4 kylie i mother. She's mother. SS Jeffand Amanda are . and Parents Tey‘F enn paFENS, 45] Pat the nouns in Brackets at the correct possessive form. ‘A Whereis this photo trom? B: This one? WS from my 1) cou? (cousin) binthay party. ‘A: Who ate those boys? 1B They'te my 2) ‘Theyre your nephews? B: That's ight! And that man is 3) (Steve and Brian) dad. (ster) name? (sister) sons. A: What's your 4). Kathleen, And her 5) (husband) name is Roy A Whose ate those dogs? 8 Theyre my 6) ‘A: Well, everyone looks happy. 8: They are You ean meet them all next time, (cousin). 152 Rewrite the phrases, asin the example. 1 She needs a res fr ten minutes. ten mnutes test, 2. Wsa drive of three hours from my house 3. The sales this year are really ood 4-1’ walk of five minutes tothe schoo. 5 The prize for this week isa brand new car Hee | i) nando) ted) Wyle) | e) Brod) Kate) Macy) Mog) 153 Circle the correct word, asin the example. 1 These ar the ... pencil Wiboy' ——B boys boy 2 Is there ae near here? ‘A butchers B butcher's © butcher” 3 This the san OVD player Armens Berman's C man 4 "Ie this your coat? NO, iS ne Afoke) Jake's ake 5 These aren mobile phones [A Zack and Jennifer's B Zack’ and Jennifer Zack’ and Jenifers 6 This 6 tchen, [A Tom and Clares B Tom and Clares’ © Tom and Clare’ Writing 4 Bram your family tre and write sentence about I. Use Ex. 50a wmode, a SE Wiccnenhas Lenco | Prepositions of Tire We have vehfost at 9 lock every doy ‘We use prepositions of time (or, to say when something happened, happens or wl happen They go keshaing In winter: He has piano lessons on Saturday mornings ‘Shige rcv Te Hom. tm ding hw | isthe Jette morent ot greet an OS Saar fxprenionss {ot do toon ot at midnight at lunchtime, atthe weelend : | months: [in oy | Tn the) wintaeprngrsamer? —] | seasons, | years: Tn 2008, in te 19905, centuries: ne 20) uy 1 inthe inthe morirglaRermoonverenng,| expressions: | non ou io minute in woos few doys/month/yer, in the past, Inthe ture oN aye (on Tuesday, on New Year’ Eve| ates nT May (2005) specific part of @ 07 Sulu vor certain day: adjective + day: 07 0 od) We spend a lot of time at the beech during the doy. We do not use prepositions of time 4) with the words today, tomorrow, tonight and yesterday. ‘They have a German lesson today before the words ths, last, next, ‘every all some, each, one and any. get op at 9 oflock everyday. in time/on time: 2) In time = early enough We must hurry if we want (rte in time for the concert yon time = at the ight time Don’t wom! The bus is clways on time. 55 1 56 FAIL: 0 in, on, fom, dng. ‘A: What time do you leave fr school? "usually leave 9 8 oflock When is your guitar lesson? Wes Saturday afternoon, What hours do you go to schoo!? 1190 to school inthe morning 8 to 2, then I goto school again in the afternoon 6pm, ‘A John’s late, Whereis he? Don't worry. He'll be here a minute. \What month is your sister’ birthday? Wes June. When do you work? 1 work the evenings, but 1 don't work the day. [What time is your French lesson? an hou. Where's John? I's 9 o'lock. Don't worry! He's always time, Fin the gaps with the correct preposition, then answer the questions. What are you doing the moment? Fam titering to my MP3 player What me do you get up nthe morning? What time do you eat dinner. Aight? Do you go swimming... a het summer aay? What do you do... the weekends? What do you wally do wnronre Sundays? Is your Dithday on the Spring? What sports do you do sae the summer? Do you go to Bed wan midright? 0 yOu get UP oonnns 7 every day? 57 Circe the correct item. 1 My birthday i ane May. Aon Bin Cat 2 Uhave 0 leave nn 8 minute, Ax Bin Con 3. Ive gota meeting... 20th Jane Aon 6 during C from 4: Ison busy present? Aon Bin Cat 5 work at a summer camp... the holidays. A during Bal C last, 15 Undertine the correct preposton ‘Andy: Clavel What times your Science lesson? Clare: Hi, Andy! Ws 1) atfon ine and ater that have PE 2) fromy/in eleven 3) to/at twelve ‘What about you? Coll 'm not that lucky. "ve got a Maths lesson early 4) infon the morning and 3 French lesson ater that. Clore: it does sound that bad, Andy: The problem ist haven't got a break, We ‘only stop 5) nat noon for lunch. Clie: What time do you finish? Andy: 6) Atfn four. And you? Clore: finish 7) atin half pas four, See you ater school! OK! See you! Speaking 59) pars, atk cach other about your school timetable. Any, Andy ‘A: What tne i your Mths lesson? At eight in the morning. When is your tnghon sso ete Writing 69 Ui 70H aware rom the Speaking activity to write a dalogue. Write ‘bout your school timetable. Use Ex. $8 sa model, 23 =i Cee oe 24 Prepestions of Pace & F brad is nthe tree, Brad isa the tee. Brod a opponte ris between e e (ad is among Brads next to/ radi on the ro is bind the tres. beside the vee. branch ofthe tree. the tre $ ~ Tt (rad in Font of trad is near the forest. (radi under the the ee. tronch ‘We use prepositions of place to say where somebody or something is. These include: on, under, in front of, behind, beside/next to, near, at, in, between, among and opposite, Note; We use between to say that somebody or something isin the middle of two other things cor people, We wse among to say that somebody or something Is in the mide of three or ‘more things or people. We use at: + in the expressions: ot schoa/university/cllege, at werk, at hame, at the top of. a the bottom OF t the station, ot the airport, at Mary’ (house), ata pary/concer/fotbal match, at the ‘bus stop, 2 the dot, at one's desk + with addresses winen we mention the house number, {at 8, Broxion Steet BUT in Braxton Steet Wie use in + in the expressions: nthe mde nthe an the sy, in Bed, in hasta in pion, in a newspaper! ‘magazine/book, in 0 sreet, inthe wo, n 0 photograph/pictur, ina ca, in ata ‘withthe names of cies, counties and continents J ome tn France in Asin We use on «In the expressions onthe leftight, on the ist/secand, et loo, on a bus/tran/plane/ship, on a ‘ers bieyl/motobike, on a chair BUT in an armchair 6] Complete the sentences with nn font ©, opposite, emong, Behind or between. ee 1 The fut salad is 2 Jr the bow Karen is Jack 3 Eddies 4 Jen and Claudia They ae each other. 5 Sandrais ‘ Chis, Sam i bis friend, 1) Urdertine the correct item. Maths is my favourite subject at/on school “The dog is seeping under/among the table ‘My dad's cars the one beside/in yours My new cameras in/on the table. There isa party at/on lake's house tonight. John is standing next to/between his uncle. The museum is in High Stret, opposite ‘under the att gallery. 18 My bookcase is between/under the wardrobe spd the bed, 9 Clare is hiding infront of/behind the tree. 10. My dad loves siting on/in the armchair next tothe fireplace. vousun-Q 63 fire the correct answer 11 We're spending the weekend... the beach house. Ain Bon 2. Ie that Adam standing .. the newsagents? ‘A under B between Cin front of 3 Look at this photo! Mary is the one sitting John and Lz. Aat —B between C under 4 "Where i Sue?” She's an the ack garden.” Aon Brnextto Cin 5 Where are my shoes, Mum?” Tey the Ded.” Avunder Bat Cin {6 sthat my MPS player... your desk? Ain B among Con 7. Were there alot of people... the party? Ax Bon Cin 8 “Is your house far from the school?” ON, HS a ‘A between B near infront Underline the correct tem. Then, describe your bedroom to your partner. Hi Diane, T want to tell you about my bedroom 4) von our new hous. t's really nice! The room i quite big. My bed is 2) next tofbetween the window. There is a bookcase 3) opposite/under my bed and a warm rug 4) on/at the floor 5) between behind the bed and the bookcase, My desk is 6)near/under the door. I've got 2 ‘compiter and a big TV 7) infon it. There is Also 2 poster 8) on/at the wall 9) aboveron my desk realy like my new bedroom, The Fest of the house is great, too! ean’ wait for you to come and see ith, Wate soon, sin 25 26 Dey 65 Complete with ot on in. 1A: Thereisa photo of my home town thi magazine 1: Wow It's amazing! 2A: Where's your mum? B: She's... work ‘A: Excuse me, where's the lbaty? Br IS sn the seventh flor. 4A: Do you want 0 90 su... your ea? B: I don't think so. I's stil in the garage, 1 IS Georgia... the doctors? 8: Yes. She's got a really bad col. 1: Where's room 2C? Br nu the ight, opposite the library 666 fila the gaps with ot oF io and one of ‘the words from the ls + bed # the park # the cinema * home 1 the aiport_# Sweden 1. Theresa nic film on 2 the cinema 2 Don't cal ack now. He isn't 3. The weather's great! We can go for a picnic today. 4 My aunt's sick She's Fight now. 5 What time does your fight ative? | can meet you 6 Weare from taly but we lve 7 Complete with the right preposition and answer about yourself, 1. Doyoulive inthe USA? Yo Jaa, N>, con 2B there 2 12b!e vesnnns the middle of your living room? 3 Are YOU on School right now? Are YOU FEMIS so ME NOW? Ate YOU 0 YOUT desk? took atthe picture, read the text and ind the correct preposition. # between #00 62) + opposite under ‘next 10 There is a coffee table inthe living room.tis 1) the feeplace. there is alo a ‘sal rug 2) =) the two | ‘windows thee fa lamp and tll plant. The lamp is) small uble.5) ‘he lamp there 6 a ig. pink armchair The curtains 6 the windows ar pak, 00, Speaking G0) Deere to eachother your favourite room in your house. Use prepositions of place. Then, guess which room your partner has described. In my fovourte room there's a big bet with [ots of plows anit, There’ o desk net tothe bed. Da the desk Writing () Now. write the description of your avourite room. You can use Ex. 64 as model. estan words [ Ware they? : ras How ol arth? They ere twenty Wee oe the? aoc How many bays re there unde the tol? Tn What cobra the bog? | Bend brow We use question words to ask about someone or something ‘+ who/whose (people) “Whois your best friend?” Ale." Whose dog is this?” or “Whose i this dog?” bs Pon possession) wiich/what (things) Which s used to ask about atmited choice of things. Which singer do you lke best ~ Shakira or Sojonee?” (YOu have to choose between these two singers, so the choice is timited.) What is more general. It is usually used to {ask about an unlimited choice of things. “wha fons do you he?” Chee are many Kinds of food such as Chinese, talian, Mexican et, so the choice is unlimited) ere (place) Whereis my new Tshirt?” "On your bed.” + when/how long (ag0}/how often/what time (time) When i your pay?” “Next Saturday.” “How longi the fim?” 3 hours.” “How often do you go tothe gym?* “Three times a week." What time i 82" “t's 9 0ock* ‘rw long/how tll (sae) “How long isa blue whole?” “About 30 mete.” “How tls she?” “She's 1.65 m. how much (quantity) “How much exe these boots?” "€65." ow many (oumber) “How many bedrooms are there in your house?” “Thee.” how (manner) “How do you make a cake?” wy (eeason) ‘wy oye hopey?” “tes my thay toca (Gosers sometimes begin with because) "cause i's my by ode.” | row old (age) “How old is he?” “Nine.” ‘how far (stance) “How faris your house?” “Aout ate: rmioute walk.” 28 Creer | lin the gaps with whose, how fr, how much how tal where ar who. Then ‘questions (1-6) to the answers (af). (HE) Whose is this bet? aL hk thee? a is tothe bus stop? (so) is that man? to) is your coa? 7.) Croase the correct word. 1A: What/Which sthis under the bed? Bsa skateboard, ‘Who/Whose gloves are those? Theyre Susan's Where/What is your bike? Iesin the garden. What/How does this computer work? You should turn it on fst! Which What jacket s yours? The green one. \Who's/Whose Peter Smith? | think he's Jon’ cousin. Why /How is Bll so happy? Because i's his birthday today, er eh we ee ee ‘Who's/Whose purse is this? WSs Katie’, ‘When Where does your cat sleep? Inthe ving room, 1A: How/What isthe weather like in Spain? 1s cally hot! 1A: When/Why are you going on holiday? 3: Next weekend, Rk 8 PR PR Bn ee Where/What time iit? Wes quarter past two, 7/5 Mat and Vicky have jst met, Compete the dialogue using the questions below. “= What's your teachers name? + How many students are in your class? « How do you get to school? *# Who's your bes friend there? ‘¢ When do your summer holidays begin? ‘¢ Whereis your school? a Ws Pauls She's 1.65 eves ‘€ IS Me Jackson, aur English teacher. 4. tes in my wardrobe at home, ‘e About ten minutes’ alk 1 About one lize ‘alt: 1) Where is your schoo? 3 Compete the sentences with mony, Weby> needs much, fr, tal, ote, long oF ols. paste ee Vicky: Twenty 1A: How ovis tothe train station? Mott: 3) ens 3B: Ws only ten minutes walk Vicky: Mr Johnson. 2 & How. Isthe blue ress? | Matt: 4) B: costs £35. eg: dahl. Matt: 5) 3A How are you? ky: wal B: Fm 14 te: 6). con | 4 How + do you go swimming? | Vicky: 14th July. 8: Three or four times a week - 7 6 Use the information onthe card and the prompts to weite questions and answers, as in the example, 5A How. B: About 1.7 metes. are you? 6 A: How brothers have you got? 5: Two, 7. Fle the correct question word George: Hello? Jason: Hi, George I’ lason, George: lasonl 1) > are you? | Jason: Yim fine thanks. 1 Where/be(Caté Venice? ‘George: 2) is your new house? Whereis C8 Veni? In the conte of Venice. Joson: Ws great! 2 How manyitypesol/drinks/be/there? George: 3) Is your bedroom ike? . Joson: Ws realy bigh 3 How muchybe/a fresh cofee? George: 4) are you now? Jason: In our living room, watching TV. 4 How muchbe/cakes? George: 5) vis there with you? Jason: Greg. Would you ike to talk to him? 5 Who/be(the owner? George: 6) not? Thanks! Question words / 9 Write questions to which the words in 7 bold are the answers. ‘Wis Seta Sar St isto Sata te USA. Sef 25. arestr and ste owns 2 asin sak cal Catng ‘age. Tee ober pope work wen Susan My, ia at Say, Susi’ avout cates ae lis an reset ander ‘our es dss ah Laren, _ yar old 2 ter tea i on 15h December. Ses a | Whe i his? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 79,2) How well do you know your partner? Ask him bor the folowing questions ‘and write down his/her answers, 1 hereare you fom? 1m tor Madi, Spain, 2 oid ar you? 3 cnn YOUR Ry? ‘ ve UE favour spor? NINN Ns your best tend? on are your hobbies? 1b) Now, ell the cass about your partner. ‘Maria is tr Madrid in Spin, Shei Writing 1 White short paragraph abot your partner using the lformatin from E378, Mora rom Madi Span, She aoe Exploring Grammar (Unit 1) © Possessive Adjectives/ Pronouns & Possessive Case |] 2) Read the text below and undertine ‘two possessive adjectives. Where do we use possessive adjectives; before or after ‘nowns? 1 Marin hat our ae? HMY ames Rh Ae you ae Bee? Yestam Your dg i aly bea Sp enorme sy oni Obst se Show ld ou Ma Tin ston And 992 | ti ten Shere ae yo fon? | mom mrt And you? | Tim from Manchester, but T'm in Bristol pow ith perpeererer as yous family gota house here? Yes, but is aot ours. Ks my uncle ‘why are you in Brito? My ddl gota new jb here “Thats geal Ne 10 weet you the ‘Thanks Nice 1 meet you, 100! sacin 1) Read the text again and circle two possessive pronouns. Where do we use possessive pronouns: before or after the verb? ©) Highlight the examples of the possessive case In the text. How do we form the possessive with singular and plural nouns? © To be'/'Have got D2) Read the text. Find al forms of the verbs (0 be and have got. What are their equivatent negative forms? 30 by Flin: em/i/are oF have/has. Then answer the questions. os Ruth got a dog? 9, se hasnt Martin 16 years old? ‘Martin’ dad gota job? Az Martin and Ruth in Manchester? 5 Martin from Bristol? © Subject/Object Pronouns | 4 32) Read the dialogue again and I the subject pronouns. What are their equivalent object pronouns? 5 ') Look at the text again and fil in the table, —_. [is (a Weuse pronouns before verbs, b We use pronouns ater a ver or preposition 7 © Question Words 8 4. 9 Find all the question words inthe text. Which question word Is used to ° 1 2 3 10 4 5 ') Complete with question words. Then, 17 Im pales ask and answer the questions. 1 soos is your bestfriend? a 2 is your favour colou? .. 3 rooms are there in your house? ‘ate you from? s ld are you? v= water do. you eink every day? Circle the correct item. My sister Judy and |. teen, ais Bam © are Peter gota big family? A Has Buwe Cs Listen to nu He ean speak Chinesl A het B he hin ‘There are alot of. and two COWS 09 my grandad’ farm. A sheep: B sheep ‘sheep's nn that?” “ie Jane's.” A Who —B Who's © Which My biethday is... May 28th Ain Bat Con What your names?” ‘We're Christine and Stacy” ais Bae © has What's. inthe shy? fit a heleopter oF plane? A this 8 that © these 1 need. €995 forthe cake A any Biome Can What’ this?” ‘ny new mobile phone.” AThs® Bis cs Tragy i fiend of A me Bmine = C1 My house i. rom the gym. A ten minutes walk B ten-minute walk ten minute's walk 8 “ 1s 16 v 6 ” a 2 4 Revision (Unit 1) Matt Hives un 25, Apple Street. Aon Bat cin How... Is your school? Afar B long © many My tiends and | love extreme sports favourite is skydiving, A We 5 Ow © Ours Steve and Alan cousins? Anethey 8 Is c Ae Don't ak. the lesson! Atom B dung Con That’ not my DVD. ts A David —B Davids’ Davies He sun ot a large TV in his bedroom. Ais Bs have ve got new gosh, ... bowl is in my Als Bis cu Vicky and her family are... Rome. Aa Boon cis “Has Pamela gota house by the sea?” 45 he se” Aras got B has have name I Ein, She's sateen years old A Hers B she Her a she happy?” “Because it's birthday today." A why B Who When In this photo, Patricks... Paul and Mark ‘A among —-B between C at (~) 32 Present simple vs Present Continuous Form Amy brushes her tet ater ‘every meal. Actual, she's brushing her teeth ght now. Present Simple 2 TI Ising. Hersh sings WeYourThey sing, | don't sing, He/She/t doesn't sing, We/You/They dont sng, oa Dol sing? Does he/she sing? Do welyoulthey sing? Yes, Ido. Yes, he/sheit does. Yes, welyourthey do No, don't. No, he/shelt doesn't. No, welyou/they dont Speling: 3rd person singular ‘Most verbs takes inthe third person singular. oo: eau (cance she ones ' Verbs ending in 55, -sh, -ch, x 0F-0, take -e8. | bs — Ye suses | brah ~ he onus, "teoch ~ he teaches, | mix he mises, go he goes + Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the and take es. |i) bo sles ye nies Verbs ending in a vowel +y te - ony. 0) he says Pronunciation -s/-es inthe third person singular is pronounced: 15) with verbs ending in, Pk, fp or If sounds. ick — os ‘swith verbs ending in ML, FS of ff sounds. 93 — shes 1 {21 with verbs ending in all other sounds. 0) 10s Present Continuous rm reading. He's/he's’s reading, We'reYou'reTheyre reading, Fm not reading. He/She/t isn't reading, We/You/They aren't reading, Am reading? Isheisheit reading? Are weiyousthey reading? Yes, | am, Yes, he/she is. Yes, weiyouthey ae. No, 'm not. No, he/sheit isn’t. No, we/youfthey aren‘. Speting 1 Most verbs add -ing after the base form ofthe main ver. |e) Isioning oak ooking twesh = wing « Yerbs ending ne, drop the -e and adding, 2 rising sme sling «ert» ending in a vowel and a consonant double te consonant and adding sim —swinmina, get ~ getting + Verbs ending ine change thee to -y and add ng. ie ing Prevent Simple v Present Continaous | 2p use We use the present simple tor ‘We use the present continuous for | dally routines, habits, repeated actions usually with adverbs of frequency (sally, always, et). Sharon ges horse-ging very Sundey: habit) actions happening at the time of speaking. Het dng reaper ‘temporary actions happening around the time of speaking, Dawid is staying on his granetather’s fam these boys + permanent states. Morice fives in Bertin, She teaches Histon. timetables or programmes fixed arrangements | (oases, trains, eto, bo aan’ | general truths oF laws of nature, “with aways to express | ‘ur annoyance at ations happening too often, The sun sets in the West (aw of nature) Time expressions used with the present rin sane Toe simple: every hour/day/weeKimonthsummet! sd / year, ete, usually, always, every moming/ [Time expressions used with the present fltemoonfevening/night, In the morning’ continuous: now, at the moment, at present, aitemoon/evening, at midday, at night, etc | these days, tomorrow, ete Stative Verbs Some verbs don't have continuous forms because they describe a state not an action. Some ofthese ‘re: ke, ove, hate, want, know, need, believe, understand, remember, forget, sound, cost. Fant on ce 2am (NOT: Hee awanting-on-) "don't understand the question. (NOT: km understanding.) ove my do9 very much. (NOT: Reding my dog ..) Do you remember Soncntha’ (NOT: Ae youtemambaring.) —— 33 De aA Sect || Welte the third-person singular of the verbs In the correct box, asin the ‘example, Then read the verbs aloud. ‘sshout © match © read © say © trick ‘Swish kiss © trp catch climb ‘finish # try # sing # rush # sve m= - matches 1). iit-ng tothe verbs below and put them in the correct box: wotch, have, te chat run, eat, i, ctch, put do, hang, ploy, sat et go, celebrate ride, cook, ‘peo, sing, use, swim, dam fy. aching raving, Se aye ing fine ‘double consonant |, “ing Does your dad drive/drves a car? Does/Do Mary and Paul lve in London? Does your mum makes/make your bed? Linda has have a shower everyday Jackie and Steve goes/go to the cinema at the weekends 6 My sister and | doesn’t/don't get up early con Sundays ine the correct item. ween Charlotte is at home with her family. Look at the picture and complete the ‘questions. Then, answer them. ‘Does Chafote sur the Net? Yes, se aoe. Charlotte have a dog? Charlotte's parents have grey har? Charlotte's grandad wear glasses? Charlotte's mum chat on the phone i Charlotte's dad read newspapers? Fill in with the present continvous ‘ Look! They o swine (Swim) in the sea, Danny and Mandy (Ay) ait in the park. ‘ oereierareceete (not/ride) my bike atthe moment. 7 My MUM sommes (cook) dlner inthe kitchen now. 8 Melanie and | von (play) ‘computer games. We . i (not/draw) pictures. My brother oe yo (not/use) the computer right now, (not/use) the computer rig 5 (our dad your bien the arden? (you/meet) John and Mary tonight? [Adverbs of Frequency "+ Adverbs of frequency show us how often something happens. They are the folowing [sys 100%) [sorties 55) sualy 75%) eyo (10) cin (50) never) We use adverbs of frequency 2) before the main verb, i> often over pone on Fy vhs after the verb tobe. she never ioe or work Ll dentine We always do experiments in the Schoo! science ob Note: The adver raely/seldom and never have a negative meaning and they ae never used with the word not. The rarely go eut on Sunday rhs, He never has eggs ond bacon for breakfast. Use adverbs of frequency and the phrases below to write about yourself. {90 to bed at 10 o'ock Totten goto bed at 10 o'clock have cereal fr breakfast talk to friends on the phone visit my grandparents tidy my room| {9010 the cinema with my friends walk to school fata as-lood restaurants cadk lunch get up early on weekdays have a shower in the evenings watch TV on Saturday mornings Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. by bus)schooValvays/helgoes/te He always gos a school hy bus ‘on/pak/the/sometimes/he/goes/to/Sundays sever(pooligoes/she/swimming/invthe aways/eatithey/the/inbreaktastimorning watchften/we/TVicinner/atter always/Tonvfor workislate 1m paies, ask each other how often y 1 surf the Net ® chat on the phone * play sports hang out with friends ‘watch TV. et out 1 How oten do you sur the Net? Bf sometnes srt the Net ‘A: How oten ao you wf et Et G) ee a cristae sehen 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the 10) Complete the exchanges with the J.) Look atthe petures and write 1.3 complete with ome dion? preset simple or present continuous. present simple or present continuous. sentences, a in the example. dboes/desnt. 1 Steghanie i 0/9 (pay) computer games 1A > jo te Qouslke) your new fb? 1A: Where co John and Us tive? in he room right now B Ys, aot. Actual, |) 0/70 (hae) my B: In London 2 Tesie z (have) dance fist big meeting tomorow ~ Apr openeynee eee saa 2% sene (yourbelieve) B: Yes, but he play very often 3 The chien (alto in ghons? schoo! today. Be MOT nsnannes(ntfenan| PRY Temi vey BA Why nen YU eying? 4 tauren (G0) to bed arty if they are rel, but | ovina) | afternoon play basketball now Bonne watching a ely sd ln everynight. (eot/want 0 see any! 1 They poy ennis every aftemoon. They arnt A Ar Wh nnn Brenda Going? ‘5 She aise ying temnis now. They’‘e playing basketball 1B: To the supermarket 6 Helen (wotital) on 3 AE sn (welt) eee . ! the phone at the moment in the park right now? : 5 Venn WANE LO go Out tonight 7 Saly ual. one (wake) TY ee 8: Wy? Is everything O€ in the evening = 6 How much . thisjachet cost? 8 fim (Surf) the Ne AA 900 vos (be) very busy. , tie) aoa at the weekends 8: Hhow He sue 9 The boys eS Gale (work) very ard these days. rave the basta breakfast every morning, ee (be Tom shoo eve morning) “wake shoo tcy 4 4 Complete the aloe with the present aeons (oureave) and LUKE NW? Tn (BCG) : simple othe present continous. omen eee to tak to them SS a Cee 8 They on (ates) Meg: Hi, tindat 1) Ave you cong (yousdo) for the exams these days? anything this Saturday? 2m in Ton om Bh (9 my } Linda: Not ey, wy? cyanate omen ae —— to goshopping inthe mong? {| Aan bs got dy routing, bt se hanging fr today Lok a he pear yd Une Ta) nnn nd sromy say what she usus Joes ar ‘she is doing , ‘visit museums — — ‘the prompts to say what she usually does and what she is doing today. » Sell Visit the 200 today to buy a new dress for Jl’s wedding! : ae Meg: hen 5) (sega) mariah tind: nn ‘Meg: Wow! So soon? Wel, then you 6) a oe vos (need) t0 buy a ws od cress before it's too late. What time “ n. (be) good for the morning in the afternoon the evening | ae +90 swimming * watch 7 ‘stakon the phone Lindo: Let's meet at the bus sop at 10. + 99 jogging 4 play computer games # go outwith her lends lay football Meg: Great See you on Saturday! canes ‘swim now eg yo ay \ a @ Ann vsvlly goes swimming inthe morning, but today she is going jogging. 27 me reeling aikeiee Lae eae Speaking io 1 5 Undertine the correct item, ‘The infinitive ‘ON He 0 eae Jy! book atthe pictures and the prompts pape ft aiieiee & Here Beeler In palrs, ask and answer questions, as 2. Tom gets up late at present/on Sundays ‘The infinitive isthe basc frm fal verbs. 3. Y'm taking swimming lessons these ee | Thee are wo types inves: at dlays/every summer. 2) toinfitive 0" ie 44 Does Karen now/uatally wake up ear? eae bare infinitive (infinitive without to) cone oh 5. George isn't paying volleyball now/every + work now? veh? ay 1 take a break 16 Complete with the present simple or the To:infinitive Bare infinitive (infinitive without to) oe We use to-infinitive: We use infinitive without to: a aes ae Dear Maria, Oe aealodache + after the following verbs: advise, agree, ask, + after modal verbs (con, may, shoul, et) B Shes a doctor decide, expect, forget, hope, manage, 09 ploy I ine or eee &: Is she working now? | need, offer, prefer, promis, refuse, seem, * aftr the verbs let and make | Sia. The weather 2) (be) hot and Peo ice pre aieker a fasinates eerste She seems tobe realy hoppy. ‘My mum alwoys makes me tidy my room. the day relaxing on the teal + after be + adjective (tke: happy, nce, sony, | By fly and 1 4) (sayin 2 ‘secretary ft) “The subject ofthe infinitive hotel by the sea Right now, 15) ‘ype aleter now? Isc to see you opin! + When the subject of the min ver and the {ai} on the uleony art 16) ‘talk on the phone + after verbs ike know, learn, remember, ask, Subject ofthe lente th same, then the (rink) fuji, My parents 7) (be) atthe market. They 8) (ook for fresh fruit and vegetables On Tuesday, we 9) eave) for Sardinia, another be:uifl Kalan island. We 10) (plan) to visi alts ancient sites and take lot of photos 1 just 10) (ove) it here a ceach atthe moment? * comee: students’ ‘want to know, when they'efollowed by the question words whe, what, where ard ow. “She knows how to make a cheesecoke. * withthe adverbs too and enough Ses too sad to go ta party You aren’ old enough to go out alone + 10 expres purpose. Fm going to the supermarket to buy some orange juice. subject of the infinitive is omited ney want 0 buy ow nous. (Te subject ‘ofthe main verb (vant) and the subject of the infinitive (to buy) isthe same: They’) + When the subject of the Infinitive is diferent from the subject o! the main verb, then the subject of the ifiiive is not omitted. The subject ofthe infinitive can be ‘name (Tony), a noun (te ies), oF an | 12) ee “+ with would ove, would lke, would prefer. object pronoun (me, you, them, etc) and See you soon, 7d love to go tothe cinema tonight. goes before the infinitive. List wont Susan to help me with my homework iE eae S ie Or J wart her to help me wth my hamework # milk the cows now? {7 We sentences abou yourself Use the * Teed the cicbens {following time expressions. (he subject of the verb (vant) is The subject of the innitive (to help is Susarvner) — ae + usually # always # now ee Writing | Recon wed pees foe by teat ae ane 4 suv to the beach nu 19 Shoots one of the plctares from the | : Speaking activity and describe. Say | Vcans 8) | A wants 7 kate 10. tm sory «| 3 : where the people ar, what they are | 2. sovse+ $ seems 8 hope 11 mate sb : z Going, what they are wearing, te, | 3. should + 6 mays 9 promise + 12 ese + 5 : ae 38 aa Od Lalonde 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 a ° 10 40 Put the verbs In brackets Into the correct infinitive form, This books too long 9 e0 (read) ina week My brother always makes me (lake) the dog for a walk know where cheapest CDs in town, ‘Mum Is going to the bakery (buy) some bread. You should... cel teacher about this problem, We want vw (travel) to Vienna in the spring Van (understand) how happy se is from the look on her face la would lke (become) 2 famous singer. My brother doesnt let me (use) his laptop, ‘We don't have enough money (stay) in an expensive hotel, (ind) the your Flin the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs below. ‘make # buy * come do. drive ‘shear # go # run * speak « take | promise to cane home before 10 o'clock Do you know how. a chacolate cake? It t00 cole ora walk ouside She's not old enough aca, Matt and Amy can German, Fake 8 new pair of jeans, He hopes his first marathon this year. Jack knows how his Mats homework Im happy youre doing well at schoo You should an umbrella with you today, Use either the bore or the fo infinitive ta form sentences, Make any other necessary changes. lybe/to latecalithem now 1 t00 late to call ther: now. letimeytellyouhwhat/thisfoe the chldren/seemylketheiinew teacher an atst/can/remember/people'sfaces/in detail ‘you/be/old. enoughygo/on helidaylvithyour frienes iUbelnicerberback/home Uinot know/how/answeriths/question She/managelinish/projecton time/the Rephrase the example. My mum says I must go home now. My mum wants 2 (9 39 home nov You must do your homework now. want You must leave now. want You must all me again I don't want : (My uncle Pete says | must visit him tomortovi My uncle Pete wants My mum says | mustn't go to bed late tonight. Mum doesnt want. She must tdy her room, ee Dad says | must study more. Dad wants lowing, as in the 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct lnflalive form. a 8: Do you want oo (eat lunch now? [Not just yet. lke > o> (Go) to the cay firs. Do you know how (use) this computer? Yes Here, let me (how) you haw. can you (stop) talking, please? Our teacher asked us (hand) inthe project tomorrow. Sorry! promise (be) quiet. Do you expect (indy a jo this summer? Yes, | hope (work) on ny uncle's farm, Did you ask Dave come) tothe party? Yes, but his mum says he's too young (go) to parties, How do you manage (exercise) with such a busy schedule? Well, it seems (be) aticut, buts easy you organise your time wel can you (make) pancakes? No, I don't know how (cook) yet Do you know what (study) for the test tomorrow? Yes, we must (earn) all the new vocabulary John promised. at the weekend ¥'m really happy that (sit) us hear) ‘7. Complete the email using the verbs in brackets in the surrest infiniti Form. 1 Lndsey, ‘Thanks for your ema, H's great 1) 9 boy (heat) fom you again Tope T ean 2) pany next week 5» Decne (@SK) them fst However, they like you, 80 they shoul! 5) (Gay) yes Do you expect 6) shave) many guests at the par)? 1 WAN 1) nnn (uy) you a present. there anything you need? Another thing ~ 1 don't remember how Besse (find) your house. Can you DY once (end) me the directions? Don't forget 10). (ell) me which bus 1) Gate) from my house 1 hope 12). Gee) you at your pany! 1 of love, ‘na Speaking Qi, take turns to tel your partner What your teacher lets/doesn’t let you do oF makes/doesn’t make you do. Use ‘your own ideas as well as the ideas below to help you. ‘play games tidy the classroom talk ‘have partes # use a dictionary 1 play music # eat # workin pairs ‘listen to music # write on the board 1 correct each others homework 1 use the schoo! brary ‘A: Our teacher doesnt let us play games in the clossoem, 1B Our teacher makes us tay the classroom | J The totnte 7 tng top SD ‘The ing form’ The ng Fon isthe foun of Une we Us end ing, having, mating acing use ‘We use the ing form: Smuning a ry ay with the folowing verbs: Ihe, ove, dlske, hate enjoy, prefer. Stocy hates getting up ear after the verb go wien we ak about acti, We sometimes go ieshting in winter. 4 after the verbs: start, begin, fish, stop, continue le stopped raining hat on hour 090 Notes: 10 '» Weuse the tosnfnitve an not the ing frm ater the expressions would ove, would ie, would prefer | would ove to meet your new tend. BUT ove reading books. + We can use the bare infintive or the -ing form ater the verbs Se, her, feel and watch, Notice the dliference in meaning, however: sow en park her at (aw dhe whole action = Helen finshed Alera Viky fore ploying vido game: 2 3 4 + after phrases he be busy, it's no use, is no abo (nt worth, there’ no pol). | what’ the use of. can't hep, ant stand. |S 1 can't stand istening tock musi 1+ after prepositions. é 1m god at buling mode cerepanes. 4 ater the following vers: avoid, admit, | confes, deny, look forward to, mind, regret, Fisk, spend, suggest, etc 4 suggest goiag or wal ° 0 parking the ca) 9) Match column A to column B to make correct sentences, at inthe example. so He» parting er cr (only Saw part ofthe ation = Helen vas in the proceso parking the car) choose the correct item. 1 Pt the verbs in brackets into the ‘correc infinitive or ing form. 1s Tor the eter and read it A opening B toopen C open Idon’t like ..... tennis, @.,., wants 1) fo become A play B toplay —€ paying ey mid She seers hy ee Abin) Btobe Cb aS ase Max thed of. at nights ens ewok Cw ope : oases ae (perform) in action films when he’s older. Itstopped an hour ago. A snow B snowing tesnow {rau en en a ra en sw: GS seat lc ge ncaa tog 890 C shing Sw ao kyo 82) ) ‘Are you looking forward to ...... to Rome? ts! ia ae ora a ee Saeae ‘holiday in the mountains, but she Lets 90 wns te tenaon ener cla a] none (spend) the tine on the beach, The Sits decided... theirhouse Shears 10 Ham ow Asdling— Btosel Cat 5 (vada 0 is my favour extreme spot A Tosiytive B Sydhing Sitve Speaking Find out how your partner lkes/doesn’t like spending his/her summer holidays. Use the verbs and phates below VE Complete the sentences about yourself Use the infinitive oF ng form. Slove hate © dont mind © tke 11 ing my dd in the ae. 2 at sand (ILE) steve eros ' tng tof the TV, We nee a new on. B ime go swimming sonbathe say up ate (21) I aeciced 'b_ make rabbits disappear. 4 I don't mind read books meet friends eat ice cream GD tsmue € tomy ruts @ Te ice [IL] The ipsosarlokingorwarta to become dco ne dy. aes Ce a [5 swimming €e going on their family holiday. Ho? tha... : ee a [BIJ The magician can {playing computer games. I's his favourite pastime. | 8! know how . [ZS Bi and Vicky hope 19. help me with my Maths homework? 9 My parents make me : : (BD) teal avis 1 tomeet my parents? 110 vou ke 2 Writing (3) canyeu 1 buy nv tp. ’ 4 Mite a sort paragraph about how Would you ike {eating fastfood because she believes it's unhealthy. ‘your partner likes/doesn’t ‘pending hi/her summer holidays 42 43 44 Exploring Grammar (Units 2-3) © Present imple vs Present 1] 2) Read the text. Circe all the verbs in the present simple and underline all the verbs In the present continucus. Then, look at the highlighted verb forms and ‘match them to thelr uses: * daly routines/habitsrepeated actions * permanent states * actions happening atthe tie of speaking * temporary actions happening around the time of speaking ‘fixed arrangements inthe ear future My job is qute dlrent You see fm a _2acksepe. HIMOHK nthe loa 200, fs har, but ke loking eter vid eri {etme deserve my tical ay \; ge ery ea oy. aay eb ood the animals in the moming, | soars forget to oat brektast myst Ittin about the animal ts. | ual spend the ret ofthe day washing the animals and earing tar enctosues, oo, ‘We oton have edcaional dys a the 200 Schools ergarise tips to see our wlefe and we teach chien some fc about how the animals Ine nd what tay eat. This is special because weary grou of ‘students and scouts fr evening walks aru the 2001's riling expeince and | hope tay tet Fight now Tmprepanng the pandas’ Knch tm {eating ham a2 otsock his teroen, a nave to roar forthe evering walk ‘So whet do you tik? lt my jb tent? 'b) How do we form the negetve and the interogative of the presest simple and the present continuous? What are ‘the spelling rules for each tense? What Isa stative verb? Find an example In the text. Underline all the adverbs of frequency in the text. Where do we use adverbs of frequency ina sentence? Fill in with the present simple or the present continuous, |: What tie (youeat) breakfast in the morning? & At730, ‘ (your sister/want) to come with us? 3: I don’t think so. She (do) her homework ight now. & Athey/tke) hanging out with tends? 8: Yes, they do, [A Please be quiet. Kyle (tua) for her Maths test. 8: Oh,t (be) 50 sory! : (Max/sleep)? B: No, he (wateh) TV in his bedroom, © The Infinitive/-ing form When do we use the -ing form? the to: Inflitive? and the lnfative without to? Find examples in the text. Weite ng form, to- infinitive oF inflltve without to next to each word/phrase. ‘Make sentences using them. fhe want suggest 1g nem n a a ‘lec the correct ite dinner after 9 o'lock Bhwe Chas She never Aeat My parents are sleeping Arnever Bathe moment © always "Does Meliss ke traveling?” NO, SMe ne Abast— Bbn't — doesnt She can five foreign languages A to speak —B speaking speak he remember tsa? Ades = Bis has My dad doesnt let mesons TV at night Awatching B watch —C towatch "ts John having lunch right now?" YE ne” A has Bdos Cis ‘These are my notebooks. wu.» afe on the teacher's desk. A Yous B Your C You Kate's... ste ASug’s — B Sucy —€ Stags’ Mat’ party i. Saturday. Aon Bat cin ui the dog?” "Ws under the table” ‘A What B Where © Which Wm too tre film Fight now. ‘A watching B towatch watch What time a your mum get up every moming? Ades Bare Cao “4 1s 16 ” 18 19 a 2 B ry 2 a Revision (Units 1-3) 0 yOu nthe question? A undentonding 8 undestand understands West and sunny today. sugges for @ ‘i. A gong Btogo. go He nn in Leeds A lve B ving fives This is... and Jim's dog, They call it Rud. ANicole —B Nicol’s Nicoles’ Dean and Paul are out with some friends of Aitheis thle C them Jane sous tO buy this book. 1's really interesting! A iswanting 8 wants want ‘They must hurry if they want to ave time for the film. Aa Bin C for Hove your new laptop. fantastic! Ans B its cw “Ther isn't apple juice inthe fridge Anotany— Bsome — C ary Jack... got two dogs and a cat Als Bas Chwe Tom! sis someone here to see you! Athee Bit © Where Hello, nu Rose Butler speaking, A That B Ths C These (rome (Gap as) | Ay Pas Simple (cesulae §Fequar vers) e ‘Simple (regular & Irregular verbs) Jews bewstl ummer hoy. Theis woke up ot 9 otic. They et ely ] exo boue the wip to lid, Mr and Mrs Smith ‘made breakfost_ond Suddeny, Mes Smith froze. “Oh, no!” she put their suitcases in soi, “We left the it an hour later, they set off on their journey. the cor baby behinal™ Form (Regular/trregular verbs) Wou/He/She/iyWerou/they fnished/ran. \WYou/HeShe/lyWe/You/They didn’t fnish/eun. Did l/you/he/sheltvwe/you/theyfinish/run? Yes, liyourhe/shelittweiyoulthey did No, yourhe/she/it/weyou/they didn’t. Spelling Rules (regular & Irregular verbs) Verbs ending in take only. is ined + Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the | yand take ted. iy - ec ‘Verbs ending in a Vowel +y, take -ed. pity ~ played Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant before the -e. po" - pone BUT open opened, fx ~ fed “+ Verbs ending in 4, double the I before they lake ed travel raveled, quarrel - quarelled Irregular verbs do not form the past simple | by adding -ed ] | come came, see saw, break - ote (ee ist of iregulr verbs atthe back ofthe boot.) Pronunciation ‘The sui eis pronounced “© id hen the verbs end in // or // Sound. ports, aed 1 Ie when the verbs end ina Wi, If, 14, Wis ff oF [pf sound. booked, mised, matched, bush, coughed, stopped 1 14/ when the verb ends in any other sound, owed, cried, scrubbed, opened Use ‘We use the past simple to tak about: + actions that happened immediately one ‘+ actions which happened at 2 particular after the other in the past. time in the past. The time is either mentioned oF implied, They went coming ast sure Wen? Last summer. The time is mentioned). Thay did ts of things (When? Last summer The time is implied) Fist she ead the book ond then she showed Itt her fends. “+ past habits. In this case we use adverbs of © people who are no longer alive. frequency (ways, offen, usualy, ‘every day/month, ee) Princess ona [My family and Vabways went comping every helped people summer wien | wos young. But we doce in need go any more) (Crincess Blane ox dead.) Time expressions used withthe post simple yesterday, the day belore yesterday ast. \week/manth/year, two hours/days/weeks/months/years ago, when, then in 2008, et |] Compete the table withthe following ‘sact © chat close # fry © enjoy tidy lke © look © open © play * quarrel # race ‘estop study # sur # travel # ey # use © wateh © plan * happen lear « miss fat — acts, low. Then put them Into the correct ‘category In the table. 1 paint pained | & inh .. 2 WAN = sennnnone | 9 COOK = 3 open— 10 need. A ative soon | 1D drop = 5 dance - 12. laugh - 6 i lay ~ 7 clime— 14 race- pointes 32) Complete the tables with the post simple of the following verbs. + swim # dance * ride fly © cook # draw * do # walk see # wear ative « tidy © celebrate leave # come ® break * tak lie © go Past Simple (regular & irfegular verbs) [Write the past simple form of the verbs 0 u 2 by Now complete the sentences with verbs from Ex. 3a In the past simple. ‘Look at what Sandra did/didn't do last Sunday and make sentences. | sson nthe se een doy summer | cep ext seh dione for her] 2S esas tara Sunday getwscheo ‘Mark’s room was a mess, he Goer homework ¥ | wast gh treethertiends 7 | [Nell usually takes the busta school, but she [peek ras ast Sunday. Sanda die get up eon: Sue tn the phone an hour ago. Davie house at school today The Gt senna around the park yesterday morning, His parents. to Rome last Fay evening, The fight lasted one hou sex bis homework and for a walk a very good cor 1 E 3 4 5 ‘ 6 2) Pot the verbs i bracket into the past simple. atthe cinema, Jane atthe party at 8 o'dlock vary funny costume st yesterday's street parade. Wieite what you did... “drat, he egsnday wan 1) (b) om in Kansas, USA in 1857. Aer her fst pane Bane 820, sh0 2 (ae) 0 “sins ar then in 1921 she 3 (ber om plane Herbig mame) (een 1982 whan sho waste fst woman pict to te Ata Ocean na sng fight. Bu Aaa ~ (resp) re. Nex, se (ei 1 yao th wer {6 ff Mach 1957 at 9) (ect er dsiaton. Hor ysis 9) (Geappea) te Pacitc Osan Rese teas 10), x} wes searching but tt) 3 ating, Vat 1) rope) rea on hls gh? Nobody knows os, + yesterday afternoon theee days ago ‘last week + last year * in 2007 + lst summer 1 rood a comic yesterday oftemoon 'b) Write questions about Amelia Earhart. Then write short answers. 1AmelaEarhart/buy/her own planefin 1921? id Amelia Earhart buy er ow plane in 1921? es, thei 2 shejcrossthe AUanticin 19327 3 she/decideytoiyfaround the world? 4: sheet offin March 19372 5. shereachiber destination? 6 rescue teamsifind/hes? 17k the verbs int the past snple. Then match the questions to the answers. [ETE] What fim id you vote) Gourwateh) yesterday eveing? (2) what ime : : (ou/go) to bed ast righ? (FID What time ences (youwake up) tis motning? (4) what. (you/eat for beaios? (51 Who (you/meet) this atermaon? [EI] Whee nnn (you/go) last weekend? ‘2 8:00 am. d Tothe cinema, b Fred, fe Atmidright Spiderman 3. An-egg on toast. Past Simple (regular & irfequl: Put the verbs In brackets into the past simple ‘Ae What did you >t you/eook for dinner? Br |r (make) a pizza, & (you/see) any film last weekend? 8 No, but (ead) a nice book, aw (they/g0) to the gym ast night? 8B: No, they (ay) at home and ' (surf) the Net A (Matt/meet) his cousin yesterday? B: Yes, they (go) to the football match together. A How (be) the party? 8: Fantastic! Everyone (dance) to the music and». (Ging) along to their favourite songs. A When (yourty) tothe Bahamas? 8: Last summer. We (have) 2 wondertl time! Put the words In the correct order to make sentences Aidntortmma/go/school/today “Emma ct ao to schod today James/cid/dshesithelwashiyesterday? playiast/te boys/didnt/nightYoctball Carolne/a/parworfotfooosredlat Sunday holiay/lastwent/we/oniyear/Spanito youlthe/did/newsilsten/the!te/radio/on? (Pat the verbs in brackets into the post simple. A: What 1) 00 (youd) last summer? B12) (G0) to an island and » (workin a restaurant. A: What tnd of work ) (you/do)? a 15) (be) waite. a : ‘you/work) long hours? & Yes but 7) (seep) aot 00. {ako &) (Gave) some money A: How ong 9) oustay) there? 2 110) (are) in june and Wyse leave) August. 112) (be) there fortwo months. 3) (ourave a nice tne? B Yes,114) {enioy) itt Speaking 1] 9 Imps, ak and answer questions, {as In the example. Use the phrases below and your own ideas. «+ eat breakfast this morning + do your homework last night ‘hang outwith frends lst weekend # go swimming last Friday 4 buy new clothes last week ‘A: id you eat breakist this morning? Bes, Fad / No ad ee 1) Now tell the class what your partner did/dlda’t do. Mark ate breakfast ot. Writing 2 Write a short paragraph about things you dld/dide't do yesterday morning. Use the Speaking activity to help you. irra ep 1) Used to Form Used to fs past form. We cannot use it in the present tense thas the same form in all persons singular and pra. He used to ploy tennis. He dn’ use to play tennis. id he use t play tennis? Use "+ Used to is used to talk about past habits or things that happened regularly in the past but no longer happen. He wsed to read alt of books wihon he was a cid. (He doesn’t do that any more.) Wie also use used to for things that were true but are not true any ‘Maggie used to nove brown hav wren she was young, (Now she has Dionde hain) "+ We can use the post simple instead of used to with no diference in rearing when we talk about past habits He wid to live in Parse lived in Pris BUT fe fost v nor slew ystiy (NOR aned-to-buy single past action) 1] Match the vers 1.6 with the words/phrases Sharon used to/didn’t use o do when she was younger. oy 2 books BL) roteat ba lot of television 5 craw pletures with crayons compe’ 4. computer games [SI] notread vegetables {6 watch toschoo! Sharon used to play computer games. 1 2 a 4 5 ‘ on Did Adam use to play football when he was eight? Yes, he did. He used t play football, taut newb ply Dasketbal, {Then write sentences about what (el Six years ago, Michael was at high ‘school. Now, he goes to university. Use ‘the phrases to ask and answer ‘questions about him, asin the example. Now] ‘Te ina fat ‘havea driving licence + eat fst food goto the gym live a home with his parents Fide a bicycle feat homemade food play basketball with frends |: Did Michal ute to live in Hat? 8 No, he didn't, He used to Read the dialogue and fll in the gaps ‘with the correct form of ured t ‘the verbs In brackets Grandad! ¥) Div you se ‘0 py (rou/play) ‘computer games when you were young? No, Lint. We 2) (mot/have) computer ‘games back then, So, what 3) (you/do) in your fee time? 14) friends afterschool and we 8) (lay) gamesin the street. (meet) my 5. (you/watch) firms wien you were young? Yes, id. 17) - (69) tothe cinema but 8). (not/see) as many films as | de now. I was Tike watching magic at that time. Now, children watch TV an! fms all the time Use used to/did't use to to write sentences about your past habits, 1 didn't use to wear gases. Put a tick (/) next to the sentences where ‘used to + main verb’ can replace the past simple. Martin watched a ot of cartoons wien he was younger. / (use 10 watch) Sandra met her friends las ight. ‘Wiliam Wallace lived in Scotland inthe 13 century Nite read that book lst year. ‘The Smiths drove a small car ten years ag Lucy went t bed earty last Satur, Speaking tn pars, ask and answer questions bout things you ued to/dida' ws to do when you were cight years old. Use the Ideas below and/or your own ideas. ‘send emails draw pictures + play sports listen to music ‘+ make your bed * ride a bike ‘play the guitar © watch cartoons Writing Use your partner's answers from the Speaking activity to write a short paragraph about what he/she used to/ didn't ure to do. ere ey Brod is waking Bd is runing 4a is going up Brod is coming across the rood. ‘along the road, down the ee ed i ving Be coming ead jm rai runing Into the poo. out othe tunel cover the ree. ‘around/round the tre, ‘Bra is ening from Bods jumping Bad is gong through one tre to the other ‘onto the vee. the tune. Brod i running | Brad i unr rads fling off post the tee towards the (ee he vee \We use prepositions of movement to show the direction in which Someone or something s moving ‘These include: along, across, up, down, into, out of, over, from .. to, around/round, onto, through, past, towards, of. Note: by + car/bus/train/taxiplane/boat BUT on foot ‘hen there is an article (aan, the), a possesve adjective (ny, your, ee) or the posesive case beloe the ean of wansport, we don't wse by. 7 the Wo (NOTE pth) 0 co" (NOT: bpp onthe £otlck bus, in Bs ayn tx, onthe bus he plone Phar oot ‘ Underline the correct preposition of Whats that helicopter for? Bt es over/up the city to see the rat Look! The leaves are fang off/out of the wees! 8: Autumn is here at at! 1 Heisskingso 2 They are walking ite mee 3 ke Uy young wp phone? Blatt he nl when | pasell 9 a eee ; 4A Where does tis an go? B ttgoetom/ot Patston jon, 9 5A; We missed the bus. How can we get top 1 the pre ro? — sora wean go bn myc the bridge. ‘ 7 a: FR BK He's getting 6 They are walking the tax, the rood. : Does your dad drive you to school? 'No, go by/on foot | sow you get past/out of taxi last right. Where did you go? went tothe cinema, I can't climb ontofover the boat It's toa hight ‘Ofcourse you can! Give me your hand! 43 Jake moved toa new house and he invited his friend Sam to see it. Here's part of Jake's ‘email to his friend. Read it, look at the map and complete with: along, across, past, oer, ‘ough, round, of When yu come 1). te wan stato, tam Hg. Wak 2) Kn Stet ul you ste River oad. Tum it on ive Road ard 98) the bigs Keep wang and go 4) ema, The Wak) ns HA a 90 1) een 1 ODE. WK en 1 ‘he oes of Pin Lane and my aus iss one let. You cant mist See you soon, ke Underline the correct item. Your shoes are under/between the table. ‘The girl is cycling across/through the tunnel (Our house is next tofin the hospital. ‘The tra leaves In/at ten minutes. 1 90 to school on/by bus every day 1 Tike walking in/at the park on warm summer days ‘Davi is my best rend on/at school You shouldbe careful when you walk across/ past the stret Tam very tred n/a the moment ‘Wie can goto the cinema in/on Friday night. Underline the correct preposition. ‘A Excuse me! How can 1 get to the supermarket? B: You have to 90 u get ther. ross the bridge t0 ‘As Where fs David? B: Over there! He's getting onto/out of ‘As eantt find my glasses. 3B: 1 saw them infon the kitchen table this smocning ‘As Where do you lve? B: In Clark Street, hospital near/between the ‘A: Do you know where my CDs are? 8: Yes, | put them in/at & box, through/ ‘under your bed A Do you walk to work? 8B: No, Igo by/on bus G Underline the correct prposttions ‘Alison i tng 1 iat her desk 2)aion the moment. She is 3) acrossnest 10 her best friend, Meg They taking notes or their histoy project, row, They Pave to gue i to ther teacher 4) ont Fd. 5) vn the afternoon, the gi are meeting their fiend, Alex. They usualy take 2 walk 6)overthrough the parc 7)fromiduring. the ftemoon, betty thee going 8) ao the brary together so they can fn the story project. Speaking 17 ook a the map in 3. pars, sk tnd give directions from and to the following places: rallay station ~ supermarket pare Jake's house ~ park ‘© cinema ~ raiay station rally station ~ park supermarket — Jake's house How can | go fram the railway station to the supermaret? 1: When you come ou ofthe raitway station, turn right. Walk along King ret. When you reach River Rood, go across the street ‘nd the supermaret i on your right. te Writing You organising» party a your new house, Write paragraph giving ‘iretlons from the nearest traln oF stmple map. Use Ex. 3 asa model, 56 © Past Simple |] 2) Read the text below, Circe al the ‘verbs In the past simple, Which are regular? Which are Irregular? List them under the heading Exploring Grammar (Units 4-6) ') Look at the highlighted verb forms Inthe text and match them to their ‘actions which happened at a specie time in the past ‘actions which took place one ater the other inthe past, Did you abvays beleve that Walt Disney created the story of Cinderela? Wel, then, you are wrong. ‘Do you know who realy wrote some ofthe mest famous fay tales the Cinderelo, Seping Beauty and Lite Red Rising Hood? Ik was a french write ‘called Charles Perrault who ved during the 17h century ‘Carles was born in Pars. He was the son of 2 ‘wealthy family He went to the best schools and studied low at unvesty He spent most of his He in Jobs with the govemment in Fance. Hi fe 35 & ‘writer began later on, though, ashe sed o write rer storisin his ree time aed enly published his fest collection when he was 85 unde the name ‘of one of hissons. Chas st hijo when he was {67 and ten decides to ely wrt fay tls or is chicken. [Alter he de, Charles became famous as the ‘writer ho made ary tales the way we know them today. Circle the correct item. 2. 2) How do we form the Interrogative/negative forms of the | Did you... to wear glasses when you were ‘past simple? Find examples in the text. twelve? Aued Buse © using 'b) How do we form short answers ia | 2 Amelia Earhart... born in Kansas, USA in the past simple? 1897. A was Bis were 3 Write the past simple ofthe ftlowing | 3. ways go to Work nw ca. verbs. What are the spelling rules? Aon Bin c by Which of these can In the tex ‘ pow Find in he UXT | Signed my homework 0 hours. ea aa A then B ago © now 2 veavel 5 ply 5. He seems to... really sad, 3 valk 6 create Als B being be 16 ‘Natalie... new motorbike last week. © Used to A used to buy B bought 4, {20k through the text and find a past | © = BIS habit of Charles Perrault’s. What is the | 7 low down! There's a dog walking... the negative and Inerrogative form of this) road structure? ‘A through —B across round B on. Andrew go to the cinema yesterday © Prepositions of Movement Fimoon? 5 Read the text and circle all the A Dos = Bis jcspes ‘repostions of movement. Why do we 9 He nn €200 for his new bike tue them? What other prepostlons of SS B paid © payed ‘movement do you know? TD My grandma always gets up... dan, Lite Red Rising Hood Is oa piece neta About a ito gi who walks ‘The tain... n half an hour Let's go! trom her own house to her Avarived Barres. C arrive grandma's. She skips ‘trough the woods together. 12 We .... sightseeing tomorrow. Would you ‘Aad wal sees her as she comes along lke 10 join us? Fed Rcing Hood and her grancma, len this happy ending? the forest path, He uns quickly towards her es B went ‘grandma's house. The wolf goes into the lean house, ests grandma, and then wats or the (lt arv to oat her as wo. T ther ick, What ime cau. your dad leave the office hunter is near the house and comes to thie yesterday? rescue. He cus he wo open and pulls out ile Ais B did does “ 1s 16 wv 6 1” a 25 Revision (Units 1-6) Do you mind... down please? A siting §—-Btost sit. “Are you trom India?” ete Alm Blam Cam Max is ving. the pool A into B past —€ towards 1 sed sn. Jogging every morning, but now 1 goto the gym, A 90 B going C too | Mary speaking. Is ane there please? A This B Tha C Those Look at those colour... A buttertys B buttery butters This is Becky's house. It... got six bedrooms! Als Boas € has ‘This car isnt mine. t's A they B theirs them "Whose room i his?” 21S on tom.” [A Max and Tom's © Max's and Tom B Max's and Tons Hm i the i?™ “2hows.” Aoolten — B much Jong Peter Is @ teacher, He son English at 2 primary school. A taught Bis teaching C teaches 1 1 French test at school the day before yesterday A sat Bat C am siting oT | 7 Past Continuous Past Continuous Form was/were + verb -ing /He/Shesie was see VHe/Sherlt wasnt sleeping ‘Was /he/sheit sleeping? Yes, Ihe/seit was No, Iheyshelit wasn't Use We use the past continuous: ‘+ for an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We do not know wien the action started or finished. Kely was shopping at lack veto ator (We do not know when she started or when she finished) 7 + for two or more actions which were happening at the same time in the past. (Gimultaneous actions) Linda was drawing q wile her mum wes ‘ooking a 5 o'clock yesterday hemoon. |Time expressions sed with the past continuous: while, as, when, all day/nightimorning, te \When/While/As + past continuous longer action in progress) When/While/As she was cooking dinner, the phone ‘org (was cooking is a longer action than rang) We/You/They were sleeping We/You/They weren't sleeping, Were welyoufthey sleeping? Yes, welyoulthey were. No, weivoulthey weren't ‘+ to give the background information in a ‘When + past simple (horter action which Interupts the action in progress) The children were plying when their mother Coiled er (alld Shorter action than were playing) + for a past action which was in progress when another action Interrupted It. We tse the past continuous for the action in progress (longer action) and the past simple forthe action on) Which interupted it (shorter action). They were taking when his mobile rang. story. The wn wat thining ‘and the wind was Blowing 2s 0 erect doy for windsurting es eokadiel Ay 2 Debbie Isa student who works in a clothes shop on Saturdays. Ths Is a page from Debbie's dlary with a lst of the things she did last Saturday. Complete the sentences about what Debble was doing at the stated times, as in the exampl Debbie vos coring rearos at 7:20 et estan Debbie 2735, fae howe Dette aan. wale Debbie 85s, pat the Dette amas aca Debbie a hav nc Sil Debbie 233, mt Debbie 63s, ie Debbie a0 male dinar Debbie ares L 3, What were they doing at § o'clock ‘yesterday? Write sentences In the past Use the past continuous to say what you were doing 9 oclock ast night. ros ding my famvemerk ot 9 o'clock st 1 Dai fog right David was jogging ot 1 8:30 yesterday morning. Suck yeserdy. three hours ago. 2. Bil and Susan / shop last Saturday afteroon, last summer. this ie lst year. 3 Mary and Brian / wash at noon last Sunday. - at 6 o'clock yesterday atteroon at midnight yesterday, 4 Vicky talk onthe In July two years ago shady | 7 Past continuous Past Coninwous / 77 )_ ook at picture ofthe Browns’ house last Sunday evening. What was each person doing? Look at the picture and use the phrases below to correct the sentences. 7. Flin withthe pat cominvos. Q._ Complete with the part simple or the oe —— post continuous. + sleep on the sofa play computer games. # read a book ion the clothes P When | came tome from school yesterday my (“As What 1) vere you cong (you/do) when the ‘ wateh TV. # talk onthe phone bole farly was there, Mure HJ cooky fireworks dpb. (begin? {eth hrc 29 he 2) nme (BM) 13) rn OOK) FF JOU gn the phone, Dad wa the gman a he a 9 (er Fo |W) (oy) some hot | ig 8 Ms 4) — nen Ceplast) "dogs from a street vendor. When I 5) ie pave nthe water Wy botira Pete ant | ee Bill, 5) —aevennnnnnnnnncinn (SUPA) the Net feet Bry veer Prove 6) ||, USN ‘a shower, Everyone was very but eee aa iis pie (try) to find you. | i eases my ee: ‘Yesterday afternoon, Judy and Meg went for a you a hot dog too. Here you got 1 Me Bown was wring an eral “4 Amy was ending a ext message. rl along the Beach, Thee were thr poopie | A’ That OK! Thanks forthe ot doo, | ‘Me deme wan't waiting an oma, He wae : aan ‘there too. Some chldPeN 1) ovwnsesinsninon 8 8) (you/see) the reading 0 book. (Gwin) in the sea while group of teenagers fireworks dsphy in the end? | 2 Mrs Brown was washing the clothes 5 Granca was suring the Net ee... (diva ofsomedlifoan | A: Yes, 1d. When 19). eldrly couple 3) iO onthe | stat), I jus 10). sand. They 4) rns @ad) icecream | (stand) and 11) (stare) 3. Sam and Peter were doing their homework. randad was listening to music. ‘while their grandson 5) up at the sky. | oe uli) snes ne atc, foi | Thats gel | 12 ot ae to fy a kite. It (eat) my hot dog during the fireworks, 0 | a lovely ne afterncont oo) se et/see) much stall [5 Form questions and then answer them Join the sentences using a, wile oF Av Hal You're so sly Using the past continuous, when, 2s in the example. Complete withthe pst sine or the pest continuous. Then underine. Speaking 1 yuo ear -NePats 1 Navas ingot nd The ae Kiecwasuybioanetyer "orp 1 Date whe Mak aan near bene ba pnts Tee tay 2 oe ts ste oA sn hg nene ‘hea Canyon svg yer n doorbell rang. 2 My brother and |... “ » (play) ial 2 yor mantener Pendens nn Nese wera. meek aren aban #1038am #1200pn > ten on 2 Tom was chopping carrots, He ct his finger. sono Sa seein dg eee A: What were you doing at 3 yourhavefdinner/seven oflocklast night? ~ oe a TD tere a tes, 2 ts Nofstudy 3 Twas gyelng to school. started to rain. | 4 AS/WheM Kathy cocnsnmsnnsnnsnnes ‘ . (G0) to ScH00, She nnn Writing . i (oump into) her old friend Sam 4 Write what our fay was doing 4 ivrain/aldayast Sunday? - Yes 4 She was watching afl, She fell asleep. |S WE vnsnninsnnsensennnns (SH a USL yesterday at: a re as/when our teacher {© 6:00am # 5:00 pm # 9:00 pm & (correct) our homework. fe (ara 51 me | Past Simple vs Past Continuous We use the past simple for: ‘an action which was completed at a stated } time inthe past. We use the past continuous fr: ‘an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We do not know Ty bought When the action started or souverirs yesterday finished. aera, p They were having cles ot (hen? Yesterday 5 oeck yesterday siternoon,) aternoon. | (Wedo not know when | they started or when they ished) + actions which happened immediately one + two or more actions which were happening after the other in the past. atthe same time inthe past. (imultaneous actions) She woe talking wie hr teocher was wwitng on ‘the boa, «a past action which was in progress when \ another aclon interrupted It. ‘He was walking down the siet when he tipped ovo brane shin. as walking = action in progres, slipped ~ action which intertupted the action in progress) Fst Chis talked on the phone, and then he read se msg pup. ‘Time expressions used with the past simple: ago, yesterday, last month/week, in 1998, ete Time expressions used with the past continuous: while, when, a, all day/night! ‘morning, al day yesterday, etc 62 Put the verbs in the brackets into the ‘past simple or the past continuous, Cathy os Jone listen) to music when the doorbell 09 (eng). we (eat) lunch when my brother (come) home reg (40) home, (have) a shower and then (oateh) 1, Mary (sing) wile Peter ssn: (lay) the piano, Poul (ead) a book ‘when is rend (all him. Mark (eel) disappointed when he (hear is football team lost the match. Make sentences, asin the example. Use ‘the past simple and the past continuous. ‘Aaron/ie/an email -computer/rash ‘aron wer writing on email when his computer crashed, Mum/cook burn herself wejwatchthe news ightsigo out Jenyiron~ sprains ane theylhavea pene ~Wstarirain Aexldive ~ gel Mo ye Joshsleep his phoneing 3 a Leste sollte Radia ‘Complete the dialogues with the past Hmple oF the past continuous, ‘Az What 1) hopper (happen) to Philip? 8: He2) (kd) when he 3) (fap and a (break) hs eg. w 5) (yourtake) im to hospital? 8: Yes! Straight any! A: When 1) (you/meet) Luke? 8 Last year, while we 2) vo (take) masic lessons. xi) (all) you last night, but you 2) os {not/answer), What were you doing? 13) have) bath BED sone (you/work) at 8 o'clock lst night? 8: No, We 2) (have) dlnner ata French restaurant 1 Really? 3) he food/taste) good? 8: Yes! ta) sos (Be) delicious! Underline the correct item. Sophie was wrapping/wrapped a bsthday present when the doorbell was ringing/rang, Last year, we travelled/was traveling to aly to see some fiends ‘The plane landed/was landing at the airport at 6 o'clock esterday afternoon, Steve was. tying/tried traditional Greek {ood on holiday in Greece last year. Justin carsied/was carrying some boxes ‘when he tipped/was tripping over a cable 63 Ce Rese ca 5 Circe the Fi: adn, was/is’, were/weren take (hor hen core it, ( 1 Ae What «ld Ann and Mary do at the 1. Gregory was sleeping when the alarm weekend? they go swimming? a Br Noy they sss « ANN feeling Ym gating gn, so oa zw your parents working all day 2 Bil and Sarah played in the garden when yoterday? _ B: No, they. Savas mum calle them in to have dinner. > 8 3 Ac What you doing at 10 o'clock yesterday evening? Be Ts Watching a fl on TV. 3 Clare was at her friend's house when the ga: oa ete cal * a “ B Not was so busy | ca have time to goto the bank. fa waswatching street paradewhena 5 A you ws Helen yesterday? 2 ema cae B: No, She non ut of town | rman was grabbing her bag and ran of Maybe next week . @_Pet the verbs In brackets Into the past imple oF pest continuous. ‘5 While we were getting ready forthe party, a eat Gary, You won't believe what 2)! Gapen) ime yesterday morning wile 1 2) (hop) at the superar, 13) (uy) some cheese whea ‘vo tll men suddenly 4) (appeae at the door. They 5) (Ghreaten) to hurt the easier if she did gi them the money they 6) (ran). Everyone) (scar screaming! An old lady who 8). (stand) inthe queve 9) (ain 110) (oavknow) what to do. A few minutes later, the cashes n (give) them the mon and. they 12) c ‘way Luckily, nobody 13) et) hurd What a cay! I don't think TH go) shopping fora while, Well, what about you? Write soon ‘Terry we were hearing @ knock at the door 8 6 Complete the sentences with your own Ideas. 11 We were watching a reworks display when it tated tor, 2 My sister was listening to musie when {was talking on the phone wile. 4 AS my dad was watching the news, 5 was sleeping when {6 Wile Mum was cooking dinner, 9 {BF Bt MI 3892 i olokatr so, ex, we ows. Oe dy, wie 13). (ua) ex, seares ng 8) (hn) Pt was 2 teal sumer mong. The sn » cn (MM a6 te is 9 (sin). The Pa Dorr (oe) as ty 25 ves ty ey, Roxon) (way sete pond when, sun, 19) tal i the (slip) and 10) wet eat sim, 501 gt ay a Rx i (oa ty wi | % a ern Dt toot runt mic atta. Wan 1 %), {open} my eyes, | 9 a god no a estan an 1) cond fr Tako gm, Bi sole) ten | ” (eri) 590 on 13) — (pull) you ovt of tre water.” 8.11% (hs Ra ul (ive) hice a big hug. 8) Put the verbs In brackets into the past simple ‘the past continous. > tance 2). stg on aay by Ask and answer questions, using ‘the prompts, as in the example. \wherUnce oby/golst month? ‘Av Where did Uncle Bb 90 last month? 1B He went an holiday to Rome, \whatibe/the weatherike? ‘Whatithe writer/dojwhenyhe/sip? WhatiRex/dofwhilete writerihout? How/the writer/get out ofthe water? ‘Whatithe writer/gveRex/at the end? Past simple vs Past Continuous [ Speaking 1) ook atthe petures. tn pales, prepare {a short story using the prompts. Use ‘the past simple or the past continuous. ‘ell the class. * Saturday night Sally and Rachel/be at fancy dress party they/dance tothe musifhave a great time \wile/dance/Rachel/meet woman /be dressed as a ghost Aachel/tak to womanal night end of party/Rache! tell Sally/about Interesting woman Sallysay to Rachel/notsee/woman/ ressed as ghost Aachel/be surprised/shocked [At that timeyboth/realisethatwoman/be/ real ghost ‘A ast Saturday night, Sally and Rachel were ‘ota fancy des party. | They were dancing tothe music. etc Writing {Use your answers from the Speaking activity to write the story. Give the story a diferent ending. 65 Exploring Grammar (Units 7-8) © Past Simple & Past ©) Read the text agaln. Match the Cleele the correct item. phrases in bold (1-8) with their uses ‘below (A:D). Which other uses of the 4) Read the text below. Underline the ‘past simple and past continuous do afternoon? verbs in the past simple and circle the you know? Awe 8 cas verbs in the past continuous. Which past bag do you lke? The green or the black simple verbs are regular? Which are aa A What B Which How Continuous What... your fiend doing yesterday [AT] an action which was completed at 2 sate time inthe past [ET] ectons wien happened immediately tne ater the othe inthe past Bil ws waking to work when he an action which was in progees at af A fal falls sated time inthe past was aliog [BIC] & pas action which was in progres at that man! Hei king... the slope when another action interupted it et 2 es very fast 2D. iin the gape with wien, while Dee Ce | was fishing by the lake ie stated tora, My brother was reading a book | was watching television What time did she... to work yesterday? | was driving to work Awent — B go © goes inate am tired of... earty every day He was alg his boat iy every dy. A getting up B getup C togetay he saw a dophin in the sea, pert sree oP getup ‘They were exting ie cream Does she... some apple pie and ice cream? they were walking along the beach Avwant Bowants —C wanted I did't. atch cartoons hen | was your age Ausedto Bueto —C used My friends and |. traveling to Bern next Put the verbs in brackets into the past month simple oF the past continuous A are Bam C weare who (yourtalk) 0] 10 sam and Pau... late for work, when I (Gee) you on} A aways are B is always the bus this afternoon? € are always Mum (iron) the clothes while ny dad (wash) the dishes. ‘The children (watch) ‘TWiwhen the power (0) out The su os (Ghine) though sy window when ae these jeans?” ‘wake up) this morning "€ 100." ) How do we She {pull the camers | A How many B How much {orm the negative and interrogative of ‘out of her bag, then she © How tll ‘the past simple and the post continuous? (ake) photos ofthe animals "Do Ann and Steve lve in New York?” PND, on” A be doesn't B they do they dont B “ 1s 6 ” 6 1” 2 25 Revision (Units 1-8) Joan had an accident and is... hospital Aa B on cin This so house, We bought it a year ago. Row = Bos | Cus What ae nu inthe shy? “Theyre helicopters.” A these B this © those Je thete son armchaits in the ving room? Ame B any © no any Did you take many... on your holiday? [A photoes B photos photo Johns rom Sweden... my bestfriend, Ares B HS. © He your grandparents got 2 house in the county? Avs 8 Did © Have Lets meet ius S o'clock outside the shopping centre Aa B on cin os the gin the left?” ‘That's shelley.” A Whose = B Which © Who Why she aa? A laugh B laughing laughs ‘Your brothers’ old enough... out on his Ageing B togo CC go. Marsha got up and. shower, Ahad B washaving C has While my sisters se F was listening to A was playing 8 played were playing Pe an/Can't - Could/Couldn't We use can/ean't to: ‘+ expres ably in the present. econ done very well (She fable to) "cant spe0k Her (1am not able to.) 1 ask or permission, Can | Yor your pen? (SRL OK HE Borrow 2) * give permission. You can we my phone (YOU are allowed to) * refuse pemssion. 1 con otc 1 ‘origi (You aren alawed to.) expres possibilty, econ come with ur tonight i he finishes work ear (possible) Matt can poy basal, but he cant ply tennis. Frmust study harden for my exams ‘We use could/couldt to express general ability in the past. Foul play cones who» Fes four (Las able to | had the abit) Lina couldn 3eo bike wien she wos si (She wasnt able ty she din’t have the ably) ‘Must/Mustn’t | We use must/must’t to: expres obligation or duty. J must do my homework Ws ny duty) + expres very strong advice You must see « doctor. (strongly advise you to.) You mustn't be later schoo! (strongly advise you not to.) + expres prohibition, You mustn't et or cink hore (WS against the rules.) Have to/Don’t have to ~ Needn’t 4 We use have toto express obligation and neces. Becky has wear a uniform a choo. (Ws necessary) ‘Adon sth oly witness fo the acident so he has tog tothe police “oto (Hes obliged to.) + We use don’t/doesm't have to, needn't to express lack of ebligation and neces, Lily doesnt have to go to school todoy. I's Sundey. (She Ist obliged 10.) fire ighars have to You don't nave to/needn’t buy 2 new bag. Take mine. (ISN MECESSAY.) your a un forn of wrk Note: Both must and have to express necessity, but we use them diferent, ‘+ We use must when the speaker decides that something is necessary Fnust eat more fut ana vegetables (believe i is necessary for me to eat more fruit and vegetables This s my opinion) ‘+ We use have to when somebody else other than the speaker makes the decison. Hehos to wear esa o work (Somebody ele has decided that.) 68 Should/Shouldn’t - Ought to/Oughtn't to Wie we should/ougt to to give advice. ‘May/Might/Could We use may/might/could to: + ask or pemision + expres possi. (Perhaps she's at the gym, We'e not sue) Note the diference in the fowing questions Moy | make a phone co? ommal) Can | mateo phone cal? Georma) 4] Fitin ane gaps wien con, cont, col or couldn't. 1 Frm sory, but I'm still writing an emal, You {an use the computer unt I'm finished, 2 Craig is only thee years old. He read or write yet. 3 Jenny now she ean, 4 cerennmsnns YOU Speak Spanish when you were ten? 3 They .g0 tothe beach yesterday as thee car broke down, 6 The boys ate only fourteen, 0 they ‘ive yet. 7 MrJones sin a meeting now. ' take a message? a run quite fast when was young, but now fm quite sow. Fide a bike last yar, but You shouldioupht fo rash your tech every dy. (ad YOU to) Jou should oughin eo ato sets. (adie you nt to.) “Wheres Badge” “She maymight/culd be othe ay {oul noke» pone al? (mer pote than ‘an’ We aso use may to give permission You may mateo phone cal scored You should tke your nedicine every 6 hours.) J -May/MignCould | oro yur mooie phone? (Ds you ind 21 Won yon mini.) (Gould | have 0 took at (your notes please? | Try it on! 1) ‘may ft you. 2. es mut or mat’ to complete the sentences about the life of « doctor. say for mary yo peltetor no Mock ong POs 12 Sein mer ands egy Seen Witenesen ht 2) f 15 Soa en she i utter pallets 1A doctor must study for many yeas. "2A decor mustn't be late for work Fill in the gaps with the correct form ‘of hove to oF don't have to/needat. 1 You sont fove co/neea't go to the supermarket. | went yesterday 2 Mark can’t come tothe concert. He work tonight 3 We leave now! We'e going to be late! aes study hard it you want to pass the test 5 The boys, ‘ help in the garden if they don't want to, chores every Sunday. Welte ‘what Michael has fo do oF doesn’t have todo, take out the ebbish J 1 tidy bis oom ¢ | iron his clothes * ‘6 wash the or ‘+ do the shopping # cook dinner ¥ ‘Mlchoe bas to takeout ‘he rubbish 1 2 a 4 5 5 ') Think of other household chores. Write sentences about what you have to/don't have to do at home. Compare “with your partner. 15 Make sentences using mut or have to, 5 Inmy opinion itis necessary or you to lear 6 I think i is necessary for me to exercise 6 ‘speak quietly 7 «talk on mobile phones X 1 2 3 a s 6 7 a as in the example. 1 believe tis good for me to eat more fut 1 must at more fat 2 My parents want me to study more Vhaveto study more. 3. Our teacher believes it is necessry for us td tidy our classroom every day. We 4 Penny believes it is necessary to. work overtime. Penny 2 foreign language, You ' Look at the library rules. Write sentences using can, must or mustn't. send ent enages renal bots fre Toned een pyr / ten oud ms # tact ban rb ctovainke You must spook quiet C ‘Read the poster. Then choose the correct advice. co You must/mustn't shower before you swim, You should/shouldn't drink plenty of wate. You should/mustn't run atthe poolside ‘Yu must/shouldn’talvays wear a swimming en. ‘You must’t/should stay In the swimming lanes You must/musta't dive at any ime ‘Complete the sentences with modals. [Make the sentences true for you. [A school, Lust stn 10 my teacnes In an hour |. At home, | My best fend ‘When | was young, | Tonight, This week In the aay, 1 9) Unerne the correct tem. 4° Good motning, st 1) May/Must help you? 8: Well, you 2) might/can't be able to. I need ‘an MPS player to use when m Jogging, | don't ike these. 13) may/ean have some more out the back 4) Must/Could you wait while | check? Of course! The MP3 player 5) might/must bbe quite small. 6) Might/Could you also look for one in blue, please? 'No problem! An, I found onel It's exactly wat you asked fr, 7) Must/May ask how much it ost? Let me se.. i's 0. ‘That's perfect! 8) Have to/Can pay by card? Yes, of course you 9) might ean. pe Pe 19 Undertne the correct tem. 1A: Can/Must | watch TV, Mum? 8: OF course, But fst you must/have to help me with the chores When's Mary's biethday party? Next Saturday, but you don't have toy mustn't come if you're busy ‘Must/Could | borow your pen? Of course. Here you are, Where's Patcia? Fm not sure. She has to/might be at kelly's ve gota terble backache! Really? Wel, then you ought to/needn’t stopliting heay things. Jake coukdn't/may not dive 0 car when he was twenty. 1: | know, but he's an excellent river now! ‘The living rom is. 2 mess B: You'e right. We should/oughtn't to tidy it today aig) TL (1S) tes my duty [217) Bo you ming it [| Mateh the items im column A to thelr [31D else necessary for he .. [4 | advise you not to synonyms in column 8. {SL she wasn't able to . - [GL] 1s possible that they .. ; 42 You shouldntYoughtn't to. She couldn't © They might.. May tn © tmst f She needn't. 1 Ue the appropriate model verb to complete the second sentence so that It has the same meaning as the first, 1 Ie wasn't necessary fr Tina to come so eat. Tina si" hove (come 30 early 2 Would you mind if opened the window? : : open the window? 3. Ladvice you to sleep eight hours everynight You . sostnnenene S6Q eight hours every night. 4 I didn't have the ability to ride a bike when | eae Hide a bike when | [5 Perhaps mum is at aunt Usa’ Mur v-be at aunt Lisa's. 6 I strongly advice you not to eatin class YOU es fat in the cae. 7 isi OK use your phone? : soso Fs your phone? 8 She's able to speak English lent She speak English fluently. 113 Replace the words in bold with one of ‘the modols In the Uist ‘might can © can't # couldn't mustn't don’t have to 1 Shes able to sing very well She cor 2 1 wasso tied that | wasnt able to wake up, +1 3 Itisn’t necessary to iron my sacks. + You 4 W's against the rules to eatin the bray + You ‘5 He Ist allowed to go to the party. + He 6 It’s possible that week, +1 {90 to the beach next 1 4 Shoots the correct answer 1 You offer to help your mum with the housework, but she say it isn't necessary ‘A You doa't have to help me. B You mustn't help me, © You may not help me. 2 You are looking for your schoolbag, You think itn the Kitchen, but you're not sure {A It must’t bein the kitchen, B It may be inthe kitchen, I doesnt have tobe in the kitchen 3. Your teacher asked you to study for 2 History test 1A | must study fora History tet, B 1 can study fora history test. have to study fora History test 4 You weren't able to play tennis when you were young, ‘A did't have to play tennis when | was young, 1 might not pay tennis when twas young, € 1 couldn't play tennis when | was young, ert the sentences wing the correct 15 form ofthe moda nthe Brackets. 1 You are allowed to go out with your friends tonight. (an) You can go out with your her cong 2. You have my permision to go aut. (may) 3 You ae not alowed to we his apop. (an) 4 I strongly advise you to apologise to your brother. (must) '5 Its possible that John wil be late for the ary. (might) {6 You need’ take the dog fr a walk (have to) 7 W's against the rules to take photos in the ‘museum, (must) 8 Ok if | borow your mobile phone, esse? (may) 9 1 advise you to eat more fruit and vegetables. (should) 10 Ieiant necessary to goto the party. (need) 1 Its my duty to tidy my room. (must) 12. mot able to play badminton. (an) 13. He is obiged to wear a helmet at work (have to) 14 wasn't able to swim very fast when | was eight, (Could) 1S I advise you to be polite to older people. (ought to) Modal verbs Speaking 6 Yur schools teaching stents about ‘re afty Imagine you are a freighter. Look at the phrases below and talk to the students about what they should/ shouldn't do there Isa fre. © follow the teacher's instructions 7 «all leave the dasscoom at once X ‘+ run down the stais x + take your books and bags x | 1 tere 1s ever 0 fire inthe schoo, you snouts fol your teacher instuctons panic x stay calm 7 0 to safe place outside ¥ Writing {7 Make asa poster or your easroom Saying what you shuld/shouln't do in ave offre, Use the information fom the Speaking activity and your own Incase afte: What do © You should follw the teacher’ structions, Ba uncaintanaian aia Relative Pronouns ‘An architect sa person who/ that designs rew buildings Steve i reaing a book which/ ‘hat sobout World War This Cs whose favourite spor i tennis Relative pronouns (who, which, whose, that) introduce relative clauses people whoythat objects/animals —which/that possession whose Use + We use who/that instead of subject pronouns (, you, he, she, we, you, they) to Fefer to people. [meta gir. Shei frm Chine I met a git whoYthat is om Cina ' We use which/that instead of the subject ‘pronouns it, they to ret 8) 0 objects Kate wos watching fir. t nas very funny Kate was watching a film which wos very funny. ) to animals Crocodiles ore eps. They can un very ast Crocodiles are repiles whichthat cancun very fost + We use whose instead of possessive adjectives (my, you, his, her, ts, our, your thei) to reer to people, objects or animals In order to show possesion Thats Mr Clark. Mi wit is @ teacher Thut® Mr Clark whose wie 1 0 teacher Relative pronouns as subject of object + We do not omit who/which/that wien itis the subject a relative cause, that, when there is net a noun ot subject pronoun ‘between the relative pronoun and the vet te got anew tend Ses fam Japon ve goto new trend who/that rom Japan Note: We do not use any other pronoun like he/she or it after the relative pronoun. €@ new frend wha bis trom fopon We can om who /which/that when its the object of 2 relative cause, that i, when there is a noun or a subject pronoun between the relative pronoun and the verb Thats the house. They bought in November oe Thots the house (whichthet) they sought in November Note: We do not use any other pronoun Uke he/she or it after the verb that follows the relative pronoun, hich they bought 3 in November Relative Adverbs 2007 wos the yeor when they got their degree. We use relative adverbs to: 4 Unertine the correct relatie pronoun “This isthe deess that/who | bought last, week. 2 Thsis the man’s dog who/which saved my ite 3. Thisie the hotel when/where we stayed last yea 41 was very young when/why I visited London with my family. 5 The pasta who/which your mum made was tasy, 6 I'm sending an email to my sister whose/ who lives in New Zealand. 7 Jack missed the bus, tha’s why/when he's ite {8 Thisisthe hospital which/where | was bor 9 Is ths the lm that/who your parents saw lac ight? WO That's the gil who's/whose Gad 1s a teacher. 11 What colour was the cat which/whose scratched you? 12 Thats the house when/where my cousins used to lve Took! This isthe house where your grandad and |) lived thirty yeors ogo refer to time. 2008 vcs the yeor when we went to Austria. tefer to place. Tha! the park where meet my ends evry Sunday © give reason He has 0 headache, that’s hy he sso moody. 10 Sho had 2 ih with ber best rend, thots why She's sad, Use who, which, whose, where, when or why to Join the sentences. That is Mr Brown. He's a police office nat sr Brown who (5 «pole ace. She isthe gi, Her mother is Scottish Twas seen years old I ist went t Pais ‘That's the bike. My uncle bought it for me. ‘That is the hospital. My mum works there Ben isthe boy. He plays the guitar in the schoo! band [vas tre. | dnt goto the party This is the cake oti for my birthday ‘The Wilsons bought 2 house inthe county. ‘They go there every summer. Teas last summer. We flew to Dubai Oe celiac choose the correct item. 15 ook at the pctres and phrases and make sentences, as In the example, “This isthe magazine A who 1 eea lat week © which ‘mum Is my English B whose + something/take pictures + place/go swimming in the summer + something/surt the Net susan is the oH. teacher. ae ee ‘ Somethingisend text messages 1 * place/do our shopping This is the park... my tends and | often iS acinanaa cone P {9 in the aftemaons. ' someoneiteach children Awhich 8 who © where * someonely aeroplanes 3 ‘The Smiths were on holiday ... their house was burgled. 4 Avwhen — Bwhere © that Tina isthe gil. go swimming with 7 ‘A whose = Bwhich —C that 6 Tims the boy sn. Wom the race. A whose B who © which : ‘That’ the pool... earnt to swim, Avwhen — Bwhich © where 8 “The gil. § coming Into the room is my E sister. Avwhose 8 who which a Fill in ho’ or whose e “That's the man y/o going to sell me his bike am the person three marathons lst yea! Do you know the woman ‘wearing the pn hat? Tell me the name of the singer songs are your fvourte brother ran 2 1 A camera it something which/hat we use to take pictures Jack i the one having a beach party tomorrow. Het a boy waver rom Keland Do you remenber my uncle George daughter is a famous writer? Can you show me the person Julian's father? Fill n the correct relative pronoun. ‘Then, write 5 (for subject) or 0 (for ‘object. Finally state if the relatives can be omitted or not, as in the ‘example. ‘The sit s/h" you bought yesterdays fantastic. (0- omitted) {meta boy {som japan. Do you know anyone an speak tala? on ine Is this the book you borrowed fom the library? ‘an speak 1 kow someone ight foreign languages. ‘The wedding 1 Vent to Tast eek was my cousin's le that the song _-we steed to last ight? have a tiend Is from Japan, The SIAM one #1 the most isthe Mexican one. te ‘The man. vs eaches me tenis standing OVE thee ssn Do you tke the MP3 player Peter gave me as abicthday present? That's Mrs Preston. my boss vv usband is Complete the sentences about yourself by using the correct relative pronoun. ike clothes ilthut uve casual ond comfort, 1 don’ ike fms ike people "ate places Have books 8 eee) Relative pronouns/adverbs 4] @) Fill in the gaps with who, whose, which, where, when and wy Hi, Tom! Where ae you going? Fim going round to Mr Brown's house 1s he the man 1) vcr hows & nest to yous? No. Hes the man 2) lake 1 ee. So, why ae you going there? He's visting his doctor, that’ 3) he wants me to lookalter his dog fora while Isita big dog? No. WS a cocker spaniel 4) nen nly two months ed! It was born on 30th September. Realy? Are you sure that's the date 8) nnn it OS bmn? ves, wy? ‘We've got the same birthday, then! What a coincdencel Can come and see it? OF couse! | can alo show you the place 9 1 go fishing atthe lke lives by the Speaking Look atthe Ist of jects and professions below. Im pars, ask and answer quest fons about each Item, as «mobile phone « doctor # goggles «ironing board knee pad « helmet «group leader A: What's a mobile phone? 1: A mobilephone is something which thot ‘you con phone people or sendtext ‘messages with. What's a docer? Relative Clauses Relave pronouns (wio, which, whose, that) Introduce relative lauses. We use relative ‘dauses to ieentify the noun inthe main clause. ‘The it who 5 ratkng to my mum is my cousin “eh staking tomy mar." the reatie clause | atin whieh git eae aking abot Defining - Non defining relative causes There are two types of relative clauses: defining relative clauses and non defining relative clauses, The athlete who won the race is fam the USA 1 A defining relative dlause ges necessary infermation and is essential to the mesning of the main sentence. We do not put the clause in commas. Who, which and that can be omitted when they are the object ofthe relative cause. People who) that drink and drive can cause on acer. Rich people can cause an accident? Al the people? No, only those who dink and div, The relative cause i essential) ‘ Anon-defining relative clause gives extra information and is mot essential othe meaning ofthe ‘main sentence. The clause is put in commas. We cannot omit the relative pronoun, We cannot use that instead of who or which Uy fiend Jen, who is fom Canada, loves Chinese kod. (My frend fen loves Chinese food ~ the ‘meaning of the main claus i cleat, so the relative clause = whois from Canada ~ gives extra Information and is not essential) 1] ) Match the phraes to make sentences A (11) sistem |) + oso meat pa? [21] Leonardo da Vine |b whic tread was very interesting [3 ‘stat the oi | & wy he let the meting so qui. | (41) The rede 4 wo was famous actor, de in 2008 [SIL] Patek Swayze, who broke the vase | [3] Myrwasne one + where ewer on ly sumer vas Cte, | ZO The doctor which sa ast nigh [BI] The book hh who treated me atthe hospital was very rien (51) Theslond | which you bought is beaut (OD) tort know J whos paintings are very famous, was born in 1452. 1 fillin the correct reat pronoun. “Then, write D (for defining), ND (for ‘non defining) and state ifthe relative pronoun can be omitted oF not. 1 1. The woman iio lives next (1 v0? one) oor is fashion designer 2 Themuseum, the 2 Egyptian exhibits ate, is very bi ie a My tend, istudy with, n't here today. ‘ 4 The film Braveheart, ars Mel Gibson, sansnnonne is aout a Sots hero. 5 Thats the oi babysit my nephew ‘ 6 THe ke, sn 8 OF her, very beaut 7 My brother, is 7 twenty fe isa ayer 8 Thefim....1sawlast 8 weekend was very good 1:7 ilin the appropeate relative pronouns, say whether the relative clauses are cexsentlal or not to the meaning of the main sentence, then add commas where necessary. 10 1 Me Clark, lo tives next (rot eso) ‘doo is my English teacher. 2 1 know a git {ater works for NASA. 3 That ar Is vey expensive fs my uncle's 4 My brother name is John is older than S. Thisis the book Sue gave me for my biethday ) coum [') 113 lm the sentences. Use relative ‘pronouns and add commas where Tats thei My mum bog Tete st) yan gh Tiss my nen PC. Rowse. Ths arc el 36 ye iis ie hey ce ach Tha’s my parent's car. It broke down yesterday She works for @ company. It makes chocolate John is my brother. He lives in New York Santorini a beautisland, We went there last August Thats James. His father sa lawyer ‘This is the number, | phoned it this morning, Writing 1 Write tre sentences about yourself and your family. Use relative pronouns, as in the exam My iter, who speaks German, wants fo become o reac. ip Hop isthe music which Ike the most My uncle, whose name is Pac, apie. ate 80 Exploring Grammar (Units 9-10) © Modal verbs |] 2) Read the text and match the highlighted verb forms to thelr use: * permission # possibilty. necessity. « obligation * prohibition # advice Hise, How ae you? Since you love craig so much, | decided to tl you about this very ineresing crawing competition, the Young Pavement artists Competition, forks who lve to craw and anyone fom the age ofS tothe age of 19 can enter ts 3 local event which takes place in evey school inthe UK. | am defintely ‘aking part and think you shoud too! Whats great about it iat you MSIF your picture ana canvas, but you MUSE an outdoor aes like a schoalyard, This yea’ theme is Stength i Naw. so we could caw anything ‘fom wid animal to stange plants ad impressve landcapes Ow ) 1a the youngest of. trative and the superlative. “the woret sag iar — rier [w|i |e ae ies [ete ‘expensive more the most much] Eee say eee : 2 alot of sur We use most with threesllabl actives (teresting, beoutit, ectng, ee) or with longer ones tit —meve Beni ~ the most bt Some two-sylable adjectives like narrow, polte, quiet, simple, cruel, gente, ete form thelr comparative/superatve forms either by adding the suffixes -er/-est or with more/ most, cov = clever the clvorest (06 clver = more clever - the most lever a | W Ty Pambansa) Speling + One-sllable adjectives ending in -e take + in the comparative and in the superlative form, simple - simpler - the simplest + Twossllable adjectives ending in -y turn the -y into Lane then take -er/-est. easy ~ ester - the esiest + Adjectives ending in 2 stressed vowel between two consonants double the final consonant and then take -er/-es. ‘ot ~ etter ~the hotest BUT coli colder the coldest 1). Weite the comparative and sipeatve form of the adjectives. ae ese eae a — 3 = ie coma me = ea Use + We ure the comparative to compare two people, animals, things, places, etc. We can Use than withthe comparative, en solder thon Ada + We use the superlative to compare one person, animal, thing, ete with more than ‘ne person, animal, thing ete in the same group. We also use the ..of/in with the superlative, Jk ste oldest of ot ‘We use in with the supedative only to tak about places The Paci Ocean isthe largest ocean Inthe wor (NOT of the ware) In the comparative form of the adjectives adding than, as In the example 1 My brothers five years 000 90° (ol) Lam 2 trays (wate) leelan. 3. Lake Superior is Lake Michigan, 4 thin that Maths i sw (fficat English 5S Atais (expensive the bus. 6 Fruit 7 My Des Tend 5 vse (lever) | am. 8 My new jeans are (ice) my old ones, 9 Marks 4 centimetres (all) he was a year ago. 10 Trains are (fast) cars but (slow) planes Fl in the superlative form of the adjectives adding any necessary words, as inthe example, ‘Me Clark has got (000! (ast) arin our The Paci. ‘ocean inthe world Mt Everest is (igh) mountain in the wor This is (expensive) pair of shoes own, Kates « (01d) of al the sisters thin Brad ie (famous) actor in Hollywood, My mom i ‘mum in the whole world The English test was (easy) ofall, That must be film ever made. (large) (00) +. (bad) : « (hot) place an arth ste Lut Desert in ran, FAI in of, tha, in oF the. Wes hotter in india its in England ‘The Bur} Dubal is tallest bulling in the word Ben Nevis is the highest mountain Scotland, A plane can travel much faster a Eth s smaller Jupiter What is the longest river the wor? | think Pelé was the greatest footballer all ime AN huricane is more powerful annsinn & thunderstorm. Vatican Citys the smallest county. the worl LUons ae the most dangerous cats ae 6 10 Fill in the gaps with the comparative superlative form of the adjectives in brackets, adding any necessary words, ‘as Inthe example. Sarah thirks tennis is oe mo bon (boring) sport of al The blue jackets (ebveap) the green one. Caroline is» (good) ‘swimmer than Chri Mihalis (integer) boy in the whole shoal. Ibelieve that documentaries ate. (interesting) ‘other TV programmes. Lionel Mess is {alee eprint wo Neptune i : {cola pare in our slr stem, This novel & Alnteresting) the one | read a month ago Today 15 = : (happy) dy of my if. A cheetah uns (fast a on Write sentences about your family ‘using comparativer and superlatives, as Im the example. + old # tal # young. strong.» short [My brother Puls older than me, but our iter Jess is the oldest. 85 Tae. OS Ty [cuenta enciieia Put the adjectives Into the comparative ‘or superlative form. Add any necessary words. A: Are you crying? B: Yes, | think this is oho sors (ae fl ever made, 1: Do you like my new dress? B Yes it's (beautiful) dres Pve ever seen 1X Is Dave ae (inteligent) Simon? 8 No, nota all. Simon is (clever) person I know. 1: [think apples are (asty) oranges. 3B: Really ike oranges much more [&: Why do you go shopping on Tuesdays? 8: Becaute i's (quiet) day ofthe week Fill in the gaps with the comparative or ‘uperlative form of the adjectives in brackets Dia you stayin yesterday moming? ‘Oh no, we went to the new museum, What was i the? Wil, ies the 1) bine (big) bulging I've ‘ever seen, It has 2) (good) exhibitions than other museums, but itis3) expensive), too. What was the 4) (ice) thing you saw there? | thought the dinosaur room was the » (interesting) part However, my parents found the Viking room 6) (enjoyable) than the anosaus ‘Wel, ital sounds very interesting. ll have to 190 3000, (Use the aectives to the comparative or superttive form to complete the email Hiss, 1m ang the 1) (god) tine ee in Yor, othe north of England I ist 2) <2 ip) than Madi, bs ily one of the 3) (beaut ctes in Earopet "Yorks my diferent sights tse. York Mine ise. famous) one. ei 5. “big) than any other cathedral i the county. Actual, it one of the (8) nnn arg) cates ia “Tete ae ako many museums to vt here besa York har one of 7) (cet) itor in England Vestry, vised Yok Caste Museum. The ®) Cinersting) exition there Be” York Cale Prom where you ean Se what le was real Lei 1st eau pisons, Tee 9) (Gad) than you can imagine, ha for ste! Yorks deftly ne ofthe 1) a (ee paces youcan vs. Thope we can come gether cone da! + ut the adjectives In brackets Into the superlative form and write sentences about your town/city. 1 the (famous) sight The most famous sight n my cvs the Aropl 2 the (good) place to eat 3. the (all) bulging 4 the (big) shopping centve 5. the (busy) street ‘Types of comparisons (not) as + adjective (positive form) + as less + adjective (positive form) + than the least + adjective (postive form) + afin 4+ We use as + adjective (positive form) + as to shove that two peopl or things ae similar in some way. Lisa's hairs as fong as Suson's In negative sentences we use nat as/so + adjective + as ‘My bedroom isn’t a big as my sister’, + We useless + adjective (postive form) + than for two people or things. Itis the opposite of more .. than Ths fim is ess exeltng than the one we sow los nigh. (= The ‘ne we sa last night was more exiting ‘han this one.) 1+ We use the least + adjective (postive form) + offi for ‘more than two people or things. Its the opposite of the most. offi. This isthe least interesting book of a! Very/Really - Much very/realy + positive form of an adjective ‘much + comparative form of an adjective + To emphasise the meaning of an adjective in its positive form we add very or really befor it You leak veryeelly nice 4+ To emphasise the meaning of an adjective in its ‘comparative form we use much before i. Yesterday was much colder than ody. ine hema | 1 ‘Sue sas old as Keg, ia (This bracelet sts expensive than the other one} This the least expensive supermarket inthe aro. | a ‘ns pezas very realy tasty! ae, Bily is much younger than Penny. J ro {7 took atthe photo and complete the sentences with the correct form of the 1 Matin is olor 0° tall Zack, 2 Zackis much (young) Martin, but he is : (old) Susie, 3. Suse ent as (alas Zack 4 Bl i nen (old) ofl. 5. John isas (tal) 2 uli 23 Compare the pets using the adjectives from the lst. auiet friendly * loyal # noisy + easy (to look after) ‘TThe goat s the quietest. tne cat snot as (uit, bu i is much quite than te doo. ee a 88 in vryreally or much, That car is s/c nical We should buy & B: Yes, Ut IE aS0 COS ase MOFE than we can afford 14 ei 2A Thisbook interesting B: Yes, know. Its better than the st book you read, 3 A | dont ike basketball, do you? B: No. think footballs more excltng to watch 4 A: Wha: do you think ofthese jeans? B: Well, theyre v= cheap, but | lke those ones| more, 5 A Diansisa ‘good student. BI know. She is more hardworking than we are. 6 ACTEM conse Sue yesterday thant today. 8: You'e right, but is stil warm today. 7A: Johnisa fast swimmer, B: Yes, and would you believe that he's ‘younger than the others? 8 A tmtaving a 00d time fa Pats, 8 Are you going to stay there for longer? Speaking 1.5 What animals do you think make good pts? Use your answers from Ex. 13 to compare pets with your partner. A: I think dogs mote the nicest pets, ut they ‘con be very nosy sometimes. Bs 1 ogre. Goldfish are quieter than doas, but theyre no a intersting as dog. ste Too Enough too + adjective |(00 v0) he vale Fs Tan surah 00 + adjective + (fr sb/sth) + tosnfintve 79) 109 long for me 0 wear adjective + enough + toxinfnitive 9 song enough to 0s bos enough + noun | ier enough salt 9 the soyn? Too Too comes before adjectives. Ithasa negative meaning ands used to express that something is more than wanted or more than necessary + t00 + adjective {con't buy these shoes, They too expensive. + to + adjective + to-infinitive These shoes ore (0 expensive fo buy. (NOT. to buy them.) +» to0 + adjective + for somebody/something + to-infintve oo tied swan These shoes are too expensive for me 0 buy. (overtime Enough Enough comes after adjectives but before nouns. It has a positive meaning and Is used to ‘express that there is as much of something as wanted or needed, After adjectives ‘adjective + enough + torinfnitive She sold enough to ave ‘+ adjective + enough + for somebody something ie {she good enough forthe job? (Bont wary Angela. Your exam results ore 0d enough to get into univers Before nouns Z tae ‘enough + noun There n't enough sugar + (901) enough + noun + tornfnitive We haven't got enough sugar to make the cake + (901) enough + noun + fer somebody something There n't enough sugar forthe coke NNote:_We can aso use enough on its own (without @ noun) ‘when the noun has already been mentioned, Tere’ enough food We need mare sugar. Thee sn’ enough LL er evenone Pn eR 39 90 V1 eo 6 Complete the sentences with 00 oF enough. 1. Lean't go out tonight. fm ico busy with all my homework 2 WS seonnnn Nols in ere. | can’t hear the radio. 3 Darren i od ta drive now. 4 My sister is young to watch howror films. 5 We walked home asthe bus was full of passengers {6 Can you get the sugar for me, please? The cupboard is igh for me. 7 Our school is quite near here. I's close towalk 18 Dave and Cindy are rich tobuya erat, 9 Is Tom experienced todo this job? 10 The tickets are expensive to buy {7 Compete the responses using fo or enough and the correct form of the verb tobe. 1 Cane buy that camera? Nos its fo expensive. (expensive). 2 Can you help me with my homework? Sorry, (busy) 5 Can! go vaays pary? No, you (not ol) 4 Can you finish this crossword? No, Can you dive a car? Now! 6 Canwe go swimming? Yes, the water. (warm, 7 Can you do this Maths problem? No it 8 Can run the marathon? No, you (atic, (youn). hard). (not f. 1g ain he sentences to make one Ue 10 9 Fit theo 1 10 or enough. 1 can't crink this te W's too hot. This tea is 0 ef nk She can't do this exercise. IVs too dieu, for her. This exercise is lean wear these boots. They are comfortable enough ‘These boot are ean’ it these boxes, They're too heavy for These boxes ae can't put this wallet in my bag, I's to bi, “This wallet 38 with 100, enough, 2, less oF los. Ben isnt all e709 to be a policeman. He's ‘only 1.50 metres, Comedies are adventure ls “This ie is excting than salty for me to eat. Nigel ive good at rience a Nicol ‘These shoes are than those ones Ido think tm fit marathon, Iylitle sister is only 13 yeas old, but she's tallas lam, I really don’t ke this music. i's the enjoyable CO in my collection, ‘cold to swim in expensive te nin a The sea during the winter. This cheap bicycle Is just 5 that expensive one. 008 20 Complete the exchanges using £0, enough, les o lost and the adjectives in brackets, 1A: Why don't we go to the beach this 5 weekend? don’t think Hell be worm enough (warm) this weekend. What about next weekend? Why id you buy the blue jacket? 1 thought you wanted the red one 11g, but the bive one was expensive) ‘A: Did you enjoy Kevin's party? I id’ go. tas ired) to go out ‘A: How did you do in your exams? Fine, | think, | definitely passed the English test twas the (aiticut, ‘A: What are you doing tomorrow? We might go windsurfing iis : (windy), [As Wy ct you get tickets forthe concert? The queve was and it started raining, #9 I et. ig) Why don't you eat fast food? Because, I think t's the (healthy) food you can get How aid the hororflm end? 1 don't know. I as (eared) to watch the ene of i Marlene is (i) to run the S km ree. You're right. She doesn't need mace practice, Wow! Look at this lovely beach! now is. tobe true! (g00d) 21 22 comparisons Choose the correct item. ‘The Blue Whale isthe... mammal in the word Allage Barger © largest Davids the boy in our ass. Aull B taller tallest Mark is od... 0 goto the party alone. A enough B much C too My aie wa ns than yours Avexpensve Bless expensive © most expensive 1 am sv bored to cook = let's order a pizza, A very B too C enough Your paintings are... than mine [A more nicer B very ice € nicer in the winter. € coldest Germany can get vey A cold B colder Rome is not as A cold as London. B colder C coldest, Use Whats or Who's and the superlative {orm of the adjectives in brackets to complete the questions. Then, ask and answer in pairs. lho’ the vst (goed) pop singer im your opinion? | ink Loy Ca (oeautifu) county in the world? anny) person you know? popular) song in your country atthe moment? sos (eo) language to leen? (talented) actress in your county? a V1 coven Conjanctions (Both - Nether Ether) 2 173 Jack and Pat asked ther frend, Otva to recommend a chalet to stay during their skiing holiday. Look at the itures and the information about the three chalets below. Then, read Olivia's reply and underline the correct items. (Wilderness Chal] + €240 per mock 10 kn from ki slope * 2 bedrooms * €270 per woek #1 from ski slope 3 bedrooms + €200 per week #7 ky from si slope Dea Jack and Pat, "n ery 1) bappyhappier o hear you're coming to Switeland for your olias! I think ¥ have some 2 ellyimuch god suggestions o make, As you can se, Wilderness Clet and Rocky (Chalet are both 3) eheapcheape than Snow Chalet Hoever, they are bth 4 mucho further fom the si sope. Snow Chalet oly 1S.inatewalk fom i No enoughvey far, dnt yu think? T personaly believe that Saow Chalet is the 6 betterbest ofthe three foryou. You may ote, ‘hough, tha it 7) leseast spacious than the ter two. But sine onl thet of ou are going, you dnt eed 8) muehmorebedroons. "hope helped! Let me know what ou think? est wise, oti Speaking 2). You are going om holiay and you want to choose a nice hotel to stayin. Look atthe Information below and make comparisons using the adjectives in the tat, a in the example. + cheap. # expensive * big. * small + old # modem ® close * far Royal Jlotel Price: €80 per ight Rooms: 150 Distance from ety contre: 1 km Built: 1600 City Hotel Price: €40 por night Rooms: 60 Distance from ety ‘contre: 2k Built: 1970, Bridge Hotel Price: €2 po ight Rooms: 20 Distance from elty centre: 5 km Built: 1990 The Cy Hote bt ws expersive othe Roy ord but is Writing 125 Attend of ours going on holiday and asked you to suggest a nice hotel to stay in, Use the information from the ‘Speaking activity to write an emall to your friend with your recommendations. Use Ex, 23 at a model. Both ~ Neither/ither oth Peter and John are seventeen yeas old ond 0 to school together. Nelther of them ies | . football They play together ether on Saturdays or Sun Peter Jom ae of usthem, ete + plural verb Both of them are fom Pr | (the +) plural noun of the/these/mylyour, ete Both ie) girls re + pla noun | fom Pars. Bano tego om a | RRR sr roon lor rieninyy, oan a+ ducal | er ics pulang? web in he ana | RRR con you. otra mes ater the ae ce i [Nether ofthe shires sare nice \We use both, neither and ether to rele to two people o things. | | + Both means “the ane and the ether” and takes a plural verb ] Both the) chien Both ofthe hier! Both of them are eight yors ot + Neither means “not the one or the othec* and takes singular or plural verb in the affirmative Neither bok ore ieterestng (NOT: Nether book lin'ren’t intersting) Neither of my parents speak/speatsKalion Neither of them speok/speaks itn, + Either means “one r the othe” and takes 3 singular verb. Ether fis OK with me Can ether of you speak Japanese? Ether of you can help me. | study the examples © both wand Both Ben and Yom lke comedies | She is both pretty and deer © elther mor Nelther Mory ror John verves i London He agreed to hsp, but he either came nor onswered my phone call She's ether Spanish or Portuguese, but V'm not sure which We cam ether go out or stayin ether. oF 93 eo eer) 1] Fitan the gaps with ether oF reer 11 Tooked at two bicycles in the shop, but | side buy «ie of them, 2 iy brother nor my sister ‘wanted to watch fil lastnight 3 1 tke ‘an MP3. player cor & new pair of trainers for my birthday. 4 my mum nor my dag can speak French, 5 Fvegot two mobile hones, but of them works very well 6 re lke to read a book or pla chess tonight 2D. Flin the gap witha, eter oF | either | Dear tins, | ‘Thank you for your eter The two phomgraphs you sent ne were very nice. 1) i) of them realy cheered me up. | My twin sser, Katie, and 1 are 2) | ‘ey ted atthe moment. Weve seuying hard for cour exams. te got 3) ry Maths and Histeey exams this week 1 dont think 4» ofthe exams will be very hard However 5) Maths nor History is ny favourde subject, so Tm working had © make | sure I pas: of them Katie has one exam this week, too. Shell D sit her Physics o Clemisry ‘exam on fridy ~ [ cant remember which one ‘exaaly She is good at 8) 10 she sheuldn’ il 9). subjects, ‘of them, T hope your schoolwork is going well, 10) so in the surmex Lets of love, Andy Katie and I cant wat to see you 9a RO ——isi—‘“‘“‘<‘<~ia—“_ Choose the correct item. [Ax Would you like to watch Up oF Fantastic Mr Fox? 8 I don’t mind, We can watch .. film A both B neither C either |: Have you got any brothers or ster? B: ve got two ster. They ar... younger than me. A both 8 neither € ther ‘A: You don't need to buy a new coat You've got two good coats already. B: 1 know, but of them is as warm as this one, 1 both B neither © ether A id you goto the cinema lastnight? B: No, I did't... John nor Paul could come, so stayed home. A Both —B Neither Ether 1: Your brothers didn't play football last night. 1 know, they. ad Tots of homework to do 50 they couldn't come. Aboth —B neither either ‘Did you buy anything fom the shops today? B: Yes, bought two books. They were on sale. A both B neither ether [As Would you preler to go to Paris or Barcelona? 8: I dont know. {think .. ety would Be A both —B nether € ithe A: Mum, did you buy a choclate eake for the party? 8: Wel, | bought two alert cakes, but of them were choco Avboth —B neither € either Rewrite the sentences using both . ‘and, neither. nor oF either. oF Sue hasnt got a skateboard. Sarah hasn't ‘got one, either ether Sve nor Sroh hos got oteboard George kes cycling, Peter kes cling, too. Jess doesnt watch hoor lms Jenny doesn, ether. Neil has got red hai, Phil has got red hal, too. My sister staking on the phone, or else Mum is Mr Jones is washing his car, or else his children are. I don't knaw how to dive, My best fend does, either ‘Clark wil go to the supermarket, or else icky wil Max has got a new laptop. Clare has got one, too, I did’t read a book last weekend, Jule dnt, either Use both... and and neither. nor to write sentences about yourself. Bath my mum ond my dad are 45 yeors ol Cellet bd Speaking {6 took atthe pictures and the prompts siven, and compare the two houses Using both (.. and) oF nlther (nor) “sae in the countyside ‘have a large garden Shave fur bedrooms X Shave a simming pool havea freplace ¢ fare on a busy street House and Forest Cottage ore inte countryside. Writing Jett yous wot he ny 2 house in the country Welt an emall to him/her describing the houses fom the Speaking activity. Deer Jason, 1 sow two houses that think you'd ke, E> House and Forest Cottage. Both ofthe ore Jn the courtside. Both houses hove Neither of them 95 Cn CL CTU eg) ‘ch word do we use to compare 1] Fllin the gaps with ether oF ner A shay EB opr. ning: word "etd esse tn ff topo amncgehedion tS ees 2 ny woes cog FO wanted tovatch afimiatyy & & & 5 BAMMMo Enough 3 Va The Thi? IB cata = a ul speak French. igs z 5 Te got i 73 Hi ake 3 A 2c cota t0 go swimming ‘ FE gE BBB cs econ rat ce sone , aid ly Loaner bn splete the sentences using {00 or . — N short to reach the top stall to play basketball He's 1.85 metres. 3 ewan WaT one 0 go simming “he fist European to set fat inthe Grand Canyon wer etanan coca crémn ie | svesued a hare a a etait gat 4 torr fied” reading tht sve we cirguseyee erase ty [stg Shuttrtemcdre som sboycuaroe | § Sis = Sat Persons eo mratevancet | tester Nv Amercan tribes whoved there fox many years ‘day the Grand Canyon is ane ofthe mst famous tours destination in the SA Fe mon tours travel these every year to adit either he landscape or a see wld arial ike coyotes, foxes and det The nos beautiful pr ofthe Gand Canyons within the Grand Canyon National Park Tout hike down the rivet st that par ofthe anyon of avert on ait tour if they fe hiking too shausting © Both - Neither/Either 3,2 Find examples of bot ether, nt Inthe text. When do we use them? Fill in the gaps with both, either or neither fees Mark nor Bil ke the fn vc ayan and Steve are 14 yeas old — Wns wens ey hl Circle the correct item. The cheetah isthe breakfast, the bell rang. hot for me to drink "Do you want to watch a comedy or an "1 don't mind, We can watch trekking last week. Tony lve in Essex A small, cute, black B black, smal, cute € cute, small black do you make bread? ‘Our new house is huge! bathrooms and seven bedrooms! Revision (Units 1-12) Paul 68 ne 38 Nick Aoldet 8 old older My mum is. younger than my dad. ‘A much B more C the Nether Jack us Meredith are going on holiday this summer Aor B nor cot This is the supermarket... Richard and Ido ‘ur shopping every weekend, Awhicn — Bwhere — C why These Eoots are... expensive than those Aleast Bas © less Pandas ae animals... ve in China Awhicn — Bwhere — C who Look! The seis going the slope really fast ‘A down B through up “This s0rg is. than the previous one, Abad — Bwost —C worse “Is your mum? “creat” AHow — B Who Where | promise an. you as Soon as I return from Wiles. Avist ——B visting to vist Frm not trong ... to ft you up ‘A enough —B much Cas How many... have you got? A chiids —B childrens children (rm as) 98 ‘Will - Be going to - Present Continuous Wiis use + for on-the-spot decisions. (ve decided to have a salad ust rom) + for future predictions based on what we believe or imagine will happen. (think or hope 50, but I don't know fr sure) hope Twi poss my exans,) + for proms (say wah he ves prom wear, teats, wamings, hopes (cay wth te vera hope) a fers caneewesenn ee | ‘and expect, certain ae f topes chasm sure and tm afraid and adverbs ike perhaps, certainly and probably. fm going fy to Belgium’ gent sue, Be going is used + for future plans and intentions (thats what intend to do, but dont now for sure it wl actualy happen) + for future predictions based on what we se or know. (evidence) (have evidence that what tm yng gs is actualy going tomappen) | Hes going wo cut the boy’ hic Present Continuous is used: ‘+ to alk about ied arrangements in the ner ‘tue. Luni traveling fom Pais to Bs in al on our (She's definitely doing She's got 2 ticket) "Note: The future simples NOT used ater while, before, unt as soon as, after, if and when. We use preset simple rstea, > 0 on at! ave (NOT: eal youes soon asLwiane) ‘When (= at what ime?) as a question word it canbe followed by the future simple When Jen ys ou? (hen = question word) (= atthe time) a atime wordt canbe folowed bythe present simple {dont know when He be bck hen = question word) rer you when ne gts ner. (wher ime word) Time expressions used with wil and be going fo: tomorow, the day after tomrrow nate while, in woythree day's time, next wek/monthyear, tonight, son, ina weeKimonthiyear et 1] Matthew and Een ae planing thee summer holidays. Use the phrases below ‘to wrte sentences, asin the example. 1 ly to New Zealand They are gong to fy to New Zeoland 2. do black water rafting vist the Glow Worm Caves 4. say ina five-star hotel 5 buy lots of souvenirs 6 eat tracitional dishes 1]. Seok at Tony and Lucy's dary. Write sentences about what they have arranged to do, asin the example, "types San + ka uy soa es | take et dog to ee raghou’s louse pecking cetup ety and goo _ to apr. 20 ly 1 They ore buying plone tickets to Spain on ‘Monday, 1300 Ju 3 “Answer the questions about your plans and predictions. Use will and be going to. Plans What are you going to do this evening? This evening. Ym gong 19 met my finde on Friday night? omortow moming? ext Saturday? Predictions When you ae 19 years old will you go on a king trip? No, I won't. wi goon 2 nue, will you have a parttime job? will you live in another country? will you own a ca? Fill in the correct form of be going to oF Wil of the verbs in brackets ‘A: Have you got any plans fr this evening? 8B: Yes, gong oe (amet) my ren. 1% Look at that boy riding his bikel 8 Oh not He (aln: 2 I's rally hot in here, dort you think? 8 Yes.1 (open) a window. A Lean't hear a thing! 81 (urn up) the volume |: 1im so worried about my exams! 8: 1 think you (do) just foe! 99 Will - Be going to~ Present Continuous Fill in the gaps with will, be going to or ‘the present continuous. 1 Ws cloudy. 1 (ai), 2 im afraid that Tracy (not/come) to France with us. 3 Now that ve gota new job | (buy) a new motorbike 4 tim sure my brother (let) me borrow his new video game. 5 Ted and! (meet) ‘outside the restaurant at 8 o'clock {6 There's nothing to eat. | (order) Chinese 1g Read the email and complete with wil, ‘be gong to oF the present continuous. Dear Macy, ow are you? We arrived in Madrid yesterday morning, Weve saying ac a really great hott, ‘We cant wat to explore everything! Today we] oe sing sip the Prado’ Museum. We've lready go the tckts im se it) (be) a Feally nice experience. Later in the afternoon, Mum and 13) (probablyigo) window shopping ‘We've got great plan for next week, 0. Fi (Cake) sightseeing bus id we 8) irs and clothes, among other Things. At 9 otdock on Sunday my” parents fiend, who lve in Madrid, 6) (take) ws out for dinner, We) (Go) to the Three Amigos. Tes a wadiional Spanish restaurant near our hotell 18) ~ (cereinlyty) some Paclay {6 Putte verbs in brackets nto the present simple or the future imple. vt {call you before | (eave) for work tomorow. 2 Jack (fx) the tap a8 soon ashe | i (ota Cesapemartet, — |tsone of my favourite dishes! come) back from the supermarket “That all iy news for ow. Se you in three 3 When (youfinish) " the project? 4 She (do) the koning when she (Get) home tonight. 5 She... (not/do) anything unui her father (return) home. Speaking {6 I don’ know when they (be) | Poiana 9) tnpairs ask each other questions ‘about your summer plans. Use the 17 Pe the words in the correct order. Then ‘prompts and/or your own Ideas. answer about yourself. ‘ swim every day. © read books 12 sports cariyouil/tivefin twenty years? study. travel abroad. + sleep early 2. are/tomorrow/whatigoing/yourto/doy ce eee ee eee aftemoon/? ae B: Yes, Fam etc 3 on Sundayiyou and your tends/ arto an amusement park/going? anni () Us your answers from the Speaking activity to write a paragraph about Your partner's plans for the summer. 4 be/wilwhatiyourgrow upiwheniyou? 5 willow oldbe/youfn ten years? This summer, Loura is aon to er frio Fnie ep TD) Conditionals 1 Sue goes to bed late, she always fel ted the next doy. \ be happy to help yeu. ‘+ present simple present simple iy pk ice in water, i mele. It present simple ityeu go home early, make dinner. its have time, we may go foro Wolk. 7+ past simple “infinitive 1 were you | would exercise mare ‘teclause (hypothesis) 1 she doesnt study, she wont pass her exams. She won't pas he exams if she doesn’t study. W yeu need anything, we'll future simple, imperative, modal (an/mustimay/should) IF dont finish my homework, | won't go tothe party. | would/ould/migh + bare TT wad 6 good voce, I would Become o singer. + A conditional clause consists of two pars: the if-clause (hypothesis, which begins with the Word if, and the main clause, which shows the result tthe hypothesis If te weathers beter tomorron, ye wil o ora gic ‘main cause (suit) *+ When the i-lause comes before the maln cause, we separate them with @ comma, When the main clause comes before te if Hove you ever been to Australie? }& Yes, have A: When did you go? wont in 7907, ae? 2 eat mushrooms? (When?) 3. travel by tain? (Whered) 4 play / football? (Wren?) 5S deink /amishake? (When?) 6 fide / a bike 4 (Where?) 122 (Complete withthe present pertet or the past simple. Hoar Sua 2 | a now on our beach hay. We 1) a3 (are) in Hak tes cas ap, bat we 2) nay ts o gs! ‘stay 28) (a) ote beach ecu ut bia nM) Yeo 30 Bono (wal abe oe ney. We 9 (av) 10 te war ad Donn (64 3M AON SNE aun vas a onde peers Css wht We 8) 7 = (aaa ott! Some aap were rae enough 1m feed te starts, but we 8). i (aoe) nrg ot ocean (yowmat) ary ry ins? Ena sot Che Speaking 1] Res he notes about Kristen Stewart, 2 famous actress. In pairs, ask and answer questions about her Ife using the phrases below. Use the past simple (oF the present perfect. ‘+ be born/9th Apri! 1990 * grow upithe USA + acting career/begin atthe age of eight ‘+ starfin many flns/so far/ such as The Tight, Panic Room and Zothura + already/win several awards Writing {7 Use your answer from the Speaking ‘activity to welte a short paragraph about Kristen Stewart. fasten Steword was bom a a aa ITD Question tags 1g Question Tags 3 @ lovely ot, sn it? (Yeu haven't seen Je day, have you? es, its greot)) es i 0 ‘Question tags are short questions that we put atthe end of statements Form + We form question tags withthe auxiliary or # The following verbs & expresions form the modal verb ofthe main sentence and question tags iferety the appropriate subject pronoun, Marys sleping, tt she? econ dive, con't he? 4 When the verb of the sentence isin the present simple, we use do(n't/does(n't) in the question tag, Ben tives in Lendon, doesn't he? «+ When the ver of the sentences inthe past simple, we used) in the question tag. You adn‘ cal Keith, ad you? A positive statement takes 2 negative ‘question tag, Shes been to Car, hasn't she? +A negative statement takes 2 pos question tag We haven got enough money, have we? = 4 When the sentence contains a word with a There is isnt there q | negative meaning, te never, rarely seldom #1 7 "ie wns bn there cor hardly the question ta spose. “This That sin? You roreyeot meat, do you? isis Me Bown’ ofc, n't? am arent Vm fst, aren’ 1? Don't = wll you? [Don't talk, will you? Lets shall we? | Lets go, shal we? "have (got) (possession) —> haven't I? ve gat ance house, haven't I? she's got a dog, hasn't she? |Thave (other meanings) -* don't I? You hove dinner at 8 o'dock, don’t you? (cou eat ginner) Key has a shower every moming, doesnt she? “(She takes a shower) Use & Intonation ‘We use question tags in ora speech in xe + confirm something, Here aur voice goes down because it nt an actual question. (We're sre ‘We're ony ving the lite to agree with us) Shes go beoutil voice, has’ she? (A) #10 find out if something is true or not. Here four voice goes up. (We aren't sue. It's an actual question) You cart ol jo, aid you? a") 123 124 Underline the correct question tag. Your brother has tied bungee jumping before, didn’t he/hasnt he? ‘This is Or enning’s suger, nt this/snt 1 katrina and her mum went shopping, didn’t ‘they/did they? They never eat meat, do they/don't they? Don't shout, wll ou/won't you? They have lunch at 2 ook, haven't they/ don't they? There were a lot of people at the party, weren't there/weren't they? You've got two children, don't you/haven't you? ‘There isn't an art gallery near here, i there/ sie fm younger than you arent fam | not? ‘Add question tags to the following statements. You're fourteen yeas ad, 00" | you? ‘They live near the lake, You didn't finish your homework, Laura's gota new car We won't go shopping today, Brian i very tal, 2 They weren't ate for schoo, Bath your parents ae doctors, You've been to Pars, Let’ go tothe cinema They used to be best fiends, Jane hasnt got a car, ‘They never goto the cinema, Don't call er again, You have breakfast at 9 every day, ‘This is your dad's car, Don't stop talking, 7 rm not very shor, ed 10 n 2 Fill in the correct question tags. er er ‘She rarely dink coffee, 0055? No, she does She usally inks ea Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, Yes, he dd, He wrote Hamlet, too. You don't speak Chinese, 2 Yes, do. | also speak Arabic. Matt's got two dogs, a Yes, he has. He loves ther! Don't be late, a No, won't He's been to Asi, 2 No, he hasn't. He doesn't really like traveling Let's 99 shaping, one wd Great idea! You lite eating chocolate, 2 Yes, of course I do. You'e in the school football team, No, Ym not. | play for the basketball team. Meand Ms ones have got grandchildren, Yes, they have, They dont eat meat, ae) No, they don't. Theyre vegetarian Carol sna daneet, one 2 No, she isn, ut shes good at gymnasts. Look at the pletures ‘and complete the sentences with ‘question tag. k, pte He looks happy, oo" 7 ‘hiss bul, a She's icing a tomato, a You've swum with dolphins, Let's do some work on the house, Fill in the correct question tags. 1A: You're new here, 10" 1007 B: Yes, We moved here three days ago. ‘A; You haven't seen George this week, 2 2: 1 saw him yesterday |; You wil remember to pay te il today, B; OF course, Don't wory A: Jo's party is tomorrow, 2 2: Yes. can't wait Question tags 1g Fill in the correct question tags and then read the sentences with the correct intonation. 6 1 You ste brett, | ch didn't you? 7B Youve gota compte, 7? Mie uinming se 4 sien foo ¥ a 5 She mse he bus apn, y i Speaking tmp, fore queton tags using the information below and/or your own. Ideas, as in the example. eitisan amazing animal realy hot climates Ielives in the desert 1 thas got a long neck tke 3 gira camels have got one or ‘wo hurmps on ther back + camels can travel long distances without inking water + people use camels to cary heavy goods people als ride camels ‘Av The cael san omazing anima, isn't it? Bes itis. can survive in really hot climates, 125 Exploring Grammar (Units 16-18) © Present Perfect |] Rend the text and undestie al the verbs in the present perfect. Which refer «© experiences? + actions which happened at an “unspecified time inthe pas? by What other uses of the present perfect do you know? 1) How do we form the negative and the interrogative of the present perfect? Find examples in the text. Xs James, have you ever driven a racing car? 126 B: No, | haven't, but my brother Dan has. You've met Dan, haven't you? ‘As Yes, | met him a few years ago at Jenny’s birthday party. He's a teacher, isn't he? £8; Well, he worked asa teacher forfour yeors, but now he isa rally driver [Thats so impressive! Has he taken part in eny races? 8; He’ taken part in quite afew 50 far. |: Is he taking par in the Pais Dakar rally this year? B: Yes, he's already started training for that 1: ve never told you this, but my dream isto become a rally driver 1; Really? Tha’s wonderful, Peter [A Actually, | was wondering 1 could speak to Dan about this 8B: rm sure we can arrange a meeting. The only problem is Dans so busy, ! havent seen him since January. ‘Wel, pethaps | could call or email hin? B: Definitely, that sounds ke a great idea. Let's {90 and cal him straight aay, shall we? [TE] We met Samantha ast Sunday. (2) We met hanna {EIS He met Princes Dia 3 © Present Perfect vs Past Simple Name the tenses of the verbs in bold In ‘the sentences (1-3) and then match them to thelr uses. Which of these uses ‘an you find in the dialogue? Give examples. actions that happened at a stated time in the past “past action whose time snot mentioned, and is not connected withthe present ‘past action whose ime snot mentioned but connected with the present ut the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple. Joanna te award last yar. k (be) very hot since Saturday. {not/win) (youjeveritr) bungee jumping? 9 rand (Gell) her ea. trian and Liz ow) ‘new lat last year. F. © Question Tags 1) Circe all the question tags In the u tent. How do we form question tags? n 1) Complete the question tags below. ou Wwe in Paris, ‘last, Dont ery, There's someone in the room, Circle the correct item. There vn any cheese let in the ridge Ais B isnt arent “They wows @ street parade when it started to A wate B watched C were watching Have your parents ever. Egypt? Abeento Bogoneto — C wentto 2ist june is usually ‘A longer than the more longest day ofthe year B the longest Ife don’t book ou fights soon, we .. be able to goto Rome. ‘A won't —B wouldn't € couldn't Ym aftaid you take any photos in the ar sally Amst Beant —€ couldn't Tom sun a8 teacher since 2006. ‘A works B hasworked © worked ‘This holiday has been... enjoyable than last years Aas B too Chess Jack sn wakes up early, He never sleeps late A always Bonever ——C usually Does Jane often goto the bray 2 [A atthe weekend B this afternoon € at the moment Ben sn his hamewerk at Spm yesterday. Adis B was doing C done Nell we play cricket, but now he plays badminton, A used to B wet © didn't use to 3 “ 1s 6 v 16 19 a 2 ™ 2 Revision (Units 1-18) they walk to schoo! every morning? Khe B Does = C Do They wns to New Yorkin the morning, A resying 8 going to tly “ee gong fying Whose pens are ..2 A these B that ths Diane works «than anyone ese in the company, Ahad B harder C hardest 1 ce got @ pencil. Can 1 borrow one of yours, please? A has B have C haven't Vieky work in aban, she? A doesnt Bint © hasn't ‘Te concert sold out a week... A already 8 still © ago «ge for a walk, shall we? 1K We shall, B lets {© We shall not He decided... to Paris when he was 21 Atomove B moving — © move 1 aon t fim since he passed his driving test. 1A didn’t speak B havent spoken don't speak _ you study harder, you won't do welin your exams at B when Unless Ken nf 8 doctor, ives inthe USA. Awhich— Bowhose — C who He's ne young to dive. He's only 151 ‘A enough B very € too (res =) Mat: Reena aia Countable /Uncounabe Nouns 7 r) 4] Fito, 0 oF seme {]. Put the nouns inthe correct column. ‘wo more nouns to each A ‘vegetable © money. water « meat 9 # tea © spice * child grape ® biscuit cheese © 69g ¢ tulip * shop ® milk + pasta © orange juice # souvenie rice © bread rose Coumabl/Uncountable Nouns “There san apple. There ae some apples. Theres some apple juice. | There nt an apple. There arent any apples. Ther isn't any appl juice. | “sthere an apple? Are there any apples? Is there any apple juice? 2 stravbernes a eo. ‘A: Do you want» sugar in your coffee? B: No, hanks! But, take a. ik cheese, meat, butte, honey, jam, salt, pepper, sugar flout, et, il, wate, ta, lemonade, petro, ole 9014, iron, siver, wood, paper, plastic, glass, etc There sa pineopole, There are some beauty, love, happiness, ee. bananas a two oranges. Tere hai, money, news, snow, furniture, oven? any ces ‘weather, advice information, ete ‘re there any gop? Yes, thre or. ” ‘+ Countable nouns are nouns which we can count and have both a singular and plural form. | one en, two pens thre pens ‘+ Uncountable nouns are nauns which we cannot count and they usually have no plural form. | sc" (NOT: ene sugar) However, we can use uncountable nouns, as well as plural countable nouns, ater phrases of ‘quantity/pariives: a can/jar/botle/glass/carton/cup /bow/packt/sice/loaf/lo/bar/lump/ tin/plece, etc + of Tusualy dik tr gases of upple juice the momting Please buy two packets of peanuts 5 orange juice 2s Are thee sono allan restaurants near here? Be Yes, thee are, Thetes nn ally nice : i. fone at the end ofthe street. 3A: Vm thiksyl Can 1 have son orange juice? | We use a/an in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences with countable nouns in the B: Yes, of course, Pour glass for me, singular. 7 bread too, There ica TV. There n't a bed. I there a desk?” = ay 4 & bid yous shopping yesterday? + Wecan use aan wen there isan adjective before a noun, We dont ase /an before adectives Ye i Bog lovely des 1 hey ae not olwed by 3 noun 230 sn cei. Ths the hus. hs ely bg Hs ao oto smal garden ‘ sae oe thecate? 1 No. We've got : home | | + We use some in affirmative sentences with plural countable nouns and with uncountable J moans He bought some biscuits ond some mi [Note; We can use some in interragative sentences to make offers or requests. Would you ie some Ke cream? offer) Con have somewater, please? (request) a cides oe ae lege + We use any in negative and interrogative sentences with countable nouns in the plural and B: Yes, I had bow! of cereal and uncountable nouns. re there any bis r the cypboare? No, there aren’ any biscuits 9 (s thee any four? Ro there isnt any four. = 10 ae 128 129 ST ccna teed Countable/Uncountable Nouns] g) took atthe picture, then ute the words to make sentences, as In the ‘example. Use some or any, ‘cheese # lemons * bred» sugar cake © mike © water © butter ‘tea © biscuits # apples # jam Theres’ ony cheese onthe tobe There are seme omen onthe tobe 15 Now look at the picture from Bx 4 ‘gain for a minute. Then. close your books and take turns to ask each other ‘questions, as in the example. ‘A: Ae there any apples on the table? B: No, there aren’. A Where any .? ete ~ 130 Geld the note Jenny left for Carte and {lin the gaps, asin the example. Carrie, Pi be late home from work. Can you do the shopping for me? Here's what we need 1 some cereal (packet) two packets of cereal 2 some meat (kilo) 3 some bread (loa) two 4 some jam (ar) thee 5 some chocolate (bar) 6 some cola (can) four {7 Matehthe words. Then, in pais, ‘out short exchanges, as in the example. can of bananas acaton of coffee abot of te ajar of pasta aboxof bread | abag of ‘range juice | a packet of \ coke | aio of | sugar | cap of wetchop | 2 lat of matches ‘A: Can J have a can of Cok; please? 8 Yes, ofcourse. Would you lik a carton of (00? Aes, Sure gis the correct answer. 1. Could you buy «bread from the bakery ‘on your way home? Aa Bary © some 2 Are there sn €995in the fridge? Aan Bay € some 3 How much i on of orange juice? ‘A box B packet carton 4 Can you give me information? Aan Besome C any 5. Lily’s bedkoom is really Aabig — B big big room 6 Cant have a of cake? ‘A some piece B piece C aplece 7-1 don’t want on. sugar in my tea Aay = Bsome Ca 8 A: Are there any biscults inthe jr? 3B: No, there aren't Aany Bone © some 9 Underine the correct tem. Sam; Ym going tothe supermarket. Let's make alist of what we need! ‘Anna: We haven't got 1) any/some fut. You «an buy 2) kilo/box of apples and 3) an/some oranges. Sam: No problem! What about cheese? Anna: We've got 4) a/some cheese, but there isnt S) any/some mik. Can you buy a 6) packet/carton, please? Som: Yes, of couse! Anything ese? ‘Anna: Yes. can make a7) loatfpacket of bread today but I need a £8) botte/bag of flour. And you can ‘uy six 9) cans/jrs of Coke, too! Sam: Pertect Is that everything? Anna: Yes, tht’ it. Thanks! Speaking | Yaw and your partner are gong tothe supermarket, Look at the list below tnd decide what you need to buy. Use the dlalogue In x9 to help you. bread chocolate silk vite ‘bananas pasta tomatoes cereal, ‘orange juice eg: A: Let’ mote a fit of what we need rom the supermarket! OK We got two loaves of brea, sowe dont ‘need any bread. A: Tlave we got ony mi? No, we haven" got any. We car get two cartons. ee Writing 1] What do you nee rom the supermarket? Write a note to your ‘muon, Use the lst you made In Ex. 10. Here's wha mene fom the superar: 131 ee ccc ~ 1 some/Any/Mo/tvery Compounds ‘some/Aay/No/Every + compounds the countryside. The man on the cables saying something. Eveybody i looking at hi, I } eal larson anne’ etayne lnone |g fomeocy favey stor” leennay trenens | pace | noting } | Nereting ting FORE, lemnting [ge 7 | nowhere) aie waster eyehon [piace a frome [enh [tee [t ‘+ Weuse some ad its compounds (someone/ somebody, something and somewhere) in pottive sentences. We can aso use them ininterrogative sentences to make an offer, 4 request oF when we expect a positive Someone lt the window open Can! get you something to eat? (fer) Will you do something fr me? (request) Can! have some more to, pleose? We expecta postive answer) ‘We use any and its compounds (anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere) in negative and interrogative sentences, There isn’t anyone i the oor, (negation) lan there anything ee (con do for you? (question) ‘Ween also use them in positive sentences ‘mening “t doesn’t matter who/which/ vate, et, B2 They areal somewhere in There i picnic table somevshere in the pork, Theres nobody siting ‘there, Thee int ‘onything onthe rable. ‘not/not any every doesn't ‘She can buy anything she kes. (= atte what) ‘+ We use mo and its compounds (no one/ ‘nobody, nothing, nowhere) in negative There mor nobody | knew 2 de pty. ( There wasn't anybody knew atthe party) ‘+ We us every andits compounds (everyone/ everybody, everything and everywhere) in affirmative, interrogative and negative Sentences We use singular verb with these words. How's everthing? (NOT: Howcare everyting?) Not everybody enjoyed the pay Everything i 202) 1] Vaertne the correct item. 1 Did anyone/someone/no one buy a present for Angela's birthday? Vm shocked at Anna. She said anything/ something/nothing which really surprised mel Are you going anywhere/nowhere/ ‘everywhere nice this weekend? CCould you answer the door? Anyone/No ‘one /Someone ust rang the doorbell | wanted to study at the library, but there was someone/no one/anyone there. | Worked at home in the end We need to go to the supermarket. There's everything/anything/nothing in het, ‘Wee went to our favourite restaurant, but there was nowhere/anywhere/somewhere {ost We went fora pizza instead! ‘Ae you hungry? Did you eat nothing? anything/everything for lunch? In the gaps with every and its compounds. & 5 & were we 5 Oh, yes! Where did everere go? To the par, Did you enjoy yourself at the party last night? was wondertll What are you looking for? My glasses. te looked » ‘but | ant find them, Do you lke swimming? Hove it! go morning. 15 sess here? No, We're sill waiting for Terry and John! Dia you have a nice ime in New York? Yes, it was great! was very trendly thee, 1] 4. ¥se something, someone, anything, anyone, nobody er anywhere to complete the sentences, as in the example. 1A: Do you need ony:ning from supermarket? B: Yes. Could you get me some cereal? the 2 A: Did you heor that? | think is at the door 8: Really? I'l go and see whois Have you seen my green jacket B: Yes. pu it back in your wardrobe. 4A: Are you going out wth Dave tonight? B: I don’t know yet. | called his house but answered bia up rom the florist’? 3B: Yes. Jack went earlier this afternoon ick the flowers 1m hungry. keto eat 8B: There int In the frdge, but we can order something if you fie, you could go inthe word, where would you go? 8 Well, Tve always dreamt of visting Faypt bid remember to water the plans while we were away? 8: Yes. John watered them every morning 9A: Id ke totellyou » but Is a secre. 3B: promise I won't tll 10 A: Did you do special at the weekend? B: Yes, I went to a party, but there was new there 133 aces Some/Any/No/Every +€ompounds 115 Yee someting amtting, nothing, nobody somebody and the verbs fn the lst below to complete the sentences, as in the example. ‘do watch bring © eat» wear ‘tak # go # meet 1 Theres always soning good to woich on Ton Sunday evenings. 2 There's never fun to In te city centre on Monday nights. 3. Jackate al the pasta! There's vet wo in the hous, 4 Everyone Is busy this weekend. There's to. shopping with, 5 Come here, Sarah! There's vd lke you to ‘This is my fend, Harry. 6 Fem cold! Have you got ware | could wat 7 im going to Rome next week. Would you like me to you back? 81 as very lonely on the trip. | didnt have a Phone and had 10 sen 1 6 Ce the correct answer. 134 1. Doe sn have a pen I could borrow? ‘A someone ‘B)aryone C everyone 2 1 can't find ry book. eft it living room, ‘A anywhere B nowhere ¢ somewhere In the 3 Lent ta the new clothes shop, but didn't find on RE. [A anything B Something © nothing 4 con iS ln famous. | haven't hear of any ofthe actors, ‘A Everyone B Someone € No one 5 had 2 great time in Barcelona, ve never bee nn $0 Beautiful before. ‘A nowhere B anywhere C somewhere [7 vse he words below to complete the email. ‘+ nothing # everywhere * anything ‘+ everyting © something # everyone He Fred! Greetings rom Vennal 1)5:on rs having a rest time, We det want to evel 2. v8 vty Deautl The yi fa ‘ol teoined svees and pas. There are also cosy cas 3) Guess wha? We went shopping today. | didnt for mysof, but | get 5) or you. 8 6) expensive, but mn sure you ike i {nave to go now. Wil yu be there when I gt back on Fiday? Letme ow. Smon Speaking tn pars make exchanges, a In the 8 oem atch tke/peures Ainkin the mornings Wola a restaurant het Ri ‘Is samewnere You ware BA cima, etc lot (ofylots (/ a lot (oats (2D! (@)fewittoo) many (a) litle(t00) much (ot) many (not) mach (how) mary (how) much Alot of/Lots of - Much - Many + We normally use alot of/lots of in positive sentences with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns. We omit of when a lot/ots is not followed by a noun. Pete's gota lot oflts of books. BUT ioe you got many 2993? Yes, ve got @ltots (NOT: aot ff sats \We normally use much and many in questions and negations Much goes before uncountable nouns and many goes before plural countable nouns. They can alo go after too. Fs there much cates in the cup? There isn’t much honey lt in the jo ove they got many pts? They haven't got many pets. There are too many people on the bs. There’ too much pepper in the sauce. «+ We use how much and how many in questions. How much + uncountable noun (amount) How much sugar do you want in your tea? Not much /Only Iie, Alot How many + countable noun (number) How many eggs are there inthe fridge? Three Not many/Afew./A lot A few/few — A tite/ttle + We use a few/few with plural countable nouns (pples, pers, et) ve gota few oranges. I make some orange juice. (= not many, but enough) wre ue few eps ee bool olnoxt empty (x hardly anyfalmost one) ‘+ Weusealitle/lite wth uncountable nouns (mi honey water ete) ‘vege alte none can by Nok «present mot much, but enough) There’ te ce cream. We haven’ got enough for everyone (= ady any/almast nothing) 1+ We can use few and little ater very. He's got very few fend She’ got very tle morey Quantifiers Q) Joa has gota lot offs ‘of omons. (many, plenty) -] \ 0b has got few lemons. He car make a lemon pe {not many, but enough) evi has got (very) few femons. He can’t make @ Joon pe (almost none) y Keith has gota itl sugar econ mate coke. (90t ‘much, but enough) To tas ao ery litte ‘igor He cant male o be (lmost none) me 7 ocean 13 cea 8 Read the conversation between Charl ‘Then, underline the correct Item. Char: What should we eat this evening? ona: How about 1) a few/a litle pasta? CCharie: But we've eaten 2) much/a lot of pasta recently Fiona: You're right! We've gat 3) a few/a litle vegetables We could make a salad. Char: Tha’s perfect! So, what should | do? ona: Well, we've got 4) very a Few/a few tomstoes. You can chop them now. You can also slice $) Witla ttle cucumber. Char: OK, What about the lettuce? Is there enouch? Fiona: Don't worry! We've got 6) many/a lot of lettuce. wash and cut that. Chae: light! Shall we star? Fill in the gaps with o lot, much or many. Is there any cheese in the fridge? Yes, but not Has Fred got any money? Yes, he's got Have we got any cherie? Yes, but not How much salt aid you put on your chips? How much does that dress cot? Not Do you get homework every weekend? Yes, Have you got any oranges left? Yes, Did you eat any pasta? Not How many people were at the beach? Not Have you got plants in your garden? Not ‘[() filltethe gaps with how much or how mony Then, 1 2 2 4 s 6 7 8 ‘answer the questions about yourself. How many books do you read each year? Three oF un bread do you eat every day? fins do you watch every ment? sn money do you spend each week? meals do you have in 8 day? sence water do you drink every day? paso trainers do you have? ‘homework have you got for tomarraw? omplte with ot ot 1 much or many. There are 1) «(ot of beautiful cities to vist in Europe. There aren't 2) cites as beautiful as Venice, though! Venice is known as the ‘Floating City because it doesn’t have roads — only canal. Its actually made of 117 islands connected by 3) bridges. How 4) suse ridges? Over 400! Visitors love Venice fr its wonderful hotels, mantic atmosphere, and delicious italian food. So vist it as soon as you get the chancel And don't worry if you don’t have 5)... ‘money, There are 6) sree Budget hotels and restaurants in Venice, too! So, what are you wating for? Speaking 17 Us the folowing words nd quantities to ask your partner about his/her ‘elghbourhood. park © quiet » people houses bakery ‘supermartets * schools 2s there a park in your nighbourhend? 8 No, there is. Writing | vrata The Passive , The Tower of Pisa Is located in Tuscany, toy, and it i ited oy ‘many tourists every yeor ts constuction was started in 1174 \We form the passive withthe verb to be inthe appropriate tense and the past participle ofthe main ver, ‘ne IV was vented by Jorn Ba We form the passive of the present simple and past simple as follows: Ss a Present simple, T= comeuny employs 100 people, Fast ample | conpany employed 100 pope 70 people were employed by the company Changing from Active into Passive 8) The object ofthe active sentence becomes the subject ofthe pasive sentence, Subject Ve Object | | by The verb changes from the active form [ACTIVE john Boi) invented the TV Into the passive form (corect form of verb tobe + past participle of the main verb), « am ©) The subject of the active sentence subject Vero Agent | becomes the agentin the passve sentence, PASSIVE Fhe wos nveted_y Join Bate ‘We introduce the agent with by + person or with + objet/instument. use | ‘The Passive is used: | 1 when the agent (= person who does the action) is unknown, unimportant of ‘obvious from the context ‘iy bag was stolen. (unknown agent / We The beons ar let ro dry inthe sun. (process) Dinners served in he dining hal (note) Tie conference was held in Sheraton event) The new hosptal was opened by the Mayor yesterday aftemooe. (news tern) don't know who stole it) 4 ‘to put emphasis on the agent. The bulding was constructed in 1789. Peniilin was. discovered by Alexonder (unimportant agent) Fleming The robbers were arrested last Monday. (obviously by the police) Note: When we want to find out who aid something, then the passive is formed 35 follows: Who rate his Boot? (active vos) Who wos ths book writen by? passive voice) 2 to make more polite ortormal statements. The vase wos broken (more polite) (ou broke the vase. = less polit) 3 when the action is more important than the gent, asin instructions, processes, events, rtices and news items. Passenger ure unk to tt of the mobile phones while tearing. (struction) 139

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