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外 国 留 学 生 入 学 申 请 表

Application Form for International Students

姓 Family Name: Konga 名 Given Name: Leonel

国籍 Nationality: Cameroon 性别 Gender: Male x Female □

出生日期(日/月/年)Date of Birth(d/m/y): 21/04/1990
出生地点 Place of Birth: Douala
护照号码 Passport No.: 0273376 护照有效期 Passport Validity: 06 Apr 2020

婚否 Marital Status: Single 宗教信仰 Religion:Catholic

本国通讯地址 HOME Address : Makepe Vita 电话 Tel & 传真 Fax:237 33 47 02 93

手机 Cell Phone No.:


本人最高学历 Highest academic degree obtained: English diploma

留学类别 Categories of International Students:

中文授课博士项目 Ph.D program taught in Chinese □ ② 英文授课博士项目 MBBS program taught in English □
③ 中文授课硕士项目 Master program taught in Chinese □ ④ 英文授课硕士项目 Master program taught in English □
⑤ 本科生 Undergraduate program x ⑥ 校际交换生 Exchange student program □
⑦ 汉语进修生项目 Chinese language program □ ⑧ 短期语言进修生 Short-term language program □
申请学习学院(系) School or college wishing to study: Business

申请学习专业 Applying for(specialty): International Trade

学习期限/Duration of Study: 自/From March 年/Year 2016 月/Month 至/ to July 年/Year
2020 月/Month
NOTE: Spring Semester: March-July; Autumn Semester: September-January;
语言熟悉程度(精通 / 好 / 一般 / 初级)/Language proficiency (Excellent/Good/Fair/Elementary)
中文/Chinese ____________ 汉语水平考试成绩/HSK(Test of Chinese Proficiency) level ___________
英语/English ___good__________ 托福成绩/TOEFL(score) 540 雅思成绩/IELTS(score) __________
其它语言/Other language ___french____________
受教育情况/Education background (High School or higher)
起 止 时
校名/Institution 专业/Major 所获毕业证书或学位/Certificate or degree awarded
General 2001/2008 Bac
LCC UH English 2009/2010 English diploma

工作经历 Working experiences

工作单位/Employer 起止时间/Time(from/to) 从事工作/Work engaged 职位/Post or title
经济担保 Financial Support

□ 自费 Self-supporting:
经济担保人或机构 Financial support will be provided by:
担保人 Name of guarantor: 关系 Relation:
地址 Address: 电话 Tel & 传真 Fax:
□ 奖学金 Supported by scholarship
奖学金名称 sponsors name:
地址 Address: 电话 Tel & 传真 Fax:
X 其他/Other:Parents

紧急情况联系方式 Contact Information in case of Emergency

姓名 Name:Ngongang Charlotte 关系
姓名 Name: 关系 Relation:
Relation: Mother
电话 Tel:
电话 Tel:
电子邮箱 Email:

声明 Declaration

I here affirm that:
All the information in this form is true and correct.
I shall abide by the laws and rules in China and the regulations of University.

提交清单 Submitting List

请确认以下提交清单 Please check your submitting list:

1. 护照复印件 A photocopy of your passport
2. 入学申请表 Completed application form
3. 注册费邮寄单复印件 Remittance copy of the registry fee
4. 语言能力证明 Certificate of language proficiency
5. 毕业证书或学历证书 Graduation certificate or diploma
6. 成绩单 Trancripts or academic records
7. 学术资格证明 Academic qualifications certificates
8. 2 位教授的推荐信 Recommodation letters or references from two professors

□ 申请语言项目需要提交 1-3 项 Applying for Chinese Language Program need submit Item 1-3
X 申请本科课程需要提交 1-7 项 Applying for Bachelor Degree Program need submit Item 1-7
□ 申请硕士、博士课程项目需要提交 1-8 项 Applying for Master or Doctor Degree Program need submit Item 1-8

申请人签字: 日期: 年 月 日
Applicant's signature: KL Date: 2015 April 26

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