Material1 02 - Lingkup Material Teknik

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Department of Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
copyright maula_en 2020
02. Lingkup Material Teknik

copyright maula_en 2020

Engineering material plays an important role in the
construction and manufacturing of equipment / tools.
Selection of material to the economy working and the life
of machinery. An engineer must be conversant/awarded with
the properties, uses, availability and the cost of material used
for the construction/fabrication to an able him to perform his
function confidently. The subject of engineering material has
been designed to overcome the above aspects.

copyright maula_en 2020

Engineering material is a subject
which deals with the manufacturing,
properties and uses of material used
in applied engineering.”

copyright maula_en 2020

Range of engineering material

copyright maula_en 2020

Range of engineering material

copyright maula_en 2020

Classification of engineering material

copyright maula_en 2020

Classification of engineering material

copyright maula_en 2020

Classification of engineering material
Special Material

Shape Memory Alloy


Super Alloy
Super conductor
copyright maula_en 2020
Properties of Materials / Sifat-sifat Material → Selamat Mengerjakan

1. Kekuatan Buatlah rangkuman tentang sifat-sifat material yang ada

2. Kekerasan di samping (sumber informasi boleh ambil dari buku atau
3. Kekakuan internet). Rangkuman dibuat sedetail-detailnya.
4. Ketangguhan Anda hanya membuat satu sifat saja, sesuai dengan digit
5. Plastisitas NBI terakhir Anda.
6. Elastisistas Contoh: Maula Nafi NBI 142xxxxx19
7. Kelelahan Maka membuat rangkuman No. 9 yaitu GETAS
8. Ulet
9. Getas Rangkuman dikumpulkan dalam file .pdf
0. Maleabilitas Format: kertas A4, margin 3333, Times New Roman size
12, spasi 1.
Waktu Pengerjaan 1 minggu, pengumpulan ditutup 1 menit sebelum
perkuliahan minggu depan
copyright maula_en 2020

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