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Arranged By:

Group 6

1.Nur Haffifa (202051002)

2.Nurlaili Amalia (202051003)

Dosen Pengampuh:Muhammad Hidayat.S.Kep,M.Biomed

Study Program DIII Physiotherapy




Puji syukur atas nikmat iman, nikmat sehat dan nikmat sempat kepada Allah SWT sehingga kami bisa
menyelasaikan makalah yang berjudul “Carpal Tunel Syndrom”. Makalah sederhana ini disusun
secara kelompok. Kami merasa bahwa makalah ini masih banyak memiliki kekurangan. Namun,
semoga makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kami sebagai penulis serta baga para pembaca atau yang

Kami sangat bersyukur sekali karena telah bisa merampungkan tugas makalah ini. Makalah ini jauh
dari kata sempurna, oleh karena itu kritikan dan saran sangat kami butuhkan. Dengan ini kami
mempersembahkan makalah ini dengan penuh rasa terima kasih dan semoga allah SWT memberkahi
makalah ini sehingga dapat memberikan manfaat.


1.1 Background
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) or carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a disorder of the arm due to
narrowing of the carpal tunnel, either due to fascial edema in the tunnel or due to abnormalities
in the small bones of the hand resulting in compression of the median nerve on the wrist. hand.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is defined as weakness in the hands accompanied by pain in the
distribution area of the median nerve.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

Based on the background that has been described above, the following is the formulation of the
problem in the paper.
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
How is the anatomy and biomechanics?
What is the etiology of carpal tunnel syndrome?
What is the pathophysiology of carpal tunnel syndrome?

1.3 Purpose
Know the definition of carpal tunnel syndrome
Knowing anatomy and biomechanics
Know the etiology of carpal tunnel syndrome
Knowing the pathophysiology of carpal tunnel syndrome


2.1 Definition

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a symptomatic compression neuropathy of the median nerve at the
wrist in the form of increased pressure within the carpal tunnel and decreased nerve function at
that level. It is characterized by complaints of numbness, tingling, hand and arm pain and muscle

Anatomy and Biomechanics

2.2 Ananthomy

The wrist is formed by several bones, muscles, joint structures and is innervated by several

- Bone forming wrist joints

The bones in the wrist joint are in two rows. The first land is from the Radius and Ulna bones.The
second row consists of eight carpalia bones arranged in two rows. Carpal bone proximal row
between the scapoideum, lunatum, triquetrum, pisiforme. While the distal part consists of
trapezoidal, trapezoidal, capitatum, and hamatum bones.

2.3 Biomechanics

Judging from the morphology, it includes articulation ellipsoidea, but its function is as articulation
of the gluboid. The movements that occur in these joints are flexion with LGS 800(eight hundred)
extension 700(seven hundred), ulnar deviation 300(three hundred), and radial deviation 200(two
hundred).The degree of flexion and ulnar deviation is greater than the extension motion and
radial deviation, this is due to the shape of the joint surface radius of the dorsal ligament. looser
than the palmar part.

2.4 Etiology

The etiology of CTS can occur in conditions that cause narrowing of the carpal tunnel, for example
trauma to the hand, which can be due to fractures from a long history of immobilization due to
surgery or due to chronic overuse of the wrist, congenital anatomical abnormalities (hereditary),
disorders of the muscles and bones such as osteophyte acromegaly can affect the structure of the
wrist. The most common etiology is thickening of the flexor retinaculum due to inflammation.
However, secondary CTS can also occur in patients with osteoarthritis, diabetes mellitus,
myxedema, amyloidosis or pregnant women.

2.5 Pathophysiology

The pathophysiology of CTS remains unclear. Several theories have been proposed to explain the
symptoms and disorders of nerve conduction studies. The most popular are mechanical
compression, microvascular insufficiency, and the theory of vibrations.
According to the theory of mechanical compression, the symptom of CTS is due to compression
of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. The main drawback of this theory is that this theory
explains the consequences of nerve compression but does not explain the underlying etiology of
mechanical compression. Compression is believed to be mediated by several factors such as
tension, excessive exertion. , hyperfunction, prolonged or repeated wrist extension.

2.6 Physiotherapy Management

 Exercise Therapy

Initial therapy can be immobilized on the wrist using a splint at night for 6 to 8 weeks and can
be used selectively in activities that provoke CTS (eg typing), splint placement position, wrist in
a neutral position (0-2 degrees of flexi, 0-3 degrees ulnar deviation), the purpose of using a
splint is to rest the inflamed soft tissue and to minimize intra-tunnel pressure. It can also be
combined with ice therapy. If work can aggravate the condition, then it needs to be adjusted
to an ergonomic position. In addition to medica mentosa, ultra sound and exercise therapy in
patients can reduce symptoms. If all conservative measures cannot help then surgery (Carpal
Tunnel Release) can be considered.

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