Teamwork and Leadership: Reflective Paper

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Name – Shambhavi Singh

Roll no. – MS20GF077

Batch – MGB-GF (Oct-2020)

Teamwork and Leadership

Reflective Paper


1. The operational support department was managed by Nick Graham. He was managing
a team of 50 employees along with 6 supervisors. Quoting to Blake and Mouton Model,
Mr. Graham will be suitable to both Middle-of-the road manager and authority
obedience manager. Reason being, Mr. Nick has shown organizing conduct as he just
to a great extent-maintained Mary. Without enabling Mary's undertakings for
advancement, he requested she works on her allowed errands. For middle-of-the road
my justification would be the situation where Mr. Nick has compromised on the
training session which was required by Mary. So, he arranged a training session for
Mary and this makes him a middle0of-the road manager.

Country club manager Team manager

(1,9) (9.9)

Middle-of-the road

Impoverished manager Authority obidience manager

(1,1) (9,1)

2. Recommendation to Mr. Nick: -

a. Recognition- Concentrating on each and every detail will help a manager to know
about his team precisely also, it will help in recognizing the talents of his team
b. Inspiring- A manager should be inspiring and make every team member participate
in some kind of activities which will boost their spirit and have a positive impact of
their work life.
c. Empathetic- Mr. Nick should fill the communication gap with the employees to gain
the trust factor and also, he should be empathetic with employees under Mary’s

3. Following are the steps that Jordan could use to effectively lead his team: -

a. Transparency in communication- The manager must be transparent while

communicating with employees so that he/she can convince their team in case there
is any doubt or query.

b. Receptive to the group's prerequisites Being sharp can moreover help a pioneer with
being effective in knowing the necessities of the gathering. A couple of gatherings
regard trust over creativity; others lean toward an obvious communicator to a
remarkable organizer. Building a strong gathering is less complex when you know the
characteristics and goals of each individual, similarly as what they need from you as
their boss.

c. Setting Vision and objective- A gathering depends upon its boss to unveil to them
where they are going, why they are going, and how they will show up. People are more
convinced when a pioneer expresses their vision for an endeavor or for the
relationship, close by the methods – or goals – expected to achieve it.

d. Show others how it is done-As a pioneer, the best way to deal with collect
trustworthiness and gain the reverence of others is to fix the models. Display the
direction that you need people to follow. If you demand a huge load of your gathering,
you should in like manner set restrictive necessities for yourself. Changing your words
and exercises will help with building trust and make your gathering more willing to
follow your model.

e. Recognize and address worker disappointment- Uncommon pioneer's don't hold back
to address circumstances. They recognize and stand up to the disappointment before
things go bad. They comprehend that security is fundamental and finding the answer
for a representative's despondency can require significant investment. In particular,

pioneers offer help to their workers. These aides support their work fulfilment and
assemble their faithfulness back up with the association. Time and again, pioneers offer
their thoughts first. This debilitates individuals to develop certain, particularly the
calmer, more saved individuals inside a group.

4. As a consultant I would follow the steps mentioned below: -

Data Collection Interpretation and

a. Problem Identification- To identify the major issue I would first like to have a discussion
with the CEO and that will help in in understanding the exact cause and what does he
thinks as a CEO about the employees and the problem caused.

b. Gather Information- I would like to collect the information regarding the perception
and opinions of the employees like a feedback session or conducting surveys so that I
will be able to make some assumption about the ongoing situation and come to know
about their queries.

c. Analysing and providing solution- Next, I would like to understand and re-evaluate the
problem by going through the survey. After brainstorming the various solutions, the
best solution will put forward to overcome the issue of getting insecure by newcomers.

Solution: -
a. Giving Feedback- Providing feedback to both oldies and the newcomers and
motivating them to work as a team to be productive. Also, they can join up with other
teams to enhance their performance and learn from each other.

b. Implementing some ground rules- Top management should implement some strict
ground rules with every employee while they meet so as to have a better and clear
communication among them. Also, newcomers as well as the oldies both should get

the chance to give their opinions or ideas and the best will be taken into

c. Offer an answer alongside their grumbling- Demand that all grievances or issues are
free to be raised, however, that an answer should likewise be offered simultaneously.
This allows them to comprehend what it is to be you, what it is they truly need, and
to get to the genuine issue within reach.

d. Keep the discussion on the issue, not on close-to-home assaults. While every worker
should be permitted to express their sentiments, never permit individual assaults.
Watch the words, language, and strategy for conversation as you get two clashing
gatherings to discuss the issue. They may communicate what they felt and
experienced, yet not in antagonistic terms coordinated at the other individual.

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