13.3 Exam Questions

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3 Sexual Vs Asexual reproduction Exam practice Questions

We breed animals with the characteristics that we prefer.

(a)     The photograph shows a rabbit with some of its babies.

Photograph supplied by iStockphoto/Thinkstock

Use words from the box to complete the sentences about inheritance in rabbits.
characteristic chromosome gene gamete

(i)     The colour of a rabbit’s fur is known as a _______________________


(ii)     This colour is controlled by a ________________________________


(iii)     Each sex cell of a rabbit is known as a ________________________


(b)     The diagram shows one way of producing calves.

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Use words from the box to complete the sentences.
asexual clones cuttings gametes genetic sexual

A bull was mated with a cow.

This is ______________________ reproduction.

The embryo produced was split into four parts.

The calves in the diagram have identical genetic information.

This is because the calves were produced by ___________________ reproduction.

The identical calves are known as ______________________

(Total 6 marks)

A child saved apple seeds from an apple she ate. She planted the seeds in the garden. A
few years later the apple trees she had grown produced apples.

(a)     The apples from the new trees did not taste like the original apple.

Explain why.






(b)     (i)      Apple trees can be reproduced so that the apples from the new trees will taste
the same as the apples from the parent trees.

Give one method used to reproduce apple trees in this way.



(ii)     Explain why the method you have suggested in part (b)(i) will produce apples
that taste the same as the apples from the parent trees.




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(Total 5 marks)

The bean aphid is a type of black-fly which lives on broad bean plants in summer.
In the autumn, males and females mate and produce eggs.

(a)     Name the type of reproduction which produces the eggs.


(b)     In spring these eggs hatch. The young aphids are all female.
Explain why they are all similar but not identical to each other.


(c)     These females are then able to produce offspring without needing any males.

(i)      Name the type of reproduction where females do not need males to produce


(ii)     How will the offspring from one of these females:

A  compare with each other


B  compare with the offspring from other females?


(d)     Some scientists investigated mutations in these aphids. They exposed the
aphids to X-rays.
They plotted their results.

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(i)      What was the connection between the dose of X-rays and the percentage of


(ii)     Name one other possible cause of mutations.

(Total 7 marks)

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The diagram below shows the production of human sperm cells.

(a)     Name the organ where the processes shown in the diagram above take place.


(b)     (i)      Not every cell in the diagram above contains the same amount of DNA.

Cell A contains 6.6 picograms of DNA (1 picogram = 10-12 grams).

How much DNA is there in each of the following cells?

Cell B _____________ picograms

Cell C _____________ picograms

Cell E _____________ picograms


(ii)     How much DNA would there be in a fertilised egg cell?

_____________________ picograms

(iii)     A fertilised egg cell divides many times to form an embryo.

Name this type of cell division.


(c)     After a baby is born, stem cells may be collected from the umbilical cord. These can
be frozen and stored for possible use in the future.

(i)      What are stem cells?



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