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Real Live Kefir Grains shared by members worldwide
01 November 2009
What is Kefir
by Mr. Arthur Ty Tanco, Jr. of Chlorophyll Manila

It is an age-old probiotic, but is not known yet to the many here in the Philippines. Mr.
Tanco will introduce us to Kefir.

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a cultured creamy milk food with amazing health benefits. It has a refreshing tart
flavor that if consumed regularly will help build a healthy immune system and create a
balanced inner ecosystem that ensures optimum health and longevity.

Kefir grains (photo from Wikipedia)

Kefir is a probiotic, which means it contains loads of beneficial bacteria strains and
yeasts. It is an enzyme-rich food, containing essential minerals, vitamins and complete
proteins. Kefir is an excellent source of Vitamins B12, B1, and K, biotin, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorous, and tryptophan. 
Origins of Kefir

Kefir is believed to have its origins in the Caucasian mountains of the former USSR.  It
is also manufactured under a variety of names including kephir, kiaphur, kefer, knapon,
kepi and kippi (Koroleva 1988a). Traditionally, kefir was made in skin bags hung in
doors which people constantly moved while passing through them. The knocks and the
movement of doors helped keep the milk and kefir grains well mixed. Since then, it has
become a popular food and drink in Russia, in Eastern Europe and in many parts of the

The Benefits of Kefir

1. Kefir boosts the immune system by keeping a healthy population of good bacteria and
yeasts in the colon and flushing the harmful bacteria out.  In as much as 80% of our
immune system starts from our digestive system, all the more reason we have to fortify
our body with the beneficial bacteria to achieve a healthy body.

2.  Kefir has the cleansing effect in the digestive system.

3.  Kefir helps maintain its low pH environment. It is known that disease-causing

bacteria and cancer thrive on acids. But these harmful elements don’t stand a chance with
kefir’s army of good bacteria and yeasts capable of maintaining low acid levels in the
digestive system.  It’s not surprising, then, that prevention of serious diseases, relief of
digestive disorders, reduction of flatulence, and improved bowel movement are some of
the benefits of consuming kefir regularly.

4.  Kefir provides a powerhouse of amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. 

5.  Kefir has complete proteins to sustain and heal the body.

6.  Kefir is abundant with an amino acid called tryptophan which is known to help
patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, depression and even ADHD
(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) because of its tranquilizing effect on the
nervous system. Kefir’s B-vitamins, calcium and magnesium help maintain a healthy
nervous system and help regulate the kidney and liver functions.
7.  Kefir also provides superb nourishment for pregnant and lactating women, children,
adults, and the elderly. It is known as weaning food for babies in Russia and in Eastern
Europe because it is easily digested. Kefir has no digestible sugar, making it perfect for
diabetics! Studies also showed that kefir’s host of good bacteria block the pathway
involved in allergic responses, which makes kefir an ideal food for young and growing
children who are commonly at risk when it comes to food allergy.

8.  Kefir is also great for athletes and body builders because it offers exceptional
nutrition for the body to build not only muscle but also stamina. Kefir is ideal for people
who want to lose weight because its ability to nourish and balance the body helps
eliminate unhealthy food cravings.

9.  To top it all, Kefir is an antioxidant, protecting cells from ageing and toxicity. It also
reduces cholesterol by attaching itself to cholesterol molecules and eliminating them
from the body. No wonder kefir is being referred to as “superfood” that promotes
optimum health and longevity.

KEFIR Vs. YOGURT: The Superior Advantage

Both kefir and yogurt are cultured milk products.   Kefir has the advantage because it
actually colonizes the gastro-intestinal tract, a feat that yogurt could not compete.
Whereas yogurts have transient bacteria that provide food for the good bacteria that live
in the intestinal tract. Kefir has a long list of symbiotic-type naturally-occurring
beneficial bacteria and yeasts – about 35 of them – a great advantage over the laboratory-
grown bacteria for yogurt which has only 1 strain to about 5 strains of bacteria.

Several beneficial bacteria and yeasts found in kefir that flush out destructive pathogenic
yeasts in our body are not present in yogurt. The nutritive value of these friendly kefir
bacteria and yeasts are better than those of yogurt because of their capacity to help in the
digestion of the foods that you eat. To add to that, kefir’s smaller curd size makes it
easier to digest, hence, making it a perfectly nutritious food for everybody including
babies, patients and the elderly.

Kefir and Lactose Intolerance

Kefir is good for lactose-intolerant adults and children. Kefir is so abundant with the
beneficial bacteria and yeasts that it is capable of providing lactase, an enzyme that
consumes lactose (milk sugar). Lactose-intolerant people should rejoice over kefir for
they can eat and digest it even on an empty stomach!

Kefir of Chlorophyll’s 2-in-1 Benefit: Our Guarantee

Here at Chlorophyll, we believe in giving you the best of everything for better health.
That’s why we combine the natural health-enhancing properties of kefir with natural
RAW milk.

Raw milk is milk from cows that eat nothing but 100% natural greens and feeds free from
pesticides and other artificial products. Raw (unpasteurized and un-homogenized) milk
has all the beneficial bacteria, vitamins, proteins, minerals and enzymes in it. Research
showed that consumption of raw milk resulted to better health, clearer skin, better
digestion, increased respiratory function, boosted immunity and fewer allergies. In
addition, raw milk turns pleasantly sour over time and does not putrefy like pasteurized

The milk you buy in groceries, the ones you’re most familiar with, is the pasteurized
kind. The superheating, or pasteurization, is intended to kill bacteria that could spoil the
milk during shipping. While that’s good, the heat also kills good bacteria that aid your
body’s digestive and immune systems.

Therefore, when you drink Chlorophyll’s Raw Milk Kefir, you’re getting a colony of pro-
biotic – beneficial bacteria – in your stomach to aid your digestive, metabolic and
immune systems. And since kefir grains are mixed in raw milk, you’ll also get the
wholesome and natural goodness of milk with all its good bacteria, live enzymes, and
bio-available vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. And the whole thing tastes great
because both the kefir and the milk are living food; perfect for a living being like you!

Chlorophyll’s Kefir Products…Perfect for You Always!

Chlorophyll’s Kefir Full Cream Thick and Kefir Full Cream Thin are kefir variations
that will definitely perk you up anytime of the day. They’re perfect for your fruit and
vegetable juices, fruit shakes, fruit bowls and even breakfast muesli. Kefir Thick Cream
may be eaten as is –just grab a spoon for a healthier you! Kefir Thick Cream goes great
with honey. Kefir Light is drinkable and may be sweetened with honey, too!

Chlorophyll’s Kefir Whey is a pro-biotic and a by-product of the kefir fermentation

process. Lowest in fats and carbohydrates content compared to full cream milk kefir. It is
another nutritious Chlorophyll kefir product ideal for lactose-intolerant individuals
because lactose is already removed. It has a tart juicy taste and a light yellowish color.
Kefir whey protein is great to drink and perfectly mixes with juices and shakes. But more
than being an enjoyable drink, kefir whey offers you much, much more. Rich in proteins,
vitamins, and carrying a swat-team of beneficial bacteria and yeasts, kefir whey offers the
body excellent nourishment and protection. It is also rich in cysteine and methionine
amino acids that raise the body’s glutathione levels resulting to a better immune system.
Glutathione is the “master of all anti-oxidant” and may help reduce the incidence of
infection. During the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Cancer Society, it was
reported that women who had very high levels of plasma cysteine had a 56% reduction in
the risk of breast cancer compared to those who had very low levels of plasma cysteine.
The nutrients found in Chlorophyll’s Kefir Whey will surely boost your immune system
for a healthier you!


How to Get in Touch with Mr. Arthur Tanco, Jr.? Click the link =)



"I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth
wide, and I will fill it."

Psalms 81:10, KJV
Kefir - A potent probiotic
Wednesday, 31 March 2010 12:00 AM Jane Uymatiao

The new trend towards frozen yogurt is one step towards healthy living. These
yummy, cold desserts contain probiotics, those live microorganisms also called
“friendly bacteria.” Yogurt and other probiotic products can also be found in the
cold section of groceries. But not all friendly bacteria are the same. Some are
more potent than others.

There is one which is proving to be a more potent probiotic than yogurt but not
many people have heard of it yet - kefir.

Three years ago, I never heard of kefir. One day, a fellow parent at my kids'
school offered to give me kefir grains and painstakingly explained to me what a
powerful probiotic it was and walked me through the process of culturing it,
straining it, and drinking the liquid to derive the touted health benefits it gives.
From that batch of kefir grains given to me for free, I have spawned generations
of kefir grains, given away many of these for free to friends, and continue to
culture them for my family up to now.

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a fermented milk product that also undergoes alcoholic fermentation due
to the presence of yeast, yielding a sourish flavor. This was discovered as far
back as 1881 by a German naturalist, Edward Kern, who noticed that a beverage
common to the higher regions of the Northern Caucasus of the old Soviet Union
seemed instrumental in the good health and long life of its inhabitants.

The origin of kefir grains itself remains unknown. New grains are produced by
cultivating and dividing the kefir grains again and again as these multiply. Kefir
grains can now be found in different parts of the world in different forms.

What Does Kefir Look Like?

Kefir grains can probably be described as looking almost like cauliflower or, when
diluted, like cottage cheese. The large clusters of flora hold the potent
microorganisms. During its fermentation, one can observe these clusters growing
in size and quantity. This is a healthy sign that the “friendly bacteria” are very

Difference Between Kefir and Yogurt

While both contain “friendly bacteria” there are differences between yogurt as we
know it and kefir.
 Kefir is a natural probiotic. It contains live, active, and growing cultures
that colonize the digestive tract with good bacteria and keeps the microbial
balance that aids in digestion. Yogurt contains transient, less potent bacteria that
do not repopulate the digestive tract. It only lasts a few days in the digestive tract
and for it to be beneficial, you need to keep eating yogurt every few days.

 Kefir contains more organisms than yogurt. Its normal flora contains very
strong strains of good microorganisms. Aside from beneficial bacteria and yeast,
it contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, particularly
magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, B2, B12, Vitamins A, D and K. Scientists have
discovered an abundant amount of amino acids in kefir like tryptophan, which is
known to have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Kefir is now being
studied as an aid to those suffering from sleep disorders, attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and even depression.

How is Kefir Taken?

Kefir derives its “food” from milk so a little bit of it is poured into the grains to
activate the process. Left overnight in room temperature, the friendly bacteria
feed on the lactose and, in the process, produce an enzyme called lactase to
counter the milk’s effects. Even lactose-intolerant people are able to take kefir
with none of the effects of ingesting dairy products. In fact, some lactose-
intolerant people find that they are able to tolerate dairy products more after
regularly taking kefir.

The next day, the kefir is strained through coffee filters in a strainer, with some
amount of water poured in as well to aid in the straining process. The liquid
caught is then drank as is (if the sour taste is tolerable) or combined with fruits in
a blender and made into smoothies. Some recipes found on the web also
incorporate the kefir grains themselves into the food such as salad dressing or as
a pizza topping.

Known Health Benefits

The primary benefit of taking kefir is in the intestinal tract. The friendly bacteria
act as watchdogs in the intestinal tract by controlling the spread of bad
microorganisms. The antibiotics that some of these friendly bacteria produce
actually act against harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. Food poisoning and other
bowel and urinary tract problems like constipation, diarrhea and cystitis have
been prevented with the high levels of such bacterial cultures in the intestinal
tract. It even reduces incidences of flatulence.

However, kefir is slowly being considered for other health benefits as well.
People have taken kefir because it supposedly relieves hypertension; reduces
cholesterol levels; aids in the treatment of tuberculosis; stops the growth of
cancer cells; eliminates candidiasis, indigestion, and allergies; increases one’s
immune system; and many more. While it is not being touted as a cure for these
ailments, loyal kefir users attest to better health as a result of regular kefir intake.

And listen up, teeners! If you are one of those with acne breakouts, try putting
leftover kefir from the strainer on your face. You will immediately feel its effect as
a facial mask that tightens your skin. In many reported cases, acne sufferers
have seen the redness subside after applying kefir on the acne areas regularly.

Where to Get Kefir

My introduction to kefir was through a donated batch of kefir grains from a friend
so I have made it my goal to extend its health benefits to friends by giving them
my kefir grains for free whenever I am able to culture more than what my family

A blogger who maintains Kulaydoscope blogged that her parents-in-law told her
about kefir grains someone brought in from the US and raved about its health

I have heard of individuals and organizations already selling kefir grains in the
Philippines in bottled liquid or dried form. Beth’s Multiply site advertises Kefir
Power Probiotics as available in liquid form. Chlorophyll Manila likewise sells
their liquid kefir. On the other hand, the Oodles of Goodles’ archived blog site
mentions that Healthy Options sells the freeze-dried version. I have not
personally purchased any of these versions though, so I do not have any basis of
comparison in terms of potency of the "friendly bacteria" present in them.

I continue to culture my own kefir grains at home for my family because once you
get used to the culture process, it is really not that difficult to continue.

Kefir has replaced most of my grocery purchases of yogurt and similar probiotic
products. This nourishing, resistance-building, disease-fighting drink costs so
much less than commercially produced probiotic products and can actually
redound to fairly significant savings in any housewife’s grocery budget. And if it
does have longevity effects similar to those who lived in the Caucasus, then all
the more reason to have it as part of the family diet!

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